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Good evening everyone and welcome to my presentation, the topic today is politics.

We are facing a very difficult reality where we are witnessing different problems

that are affecting our country and society even more every day. It is time to elect a

ruler who is capable of moving our country forward ˈfôrwərd and leading it towards

tówords a better future. It is necessary to recover ricover a strengthened, stable

steibol, innovative and quality public policy of cooperation coaporeichon, in which the

Panamanian citizen has greater participation.

For this reason, I stand before you as a candidate for president of our country. I

feel confident that I can assume this responsibility if you allow me to do so. I firmly

believe that cooperation must be the main tool to face all difficulties. Likewise, I will

seek to work with my heart härt and always thinking about the good of our country

and not let myself be carried querid away by wealth welTH and corruption.

Here are a series siriz of proposals that I intend to make as future president.

1. I promise to administer ədˈminəstər well the money of the state and for the state,

investing them in different fields such as security, health, education, and other.

2. I intend to fight fait corruption and inequality enicualidi, which is undoubtedly ˌən

ˈdoudədli one of the biggest difficulties affecting our country.

3. To watch over the rights and duties of all citizens without any discrimination.

5. provide jobs to all those people and guarantee gerenti them a minimum income

above the poverty line.

6. lower and eliminate the poverty rate in all our countries and provide our people with

a quality and healthy life.

7. change the education curriculum in order to pursue persu quality education. And

also to eliminate ranch rench school in all our country.

8. lower the malnutrition rate nationwide neichonwaid and guarantee free access to

any medicine.

9. promote the care and protection of our environment.

These are just some of the proposals I have. I am sure that in our country we have

enough economic resources risorces to achieve all this and turn our country into one

of the first world countries. It is up to you to decide who is the best option to lead

lid our country. I hope to count on your vote.

Regarding the topic that I just talk about, I would like to conclude that we must have

a greater greider participation in democracy demócrasi and raise reiz our voice and

continue fighting faiding against corruption, I am sure that through THro͞o our voice

and vote we can make big changes cheinyes. That is all for today, thank you very


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