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ENL 002 FA18

Supplementary Handouts 1, 2, 3

Handout 1: Sentence Types (Simple, Complex, Compound sentences)

Writing Sentences
When we communicate, we need to use a variety of sentences to make the conversation
or writing more interesting. We also need to make sure our sentences are clear, and they
convey the message properly. While speaking, we don't usually need to think about every
little grammatical detail of our speech. But when we write, we pay more attention and
make sure we write clear, complete sentences.

In order to write a complete sentence, we have to include at least a subject and a verb.
When our writing lacks one of these necessary parts of a sentence, it results in an
incomplete thought which cannot stand on its own. To understand this concept better, we
need to understand the following terms.

What is a phrase?
A phrase is a group of words that acts like one part of speech. Even though a phrase can
act as a subject, it can't have a verb, so it can't stand on its own because a sentence
needs a subject and a verb to be complete.
Noun phrase:  The students, an instructor, my English class
Other phrases: with the red cover, under the desk, on the top shelf, etc.

What is a clause?
A clause includes more than one part of speech. It is a group of words that can be a
sentence because it has both a subject and a verb.
• An independent clause can stand on its own because it has a subject, a verb and a
complete thought. So, it is a complete sentence.                                                          
Example: I write letters.
• A dependent clause can't stand on its own because even though it has a subject and a
verb, it doesn't have a complete thought.                                                                           
Example: When I write letters
                            After the letters are sent
                            Because I like writing letters
Using a variety of sentences - The Simple Sentence
A simple sentence is a complete sentence if it has:    • a subject
                                                                                       • a verb
                                                                                       • a complete thought
           Example: Rita takes dancing lessons.

• A simple sentence can have two or more subjects.

Example: Jessy and Rita are learning how to swim.

• A simple sentence can have two or more verbs.

Example: Andrew is learning grammar and is writing sentences.

Word order in Simple Sentences

Word order refers to the way words are placed in a sentence.

The standard word order in English is: Subject + Verb + Object.

Subject verb(s) object

Affirmative Jimmy writes sentences.


Negative sentence Diana does not enjoy writing.

Using a variety of sentences - The Compound Sentence

A compound sentence is made by joining two independent clauses using a comma and a
coordinating conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, or so). To remember these words,
think of the word FANBOYS.

For to explain (similar to Students need to get enough sleep, for getting enough
because) rest is important for the brain.
And to add information Jack joined the football team, and he started training
for the big game.
Nor to list items that are not You should not play video games for more than three
options hours a day, nor should you surf the web.
But to show contrast (similar Bobby enjoys watching zombie shows, but his sister
to however) prefers vampire series.
Or to list options Students can improve their English by watching TV
series, or they can do so by reading books.
Yet to add surprising Greg is not a very nice person, yet he is one of the best
information doctors I know.
So to show effect (similar He was addicted to drugs, so he had to go to a
to therefore) rehabilitation center.

Word Order in compound sentences

In compound sentences, the word order is the same as in simple sentences.
conjunction subjec verb indirect direct place time
t object object

Compoun Marc studies grammar in the every

d librar week
but I don't studying

Using a variety of sentences - The Complex Sentence

A complex sentence is made by joining an independent clause and one or more
dependent clauses using a subordinating conjunction (while, when, because, since,
although etc.). You can find a list of subordinating conjunctions below.

Consider the following sentences:

1. Because you should use a variety of sentences, you need to learn how to write complex
2. You need to learn how to write complex sentences because you should use a variety of

Both sentences have the same clauses; they even have the same words, but the order of
the clauses is different.
The first sentence starts with a subordinating conjunction (because) making the first part
of the sentence a dependent clause. The second part of that sentence is an independent
clause. When you start a complex sentence with a dependent clause, you need to separate
it from the independent clause with a comma.
    1. Dependent clause + comma + independent clause.
The second sentence starts with an independent clause, so there is no comma between the
    2. Independent clause + dependent clause.

Subordinating Usage Example

while during that Our friends came over while you were
time sleeping.
when at that time When Sandra came home, I had already left.
because/ since cause / reason I left early because I didn't want to be late to
Since it is his birthday, I made his favorite
whenever every time Whenever I skip class, I miss something
although / even unexpected Although I studied hard, I failed the exam.
though result I passed the exam even though I hadn't
studied enough.

unless / if condition I'll study for the exam unless I have other
If I have other plans, I won't study tonight.
before / after time Before he came to class, we had already
relationship covered some important rules.
We will write complex sentences after we
finish this unit.

Word Order in complex sentences

In complex sentences, the word order is the same as in simple sentences.
conjunction subject verb indirect direct place time
object object

Comple Because I don't time now

x have
Marc will me grammar in the tomorrow
teach library
Comple Marc will me grammar in the tomorrow
x teach library
because I don't time now

Handout 1: Exercises
A.   Write simple sentences about
a hobby:

something you're doing now:

your personality:

a friend:

your home:


B. Combine these simple sentences into one compound sentence.

1. Jack is playing soccer. He can't come to the phone right now.


2. The ice cream cake looks delicious. I'm on a diet.

3. Lara might go out tonight. She might stay in and watch Netflix.


4. Peter wasn't hungry. He wasn't thirsty either.


5. I studied hard last night. I failed the test.



6. I failed the test. I didn't study hard enough.



C. Combine these simple sentences into one complex sentence using a subordinating

1. Jack is playing soccer. He can't come to the phone right now.


2. The ice cream cake looks delicious. I'm on a diet.


3. Lara might go out tonight. She might stay in and watch Netflix.

4. Peter went to bed. He brushed his teeth.


5. I study hard. I get an A.



6. I didn't study hard enough. I failed the test.



D. Select the appropriate conjunction and continue the sentence. Make sure to add a
comma where necessary and not to use the same conjunction more than once.

1. _____________________________________________________________ I traveled
to Sao Paolo last year.
2. I still woke up very early and went to class
3. There aren’t a lot of people at the birthday party
4. _________________________________________________________________ I
arrived really late to class.
5. We didn’t want to walk all the way up to the tower
6. ____________________________________________ we weren’t able to
communicate with the people or ask for directions.
7. The event planners are preparing a lot of fun activities
8. ____________________________________________________________ their
grandparents spoiled them.
9. The trip to Armenia was amazing
10. _________________________________________________ the country is going
through a financial crisis.

E. Read each sentence carefully. Identify its type then make the necessary changes
in order to change its type.

1. As I was cycling with my friends, I noticed our neighbor watching us anxiously.



2. The university had to postpone celebrating Founder’s Day and to reschedule the date
of the final exams.



3. The travel agent had promised to meet us at the airport upon arrival, but we didn’t find
him there.



4. We wanted to surprise our dad at the restaurant; however, he ruined the surprise by
canceling his plans and staying at home.


5. Since the weather has recently become quite unpredictable, having an outdoor
wedding reception is risky.



6. Because of the high level of water pollution, people were advised to avoid swimming
in the sea.



7. Even though he was betrayed by his close friend, he still managed to forgive him.



8. The country’s economic situation is drastically declining, and people are becoming


9. Ivana’s bicycle had a flat tire, so she had to walk to the city.

10. After taking a long walk around the city, we decided to return to the hotel and rest a


F. Identify the dependent and independent clauses in the below sentences. Specify
the type of each sentence.

1. The CEO and the manager agreed that all employees could have an extra day off
during the Easter holidays. ____________________
2. Because bank employees must know how to communicate with customers, the
Human Resource department has arranged for a training seminar on proper
communication. ____________________
3. The customer was not happy with the service, so he asked to talk to the manager.
4. After the employee was late to work three days in a row, the manager submitted a
formal disciplinary notice. ____________________
5. Many top companies have online customer service help that is available 24 hours
a day. ____________________
6. Crepaway Restaurant is an extremely successful company because it continually
serves delicious, clean food at affordable prices. ____________________
7. Today, many businesses are struggling and are hiring consultants to help develop
strategies to succeed. ____________________
8. Most universities require MBA graduate students to have at least 2 years of work
experience; however, it’s hard for students to work while studying.
9. It takes a certain type of person to major in management.
10. While many students want to get the MBAs, many cannot due to financial
restrictions. ____________________
Handout 2: Sentence errors (Fragments, Run-ons, Comma Splices)

Sentence Skills - Fragments

We know that sentences need a subject and a predicate in order to express a complete
A sentence fragment is an incomplete sentence that is missing either one of these main
components of a sentence.
• Example of a fragment that is missing a subject:
  Incorrect: Works all day.
  Who worked? We don't know the answer to this question! So it needs a subject.
  Correct: My mom works all day.

• Example of a fragment that is missing a verb:

  Incorrect: Lara to the club.
  What about Lara and the club? This needs a verb.
  Correct: Lara went to the club.

• Example of a fragment that is missing a complete thought:

  Incorrect: Because of the rain.
What happened because of the rain? This is a prepositional phrase and it needs an
independent clause to express a complete thought.
  Correct: We couldn't go to school because of the storm.

• Example of a fragment because it is a dependent clause:

 Incorrect: While Maria was sleeping
What happened while Maria was sleeping? This is a dependent clause, and it cannot
stand on its own. It needs an independent clause to support it.
Correct: While Maria was sleeping, I was watching a movie. Maria was sleeping is
also a correct because the subordinating conjunction "while" was making it a dependent

Sentence Skills - Avoiding Run-ons

A run-on is two or more independent clauses that are joined without proper punctuation
to mark the break between them.  As a result, the reader is unsure of where one thought
ends and the next one begins.

There are two types of run-ons: Fused sentences and comma splices.
Fused sentences have no punctuation at all to mark the break between the two
independent clauses.
Example: I am taking this English class I want to improve my language skills.

In comma splices, a comma is used to connect the two independent clauses. However,
a comma is not enough; a stronger punctuation mark is needed.
Example: I am taking this English class, I want to improve my language skills.
We can correct run-ons using one of the following methods:
1. Period & a capital letter - Separating the two independent clauses by creating two
simple sentences.
I am taking this English class. I want to improve my language skills.

2. Comma and a coordinating conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) - creating a
compound sentence.
I am taking this English class, for I want to improve my language skills.

3. Semicolon (;)
I am taking this English class; I want to improve my language skills.

4. Subordination - creating a complex sentence by adding a subordinating conjunction.

I am taking this English class because I want to improve my language skills.
Because I want to improve my language skills, I am taking this English class.

Handout 2: Exercises

A. Correct the following sentence fragments.

1. I really enjoy my free time activities. Such as watching a good movie or reading an
interesting book.

2. Since he returned from India. He has visited me several times.

3. Jeremy going to the movies.

4. Because he likes the popcorn there.

5. For example, playing video games and going out with my friends.

6. First of all, to enjoy my free time.


B. Correct the following run-on sentences.

1. Jessica is a good dancer, Paul is a wonderful singer.


2. He went to see the doctor he had high fever.

3. Jeremy enjoys watching series, he stays up every night to follow his favorite shows.

4. I don't stay up all night I watch series online whenever I have spare time.

5. Mr. Brown has anger issues he teaches yoga classes.


C. Identify the sentence error in each of the sentences below. Specify the type of each
mistake and correct it.
1. _____________Concentrating, studying and participating in class are necessary, if you
want to pass this course.
2. _____________We will continue to face social problems, and suffer from corruption
as long as we don’t change our mentality.
3. _____________Since many people inherently value the art of discourse.
4. _____________They lied to the police about their real whereabouts and they are trying
to hide important evidence about the case.
5. _____________Sometimes lawyers need to hide the truth for the sake of their clients,
however, they can’t do so when under oath.
6. _____________The list of endangered animals is expanding, animals like Rhinos are
now extinct.
7. _____________Scientists reported the discovery of a new species of dinosaur in the
tundra of northern Alaska, scientists have flocked to the new area to investigate and we
are waiting for their official report.
8. _____________Today, after many months of researching and working on my final
dissertation for my MBA.
9. _____________Yesterday, US Airways Flight 1702 changed its flight time, because
they detected engine issues.
10. _____________Arrived here for talks on Friday with his Russian counterpart in a bid
to ease the escalating crisis over the Kremlin’s intervention in Crimea.

D. Fix the sentence errors in the passage below. There are 10 errors.

The Eiffel Tower was constructed in 1889 and it was named after the engineer
Gustave Eiffel. The tower was originally built, because the government wanted to
celebrate the centennial of the French Revolution. The Eiffel Tower now the icon of Paris
however the inspiration for it came from the Latting Observatory in New York city.
However, constructing the tower wasn’t easy. One worker lost his life during
construction, but at the time that was a remarkably low casualty number, for a project of
that magnitude. Eiffel’s tower was greeted with skepticism from critics, since thought it
would be structurally unsound. Also, indignation from people who thought the tower
would be an eyesore in the heart of Paris.

E. Read the sentences below carefully. Identify the sentence error and fix it.

1._____________Were suspended today at the university because there was a rally

2. _____________He started taking swimming classes when he was 10, since he dreamt
of becoming a professional swimmer.
3. _____________Sandy decided she wanted to become a teacher so she attended a very
reputable university.
4. _____________Many people tried to mediate between both parties, because they
didn’t want any problems in the department.
5. _____________The news of the president assassination is all over social media
networks nevertheless it hasn’t been officially confirmed yet.
6. _____________This computer doesn't make sense to me, it came without a manual.
7. _____________Students in purple boots and green mittens.
8. _____________Mr. Nguyen has sent his four children to ivy-league colleges, however,
he has sacrificed his health working day and night in that dusty bakery.
9. _____________The personnel director his secretary two weeks ago.
10. _____________Most of those computers in the Learning Center are broken already,
although they have been bought this year.
Handout 3: Exercises - Simple, Complex, Compound sentences

A. Write compound sentences using the following coordinating conjunctions and the
vocabulary you have learned so far.








B. Write complex sentences using the following subordinating conjunctions.


Even though:




C. Form either compound or complex sentences using the keywords listed below.

1. Science project / deadline


2. Beauty salon / customers



3. Summer / parties



4. Surprise / music



5. Paris / Disneyland


6. Children / TV


7. Health / vegetarians
8. Camp / activities


9. Social Media / bloggers



10. Traffic Lights / ticket



D. Select the appropriate conjunction and continue the sentence. Make sure to add a
comma where necessary and not to use the same conjunction more than 1 time.

1. Vampires Dairies is my favorite television show


2. The student wiped the white board


3. _________________________________________________the trendy fashion

designer released her new line.

4. Trina and Harley went to a bar in Hollywood


5. __________________________________________________________________ the
citizens decided to rebel.

6. __________________________________________________________________
Angela went to Home Depot, and Martin organized the kitchen appliances.
7. ______________________________________________________________ I have
new respect for his music.

Sarah did most of the work.

9. We are traveling on the 20th of June


10. The student


E. Read each sentence carefully. Identify its type then make the necessary changes
in order to change its type.

1. After the judge announced the verdict, the defense attorney was relieved to have won
the case.


2. Although these colors are beautiful, I don’t like painting.



3. I decided to quit my job and find a new one, but I haven’t handed it my resignation yet.



4. Please fold these clothes before they become wrinkled.



5. The class president eloquently presented his speech; however, his classmates didn’t

agree with all his points.



6. Dinner is ready, but the guests haven’t arrived yet.



7. We ate the lamp chops with our hands because we were out of knives and forks.



8. I wanted to travel; however, I had to work in my family business.



9. My sister is very popular in school, so my parents encouraged to participate in more

extracurricular activities.



10. When my mom decided to help me with my homework, I began getting better grades.



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