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1. The characters in the poem are Paudre Faura and Pepe or mostly known as “Jose P. Rizal”.

Faura is the narrator in the poem that narrated how Pepe was killed by the Spaniards after
witnessing it. Pepe was described as a star that even after his death, his light will still shine just
like the dead stars in the galaxy.
2. Padre Faura was crying (based on “salt things my eyes” and “a blur”) upon seeing the how Pepe
was murdered in early morning.
3. I felt sad as well because Padre Faura cried upon the witnessing of his former student’s death.
The words were flowery but the meaning is deep and sad.
4. The author depicted a sad feeling but in the end a tribute and memoir to Pepe as he compared
him to a star that will never lose its light after its death just like how the stars in the galaxy are.
5. Danton Remoto wanted to depict a message that every teachers will always have a personal
connection, deep or shallow, to their students. It will always be a concern for teachers on what
happens to their students; they’ll smile on their student’s achievements, sad on their pains, and
angry on those people who mistreated their students. After all, they are our second parents.

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