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Part I. Student Information

Name: Alyssa Kyle F. Brecia Student No.: 2022152830

Program: BSCS Course/Section: VE021/A52

Prescribed Period of Program Completion: School Year/Term: 2022-2023

Part I. SSI Inventory

S-trengths : What do you consider as your main strengths?

I consider these attributes as my strengths such is that I can be reliable for some
sorts of things, such as asking for request, favors or when in a group project.

S-kills : What unique attributes and abilities do you have?

Basically I am a jack of all trades, but a master of none.

I-nterests : What do you enjoy doing?

I enjoy being with or hanging out with the people I admire, but I also enjoy my
alone time as well. I enjoy playing online games, binge watching shows, and
listening to music.

Part II. Goal Setting

Complete the table below by writing you annual target goals for each category until the prescribed
period of completion of your program. (e.g. BMMA – 3 years and 1 term).

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4

Academic To Submit all
Financial To save money as
much as possible
Health To not tire and
not stress myself
too much
Social Make new
friends, long-term
if possible
Career-related To finally learn
(if any) how to code in
Part III. Reflection

1. Are your knowledge, strengths, skills and interests aligned with the program you are currently
taking? If YES, explain how, if NO, write what are you planning to do about it?

Yes. As someone whose program is BS Computer Science, and as someone who grew up
around technology, such as computers and mobile phones, exploring games and the
internet itself, I can say that my program is pretty much aligned with my chosen

2. What are the possible barriers in achieving your personal goals?

My other responsibilities aside from being a student, Bad study habits, Poor Time
Management, and I am a slow learner.
3. How do you think will you be able to overcome these barriers?

Time management can be so crucial and can affect you big time, especially my grades
and my mental health.

4. What specific MCL core values do you think will help realize your set goals? Explain your answer.

If I’m going to pick one of the MCL core value that would think will help overcome my
barriers and achieving my personal goals is having the sense of urgency, and discipline.
These values would help me overcome the barriers that prevents me from being a
better student

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