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From LOP 8 to LOP 11 (required for EIM)

Modifcation Material Part.No. X00E50206579 (LRB 3-01 and two cables)

AO LOP: XZ00E50206580

To connect the Local Operating Panel to the new Engine Interface Module (EIM), some
Modifications are necessary on the LOP 8-04 (Part-No.X00010351) to turn it into the new
LOP 11/ engl. lettering/ reversing Gear (Part-No. X00E50206487/S0002)

There are two main items to be done!

1. Emergency Stop

2. Redundant Gear Monitoring

1. Emergency Stop

The wire break monitoring from the EM-Stop is done from the EIM. Therefore EM-Stop
Buttons are wired to the EIM. The existing E-Stop Logic (see SM X00031757, Sheet 17) is
not used anymore, the MEU1 (takes over nowadays, amongst others, the wire break
monitoring.) removed without replacement.

Block Diagram of the modification

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On the existing LOP 8-04 the LRB must be modified (LRB 3-01, XZ00E50206482). The
emergency stop buttons from the control stands (plug X4, pin 9 and 10) are routed via the
LRB 3-01 directly to plug X1 (pin 34 and 37) and from there on to the EIM (X51, pin 11 and
12). The LOP emergency stop button is wired in parallel.

2. Redundant gear monitoring

The following gear box signals are taken from the gear control unit GCU. This functionality is
already fixed and will not be changed.

-Feedback engaged / disengaged / directional turning

-Gear control oil pressure
-Gear lube oil pressure
-Gear oil temperature
-Gear oil filter blocked

As well as the above the GCU sends the engage / disengage signals to the gear box.

With the MEU1 removed the redundant gear monitoring is now left to the LOP 11-01 and
EIM. The redundant gear signals are received at the LOP 11-01 at plug X3.

Gear Monitoring by EIM:

- Gear Ctrl. Oil Pressure: LOP X3 / 13 - LRB 3-01 - X1 / 49 - EIM X51 / 22

- Gear Lube Oil Pressure: LOP X3 / 5 - LRB 3-01 - X1 / 50 - EIM X51 / 23
- +24VDC: LOP X3 / 1 - LRB 3-01 - X1 / 51 - EIM X51 / 51 - EIM X51 / 24

Gear Monitoring by LOP

- Gear Oil Level: LOP X3 / 14 - LRB 3-01 - PIM3_1

- Bearing temperature: LOP X3 / 9 - LRB 3-01 - PIM1_16(AIB 1)
LOP X3 / 17 - LRB 3-01 - PIM1_13 (AIB 1)

The modification on the LRB can be seen in the drawing SM XZ00E50206482

The shaft RPM is measured with a separate PIM (SMU - Shaft speed Monitoring Unit).

Schematic illustration as a basic scope of supply under classification:

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1. Pre-lube pump (optional)
2. Yard signals (optional)
3. Fuel pre-filter
4. Diesel engine
5. Turn gear
6. Starter and alternator
7. Gear box
8. Trolling (optional)
9. Shaft peed sensor

Changes from LOP 8 to LOP 11 are only for your
Training Centre, to make swapping between the two
systems easier!

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