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Darwin was right: where now for experimental

Paul B .Rainey1,2,3, Philippe Remigi3, Andrew D Farr4 and
Peter A Lind5

Over the last two decades interest in direct realisation of idea removed the need for teleological reasoning concern-
evolutionary process and the possibilities presented by real ing a pre-determined end point. It also did away with need
time evolution experiments with microbes have escalated. to invoke a divine entity. Despite the persuasiveness of the
Long-term selection experiments with bacteria have made arguments and the abundance of evidence from historical
increasingly transparent the process of evolution by natural and comparative analyses, direct proof that Darwin was
selection. In this short article we consider what next for the field right has come most forcefully from studies in which the
and do so by highlighting two areas of interest: the genotype- evolution of microbes has been studied in real time.
to-phenotype map and the constraints it imposes on evolution,
and studies on major evolutionary transitions and in particular Of the many studies that have contributed direct insight
the importance of selection working over more than one into the mechanisms of evolution [2,3,4] there is none
timescale. The latter we discuss in light of new technologies that exceeds the simplicity, elegance and endurance of
that allow imposition of Darwinian properties on populations Richard Lenski’s long-term selection experiment with
and communities and how this allows exploration of new Escherichia coli. The experiment, begun almost thirty
avenues of research. We conclude by commenting on years ago with a single genetic clone that founded 12 rep-
microbial communities and the operation of evolutionary licate populations [5], has involved growth and daily
processes that are likely intrinsic — and specific — to transfer of 1% of stationary phase bacteria to fresh
communities. medium. At the time of writing, the experiment has
involved more than 10 000 transfers, with the bacteria
experiencing some 70 000 generations of evolution in a
Department of Microbial Population Biology, Max Planck Institute for single glucose limited broth medium. The experiment
Evolutionary Biology, Plön 24306, Germany continues to provide understanding of the moment-by-
Ecole Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles de la Ville de moment workings of evolution but its greatest achieve-
Paris (ESPCI ParisTech), CNRS UMR 8231, PSL Research University,
ment is the unequivocal demonstration that Darwin was
75231 Paris Cedex 05, France
New Zealand Institute for Advanced Study, Massey University, right [6]. Variation, which arises solely by mutation and
Auckland 0745, New Zealand whose effects are heritable, provides material for natural
Laboratory of Genetics, Wageningen University and Research, selection. Natural selection eliminates deleterious muta-
Droevendaalsesteeg 1, 6708 PB Wageningen, The Netherlands tions, but also causes the periodic sweep of mutations that
Department of Molecular Biology, Umeå University, 901 87 Umeå,
improve competitive ability relative to co-occurring
types. The outcome of the process is, as Darwin foresaw,
Corresponding author: .Rainey, Paul B ( adaptation: adaptation by natural selection [7].

In recent time (but not forgetting the past [4,8–12]) there

Current Opinion in Genetics & Development 2017, 47:102–109
has been an explosion of studies in experimental evolu-
This review comes from a themed issue on Evolutionary genetics tion that have shown, and continue to show, through real
Edited by Eric S Haag and David L Stern time evolution experiments with microbes (but also flies,
worms and even mice), the process of selection and its
outcome, the importance of genetic drift, historical con-
tingency, mutational, phenotypic and genetic details, the evolutionary responses of populations to fluctuating
0959-437X/ã 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. selection, and much more. The field has been reviewed
extensively [13–18] and there is little in this short article
that we can usefully add. Instead, we glimpse into a
crystal ball and consider new opportunities for the field.

We highlight two areas that we find particularly intriguing

Introduction and which have become tractable given conceptual and
Of Darwin’s major theoretical contributions, his reasoning technical advances. The first concerns the use of microbes
that the mechanism of evolution is natural selection was a to understand the connection between genotype and
most spectacular philosophical leap [1]. In a single step this phenotype, both as a goal in and of itself, but also as a

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Darwin was right: where now for experimental evolution? .Rainey et al. 103

useful complement to studies in cell biology and central the same pathway — that it might proceed via pathways
to the move to make evolution a more predictable sci- of least resistance [23] — supposes that evolution can
ence. The second area concerns timescales and transi- take multiple pathways, but these are rarely realised.
tions — the use of microbes to explore evolutionary tran-
sitions in Darwinian individuality and, given new Testing such a hypothesis posses numerous challenges,
technologies for manipulating populations, the possibility but challenges that are tractable with experimental micro-
of imposing Darwinian properties on collectives of bial populations. Lind et al. [41] used populations of
microbes as a means of studying the evolution of higher Pseudomonas fluorescens that repeatedly generate adaptive
levels of biological organisation. We conclude with brief ‘wrinkly spreader’ (WS) types using a limited number of
mention of microbial communities and the impact of mutational pathways [42,43]. Identification of causal
community-level processes on evolutionary change. pathways allowed construction of mutants devoid of such
pathways and opportunities to replay evolution to see
The genotype-to-phenotype map whether, in the absence of commonly trod pathways,
Understanding the network of regulatory and functional rarely taken mutational routes were realised. Surprisingly,
connectivites that determine the mapping between geno- WS types whose fitness was not significantly different to
type and phenotype (genetic architecture) is the goal of those arising from commonly trod pathways were identi-
many developmental biologists. A long-standing interest fied [41]. Genetic analysis revealed a multiplicity of
for evolutionary biologists is how the network of molecu- additional routes (and targets [44]) and suggested a set of
lar interactions influences evolutionary change. Some hierarchical rules consistent with the notion of ‘target
have argued that it is likely to be so pervasive as to size’ — a function of genetic target size and the likeli-
warrant consideration as an evolutionary process in its hood that change generates an adaptive phenotype. Loss
own right, even leading to calls for an extended evolu- of function mutations are highly likely to generate adap-
tionary synthesis [19,20]. Central to the thesis is a body tive phenotypes when they occur in negative regulators
of theory that predicts that the network of interactions — [45]. However, mutations are also expected in genes that
the totality of development — constrains and channels afford a smaller target size, but at a much-reduced fre-
evolution by restricting the pathways evolution takes and, quency. Such mutations include promoter mutations,
by imposing limits to phenotype space, delineates the gene fusions — including those leading to the evolution
rubrics by which it works [19,21–24]. of new genes [46] — and activating mutations. Although
the details are fascinating (e.g. [46]), the importance lies
Although an appealing concept, the idea that genetic in the provision of unequivocal evidence that the GPM
evolution might conform to certain rules has a troubled significantly affects evolutionary trajectory. It is even
history, largely through too frequent invocation of con- conceivable within the bounds of population size and
straints to explain negative data, and through lack of mutation rate, that certain high fitness phenotypes are
experimental evidence [25–28]. Nonetheless, insights never realised because of genetic bias [41,47].
from system-level approaches has made concrete the
notion of the genotype-to-phenotype map (GPM) [29] Recent work has taken the importance of bias in muta-
which has in turn prompted new theory, much of it tional process a step further by showing that E. coli
focused on properties of the map such as pleiotropy, populations propagated in chemostat culture under dif-
modularity, robustness and evolvability [30]. A central ferent limiting conditions of carbon, iron, nitrogen, phos-
issue is to understand how genetic architecture affects the phate and oxygen affect the rate and spectra of mutations
translation of mutation into phenotypic variation. A sense [48]. An independent experiment examining mutation
that this is a real issue, the solving of which might even under aerobic versus anaerobic conditions also showed
contribute toward the establishment of predictive rules differences in the spectra of mutations under the two
for forecasting evolution, comes from numerous observa- conditions [49]. Thus, not only does genetic architecture
tions of parallel evolution and in particular to instances of bias the spectrum of mutations seen by selection — and
parallel molecular evolution (the evolution of similar or thus the capacity to respond to selective challenges —
identical features in two or more lineages) [31–37]. but the environment also contributes in surprising and
significant ways to the availability of particular kinds of
A notable example comes from the study of flowering mutations, and the total number of mutations [50].
time variation in wild populations of Arabidopsis thaliana Another underexplored question concerns how heteroge-
where null mutations in a single gene ( frigida) account for neity in mutation rate within a gene or genome can lead to
early flowering in 20 independent populations [38,39]. A mutation-biased adaptation [51]. If some genes experi-
similar example comes from Drosophila where, of the ence mutation at substantially higher rates, due to intrin-
numerous genes that underpin the pattern of epidermal sic properties or interactions with DNA replication and
projections known as trichomes, mutations affecting tri- transcription machineries [52], this will further bias the
chome patterning occur solely within the ‘input–output’ range of adaptive routes taken and contribute to parallel
gene shavenbaby [40]. The notion that evolution follows evolution. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development 2017, 47:102–109

104 Evolutionary genetics

The idea of using mutants severely compromised in key collective that arises from a mutation that causes cell
components of cell biology as the starting point for adhesion. The collective that results grows by virtue of
selection experiments designed to determine how evo- the reproductive capacity of individual cells, but in the
lution compensates for defects has a long history absence of a means of collective level reproduction, the
[4,12,53], but there exists further opportunity to shed collective — like soma — is an evolutionary dead end.
new light on even well studied processes — as well as This leads to a very particular dilemma, namely, the need
elucidating the rules evolution follows. Recent work on to explain the evolution of Darwinian properties, in non-
BEM1 in yeast, a central determinant of cell polarity, Darwinian entities (e.g. the first collective), by non-Dar-
showed how analysing mutants that compensated for winian means (it is not possible to invoke the thing one
BEM1 defects could generate new understanding of wants to explain (the evolution or reproduction) as the
seemingly well-studied aspects of cell biology [54]. cause of its own evolution).
Blank et al. [55] identified mutations compensating for
deleterious metabolic reactions in an extensive set of One potential solution comes from recognising the role
E. coli mutants and showed that compensation occurred that the environment can play in exogenously imposing
in either structural or regulatory genes depending on Darwinian properties on otherwise ‘unwitting’ particles.
cellular function: structural mutations were likely when The idea, in general form, we refer to as ‘ecological
compensation occurred in genetic pathways unrelated to scaffolding’ and will be more fully elaborated elsewhere,
a specific defect, whereas regulatory mutations were but a specific example has been put forward based on
more likely when novel function arose from changes in experimental observations of Pseudomonas populations
related gene sets. [68,72,73] and subsequently realised in a lengthy, elabo-
rate, and on-going multilevel selection experiment on the
Studies such as these give hope to the possibility of evolution of multicellularity [64].
improved evolutionary forecasting. Significant recent
advances have come from application of coarse-grained The essence of the idea requires patchily distributed
top-down approaches to phenotypically diverse asexual resources and a means of migration between patches.
populations subject to strong selection [56,57], but molec- For Pseudomonas growing in unshaken liquid, the primary
ular details obtained from bottom-up studies are likely to limiting resource is oxygen but this can be obtained at
prove useful [58]. The challenge is to combine top- the air–liquid interface. This requires types that can
down approaches with bottom up mechanistic studies in colonise this environment (it is largely inaccessible to
order to define a minimal information set for the con- the ancestral type), which in turn requires mutations
struction of robust predictive models of evolutionary that cause overproduction of adhesive polymers leading
change. to the formation of WS mats. However mats are not
buoyant and cannot remain at the air–liquid interface
Transitions and timescales without a physical structure to which attachment is
Thinking about major evolutionary transitions in individ- possible.
uality, such as those responsible for evolution of the
eukaryotic cell, for multicellularity and for eusociality Consider a pond with randomly placed reeds, each of
in certain insect species [59] has, until recently, largely which constitutes a scaffold around which a mat can form.
fallen within the domain of theorists and philosophers Mats eventually collapse and go extinct due to their
[60,61]. Over the last few years there have been bold increasing mass, but provided a mat can re-establish at
attempts to explore early phases in these transitions the original reed, or around one or more new reeds, then a
through real time evolution experiments, and in particular process akin to collective-level reproduction occurs. With
the transition from single cells to multicellular life [62– this comes the possibility of a Darwinian process at the
64]. Such thinking goes well beyond the evolution of level of mat collectives. Importantly when this occurs,
cooperation with focus on kin selection [65] and trait selection works with potency over a timescale that is
group models [66] and to the heart of the evolution of longer than the doubling time of cells. Just how the
Darwinian individuality. reproductive event occurs is not trivial [74], but possi-
bilities range from simple fragmentation (although this
A central issue for each transition concerns the emergence is unlikely to be successful over the long term), to the
of Darwinian properties of variation, reproduction and possibility that cheating types arising within mats act as
heredity without which the process of evolution by natu- dispersing agents — rather like a germ line — with capac-
ral selection cannot occur [67]. With exception of the ity to regenerate the mat-forming type (Figure 1) [68].
transition from non-life to life, these properties manifest
at the lower level, but their existence at, for example, the Under a scenario like this, ecology is everything: the
level of the individual cell, does not mean that these same structure of the environment permits realisation of
properties automatically appear at the level of collectives Darwinian properties at the collective level even in the
of cells [68–71]. Consider a nascent multicellular absence of these properties being endogenously

Current Opinion in Genetics & Development 2017, 47:102–109

Darwin was right: where now for experimental evolution? .Rainey et al. 105

Figure 1

Current Opinion in Genetics & Development

Pond scum acquires Darwinian properties via ecological scaffolding. The illustration shows six reeds in a pond. Surrounding each reed is a set of
different microbial mat forming types. Reeds are sufficiently widely spaced as to prevent confluent growth of mats, thus ensuring variation at the
level of mats. Consider that the yellow mat occupying the reed marked with the solid arrow collapses. Death of this mat provides opportunity for
birth of a new mat, provided there exists a means of dispersal (by biotic or abiotic means) between reeds. In this example, cells from the red mat
recolonise the vacant reed. The dispersal and recolonisation event is akin to mat-level reproduction and, because the cells founding the new mat
came from the old mat, the offspring mat resembles the parental mat (there is heredity). Mats begin to take part in the process of evolution by
natural selection by virtue of Darwinian properties that are exogenously determined. Additionally, selection sees two time scales: the doubling time
of individual cells and the doubling time of mats. Continued selection under such ecological conditions allows the possibility that Darwinian
properties become endogenised, that is, they come to be determined by the activity of the collectives themselves with no need for scaffolding. An
early stage might be the evolution of a developmentally determined life cycle.

determined. As Hammerschmidt et al. [64] showed, there focus of selection, drift becomes an important factor
exists ample possibility for Darwinian properties to allowing individual particles (and thus collectives) to
become endogenous. A first step observed through exper- explore a much greater range of phenotypic possibility.
imentation was evolution of a simple but effective genetic For example, the process allows evolution of phenotypes
switch that allowed reliable transition between soma-like that are altogether new and that emerge from the action
and germ-like phases of a two-stage life cycle that marks a of collective-level selection. The possibilities arising
first step in the evolution of development. from implementation of a second collective-level time-
scale extend beyond research in evolutionary transitions
Our aim here is not to dwell on the finer points of recent and opens new ways of thinking about how experi-
explorations of the origins of multicellularity, but to draw mental evolution might be used to engineer communities
attention to new understanding, particularly with regard to generate new functions, chemistries and processes
to timescales and the possibilities afforded through eco- with application in biotechnology, medicine and agri-
logical scaffolding realisable on an unprecedented scale culture [76].
through new technologies.
At the core of these possibilities are emulsion-based
When Darwinian properties manifest over time scales technologies known as microfluidics and millifluidics
that exceed that of the doubling time of individual cells [77,78]. By dividing a community of cells into discrete
a process of special evolutionary significance begins to parcels by means of enclosure within a droplet sur-
unfold [61]. Required are conditions that ensure that rounded by oil, variation at a level above that of the
particle-level variation is partitioned into discrete collec- individual cell is achieved [79]. Droplets, harbouring up
tive-level packages and that these packages manifest to 106 to 107 cells, can be manipulated in a myriad of ways:
heritable variance in fitness. Once achieved, then selec- the activity of contents can be monitored by fluorescent-
tion working over the longer timescale, defined by the based assay (in real time), contents replenished, sampled,
birth (and associated death) of collectives [75], stands to and substrates added; droplets can be diluted, sorted,
trump selection working on the short timescale (for merged, and they can be split. The latter being akin to a
example, the doubling time of particles). This causes droplet-level reproduction event and immediately affords
particle fitness to increasingly align with the fitness of the possibility of implementing a birth/death process
collectives. Because particle growth rate is no longer the based on some community level readout of performance, Current Opinion in Genetics & Development 2017, 47:102–109

106 Evolutionary genetics

Figure 2



Current Opinion in Genetics & Development

Ecological scaffolding in a droplet-based evolution machine ensures droplets are units of selection. Parallel horizontal lines are walls of Teflon
tubes containing an emulsion of oil and regularly spaced droplets harbouring bacterial cells. (a) At the start of operation all droplets are founded
by identical types. (b) A period of cellular growth occurs within droplets. During this stage mutations within individual cells arise that affect the
colour of each droplet. Droplets whose colour is not sufficiently bright are marked for extinction allowing the possibility that when the contents of
the droplets are diluted in order to establish a new round of selection, the brightest droplets are split into two offspring droplets. (c) Selection thus
works over two time scales — the doubling time of cells, and the doubling time of droplets. As in Figure 1, Darwinian properties are imposed
(scaffolded) on droplets causing droplets to function as units of selection in their own right.

over a longer time scale than that of the doubling time technologies, but without the need to package droplets
of individual cells, with potentially dramatic effect within a matrix of oil [81].
(Figure 2).
We anticipate the combination of technology and its uses The field of experimental evolution has a long history
to explore evolutionary process over two or more time- [6], but has particularly flourished over the last two
scales to provoke a wave of new theory and experimental decades. Much still remains possible and our focus on
possibility. Such approaches have already been used to the GPM and timescales necessarily leaves untouched
investigate the importance of spatial structure and migra- much else that stands as new. In concluding we particu-
tion on the evolutionary dynamics of bacterial populations larly emphasise opportunities for investigation of evolu-
[80]. But there exist — through ability to miniaturise and tionary process within the context of microbial commu-
parallelise — numerous ordinary uses beyond the impo- nities. Elegant work has begun [82,83], but given
sition of Darwinian properties on populations and collec- technical advances in DNA sequencing coupled with
tives, including for example, ability to re-run Lenski’s imaginative applications of techniques such as chromo-
experiment with thousands of replicate populations and somal conformational capture [84,85], which allows
with automated serial transfer occurring the moment cells interactions between DNA molecules to be determined,
reach late exponential phase thus significantly decreasing it is possible to conceive of selection experiments involv-
the time required to pass through thousands of genera- ing communities of microbes, with manipulations that
tions. Using standard serial transfer approaches, a train of fuel or retard the extent of lateral gene transfer, that can,
droplets can be constructed so that in a single experiment despite immense challenges, be investigated mechanis-
the evolutionary response to multiple different environ- tically. Here there is much to learn about the community-
ments can be studied. Additional possibilities exist for level impact on the genomic and phenotypic dynamic of
analysis of evolution in small populations, for testing ideas adaptive evolution at the level of individual strains.
concerning the evolution of new genes, for systematic Advances in this field will likely make understandable
analysis of the effects of drift, migration and environmen- changes in patterns of diversity recorded from myriad
tal fluctuation and, if coupled to genomic and phenotypic community/microbe metagenomic studies.
assays studies that connect genotype to phenotype can
move to a new high throughput era [14]. But emulsion The latter is particularly important given the overarching
technologies are not the only possibility for manipulation goal of much experimental evolution, which is to simplify
of experimental populations. Interesting opportunities in order to understand processes too complex to fathom in
are set to emerge from electrowetting that allows the real world situations. But experimental evolution should
same set of possibilities afforded by emulsion-based equally contribute toward understanding of evolution in

Current Opinion in Genetics & Development 2017, 47:102–109

Darwin was right: where now for experimental evolution? .Rainey et al. 107

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An astute assesement of the current state of understanding of the social
Technological advances in understanding genome organisation put
behaviour of microbes (it ain’t all what it seems).
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