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3. What are best practices you learned in this course that you will apply in the real world?

Learning to better understand your emotions and your behavior is a key component of
developing self-awareness. With this awareness, you have the power and freedom to make
changes to who you are and build the life you desire. and It's important to understand how to
comprehend yourself. The most significant component of being human is knowing oneself.
Understanding oneself is necessary for understanding others. You won't be able to successfully
portray a self to others and interact with who they are if you don't know your views and
preferences. You must first admit that you are still a young person and have no knowledge. You
can only start learning when you start interacting with others and your environment. How to eat
and drink to keep alive is one of the earliest lessons taught. Mobility and communication follow
so you can lessen your strain on your parents. You gradually come to rely on routine and
constants for balance and expectations. You mature, experience disappointment, and pick up
patience. Growing up, your perception of reality is shaped by what you learn as a young child. A
machine for learning, the "Self." It is designed to pick up knowledge from outside inputs, and the
brain processes these stimuli as it catalogs and organizes each experience into a sensation with
the capacity for memory. an internal reminder system.This information is processed differently
by each organism. We eat in order to provide nutrition to the cells that need it to function. There
is a fight or flight response so that the organism can defend itself from predators and survive.
The brain processes external stimuli before the body responds as the body serves as the vehicle
through which we experience them. The most significant lesson in life is the lesson. If you don't
know who you are, it's impossible to have a fulfilling life. You'll keep making the same errors
again and over. You'll pursue unrealized dreams. You'll pass up real opportunities. You'll
attribute your blindness on fate or other people. You'll end yourself on a dead end road if you
keep looking for the way to happiness. The biggest lesson that can be learnt by first
understanding yourself, then empathizing with yourself, and finally knowing yourself, is that you
can now "see" other people far more thoroughly than you ever could before, and it is much
simpler, almost natural, to empathize with them. One may discover that forgiving others
eventually comes naturally, which dramatically speeds up the path of self-knowledge. In
conclusion, a much deeper interior existence and a far-sighted outward view of the storm of
creation are the finest lessons from self-understanding.

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