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Gases and the Kinetic-Molecular Theory

1) Describe what is happening to the particles of a substance in the solid state. Explain what happens to
the particles as the temperature is increased and the substance melts and boils.

In the solid state, the particles are locked in a crystal lattice. They are vibrating (they have
kinetic energy), but they are not moving with respect to one another.
As the temperature is increased, the particles move faster (kinetic energy increases), allowing them to
break free of the crystal lattice structure (partially overcome the attractive forces between them), and
enter the liquid state (melt).
As temperature is further increased, the particles move even faster and completely overcome the forces
of attraction keeping them close together, and they enter the gas state.

2) Why are some substances gases at normal temperatures? What type of substances are gases at normal

Some substances are gases at normal temperatures because their intermolecular attractions (forces of
attraction between the molecules of the substance) are very weak. Substances that are gases at normal
temperatures are small covalent molecules.

3) Why are ionic compounds solids at normal temperatures?

Ionic compounds are all solids at normal temperatures because of the very strong attractive forces
between cations and anions.

4) List the 5 assumptions made about the particles in a container of gas.

A gas for which the following assumptions are true are called IDEAL GASES.
- a sample of gas is mainly empty space; volume of the particles are negligible (extremely small)
compared the volume of the container
- particles moves in rapid, straight-line motion between collisions with one another and with the
walls of the container
- there is no loss of energy when two particles collide
- there are no attractive forces between particles
- if two different gases are at the same temperature, they have the same average kinetic energy

5) Briefly explain how the kinetic-molecular theory explains: a) Boyle’s Law; b) Charles’ Law; c) Gay-Lussac’s Law.

Boyles Law: Particles are colliding with the walls of the container, creating a pressure. If the volume of
the container is decreased, particles will have shorter distances to travel before hitting the container
walls so there will be more collisions per second on a given surface area of the container, thus increasing
the pressure. If the volume of the container is increased, particles will have to travel greater distances
before hitting the container walls so there will be fewer collisions per second on a given surface area,
thus decreasing the pressure.

Charles Law: As temperature increases, the average kinetic energy (and therefore, the velocity) of the
gas molecules increases. Thus, for the pressure inside the container to be held constant (i.e. for the
number of collisions with the container wall per unit time to remain the same), the volume must
Gay-Lussacs Law: As temperature increases, the average kinetic energy (and, therefore, the velocity) of
the gas molecules increases. If volume of the container remains the same, the number of collisions with
the walls of the container per unit time will increase, thus increasing pressure.

6) What is an ideal gas? What is a real gas? When does a real gas not behave like an ideal gas? When does a real gas
behave like an ideal gas?

An ideal gas is one that satisfies the assumptions of the kinetic molecular theory and therefore obeys
the ideal gas laws at all temperatures and pressures.
A real gas is one that deviates from the assumptions: at high pressures, they experience forces of
attraction (deviating from assumption #4); at low temperatures the volume of the gas molecules is a
significant proportion of the total volume of the gas (deviating from assumption #1).
A real gas does not behave like an ideal gas at high pressures and low temperatures.
A real gas does behave like an ideal gas as the temperature is increased and the pressure is lowered.

7) What is kinetic energy? What two factors affect the kinetic energy of a particle?

Kinetic energy is the energy of motion (energy possessed by a moving object).

The two factors that affect the kinetic energy of a particle are its mass and its velocity.
- If a container of oxygen gas and a container of hydrogen gas are at the same temperature, this means
that they have the same average kinetic energy. However, the oxygen molecules and the hydrogen
molecules are not moving at the same velocity. In order for oxygen, which has the higher mass, to have
the same kinetic energy as hydrogen, which as the lower mass, it must have a lower average velocity
than hydrogen.

8) Why does Earth’s atmosphere contain very little hydrogen and helium gas?

Since hydrogen an helium are the lightest gases, they have extremely high average velocities compared
to the other gases. Consequently, they have escaped earths atmosphere.

9) Why does a helium filled balloon deflate faster than an air-filled balloon?

The smaller the molar mass of a gas, the greater its velocity, and therefore, the greater its rate of
diffusion. Helium has lower mass than the gases in air (mainly nitrogen), thus helium escapes through
the pores in the balloon faster than air molecules do.

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