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March 21 7-7 Subject verb agreement #Practicum

Lesson Objectives: By the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
i) Identify the subject and verb of a sentence
2. Understand and understand the rules of subject-verb agreement
iii) Complete sentences using the correct verbs
1. Identify the subject and verb of a sentence
2. Understand and understand the rules of subject-verb agreement
3. Practice choosing a verb that agrees with the subject of a sentence

Engagement: (10 minutes)
Does anyone remember the basic parts of a sentence?
The tsubject, the verb, and (often, but not always) the object.

Ask students to look at this sentence: I likes spaghetti

Is the sentence correct? No

Why? The subject is singular so the verb should be singular as well, the subject
and the verb should agree.

What should it be?

I like spaghetti

Can someone identify the subject and tell me what a subject in a sentence is?
I - subject

Subject: A person, animal, place, thing, or

concept that does an action. Determine the
subject in a sentence by asking the question
"Who or what?"

Can someone identify the verb and tell me what the verb in a sentence is?
Like - Verb

Verb: Expresses what the person, animal,

place, thing, or concept does. Determine the
verb in a sentence by asking the question
"What was the action or what happened?"

Spaghetti- object

Object: A person, animal, place, thing, or

concept that receives the action. Determine the object in a sentence by asking the
question "The subject did what?" or "To
whom?/For whom?"

Students should be able to explain that a subject is who or what the sentence is
about and that the verb is what is said about it do her, him or it.

We will be focusing on subject-Verb agreement today.

Can any student explain the concept of subject-verb agreement and also tell me how
subjects and verbs can agree along with one example representing your explanation.

If a subject is singular, its verb must also be singular; if a subject is plural,

its verb must also be plural.
A subject and a verb has to get along, they must agree with each other in number


Quick Explanation:

So the simple principle beside subject-verb agreement is that A singular subject

demands a singular verb; a plural subject demands a plural verb.

Remember that singular verbs usually end in s, but plural verbs usually do not.

• Teacher will reinforce that agreement means that the correct verb is
used to correspond with the subject in a sentence.

• When a word refers to one person or thing, it is singular in number.

When a word refers to more than one, it is plural in number.

• SINGULAR- table man woman child book        

• PLURAL- tables men women children books
• In general, nouns ending in –s are plural (ladies, villages, languages)
; verbs ending in –s are singular (has, gives, sees, seems, takes, is)
• A verb should agree with its subject in number.
• A singular subject takes a singular verb and a plural subject takes a
plural verb.
• SINGULAR- Shea has a toy drone. (The singular verb has agrees with the
singular subject Shea.)
• The cow grazes in the barn. (The singular verb grazes agrees with the
singular subject cow.)
• PLURAL- They are happy. (The plural verb are agrees with the plural
subject they.)
• Those boys deliver newspapers. (The plural verb deliver agrees with the
plural subject boys.)
• Verb phrases also agree in number with their subjects. In a verb
phrase, only the first auxiliary (helping) verb changes form to agree with the
• Examples- Kylie is going to church.
• They are going to church.
• The boy has been delivering newspapers.
• The boys have been delivering newspapers.

• Elaboration: Pupils will complete the following activity based on the
Choose the verb in brackets that agrees with the subject given.

1. The samples on the tray in the lab (need/needs) testing.

2. Mary and John usually (plays/play) together.
3. Both of the dogs (has/have) collars.
4. Neither the dogs nor the cat (is/are) very hungry.
5. At the end of the fall (comes/come) the hard tests.
6. people (walks, walk)
7. you (is, are)
8. cattle (runs, run)
9. we (talks, talk)
10. Joan (was, were)

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