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Common Medical Imaging Procedures


1. Computed 4. Endoscopy

in this form of computer-assisted

radiography ,an x-ray beam traces an arc at
multiple angles around a section of the
2. Coronary
Tomography involves the visual examination of the inside of
CCTA SCAN the body organs or cavities using a lighted
instrument with lenses called an endoscope
5. Magnetic
in this form of computer-assisted
radiography an iodine containing contrast
medium is injected into a vein and a beta
blocker is given to decrease heart rate.
3. Diffusion

The body is exposed to a high-energy

magnetic fields ,which causes protons in body
fluids& tissues to arrange themselves in
relation to a field

is a variation of MRI that tracks the 6. medical

movement of water molecules along the imaging
length of axons ,long processes of nerve
cells that form the white matter in the brain

refers to techniques and procedures use to

create images of the human body
7. Positron 10. UltraSound
Emission Scanning

high frequency sound waves produced by a

handled wand reflected off body tissues and are
a substance that emits positrons into the detected by the same instrument
body where it is taken up by tissues
8. Radiography

a single barrage of x-rays passes through

the body producing an image of interior
structures on x ray-sensitive film
9. Radionuclide

a radionuclide is introduced intravenously

into the body and carried by the blood to
the tissue to be imaged.

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