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Kiến và châu chấu

A team of ants is working hard all summer to prepare for the harsh, cold winter.
Meanwhile, a grasshopper spends the entire summer singing, goofing around, and
wondering why the ants work so hard.
When the winter comes, the grasshopper has nothing to eat and nearly starves to death
(gruesome for a children's story, huh?). The ants save him and he understands why they
worked so hard.
The Lesson
Just because you don't need something right now doesn't mean you should put it off.
It's okay to take time to enjoy the fun things, but you may not always have the
metaphorical ants to save if you.
You don't want to wait until winter to buy a heater, wait until the day of to buy a plane
ticket, write that essay the day that it's due, or start saving money too late in life. Think
ahead, stop procrastinating, and always be prepared for what's ahead.
2. Con chó và cái bóng

A dog is heading home after finding a big, juicy bone. On his way home, he happens
upon a river and sees his reflection in the water.
He think's he sees another a dog with a bigger, better bone than the one he has so he
barks at the "other" dog to try and get his bone too. When he barks, his bone falls out of
his mouth and he has to go home with no bone at all.
The Lesson
We always want more than we have, but when you take inventory of your possessions,
you might realize that the bone you have is enough. It doesn't mean that you shouldn't
strive for bigger and better things, though.
You should just be careful about always wanting more. Eventually you may find that
your desire to have your cake and eat it too will lead you to actually having nothing at all.

3. Con quạ và cái bình nước

A crow is flying around on an abnormally hot summer day looking for water. He comes
across a pitcher of water, but when he tries to stick his beak in he can't reach the water.
He tries and tries, slowly getting more dehydrated. He's about to give up and accept his
fate when he has an idea: he drops small pebbles in the pitcher until the water level
rises to the point where he can reach it.
The Lesson
Where there's a will, there's a way. Persistence is the key to solving any problem you
have because eventually—even if the situation seems dire—you WILL find a solution.
Your idea might not be as bad as you think it is, and is just in need of some iteration.
Whatever it is that you want to do, just keep plugging away. As Wayne Gretzky once
said: you miss 100% of the shots you don't take.

4. Đeo lục lạc cho mèo

A family of mice is living in fear of a cat that hunts them all day and night. Tired of
fearing for their lives every second, they decide to try and think up a plan to help their
situation. After some time, one of the younger mice comes up with a brilliant idea.
The mouse suggests that they tie a bell around the cat's neck, so they can hear it
approach and always be able to hide in time. All the mice agree, except one: the oldest,
wisest mouse. The old mouse agrees that it's a good plan in theory, but asks "who will
be the one to bell the cat?"
The Lesson
Ideas are essential to solving problems, but even more essential is knowing how to
execute the idea. You know that to get into a locked house, you need a key, but without
the key it's irrelevant. When you cook up your ideas, either for work or something else,
always know how it can be executed before you present it.
If you don't have a good way to execute your idea, it's okay to ask for advice, but  never
boast about your idea until it's truly ready for prime time.

5. Cua mẹ và cua con

A young crab and his mother are spending the day on a beach's warm sand. The young
crab begins to walk around, but can only walk sideways in either direction. The mother
crab scolds him and tells him to point his toes in front of him and walk forwards.
The young crab explains that he would love to walk forward, but he doesn't know how to
do it. He asks his mother to show him. The mother crab gets up and tries to walk
forward, but she too can only walk sideways. She sheepishly apologizes lays back down
in the sand.
The Lesson
The concept of "do as I say, not as I do" rarely has the same effect as leading by
example. When you're in a leadership position you may not always have the opportunity
to lead by example, but you should do it as often as you can. Nobody likes it when you
demand they do something you can't do.
If you can't lead by example, and you need someone to do something that you can't do,
ask by explaining their strengths and admiring their ability. Instead of saying, "I can't do
this, you need to," you're saying, "I wish I could do this, but you're better at this than I am.
Could you help me out?"
Leadership skills can be beneficial in all aspects of life. If you can learn to be a good
leader, you have a better shot at becoming one.

6. Con muỗi và con bò đực

A gnat is buzzing around a meadow and eventually decides to rest on the horns of a
Bull. After resting for some time, the gnat decided it was time to go.
Before he left, he begged the Bull's pardon for using his horn as a resting place. The
gnat expresses that the Bull must be very happy that he's finally leaving, and the Bull
replies, "It's all the same to me. I did not even know you were there."
The Lesson
We are often of greater importance in our own eyes than in the eyes of others. That's
not to say you're insignificant, but the selfish things you say and do can make you look
like a fool.
The Gnat is trying to be polite, sure, but really he was just trying to make his presence
known. As much as you might think you're the life of the party, you're probably not. Just
be yourself and don't be a Gnat.

7. Con nai và bác thợ săn

A deer was drinking from a river and began to admire his antlers. He then began to think
about his hooves, and he wished his hooves were as big and majestic as his antlers
were. To the deer's surprise, a hunter appeared and fired an arrow, barely missing him.
The deer took off into the trees and realized that he was able to get away only because
of his small, nimble hooves.
He realized how truly great they were, but as he was looking at his hooves, his antlers
got caught in some tree branches. The hunter caught up to the deer and just before the
he met his fate, he lamented his love for his antlers and wished he should have realized
how great his hooves were sooner.
The Lesson
We often have things about ourselves that we dislike. For example, I hated my voice for
the longest time. I couldn't stand hearing recordings of myself. I thought my deepish
voice was weird sounding and I thought other people did too.
Later on, though, my voice became one of my greatest strengths. It earned me radio
gigs, a ton of roles in plays and short films, and I eventually found a way to turn it into a
voice of authority.
What we think is our greatest weakness can often be our greatest strength, and having
confidence in yourself is important. You just have to find the utility in it and realize that
everyone feels the same way as you about something.

8. Sư tử, lừa và cáo

A Lion, Ass, and Fox were all hunting together. After they had acquired a great deal of
food, the Lion asked the Ass to divvy up the spoils. The Ass divided the food into three
equal parts and asked the Lion to choose what he wanted.
The Lion then attacked and ate the Ass. After he finished eating, he asked the Fox to
divvy up the food. The Fox gathered all of the food into one heap and only kept a little
for himself. The Lion said, "Ah, friend, who taught you to make so equitable a division?"
The Fox replied that he needed no other lesson than the Ass's fate.
The Lesson
Look at the mistakes others make and take note. Failure is okay, and it's an important
part to reaching success that you shouldn't be afraid of, but there's nothing wrong
avoiding the steps others took to failure. Also, give a lion all of your food if you're in that

9. Gió và mặt trời

A dispute arose between the Wind and the Sun about who was the stronger of the two.
They decided to settle the issue by seeing who could get a passing traveler to take off
his cloak first.
The Wind blew with all his might, but the harder the Wind blew, the tighter the traveller
grasped his cloak and wrapped it around himself. Then the Sun shined it's soft, kind
rays, and as the traveller felt more of the genial warmth, he finally removed his cloak.
The Sun was declared the winner.
The Lesson
The Wind and the Sun are metaphors for brute force versus persuasion and kindness. A
kind and gentle manner will sooner lay open a poor man's heart than all the threatenings
and force of blustering authority.
If you need something from someone, you'll often be better off being calm, humble, and
kind. People respond better to kind words over angry yelling.

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