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Smart Lecture Sheet

Topic:Direct & IndirectSpeech

Part 1:Rules Of Narration
🔰We may report the words of a speaker in two ways:
✅We may quote his actual words.This is called Direct Speech.
✅We may report what he said without quoting his exact words.This is called Indirect

✅Direct:John said,'I am doing my homework now.'

✅Indirect:John said that he was doing his homework then.


🔰এটা notice করা যাচ্ছে যে,Direct speech কে Indirect speech এ change করার সময় বেশ কিছু
পরিবর্ত ন করা হয়েছে।

✅আমরা Indirect statement এর পূর্বে that ব্যবহার করেছি।

✅Pronoun I,change হয়ে he হয়েছে।
✅verb am,change হয়ে was হয়েছে।
✅Adverb,now change হয়ে then হয়েছে।
Rules Of Changing Direct Speech Into Indirect

Assertive Sentence
Rule 1
🔰Simple present,simple past এ পরিণত হয়ঃ
✅Direct:He said,'I am happy'.
✅Indirect:He said that he was happy.


Rule 2

🔰Present continuous,past continuous এ পরিণত হয়।

✅Direct:He said,'my mother is preparing dinner'.
✅Indirect:He said that his mother was preparing dinner.


Rule 3

🔰Present perfect,past perfect এ পরিণত হয়ঃ

✅Direct:He said,'I have done it'.
✅Indirect:He said that he had done it.
Rule 4

🔰সূত্র অনুযায়ী,Direct speech এর simple past,Indirect speech এর Past Perfect হবে।

✅Direct:He said,'my grandfather died in the morning'.
✅Indirect:He said that his grandfather had died in the morning.

🔰কিন্তু,universal truth এবং still relevant কোন statement এর ক্ষেত্রে tense পরিবর্ত ন হবেনা।
✅Direct:The teacher said,the sun rises in the east.
✅Indirect:The teacher said that the sun rises in the east.
✅Direct:She said,"the English alphabet is easy to learn".
✅Indirect:She said that the English alphabet is easy to learn.


Rule 5

🔰কিন্তু,reporting verb,present tense এ থাকলে direct speech এর tense পরিবর্ত ন হবেনা।

✅Direct:He says,'I am happy'.
✅Indirect:He says that he is happy.
✅Direct:He says,'I have done it'.
✅Indirect:He says that he has done it.


Rule 6
🔰Direct speech এর Pronoun গুলোকে পরিবর্ত ন করা হয় যদি প্রয়োজন পড়ে,যাতে করে speaker এবং
hearer এর মধ্যে জটিলতা পরিহার করা যায়।

✅Direct:He said to me,'I don't believe you'.

✅Indirect:He said that he didn't believe you.
✅Direct:I said to you,'I don't believe you'.
✅Indirect:I said that I didn't believe you.


Rule 7

🔰Narration এর সময় নিম্নলিখিত word গুলোর পরিবর্ত ন ঘটে।

✅Today-That day.
✅Tomorrow-The next day.
✅Yesterday-The day before.
✅Last night-The night before.
✅Last month-The previous month.
✅Tonight-That night.

✅Direct:He says,'I am glad to be here this evening'.

✅Indirect:He says that he was glad to be there that evening.
✅Direct:He said,"I will visit here tomorrow."
✅Indirect:He said that he would visit there the next day.


✅Direct:He said,"I had gone here long ago."

✅Indirect:He said that he had gone there long before.
Interrogative Sentence
Rule 1

🔰Questions এর ক্ষেত্রে,Indirect speech কে introduce করা হয়,asked,/inquired এর মাধ্যমে।

Structure:Subject+ask/inquire of+object(যদি থাকে)+if/whether+reported speech এর
subject+verb+বাকী অংশ।

🔰যখন,Question টি কোন একটি interrogative word/Wh question দিয়ে introduce করা

হয়না,তখন reporting verb টির পরে whether বা if বসে।

✅Direct:He said to me,'What are you eating?'

✅Indirect:He asked me what I was eating.
✅Direct:'Where do you live?'asked the passer-by.
✅Indirect:The passer-by enquired where I lived.
✅Direct:He said,'will you go out in the evening'?
✅Indirect:He asked him whether he would go out in the evening.
✅Direct:'Do you suppose you know better than your teachers'?
✅Indirect:His angry father jeered and asked whether he supposed that he knew
better than his teachers'.

Rule 2

🔰Reported speech যদি Interrogative pronoun (যেমনঃwho,whom,whose,what,which

ইত্যাদি)বা interrogative adverb(why,where,how,where how ইত্যাদি)দ্বারা আরম্ভ হয় তবে
if/whether বসেনা,ঐ শব্দটিই বসে।এক্ষেত্রেও sentence টির assertive form বসে।

Structure:Sub+ask+object(যদি থাকে)+Interrogative pronoun/Interrogative adverb

+reported speech এর subject+verb+বাকী অংশ।

✅Direct:He said to his brother,"what do you want?"

✅Indirect:He asked his brother what he wanted.
✅Direct:Sohel asked Prity,"Where are you going?"
✅Indirect:Sohel asked Prity where he was going.
Imperative Sentence
Rule 1

🔰Commands and requests এর ক্ষেত্রে,Indirect speech কে command অথবা request বাচক

verb দ্বারা express করা হয় এবং imperative mood,Infinitive এ পরিবর্তি ত হয়।Reporting verb টি
অনুরোধ বুঝালে request,আদেশ বুঝালে order/command,উপদেশ বুঝালে advise বসে।
✅Direct:Prity said to Kaumi,'go out.'
✅Indirect:Prity ordered Kaumi to go out.


✅Direct:He said to him,please wait for me.

✅Indirect:He requested him to wait for him.


✅Direct:'Call the first witness' said the judge.

✅Indirect:The judge commanded them to call the first witness.


✅Direct:He said,'Be quiet and listen to my discussion.'

✅Indirect:He urged them to be quiet and listen to his discussion.
✅Direct:The teacher said to the student,"Always speak the truth."
✅Indirect:The teacher advised the student to speak the truth always.


Rule 2

🔰Imperative sentence টি যদি negative হয় তবে reporting speech এর পরে not বসে এবং তার
পর to বসে।

🔘Direct:Biplob said to Imamul,"Don't go there."

🔘Indirect:Biplob advised Imamul not to go there.


Rule 3

🔰Let এর পরে us থাকলে Indirect করার সময় reporting verb টি পরিবর্তি ত হয়ে propose/suggest
হয়+Inverted comma উঠে গিয়ে that বসে+they/we+should বসে+reported speech এর মূল verb
থেকে শেষ পর্যন্ত অংশ বসে।

Structure:Subject+propose/proposed+that+they/we+should+reported speech এর মূল

verb থেকে শেষ পর্যন্ত অংশ।
✅Direct:He said,'let us wait for Imamul'.
✅Indirect:He proposed that they should wait for Imamul.


Rule 4

🔰Imperative sentence এ direct speech এ কাউকে সম্বোধন করা হলে নিচের নিয়মের সাহায্যে
indirect speech এ রুপান্তর করতে হয়।

Structure:Addressing + Reporting verb এর object+as+যাকে/যাদেরকে সম্বোধন করা হয়েছে সেই

শব্দটি+reporting verb এর subject+reporting verb+to+reported speech এর মূল verb থেকে শেষ

✅Direct:He said to them,"Friends,help me to solve the problem."

✅Indirect:Addressing them as friends he requested them to help him to solve the


Rule 5

🔰Imperative sentence এর direct speech এ sir থাকলে indirect করার সময় sir এর পরিবর্তে
respectfully ব্যবহৃত হয়।
✅Direct:The boy said to the teacher,"Sir,please repeat the lesson again."
✅Indirect:The boy requested the teacher respectfully to repeat the lesson again.


Optative Sentence
Rule 1

🔰Reporting verb এর পরিবর্তে wish বা pray বসে+Inverted comma উঠে গিয়ে that
বসে+reported speech এর subject বসে+may/might বসে+reported speech এর মূল verb থেকে
শেষ পর্যন্ত অংশ।

Structure:Subject+wish/pray+that+reported speech এর subject+may/might+মূল verb থেকে

শেষ পর্যন্ত অংশ।

✅Direct:'Saint George strike for us!'exclaimed the knight,'do the false yeoman give

✅Indirect:The knight prayed that Saint George might strike for them and asked
whether the false yeoman gave away.

✅Direct:The teacher said to the students,"May Allah bless you."
✅Indirect:The teacher wished that Allah might bless the student.
✅Direct:Father said to his son,"May you prosper in life."
✅Indirect:Father prayed that I might prosper in life.


Exclamatory Sentence
Rule 1

🔰Subject+exclaim/exclaimed with joy or exclaim/exclaimed with sorrow+that+reported

speech এর subject+reporting verb অনুযায়ী reported speech এর
verb+very/great+Adjective+বাকি অংশ(যদি থাকে)।

✅Direct:John said,"Hurrah! I have won the final''.

✅Indirect:John exclaimed with joy that he had won the final.
✅Direct:James said,"Alas! I have failed in the exam."
✅Indirect: James exclaimed with sorrow that he had failed in the exam.

✅Direct:He said,"what a fine bird it is."
✅Indirect:He exclaimed with joy that it was a very fine bird.
✅Direct:They said,"Long live our president".
✅Indirect:They wished that their president might live long.


Rule 2

🔰Reported speech How বা What দ্বারা শুরু হলে অর্থাৎ sentence এর শুরুতে আতিশয্য বুঝালে
Indirect narration করার সময় উক্ত how বা what এর পরিবর্তে very,much,great ইত্যাদি ব্যবহার
করতে হয়।

✅Direct:Sumon said,"What a beautiful scenery it is."

✅Indirect:Sumon exclaimed with joy that it was a very beautiful scenery.


Modal Verbs
Rule 1

🔰Narration এর সময় নিম্নলিখিত modal verb গুলোর পরিবর্ত ন ঘটেঃ

✅Direct:Swapnil said,"I can help him".
✅Indirect:Swapnil said that he could help him.
✅Direct:Ramjan said,"I shall do it."
✅Indirect:Ramjan said that he would do it.
✅Direct:Rebeka said,"I will go on a trip tomorrow."
✅Indirect:Rebeka said that she would go on a trip the next day.
✅Direct:Sujana said,"I may go to college."
✅Indirect:Sujana said that she might go to college.


Rule 2

🔰Wish,would,rather,sooner ও it is time এর পর unreal past tense অপরিবর্তি ত থাকে।

✅Direct:He said,"It is time we became serious about our career."
✅Indirect:He said that it was time they became serious about their career.


Rule 3

🔰Might,could,ought to,should,would,used to,indirect speech এ অপরিবর্তি ত থাকে।

✅Direct:He said,"I might help you."
✅Indirect:He said to me that he might help me.
✅Direct:He said,"I could do it tomorrow."
✅Indirect:He said that he could do it the next day.
Rules Of Passage Narration
🔰Reporting verb টি মাঝে বা শেষে থাকলেও indirect করার সময় তাকে sentence এর শুরুতে নিয়ে
আসতে হবে।

✅Direct:"Do you want some sugar in the tea?"I asked him.

✅Indirect:I asked him if he would want some sugar in the tea.


🔰কোন বক্তার পরপর একাধিক উক্তি থাকলে দ্বিতীয় ও তার পরবর্তী উক্তিগুলোর ক্ষেত্রেঃ
🔰Assertive sentence এ added,further added/also said/again said ইত্যাদি ব্যবহার করতে
হয়।Interrogative sentence এর ক্ষেত্রে also asked,again asked/further asked ইত্যাদি ব্যবহৃত

✅My mother said to me,"how was your exam today?Have you had your lunch?"
✅My mother asked me how my exam was that day.She also asked if I had had my


🔰Reported speech এ শুধু 'Yes' থাকলে Indirect করার সময় 'yes' এর পরিবর্তে replied in the
affirmative ব্যবহার করতে হয়।

✅Direct:Sumon said to me,"did you go to school today?" I said,"Yes".

✅Indirect:Sumon asked me if I went to school that day.I replied in the affirmative.


🔰Reported speech এ "yes" এর পর যদি কোন বক্তব্য থাকে,তবে Indirect speech এ "yes" এর
পরিবর্তে replied in the affirmative +and said that.

✅Direct:Sumon said to Bashar,"have you completed your task?" "Yes,I completed it two
hours ago," said Bashar.

✅Indirect:Sumon asked Bashar if he had completed his task.Bashar replied in the

affirmative and said that he had completed it two hours ago.

🔰Reported speech এ যদি শুধু No থাকে,তাহলে indirect করার সময় No এর পরিবর্তে replied in
the negative বসাতে হয় অথবা,subject এর পর প্রয়োজনীয় auxiliary verb+not বসাতে হয়।

✅Direct:Sumon asked Bashar,"have you completed your task?"Bashar said,"No".

✅Indirect:Sumon asked Bashar if he had completed his task.Bashar replied in the

🔰Reported speech এ No এর পর যদি কোন বক্তব্য থাকে,তবে Indirect speech এ No এর পরিবর্তে
replied in the negative and said that বসে।

✅Direct:Prity asked Kaumi,"have you taken your lunch?" "No,I haven't taken my lunch
yet",said Kaumi.

✅Indirect:Prity asked Kaumi if she had taken her lunch.Kaumi replied in the negative
and said that she hadn't taken her lunch yet.

🔰Direct speech এ Sir থাকলে Indirect speech এ addressing as sir/respectfully লিখতে হয়।
✅Direct:The clerk said to his boss,"Sir, I need seven day leave for my operation."
🔘Indirect:Addressing his boss as Sir,the clerk said that he needed seven day leave for
his operation.


🔰Reported speech এ কাওকে address করা হলে,addressing as দিয়ে Indirect speech শুরু
করতে হয়।

✅Direct:"Are you hungry,friends?"said the cunning king.

✅Indirect:Addressing them as friends the cunning king asked if they were hungry.
🔰Reported speech যদি Allah/by God দিয়ে শুরু হয়,তবে তার পরিবর্তে Indirect speech এর
শুরুতে swearing by Allah/God বসাতে হয়।

✅Direct:"By Allah",he replied,"I am not telling lies".

✅Indirect:Swearing by Allah,he replied that he was not telling lies.
🔰Inverted Comma এর বাইরে reporting verb যুক্ত phrase এর অতিরিক্ত অংশ হিসেবে Present
Participle Phrase থাকলে Indirect speech এ উক্ত present participle phrase,sentence এর
শুরুতে বসে।
✅Direct:"Are you brothers?"asked the mistress of the house,turning to the dervishes.
✅Indirect:Turning to the dervishes,the mistress of the house asked if they were


🔰Reported speech টি assertive form হওয়া সত্ত্বেও যদি তার শেষে প্রশ্নবোধক চিহ্ন থাকে,তবে
Indirect করার সময় reporting verb এর পূর্বে being surprised লিখতে হয় এবং Interrogative
sentence এর নিয়ম অনুসরণ করতে হয়।

✅Direct:She said to me,"You have remembered how she looked all these years?"
✅Indirect:Being surprised,she asked me if I had remembered how she had looked at
those years.

🔰Reported speech এ "Thank you"থাকলে Indirect করার সময় Reporting verb এর

subject+thanked+reporting verb এর object বসে।

✅Direct:He said to me,"Thank you for your nice gift".

✅Indirect:He thanked me for my nice gift.

🔰Reported speech এ "Goodbye" থাকলে Indirect করার সময় Reporting verb এর
সাবজেক্ট+bade+object+good-bye বসে।
✅Direct:He said,"Good bye brothers."
✅Indirect:He bade his brothers good-bye.
🔰Reported speech এ good morning/good evening/good night থাকলে Indirect করার সময়
Reporting verb এর Subject+wished+good morning/good evening/good-night বসে।

✅Direct:I said to him,"Good-night".

✅Indirect:I wished him good-night.


🔰অনেক সময় Direct speech এ বক্তা ও শ্রোতার কথা উল্লেখ থাকেনা।সেক্ষেত্রে বক্তার ক্ষেত্রে the
speaker এবং শ্রোতার ক্ষেত্রে the listener বা the person spoken to ব্যবহার করতে হয়।

✅Direct:"Do you know my name?" "Yes,I know your name."

✅Indirect:The speaker asked the listener if he knew his name.The listener replied in
the affirmative and said that he knew his name.
🔰যদি Direct speech এ Reporting verb cried,muttered,replied,asked ইত্যাদি থাকে,তবে
Indirect করার সময় উক্ত Reporting verb গুলোর কোন পরিবর্ত ন হয়না।

Forms in direct and indirect speech

✅Sir- Respectfully said/asked…
✅Yes- Replied in the affirmative that…
✅No- Replied in the negative that…
✅Thanks- Subject+ thanked object
✅Good morning/evening/night- Subject+ wished object+ good morning/evening/night
✅Goodbye- Subject+ bade object+ goodbye
✅By Allah/God/Jove/my life- Swearing by Allah/God/Jove/my life..
✅Ok- Subject+ agreed that…
✅Hello/hi- Subject+ greeted that…
✅Replied/asked/cried/uttered/muttered- No change.
Part 2:Practical Usage Of Narration
🔰আমরা reported speech এ সবসময় verb কে change করিনা।যদি situation একই রয়ে যায়,তবে
verb কে change করা জরুরী নয়।তবে change ও করাতে ভু ল নেই।

✅Direct:Sumon said,he wants to visit the Maldives with his wife.

✅Indirect:Sumon said that he wants to visit the Maldives with his wife.(Sumon still
wants to visit Maldives with his wife).

🔰কিন্তু situation পরিবর্তি ত হলে বা সমাপ্ত হলে,past verb ব্যবহার করতে হবে।
✅Direct:Sumon said,"I left my job."
✅Indirect:Sumon said that he had left his job.
🔰যদি তু মি বলো,'who somebody is talking to',উক্ত পরিস্থিতে tell ব্যবহার করতে হবে।
✅Parvej told 'me' that you had left your job.(not Parvej said me).
🔰অন্য পরিস্থিতিতে say ব্যবহার করতে হবে।
✅Parvej said,he needs a new bicycle.


🔰কিন্তু আমরা বলতে পারি,'say something to somebody'।

✅Prity said goodnight to me and left(not Prity said me goodbye)
🔰আমরা বলি,"tell somebody to…..",and "ask somebody to"....
✅Direct:"Study more", I said Prity.
✅Indirect:I told Prity to study more.


✅Direct:"Do you need something", Prity said to me.

✅Indirect:Prity asked me if I needed something.
🔰আমরা বলতে পারি," Somebody said to do something".
✅Paul said to help him.

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