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Look for the famous Spolarium painting of Juan Luna and describe it using the
set of questions below:

1. What do you feel while looking at the painting?

- When I looked at the painting, it feels like it is taking me back to the timeline
where Juan Luna created this masterpiece. It gives me a nostalgic feeling of what
really happened during the roman empire. Whenever I’m looking at this painting
it feels like I am right there at the scenery where the fallen and dying gladiators
are being dumped.

2. If you were Juan Luna, would you use the same tone of colors as he did?
Why or why not?
- If I was going to paint the spoliarium, I would also use the same tone of
colors as Juan Luna did. Because in that way, I can convey to the audience the real
message of the painting. The painting has a gloomy and dark vibrant in it which
matches the meaning about the fallen gladiators and I think using a dark tone of
colors best suit for this masterpiece.

3. If you will describe the painting in one word, what would it be? Explain.
- If I will describe the Spoliarium in one word, it would be Demise. Because
as we can see in the painting, there are gladiators that are being dumped because they
are already dying. Demise means a person’s death and I think that this word suits the

4. Follow the file name format for the file submission.

Surname, First Name, Middle Initial. Module 3 Activity

Art Appreciation Module 3 Activity

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