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Organizational, structure organizational structure influences the authority of the project manager

and influence that how projects are conducted? All organizations are structured in one of three
ways, functional project, eyes door. Matrix, Matrix organization structure is further divided into
three types, strong Matrix, balance Matrix, and weak Matrix. Project manager, Authority and
organizational structures. In a functional organization project Authority, rests with a functional
manager and any project sized organization. It rests with a project manager. A matrix organization
tries to be somewhere in between these two, in a strong Matrix. The Authority is where they project
manager, just like in a project sized organization in a week Matrix, The Authority is with a functional
manager, just like in Functional organization. And in a balanced Matrix, the authority over the
project is shared by both the functional manager and the project manager

Now, let us understand the functional organization, a functional organization, structure is a

hierarchical type of organizational structure. Wherein people are grouped as per their area of
specialization and supervised by the functional manager with expertise in the same field. This way
there are skills can be effectively utilized and the organization's objectives can be achieved the
functional organizational structure is suitable for an organization which has ongoing operations.
Against such as manufacturing and production. In functional organization is divided into various
specific departments like human resource marketing, finance and operations.

The below figure represents a classic functional organization where each employee has one clear
Superior grouping occurs, from top level down to the bottom level. For example, accounting
engineering or marketing Project, work of each group is performed independently from other
groups, Now let us see the advantages and disadvantages of a functional organization. Its
advantages are as follows. It is a stable organization. Structure employees have a career growth path
with separation of functions. Employees have one supervisor with a clear chain of command.
Disadvantages of functional organization are as follows project manager for has, little to no formal
Authority, multiple projects compete for limited resources. Is a priority and project team members
will likely to remain loyal to their functional manager. Project sized organizations, project sized
organizations are nearly the opposite of functional organizations. The focus of this type of
organization is the project itself. The idea behind a project sized organization is to develop loyalty to
the project, not to a functional manager in a project sized organization. The project manager has, all
the power and authority, and everybody directly reports to the project manager. The following
figure illustrates a project sized organization, team members are often collocated. Team resources
can either report directly to the project manager or Provide support services to the various projects
and project. Managers almost always have ultimate authority over the project and this structure and
Report directly to the chief executive officer.

Now let us see the advantages and disadvantages of a project sized organization. Its advantages are
as follows. It has a clear line of authority strong Communications with a single reporting system and
flexibility and trade-offs and fast decision. Making the disadvantages of project sized organizations
are as follows Authority and power can make the project manager. Arrogant, the work environment
can be stressful because there is always a deadline If the project. Is elongated the cost of employees
and Equipment can go higher.
Let's understand the Matrix organizations. Matrix organizations came about to minimize the
differences between take advantage of the strengths and reduce weaknesses of the functional and
project iced organizations. The best of both organizational structures, can be realized by combining
them into one employees. In a matrix organization report to one functional manager. And to at least
one project manager, a matrix organization structure is further divided. Into three types. They are
weak Matrix, balanced Matrix and strong Matrix. Weak Matrix in a week Matrix, the project
manager has a part-time role with very limited power and authority. It's the members are only
assigned to projects for 25 percent or less of their time for the rest of the time. They go back to
functional assignments, the role of project manager will be born like a coordinator or an expeditor a
week. Matrix structure is very close to the functional organization structure to below, figure reflects
a blend of functional organizations which is classified as a week. Matrix structure, the project
expeditor works as a staff assistant and Communications coordinator, but they do not make or
enforce decisions project coordinators, make some decisions because they have some Authority and
they report to a higher level management. Chur balance Matrix in a balanced Matrix power is shared
between the functional manager and the project manager. Although the project manager has a full-
time role, he has only part-time project management administrative staff under him up to 60% of
the project team. In a balanced Matrix structure are full timers in a balanced Matrix structure, the
project manager is assigned on a full-time basis, however supports Staff are usually part-time rather
than being fully dedicated to the project. Strong Matrix in a strong Matrix most Authority and power
lies with the project manager. The percentage of people on the project team assigned and dedicated
to a single project may run as high as 90% in a strong Matrix. The project manager is assigned full-
time, and has a full-time support staff. However, the support staff still have dual reporting lines with
both their functional managers and the project manager Following are the advantages and
disadvantages of the Matrix organization. Structures advantages of Matrix organization are as
follows it has highly visible project objectives it improves project management control over
resources. It has more support from functional areas. The disadvantages of a matrix organization are
as follows it requires extra Administration it requires more than one boss for project teams. It is
more complex to

Monitor and control. The influence of project manager in different organizational structures is
explained Below in functional organization structure. The project manager has little or no Authority
and it's often a part-time person that has a part-time project management administrative staff, the
functional manager, manages the project budget, the functional structure is the weakest of all in a
week. Matrix, the project manager has limited Authority. The role of project manager is And it may
have part-time administrative staff to help expedite. The project the functional manager manages
the project budget In a balanced Matrix, the project manager has reasonable Authority. The role of a
project manager is full-time. Who may have part-time administrative staff to help expedite, the
project both functional manager and project manager, manages the project budget, In a strong
Matrix, the project manager has a reasonable to high level of power and managesbelow the project
budget, the role of a project manager is full-time and it has a full-time administrative staff to help
expedite the project in a project sized organization structure, the project manager holds the highest
Authority and manages the project budget. The project is managed by full-time project manager and
administrative staff.

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