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Title of manuscript

(The main title written in bold, sentences case, not contain abbreviations, no more than 20 words,
Calibri font style, 14 pt font size, and single spacing)

Running title
(written in bold, sentences case, 5-7 words, Calibri font style, and 11 pt font size)

(Calibri font style, 11 pt font size, single spacing, and maximum 250 words)

A structured abstract that is written concisely and clearly. Abstract of no more than 250 words,
consisting of introduction, methods, results, and conclusions regarding the contribution of research
to mental health and psychosocial. A structured abstract that is written concisely and clearly.
Abstract of no more than 250 words, consisting of background, methods, results, and conclusions
regarding the contribution of research to mental health and psychosocial. A structured abstract that
is written concisely and clearly. Abstract of no more than 250 words, consisting of background,
methods, results, and conclusions regarding the contribution of research to mental health and
psychosocial. A structured abstract that is written concisely and clearly. Abstract of no more than
250 words, consisting of background, methods, results, and conclusions regarding the contribution
of research to mental health and psychosocial. A structured abstract that is written concisely and
clearly. Abstract of no more than 250 words, consisting of background, methods, results, and
conclusions regarding the contribution of research to mental health and psychosocial. A structured
abstract that is written concisely and clearly. Abstract of no more than 250 words, consisting of
background, methods, results, and conclusions regarding the contribution of research to mental
health and psychosocial. A structured abstract that is written concisely and clearly. Abstract of no
more than 250 words, consisting of background, methods, results, and conclusions regarding the
contribution of research to mental health and psychosocial.

Keywords: Keyword 1, Keyword 2, Keyword 3

(Calibri font style, 11 pt font size, 3-5 keywords, alphabetic, not contain abbreviations)

Main Points:
(Calibri font style, 11 pt font size, single spacing)
1. Consists of 3-5 short points that outline the purpose, new findings of your research, and their
implications for mental and psychosocial health
2. Consists of 3-5 short points that outline the purpose, new findings of your research, and their
implications for mental and psychosocial health
3. Consists of 3-5 short points that outline the purpose, new findings of your research, and their
implications for mental and psychosocial health


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1. Introduction
(Calibri font style, 11 pt font size, 1,5 spacing)
Explain the background of the problem, the importance of the research, a brief literature
review that is directly related to previous research or findings that need to be developed, and ends
with an explanation of the research objectives. Article writing begins with Arabic numerals 1.
Introduction, 2. Methods, 3. Results, 4. Discussion, 5. Conclusion.

2. Methods
(Calibri font style, 11 pt font size, 1,5 spacing)
Make sure that the work can be repeated according to the details given. This section contains
technical information from the study which is presented. Therefore, readers can conduct research
based on the techniques presented. Material and equipment specifications are required. The study
approach or procedure along with the data analysis method must be presented completely and
clearly. Sub-sections follow the numbering on each part. For example, the participants in the
methods section are marked with 2.1 participants, 2.2 procedures, etc. This numbering applies to
lower subtitles such as 2.1.1, 2.2.2, and so on. Only the first letter of the first word in each title is
capitalized (sentence case).


2.1 Study Design and Sample

2.1.1 Study design
2.1.2 Population and samples
2.2 Data Collection
2.2.1 Instrument
2.2.2 Method for collecting data

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2.3 Data Analysis
2.3.1 Univariate
2.3.2 Bivariate
2.3.3 Multivariate

3. Results
(Calibri font style, 11 pt font size, 1,5 spacing)
The research results are written in full and describe and answer the research objectives and
research hypotheses. tables and figures related to the results of the study are placed at the end of
the manuscript.

4. Discussion
(Calibri font style, 11 pt font size, 1,5 spacing)
The discussion should focus on why and how research findings can occur and expand research
findings that can be applied to other problems that are relevant to the research results. At the end
of the discussion, it is explained about the limitations of the research carried out and solutions to
overcome these limitations.

5. Conclusion
(Calibri font style, 11 pt font size, 1,5 spacing)
Conclusions should be drawn based on the findings of the research results and focus on the
research objectives. The conclusion is one paragraph and explains the implications of your research
findings for the development of mental health and psychosocial knowledge and practice.

Declaration of Interest
(Calibri font style, 11 pt font size, 1,5 spacing)

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All authors are required to disclose whether or not there is a potential conflict of interest to affect
their work. If there is no conflict of interest then the author must state that there is no conflict of
interest or as follows:
“All authors declared there is no conflict of interest”

(Calibri font style, 11 pt font size, 1,5 spacing)
Acknowledgment is an optional part after the conclusion. Contributors (colleagues, institutions, or
institutions) who assist the author's efforts and do not meet the requirements as authors and are
not named as authors should be rewarded. Describe their contribution to the article/work.

(Calibri font style, 11 pt font size, 1,5 spacing)
Identification of all parties providing funding support for this work/article both research funders and
grant numbers (if any) should be provided for each funding source.

Ethical Consideration
(Calibri font style, 11 pt font size, 1,5 spacing)
In the original research, authors must include a statement in the manuscript that informed consent
has been obtained from all research subjects. Research must always pay attention to ethical
principles. It is very necessary to include the number of the ethical suitability letter from the health
research ethics committee

(Calibri font style, 11 pt font size, single spacing, 6 pt after spacing)
Manuscripts are written using a reference manager (Mendeley/Endnote/Zotero, etc). Most of
the references used are the latest (up to date) references and come from trusted sources. All
references listed in the text must be listed in the references section, and vice versa. This journal uses
the Vancouver reference style. Within the text, references are cited using Arabic numerals in
superscript without brackets. Meanwhile, in the reference list at the end of the document, complete
details are written with Arabic numbers according to the references in the text. The following is an
example of bibliography writing in Vancouver style.
Article Journal:
1. Windarwati HD, Budiman AA, Nova R, Ati NAL, Kusumawati MW. The relationship between
family harmony with stress, anxiety, and depression in adolescents. J Ners. 2020;15(3).
2. Bachtiar A, Windarwati HD, Keliat BA, Ismail RI, Ati NAL, Sulaksono AD, et al. The fight against
stigma : Multilevel stigma interventions in schizophrenia. J Public health Res. 2020;9(4):417–22.

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1. Stuart GW. Prinsip dan praktik keperawatan kesehatan jiwa Stuart. 1st ed. Keliat BA, editor.
Indonesia: Elsevier Ltd; 2016.
2. Windarwati HD, Rizzal AF, Mukaromah I, Oktaviana W, Ati NAL, Sulaksono AD. Panduan Praktis:
Rapid respons dan penanganan dini aspek psikososial terhadap COVID-19. Depok: Infermia
Publishing; 2020. 1–44 p.

Figures and Tables placed separated on the last page of the manuscript and must be as follow:
1. Tables and diagrams should be editable.
2. Figures’ remarks placed in bottom with before 6 pt, with Calibri font style with 11 pt font size,
single-spaced. Insert figure in the manuscript if it is small enough. If large (1MB or more) please
send in a separate word document/pdf/jpg file.
3. The title of tables should be written first (top of the table) with Calibri font style with 11 pt font
size, single-spaced, and after 6 pt. Content of the tables should be written using Calibri 10


Figure 1. The process of cardiac sensitivity cues

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Table 1. Description of self-acceptance in Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) patients undergoing
hemodialysis at a hospital in Malang district before cognitive therapy (CT) intervention was
carried out (n = 30)
Self-esteem Selfitis Total
No Characteristics
High Low Normal Borderline Acute Chronic n %
1 Gender
Female 356 61 47 191 147 32 417 52.3
Male 346 34 81 178 88 33 380 47.7
2 Socio-Economic Status
Below the UMR 303 30 36 139 123 35 333 41.8
Above the UMR 399 65 92 230 112 30 464 58.2
3 Harmony in the Family
Unharmonious 17 9 6 7 10 3 27 3.4
Harmonious 685 86 122 362 225 62 770 96.6
4 Obsessive of Taking Selfie
Chronic 62 3 65 8.2
Acute 216 19 235 29.5
Borderline 322 47 369 46.3
Normal 102 26 128 16.1
5 Self-Esteem
Low Self Esteem 95 11.9
High Self Esteem 702 88.1

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