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7 Domain Gods

Knowledge, Life, Light, Nature, Tempest, Trickery, or War.

Boccob, god of retention – Knowledge – Mystra, goddess of the unknowable

(Water pouring into a cup) (Two outstretched hands with a black square of material draped over them)

Adaghast, god of reincarnation/shepherd god of the dead – Life – Selûne, goddess of lost years/shepherd
goddess of birth

(A black and white shepherd’s hook) (An apple cut in half, with the seeds exposed)

B’haal, god of vigilance and justice – Light – Trimmagon, god of beauty and companionship

(Bronze shield with an eye cut into it) (A curled dragonborn tail)

Melora Wild Mother, Goddess of the cycle – Nature

(Raven with outstretched wings under the moon)

Umber/Lee, Gods of thunder and lightning – Tempest

(A scythe and a Warhammer slamming together)

Beshaba, goddess of luck - Trickery – Cyric, god of (mis)fortune

(A silver coin resting on it’s rim upon a string) (A broken mirror)

Tempus, goddess of victory – War – Bane, god of oppression

(A hill with the sun rising over it) (Three chain links)

Outer Gods


Breathing Hektor

Akkadius of All Depth

Black Union (Ereshkigal – Nergal)

Lesser Gods
Syrantia – Goddess of Air (Aarakcora)
(a large white hawk with black eyes)
A god serving under Melora Wild Mother. She is a caring, loving goddess, though her children (the
Aarakcora) are so precious to her, that she has been known to become jealous and angry if they fall into
the service of a different god.
Galveston – The Walking God

(As viewed, a human with messy red hair and a face full of freckles)

A long-banished god, his love of mortal races became his undoing, as the domain gods stripped him of
nearly all power and set him to live eternally as one of them in all but his immortality. He is infinitely
fascinated by mundane mortal affairs.

Nodeus – The Granting God

(A large, green toad)

A meddling god, he enjoys the prospect of wish-granting, though on a very small scale. He claims to be
good at small wishes, so why try something bigger? He is the patron of all wish-granting beings (djinn,
etc.) though he dislikes their twisting of words and bloated promises.

Lirr – Lady Adoration

(A female dragonborn adorned with pink and white scales)

A lesser god serving under Trimmagon, she revels in forlorn love and hopeless romanticism. Also known
as the goddess of pose, poetry, letters, art, and melancholic desire, she often assists those who ask her
for guidance in the realm of love.

Furmastus – The Assuaging God

(a large, thick-furred bear, he may take different forms depending on unconscious desires of comfort)

A god serving under Adaghast, they seek to lessen the impact of loss, either through whispers of
support, direction of those around the grieving, or by appearing themselves to embrace and guide the
mourning soul.

Though they do interact with the world, it is rare. The most notable presence of the gods on the
material plane was nearly 35,000 years ago. During this time, many of the gods bore down their
wrath on the material plane, smoldering cities and obliterating whole landmasses. The reason for
such destruction has ultimately been lost to time, as very few accounts remain. The ultimate goals
of the gods since the cataclysm is unknown.

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