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“I ____ (your name) am going to activate the code for: ____ (enter the name and the Grabovoi

Code) on today the

24th of August.”

1. Journal Them.

The first way to put the Gravoboi codes to use is to journal them. On one side, write down the Grabovoi number,
and on the other, write down the actual things you want to manifest.

Alternatively, you can write the number at the top of the page, then write your manifestations, followed by the
number again.

You can also write the secret cheat codes alongside your affirmations in the 33×3 method.

2. Memorize them and Repeat them Throughout the Day.

This one is pretty straightforward, but there are two ways you can do this:

1. Repeat them mentally or aloud when you first wake up, before you go to bed, and whenever you can throughout
the day.

2. Repeat them as affirmations or mantras. For example, “I am attracting financial abundance, activating the code
318 798.”

You might be wondering “How many times should I repeat a certain code?”

There is no set number of times you have to repeat the Grabovoi numbers for them to work. It’s all about intention.

3.Write themDown.

3. Write them Down.

Writing down the codes is a powerful way to manifest what it is that you want the most.

There are many ways to write the Grabovoi numbers.

Here are a few ways you can write down Grabovoi numbers:

1. Write them on a piece of paper several times.

2. Write down the code, tear it off the paper, and put it under your pillow.

3. Write down the number on a piece of paper, and carry that paper wherever you go. Put it in your pocket, your
purse, or your wallet.

4. Write down the code and place it in your hands, palms up, over your heart, in a prayer position. Close your eyes
and visualize the manifestations you want to see.

5. Put the Gravoboi number on a piece of paper and place it on top of your computer, laptop, notebook, or desk.

The idea is to put the code on something you use frequently so that every time you want to use it, you have to pick
up the code and recite it.

6. Lastly, you can write the numbers on any part of your body.
4. Use them as Your Phone/Computer Password.

The next method of using Grabovoi codes to manifest your desire is by making them your phone or computer

Since phone passwords allow you to enter up to six digits, many people use Grabovoi numbers as their computer
passwords because they allow you to write a longer password that includes all potentially 8 or 10 numbers.

However, if you use a six-digit code, you can safely use it as your phone pin!

This is a very simple way to repeat the code throughout the day because you will type it out wherever you will use
your phone or computer.

5. Use Grabovoi Numbers with Crystals.

The fifth way to use Grabovoi codes is to pair them with crystals.

Write down the code you want on a piece of paper and on the crystal, then wrap it up and hold it while visualizing
your desire.

You can also carry it in your pocket, bag, or purse at all times to have the power of the code and the crystal with you.

6. With Water.

The final method of using Grabovoi codes is by writing them down on a piece of paper and placing a glass of water
over it for a few minutes. You can also write them directly onto a water bottle.

Then, after a few minutes, drink the water with purpose. The idea is that you are ingesting the power of these

You can also visualize your manifestations wherever you drink water from that specific glass or bottle throughout
the day. This can help with envisioning “putting” the code inside you.

As you can see, you can get creative when using Grabovoi numbers.

I wrote the code on a piece of paper, folded it, and slipped it into my pocket. Someone contacted me on Fiverr for a
$120 gig within 24 hours. Out of nowhere.

These numbers work if you believe they work.

Grabovoi Codes List

Here are the most used and most important Grabovoi codes list:

1. Grabovoi Code for Financial Abundance: 318 798

2. Grabovoi Code for Weight Loss: 4812412

3. Grabovoi Code for Unexpected Money: 520 7418

4. Grabovoi Code for Self-Healing of the Body: 9187948181

5. Grabovoi Code for Love: 888 412 1289018

6. Grabovoi Code for Peace: 1001105010

7. Grabovoi Code to Attract your Crush: 89974476

8. Grabovoi Code for Romantic Love: 3856794

Final Thoughts

As you can see, the possibilities for using Grabovoi codes to manifest your desires are limitless.

When using Grabovoi numbers, the only thing you should be concerned with is your intention.

All of the other details, such as obsessing over how many times you say a specific Grabovoi code, are

Remember, numbers are just numbers when there are no intentions, belief, or energy behind them.

So, you have to put energy, belief, and good intention when using Grabovoi numbers for them to be effective.

Happy manifesting!

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