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Submitted to the English Department Teacher Training Faculty of

Nommensen HKBP University Medan in Partial fulfillment of

requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan(S.Pd)


Herlinawati Marbun, S.Pd

NIP. 19910311 201505 2 001








Submitted to the English Department Teacher Training Faculty of

Nommensen HKBP University Medan in Partial fulfillment of
requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan(S.Pd)



NIP. 19910311 201505 2 001



( Dr.Erika Sinambela,M.Hum) (Febrika Dwi Lestari, M.Hum )


( Dr.SahlanTampubolon, M.Hum )









NIP : 19910311 201505 2 001

Dinyatakan telah mengikuti ujian akhir (Meja Hijau) dan telah

memenuhi syarat memperoleh gelar SARJANA PENDIDIKAN (S.Pd)

Medan, september 2020

Panitia Ujian Akhir Meja Hijau

Dosen Penguji I Dosen Penguji II

(Dra. Rotua Elfrida, M.Hum) (Usman Sidabutar, M.Hum)

Dekan FKIP UHN Medan Ketua Program Studi

(Dr. Hilman Pardede, M.Pd) (Dr. Sahlan Tampubolon,M.Hum)


Nama : Herlinawati Marbun, S.Pd

NIP : 19910311 201505 2 001

Fakultas : FKIP

Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul Skripsi : The Effect of ARCS (Attention, Relevance,
Confidence, and satisfaction) Model on
Speaking skill of eleventh-grade students
2020/2021 .

Disetujui Oleh:

Dosen Penguji I Dosen Penguji II

(Dra.Rotua Elfrida, M.Hum) (Usman Sidabutar, M.Hum)

Pelaksana Ka. Prodi

(Dr. Sahlan Tampubolon, M.Hum)







Submitted to the English Department Teacher’s Training Faculty of

HKBP Nommensen University Medan in Partial fulfillment of the
Requirement for the degree of SarjanaPendidikan (S.Pd)

Nama : Herlinawati Marbun, S.Pd

NIP : 19910311 201505 2 001

Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Jenjang : Strata 1 (S1)

Disetujui Oleh:

Dosen Pembimbing I Dosen Pembimbing II

(Dr.Erika Sinambela, M.Hum) (Febrika Dwi Lestari, M.Hum)



(Dr. SahlanTampubolon,M.Hum)



Semester Ganjil/Genap T.A 2019/2020

Nama Mahasiwa : Herlinawati Marbun, S.Pd

NIP : 19910311 201505 2 001

Program Studi : FKIP Bahasa Inggris

Judul Skripsi :The Effect of ARCS (Attention,

Relevance, Confidence and Satisfaction) Model
on Speaking Skill of Eleventh-Grade Students

Pembimbing I

(Dr,Erika Sinambela,M.Hum)

No Hari/Ta Tem Tahap Paraf Paraf

nggal pat Kegiatan Pembimbing Mahasiswa
Perte Yang
muan dibicarakan

Medan, September 2020

Pel.Ka.prodi Pend.Bahasa Inggris

(Dr.Sahlan Tampubolon,M.Hum)

Semester Ganjil/Genap T.A 2019/2020

Nama Mahasiwa : Herlinawati Marbun, S.Pd

NIP : 19910311 201505 2 001

Program Studi : FKIP Bahasa Inggris

Judul Skripsi :The Effect of ARCS (Attention,

Relevance, Confidence and Satisfaction) Model
on Speaking Skill of Eleventh-Grade Students

Pembimbing II

(Febrika Dwi Lestari,,M.Hum)

No Hari/Ta Tem Tahap Paraf Paraf

nggal pat Kegiatan Pembimbing Mahasiswa
Perte Yang
muan dibicarakan

Medan, September 2020

Pel.Ka.prodi Pend.Bahasa Inggris

(Dr.Sahlan Tampubolon,M.Hum)

Nama : Herlinawati Marbun, S.Pd

NIP : 19910311 201505 2 001

Fakultas : Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul Skripsi :The Effect of ARCS (Attention, Relevance,

Confidence and Satisfaction) Model on
Speaking Skill of Eleventh-Grade Students

Disetujui Oleh:

Dosen Pembimbing I Dosen Pembimbing II

(Dr.Erika Sinambela, M.Hum) (Febrika Dwi Lestari, M.Hum)

Pelaksana Ka.Prodi

Drs. Sahlan Tampubolon,M.Hum





Nama : Herlinawati Marbun, S.Pd

NIP : 19910311 201505 2 001

Fakultas : Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul Skripsi : The Effect of ARCS (Attention, Relevance,

Confidence and Satisfaction) Model on Speaking
Skill of Eleventh-Grade Students 2020/2021.

Dengan ini saya menyatakan bahwa skripsi ini disusun sebagai

syarat untuk memperoleh gelar Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) pada
Program studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu
Pendidikan Universitas HKBP Nommensen Medan adalah benar hasil

Adapun pengutipan yang saya lakukan pada bagian-bagian

tertentu dari hasil karya orang lain didalam penulisan skripsi ini telah
saya cantumkan sumbernya secara jelas sesuai dengan norma, kaidah,
dan etika penulisan ilmiah.

Apabila dikemudian hari ternyata ditemukan seluruh atau

sebagian skripsi ini bukan hasil karya saya sendiri atau adanya plagiat
dalam bagian-bagian tertentu, saya bersedia menerima sanksi
pencabutan gelar akademik yang saya sandang dan sanksi-sanksi
lainnya sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku.

Medan, Oktober 2020

Yang menyatakan,

Herlinawati Marbun, S.Pd


Firstly, I am grateful to Jesus Christ for the good health, chance, love,

mercy, and wellbeing that were necessary to complete this study with an

title “The Effect of ARCS (Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and

satisfaction) Model on Speaking skill of eleventh-grade students

2020/2021”.This thesis has been written in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) at the English

Department, Faculty of Teaching and Education, Nommensen HKBP

University (NHU) Medan.

The writer feels that writing the research is not easy. She has gone

through a lot of challenges and difficulties, but the writer believes that

whatever it is/, if it is done alive it will be done. The writer got so much

assistance in completing the thesis such as constructive suggestions and

comments from her consults, and invaluable advice from people who pay

attention to her.

The writer realizes that without the help of the various parties, this thesis

could not be completed. Therefore the writer would like to thank and

convey the deepest gratitude to:

1. Dr. Erika Sinambela, M.Hum as the first consultant for her worthy

guidance, generous time, best advice, and comments are given in the

arrangement of this thesis

2. Febrika Dwilestari, M.Hum as the second consultant for his worthy

guidance, best comments, advice, encouragement/, and generous time

are given as long as the process of finishing this thesis

3. All the lecturers of The English Department and to all the staffs

administration in FKIP for teaching during academic years and

guiding and giving information at the university

4. Dr. Hilman Pardede, M.Pd as the Dean of Teacher Training Faculty

of Nommensen University Medan for the leadership during the

process of writing this thesis.

5. The writer’s beloved Parents ( M.Sirait and R.Hutasoit ) and the

writer’s beloved brothers and sister (Resni Sirait, Bendri Sirait, and

Asido Sirait) thank you for always behind me, thank you for love,

prayer, motivation, and sacrifice in completing this thesis. Thank you

for many things unspoken.

6. The writer’s beloved friends (Rutfina Sitorus, Debora Sigalingging,

Meiranda Marbun, Rona Manurung) thank you for the time that we

spent together in every circumstance.

7. For all those who supported the writer during completing this thesis,

thank you for the participation.

Medan, Agustus 2020

The Writer

Herlinawati Marbun, S.Pd

NIP. 19910311 201505 2 001


Sirait, Asnia. 2020. The effect of ARCS (Attention, Relevance,

Confidence/, and Satisfaction) Model on Speaking Skill of Eleventh-
Grade Students 2020/2021.
This study focused on finding out the Effect of applying the ARCS Model
On Students’ Speaking Skill. The writer is interested in examining the
students’ speaking skills because based on experience the writer found that
students feel difficult to respond to what the teacher said and they do not
care about materials and they do not have the motivation to learn English
directly. According to Munjanayah (2004:17) argues that some possible
problems in speaking including/: 1) Inhibition 2) Nothing to say. 3) Low or
uneven participation. 4) Mother tongue use. There are some types of
speaking and the writer focused on Responsive speaking because when the
writer asked the students in English/, they do not give their response and do
not understand with the written word. This study was conducted by applying
experimental quantitative research. The object of the study were students of
eleventh-grade senior high school in Aek Batu, Kab. Labuhan Batu Selatan
consists of 20 students. The data were taken by giving a speaking test. The
test was divided into tests: pre-test and post-test for both experimental and
control groups. The mean score of the pre-test in the experimental group is
43,75 and the post-test is 66, 25. The mean score of the pre-test in the
control group is 42,5 and the post-test is 50, 65. It is conducted that the
mean score of the experimental group is higher than the control group. The
result that t-observed > t-table as the level of significance p=0.050 ( 4,3656
> 2,10092 ). The alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the null
hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. It is suggested that teachers of English subject
apply ARCS Model as an alternative teaching technique to help and enrich
speaking skills at the eleventh-grade of Senior high School.

Keywords: ARCS (Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction)

Model, Speaking Skill


TABLE OF CONTENT.....................................................................................iv
LIST OF TABLE.................................................................................................v

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION........................................................................1

1.1 Background of The Study....................................................................1

1.2 The Problem of The Study..................................................................4

1.3 The Objective of The Study................................................................5

1.4 The scope of the study.........................................................................5

1.5 The Significance of the study..............................................................5

1.6 The Hypothesis....................................................................................6

CHAPTER II LITERATURE OF REVIEW....................................................7

2.1 Theoretical Framework........................................................................7

2.2 Speaking...............................................................................................7

2.2.1.Types of Speaking.......................................................................9

2.2.2 Elements of Speaking skill.........................................................11

2.2.3 Problems in Teaching and Learning Speaking..........................12

2.3 General Concept of ARCS(Attention, Relevance, Confidents,and

Satisfication) Model.................................................................................13

2.3.1 ARCS(Attention, Relevance, Confidents, and Satisfication)


2.3.2 The Using of ARCS (Attention, Relevance, Confidence and

Satisfaction) Model.............................................................................16

2.3.3 Procedure of ARCS Model in Teaching Speaking....................20

2.3.4 The Advantages of ARCS (Attention,

Relevance,Confidence, and Satisfaction) Model................................21

2.4 Conceptual Framework.....................................................................22

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY..........................................23

3.1. Research Design................................................................................23

3.2. The Population and Sample..............................................................24

3.3. Instrument of Collecting Data...........................................................24

3.4 The Procedure of Collecting Data......................................................24

3.5 Scoring the Test.................................................................................26

3.6 The Validity The Research................................................................27

3.7. Technique of Analyze Data..............................................................28



4.1 Data Analysis.....................................................................................30

4.1.1 Score Analysis...........................................................................33
4.1.2 Content Validity........................................................................35
4.1.3 The Analysis Of Data by Using T-Test Formula......................36
4.1.4 Testing Hypothesis....................................................................37
4.2 Research Finding................................................................................37
4.3 Reasearch Discussion.........................................................................38
CHAPTER V: CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS...............................41
5.1 Conclusions........................................................................................41
5.2 Suggestions........................................................................................41


Tabel 3.1..................................................................................................24
Tabel 3.2..................................................................................................26
Tabel 3.3..................................................................................................27
Tabel 4.1..................................................................................................31
Tabel 4.2..................................................................................................32
Tabel 4.3..................................................................................................33
Tabel 4.4..................................................................................................33
Tabel 4.5..................................................................................................34
Tabel 4.6..................................................................................................35
Tabel 4.7..................................................................................................36


Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix F
Appendix G


1.1 Background of The Study

In this modern world, language to be the most important thing that

we must mastery. Language is a system of conventional spoken, manual, or

written symbols using which human beings, as members social groups and

participants in its culture, express themselves. Delahunty and Garvey

(2015:5) state that Language is a system that connects thought, which can

not be heard/, seen, or touched, with sound, letters, manual signs, or tactile

symbols. Language has an important part in human being’s life, without

language there is no communication so language has so many functions in

the aspect of life. The function of language includes communication, the

expression of identity, play, imaginative expression, and emotional release.

English, is as an international language, is used in many countries as

a means of communication and it has a great function in many aspects of

life such as in politics, business, trade, and diplomatic relationships.

Huddleston and Pullum (2005:1) state that English is probably the most

widely used language in the world, with around 400 million native speakers

and a similar number of bilingual speakers in several dozen partially

English-speaking countries, and hundreds of millions more users in other

countries where English is widely known and used in business, government,

or media. Furthermore, English also cannot be separated from the

development of technology, science, economics, and education. Considering

the importance of English, the Indonesian government has chosen English

as the first foreign language and fundamental subject in our educational


In an educational system in Indonesia, English is included in the

curriculum for elementary school, junior high school, senior high school

level, vocational school/, or university. Based on Competency Curriculum,

the teaching-learning of English has the purpose to develop four language

skills/: listening, speaking, reading/, and writing. Many factors can influence

the students’ achievement of certain language skills. It might be caused by

the teacher and the students. From the teacher’s point of view, some factors

can influence the students’ achievement in language skills, such as/, the

quality of the teacher, the teaching style, the performance of the teacher, and

teaching technique or strategy. From the students’ side, motivation, style in

language learning, and personality of the students can give an impact on the

students’ achievement.

Speaking is one of four skills in English. It is a productive skill in

the sense that the speaker produces sounds of the language. Speaking is one

of the most important basic skills that someone needs to mastery so that

each other can communicate and doing conversation to get information.

Speaking also is a priority to foreign-language learners’, they need to be

mastery in speaking so they can build a good conversation.

According to Brown (2004:10) speaking as a productive skill that

can be directly and empirically observed, those observations are invariably

colored by the accuracy and effectiveness of a test-taker listening skill,

which necessarily compromises the reliability and validity of an oral

production test. It means that speaking can help a human being to do

interaction directly and accuracy, speaking also as a tool to do observation is

invariable. Teaching speaking is one of the most demanding skills in daily

life. Every person needs to communicate with others through speaking.

Speaking plays an important role in making social interaction with people to

get information. To be able to convey meaning and to talk to people around

the world, they must be able to speak. The process of teaching and learning

the language of speaking is the most common element in the language

classroom. In teaching speaking, so many students do not be able to make

good communication. Speaking has some types such as Imitative, intensive,

responsive, transactional, interpersonal, and extensive. In this research the

writer focus on responsive speaking. The writer chooses the type because

the writer wants to know the response from students when they have a


Based on the writer’s experience when The writer was Teaching

Practice Program(Praktek Pengenalan Lapangan (PPL) at SMA Negeri 1

Manduamas, it was found that the students had problems in all aspect of

English, especially in speaking English. It was so difficult for them to talk in

English and did not understand what the teacher said/. it happened because

some of the students had a poor vocabulary, less in motivation, knowledge/,

and interest in English. They did not have the confidence to express their

opinion and afraid to speak up in front of the class, not only that some of

them also poor attention about English. Also, some of them did not

confidence with their knowledge, so when the teacher asked them to speak

up in English they\did not do it directly. According to Munjanayah

(2004:17) that some possible problems in speaking including:1) Inhibition.

2) Nothing to say. 3) Low or uneven participation. 4) Mother tongue use.

So, because of the explanation above the writer make it to be the reasons

why the writer focuses on speaking skill. The writer makes a piece of

evidence to prove the statement above as follow:

Table 1.1 The student’s score in pre-observation

No Nama S
1 MC 75
2 JP 70
3 DT 75
4 LR 60
5 PAG 50
6 MJN 65
7 H 75
8 MJN 70
9 APGP 70
10 SN 70
11 RW 75
12 RDS 75
13 Ap 70
14 AFP 65
15 EDS 65
16 GVS 70
17 MFDS 75
18 AS 60
19 V 60
20 J 55
21 JS 60
Total Score 1.410

Based on the explanations above, the writer is interested in using the

ARCS (Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and satisfaction) Model. Keller

(2016:5) these concepts, theories, strategies, and tactics comprise the first

major part of the ARCS Model, which is the synthesis of the vast

motivational literature into a simple and useful number of components.

They also provide the basis for the second major feature of the ARCS model

which is the systematic design process that assists you in creating

motivational tactics that match student characteristics and needs. The writer

formulates this study under the title “The Effect of ARCS (Attention,

Relevance, Confidence, and satisfaction) Model on Speaking skill of

eleventh-grade students 2020/2021”.

1.2 The Problem of The Study

Based on the background study above-, this study is conducted to

answer the problem formulated in the following question below :

Does the ARCS (Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and satisfaction)

Model affect on Speaking skill of eleventh-grade students 2020/2021 ?

1.3 The Objective of The Study

“To find out whether using ARCS (Attention, Relevance,

Confidence, and satisfaction) Model affects students’ speaking skill of

eleventh-grade students 2020/2021”.

1.4 The scope of the study

In learning language, students found so many problems in learning

English especially to say something in English. As we know there are four

skills that important to learn in English namely Listening, Speaking,

Reading, Writing. The writer limited the skill namely speaking skills in this

study. Speaking has some types and the writer limited the type namely

responsive. Some models can be used to speaking skills such as The

Attitude Learning Model, Play Learning Model, and Collaborative learning

Model. The writer finds and interest to use the ARCS (Attention, Relevance,

Confidence, and satisfaction) Model to teach speaking to the students.

1.5 The Significances of the study

The finding of this study is expected to be useful and relevant to:

1. Theoretically

a. The study will use to improve knowledge

b. To be a new model in the research of speaking.

c. To add a new perspective to teaching speaking.

2. Practically

a.For the teacher who teaches especially speaking. This research can

become a reference to teach in speaking material so that teachers can

prepare suitable material and model for learning so that the students

become interested in speaking subjects and they will get better in their


b. For the reader by reading this study can add their knowledge and can

apply this knowledge in their use only.

c. For the Writer. This research becomes a reference to the writer to teach

speaking in the next future.

1.6 The Hypothesis

This study will answer the question about whether yes or not the

effect of using ARCS (Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and satisfaction)

on students’ achievement in speaking skills. To get the answer/, the writer

proposed an alternative hypothesis (Ha) and the null hypothesis (Ho) as


Ha/: Alternative hypothesis is receivable. So, there is any significant

difference in using ARCS (Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and

satisfaction) Model on Speaking skill of eleventh-grade students


Ho/: The Null hypothesis is rejected. So, there is no significant

difference in using ARCS (Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and

satisfaction) Model on Speaking skill of eleventh-grade students



2.1 Theoretical Framework

The basic concept of this study should be made clear from the start.

This chapter presents a review of related literature and an explanation of the

related materials. The writer presents this chapter to strengthen this study.

The terms will be classified in the following.

2.2 Speaking

Speaking is one of four skills in English. It is a productive skill in

the sense that the speaker produces sounds of the language. Speaking is one

of the most important basic skills that someone needs to mastery so that

each other can communicate and doing conversation to get information.

Speaking also is a priority to foreign-language learners’, they need to be

mastery in speaking so they can build a good conversation.

According to Brown (2004:10) speaking as a productive skill that

can be directly and empirically observed, those observations are invariably

colored by the accuracy and effectiveness of a test-taker listening skill,

which necessarily compromises the reliability and validity of an oral

production test. It means that speaking can help a human being to do

interaction directly and accuracy, speaking also as a tool to do observation is


Furthermore, speaking is an activity to produce opinion construct the

meaning, Ratih in Syakir (2009:27), speaking in the form of oral language

that is inevitably used to communicate ideas and feelings, no matter what

the language is.. on the other hand, speaking is an oral activity in producing

a sound that expression opinion and construct the meaning. Therefore the

students can get information that can understand the meaning of information

and the students can share the information with others. it is a process

between speaker and listener and involved productive and receptive skill of


Based on this idea it is understood that through speaking, someone

can communicate or express what she or he wants to understand one another

and not only that/, speaking also has functions to help someone to deliver

what they think and feel directly, so their interaction well good

communication and get the point from their communication.

Based on the definitions above the writer concludes that speaking is

an activity that doing by two or more people to share information/, so each

other can change some information. The main aim of speaking is to

communicate and express ideas/, which conveys the message from the

speaker to the listener. The mastery of speaking skills in English is a priority

for many second or foreign language learners.

2.2.1.Types of Speaking

Six similar categories that can be applied to a kind of oral production

that students are expected to carry out in the classroom (Brown,2004:271-

275) they are:

1. Imitative

Imitation of this kind is carried out not for though the purpose of

meaningful interaction, but for focusing on some particular element

language from. Drills offer the students an opportunity to orally speaking

they offer limited practice through repetition and grammatical form with

their appropriate context. Here are some useful guidelines for successful

drills :

a) keep them short

b) keep them simple

c) keep them snappy

d) Make sure students know why they were doing the drills

e) Limit them to phonology of grammar points

f) Make sure they ultimately lead to communicate goals.

g) Do not overuse them.

2. Intensive

Intensive speaking goes one step beyond to include any speaking

performance that is designed to practice some phonological or grammatical

aspects of language. Intensive speaking can be self-initiated or it can even

form part of some pair work activity where learners over a certain form of


3. Responsive

A good deal of students speaking in the classroom is responsive/:

short replies to the teacher or students-initiated questions or comments.

These replies are usually sufficient and do not extend into dialogue. Such

can be meaningful and authentic

4. Transactional

Transactional language/ carried to conveying or exchanging specific

informational is an extended form of responsive language/. Learners would

need to learn how such features as the relationship among interlocutors,

causal style/, and sarcasm will be coded linguistically in this conversation.

5. Interpersonal

In this form, the conversation carried out more to maintain social

relationships than for the transmission of facts and information.

6. Extensive

Finally, the students at intermediate to advanced levels will be called

on to give extended monologues in the form of oral reports, summaries, or

perhaps should speeches. Here the register is more formal and declarative.

These monologues can be planned.

Based on the explanations above/, the writer can conclude that in

speaking people should be good in communicate so they can get the point of

the communication. People need to understand well how to give and receive

a production in the speaking process. People also need to know what they

want to do and what they want to get, so their communication gives some

benefits to each other.

2.2.2 Elements of Speaking skill

Harmer (1991:21) categorized those things in six skills, they are:


It is impossible to speak without mastering vocabulary. Therefore

this element is somewhat essentials to learn before practicing speaking.


Either four or five components are generally recognized in the

analysis of the speech process. Certainly they all realize that pronouncing is

one of the speaking elements that have a strong relation with vowel and

consonant, stress, and intonation.


Grammar is the study of language which deals with many forms.

The forms mentioned are the forms and the structure of words and with the

customary in phrases and sentences.


Fluency refers to how well a learner communicates meaning rather

than how many mistakes they make in grammar, pronunciation, and



Comprehensibility is an ability to understand, know/, or get the

speakers’ point (message) to other or partner.


Self-confidence becomes an important factor in the speaking

learning process. A student with good grammatical and vocabulary master

usually has big confidence to express ideas, suggestions, or answer the


2.2.3 Problems in Teaching and Learning Speaking

Learners sometimes have some obstacles when they want to talk in

class. Munjanayah (2004:17) argues that some possible problems in

speaking including:

1) Inhibition. Learners are often inhibited about trying things in the

foreign language classrooms, afraid to make mistakes or to be criticized, and

shy to utter words.

2) Nothing to say. Learners sometimes find fault that they do not

have something to say. In other words, they cannot express themselves.

3) Low or uneven participation. Only one participant talks because

some learners dominate, while others speak a little or not at all.

4) Mother tongue use. In the class, all learners share the same

mother tongue, so they feel unnatural to speak in a foreign language.

2.3 General Concept of ARCS (Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and

Satisfaction) Model

In this concept, the meaning of the ARCS (Attention, Relevance,

Confidence, and Satisfaction) Model, how to use this model in the class,

why does the writer choose the ARCS (Attention, Relevance, Confidence,

and Satisfaction) Model in teaching speaking, the rationale, and the action


2.3.1 ARCS (Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction) Model

Keller (2010:1) the ARCS model (an acronym for attention,

relevance, confidence, satisfaction) contains a synthesis of motivational and

volitional concepts and theories that provide a foundation for a motivational

design process that has been validated in many contexts. The Arcs Model is

an instructional model that focuses on motivation. It is important to

motivate learners/ and ensure the continuity of motivation during the

instruction. It means that this model is one of the teaching models that

focuses on the motivation of learners. Motivation is important to support the

learners to be happy and want to learn some lessons especially English.

Sarsar (2012: 46) The ARCS model is an attempt to synthesize

behavioral, cognitive, and affective learning theories and demonstrates that

learner motivation can be influenced through external conditions. The

purpose of the ARCS model is to employ strategies that are used to improve

the motivational appeal of instruction. It means the ARCS model can be a

good model in teaching learners because of this model as an attempt to

synthesize the behavioral, cognitive/, and affective of learners.

Hodges (2004: 5) The ARCS model is a method for systematically

designing motivation strategies into instructional materials. It consists of

three parts: a set of four categories for concepts of human motivation, a set

of strategies for enhancing motivation in instruction, and a design model for

motivational design. The ARCS model works under the assumption that

learners will be motivated if they feel they can be successful and that there

is value in their learning. Hence, this model works within the boundaries of

the expectancy-value theory.

Schneider (2014:12) ARCS is an instructional design model

developed byJohn Keller and that focuses on motivation. ARCS stands for:

Attention,Relevance, Confidence, Satisfaction.This model is particularly

important for distance education/ since motivation seems to be a key factor

that determines learners complete their training. Motivation is a diametral

responsibility for learners and teachers, and so it has tobe boost over the

entire learning process respectivly the developing of a learning

environment. The purpose of the ARCS model is to employ strategies that

are used to improve the motivational appeal of instruction

The ARCS model works under the assumption that learners will be

motivated if they feel they can be successful/, and that there is value in their

learning. The learners can be master in one major if they believe in their

ability and they’re motivated by something that will make them successful.

Also, they believe with knowledge and skill they can get what they want to

be. Hence, this model works within the boundaries of the expectancy-value


Based on an extensive review of the motivational literature which

led to a clustering of motivational concepts based on their shared attributes,

Keller (1979, 1983b) found they could be sorted into four categories.

ARCS Model Categories, Definitions, and Process Questions.

Major Categories and Process Questions

Definitions How can I make this learning

Attention/: Capturing the interest of experience stimulating and interesting?

learners; stimulating the curiosity to


Relevance/: Meeting the personal In what ways will this learning

needs/goals of the learner to effect a experience be valuable for my

positive attitude students?

Confidence/: Helping the learners How can I via instruction help the

believe/feel that they will succeed and students succeed and allow them to

control their success control their success?

Satisfaction/: Reinforcing What can I do to help the students feel

accomplishment with rewards (internal good about their experience and desire

and external) to continue learning?

Hodges (2004: 5) a systematic design process is part of the

ARCSmodel. The process is used to develop a motivational strategy for a

specific instructional experience. The process has four steps: define, design,

develop, and evaluate. When applying this process for motivation when

developing an instructional experience, one should first define the problem


First, determine if the problem is one of motivation. If motivation is

an issue, analyze the learners, and prepare motivational objectives. Next,

design your motivational strategies. After selecting your motivational

strategies, you must develop the instructional materials that will make use of

them. Finally, evaluate the learning experience, the proposes that the

evaluation is based on motivational as well as learning outcomes. To judge

motivational consequences, it is best to use direct measures of persistence,

the intensity of effort, emotion, and attitude. Schneider (2014: 12) the

significance of motivation was early developed by some scientists. The

implementation of multimedia elements isn't enough to reach permanently

motivational goals.

2.3.2 The Using of ARCS (Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and

Satisfaction) Model.

Edori (2014: 18)The ARCS model can be merged within other

instructional design models because it is just a means of meeting the

motivational needs of students. The ARCS model terms are reached, the

learners are possibly more motivated and just in the current instruction but

also maintaining the motivation to learn. ARCS model attends to the

motivational needs of the learner during a specific lesson and due to its

flexibility long term, motivational goals can be defined. According to Keller

(1987: 66) Integrating the ARCS model into an instructional design model is

a systematic process that contains four steps: define, design, develop/, and


a) Define: The defined phase involves three steps; classify the

problem, analyze the audience, and define motivational objectives.

The needs of the students might be different, some students may have

low confidence, and others might lack perceived relevance. In other

words, there are motivational challenges in various circumstances

therefore it is important to find the problem of the class, analyze the

students’ behavior to see which ones are intrinsically and those that

are extrinsically motivated, and finally set motivational objectives

according to on the requirements of the students.

b) Design: The design phase has two steps; create potential strategies

and select the ones to use. It is important to brainstorm to have a

variety of potential strategies and critically review all these strategies

to choose the best one that will produce the optimal result. The

motivational strategy used should not derail from the instructional

objectives, it should not take up too much time from the instruction,

and also compatible with how the instruction is delivered.

Motivational strategies ought to stir up the zeal to learn and not derail

learners from the process.

c) Develop: The development phase has two steps; create any extra

material needed and integrate it into the instructional material. This

can cause to revise the instructional material for consistency and


d) Evaluate: Evaluation should be centered on motivational and

learning outcomes. To evaluate the motivational outcome, the use of

direct measures like the intensity of effort, attitude, persistence,

emotion is important.

Ten steps of teaching ARCS Model/, Keller (2010:57-58) :

1. Obtain course information

2.Obtain Audience Information

3.Analyze Audience

4. Analyze existing materials

5.Listobjectives &assessments

6.List potential tactics

7.Select &design tactics

8.Integrate with instruction Combine motivational and instructional plans

9.Select & develop materials

10.Evaluate &revise

In the analyzing phase, information about the learner and course are

collected and analyzed (steps 1 to 5). Before designing the course using the

ARCS model, information about the course, the course description and

rationale, the teachers and the students plus their attitudes and skill levels

are collected. This data is then analyzed to find out the motivational

problem (steps 4 and 5). This will then provide information about what

kind(s) of the ARCS category needs to be improved. This helps the teacher

to design the teaching goals and the appropriate kinds of assessment for the

teaching-learning. Then, the process is continued to the design phase (steps

6-8). In this phase, the teacher designs the motivational learning systems

based on the problem(s). At step six, the teacher lists the probable solutions,

as many as possible, without checking whether they are appropriate or not

for the students. At step seven, the teacher selects the probable appropriate

solutions and design tactics for beginning and carrying on throughout the

teaching-learning processes. Later, at step eight, the most applicable

solution is selected and the teacher predicts what will happen in the future.

For example, after analyzing the problems, it is found that the students

are not confident when performing in front of the class. In this phase, the

teacher lists as many solutions as possible to increase the confidence of the

students, such as giving praise, letting students lead the program, giving

students more opportunities to perform in front of the class or front of a

group, and so on. The teacher cannot apply all of the possible solutions

because the time for teaching is limited. The best possible solution is chosen

by considering the skill level of the students, the limited time for teaching,

etc. Then, by looking at the skill level of the students (for example,

intermediate level), the time available for teaching-learning, for example.

ninety minutes, the best possible solution for this problem may be giving the

students the chance to perform dialogues in front of the class.

Later, in the development phase, the material is further selected and

developed (step 9). The material can be selected by using available

materials, modifying materials based on the situation or, developing or

producing new materials. For example, if the teacher selected dialogues for

speaking activities about introducing one’s self, it is possible to look at

many existing materials that are already appropriate for students. Otherwise,

the materials should be developed if and as they are needed. Development

and evaluation is the last process in the ARCS design (step10). This last step

is designed based on the students’reactions and satisfaction after the

implementation of the initial program of ARCS.

According to Sali (2008: 151) according to the learner characteristics,

the motivational quality of instruction can be enhanced with the

instructional methods suitable to learners’ motivational qualities. Each

factor of the ARCS Model has three elements, the benefit includes:

a). Perceptual arousal: use of strategies to gain initial interest;

b). Inquiry arousal-use of problem-solving, questioning, a sense of

mystery/, and progressive disclosure to increase interest;

c).Variability-use of variety (lecture with visuals, group activity, or

game) for a change of pace

2.3.3 Procedure of ARCS Model in Teaching Speaking

According to Keller (2010:57-58), There is a procedure of the ARCS

Model in teaching speaking

1. The teacher obtain course information

2. The teacher obtain students’ Information

3.The teacher analyze the students

4.The teacher will analyze existing materials and share them to the students

5. The teacher will List objectives and assessments

6.The teacher make a list of potential tactics

7.Select and design tactics

8.the teacher Integrate with instruction Combine motivational and

instructional plans

9. the teacher will Select and develop materials

10.Evaluate and revise

2.3.4 The Advantages of ARCS (Attention, Relevance, Confidence,

and Satisfaction) Model

Based on Chen (2015: 19) the attention, relevance, confidence, and

satisfaction (ARCS) model is a training–learning motivation model that

combines teaching design and learning motivation efficiently. The ARCS

model has the following benefit as follows

a) Emphasize eliciting motivation and affect,

b) Combine other teaching theories or design steps for application, and

c) Focus on enhancing teaching effects, especially interest in learning

2.4 Conceptual Framework
Problems in
Problem in teaching speaking speaking
2)Nothig to
The eleventh Grade of Senior high
school 3)Low or
Teaching Speaking using n.
ARCS Model 4)Mother
tongue use.

Teaching speaking In
Experimental Quantitative

Experimental Control Group



Teaching Speaking
using Arcs Model Teaching Speaking
Using conventional


Figure 2.1. The Effect of ARCS (Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and

Satisfaction) Model On speaking skill at eleventh-grade students 2020/2021

(Herlinawati Marbun, S.Pd : 2020).


3.1. Research Design

This study was used in experimental quantitative research. This

study has two variables: dependent and independent variables. In this study,

The experimental class was a class that has been given the treatment by

using the ARCS model/, and the control group has been not given treatment.

The procedures to gain the data are/: pre-test, treatment (teaching

presentation), and post-test. In the pre-test, The experimental group has been

given a pre-test before the treatment. The function of the pre-test to know

the mean score of the experimental group. When treatment was used, It is to

found out the effect of teaching speaking by the ARCS model, a treatment

has been conducted to the experimental group. At last in the post-test, The

post-test has been given to the experimental group after treatment. It is

found out the difference in mean score.

Table 3.1

Research Design
Group Pre-test Treatment Post-test

Using Arcs Model

Experimental √ √

Using Conventional
Control √ teaching √

3.2. The Population and Sample

a.The Population

The population of this study is eleventh-grade students of Aek Batu,

kab. Labuhan Batu Selatan.

b.The Sample

The Sample is a procedure of taking the data, where only a part of

the population would take and was used to determine the characteristic of

the population. The writer was used purposive sampling, based on Sugiono’

theory. A Sample was taken with some specific considerations that aim to

obtain data that can be more representative. According to the criteria, the

writer chooses 20 students and then 10 students as the Experimental Group

and 10 students as the Control Group.

3.3. Instrument of Collecting Data

To collect the data, the writer was given a speaking test and record

it. Both the control and experimental group were given pre-test and post-

test. The treatment was conducted after the administration of the pre-test.

The experimental group has been taught by using the ARCS model, while

the control has been taught by using conventional teaching. The writer was

recorded the students speaking performances in pre-test and post-test.

3.4 The Procedure of Collecting Data

The technique of teaching the experimental group and the control group is

different. The experimental group was taught by using ARCS Model while the

control group was taught by using conventional teaching. In this study, the

procedures of collecting data are divided into three parts. They are pre-test,

treatment , and post-test.

Table 3.2

Teaching Procedure for Experimental Group and Control

Experimental Group Control group
Opening phase

1.Teacher greets the students

Opening phase to open the class(introduction)
2.Teacher motivates the
1.Teacher greets the students to open the
students and instructs the
class (introduction)
students before the test
2.Teacher motivates the students and
instructs the students before the test
1.Teacher gives an oral pre-
1.Teacher gives an oral pre-test to the test to the students by giving a
students by giving atopic and make the topic and make the students in
students in pairs Times gave 35 pairs Times gave 35 minutes.

2.Teacher asks students in

pairs to come in front of the


1.The teacher obtain course information 1.Teacher asks the students to

open their book to get
2. The teacher obtain students’ information about the

Information conversation

3.The teacher analyze the students 2.Teacher gives a topic and

asks the students to practice it
4.The teacher will analyze existing
materials and share it to the students

5.The teacher will List objectives


6.The teacher make a list of potential


7. Select & design tactics

8.the teacher Integrate with instruction

Combine motivational and instructional

9.the teacher will Select & develop


10.Evaluate & revise

Closing activity- Closing activity-

1.Teacher gives a conclusion about the 1.Teacher gives a conclusion

lesson for around 10 minutes. about the lesson around 10
2.Teacher gives Post-Test 2.Teacher gives Post-Test

3.5 Scoring the Test

In scoring the data of this research, an oral test was given to the
students to evaluate the students’ speaking competence. five aspects that had
been scored. They are pronunciation, vocabulary, structure, fluency, and
content. We chose these scoring criteria since it is suitable to score speaking
skill ability. The scoring criteria can be described as follows:

Table 3.3

NO Score Description

1.Pronunciation 1 Incomprehensible or no response

2 Many Phonetic errors: Very difficult to
perceive the meaning
3 Occasional phonemic errors, but generally
4 Phonemically accurate pronunciation

2. Vocabulary 1 Vocabulary inaccurate throughout or no

2 Vocabulary usually inaccurate, escape for
the occasional correct word
3 Mirror lexical problems, but Vocabulary
generally appropriate
4 Consistenly use appropriate words during

3. Structure 1 Virtually no correct structure or no response

2 Error of basic structure, but some phrase
rendered correctly
3 Generally accurate structure, occasional
4 No error of morphology or syntax

4. Fluency 1 Long pause, utterances left unfinished, or

no response
2 Some definite stumbling, but manages to
rephrase and continue
3 Speech is generally natural and continues
occasional slightstumbling or pauses at
unnatural points in utterance
4 Speech is natural and continuous; any
pauses correspond to those which might be

made by a native speaker

3.6 The Validity The Research

a.The Validity of The Research

Arikunto (2010:168) stated that validity is a measurement with shows

the level of the validity of the instrument. An instrument can be said valid if

it can measure what is supposed to be measured. There are four types of

validity, namely, content validity, construct validity, concurrent validity,

and predictive validity. this research was conducted with content validity.

Content validity considers whether a test will the necessary and appropriate

content to measure what is supposed to. So in this case the validity of the

test is to know whether the test measures the students’ speaking skill or not.

3.7. Technique of Analyzing Data

In this study, the data were analyzed from the experimental and control

group. The data was analyzed using a/ t-test formula. The reason for choosing this

formula because it is simple enough to be presented. The T-test is one of the

methods in analyzing the data in scientific writing. Before the writer uses this

formula, the first one the writer was given the test to the students/, after then the

writer has assessed the paper, the writer was used the formula of scoring can be

seen below:

Total score
x 100
Maximum Score

After that, the writer will determine the mean score/, the standard deviation , and

the total samples. The formula is described as follow :

t Mx−My
√ dx 2+dy 2
Nx +Ny −2 )( 1
Nx Ny )

Where :
t= the effect
Mx = the mean score of the experimental group

My = the mean score of the control group

Dx = the standard deviation of the experimental group
Dy 2 = the standard deviation of the control group
Nx = the total number of samples of the experimental group
Ny = the total number of samples of the control group.


4.1 Data Analysis

The data in this study was taken from the score of the students’ speaking

test. The scores were obtained from the result of the pre-test and post-test

which were applied in the experimental group and the control group. The test

was a question and answer test to see the response of students for both the

experimental and the control groups. The experimental group was taught

speaking skills by applying the ARCS model and conventional teaching to the

control group. Both groups were given the same test, pre-test/, and post-test.

There were 10 students in the experimental group and 10 students in the

control group. The total sample in this research was 20 students of eleventh-

grade students of senior high school.

The following tables were the result of the pre-test and post-test of the

two groups, experimental group/, and control group. From the table result of

the data analysis below, the writer found the total of the scores is 437,5 and

the mean of the scores is 43,75 from the pre-test of the experimental group.

The lowest score for the pre-test is 37,5 and the highest is 50.

Table 4.1
The Score of Pre-test in Experimental Group

Experimental Class
Pre-test data
No Studen Pronuncia Vocab Flue Struct Total Score
ts’ tion ulary ncy ure
1 DBS 2 2 2 2 8 50
2 SW 2 2 2 2 8 50

3 BS 1 2 2 1 6 37,5
4 RAS 2 2 1 1 6 37,5
5 PG 2 2 1 2 7 43,75
6 JK 2 2 2 2 8 50
7 RWT 2 2 2 1 7 43,75
8 SN 2 2 1 1 6 37,5
9 RF 1 2 2 2 7 43,75
10 TLS 2 2 1 2 7 43,75
Total (Σ) 437,5

Σx 43,75
Mean (m¿ )

Then the writer is taken the next data from Post-test in the experimental

group. After the writer had applied the post-test to the experimental the

writer found the enhancement of the total score’s post-test in experimental

class is 662,5 The scores can be seen in table 4.2.

Table 4.2
The Score of Post-Test in Experimental Group
Experimental group
Post-test data
N Studen Pronun Vocab Fluenc Struct Total Score
o ts’ ciation ulary y ure
1 DBS 3 4 3 3 13 81,25
2 SW 4 4 3 3 14 87,5
3 BS 2 3 2 2 9 56,25
4 RAS 2 2 2 2 8 50
5 PG 3 3 2 2 10 62,5
6 JK 2 2 2 2 8 50
7 RWT 3 4 3 2 12 75
8 SN 2 3 2 3 10 62,5
9 RF 3 4 2 2 11 68,75
10 TLS 3 4 2 2 11 68,75
Total (Σ) 662,5
Σx 66,25
Mean (m¿ )

Here, we can see from table 4.3 below that the writer had already

about the scores of the pre-test of the students in the control group to know

the comparison between the experimental and control class. From the

applications of the pre-test for control class, the writer found the source

where the total of the score was 42,5 can be seen in table 4.3

Table 4.3
The Score of Pre-test in Control Group

Control Group
Pre-test data
N Studen Pronunci Vocab Fluenc Struct Total Score
o ts’ ation ulary y ure
1 SH 2 2 2 2 8 50
2 TS 2 2 1 2 7 43,75
3 RFN 1 2 1 1 5 31,25
4 AD 1 2 2 2 7 43,75
5 HF 2 2 1 1 6 37,5
6 ANA 2 2 2 2 8 50
7 RAE 2 2 1 2 7 43,75
8 RP 1 1 1 1 4 25
9 LR 2 2 2 2 8 50
10 DIS 2 2 2 2 8 50
Total (Σ) 425
Σx 42,5
Mean (m¿ )

After the writer gave a post-test to the control class, then checked

the students’ records. The total score of the post-test of the control class was

Here, the writer showed table 4.4 of the post-test in the control class.

Table 4.4
The Score of Post-test in Control Group
Control Class
Post-test data
No Studen Pronun Vocab Fluenc Stru Total Score
ts’ ciation ulary y cture
1 SH 2 3 2 2 9 56,25
2 TS 2 2 2 2 8 50
3 RFN 1 2 2 1 6 37,5
4 AD 2 3 2 2 9 56,25
5 HF 2 2 2 2 8 50
6 ANA 2 3 2 2 9 56,25
7 RAE 2 3 2 2 9 56,25
8 RP 1 2 1 2 6 37,5
9 LR 2 3 1 1 7 43,75

10 DIS 3 3 2 2 10 62,5
Total (Σ) 506,25
Σx 50,625
Mean (m¿ )

4.1.1 Score Analysis

The data were analyzed by calculating the mean of students’ scores

and deviation, to found out whether the use of the ARCS Model

significantly affects students’ speaking skills. The data were obtained and

gave them a speaking test to the students to know their ability in speaking. It

was calculated by using the scores of the speaking test in both the

experimental and control classes. The analysis was intended to get a

significant difference between teaching by using the ARCS Model and

Conventional teaching to affect students’ speaking skills. Here the writer

had already done the research for both classes and found the result of the

pre-test and post-test in the experimental class, so do for the control class.

From the data above, the writer got the mean score of the experimental class

in the pre-test was 43,75 and the mean score of the post-test was 66,25. The

calculation of students’ scores could be seen in the table and the reader

could see for another result of the research, we could see from the table that

the writer made below from the pre-test to post-test of the experimental

class and pre-test to post-test of the control class.

Table 4.5

The Scores of Pre-test, Post-test, Calculation of Deviation, Mean

of Experimental Class.

No Students Pre-test ( Post-test ( Deviation (d) 2

’ Initial X1 ¿ X2 ¿ X2-X1 (X)
1 DBS 50 81,25 31,25 976,56

2 SW 50 87,5 37,5 1406,2
3 BS 37,5 56,25 18,75 351,56
4 RAS 37,5 50 12,5 156,25
5 PG 43,75 62,5 18,75 351,56
6 JK 50 50 0 0
7 RWT 43,75 75 31,25 976,56
8 SN 37,5 62,5 25 625
9 RF 43,75 68,75 25 625
10 TLS 43,75 68,75 25 625
Total (Σ) 437,5 662,5 231,25 6093,7

Mean 43,75 66,25 23,125 609,37


The mean score of the pre-test in the control class was 42,5 while the

mean of the post-test in the control class was 50,625/. The calculation of

students’ score can be seen in table 4.6

Table 4.6

The Scores of Pre-test, Post-test, Calculation Of Deviation, Mean Of Control


No Stud Pre-test ( Post-test ( Deviation (d) Y


ents’ Y1¿ Y2¿ Y2-Y1 (Y)

1 SH 50 56,25 6,25 39,06
2 TS 43,75 50 6,25 39,06
3 RFN 31,25 37,5 6,25 39,06
4 AD 43,75 56,25 12,5 156,25
5 HF 37,5 50 12,5 156,25
6 ANA 50 56,25 6,25 39,06
7 RAF 43,75 56,25 12,5 156,25
8 RP 25 37,5 12,5 156,25
9 LR 50 43,75 -6,25 39,06
10 DIS 50 62,5 12,5 156,25

Total 425 506,25 81,25 976,55
Mean 42,5 50,625 8,125 97,655

4.1.2 Content Validity

Table 4.7

NO Score Description

1.Pronunciation 1 Incomprehensible or no response

2 Many Phonetic errors: Very difficult to
3 Occasional phonemic errors, but generally
4 Phonemically accurate pronunciation

2. Vocabulary 1 Vocabulary inaccurate throughout or no

2 Vocabulary usually inaccurate, escape for
the occasional correct word
3 Mirror lexical problems, but Vocabulary
generally appropriate
4 Consistently use appropriate words during a

3. Structure 1 Virtually no correct structure or no response

2 Error of basic structure, but some phrase
rendered correctly
3 Generally accurate structure, occasional
4 No error of morphology or syntax

4. Fluency 1 Long pause, utterances left unfinished, or

no response
2 Some definite stumbling, but manages to
rephrase and continue
3 Speech is generally natural and continues
occasional slight stumbling or pauses at
unnatural points in utterance
4 Speech is natural and continuous; any
pauses correspond to those which might be
made by a native speaker

4.1.3 The Analysis of Data by Using T-Test Formula

The writer chose the t-test formula to find out whether the

ARCS Model technique affects the students speaking skill, the data

were calculated by applying the t-test formula as follows:

√( ∑ dx 2+ ∑ d y2
Nx+ Ny−2 )( 1
Nx Ny )
x 231,25
mx = Σn = 10
= 23,125

y 81,25
my = Σ n = 10 = 8,125

2 2
= ∑ x 2 - Σnx = 6093,75- 231,25
= 746,1

2 2
Σy 81,25
= ∑ y -

=976,55 –
= 316,393

t =
(√ 746,1+316,393
10+10−2 )( 10 10 )
1 1

t =
(√ 1062,493
18 )( 10 )

t =
√( 59,0273 ) ( 0,2 )
t =
t = 3,4359

t = 4,3656

From the calculation, the result shows that the t-observed (4,3656)

is higher than the t-table (4,3656 > 2.10092: p= 0.05). It means that applying

the ARCS Model in teaching speaking affect in students’ speaking skill’

4.1.4 Testing Hypothesis

The Testing hypothesis should be done to know whether the

hypothesis is accepted or rejected. It is done by using the t-test formula for

the degree of freedom (df= 10+10 -2) 18 at the level of significance 0.05.

The result of calculating the t-test shows that t-observed is higher than the t-

table as follows:

t-observed> t-table (p=0.05) with df 18

4,3656 > 2.10092 (p= 0.05) with df 18

So it means that hypothesis alternative (Ha) is accepted. It indicated

that there is a significant effect of the ARCS Model on students’ speaking


4.2 Research Finding

After the writer has researched both classes in experimental and

control class, the score was different, because ΣX exp was 23,125 and ΣY Ctrl

was 8,125. From the scores, it could be concluded that the ARCS Model

was significantly affected the students’ speaking skills because when the

writer had applied the Model the students could speak well than before

applied the Model.

4.3 Research Discussion

Here the writer explained one by one about the mean point of the pre-

test to post-test from both classes. And the writer explained that the students

from both classes were gained.

4.3.1 Pronunciation

So here the students were known whether the got a high score or low

score from the points that they will get, the point could be gained through

the way they speak. In the experimental class of the pre-test, the students

still got a lower point, because the students can’t pronounce the word well.

The pronunciation’s mean of the point in the experimental class of the pre-

test was 1,8.

While after the writer did the model was also applied in the

experimental class to know wheater there’s an effect or not by using the

ARCS model to students’ speaking skills. The last step was post-test to be

applied in the experimental class to know the effect of the technique that the

writer used, we could know it from the mean point that the students gain. So

here the mean post-test of point in the experimental class was 2,7. We can

see there’s an enhancement after the technique was used.

While the Pre-test point in the control class without treatment to be

applied is increased, the mean point of the pre-test in the control class was

1,7 while the mean point in the control class’ post-test was 1.9. The

difference in the mean point wasn’t too much different. Example of

Students’ mistake :

Opinion (students’ mistake) : (opinion)

Opinion : (∂’pInj ∂n)

But/, in my opinion, the free fire game is good.

Students’ Errors :

Lied(students’s errors) : (laid)

Lied: (li:d)

In the pronunciation part, the total of pronunciation that the experimental

group got in the pre-test was 18, and for the post-test were 27. The main basic

data of pronunciation was 40. Based on the data, the percentage result of the

pre-test was 45% while in post-test was 67,5%. It means that the treatment

was significantly affected for the synonym part with deviation up to 22,5 % .

4.3.2 Vocabulary

Before the writer used the ARCS Model the writer found the students

less vocabulary. Because when the students don’t know English of the word

the students said in Bahasa. We can see in the vocabulary’s mean of the

point in the experimental class of the pre-test was 2.0. After the writer did

the technique was applied in the experimental class the mean post-test of

point in experimental class was 3.3. We can see there’s an enhancement

after the technique was used.

While in the control class’ pre-test mean point and post-test mean point

were 1,9 and 2.6. We can see the difference the mean point wasn’t too


Vocabulary in speaking consists of two kinds namely active and passive

vocabulary. In this study, the writer focuses on active vocabulary that

students use when they do conversation. An active vocabulary consists of the

words we understand and use in everyday speaking and writing. Example/ :

think/, opinion, best friend, etc.

I do not have a best friend. Hmmm it is ok hmmm it is none of your


In the Vocabulary part, the total of vocabulary that the experimental

group got in the pre-test was 20 and for the post-test was 33. The main basic

data of vocabulary was 40. Based on the data, the percentage result of the pre-

test was 50% while in post-test was 82,5%. It means that the treatment was

significantly affected for the synonym part with deviation up to 32,5 % .

4.3.3 Structure

From here the students were measured how the students arrange the

grammar of the sentence correctly. Before the writer applied the model in the

experimental class, The grammar’s mean of the point in the experimental

class of the pre-test was 1,6. After the writer did the model was applied in the

experimental class the mean post-test of point in the experimental class was

2.3. While in the control class’ pre-test mean point and post-test mean point

were 1,7 and 1,8.

There is students’ error in structure I do not have a best friend/, because

are my friend are only smart and the for both it is typical back.

In the structure part, the total of structure that the experimental group got

in the pre-test was 16 , and for the post-test were 23. The main basic data of

the structure was 40. Based on the data, the percentage result of the pre-test

was 40% while in post-test was 57,5%. It means that the treatment was

significantly affected for the synonym part with deviation up to 17,5 % .

4.4.4 Fluency

In fluency, the students were measured whether they speak with many

stops or repeat the same word in one time when they spoke. The comparison

between the experimental class’ pre-test mean point and the post-test mean

point was 1,6 and 2.3. We see from the numbers that the students gained

there’s an enhancement after the class was already applied the technique.

While in the control class’ pre-test mean point and post-test mean point were

1,5 and 1,8.

The fluency of students can see from the way when they speak up.

Example/: use a hmmmmm word. I do not have a best friend. Hmmm it is

oke hmmm it is none of your business.

In the fluency part, the total of fluency that the experimental group got in

the pre-test was 16 , and for the post-test were 23. The main basic data of

fluency was 40. Based on the data, the percentage result of the pre-test was

40% while in post-test was 57,5%. It means that the treatment was

significantly affected for the synonym part with deviation up to 17,5 % .

The result of the study proved that the ARCS model could help the

students to improve their speaking skills. And English teachers can apply the

ARCS model to teach their students/, especially in speaking skills.


5.1 Conclusions
After doing the research and analyzing the data, the writer concludes


1. ARCS (Attention, Relevance, Confidence/, and Satisfaction ) model

is one of the models that can be used in teaching speaking. This model

can emphasize the students’ participation in speaking and enhances

students’ interaction with the teacher and others students in learning

process.this model also can build students’ motivation so they will be

active to learn about English.

2. The mean score of the experimental class is higher than the control

class where the mean score of the experimental class was 23,125 and

the mean score of the control class was 8,125.

3. The result implies that teaching by using the ARCS model

significantly affects the students’ speaking skills for the eleventh-grade

of senior high school in Aek Batu.

5.2 Suggestions

Based on the result of the study, the following suggestions are


1. It is suggested that the students for using the ARCS model, because it is

so effective to motivate and get students’attention.

2. It’s suggested for teachers or educators to use this model to be applied in

the teaching learning process and specific aim to improve students

speaking skills.


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Appendix A :

Instrument of Coleccting Data:

a. Students score

b. Observation

Rubric Assessment of speaking

NO Score Description

1.Pronunciation 1 In comprehensible or no response

2 Many Phonetic erors: Very dificcult to perceive
3 Occasional phonemic erorrs, but generally
4 Phonemically accurate pronunciation

2. Vocabulary 1 Vocabulary inaccurate throughtout or no

2 Vocabulary usually inaccurate, escape for
occasional correctword
3 Miror lexical problems, but Vocabulary
generally appropriate
4 Consistenly use appropriate words during

3. Structure 1 Virtually no correct structure or no response

2 Error of basic structure, but some phrase

rendered correctly
3 Generally accurate structure, occasional slight
4 No error of morphology or syntax

4. Fluency 1 Long pauses, utterances left unfinished, or no

2 Some definite stumbling, but manages to
rephrase and continue
3 Speech is generally natural and continues
occasional slightstumbling or pauses at
unnatural points in utterance
4 Speech is natural and continuous; any pauses
correspond to thosewhich might be made by a
native speaker

Appendix B:


(RPP Experimental Group)


Satuan Pendidikan : SMA

Materi Pembelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS

Kelas/Semester : XI/1

Materi Pokok : Asking and Giving Opinions

Skill : speaking


KI. Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya

K2. Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab,

peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif dan

pro-aktif dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai

permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial

dan alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam

pergaulan dunia.

K3. Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual,

konseptual, prosedural berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu

pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan

kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab

fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada

bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk

memecahkan masalah

K4. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak

terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajari di sekolah secara

mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan.



3.2 menerapkan fungsi sosial, 3.2 Mengidentifikasi dan menyebutkan

struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan situasi yang memunculkan pernyataan
teks interaksi pendapat dan pikiran dan menyebutkan
transaksional lisan dan tulis yang pernyataan yang dimaksud
melibatkan tindakan memberi dan
meminta informasi terkait pendapat
dan pikiran, sesuai dengan konteks
penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur
kebahasaan I think, I suppose, in my

4,2 menyusun teks interaksi 4.2.1 Bertanya dan mempertanyakan tentang
transaksional, lisan dan tulis, pendek hal-hal yang tidak diketahui atau berbeda
dan sederhana, yang melibatkan 4.2.2 Diberikan beberapa situasi siswa
tindakan memberi dan meminta menyatakan pendapat dan pikirannya yang
informasi terkait pendapat dan sesuai secara tertulis kemudian dibacakan ke
pikiran, dengan memperhatikan kelas
fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur 4.2.3Melakukan pengamatan di lingkungan
kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai daerahnya dan sekitarnyadan kemudian
konteks menyatakan pendapat dan pikirannya terkait
dengan upaya menjaga, memelihara dan
4.2.4Melakukan refleksi tentang proses dan
hasil belajar


Setelah mengikuti serangkaian pembelajaran, peserta didik :

3.2 siswa mampu Mengidentifikasi dan menyebutkan situasi yang

memunculkan pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran dan menyebutkan

pernyataan yang dimaksud

4.2.1 Mampu Bertanya dan mempertanyakan tentang hal-hal yang tidak

diketahui atau berbeda

4.2.2 Mampu Diberikan beberapa situasi siswa menyatakan pendapat dan

pikirannya yang sesuai secara tertulis kemudian dibacakan ke kelas

4.2.3 Mampu Melakukan pengamatan di lingkungan daerahnya dan

sekitarnyadan kemudian menyatakan pendapat dan pikirannya terkait

dengan upaya menjaga, memelihara dan memperbaikinya

4.2.4 Mampu Melakukan refleksi tentang proses dan hasil belajar


a.fungsi sosial

Menjaga hubungan interpersonal dengan

guru, teman, dan orang lain.

b.Struktur Teks

- Memulai

- Menanggapi (diharapkan/di luar dugaan)

c. Unsur Kebahasaan

- Ungkapan menyatakan pendapat I think, I suppose, in my opinion

- Nomina singular dan plural dengan atau tanpa a, the, this, those, my, their, dsb.

- Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan


Situasi yang memungkinkan munculnya pernyataan tentang pendapat dan

pikiran yang dapat menumbuhkan perilaku yang termuat di KI


Pendekatan : Scientific Approach

Strategi : pengamatan, pemodelan, kerja kelompok, dan


Method : ARCS Model

Technique : question and answer


Media : spidol,whiteboard,picture


           Buku SMA kelas XI yang relavan



PENDAHULUAN (10 menit)

Tahap Kegiatan

Kegiatan Awal 1.Teacher greets the students to open the class


2.Teacher motivates the students and gives

instruction to the students before the test

3.Teacher gives an oral pre-test to the students by

giving atopic andmake the students in pair.Times
given 35 minutes.

4.Teacher asks students in pair to come in front

for test.

KEGIATAN INTI (70 menit)

Observation 1. The teacher obtain course information

2. The teacher obtain students’ Information

3.The teacher analyze the students

4.The teacher will analyze existing materials and

share it to thr students

5.The teacher will List objectives &assesments

6.The teacher make a list potential tactics

7. Select & design tactics

8.the teacher Integrate with instruction Combine
motivational and instructional plans

9.the teacher will Select & develop materials

10.Evaluate & revise

Penutup 1.Teacher gives conclusionabout the lesson

around 10 minutes.

2.Teacher gives Post-Test

I.         PENILAIAN

speaking Skill

No Nama Aspek yang dinilai Skor 1-4

Structure Pronounciation fluency vocabullary

Konversi Kompetensi Pengetahuan, Keterampilan dan Sikap

Nilai Kompetensi
Pengetahuan Keterampilan Sikap
A 4 4
A- 3.66 3.66
B+ 3.33 3.33
B 3 3 B
B- 2.66 2.66
C+ 2.33 2.33
C 2 2 C
C- 1.66 1.66
D+ 1.33 1.33
D- 1 1

Medan, Agustus 2020


Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran

(________________________) (________________________)


(RPP Control Group)


Satuan Pendidikan : SMA

Materi Pembelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS

Kelas/Semester : XI/1

Materi Pokok : Asking and Giving Opinions

Skill : speaking


KI. Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya

K2. Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab,

peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif dan

pro-aktif dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai

permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial

dan alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam

pergaulan dunia.

K3. Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual,

konseptual, prosedural berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu

pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan

kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab

fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada

bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk

memecahkan masalah

K4. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak

terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajari di sekolah secara

mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan.



3.2 menerapkan fungsi sosial, 3.2 Mengidentifikasi dan menyebutkan

struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan situasi yang memunculkan pernyataan
teks interaksi pendapat dan pikiran dan menyebutkan
transaksional lisan dan tulis yang pernyataan yang dimaksud
melibatkan tindakan memberi dan
meminta informasi terkait pendapat
dan pikiran, sesuai dengan konteks
penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur
kebahasaan I think, I suppose, in my

4,2 menyusun teks interaksi 4.2.1 Bertanya dan mempertanyakan tentang

transaksional, lisan dan tulis, pendek hal-hal yang tidak diketahui atau berbeda
dan sederhana, yang melibatkan 4.2.2 Diberikan beberapa situasi siswa
tindakan memberi dan meminta menyatakan pendapat dan pikirannya yang
informasi terkait pendapat dan sesuai secara tertulis kemudian dibacakan ke
pikiran, dengan memperhatikan kelas
fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur 4.2.3Melakukan pengamatan di lingkungan
kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai daerahnya dan sekitarnyadan kemudian
konteks menyatakan pendapat dan pikirannya terkait

dengan upaya menjaga, memelihara dan
4.2.4Melakukan refleksi tentang proses dan
hasil belajar


Setelah mengikuti serangkaian pembelajaran, peserta didik :

3.2 siswa mampu Mengidentifikasi dan menyebutkan situasi yang

memunculkan pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran dan menyebutkan

pernyataan yang dimaksud

4.2.1 Mampu Bertanya dan mempertanyakan tentang hal-hal yang tidak

diketahui atau berbeda

4.2.2 Mampu Diberikan beberapa situasi siswa menyatakan pendapat dan

pikirannya yang sesuai secara tertulis kemudian dibacakan ke kelas

4.2.3 Mampu Melakukan pengamatan di lingkungan daerahnya dan

sekitarnyadan kemudian menyatakan pendapat dan pikirannya terkait

dengan upaya menjaga, memelihara dan memperbaikinya

4.2.4 Mampu Melakukan refleksi tentang proses dan hasil belajar


a.fungsi sosial

Menjaga hubungan interpersonal dengan

guru, teman, dan orang lain.

b.Struktur Teks

- Memulai

- Menanggapi (diharapkan/di luar dugaan)

c. Unsur Kebahasaan

- Ungkapan menyatakan pendapat I think, I suppose, in my opinion

- Nomina singular dan plural dengan atau tanpa a, the, this, those, my, their, dsb.

- Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan


Situasi yang memungkinkan munculnya pernyataan tentang pendapat dan

pikiran yang dapat menumbuhkan perilaku yang termuat di KI


Pendekatan : Scientific Approach

Strategi : pengamatan, pemodelan, kerja kelompok, dan


Method : ARCS Model

Technique : question and answer


Media : spidol,whiteboard,picture


           Buku SMA kelas XI yang relavan



PENDAHULUAN (10 menit)

Tahap Kegiatan

Kegiatan Awal 1.Teacher greets the students to open the class


2.Teacher motivates the students and gives

instruction to the students before the test

3.Teacher gives an oral pre-test to the students by

giving a topic and make the students in pair.
Times given 35 minutes.

4.Teacher asks students in pair to come in front

for test.

KEGIATAN INTI (70 menit)

Observation 1.Teacher asks the students to open their book to

get information about conversation

2.Teacher gives a topic and asks the students to

practice it

Penutup 1.Teacher gives conclusion about the lesson

around 10 minutes

2.Teacher gives Post-Test

I.         PENILAIAN

speaking Skill

No Nama Aspek yang dinilai 1-4

Structure Pronounciation fluency vocabullary

Konversi Kompetensi Pengetahuan, Keterampilan dan Sikap

Nilai Kompetensi
Pengetahuan Keterampilan Sikap
A 4 4
A- 3.66 3.66
B+ 3.33 3.33
B 3 3 B
B- 2.66 2.66
C+ 2.33 2.33
C 2 2 C
C- 1.66 1.66
D+ 1.33 1.33
D- 1 1

Medan, agustus 2020


Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran

(________________________) (________________________)

Appendix C:

The scripsts of the representative audio of pre-test and post test from

Experimental class:

1. Pre-test representative script audio:

a. DBS

hello guys, How are you? Do you have a bestfriend? And what do you

think about bestfriend? Why you don’t have a one bestfriend? Ok


b. SW

I do not have a bestfriend. Hmmmmm it is oke hmmmm it is none of

your bussiness.


I do not have bestfriend, because are my friend are only smart and the

for both it is not tipycal back.

d. PG

yahhh, I have real friend. I think real friend is fun and existing.

e. RAS

I do not have, because I think true friend are the same.


hello guys, yes I agree because i do ot have a handphone.


Hello, I think it is very very boring.

h. SN

Hello. Yes, I agree because I also go to Medan.

i. RF

Hello. I think moreover homework is very mute given by the teacher.


Hello, my friends. How are you guys?ohhh how about online school

guys? Oh hope this covid-19 will go pass away soon , so we can go to


2. Post-test representative script audio:


Yah, that is pretty idea. Do you really think that? In my opinions friends

honest or not, it is not important. For me I do not care exactly.


In my opinion friends need to be honest with each other. One little lie and

the friendship just dissapears.

c. BS

Some people say friends are always honest with each other. What do you

think? I think so. I have same experience with you. My friend had ever

lied to me and I really hate it. And how about you?


and for me , friends must be always honest with their friends. If they can

not honest the friendship just empty. Hahhaah same with me. And how

about you?


yah,once,one of my good friends to me. He was a really good friend and I

just felt completely betrayed. It destroyed the friendship.

f. JK

oh no. I do not want it. Yahh for me online school or not is the same. I

must be learn and get the point cause my mission is to be the good student


g. RWT

yahh it is so boring. I can not meet with my friend and I can not get the

point of the lesson. Yahh I hope it.


me too, I am bored too. For me, online school do not give benefit.the

teacher just send the material without explain what do you think

about it?


hmmm I am so bored if I always study at home. What do you think about

online school guys? Yahh I do not want it too. I hope this situation will

end on the next month.


hmmm it is poor. So what do you think if online school will do until the

end of this year? For me I do not agree with this one cause I do not like it.

And here the writer showed you the script of the representative audio

of pre-test and post-test Control class:

1. Pre-test representative script audio:


yess, in my opinion the free fire game good but has low graphic and

your opinion tegar?


I do not know because I do not play it hhahhahah

c. RFN

In my opinion has low graphic.


Hii guys, What do you think About free fire game? Thank you your


e. HF

But, In my opinion the free fire game is good.


What do you think about covid-19? I think covid-19 is ghost. It can

kill many people.

g. RAE

yahh I think so. Covid-19 just make me and my friend can not meet


h. RP

huuu it is danger. I think covid-19 like a evil.


uhhh you are right. I agree with it. Hmmmm covid-19 is killing me. I

hate quarantine .

j. DIS

yahh so what do you think ? and for me covid-19 just make me feel

afraid cause it can kill so many people.

2. Post-test representative script audio:

a. SH

fun? What fun about free fire? In my opinion there is nothing fun about

free fire. It is dangerous for your health and for your mental. And it is

waste of money, cause you need more kuota to play it. Yeah I agree


No guys. Free fire is fun. You can get more friends and can talk with

other people. You will feel happy when you get win.


well, it is fun you know

d. AD

Hi..? By the way , I just do not understand why you guys like playing

free fire? I do not think so. For me free fire just destroyed someone’s

focus of something.

e. HF

yahh I agree with your Idea. Free fire just make you focus only to it

and do not care about other.


I am not sure. For me it is important to us to always keep our health.

Hoe about you? Do you have same idea with us?


I think so. But some people must go out to do their job. So staying at

home only applies to those who do no outside work and can do it from


h. RP

so do you think it is good idea that people must stay at home for along

time until this virus go on?

i. LR

what do you think about covid-19? Yes I have some Idea with you.

The goverment has made the right decision but the Indonesia people

has been so lax in paying attention to these rules that they are adding

victims every day.


Yapss it is right. Covid-19 is so scared and danger.

Appendix D:

Table of names of the students in experimental class

No Initial Real Name

1 DBS Daud Briliant Simanjuntak
2 SW Sandi Wardanu
3 BS Bringko Sihaloho
4 RAS Ridho Akbar Syahputra
5 PG Preddy Gurning
6 JK Jimmy Kurniawan
7 RWT Rizka Widya Trianggita
8 SN Sukeshi nasution
9 RF Risa Fitriani
10 TLS Thesa LonikaSaragih

Table of the names of the students in control class

No Initial Real Name

1 SH Simon Hotang
2 TS Tegar Sirait
3 RFN Raja Fai Nasution
4 AD Audila Difitriya
5 HF Hanna Fransisca
6 ANA Adinda Nur’ Amalia
7 RAE Rika Alfriza Effendi
8 RP Rianti Pasaribu
9 LR Leni Rahmawati
10 DIS Dewi Indriyani Siregar

Appendix E:

The Analysis of Data the research by using T-test formula. The writer

chosen t-test to find out wheather Talking Chips Technique affects the

students’speaking skill, the data was calculated by applying t-test formula as


√( ∑ dx 2+ ∑ d y2
Nx+ Ny−2 )( 1
Nx Ny )
x 231,25
mx = Σn = 10
= 23,125

y 81,25
my = Σ n = 10 = 8,125

Σ x2 231,252
= ∑x - 2
= 6093,75- = 746,1
n 10

2 2
Σy 81,25
dy 2
= ∑ 2
y -
=976,55 –
= 316,393

t =
(√ 746,1+316,393
10+10−2 )( 10 10 )
1 1

t =
(√ 1062,493
18 )( 10 )

t =
√( 59,0273 ) ( 0,2 )
t =
t = 3,4359

t = 4,3656

Appendix F

The t-Table

Titik Persentase Distribusi t (df = 1 – 40)

Pr 0.25 0.10 0.05 0.025 0.01 0.005 0.001

df 0.50 0.20 0.10 0.050 0.02 0.010 0.002
1 1.00000 3.07768 6.31375 12.70620 31.82052 63.65674 318.3088
2 0.81650 1.88562 2.91999 4.30265 6.96456 9.92484 22.32712
3 0.76489 1.63774 2.35336 3.18245 4.54070 5.84091 10.21453
4 0.74070 1.53321 2.13185 2.77645 3.74695 4.60409 7.17318
5 0.72669 1.47588 2.01505 2.57058 3.36493 4.03214 5.89343
6 0.71756 1.43976 1.94318 2.44691 3.14267 3.70743 5.20763
7 0.71114 1.41492 1.89458 2.36462 2.99795 3.49948 4.78529
8 0.70639 1.39682 1.85955 2.30600 2.89646 3.35539 4.50079
9 0.70272 1.38303 1.83311 2.26216 2.82144 3.24984 4.29681
10 0.69981 1.37218 1.81246 2.22814 2.76377 3.16927 4.14370
11 0.69745 1.36343 1.79588 2.20099 2.71808 3.10581 4.02470
12 0.69548 1.35622 1.78229 2.17881 2.68100 3.05454 3.92963
13 0.69383 1.35017 1.77093 2.16037 2.65031 3.01228 3.85198
14 0.69242 1.34503 1.76131 2.14479 2.62449 2.97684 3.78739
15 0.69120 1.34061 1.75305 2.13145 2.60248 2.94671 3.73283
16 0.69013 1.33676 1.74588 2.11991 2.58349 2.92078 3.68615
17 0.68920 1.33338 1.73961 2.10982 2.56693 2.89823 3.64577
18 0.68836 1.33039 1.73406 2.10092 2.55238 2.87844 3.61048
19 0.68762 1.32773 1.72913 2.09302 2.53948 2.86093 3.57940
20 0.68695 1.32534 1.72472 2.08596 2.52798 2.84534 3.55181
21 0.68635 1.32319 1.72074 2.07961 2.51765 2.83136 3.52715
22 0.68581 1.32124 1.71714 2.07387 2.50832 2.81876 3.50499
23 0.68531 1.31946 1.71387 2.06866 2.49987 2.80734 3.48496

24 0.68485 1.31784 1.71088 2.06390 2.49216 2.79694 3.46678
25 0.68443 1.31635 1.70814 2.05954 2.48511 2.78744 3.45019
26 0.68404 1.31497 1.70562 2.05553 2.47863 2.77871 3.43500
27 0.68368 1.31370 1.70329 2.05183 2.47266 2.77068 3.42103
28 0.68335 1.31253 1.70113 2.04841 2.46714 2.76326 3.40816
29 0.68304 1.31143 1.69913 2.04523 2.46202 2.75639 3.39624
30 0.68276 1.31042 1.69726 2.04227 2.45726 2.75000 3.38518
31 0.68249 1.30946 1.69552 2.03951 2.45282 2.74404 3.37490
32 0.68223 1.30857 1.69389 2.03693 2.44868 2.73848 3.36531
33 0.68200 1.30774 1.69236 2.03452 2.44479 2.73328 3.35634
34 0.68177 1.30695 1.69092 2.03224 2.44115 2.72839 3.34793
35 0.68156 1.30621 1.68957 2.03011 2.43772 2.72381 3.34005
36 0.68137 1.30551 1.68830 2.02809 2.43449 2.71948 3.33262
37 0.68118 1.30485 1.68709 2.02619 2.43145 2.71541 3.32563
38 0.68100 1.30423 1.68595 2.02439 2.42857 2.71156 3.31903
39 0.68083 1.30364 1.68488 2.02269 2.42584 2.70791 3.31279
40 0.68067 1.30308 1.68385 2.02108 2.42326 2.70446 3.30688

Appendix G

Raport of the students

Appendix H

The pictures of the weiter when was doing the research on eleventh-

grade of senior high school in Aek Batu, Kec.Torgamba,Kab.Labuhan

Batu Selatan.


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