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Political crusading in the middle of pandemic

by Xaica Jane Labiaga

As the Philippine National and Local Elections come into action on May 9, 2022, the Department
of Health (DOH) raised an urgent alarm about large crowds at campaign rallies, saying that anyone in
attendance could still become infected with the COVID-19 virus. The campaign period for national
candidates kicked off last February 2022 with bets appearing at varying sorties witnessed by eager
crowds that made it difficult to implement physical distancing and other important health protocols. Now,
this is what comes into question: is the government capable and prepared enough to push for the
implementation of health and safety protocols without the health restrictions being weaponized by political
opponents which could be regarded as unconstitutional by legal luminaries? Are the issues hounding this
political season like the return of the Marcoses or the emerging leadership of women during crises be
given enough weight and essence?

Health Undersecretary Maria Rosaria Vergerie claimed that mass gatherings are still not allowed,
despite the Commission on Elections (COMELEC) allowing up to 70% attendance in enclosed outdoor
venue capacity for caucuses, meetings, conventions, rallies, and meeting de avance. Notwithstanding
COMELEC's strict prompt to follow physical campaign guidelines to prevent the spread of the deadly
virus, they still received several reports that some campaigns sorties have not followed health and safety
protocols. They also received several reports that some political rallies insisted physical interaction with
the politicians and the attendees. This is the problem! Many political parties promised us the solution to
this precarious situation we are in, yet they are doing the exact opposite things. The whole of government
and the citizens of the country should not neglect this situation which many of us are experiencing right
now and instead, they should give their undivided attention to solving this issue.

Last March 20, 2022, for the Pasiglaban Para sa Tropa: Pasig City People’s Rally, presidential
candidate Vice President Leni Robredo with his running mate Senator Kiko Pangilinan had over 130,000
attendees based on combined police and organizers’ estimates. In a campaign rally in General Trias,
Cavite, the UniTeam of Marcos-Duterte had attendees of over 80,000 based on combined police and
organizers’ estimates. Both are the most highly anticipated candidates, but there is clear non-adherence
to the given rules in their political crusading amidst the pandemic. This situation endangers the precious
lives of the politically curious citizens who just want to show support to their political bets. This only
proves that the COMELEC does not have the enough strength and power to push for and control the
political crusading of the candidates and their supporters. In this regard, the COMELEC must strengthen
its regulatory powers to enforce the health protocols and ensure the safety of the people.

One very controversial issue that should also be talked about this political season — the
“Marcoses”. Over three decades since Ferdinand Marcos Sr.’s political reign ended, his son 64-year-old
Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos, Jr. decided to pursue the highest post of the land — the presidency. Many
Filipinos are clearly showing support for his candidacy, but have people forgotten about their families’
alleged wrongdoings? I’m not being biased, but if we regard history and the talks of the people who
experienced the said “golden era” of the Marcoses, would we want to elect a person who had a history of
doing things that eroded human rights? Many of the youth today even idolize his wrongdoings which
clearly are not on the good side of history. It’s as if we’re chasing a cat, but blindfolded.

In addition, I also want to speak up about people who perceived women as weak leaders when
women are believed to shatter the most ceilings and conquer the most biases. In fact, the Philippines
managed to close at least 80% gender gaps in managerial roles. Is this because women are genetically
wired better? Probably not. This goes to show how women have evolved socially and politically. This
election season, women have the spotlight. Women will be changing the political landscape of the country
in the years to come. With women vying the top posts of the land, it’s safe to say that we could have
another woman president soon. That’s already three women presidents with the United States still having

Now, the real problem is that our education is deteriorating. Some of us believe in the most
baseless things and wired promises. During these elections, the National Government along with the
COMELEC must strengthen its grip against politicians who can pull off strings and release rats from
behind. The whole of government should also address that people attending the rallies should be
educated and be aware of the guidelines in attending political rallies. Self-discipline will play a vital role in
this situation. The citizens must know how important and how powerful their votes are during this political
crusade. They can always turn the tide against corrupt politicians. The aim for good governance must
always play a role in the way we choose our leaders. Remember, we are the choice we want to see. May
we all truly realize the true meaning of change for the betterment of the people and our society’s future.

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