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Maria Cristina Pulgado BSED 2 Filipino B

Reflection Paper.

Every Child is Special

In ‘Every Child Is Special’ by Aamir Khan and Amole Gupte signifies the uniqueness of every
children. Ishaan Awastahi, a student with dyslexia who thinks differently with other students. He
was suffering in reading and writing. Due to his experience of belittlement from people around
him, he felt like he was unworthy and different from others. Until he met Mr. Ram Shankar
Nikumbh, an art substitute teacher. He was the teacher who helped the young boy discover his
abilities and talent in art. He showed his love to the young boy by motivating and being patient.
Here are some traits we can use to help our students: patience, never comparing, and believing
in the potential of every student.

Young children are considered vulnerable, and how we treat them can havea an inpact on their
their physical and intellectual development. As a future educator, being patient is one of the
characteristics teachers must demonstrate. Growth does not happen overnight. It is a lengthy
process. That was one of Mr. Nikumbh’s characteristics. Additionally, because use everyone is
unique, we should never compare the student’s ability. They have their own abilities and skills
that can inspire the lives of others. Teachers should appreciate and encourage students’ small
improvements. Furthermore, to believe that each child has unique potential. They have their own
capabilities to be at their best. Just like what Mr. Nikumbh did, he believed that Ishaan has a
potential. He changed the life of a young boy. He became a famous artist.

Applying teaching approaches to slow learners will help them develop their potential. Students
just need a person who is willing to help them to improve themselves. It is our duty as an
educator to help them. Just like what Mr. Nikumbh did to Ishaan. He was a passionate teacher.
Remember children are the hopes of the nation.

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