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Solenoid modification GL1200

In the event of a melt down of the plug connecting to the starter solenoid there are two
ways of repairing.
1 Replace the whole solenoid and plug and pray it doesn’t happen again or.
2 Replace the burnt plastic plug and the 30 amp main dog bone fuse and replace with an
auto style weather proof 30 amp blade style (RED) holder.

Usually the culprit is loosening connections possibly abetted by corrosion creating heat,
don’t forget all the power going to the bike passes through this 30 amp fuse, that’s a lot
of heat.

Mostly the solenoid itself is not the problem and it is fine to use again.

Remove the NEG battery connection, we are going to work in this area we don’t want
any blue sparks flying.

Remove the POS lead from the battery, pull the wiring plug from the solenoid unit.

Break away the plastic so that you have just the solenoid left with its two spade
connections and two main ¼” connections on the back. If you are unsure about the state
of the solenoid you can connect a 12 bat charger across the two spades and you should
hear and feel a solid click and at the same time using a continuity tester across the two ¼”
terminals you should have a closed circuit.

Examine the wiring carefully, cutting off any damaged sections of wiring, once this wire
is burnt you can’t get a good soldering job on it. Replace any wire with good wire
soldering and heat shrinking using wire of the same gauge. If you cant get the same
colors, write down the changes for future, when you realize that after 4 weeks you will
have totally forgotten what wires you used…. Happens to me after a day ☺

There are 4 wires One RED, One RED/WHITE, One GREEN/RED One

Connect the RED & RED/WHITE wires together and solder these to the end of your
purchased 30 amp blade style auto fuse, Use heat shrink rather than electrical tape on the
Available at Radio Shack US
Model: 270-1234

Or your local NAPA or other auto parts stores, Canadian Tire in Canada.

The GREEN/RED & YELLOW/RED are the wires that control the solenoid.
Again remove any burnt wire, replacing with the same gauge.
Crimp and solder a female spade connector, the same size as is on the solenoid, yes they
do come in different sizes ☺

Connect these two wires onto the solenoid spades.

On the other end of the 30 amp spade style auto fuse connect a ¼”

ring style connector again soldering.

This end can be either connected to the POS battery terminal or onto the POS side of the

Now you can use your electrical tape to pretty the job.
Done. You have saved yourself a few $ for a new unit.

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