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1. Answer the following questions paying attention to underlined words, make sure
you know all of them:

1. What kind of food is usual for you? (Fast food / fresh food / frozen food /
takeaway food).
2. Do you like to eat or feed somebody?
3. Have ever gone on a diet (kept to a diet /stuck to a diet)? YES
4. What is your favourite cuisine? ITALIAN
5. What kind of poultry and game is typical for your usual lunch/dinner?
(chicken / duck / goose / rabbit or turkey).
6. Which dairy products are usually on your table?
(sour milk /sour cream / cheese / cottage

7. Do you like or hate spices? Speak about your priorities and when you can use
each of them. (cinnamon / ginger / herbs / mustard / oil /
pepper / salt / soda / vanilla / vinegar).

8. Imagine you are at the aquarium and see a lot of types of fishes. Describe as
many as you can using the words given. (carp / crab / fish cake / hake / herring /
jellied /smoked fish / lobster / mussel /
pike-perch (zander) / plaice / salmon /
sardine / shellfish / stuffed fish / sturgeon /
trout / oyster / shrimp (prawn)).

9. What do you know about beverages? Explain on what occasions you use
mentioned ones (dark/light beer / tea / champagne / cherry brandy / cocoa /
coffee / cocktail / soft drinks / strong drinks / spirits / fruit juice /
wine / lemonade / spring water / whisky).
10. What was your favourite porridge in the childhood which your granny or mum
cooked? Explain your choice. (buckwheat / cereal (cornflakes) /oats /pearl barley /
porridge / rice / semolina / wheat).

11. Ukrainian cuisine is known due its borsch. What ingredients (vegetables) do
you use in your recipe? (beet / pepper / carrot / cauliflower / celery / dill / egg plant
(aubergine) / clove of garlic / green peas / head of green
cabbage / marrow (squash) / mashed potato(es) /
mushroom / onion / parsley / pickled cucumbers (pickles) /
pumpkin / tomato).
12. Any person can’t live without fruits, berries and nuts. Among things
mentioned differentiate according to the types mentioned. Describe the ones you
adore and can’t stand. (apple / apricot / banana / blackberry / blueberry / cherry /
gooseberry / grapes / lemon / lime / nutmeg /olives /orange/
peach / pear / pine-apple / plum / pomegranate/ raisin(s)/
tangerine / melon/ strawberry / raspberry / (black, red,
white) currant / walnut / watermelon).
13. Imagine you are going to have a party. What meat would you buy? (fat/lean/
lard / rare beefsteak / underdone/overdone/well-done / chop/cutlet /
cold boiled pork / (shish) kebab / mutton (lamb) / roast beef / sausage
/ veal (calf)).
14. Visualize Karlson in front of you. What are his tastiest mealy foods? (biscuits /
brown bread / new bread / white bread /
bread and butter / bun (roll)/ dough / cake /
cheesecake / doughnut / flour / loaf (pl.
loaves) of bread / muffin / pancake / pasta /
pastry / pie / ring roll / rusk / slice of bread /
toast / waffle).

2. a) Read and translate the text, retell it as a monologue.

At Dinner
M: The table is laid. Come along both of you, and let us begin. It’s high time to
have dinner.
F: I’m ready. I feel quite hungry.
A: So am I. I could eat a horse.
M: Well, we haven’t got a horse for you but what we have got is quite nice. Your
favourite dishes will be served today.
A: What are they? I’ve got so many.
M: For the first course we shall have chicken soup and rissoles with mashed
potatoes for the second.
A: And for dessert?
M: I’ve got stewed fruit with cake.
A: Oh, that’s wonderful! It’s a pity you don’t make stewed fruit more often. May I
go and get it now?
F: Don’t be so impatient. Wait till we’ve finished the second course. Where is the
salt, please?
M: Alec, pass the salt-cellar to Father, please.
A: Here you are, Dad.
F: Thank you, son.
M: Why don’t you help yourself to some salad, Alec?
A: You know, I don’t like salad of any kind.
M: Here is your soup.
A: Thank you, Mother. May I trouble you for a piece of bread?
M: Brown or white?
A: Brown, please. The soup is delicious today! It smells lovely, mum.
May I have another helping?
M: Certainly, dear. I want you to have a good meal. Any more soup for you,
F: No more, thank you. Where are the napkins?
M: They are in the sideboard drawer. I always forget to put them out.
F: Never mind. Alec will fetch them, won’t you?
A: Here are the napkins, Dad.
M: Hand me your plate, dear. I’ll give you some rissoles. Will two rissoles do?
A: Yes, Mum … and now may I have some stewed fruit with cake which has been
M: Take it from the fridge. I put it there to cool.
A: Oh, apricots and cherries!
F: Thank you, dear, for a most delicious dinner.
M: Now, Alec, I want you to help me clear the table. These plates, spoons, knives
and forks must be taken to the kitchen. This bread-basket, the salt-cellar and
mustard-pot must be put into the sideboard.
A: I’ve done all that, Mum. What else?
M: Take the table-cloth and fold it nearly. Then put the chairs straight and sweep
the room. That’s a good boy.

b) Make up a story with the underlined words.

c) Put down a short retelling (10-15) sentences of the text.
d) Write down 10 questions to the text.

3. Sort these dished out under the headings starters, main courses or desserts.

chicken casserole coffee gateau fresh fruit salad

sorbet Irish stew pate and toast
prawn cocktail rump steak grilled trout
shrimps in garlic chocolate fudge cake

4. Which are fish and which are usually called seafood?

prawns sardines squid oysters mackerel mussels

hake crab plaice trout lobster cod
sole whiting

5. What might you say to the person/people with you in a restaurant if …

1) your chips had too much oil/fat on them?
2) your dish had obviously been cooked too much/too long?
3) your piece of meat was absolutely perfectly cooked?
4) your dish seemed to have no flavour at all?

6. Match each word in the left-hand column with the best meaning in the right-
hand column.
1) canteen - d a) a small restaurant where you can buy
drinks and simple meals.
2) cafeteria - f b) a place in a factory, school where
meals are provided, usually quite
3) café - e c) a building in Britain where alcohol
can be bought and drunk
4) bar - g d) a large room in a school, college
where meals are served and eaten
5) pub - c e) a small bar or restaurant, especially
one that is fashionable and popular.
6) refectory - b f) a restaurant where you choose your
own food and carry it to the table
7) bistro - a g) a place where alcoholic drinks are
7. Sort the words out under the headings fruit, vegetables, spices. Point out which
are your favourite.

peach cabbage lime ginger plum curry

grape cucumber apple cauliflower
leeks melon raspberry cinnamon nutmeg
broccoli apricot carrot

8. Match the words with their vocabulary meaning.

1) to boil - B a) to cook food in the oven without oil
2) to fry - D b) to cook food in water
3) to grill - E c) to cook food in the oven using oil
4) to roast - C d) to cook food in oil or butter above the
5) to bake - A e) to cook food under the hit
9. Put each of the following verbs into its correct place in the sentences.
chew lick polish off swallow gnaw
consume peck at gorge digest bolt
1) The children have no appetite. They just peck at their food. They hardly eat
2) My mother always used to say to me. “Now make sure you chew meat
carefully before you swallow it”.
3) Statistics show that we consume more fruit and meat than 10 years ago.
4) He has an enormous appetite. I’ve seen him bolting four hamburgers and a pile
of chips at a sitting.
5) As children we used to gorge ourselves on ice-cream, chips and chocolate, and
then fell very sick.
6) The starving prisoners were so desperate they would gnaw any meat bones they
could find.
7) It’s not good for your body to digest your food so quickly. Eat slowly so that
you can polish off it properly.
8) He was so hungry that when he’d finished his food, he began to lick.

10. Complete the following sentences.

1) Help yourself to …
2) The meat is …
3) The soup lacks …
4) Can I offer you …?
5) Will you have …?
6) May I trouble …?
7) Will you pass …?
8) Shall I treat you to…?
9) For dessert I’ll have…
10) Will you …?

11. Make up statements using the situations.

1) You want some salt for the steak and the waiter is just going by. You call
him and say …
2) You ordered a steak. The waiter has brought you something which you can
neither cut nor eat. You say …
3) You are at a restaurant. You notice that your glass is not clean. You stop a
waiter who is passing by and say …
12. Remember the following and make up your dialogues with them.

a packet/bag of frozen a tube of margarine a packet/pack of

peas cornflakes
a bottle of oil a packet/pack of sugar a packet/pack of
a box of matches a can of lemonade a bottle of milk
a box of eggs a jar/pot of jam a loaf of bread
a tin of tomatoes a carton of orange juice a tube of tooth paste
a bar of soap

13. a) Match the given Russian words with their English equivalents.
b) Make up a situation of your own with them.
1) The belly has no ears. a) Хліб насущний.
2) Bread and butter. b) Я страшенно зголоднів.
3) Eat like a bird. c) Викликати слинки.
4) I could eat a horse. d) Їсти мало.
5) I couldn’t eat another thing. e) Про вас судять по тому, що ви їсте.
6) Wine and dine smb. f) Солов'я байками не годують.
7) Make one’s mouth water. g) Я ситий.
8) Smack one’s lips. h) Чмокати губами.
9) You are what you eat. i) Насолоджуйся життям.
10) Eat, drink and be merry. j) Пригощати когось.

14. Build up bits of text with the following as concluding sentences.

1) Eat, drink, and be merry.

2) So, you are what you eat.
3) I couldn’t eat another thing.

15. Use the following as initial sentences and expand on them.

1) My daughter eats like a bird.

2) My father is a big eater.
3) I have a bite at 12 o’clock.
4) I prefer home cooking.
5) This salad makes my mouth water.
16. Retell the text expressing your point of view.

My brother usually eats a lot of food. He has four meals a day. He eats early
in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening and late at night. He always has a
good satisfying meal. The boy likes sweets and cakes most of all. When he sees
them he wants to eat them immediately.
He says they are soft and delicious. When he eats he makes a loud noise
with his lips because he is hungry. At school he has a quick meal between his main
meals. The boy also takes some food, wrapped in paper, to school to eat for lunch.
My mother says, he eats her supply of food quickly and she has to buy more food.
My sister eats very little. She eats only particular things. She often eats a
cake before a meal and then she doesn’t want to eat at the meal. She’s in the habit
of saying: “I’m full, I’m not hungry”. My mother often tells her that a person has a
desire for food when he starts eating.
As you see, different people like different things. Your character can be
decided by the kind of food you eat, too.

17. Answer these questions about the food you like, and eating in your country.

1) Do you eat steak? If so, how do you like it cooked?

2) Do you like hot spicy food?
3) In restaurants, do you normally drink still or sparkling water?
4) Do waiters normally leave fresh bread on the table?
5) Do you usually eat a starter, main course and dessert when you eat out?
6) Generally, do you add more salt to your food when you eat in cafes or
7) Do you think that food in your country is generally quite fattening?

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