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- What's the background story behind your business name?

- Has your business name have meaning? If there is, can you please share it with us?

(The meaning of the glitzy ph is just like shinny shimmering and spending because my collections just
like this and the ph itself in the business name simply means Philippines because the business is located
in the Philippines)

B. Logo

- What was your inspiration when created your logo?

(My inspiration when created this logo is myself and the business itself)

- What does those colors and designs of your logo symbolizes?

(The design and color of my logo symbolizes simplicity)

- What's your reason/s why you chose this kind of design for your logo? Was it relates to your life
preferences or was it just because it's a trend?

C. History

- Could you please tell something about your business history? Something about how and when you
started operating your business, how long does your business operates, who/what was your inspiration
and motivation to start and keep operating your business etc.
(The glitzy ph is formerly called as online shopee tees, I started my online business on insta in the year of
2017 and decided to sell oversize plain shirts, years ago that was totally trend and I myself is already
selling while studying, for me that was my already biggest achievement so far because I got to earn
money while studying and I have the opportunity to buy my need and wants because of my business and
I became less burden to my family because I can provide whatever things that I need to myself. My shop
became active in the year 2017 – 18 and I decided to stop in june 2019 because of my own personal
issues until I decided to open it again around june 2020 when pandemic has started in order to lessen
again the burden to my parents and instead of pleasing for money I just satisfy again my personal needs
and wants for my own money and its so happy whenever I buy the things that came to my own
hardwork. I also change its name to the glitzy ph for another change and new beginnings and I also have
my online shop on fb account which is name as shoppee tees because fb is not accepting my new shop
name so I decided to change it similarly to my previous shop name that’s why my logo is already seen as
the fb and ig logo in order for the clients or customers to know easily my online business in social
medias, at first it was clearly so hard to start all over again but the lesson behind this is that it really
takes hardwork and perseverance to get everything you want to achieve as of now my business is
constantly growing again and until now im selling my product and services while I’m studying and
D. Market/Clients

- Who was your target market/client back then and now?

- Do you consider first your customers' preferences and demand before you start selling or did you just
started selling your product without knowing first your target customers' wants and needs?

- How do you handle your client if he/she encountered issues like defect or dissatisfaction on your
(I handle my client if theres an encountered issues or dissatisfaction on my product is to that I provide
them another substiture for that product so that they will still be satisfied with my service and also i also
provide refund for any products that has a damage because that is one of my rules in my shop in order
to provide a good customers services and so that clients or customers will always trust my shop

E. Products

- What products or services does your business offer?

(the glitzy ph aims to provide customers with on trend fashionable appareled and bags that comes with
customers friendly prices tru online shopping consumers will be able to satisfy their needs and wants
whenever they want the business promotes a friendly environment guaranteed to make customers feel
comfortable while shopping and buying online

- Do you think your products are effective and profitable even with our current situation today?
(yes I belive that pandemic will never a hindrance inside a business since it depends on how you market
your products and services and how it takes hardwork persiverancesand effort that you all put inside
your business and also to believe that loyal clients or customenrs will surely keep on coming back if we
provide them with high quality product and services and if youre surely honest with them because its
already proven and tested with my online business that there are always clients and customers that
keeps on coming back because I know that I am doing my part as a business owner.

- What are your claims about your product? Will it be helpful and useful to your buyers?
(yes I believe that my products are helpful and useful to my clients or customers since we all know that
clothing is an everyday essensial specially when we go out of town, when we go to the mall, and when
we’re working. It’s an everyday need in which it serves us a protection.

F. Price Range

- How did you come up with your price range?

- Do you believe that your product is considered "affordable"? How can you say so?

- What has become your basis on pricing your product?

G. Ad Requirements

- What kind/s of media platforms are you using in advertising your product and business?

- How do you make your advertisement/promotion?

(I already tried promoting in different social media like facebook, and instagram I promote by doing
video edits and also I already tried collaborating with different influencers here in legazpi city to have
more exposure of the business.

- What are your preferences or requirements in making your advertisement? Is it open for everyone?
(so my preferences or requirements in making my advertisement is that I provide video edit or photo
edits of my products that will caught the attention of my consumers and also when collaborating with
influencers here in legazpi city I am the one who chooses so that I know what are the kind of influencers
that I am looking for.

H. Budget

- How much was your starting budget when you started to open your business?
(my starting budget when I started to open my business is 1500 pesos

- Does your budget today was still the same as to your budget before?
(no, it wasn’t the same as before because I decided to expand my products and decided to bulk order so
that it will provide greated income because I believe that the higher the investment the higher the

I. Competitors

-Who are your main competitors that can have a large influence in your business?
(some of my main competitors are my co sellers in facebok because most of us have the same products
that are selling online mostly ___ products and this can greatly affect each others businesses because
we are each and everyone competitors but I believe that I still provide unique products and unique
services as well that’s why im still confident enough that I will produce great sevice and great profit

- Are you threatened to your competitors? Why or why not?

(I am not threatened to my competitors because instead of being threatened I considered it as a
motivation or inspiration to do more or to provide unique offers in my business


- Can you tell us about your 4P's? (Where and what kind is your PLACE, what are your PRODUCTS, what
are your PRICE range, what and how you do your PROMOTION)
(the place is located at legazpi city albay and we do meet ups at ayala malls legazpi every Saturday and
we do pick ups at albay near albay park at the office of my mother, so my products are high quality and
trendy bags and clothes, and also the price range starts at 20 pesos for the clothes and for the bags
starts at 100 pesos and also I do the promotion by posting tru fb and ig and by posting tru stories and my
day, and also done by using ads and by collaborating different differences influences here in legazpi city.

- What is the SWOT analysis of your business? (SWOT means strength, weakness, threat, and
( the strength of my business are good communication skills, good leaderships skills, unique and
attractive packaging that will surely make a profit because of its good quality and the prices is affordable
and tops is really on trend and mostly for women offers delivery and pickup services for more safety and
___ can be found in social media like ig and fb,

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