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‫اﺑراھﯾم ﻣرزوق‬

‫ﺳﻛﺷن )‪(١‬‬
-Every team is made up of different personality
types, and some demand more time and
attention from the leaders who manage them
than others. As every team leader knows, there’s
no hard and fast management strategy that fits
every kind of employee. Short of that, though,
there’s a rough framework managers can use to
decide how to direct their energy toward getting
the most out of all the personalities on their teams.
Here’s a quick rundown of eight of the most
common personality types and how to manage
each one.
Every team has a few obviously rising talents. They
noticeably, and for the most part independently, come up
with ways to improve how their jobs are done. It’s clear
these stars will be moving on to bigger and better things in
the future.

Leadership Strategy: Promote internally. Acknowledge

their reliable performance and reduce the amount of
supervision you provide these few—it’s better spent
elsewhere. Your goal should be to help them advance
toward their career goals while giving them enough room
to grow to make sure they don’t leave for more enticing
These aren’t your team’s top innovators, but they’re
among its most competent—amazing producers who
rarely complain and never seem to need much assistance.
You can always count on them to get their jobs done on
time and well. They enjoy their jobs, have been doing
them well for years, and seem content to stay in them just
about indefinitely.

Leadership Strategy: Nurture in place. As a manager of

this personality type, your goal is to keep them feeling
valued and happy in their current role while also finding
new challenges to help them continue to grow at their
own pace.
These folks may produce above average results, but they
consume outsize resources to do it. Not only do they
frequently need help fixing problems and figuring out how
to do their jobs, they’re regularly asking for more support,
budget, or staff.

Leadership Strategy: Wean patiently. You need these

folks to keep delivering the good results they’ve shown
themselves capable of while reducing the resources they
eat up in order to get there. Encourage more
independence by challenging them to solve problems
they would otherwise toss into your lap.
These team members produce strong results but also make
a lot of noise delivering them. Still, like the “squeaky
wheels,” they get the job done. What sets them apart is
their attitude. They barrel through any hurdles and step on
a lot of toes. You’d rather not lose them or their relentless
drive, but you wish they were a little less pugnacious.

Leadership Strategy: Reduce the friction. “Steamrollers”

take some coaching to become better collaborators and
more sensitive to the company culture. Show them how to
temper their approach to get the same results while
reducing the toll their actions take on others
Most teams have at least a handful of these. They show up
to work, but that’s about it. If they don’t bother you as a
manager, it’s only because they’re comfortable producing
the bare minimum to stay out of trouble.

Leadership Strategy: Engage. Your goal is to get more

from this type of employee than they’re used to delivering.
Increase the amount of time you spend with them,
discussing the responsibilities of the job and the support
they need to do it. If they can’t improve their performance
enough to meet your expectations, you should shift your
focus to managing them out of that role so you can get
someone in it who meets all the organization’s needs.

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