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Stage 2 Biology

Task: Osmosis Practical Checklist

Work through the checklist below and ensure your report includes all of the listed elements.

Item Completed

Overview of exchange surfaces provided

Circulatory and respiratory system working together (cardiovascular system)

Factors that affect heartrate identified and some explored

Specifically effect of exercise on heart rate explored in depth

Use of key terms such as, but not limited to:

Diffusion, oxygen, carbon dioxide, concentration gradient, characteristics of exchange surfaces,

Brief description of the practical, what was carried out?

Statement of the aim of the experiment

Statement of the hypothesis of the experiment

In-text referencing provided throughout introduction

Captions provided to all images in introduction

Independent variable stated

Units of the independent variable provided

Dependent variable stated

Units of the dependent variable provided

Derived dependent variable stated

Units of the derived dependent variable provided

Three controlled variables stated

Description of how each of the three variables were controlled in the experiment

Description of why each of the three variables had to be controlled

If controlled variables placed in a table, table is captioned appropriately

Uncontrolled variables listed


Equipment list provided in list form

Equipment list includes measurements, units and quantities

Apparatus sketch provided (use

Key equipment in apparatus sketch labelled with lines (no arrowheads) in 2D (if not using picture)

Sketch captioned appropriately

Method provided in past tense, and in numbered sequence

Steps are concise yet informative

Safety table provided

Three hazards identified

Reasons why hazards pose a safety risk provided

Ways in which hazards minimised provided

Safety table captioned appropriately


Raw data table provided

Independent variables provided on left-hand side of table

Averaged data table provided

Consistent use of decimal places

Units provide in title row. No units present against individual data values

Table appropriately captioned

Graph provided

Title provided to graph

Graph displayed as a scatter plot

Axes labels provided

Axes units provided

Appropriate trendline provided

Graph appropriately captioned


General relationship of graph’s trendline provided

Description of trend in relation to expected trend (prior research) provided

Hypothesis supported or rejected

Major outliers or anomalies described

Precision of experiment outlined

Key evidence pertaining to statement of precision of experiment provided – refer to trial data (range)

Accuracy of experiment outlined

Key evidence pertaining to statement of accuracy of experiment provided – are results similar/close
to expected results? Was heart rate measured accurately?
Precision of experiment clearly attributed to the effect of random error

Accuracy of experiment clearly attributed to the effect of systematic error

Reliability of experiment outlined

Key evidence pertaining to statement of reliability provided – scatter around line of best fit/ R 2 value

Validity of experiment outlined – control of variables, use of assumptions, uncontrolled factors, etc.
Two random errors described in detail

Explanation of how random errors were minimised through the method

Two systematic errors described in detail

Explanation of how systematic errors discussed could cause any shift in trendline from expected

Explanation of how systematic errors were minimised through the method

Overview of assumptions made in the design of the experiment


Brief restatement of aim

Confirmation of hypothesis with brief summary of practical method and results provided

Key limitations of practical provided


Practical fully referenced with Harvard-style reference list provided

Reference list in alphabetical order

Personal language (I, my, we, etc.) eliminated

Informal language eliminated

Subheadings used appropriately

Practical drafted by third-party person for clarity, grammar, spelling, flow and logic

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