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10 Fundamental Laws of Female Nature

These are uncomfortable truths about Female Nature.
1. Women need Orbiter.
Contrary to what you believe, most women have very low self-esteem.
They need this free attention and validation to feel better about themselves.
Women don’t respect orbiter but appreciate the free attention and validation they receive.
2. Women are designed for survival.
Everything a woman does in terms of dating, the whole concept of female nature is based on a
woman’s survival. Why does she want the highest value male? Because it gives her the highest
chances of survival. Evolutionary psychology.
3. Women don’t hang around for an extended period of hardship.
Believe it or not, but again: women are designed for survival. If you lose your job and can’t get back
on the horse relatively quickly, it’s just a matter of time until she leaves.
4. Investments do not lead to appreciation.
Remember that her brain does not work the same way as yours; what makes logical sense in your
head on how attraction should work does not make emotional sense in her heart. It’s actually often
the reverse of what you logically think.
5. Commitment monogamously destroys intimacy in the bedroom.
The second there is any sort of commitment, in which you see her very regularly or daily, you
destroy the urgency that comes from the woman wondering when the next time is that she gets to see
6. Women value the survival value of a man., whereas men value the reproductive value of a woman.
In simple words: Women look for men of high status, whereas men look for indicator of youth and
7. Just because she's attractive doesn't make her a good wife.
Many men believe that beauty is an indicator of a good wife. Attractiveness does not make a woman
a good girlfriend/wife. What can she bring to the table besides her beauty?
8. Women look for different men at different stages of life.
A women's sexual strategy changes with age. When she's young, she seeks the best genes, whereas as
she ages, she seeks stability and security/a man's provisioning.
9. She will always test you.
Some dudes think that if they have enough status or enough plates (Girls) to spin, the testing will
stop. The testing will never stop. She will always need to make sure she's the best viable option.
10. All love is conditional.
Unconditional love does not exist. If you radically changed the person you were when your partner
fell in love with you, the conditions under which she fell in love with you changed. This she will lose

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