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Situational Analysis
1. This Counselor's role is that of a career counselor because he is the one who helps learners
choose, modify, or depart a profession. I believe that it serves the purpose of executives who
proponents promoting academic achievements since he conducts vocational outlooks for
individuals who require to attend a higher institution. The fact it shows stereotyping of others
who can’t low-end people.

2. Because he seminars students on many issues help encourage kids through growing

creative perspectives, the Counselor's function is like that of a colleague sounding board. I
believe that the purpose of diversity and multiculturalism consultants was to provide the
learners with advice about how to be productive and effective. Also, to let them know that
they’re welcome no matter what they background is or who they are, just to feel them they not

3. Since it provides a program about the crisis that is occurring mostly in institutions, this
same function of crisis counseling is appropriate. Though it also provides guidance regarding
learners as well as recommendations including how to resolve current situation, this function
is the leader and promotes educational achievement. Both teachers and student also, to be
aware of the parents/guardian about what is currently going on.



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