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Basic Concepts of Political Science

Week Date Session Type Duration (h) Lesson/Topic
1st Session: 14-09-2022 Introduction 1.00 Introduction
2nd Session: 16-09-2022 Theory class 2.00 Lesson 1: : Political Science
3rd Session: 21-09-2022 Theory class 2.00 Lesson 1: : Political Science
4th Session: 23-09-2022 Theory class 2.00 Lesson 1: : Political Science
Antoaneta Getova (St. Kliment Ohridski Univ- Bulgaria): On-line
5th Session: 28-09-2022 Practical Class 2.00
3 Research
6th Session: 30-09-2022 Theory class 2.00 Lesson 2: Polity, politics, policies. Political System
7 Session: 05-10-2022 Theory class 2.00 Lesson 2: Polity, politics, policies. Political System
8th Session: 07-10-2022 CANCELLED
5 9th Session: 14-10-2022 Theory class 2.30 Lesson 2: Polity, politics, policies. Political System
10 Session: 19-10-2022 Practical Class 2.30 Lesson 2: Identifying a map of actors
11th Session: 21-10-2022 Theory class 2.30 Lesson 3: The State: concept and historical evolution
12 Session: 26-10-2022
Theory class 2.30 Lesson 3: The State: concept and historical evolution
7 th
13 Session: 28-10-2022 Theory class 2.00 Lesson 3: The State: concept and historical evolution
14 Session: 27-10-2022
Theory class 2.00 Lesson 4: The distribution of political power inside the State
15th Session: 28-10-2022 Theory class 2.00 Lesson 4: The distribution of political power inside the State
16th Session: 02-11-2022 Theory class 2.00 Lesson 4: The distribution of political power inside the State
17 Session: 04-11-2022
Theory class 2.00 Lesson 4: The distribution of political power inside the State
18 Session: 09-11-2022 Practical class 2.00 Territorial distribution of power
19th Session: 11-11-2022 Theory class 2.00 Lesson 5: Supranational organizations. Post-statism?
20th Session: 16-11-2022 Theory class 2.00 Lesson 5: Supranational organizations. Post-statism?
21st Session: 18-11-2022 Theory class 2.00 Lesson 6: Non-democratic regimes
12 22nd Session: 23-11-2022 Theory class 2.00 Lesson 6: Non-democratic regimes
23rd Session: 25-11-2022 Theory class 2.00 Lesson 7: Representative democracy. Poliarchies
24th Session: 30-11-2022 Theory class 2.00 Lesson 7: Representative democracy. Poliarchies
25th Session: 02-12-2022 Theory class 2.00 Lesson 7: Representative democracy. Poliarchies
26th Session: 07-12-2022 Practical class 2.00 Poliarchies around the world
14 th
27 Session: 09-12-2022 Theory class 2.00 Lesson 8: The evolution of representative democracies
28 Session: 14-12-2022 Theory class 2.00 Lesson 8: The evolution of representative democracies
29th Session: 16-12-2022 Theory class 2.00 Lesson 8: The evolution of representative democracies
16 30th Session: 21-12-2022 Practical class 2.00 Doubts, questions, written exam

Evaluation task to be assigned

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