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Unit 5 Notes: Third Parties y Know-Nothings (1830-1860) o Anti-foreignism o Just against growing influence of immigrants in politics and sudden

upsurge of Roman Catholic Church y Populists o Mostly farmers from the Mid-West (Farmers Alliance) o Platform  Coining of silver  Graduated income tax  Government ownership of RR/telephone/telegraph  Direct election of US senators  Initiative referendum- recall  One term presidency  Shorter work day  Restriction of immigrants  Secret ballot o Some policies and ideas were adopted o 1892 election: Weaver o 1896: Democrats embrace Populists y Grangers o Wanted to regulate RR rates and storage rates o Upper Miss. Valley o Granger Laws influence faded after Wabash cases o Organized in 1867 o Oliver H. Kelley o At first for individual self-improvement, then for improvement of ALL farmers y Farmer s Alliance o Founded in late 1870s o Exclusion of non-propertied and blacks o Agreed to nationalize RR, abolish national banks o Coxey s Army- demand jobs and arrested for walking on grass y Americans Protective Association o Created in 1887 o Urged voting against Roman Catholic candidates y Mugwumps o Campaign in 1884: Blaine s enemies publicized the Mulligan Letters  Costs victory for election y Gold Bugs

o In 1896, Democrats who were against bimetallism and for gold standard y Half-Breeds o Faction of Republicans o Lead by Blaine o Called for civil service reform, but really wanted control of the spoils system y Silverites o Late 1800s o Silver should be 16:1 o Free coinage of silver leads to inflation o Williams Jennings Bryan Geographical Strength of Parties y Democrats in the South; Republicans in the North; Democrats and Populists in the West Laws/Congressional Acts/Court Cases y Dawes Act of 1887 o Dissolved legal entities, wiped out tribal ownerships of land, setup individual Indian family needs with 160 acres (assimilation of Native Americans) y Pension Act of 1890 o Showered generous pensions on CW union veterans who had served more than 90 days and unable to do civil labor (solved problems of surplus, protective tariff plausible, supported of GAR) y Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890 o Helped quiet protest against big businesses y Sherman Silver Purchase Act of 1890 o Treasury to buy a total of 4.5 million ounces monthly of silver and pay for it in notes redeemable in silver or gold o In trade with McKinley Tariff y Interstate Commerce Act of 1887 o Prohibited rebates and pools o Required RR to publish rates openly o Forbade discrimination against shippers o Set up ICC to administer and enforce new legislation y Homestead Act of 1862 o Settler could require as much as 160 acres of land by living on it for 5 years and improve it and paying nominal fee  Or land could acquired at $1.25/acre o In the beginning, land was worth something and sold for revenue, but later just to encourage filling of empty spaces and to provide stimulus for economy o Bad land offered, usually ended up in hands of promoters y Plessy v. Ferguson Case of 1896 o Legalized segregation (separate but equal) y US v. EC Knights Co. Case of 1895

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o Ruling against UV government sugar anti-trust act o 98 percent control of sugar market does not constitute an act of restraint of trade o Showed the weakness of Sherman Anti-Trust Act Pollock v. Farmers Loan and Trust Case of 1895 o Graduated income tax unconstitutional US Patent Office o Tons of inventions made it very busy Civil Service Commission o Created by Pendleton Act of 1883 o Administer open competitive exams to applicants for posts in classified service and government jobs McKinley Tariff of 1891 o In exchange for the Sherman Silver Act o Raised tariff to highest postwar levels Pendleton Act of 1893 o Prohibited financial assessments on job holders o Established system of making appointments to office o Civil Service Commission Dingley Tariff of 1897 o Rose the tariff again after Wilson-Gorman Tariff to 46.5%

Issues y Tariffs o Both Republicans and Democrats wanted high tariffs o 1890: Democrats promised lower tariff in platform y Soft v. Hard Money Issue o Farmers and debtors wanted soft money to inflate economy o Creditors did not want to see money they owned to depreciate y Silver Issue o Wanted to inflate economy o Populists and debtors were supporters Industry y Inventions o Between 1860 and 1890, some 440,000 patents were issued o Cash register, stock ticker, and typewriter o 1876: Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone o 1879: Thomas Edison invents elective light  Also worked on phonograph, mimeograph, and moving picture y Labor Unions o Knights of Labor  Begun secretly in 1869 and went to public in 1881  Terrence Powderly

 Found success in strike against Gould s Wabash RR  Demise in Haymarket Square  Inclusion of everyone o National Labor Union  Created in 1866  Excluded Chinese but made nominal efforts to include women and blacks  Popularity declined in depression of 1870s o American Federation of Labor  Samuel Gompers  Association of national unions and united unions  Consisted of almost all skilled workers Labor Strikes o Haymarket Riot (May 4th 1886)  Labor disorders broken out and Chicago police called on  Dynamite thrown o Pullman Strike (1894)  Eugene Debs: associated with communism and unions  Illinois governor, John Peter Altgeld, completely out of hand, but Attorney General Richard Olney sent in federal troops y Said mail had to be delivered o Homestead Steel Strike of 1892  Andrew Carnegie s Steel Company  People at first had sympathy for strikers, but when situation got out of hand, less and less support for strikers Railroads o How they grew and developed into big businesses  Government was extremely generous y Liberal money loans y Land grants y Subsidies y Tax exemptions  New improvements and technology y Steel rail (safer and more economical) o American began to depend more and more on RR as a big manipulative trust  Stock Watering were the grossly inflated claims; sold stocks in excess of actual value  RR companies ignored government and public  Pool was agreement to divided the business in a given area and share profits  Wabash Case of 1886  Interstate Commerce Act of 1887 was a restriction Social Darwinism

o Survival of the fittest was the wide open capitalism o Rockefeller y Philanthropy o Carnegie the Gospel of Wealth  Gave away money for public libraries, pensions for professors ($350 million) o Rockefeller  University of Chicago  $550 million for philanthropic purposes y Bessemer Steel Making Process o William Kelly o Method of making cheap steel Immigrants Old Immigrants New Immigrants y North/West Europe y South and East Europe y Literate and not very poor y Illiterate and poor y Understood constitutional government y Unfamiliar with constitutional government y Spoke English y Catholics, Jews y Valued Education y Dark skinned and other different physical traits y Seeking adventure, economic opportunity, and new start y Variety of languages y Fleeing lack of opportunities, lack of land, y Unfamiliar with values of education religious persecution, famine, and war y Fleeing oppressive government, famine, depression, religious persecution, and ethnic cleansing y Seeking new start, economic opportunity, Birds of Passage Settlement of West and Agriculture y Farmers Alliance o Mainly to socialize, but tried to break strangling grip of RR and manufacturing o Morphed into the Populists o Agreed on need to nationalize RR, abolish the national bank, graduated income tax, and sub-treasury y Granges of 1867 o Oliver H. Kelley o Originally to enhance lives of isolated farmers through social, educational, and fraternal activities o Gradually raised goals from self-improvement to improvement of farmers plight o Granger Laws o Eventual Greenback Labor Party y Populists o Formers and debtors o Power in 1892 with Weaver

Platform  Bimetallism of 16:1  Eight hour workday  More greenbacks  Nationalize RR and telegraphs  Graduated income tax  Secret ballot  Direct election of senators  One term presidency Agriculture Revolution Mechanization of Agriculture o Single cash crops o New Technology o Dependence on RR and bankers Settlement of Oklahoma Territory o Government divides up land for free settlement o Holds races to allow people to rush for free land o Sooners were people who would go before race starts Government aid to RR for construction o Generous with loans and subsidies o Land grants o Tax exemptions Silver and Gold Discoveries o 1849: CA Gold Rush o 1858: Colorado o 1859: 59ers Nevada Comstock Silver Lode o Smaller strikes in Montana, Idaho, and other western states Government policies towards the Indians o Pre-Civil War included treaties o Post-Civil War included reservations o 1851: Fort Laramie o 1853: Fort Atkinson o 1860s: Government herded Indians into smaller confines o Small and minimal effort to reforming Indian policy, but no real effort until 1924  Dawes Act was the first attempt A Century of Dishonor o Written by Helen Hunt Jackson o 1880s about the plight of Indians Cattledrives and Small Ranches o Long Drive (Texas cowboys drove herds until they reached RR terminal) o Eventually, breeders learned to fence ranches, lay winter feed to make fewer and fatter animals o

o Open range was stopped by barbed wire City Life and Culture y Writers, poets, sociologists, philosophers, historians, and religious leaders o Kate Chopin  Writer y Adultery, suicide, women s ambitions o Mark Twain  Writer (the Gilded Age, Jumping Frog, Innocents Abroad, Tom Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn) o Bret Harte  Writer (Gold Rush stories, Luck of Roaring Camp, Outcasts of Poker Flat) o William Dean Howells  Writer (ordinary people and controversial social themes) o Stephen Crane  Writer (underside of urban, industrial America)  Underside of Urban, Industrial America  Maggie: A Girl of the Streets  Red Badge of Courage o Henry James  Writer (innocent Americans, Europeans, psychological realism, [Portrait of a Lady]) o Jack London and Frank Norris (Writers) o Black Writers  Paul Lawrence Dunbar - poetry  Charles Chesnutt (white) - writer o Theodore Dreiser  Writer (Sister Carrie; extremely immoral) o Henry Adams  Writer (The Education of Henry Adams) o Charles Darwin  Origin of Species  Evolution was divisive among church, Bible  Conservatives v. Modernists o Frederick Jackson Turner  Historian  American history has been in a large degree the history of the colonization of the Great West o George Bancroft  Father of American history  Wrote six volumes of history starting from 1789 o Walt Whitman  Poet (Leaves of Grass)

Sidney Lanier  Poet o William James: Psychologist (Pragmatism)  Truth to be tested by consequences of an idea, by action o Dwight Lyman Moody  Urban preacher (circuit rider) o Cardinal Gibbons  Catholic leader o Mary Baker Eddy  Church of Science Socialism and Socialists o Henry George  Progress and Poverty (single tax idea) o Edward Bellamy  Looking Backwards African American Leaders o Booker T. Washington  Taught black students useful trades  Economic independence o George Washington Carver  Peanut, sweet potato, and soybean usage o Dr. Web Du Bois  Complete equality for blacks  Founded National Association for Advancement of Colored People Other People o James B. Duke  Found success in tobacco industry  Changes name of Trinity College to Duke University o Cyrus McCormick  Invented the mechanical reaper o Frederick Douglass  Politician, reformist, abolitionist  Life and Times of Frederick Douglass Sports o Baseball  1870s: league of professional players was formed o Football o Croquet o Basketball City Life o Urban lifestyle was very attractive, but slums had horrible conditions o

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o Criminals, pollution, and garbage filled the streets of the city o Immigrants tended to stay with similar ethnicities How/Where People Shopped o Sears, Roebuck, catalog, stores Education o Adults: Chautauqua movement o Children: Primary and Secondary School o Women Colleges

Gilded Age Politics Timeline 1868- Grant (R.) v. Seymour (D.) y Corruption o 1869: Fisk/Gould comer gold market o 1867-1872: Credit Mobilier Scandal o 1875: Whiskey Ring (own private secretary) o 1876: William Belkhap selling privilege of disbursing supplies to Indians 1872- Grant(R.) v. Greeley (Liberal R.) y Liberal Republican agitation frightened regular Republicans Republicans pass general amnesty act, remove political disabilities from all but 500 Con. Leaders o Reduced high tariffs o Mild civil service reform y Panic of 1873 (too much speculation) o Failure of Jay Cooke and Co. o Began call for more greenbacks and free silver o Resumption Act of 1875: further withdrawal of greenbacks from circulation and to redemption of all paper currency in gold at face value y Republic hard money policy o Democratic House in 1874; Greenback Labor Party in 1878 1876- Hayes (R.) v. Tilden (D) y Compromise of 1877 o Electoral Count Act o Hayes gets presidency o Withdraw troops from South, ending Reconstruction o Appoint Dem. to civil service and cabinet positions o Government build Southern transcontinental RR y 1875: Civil Rights Act o Equal accommodations in public places and prohibited racial discrimination in jury selection o 1883: Civil Rights Cases made most of it unconstitutional y 1877: Great RR Strike o Result of depression in 1873 y Bland Allison Act of 1878 o Instructed Treasury to buy and coin between 2 million dollars and 4 million dollars worth of silver bullion each month y Hayes vetoes first attempt at Chinese immigration in 1879 ( later passed in 1821) 1880: Garfield (R.) v. Hancock (D) y 1881: Garfield assassinated by Stalwart y Arthur, a Stalwart, takes over and starts reform o Pendleton Act (1883): no financial assessments on job holders, president to classify most jobs; civil service commission created to test prospective classified job seekers

o Drives politicians into deals with big businesses 1884: Cleveland (D.) v. Blaine (R.) y Mugwumps cost Blaine s victory y Resist calls for increased pensions from BAR y Will call for lower tariff because of embarrassing surplus y Dawes Act (1887) distribution of land among Native Americans y Interstate Commerce Act (1887) 1888: Harrison (R.) v. Cleveland (D.) y Issue of TARIFF y Billion dollar Congress o Justifies high tariff by spending more than 1 billion dollars y Pension Act of 1890: bill rises from $81 million to $135 million o Got rid of embarrassing surplus o Secure Republican votes (GAR) o Keeps need for high tariffs y Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890 y Sherman Silver Purchase Act of 1890 o Treasury to buy 4.5 million ounces monthly and pay notes redeemable in either silver or gold y McKinley Tariff- highest peacetime tariff (48.4%) 1892: Cleveland (D.) v. Harrison (R.) v. Weaver (P.) y Panic of 1893 (speculation) gold draining due to Sherman Silver Purchase Act y 1894: Cleveland seeks sound money policy o Repeals Sherman Silver Purchase Act o Government floats two bond sales of $100 million for gold to replenish dry treasury o Government loan from JP Morgan: $65 million in gold with $7 million commission y 1894: Pullman Railcar Strike Cleveland sends federal troops y 1894: Wilson-Gorman Tariff: lowers to 41.3% o Includes graduated income tax o 1895: Pollock v. Farmers Loan and Trust unconstitutional 1896: McKinley (R.) v. Bryan (D) y Democrats take over Populists platform o Free silver and bimetallism o Cross of Gold speech o Democrats Gold-Bugs y Dingley Tariff: sets average rates at 46.5% y 1900: Gold Standard Act y Discoveries of new gold expands money supply o Klondike o Australia o South Africa

New technology (cyanide process) of extracting gold from low grade ore is developed

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