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Here are some negative adverbs and adverb phrases that we often use with inversion:

HARDLY – Hardly had I woken up the fire alarm went off.

NEVER – Never had I been so surprised before.
SELDOM – Seldom are we forced to stay overtime but today we were.
RARELY – Rarely have I cooked bread at home.
ONLY THEN – Only then did I realise that everything was a lie.
NOT ONLY … BUT – Not only does he go to the gym every day, but he also runs 5kms.
NO SOONER – No sooner had I got to work, my boss called me in.
SCARCELY – Scarcely had I got off the train when a truck crashed into the back of a car.
ONLY LATER – Only later did she worry about missing her plane.
NOWHERE – Nowhere have I ever had such bad service.
LITTLE – Little did he know!
ONLY IN THIS WAY – Only in this way was Ally able to open up a business.
IN NO WAY – In no way was I able to convince her to come to the party.
ON NO ACCOUNT – On no account should you do anything without asking your boss first.

Seldom  almost never

No sooner  inmediatly after
Scarcely  escasamente
1. I have never before been asked to accept a bribe.

Never before ___________________________________________________

2. He had hardly left the house when the storm broke.

Hardly __________________________________________________________

3. As soon as he had left the house the storm broke.

No sooner ______________________________________________________

4. This switch must not be touched on any account.

On no account __________________________________________________

5. She rarely has any money to spare.

Rarely ___________________________________________________________

6. He hardly speaks to anyone.

Hardly ___________________________________________________________

7. The nation has seldom been faced with such difficulties.

Seldom __________________________________________________________

8. They had hardly started playing tennis when it began to rain.

Hardly ___________________________________________________________

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