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1. Know the use of grammatical structures according to its communicative function.
2. Understand simple expressions needed to give information in specific situations of everyday life.
3. Know expressions and English basic characteristics needed to participate in a simple way in short communicative
situations of everyday life.
4. Understand explicit information in a simple text about him/herself, school or the surroundings.
5. Student organization and responsibility skills during the term
SABER DOMINGUISTA 1 Students will take a test based on reading and writing 20
language skills designed by the teacher. The test From October 03rd
inlcudes: Can for ability, Sense verb: adjectives-nouns to 07th
(affirmative, negative, interrogative).
Also, it is composed of exercises such as filling the gap,
complete the sentences, reading comprehension and the
like. These activities will be carried out in class.

Scientific fair Students will participate in the Science Fair Exhibition; 20

they will show case what they would have learnt during October 21st and
the school academic year particularly their 22nd.
communication skills. (Use of the Target Language)

Evidences Based Model Test 16 8 From September

05th to September
Students will be evaluated by the Evidence Based
Evidences Based Model Test 17 8 From September
Model to verify whether the task has been achieved 12th to September
during the month. The teacher will start the feedback 16th
Evidences Based Model Test 18 process based on the provided task in the questions. 8 From September
19th to September
Evidences Based Model Test 19 8 From Sept 26th to
Sept 30th

Evidences Based Model Test 20 8 From Oct 03rd to

Oct 07th
Follow up and commitment Students will be assessed based on their effort, 20
attitude, punctuality and attendance towards From Nov 08th to
Nov 11th
classwork and responsibility as well. Also, with the
different activities proposed by the teacher during the
reading time, notebook, book, and the different
platforms (Richmond, pleno, Santillana, Myon, Quizizz,
Kahoot and Google Forms).

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