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Empirical Articles

Barely Started and Already Left Behind: A Descriptive Analysis

of the Mathematics Ability Demonstrated by Young Deaf
Karen L. Kritzer
Kent State University

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This study examined young deaf children’s early informal/ (Ansell & Pagliaro, 2006). This lag in achievement
formal mathematical knowledge as measured by the Test of persists despite a national focus on school readiness
Early Mathematics Ability (TEMA-3). Findings from this
(Executive Office of the President, 1990), a mandate
study suggest that prior to the onset of formal schooling,
young deaf children might already demonstrate evidence of by President George W. Bush to increase the mathe-
academic delays. Of these 28 participants (4–6 years of age), matics achievement of our nation’s children (Executive
for whom data were analyzed, none received a score on the Order: National Mathematics Advisory Panel, 2006),
TEMA-3, indicating above-‘‘average’’ ability according to and a growing body of research regarding the mathe-
normative ranking. More than half of participants received
matics performance of d/hh students (Allen, 1995;
scores substantially below average with 11 participants receiving
scores a year or more behind normative age-equivalent scores. Ansell & Pagliaro, 2006; Nunes & Moreno, 2002). Even
Upon more focused analysis, specific areas of difficulty were with increased research attention on mathematics, lim-
found to include word/story problems, skip counting (i.e., ited information is available regarding precisely when
counting by twos, threes, etc.), number comparisons, the the achievement gap starts, possibly because the major-
reading/writing of two to three digit numbers, and addition/
subtraction number facts. A qualitative analysis of the answers
ity of research in this area has focused on the school-age
participants gave and the behaviors they demonstrated while population or higher. It is possible that young deaf
answering the test items was conducted and revealed possible children are being left behind even prior to the onset
explanations for why specific test items may have been challeng- of formal schooling. One purpose of the study de-
ing. Implications of findings for parents, early interventionists,
scribed in this article was to investigate this possibility.
and teachers of young deaf children are discussed.

Regardless of how mathematics ability is measured,
deaf and hard-of-hearing (d/hh) students continue In the United States, young children are expected to
to demonstrate skill levels that are substantially below be ready to partake in mathematical tasks by the time
that of their hearing peers. Low levels of achievement they enter kindergarten (i.e., the year prior to the
have been demonstrated in test scores (Traxler, 2000; onset of their formal education). According to the
Wood, Wood, Griffiths & Howarth, 1986), in tasks Principles and Standards for School Mathematics
involving reasoning (Allen, 1995), logical thinking published by the National Council of Teachers of
(Marschark & Everhart, 1999), and problem solving Mathematics (NCTM, 2000), in kindergarten class-
The author wishes to thank the members of her dissertation committee rooms, young children are expected to engage in
(Drs Claudia M. Pagliaro, Ellen Ansell, Ellice Forman, David Martin, mathematics learning incorporating content in each
and Louise Kaczmarek) for their support while conducting the study on
which the research presented in this article is based. No conflicts of of the following domains: Number and Operations,
interest were reported. Correspondence should be sent to Karen L. Algebra, Geometry, Measurement, and Data Analysis
Kritzer, Educational Foundations and Special Services 405, White Hall,
PO Box 5190, Kent, OH 44242-0001 (e-mail: and Probability. They will also be expected to engage

Ó The Author 2009. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. doi:10.1093/deafed/enp015
For Permissions, please email: Advance Access publication on July 13, 2009
410 Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 14:4 Fall 2009

in processes that incorporate problem solving, reason- Early Mathematics Learning

ing and proof, communication, making connections,
Research indicates that by the time they start school,
and using representations. Specifically, in kindergarten
young hearing children already have a strong founda-
classrooms, young children should be developing
tion of mathematics knowledge. They understand
mathematics readiness skills such as an ability to
counting principles (Gelman & Gallistel, 1978), are
count, label and compare shapes, compare columns
aware of the quantitative relationships represented
on a graph, etc. They should also be developing the
by numbers (Sarnecka & Gelman, 2004), can evaluate
ability to solve problems when presented in a real-
relationships between size and shape (Sophian, 2002),
world context; for example, given a plate of cookies,
distinguish between shapes and identify their defining
be able to distribute them fairly. They should also be
characteristics (Clements, Swaminathan, Hannibal, &
learning how to make connections and recognize rela-
Sarama, 1999), as well as classify them (Deak, Ray, &
tionships; for example, learning to recognize that spe-

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Pick, 2002). By the age of 5 years, children have also
cific aspects of a routine always happen in similar
been found to demonstrate an understanding of quan-
order or at a specified time of day.
Early learning experiences prior to the onset of titative (part–whole) relationships between sets
formal schooling play an important role in forming (Sophian & McCorgray, 1994).
the foundation for mathematics learning and provid- Informally, prior to the onset of formal mathemat-
ing young children with the skills they need to be ics instruction, young hearing children have been
ready for kindergarten. In a joint position statement found to demonstrate their awareness of mathematics
on ‘‘promoting good beginnings’’ written by NCTM concepts during play. In a study by Ginsburg, Inoue,
in conjunction with the National Association for the and Seo (1999), 4- and 5-year-old children were ob-
Education of Young Children (NAEYC and NCTM, served during free-play situations in their classrooms.
2002), the following recommendations are offered to Of the 469 min of observation, mathematical activities
encourage early learning of mathematics: use mathe- were found to comprise 209 min (44.6%) of the child-
matics to show young children how to make sense of ren’s time. Children were observed to partake in five
the world around them, build upon children’s existing different types of mathematical awareness activities:
mathematical knowledge and experience, interact with patterns and shapes (36%), exploration of change
mathematical ideas, and use mathematics during daily (22%), relations (18%), classification (13%), and enu-
activities. It is also recognized in this position statement meration (11%).
that early in development children’s understanding of Less information is available, however, regarding
mathematics concepts may be intuitive rather than ex- the early mathematics skills of deaf children in the
plicit. Lack of explicit awareness of early mathematics same age range. Findings from two studies, both in
concepts may make it difficult for young children to the area of early number understanding, suggest that
make use of their prior knowledge and to make connec- young deaf children demonstrate some age-appropriate
tions to the formal mathematics concepts that they en- skills related to mathematics (Leybaert & Van Cutsem,
counter in the school setting. Therefore, as discussed in 2002; Zarfaty, Nunes, & Bryant, 2004); both examined
the position statement, children between the ages of 3 the children’s early number understanding. The per-
and 6 years need to learn how to ‘‘mathematize’’ their formance of young deaf (n 5 10) and hearing (n 5 10)
environment or learn to understand mathematically children between 3 and 4 years of age in spatial and
what intuitively makes sense to them (NAEYC & temporal number tasks was investigated by Zarfaty
NCTM, 2002); for example, although the young child et al. (2004). Children were presented with sets of
might intuitively understand that having five cookies objects both spatially (i.e., all items were presented
and giving two to a sibling will result in having less together in a spatial array) and temporally (i.e., items
than she/he had previously, this understanding can be were presented one at a time in a sequence) and tested
‘‘mathematized’’ first through the process of counting for their ability to remember and reproduce the num-
and later with use of algorithms such as 5 – 2 5 3. ber of objects in the set with which they were
Barely Started and Already Left Behind 411

presented. Results showed deaf and hearing children to solve arithmetic problems, deaf students demon-
performing equally well on temporal tasks; however, strate substantial delays (Chien, 1993; Frostad, 1999;
the deaf children performed significantly better on Hyde, Zevenbergen, & Power, 2003; Secada, 1984;
the spatial task, indicating that young deaf children’s Serrano Pau, 1995). In addition, research by Ansell
abilities to represent number may be at least as well and Pagliaro (2006) indicates that deaf children in
developed as their hearing peers before they enter their early years of formal schooling show distinct
school. differences in their solving of arithmetic story prob-
Another study, conducted by Leybaert and Van lems. Although young hearing children tend to con-
Cutsem (2002), examined the development and use sider the story present in an arithmetic problem, deaf
of counting by deaf (n 5 21) and hearing (n 5 28) children are more likely to focus on the computation
children between the ages of 3 and 6 years as measured method that is traditionally used to solve the problem.
through their performance on three tasks: an abstract Less research has been conducted to examine the

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counting task that required the children to count as reasons behind this persistent pattern of low achieve-
high as they could, stopping at 100, an object counting ment. In a study that sought to explore reasons for the
task that required children to count a series of animals underachievement demonstrated by 14-year olds in
or cartoon characters that were mounted on a wooden the United Kingdom, several differences were found
plaque, and a task that required children to create sets in the manner in which deaf students responded to
of a given cardinality. Findings from this study indi- test items. These differences were sorted into four
cate an age-related lag of approximately 2 years in deaf main categories: language issues, demonstrated by lim-
children’s knowledge of the counting string as mea- ited understanding of mathematical vocabulary and/or
sured by the first task. However, the children who par- difficulties with language structure; work habits, dem-
ticipated in this study did demonstrate age-appropriate onstrated by limited use of mental calculation;
skills in object counting and creating sets of a given responses in written English which were incomplete
cardinality. or lacked the element of explanation; and a general
Although the findings from the two studies discussed lack of knowledge of content for test items focused
above suggest that young deaf children demonstrate on concepts that were considered ‘difficult to teach’
some age-appropriate skills related to mathematics, (Swanwick, Oddy, & Roper, 2005).
both involved tasks reflecting only the children’s under- In understanding why deaf students may fall be-
standing of number concepts. Research is needed to in- hind in mathematics, Gregory (1998) suggests that
vestigate this population’s overall mathematics ability, language issues may be, in part, to blame since words
including their understanding of informal and formal that are part of everyday vocabulary may have a specif-
mathematics concepts. ically defined meaning when used mathematically; for
Research related to the mathematics skills of older example, a ‘‘high’’ number will refer to quantity rather
deaf children suggests that a strong foundation in the than physical spatial location. Gregory (1998) also
early development of mathematics concepts might not discusses the importance of the role that incidental
be happening; deaf students demonstrate low levels of learning experiences play in developing informal
achievement in various areas of mathematics involving mathematical concepts; for example, overhearing dis-
computation and problem solving (Allen, 1995; Ansell cussions related to the speed that cars travel or the size
& Pagliaro, 2006; Marschark & Everhart, 1999; of clothing. Deaf children may lack access to these
Traxler, 2000). Research indicates that delays in conversations, thereby limiting their exposure to
mathematics achievement also exist internationally. mathematical learning opportunities.
Upon leaving school, students in the United Kingdom Such findings suggest that, during their early
were found to lag 2–3.5 years behind their hearing childhood years, deaf children may not be building
peers; these delays were found to be unrelated to gen- the mathematical foundation necessary for successful
der or level of hearing loss (Wood et al., 1986). When performance in the formal mathematics that they will
compared to their hearing peers in the use of strategies encounter during their school years. Early experiences
412 Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 14:4 Fall 2009

in the home may, in part, be responsible. Although Parents of young deaf children, however, may not be
they may not always be cognizant of it, parents often contributing to their children’s informal learning of
contribute to their child’s early informal learning of mathematics concepts in the same manner demonstrated
mathematics concepts and skills (Anderson, 1998). In by parents of hearing children. In a study by Kritzer
a variety of studies regarding the use of early mathe- (2009), during a full day of observation, parents were
matics in the home, mothers of hearing children were found to make limited references to mathematics con-
found to incorporate numbers into their young child- cepts in the following domains: numbers and/or count-
ren’s daily routines as they counted snacks, played ing, quantity, time and/or sequence, and categorization.
number games, or read numbers off of license plates Even when parents were given a problem-solving activity
while traveling (Aubrey, Bottle, & Godfrey, 2003; to complete with their children that was mathematical in
Saxe, Guberman, & Gearhart, 1987). Parents also nature, limited references were made to mathematics
demonstrate an ability to incorporate mathematics into concepts (Kritzer, 2008).

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activities with their young children in other ways. Research findings indicate that early academic abil-
When given a kit of materials and activities that had ity, particularly in the domain of mathematics, corre-
mathematical potential, parents of 4-year-old hearing lates with later achievement (Jimerson, Egeland, & Teo,
children were found to incorporate a wide rage of 1999; Stevenson & Newman, 1986) and that early
mathematics concepts (e.g., naming numbers, estima- school experiences, family interaction, and the home
tion, shape recognition, size comparison, measure- environment are important predictors of later academic
ment, etc.) with counting being the most prevalent success (Jimerson et al., 1999). For these reasons, it is
(Anderson, 1997). Case-study research indicates that essential that young deaf children develop the knowl-
parents of young hearing children have also been edge they need early to prevent them from being left
found to incorporate book reading to stimulate math- behind when they reach formal school age. To this end,
ematical discussions, such as the relationship between answering the following research questions were the
the color of each pig’s clothing and his house in The focus of the study described in this article:
Three Little Pigs (Phillips & Anderson, 1993).
1. As evaluated by the Test of Early Mathematics
Early informal experiences with mathematics assist
Ability-3 (TEMA-3), do young deaf children
young children in developing a vocabulary to express
demonstrate age-appropriate understanding of
their understanding of mathematically based concepts.
early mathematics concepts (i.e., numbering,
For example, Walkerdine (1988) tells of a casual con-
number comparisons, calculation, concepts,
versation between a mother and her 3.9-year-old hear-
numeral literacy, number facts)?
ing child where the child was found to use 10 different
2. What aspects of early informal (i.e., numbering,
relational terms to describe the concept of ‘‘big’’ (i.e.,
number comparisons, calculations, concepts)
big, bigger, biggest, bit big, very big, as big as, not big
and formal (i.e., numeral literacy, number facts,
enough, not big, bit bigger, too big), indicating an
calculation, concepts) mathematics pose the
awareness that there are varying degrees to which
greatest challenge for young deaf children?
something can be described as large in size. Moreover,
3. What did the nature of the responses and/or
Anderson (1997) found that parents make use of me-
behaviors demonstrated by high- and low-
diation techniques, such as asking questions, request-
performing children while completing the most
ing explanations, and offering information regarding
challenging test items reveal about their early
patterns, relationships, and strategies to stimulate their
mathematical understanding?
young children’s mathematics knowledge. Given the
vast quantity of informal learning experiences that Methods
contribute to young hearing children’s early mathe-
matics knowledge, it is not surprising that these chil-
dren begin formal schooling already knowing a great Twenty-nine deaf children from seven schools for the
deal of mathematics. deaf across the United States participated in the
Barely Started and Already Left Behind 413

study described in this article. The children were of this participant will be explained further in a later
between the ages of 4 and 6 years, with no additional section.
disabilities, and from homes in which American Sign
Language (ASL) or spoken English was the primary
language spoken. This age level was chosen in order Two instruments were used to collect the data reported
to examine deaf children’s early mathematics ability on in this study. A background questionnaire was used
prior to the onset of formal instruction. In the to obtain information regarding the nature of partici-
United States, ‘‘first grade’’ marks the beginning of pants’ hearing loss and specific family information. Al-
formal schooling. This may be the first time that the though a limitation of this instrument is that data were
child attends school for a full day; this will also be the self-reported, this limitation is reduced by the fact that
first time that she/he is exposed to a curriculum that the majority of questions were not subjective in nature
is formally structured. Prior to first grade, the child’s (i.e., parents were asked to report child’s age, level of

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education may have been largely play based and hearing loss, etc.) On certain questions, which did re-
designed to develop informal and/or experiential quire a subjective response (e.g., assessment of ones’
knowledge. No child participating in this study was own sign language competency), this limitation was re-
yet enrolled in a first-grade classroom. duced by accessing similar information through multi-
During a subsequent part of this study, the ple questions (e.g., parents’ signing skills were also
researcher went into the homes of a subgroup of par- accessed by answering a question regarding the quantity
ticipants to observe learning activities within a natural- of sign language classes they had taken).
istic environment. The researcher is proficient in only The TEMA-3 utilizes both informal and formal
two languages (English and ASL); therefore, children tasks to measure the mathematics ability of young
from homes in which languages other than English or children between the ages of 3.0 and 8.11 years. The
ASL were the primary means of communication were test takes approximately 40 min to administer and is
not included in the study. Data from this subsequent given to each child individually. Results are available as
part of the study will not be discussed in this article standard scores, percentile ranks, age, and grade
but have been published elsewhere (Kritzer, 2008; equivalents. The purpose in using this instrument
Kritzer, 2009). was to provide the researcher with a standardized
The TEMA-3 (Ginsburg & Baroody, 2003) was means of assessing the informal (i.e., numbering,
administered to all 29 children who participated in number comparisons, calculation, concepts) and for-
this study. Participants’ ages were as follows: 27.6% mal (i.e., numeral literacy, number facts, calculation,
(n 5 8) were 4 years old, 65.5% (n 5 19) were 5 years concepts) mathematics ability of participating children
old, and 6.9% (n 5 2) were 6 years old. The majority in a variety of areas related to the understanding of
of children came from homes with at least one deaf number. The TEMA-3 was standardized based on the
parent: 59.6% (n 5 17); 41.4% (n 5 12) had hearing responses of 1,219 children whose characteristics ap-
parents. The majority, 86.2% (n 5 25) used an assis- proximate those reported in 2001 U.S. census infor-
tive listening device (e.g., hearing aids) at least some mation. Internal consistency reliabilities for the
of the time; five of these children used a cochlear TEMA-3 are reported to be above .92 (Ginsburg &
implant. Based on a self-evaluation of sign language Baroody, 2003). A prior version of the TEMA,
skills reported by parents, 44.8% (n 5 13) of partic- TEMA-2, has been used in other research studies
ipants had ‘‘fluent’’ exposure to language in the home, (Arnold, Fisher, Doctoroff, & Dobbs, 2002; Teisl,
17.2% (n 5 5) had ‘‘good’’ exposure, 20% (n 5 6) had Mazzocco, & Myers, 2001) to assess young children’s
‘‘limited’’ exposure, and for 17.2% (n 5 5) of partic- mathematical performance, but the test has not been
ipants, the level of exposure to sign language is un- normed for d/hh children.
known due to unreported data. Based on test score, one One limitation to the study is that, due to the lan-
child was considered an outlier and removed from data guage needs of participants, the test was not standard-
considered for analysis. The rationale for the removal ized in its presentation. Four of the children received
414 Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 14:4 Fall 2009

the test in spoken language (supported by signs); for Table 1 TEMA-3 ranking
the remaining 25 children, the test was presented in Number of
ASL. The researcher consulted with a deaf faculty participants
TEMA-3 score TEMA rank (n 5 29)
member and instructor of ASL in the department of
linguistics at a university to discuss test presentation .131 Very superior 1 (OUTLIER,
in ASL and recorded a transcription of the test in
ASL gloss (recorded onto the test book). One challenge 121–130 Superior 0
to presenting the test using ASL was that several 111–120 Above average 0
test items did not lend themselves to translation into 90–110 Average 13
a visual form. For example, one test item requires chil- 80–89 Below average 7
70–79 Poor 7
dren to show a specified number of fingers. Believing ,69 Very poor 1
that this would be confusing for children who use a visual

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language, this test item was modified for all participants.
In the modified version, children were requested to
show a specified number of tokens, rather than fingers.
Since numbers 1–5 when presented in ASL include an To answer the first research question, ‘‘As evaluated by
aspect of cardinality (e.g., the sign for ‘‘2’’ uses two the Test of Early Mathematics Ability-3, do young deaf
fingers), there is the potential that deaf children had children demonstrate age-appropriate understanding
an advantage in answering this test item. As will be of early mathematics concepts (i.e., numbering, num-
demonstrated in the results, however, this did not ber comparisons, calculation, concepts, numeral liter-
seem to contribute to an overall advantage in final test acy, number facts)?,’’ TEMA-3 norm-based categorical
score. score rankings were used to evaluate the participants’
The researcher also discussed ASL presentation of understanding of early mathematics concepts (i.e.,
the test with a researcher in deaf education with an numbering, number comparisons, calculation, con-
expertise in the area of mathematics to make sure that cepts, numeral literacy, number facts). According to
the test maintained its mathematical integrity when it this rating system, mathematical ability scores are
was presented visually. When presenting the test to the classified as follows: below 69, very poor; 70–79, poor;
25 children who used ASL, the researcher followed 80–89, below average; 90–110, average; 111–120, above
the glossed version to ensure that test presentation average; 121–130, superior; and greater than 131 is very
was as similar as possible. Nevertheless, as is the case superior (Ginsburg & Baroody, 2003). As reported in
when any standardized test is not presented as written, Table 1, of all 29 participants in this study, only one
presentation of the TEMA-3 in a visual language is child scored above average. Because this score (130)
recognized as a limitation of the research presented was more than 2 SDs above the group mean of the
here. given sample (89.69), and more than 1 SD away from
The informal mathematics section of the TEMA-3 the next highest score (109), it was determined to be an
focuses on mathematical knowledge that is implicitly outlier and removed from the group considered for
acquired rather than formally taught. For example, analysis. Remaining participants were ranked as fol-
informal mathematics concepts may be picked up lows: 13 participants scored in the average range, 7
through interaction with one’s environment, self- participants scored in the below average range, 7 par-
initiated activities, or general incidental learning ticipants scored in the poor range, and 1 participant
(Ginsburg & Baroody, 2003). In contrast, the ques- scored in the very poor range.
tions on the TEMA-3 related to formal mathematics When considered according to their norm-ranked
focus on mathematical knowledge that is explicitly age-equivalent scores, participants (n 5 28) can be
taught, usually in school. Such mathematics includes described as follows: 4 participants (14.29%) achieved
arithmetic skills, use of symbols, and algorithmic pro- scores that were 1–4 months above, 6 participants
cedures (Ginsburg & Baroody, 2003). (21.43%) achieved scores that were 2–6 months below,
Barely Started and Already Left Behind 415

7 participants (25%) received scores that were 7–10 and subtraction (participants were asked to play
months below, and 11 participants (39.39%) received a ‘‘make yours like mine’’ game, showing how many
scores that were a year or more (12–22 months) below tokens would remain in the researcher’s hidden dis-
their age-equivalent scores. play after an addition/subtraction action was per-
Such findings indicate that, even prior to the onset formed). The two low-difficulty formal test items
of formal schooling, over 60% of the participants were both related to numeral literacy (i.e., reading single-
already demonstrating substantial delays in their un- digit numerals, reading numerals representing num-
derstanding of mathematics concepts, performing 7 bers in the teens).
months or more below their hearing peers, according Of the 17 test items that were classified as high in
to test norms. Even the highest performing partici- difficulty, 10 involved informal mathematics concepts
pants were truly only scoring at an average level and seven involved formal mathematics concepts. Of
according to test norms. Test scores alone, however, the 10 test items using informal mathematics concepts,

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provide insufficient information regarding specific five used number concepts such as naming the number
aspects of mathematics that young deaf children have after (to 40, to 90), counting (up to 42), and counting
difficulty with. Therefore, the children’s performance by 10s (100–190). Highly difficult informal test items
on the test was further analyzed to answer the second also involved the ability to make number comparisons
research question, ‘‘what aspects of early informal (i.e., using a mental number line (for two-digit numbers)
numbering, number comparisons, calculations, con- and performing calculations using concrete modeling
cepts) and formal (i.e., numeral literacy, number facts, when given word/story problems to solve. Of the
calculations, concepts) mathematics pose the greatest seven formal mathematics test items, one test item
challenge for young deaf children?’’ involved concepts of symbolic additive commutative
Test items were classified as either low in difficulty properties (matching a number sentence to a stated
(answered correctly by 75% or more of the partici- word/story problem), three test items involved writing
pants to whom the test item was presented, range: numerals (two digit, three digit) and reading three-digit
8–27 participants), moderate in difficulty (answered numerals, and three test items involved answering basic
correctly by 26%–74% of participants to whom the addition and subtraction number facts.
test item was presented, range: 11–27 participants), or Because the range of participants who answered
high in difficulty (answered correctly by 25% or less of the highly difficult test items varied (range 1–26), in
participants to whom the test item was presented, order to determine which of these test items were the
range: 1–26 participants). Given this classification sys- most difficult, a test item was only considered if it was
tem, 12 test items were classified as low in difficulty, 17 presented to more than half of the participants (n . 14).
test items were classified as moderate in difficulty, and Given these criteria, four test items were considered
17 test items were classified as high in difficulty. to be the ‘‘most difficult’’ of the test items presented
Of the 12 test items that were classified as low in to participants. The number of participants answering
difficulty, 10 involved informal mathematics concepts each item is indicated in Table 2. All four test items
and 2 involved formal mathematics concepts. Of the involved informal mathematics concepts; one test item
10 informal mathematics concepts, 8 test items were involved naming the number after for two-digit num-
related to numbering concepts as follows: perception of bers up to 40, the remaining three were word/story
small numbers (telling how many items were present problems.
in a picture), ability to produce displays of quantita- Children’s performance on the four most challeng-
tive concepts (1, 2, many; 1–5), and demonstration of ing test items was further analyzed to answer the third
ability to count (1–5, 6–10, 11–20). One informal test research question, ‘‘what did the nature of the
item was related to demonstration of the cardinality responses and/or behaviors demonstrated by high-
rule (telling how many, after the picture of items just and low-performing children while completing the
counted was removed). The final low difficulty in- most challenging test items reveal about their early
formal test item involved nonverbal concrete addition mathematical understanding?’’
416 Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 14:4 Fall 2009

Table 2 Most difficult test items by mathematics ability Table 3 TEMA-3, adapted ranking
score grouping Number of
Test item name High Average Low Total TEMA participants
TEMA-3 scores rank (n 5 28)
Concrete Modeling of 6 15 5 26
Addition Word Problems .101 (102–109) High 6
Part–Whole 6 15 5 26 76–101 (79–100) Average 15
(word problem) ,76 (68–75) Low 7
Number After to 40 6 9 3 18
Equal partitioning 6 8 2 16
(word problem) for a correct response if both parts were answered
Solving the Number After test item correctly
Given the depressed distribution of scores on the requires an ability to count and understand number

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TEMA-3 obtained from this sample, ‘‘high’’ and concepts up to 40. No participant who answered this
‘‘low’’ levels of achievement could not be effectively test item incorrectly demonstrated an ability to count
evaluated using the norming scale established by the higher than 21; furthermore, no participant with low
TEMA-3 (as only one child scored above average). For mathematics ability demonstrated an ability to count
this reason, a different ranking system was used to higher than 10. In addition, one needs to understand
categorize participants in this study based on the test that the correct response to this test item will be
scores obtained from the sample under consideration. a number. Of the four participants with high mathe-
After removal of the outlier, participants were ranked matics ability who answered this test item incorrectly,
into one of three groups as follows: participants with all gave numerical answers. In comparison, the two
scores within 1 SD (12.444) of the recalculated mean participants with low mathematics ability responded
(88.25) formed the middle or average group. Scores by counting, one participant counted to 13, the other
within 2 SDs above (.101) and below (,76) the mean participant counted as follows, ‘‘1, 3, 36.’’ Such per-
formed the ‘‘high’’ and ‘‘low’’ groups, respectively. As formance might indicate that participants with high
described in Table 3, using this ranking system par- mathematics ability were better able to understand
ticipants were categorized as follows: 6 participants what an appropriate response would be, even if they
received scores in the ‘‘high’’ range, 15 participants were unable to answer the test item correctly.
received scores in the average range, and 7 received The second highly difficult test item, Concrete
scores in the ‘‘low’’ range. Modeling of Addition Word Problems: Sums up to 9,
Of the six children classified as having ‘‘high’’ was presented to 26 participants and answered cor-
mathematical ability: one child had hearing parents, rectly by five. Participants were given the following
the other five had at least one deaf parent, five were prompt: ‘‘Joey has 1 token, and he gets 2 more. How
5-years-old, one was 4-years-old, and five of the six many does he have altogether? (Ginsburg & Baroody,
used an assistive listening device (i.e., hearing aids). 2003).’’ The problem was then repeated with different
Of the seven participants classified as having ‘‘low’’ number combinations (all below five). Participants
mathematical ability: five had hearing parents, two were given tokens to use to solve the problem and
had at least one deaf parent, six of the children were were only given credit for a correct response if two
5 years old, one was 4 years old, and four used an of the three number combinations were answered
assistive listening device (i.e., hearing aids [3]; co- correctly.
chlear implant [1]). To solve the Concrete Modeling of Addition
The first highly difficult test item, Number After: Word Problems test item correctly one needs to be
Two-Digit Numbers to 40, was presented to 18 partic- able to make sets in order to represent the quantities
ipants and answered correctly by two. Participants in the problem. In addition, one must be able to make
were given the following prompt ‘‘24, what’s next?’’ number comparisons, understanding that the sum
and, ‘‘33, what’s next?,’’ and were only given credit should be larger than either of the sets considered
Barely Started and Already Left Behind 417

individually. In addition, solving the problem cor- demonstrated by one child’s actions, it is likely that
rectly requires an understanding of the relationship the use of the concept of ‘‘some’’ to reference
between the numbers and the story presented in the quantity might have caused some confusion. This
problem. Of the two participants with high mathe- child responded by playing with the sign, replacing
matics ability who answered this test item incorrectly, the researcher’s sign referring to a small amount of
both demonstrated an ability to make sets of up to candy with a sign indicating a much larger quantity.
five items correctly and to make number comparisons Three of the remaining high-ability children
(given two stated quantities, they could answer which responded either by stating numbers from the prob-
was more) up to five. In contrast, only two of the lem or by counting the tokens that were available. In
children with low mathematics ability successfully contrast, children with low mathematics ability did
made sets (of up to five items); none demonstrated not demonstrate an ability to make sets or number
an ability to make number comparisons up to five. comparisons. When given the test item to solve, they

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Although no participant who answered this prob- responded with behaviors unrelated to the problem,
lem incorrectly appeared to understand the relation- for example, by either playing with the tokens or
ship between the numbers and the story in the stating that they wanted candy.
problem, the two children with high mathematics abil- The final highly difficult test item, Equal-
ity both attended to the story and responded by count- Partitioning: Fair-Sharing of Discrete Quantities, was
ing some combination of the tokens that were presented to 16 participants and answered correctly
available. In contrast, children with low mathematics by none. Participants were given the following
ability were not attentive to the telling of the story. prompt: ‘‘Monique and Unique’s mother baked 12
When asked to solve the problem, they were observed cookies. If the girls shared the cookies fairly, how many
to play with the tokens in a manner unrelated to the would each get?’’ Followed by, ‘‘If their mother joins
problem. them and the cookies are shared fairly, how many
The third highly difficult test item, Part–Whole would each get? (Ginsburg & Baroody, 2003)’’ Both
concept, was presented to 26 participants and answered questions needed to be answered correctly for the par-
correctly by none. Participants were given the follow- ticipant to receive credit.
ing prompt: ‘‘Angie bought some candies. Her mother Solving the Equal-Partitioning: Fair-Sharing of
bought her 3 more candies. Now Angie has 5 candies. Discrete Quantities test item correctly requires under-
How many candies did Angie buy (Ginsburg & standing that a set of 12 can be divided into smaller
Baroody, 2003)?’’ This prompt was the first of 4 trials, sets of equal quantity. One also needs to understand
all of which had to be answered correctly for the par- the concept of ‘‘fair’’ or ‘‘equal’’ and be able to com-
ticipant to receive credit for the test item. pare sets and evaluate them for equality. Similar to the
In order to solve the Part–Whole concept test two previously mentioned test items, children with
item correctly, one needs to be able to make and high mathematics ability were able to make and com-
compare sets, recognize ‘‘part’’ as separate from pare sets of up to five items. They were engaged in the
‘‘whole’’, understand change over time, and be able telling of the story, as indicated by two participants
to recognize the concept of ‘‘some’’ as an abstract way who commented on the names of the children in the
to reference quantity. Similar to the test item de- problem and tried to change them. Most children with
scribed previously, participants needed to be able to high mathematics ability responded either by stating
recognize the relationship between the numbers and numbers from the problem as an answer or by count-
the story in the problem. All children with high ing all the tokens available. One child, however, was
mathematics ability demonstrated an ability to make observed to make unequal sets. In contrast, children
sets of up to five items; they were also able to with low mathematics ability responded with behav-
compare numbers up to five successfully. Although iors or comments unrelated to the problem; for exam-
the test did not allow the opportunity to assess un- ple, by explaining that you should dunk cookies in
derstanding of the other prerequisite skills, at least as milk before eating them.
418 Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 14:4 Fall 2009

Discussion onstrated by behaviors that ranged from counting

tokens in a manner that specified the quantities stated
Acknowledging that hearing children did not partici-
in the problem (a behavior more likely to be demon-
pate in this study, an important finding is that, in
strated by higher performing children) to inattentive
comparison to norms based on hearing children, even
behaviors and token play (a behavior more likely to be
prior to the onset of formal schooling, the majority of
demonstrated by lower performing children).
the young deaf children who participated in this study
Findings from the current study support the pos-
were already demonstrating substandard academic
sibility suggested by Gregory (1998) that a factor con-
performance in the area of early mathematics. This
tributing to the low achievement levels demonstrated
finding however, must be accepted with caution in
by deaf students is the more restricted opportunities
recognition of the limitation that the majority of par-
for incidental learning experienced by young deaf chil-
ticipants received the test in a visually based language
dren. A deaf child with deaf parents who sign has the

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rather that the standardized English version.
opportunity to learn incidentally through observation
The depressed distribution of TEMA-3 scores for
of the conversations occurring around him/her, pro-
children who participated in this study occurred de-
viding that she/he is attending to them. In contrast,
spite the fact that the majority of participants used
for the hearing child, this attending does not have to
assistive listening devices, had deaf parents and, per- occur explicitly. The hearing child can be playing in
haps most critically, at least good if not fluent exposure his/her bedroom and still overhear a conversation oc-
to language in the home. Although deaf children with curring in another room. Due to the nature of hearing
deaf parents did perform significantly ‘‘better’’ on the loss, deaf children (regardless of their parents’ hearing
TEMA-3 than did participants with hearing parents, status) have less constant exposure to information. For
this ‘‘better’’ was not enough to place them at a rank this reason, it may take more time for them to acquire
higher than average according to the norm scores the level of informal knowledge possessed by their
established by the test. An important implication of hearing peers, if they acquire it at all.
this finding is that language exposure may not be Restricted opportunities for incidental learning
enough to guarantee mathematical success in young experiences could be the reason that, for participants
deaf children. in this study, the four most difficult test items were
It is interesting to consider the learning behaviors classified as informal mathematics and included the
demonstrated by the children and how this might have use of word/story problems. For some participants,
contributed to their overall performance. Particularly those with lower levels of mathematics ability specif-
on the most challenging test items, the children, those ically, informal mathematics skills foundational to
with lower mathematical ability specifically, demon- successfully solving these test items were lacking;
strated attention difficulties. They had difficulty fo- for example, the ability to make sets, count, or make
cusing on the task at hand and were likely to engage number comparisons. In addition, children who dem-
in off-task behaviors. As discussed previously, in re- onstrated lower levels of mathematics ability also
search conducted by Ansell and Pagliaro (2006), when appeared to lack certain cognitive readiness skills es-
presented with story problems, deaf children in their sential for early learning, the ability to focus and main-
early years of formal schooling tended to focus on the tain attention for example. If informal mathematics
computation method used to solve the problem rather concepts and foundational cognitive skills have not
than the story within. In examining children’s perfor- yet been mastered, then young deaf children are likely
mance on test items that included story problems in to experience difficulty with the formal learning envi-
the current study, there is some evidence that this ronment they will encounter during their school years.
pattern of behavior may begin at an early age. Even Lacking the required foundational concepts that for-
participants with ‘‘high’’ mathematical ability ap- mal mathematics builds on, young deaf children may
peared not to understand the relationship between experience difficulties with the concepts and skills that
the numbers and the story in the problem—as dem- they are required to learn in the academic classroom.
Barely Started and Already Left Behind 419

Implications use of numbers (e.g., there are 3 children, we need 3

cups for juice).
The findings from this study have important implica-
tions for parents and teachers of young deaf children.
Although fluent language exposure is a crucial com- Need for Future Research
ponent of learning, it may not be enough to guarantee
In order to ensure that young deaf children are not left
mathematical success in young deaf children; rather,
behind, research is needed to investigate the learning
what is done with language may be more important.
opportunities available for these children prior to the
Use of high quality mediation, including frequently
onset of formal schooling and the immediate and lon-
asking cognitively challenging questions that encour-
gitudinal impact of interventions designed to enhance
age children to think, may be a critical factor in in-
the quantity and quality of early learning opportuni-
creasing mathematics achievement levels.
ties available.

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Because deaf children may not be starting formal
As discussed elsewhere (Kritzer, 2009), in a later
schooling with the same knowledge as their hearing
facet of this study during a full day of observation,
peers, the curriculum used for instruction may also need
parents were found to make limited references to
to differ. Teachers need to be aware of the foundational
mathematics concepts in everyday activities. Even
concepts and skills behind the mathematical tasks pre- when parents were given a task to complete with their
sented to students. If a deaf child appears not to un- children that was mathematical in nature, limited
derstand a particular mathematically based question, references were made to mathematics concepts
task, or concept within the classroom setting then the (Kritzer, 2008). More research is needed to describe
teacher needs to consider the reasons why. Such consid- the early learning experiences that young deaf children
eration may involve analyzing the given task for neces- have access to within the home and other early learn-
sary foundational skills that the child may be lacking. In ing environments in comparison to hearing peers. The
addition, specific behaviors demonstrated by the child impact that use of assistive listening devices and access
should be assessed to evaluate the nature of his/her un- to fluent exposure to sign language has on these early
derstanding; for example, the child’s awareness of when opportunities would be a necessary component of re-
a numerical response is appropriate, when one needs to search in this area.
cognitively process and evaluate a story or situation be- Intervention programs are needed to teach parents
fore offering a response, and/or when one should count how to mediate early mathematical concepts to their
or answer with a number fact. If the child behaves in- young deaf children in the home. Children participat-
appropriately in response to the given activity, by engag- ing in such a program should be followed longitudi-
ing in off-task behaviors or offering unproductive nally to assess whether early intervention in this area
responses, this may be an indication that foundational has an impact on their later success during their for-
skills are lacking and need to be developed. mal school years. Early interventionists and other
Findings from this study also suggest the need for teachers of young deaf children could also benefit from
more contextually based mathematical problem solv- coursework in their preparation that focuses on en-
ing, at the early childhood level in particular. Such hancing parents’ abilities to create learning environ-
problem-solving activities might include opportunities ments that stimulate the cognitive development of
for making comparisons among entities (e.g., boys, young deaf children.
girls, colors of clothing, toys, etc.) and quantities As findings from this study indicate, even in their
(e.g., distribution of stickers, cookies at snack time, preschool years, when young deaf children have barely
etc.), exploring conservation/number constancy—the started their education, they are already showing signs
understanding that quantities remain the same despite of delay. As these children grow, it is likely that these
changes in perceptual appearance—by asking ques- delays will persist, becoming more pervasive and in-
tions such as, ‘‘if we spread the cookies out on your creasingly challenging to remediate. In order to make
plate, will you have more?,’’ and purposeful counting/ a difference in the long-term achievement levels of
420 Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 14:4 Fall 2009

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