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BEL-Course Level Activity: SCOT Analysis

Pre-Session Activity:

For Working Professionals

1) Narrate your present role in your organization highlighting the challenges you faced in reaching
to that role.

For fresher’s

1) What is your aspired role and organization after 2 year MBA program, why specifically that role
and that company what could be the challenges you may face in reaching to that role?

Session Activity:

Questions to be answered / Points to discuss

 What is your aspired role after 2 year MBA program, how would you leverage your strengths for
achieving it?
 What could be threats in your journey and how can you transform them into opportunities?
 What is your biggest achievement in your life? Any transformation.

Activity Brief: It is a Group activity where the members of group communicate their responses to
questions with other members and Group Leader. Group leader will collate all the members’ responses
and will present.

Wrap-Up: Pre-session activities act as anchors in understanding WPN & WO importance. Session activity
will be connected to their career planning using SCOT framework which is analysis of Internal and
external environments.
Program Level Activity: Time Management Game-Time Squared

Activity Brief:

Students print/draw 3 pages with 24 squares that represent the 24 hours of a day.

1st page:

Explain that each square represents one hour of a day

Ask them to fill out the squares with their routine activities. E.g. eating 4 hours = 4 squares, sleeping 7
hours = 7 squares, etc.

2nd page:

Ask them to fill out the squares on the second page with the non-working time they spend at their
workplace. E.g., coffee breaks, talk shops, calls to mom, checking social networks, etc.

3rd page:

Ask them to summarize the data from the 1st and 2nd pages on the 3rd page. Use different colors to tell
them apart. e.g., green for the 1st page, blue for the 2nd, red for the 3rd.

Uncolored squares = ‘productive time.’

Points to discuss:

How could you re-evaluate your time?

Would you change anything in your statistics?

Are there any steps you could take to increase your productive time?

How would you rearrange your time to have some extra time for rest?


This game is a convenient way to actually see on paper how time is spent throughout the day.
Afterward, ask your colleagues to find new ways to improve their time management. One great place to
start is with some time management literature.

यशोऽधिगन्तुं सु खलिप्सया वा मनु ष्यसं ख्यामतिवर्तितुं वा

(Yaśo’dhigantuṃ sukhalipsayā vā manuṣyasaṃkhyāmativartituṃ vā)

निरुत्सु कानामभियोगभाजां समु त्सु केवाङ्कमु पैति सिद्धिः

(Nirutsukānāmabhiyogabhājāṃ samutsukevāṅkamupaiti siddhiḥ)

Achievement, it seems, is enthusiastic to sit on the lap of those who engage themselves diligently in an
endeavour without caring for fame, happiness or rise in popularity.

जीयन्तां दुर्जया दे हे रिपवश्च्क्षु रादयः ।

(Jīyantāṃ durjayā dehe ripavaśckṣurādayaḥ .)
जिते षु ननु लोकोऽयं ते षु कृत्स्नस्त्वया जितः॥
(Jiteṣu nanu loko’yaṃ teṣu kṛtsnastvayā jitaḥ..)
The enemies resident in the body, namely the sense organs like the eyes, which are difficult to control,
should be conquered. Once they are conquered, it is as good as the whole world has been conquered by

कामधे नुगुना विद्या ह्यकाले फलदायिनी।

प्रवासे मातृ सदृशी विद्या गु प्तं धनं स्मृ तम्॥ ०४-०५
 English Translation:
Learning is like a cow of desire. It, like her, yields in all seasons. Like a mother, it feeds you on your
journey, therefore learning is a hidden treasure.

Reference: Chanakya niti 4.5

कालः पचति भूतानि कालः सं हरते प्रजाः।

कालः सु प्ते षु जागर्ति कालो हि दुरतिक् रमः॥ ०६-०७
 English translation:
Time perfects all living beings as well as kills them; it alone is awake when all others are asleep.
Time is insurmountable, rest upon truth.

Reference: Chanakya niti 6.7

Areas to focus

 People having max free hours is a challenge and they may not be able to manage time.
 How students use 1 hr effectively after LS,
o They can go through SLim
o Check E-Material for imp/difficult concepts,
o Can conduct Peer tutorials by their batch mates.
o Also personalized asynchronous exercises based on their CV profiles can be given.
 Those who don’t attend LS regularly can be given Student Presentation exercise.
 WPN/WO titles can be made out of their CV/profiles.

Program Level Activity: Time Management Game-Time Squared

Activity Brief:

Students print/draw 3 pages with 24 squares that represent the 24 hours of a day.

1st page:

Explain that each square represents one hour of a day

Ask them to fill out the squares with their routine activities. E.g. eating 4 hours = 4 squares, sleeping 7
hours = 7 squares, etc.

2nd page:

Ask them to fill out the squares on the second page with the non-working time they spend at their
workplace. E.g., coffee breaks, talk shops, calls to mom, checking social networks, etc.

3rd page:

Ask them to summarize the data from the 1st and 2nd pages on the 3rd page. Use different colors to tell
them apart. e.g., green for the 1st page, blue for the 2nd, red for the 3rd.

Uncolored squares = ‘productive time.’

Points to discuss:

How could you re-evaluate your time?

Would you change anything in your statistics?

Are there any steps you could take to increase your productive time?

How would you rearrange your time to have some extra time for rest?


This game is a convenient way to actually see on paper how time is spent throughout the day.
Afterward, ask your colleagues to find new ways to improve their time management. One great place to
start is with some time management literature.

Statistics on Time Vs Productivity:

1) As on Apr 2022, Indian Men work 390.6 minutes per day on average for paid work, Women-
184.7 min per day for paid work
Indian Men work 51.8 min per day for unpaid work, Indian Women work 351.9 min per day for unpaid


2) The most productive countries in the world (2019-2021)

# 2021 2020 2019
1 Uruguay (94.3%) Angola (99.1%) Nicaragua (97.8%)
2 El Salvador (93.0%) Cyprus (98.9%) Chile (96.2%)
3 Argentina (84.0%) Nicaragua (96.7%) Hungary (95.1%)
4 Peru (83.1%) Peru (94.1%) Indonesia (93.0%)
5 Malta (81.8%) El Salvador Serbia (91.9%)
6 Qatar (80.9%) Uganda (93.7%) Turkey (91.5%)
7 Costa Rica (80.0%) Guatemala (92.7%) Belgium (91.3%)
8 Ecuador (78.9%) Georgia (92.5%) Guatemala (90.5%)
9 Israel (72.1%) Kenya (92.1%) Denmark (90.0%)
1 Australia (71.4%) Qatar (89.8%) Israel (89.8%)

The least productive countries in the world (2019-2021)

# 2021 2020 2019

1 Russia (45.4%) Suriname (23.1%)  The Czech Republic (39.2%)
2 Portugal (49.5 %) Mauritius (24.6%) Mexico (41.5%)
3 Moldova (49.5%) Brazil (36.0%) Moldova (43.4%)
4 Ukraine (51.4%) Kazakhstan (36.8%) Canada (43.9 %)
5 Finland (51.9%) Trinidad and Tobago Switzerland (50.1 %)
6 France (55.5%) Oman (45.1%) Croatia (54.5%)
7 Pakistan (56.8%) Hong Kong (45.7%) Ukraine (57.3%)
8 Netherlands (57.1%) Nepal (47.1%) Brazil (57.7%)
9 Germany (57.2%) Algeria (47.5%) Russia (58.7%)
1 Bangladesh (58.6%) Palestine (47.9%) Germany (58.7%)
The productivity percentages you see are calculated by dividing the productive time (how much time a
user spends in apps deemed productive by their employer) by the total time spent on DeskTime (which
is typically a full workday).


3) Country with the longest working hours: 🇲🇽 Mexico with 2,137 hours a year

Country with the shortest working hours: 🇩🇰 Denmark with 1,380 hours a year

But what about productivity? Unfortunately, as we know, more time at work doesn’t equal more
productivity. By using GDP data we can tell you that Danes earned $55 more per hour than Mexicans.
Proving time doesn’t always equal money!


4) “ultradian cycles,”

Humans run on a 24-hour internal “clock,” which is why we all typically go to sleep,
wake up, and experience alertness peaks and valleys around the same time every day.
The times may be different for everyone, but the cycle is universal. We refer to that 24-
hour cycle as a “circadian day;” within that 24-hour circadian day, we cycle through
periods of 90-minute blocks of productivity and heightened focus. Those blocks of
premiere productivity time are known as “ultradian cycles,” and the manner in which
we cycle in and out of them is called our “ultradian rhythm.” The start of each ultradian
cycle is where your brain is most energetic and focused. Eventually, your energy slowly
depletes. At the end of each ultradian cycle, you can keep working, but yo

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