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Throughout history we have been able to observe cruel experiments that

went against ethics and provided human suffering and death, so it was

necessary to seek to create a "code" that collects some of the conditions

that are they must follow in order to have much more worthy and ethical

experiments before humans. Within the conditions we can find the so-

called "informed consent", which would basically be that the test subjects

are fully and consciously informed of absolutely the entire process that

will be followed and the consequences that they could have in the long

and short term, In addition to the forecast of the experiment and what

they plan to do in detail, only then can he decide whether or not he wants

to participate in the test.

As an example of ethical tests following informed consent, we have the

surveys, where it is much easier for the test subjects to access and be

aware at all times about the questions that will be asked and have the full

freedom to exit the survey at the moment. they want. Thus, we could

exemplify something more specific so that it is better understood how to

use informed consent, such as the study of the behavior of some

students under different types of teachers and activities and see their

results, where the children have knowledge of absolutely everything that

will be done within of the study and observation and would be free to

leave whenever they feel uncomfortable or any condition is not


2. Regarding the example that raises the question if having a better

education generates better income in the future, we can observe that

there is a spurious relationship due to the fact that some other variable
that causes these two to be related was not taken into account, being

that of the income of the parents of those students who have access to a

better education, as these have the ability to create connections with

people who could give them better jobs or internships. However, it is

important to think about the possibilities of connection that the different

races that exist have, because, although in general thanks to the parents

these students can access these favored connections, it must also be

taken into account that some students who are not Whites may have a

harder time accessing these opportunities due to racism. Another

important factor is that, in general, many women, due to more studies or

important connections they have had throughout their lives, are affected

by discrimination and tend to have much lower salaries than their male

colleagues, and this tends to worsen depending on the race of that

woman, so it would be good to ask, does the gender and race of a

person with a good education affect the level of income they can

generate? I think so.

In this question we can indicate that the independent factor would be

gender and race, since it is affecting the variable that it tries to explain,

the dependent variable being income. The method that would best

answer my hypothesis would be to survey a certain percentage of

women who have a high level of education and have a good-paying job

and analyze the result to see if these women actually observe a lower

amount of income compared to to male colleagues, in addition, the

surveys would also be directed at people of different races and, again,

they would be asked if they observe any indication of lower income

compared to their white colleagues.

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