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Module Number 9: Injury Prevention, Safety, and First Aid (Unintentional)

Time Allotment: Once a week

ACTIVITY NO. 5: Bandaging Technique and Transporting the Victim

Identify the bandaging technique and transporting the victim from the box. Write your answer on the
answer sheet provided.

Ankle Pull Four-Handed Seat Triangular Bandage

Chair Carry One-Person Lift Two-Handed Seat
Cravat Bandage Shoulder Pull

_______Triangular Bandage___1. It refers to the type of dressing and bandages that is commonly used
to support fractures and dislocations.

___One-person lift_______2. This method of transporting a victim is suitable for children or very light

_____Shoulder pull_____3. This method of transporting a victim supports the head of the victim in a
short distance.

_____Chair carry_____4. This method of transporting a victim is used for carrying the victim up and
down the stairs or through narrow or uneven areas, using a sturdy chair
with no wheels.

____Four Handed seat______5. This method of transporting a victim is useful when there is a need for
conscious victims to be moved to moderate distances.

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