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In any organization, attitudes are essential for their goal or objective to

Example 1:
Affective: Feeling and emotions
Behavioral: Behaving in a certain way
Cognitive: Belief and Knowledge

Example 2

Example 3


Task1_QUIZ 1_30pts.
Name: Paulina Lemus Silva Germán Rojas Cartes. Section: A07

Read this article


1. Read about the three components of attitude

2. Take some notes
3. Watch the videos below
4. Work in groups (3)/pairs
5. Submit your assignment in classroom nº EF 502
6. Deadline: 1/09/2022

Video 1

1. Tell me about children's attitude in Africa


The children of Africa have an optimistic, and positive attitude, they are happy and like to learn.
Also, make an effort every day to do so, they really love the school.


The children of Africa have a really good behavioral, they enjoy learning and strive in classes, they
dance happily and sing, they also play netball with each other.


The children of Africa learn about the history and culture of the Zulu tribe through traditional
songs and dances. In addition, they sing the national anthem in five different languages of Africa.

2. According to the video, what is the main goal?

The general objective of the video is to show the reality of the children of Africa, taking as an
example a school day with Tobilay. Where the effort and joy of each child to go to school is
demonstrated. Also, it shows the great importance and time they dedicate to their culture.
1. Tell me about people's attitude at work ( interview) Choose a video you like.

Video a
Video b

a) Affective:

In the first part the video show us a rude person, without real interest in the work. In the second
part on the other hand it show us a more respectful person and interested in really getting the job.

b) Behavioral:

At first, Max behaves immaturely, not paying attention and responding to questions
unprofessionally. On the other hand, in the second part, Max behaves like a mature person
speaking and answering the questions correctly, he is also more self-confident.

c) Cognitive:

In the first instance, Max is shown with little knowledge and without wanting to have the real job,
he worries about other things such as when there will be a party or holidays. On the other hand,
Max has prior knowledge of the company, has professional motivation and goals.

2. According to the video, what is the main purpose?

The main objective of the video is to show us how we should do a job interview, showing a correct
and incorrect way to do it. Also, giving us tips to have a good interview and thus be hired.

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