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Forming the Present Perfect Tense – interrogative sentence Task 2 –Look at the picture.

Write an interrogative
sentence with the given verb then give a short answer
‘to have’ (have, has) + subject + the past participle (V3)
according to the picture. There’s an example.
In the interrogative sentences we don’t use already. We
e.g.: play basketball
use yet at the end of the sentence.
Has he played basketball?
Another signal verb can be ‘ever’, which goes between No, he hasn’t.
the subject and the past participle form. E.g.: Have He has played soccer.
you ever seen …? 1) make a phone call
I _______________________________
you read a book? _______________________________
we watched TV? _______________________________
they started the plan? _______________________________
he written? 2) fly
Has she _______________________________
it _______________________________
Task 1 – Complete the sentence with the correct _______________________________
Present Perfect form of the verb in the brackets. Then 3) watch TV
rewrite the sentences into interrogative ones. Look at _______________________________
the example. _______________________________
e.g.: I have slept a lot. (sleep) Have I slept a lot? _______________________________
1) Joe _________________ a kissing couple in the park. _______________________________
(to see) 4) eat many sweets
____________________________________________ _______________________________
____________________________________________ _______________________________
2) We _____________________ ten restaurants this _______________________________
month. (to visit) _______________________________
____________________________________________ 5) bake a cake
____________________________________________ _______________________________
3) My brother _________________ the table. (to set) _______________________________
____________________________________________ _______________________________
____________________________________________ _______________________________
4) Alexis ____________________ six letters since 7 6) buy a hamburger
o’clock. (to write) _______________________________
____________________________________________ _______________________________
____________________________________________ _______________________________
5) I ______________________ the phone twice today. _______________________________
(to answer) 7) dry her hair
____________________________________________ _______________________________
____________________________________________ _______________________________
6) Daisy ___________________ something wrong. (to _______________________________
dream) _______________________________
____________________________________________ 8) travel by bus
____________________________________________ _______________________________
7) You _____________________ her lies. (to forgive) _______________________________
____________________________________________ _______________________________
____________________________________________ _______________________________
8) Tom _________________ my bike. (to fix) 9) sing
____________________________________________ _______________________________
____________________________________________ _______________________________
9) They _________________ up. (to wake) _______________________________
____________________________________________ _______________________________
____________________________________________ 10) be ill
10) Betty ____________________ that coat. (to buy) _______________________________
____________________________________________ _______________________________
____________________________________________ _______________________________
Task 3 – Make these sentences interrogative. Task 4 – Write interrogative sentences in the Present
e.g.: Mum has cooked fish soup. Has mum cooked fish soup? Perfect Tense using the words given.
1) We have had lunch. e.g.: to talk / she / the boss / to – Has she talked to the
_____________________________________________ boss?
___________________________________________ 1) their / yet / the / meeting / teachers / to finish / not
2) You have bought some bread. _____________________________________________
_____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ 2) the / yet / Bill / to be / garden / in
3) The boys have swum across this lake. _____________________________________________
_____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ 3) you / the / to smell / yet / flowers
4) I have read these books. _____________________________________________
_____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ 4) to learn / the / not / words / anybody / new
5) The children have done the homework. _____________________________________________
_____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ 5) this / Terry / book / to translate
6) Justin has come home. _____________________________________________
_____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ 6) not / to go / yet / child / the / bed / to
7) My mother has got up. _____________________________________________
_____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ 7) Sally / not / cocktail / to drink / yet / her
8) We have been ill for weeks. _____________________________________________
_____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ 8) bad / ever / to / to happen / you / anything
9) The kids have drawn beautiful pictures. _____________________________________________
_____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ 9) enough / to put / salt / you / the / into / soup
10) You have driven that car. _____________________________________________
_____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ 10) the / the / twins / sea / to swim / in
Task 5 – Where is the mistake? Find the mistake and
correct it.
Task 6 – Match the verbs with the correct sentences and
e.g.: Has Dave spended his holiday in Greece? – spent write their correct form (present perfect) on the line.
There is one extra verb.
1) Has Jim yet answered the question?
____________________________________________ a) complete
2) Have you did the homework? b) demonstrate
____________________________________________ c) enter
3) Has the bus stoped? d) fall
____________________________________________ e) leavef) meet
4) Has she already written the test? g) move
____________________________________________ h) rob
5) Has the Lees gone on holiday? i) sell
____________________________________________ j) taste
6) Hasn’t he dranked a cup of tea? k) touch
7) Have Mandy corrected her mistakes? 1) _______ they ______________________ their tasks?
____________________________________________ 2) _______ everybody ___________________ the soup?
8) Have you ever tryed this game? 3) _______ you almost _______________ from the tree?
____________________________________________ 4) _______ your parents _______________ their house?
9) Have you took the medicine? 5) _______ he ______________________ my shoulder?
____________________________________________ 6) _______ Jake and Jim _________________ the bank?
10) Have ever you been abroad? 7) _______ Sam and Tim ______________ the room yet?
____________________________________________ 8) _______ the workers ______________________ in
the factory?
9) _______ the Smiths __________________ to London?
10) _______ Allan and Max ___________________ the
Forming the Present Perfect Tense – interrogative sentence Task 2 –Look at the picture. Write an interrogative
sentence with the given verb then give a short answer
‘to have’ (have, has) + subject + the past participle (V3) according to the picture. There’s an example.
In the interrogative sentences we don’t use already. We use e.g.: play basketball
yet at the end of the sentence. Has he played basketball?
Another signal verb can be ‘ever’, which goes between the No, he hasn’t.
subject and the past participle form. E.g.: Have you ever He has played soccer.1) make a phone call
seen …? _______________________________
theyread a book? _______________________________2) fly
watched TV? _______________________________
started the plan? _______________________________
written? _______________________________
rained?Hashe _______________________________3) watch TV
she _______________________________
Task 1 – Complete the itsentence with the correct _______________________________
Present Perfect form of the verb in the brackets. Then _______________________________
rewrite the sentences into interrogative ones. Look at _______________________________4) eat many sweets
the example. _______________________________
e.g.: I have slept a lot. (sleep) Have I slept a lot? _______________________________
1) Joe _________________ a kissing couple in the park. _______________________________
(to see) _______________________________5) bake a cake
_____________________________________________ _______________________________
___________________________________________ _______________________________
2) We _____________________ ten restaurants this _______________________________
month. (to visit) _______________________________6) buy a hamburger
_____________________________________________ _______________________________
___________________________________________ _______________________________
3) My brother _________________ the table. (to set) _______________________________
_____________________________________________ _______________________________7) dry her hair
___________________________________________ _______________________________
4) Alexis ____________________ six letters since 7 _______________________________
o’clock. (to write) _______________________________
_____________________________________________ _______________________________8) travel by bus
___________________________________________ _______________________________
5) I ______________________ the phone twice today. _______________________________
(to answer) _______________________________
_____________________________________________ _______________________________9) sing
___________________________________________ _______________________________
6) Daisy ___________________ something wrong. (to _______________________________
dream) _______________________________
_____________________________________________ _______________________________10) be ill
___________________________________________ _______________________________
7) You _____________________ her lies. (to forgive) _______________________________
_____________________________________________ _______________________________
___________________________________________ _______________________________
8) Tom _________________ my bike. (to fix)
9) They _________________ up. (to wake)
10) Betty ____________________ that coat. (to buy)
Task 3 – Make these sentences interrogative. Task 4 – Write interrogative sentences in the Present
e.g.: Mum has cooked fish soup. Has mum cooked fish soup? Perfect Tense using the words given.
1) We have had lunch. e.g.: to talk / she / the boss / to – Has she talked to the
_____________________________________________ boss?
___________________________________________ 1) their / yet / the / meeting / teachers / to finish / not
2) You have bought some bread. _____________________________________________
_____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ 2) the / yet / Bill / to be / garden / in
3) The boys have swum across this lake. _____________________________________________
_____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ 3) you / the / to smell / yet / flowers
4) I have read these books. _____________________________________________
_____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ 4) to learn / the / not / words / anybody / new
5) The children have done the homework. _____________________________________________
_____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ 5) this / Terry / book / to translate
6) Justin has come home. _____________________________________________
_____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ 6) not / to go / yet / child / the / bed / to
7) My mother has got up. _____________________________________________
_____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ 7) Sally / not / cocktail / to drink / yet / her
8) We have been ill for weeks. _____________________________________________
_____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ 8) bad / ever / to / to happen / you / anything
9) The kids have drawn beautiful pictures. _____________________________________________
_____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ 9) enough / to put / salt / you / the / into / soup
10) You have driven that car. _____________________________________________
_____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ 10) the / the / twins / sea / to swim / in
Task 5 – Where is the mistake? Find the mistake and
correct it.
Task 6 – Match the verbs with the correct sentences and
e.g.: Has Dave spended his holiday in Greece? – spent write their correct form (present perfect) on the line.
There is one extra verb.
1) Has Jim yet answered the question?
____________________________________________ a) complete
2) Have you did the homework? b) demonstrate
____________________________________________ c) enter
3) Has the bus stoped? d) fall
____________________________________________ e) leavef) meet
4) Has she already written the test? g) move
____________________________________________ h) rob
5) Has the Lees gone on holiday? i) sell
____________________________________________ j) taste
6) Hasn’t he dranked a cup of tea? k) touch
7) Have Mandy corrected her mistakes? 1) _______ they ______________________ their tasks?
____________________________________________ 2) _______ everybody ___________________ the soup?
8) Have you ever tryed this game? 3) _______ you almost _______________ from the tree?
____________________________________________ 4) _______ your parents _______________ their house?
9) Have you took the medicine? 5) _______ he ______________________ my shoulder?
____________________________________________ 6) _______ Jake and Jim _________________ the bank?
10) Have ever you been abroad? 7) _______ Sam and Tim ______________ the room yet?
____________________________________________ 8) _______ the workers ______________________ in
the factory?
9) _______ the Smiths __________________ to London?
10) _______ Allan and Max ___________________ the
Task 1 Task 4
1) Joe has seen a kissing couple in the park. Has Joe seen a 1) Haven’t the teachers finished their meeting yet?
kissing couple in the park? 2) Has Bill been in the garden yet?
2) We have visited ten restaurants this month. Have we 3) Have you smelt the flowers yet?
visited ten restaurants this month? 4) Hasn’t anybody learnt the new words?
3) My brother has set the table. Has my brother set the 5) Has Terry translated this book?
table? 6) Hasn’t the child gone to bed yet?
4) Alexis has written six letters since 7 o’clock. Has Alexis 7) Hasn’t Sally drunk her cocktail yet?
written six letters since 7 o’clock? 8) Has anything bad ever happened to you?
5) I have answered the phone twice today. Have you 9) Have you put enough salt into the soup?
answered the phone twice today? 10) Have the twins swum in the sea?
6) Daisy has dreamt something wrong. Has Daisy dreamt
something wrong? Task 5
7) You have forgiven her lies. Have you forgiven her lies? 1) Has Jim answered the question yet?
8) Tom has fixed my bike. Has Tom fixed my bike? 2) done
9) They have woken up. Have they woken up? 3) stopped
10) Betty has bought that coat. Has Betty bought that 4) Has she written the test yet?
coat? 5) Have
6) drunk
Task 2 7) Has
1) Has she made a phone call? Yes, she has. 8) tried
2) Has she flown? Yes, she has. 9) taken
3) Has he watched TV? Yes, he has. 10) Have you ever been abroad?
4) Has he eaten many sweets? No, he hasn’t. He has drunk.
5) Has she baked a cake? Yes, she has. Task 6
6) Has he bought a hamburger? No, he hasn’t. He has eaten 1) Have they completed their tasks?
French fries. 2) Has everybody tasted the soup?
7) Has she dried her hair? Yes, she has. 3) Have you almost fallen from the tree?
8) Has she travelled by bus? No, she hasn’t. She has driven a 4) Have your parents sold their house?
car. 5) Has he touched my shoulder?
9) Has she sung? Yes, she has. 6) Have Jake and Jim robbed the bank?
10) Has he been ill? Yes, he has. 7) Have Sam and Tim left the room yet?
8) Have the workers demonstrated in the factory?
Task 3 9) Have the Smiths moved to London?
1) Have we had lunch? 10) Have Allan and Max entered the room?
2) Have you bought some bread?
3) Have the boys swum across this lake?
4) Have you read these books?
5) Have the children done the homework?
6) Has Justin come home?
7) Has my mother got up?
8) Have you been ill for weeks?
9) Have the kids drawn beautiful pictures?
10) Have you driven that car?

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