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Reya’s dream:

It’s a dark room.

There’s a grey snake. It hisses at you.

You turn around and you see two of yourself in front of you arguing, but you can’t do anything about it
you’re standing but paralyzed, you can’t talk you can’t move. You only watch.

They stab each other in the heart. They scream and fall at the same time. Like a mirror.

You’re bleeding but you don’t feel a thing.

Their screams echoes in your head as the snake gets closer and closer to you.

You wake up.

A few weeks later, same dream…

And then again…

Fourth time around you wake up, panicked. What does it mean? Why do you keep having the same


- Snake: sign of transformation. You are moving forward, are healing and have entered a phase of
personal transformation.
- Grey snake: sign that someone might deceive you in your near future. Don’t trust anyone.
- Dying in your dream: sign that good things are coming. You’re going to experience inner change.
- Seeing yourself in a dream: sign that you’re concerned about your behaviors.
- Seeing the same dream multiple times: sign that there is something in your life you’ve not
acknowledge and it’s causing stress. You haven’t corrected the problem yet.

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