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Module Number 9: Injury Prevention, Safety, and First Aid (Unintentional)

Time Allotment: Once a week

ACTIVITY NO. 1: Get Start

Have you been injured in the past? How did it happen? What did you do? Did you see a doctor?
Oftentimes, you suffer from injuries that occur without the intent of getting harmed. Write the needed
information to complete the chart below.

Injury What caused the Is it intentional or What did you do with

injury? unintentional? the injury?
I Immediately immerse
the burn in cool tap
Burn Fire Unintentional water or apply cold,
wet compresses.
Knife cut knife Unintentional I compressed the cut
part to stop the blood
from flowing.
Stumble While walking unintentional I immediately get an
alcohol, cotton, and
bandage and aid it.
Hit my head on wall Not aware of unintentional I took an ice and put it
surroundings in my head to prevent

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