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StudentЪ Book
Dqvid Spenсer


Reading voсabuIary Grаmmar

0ulrlo]o!! hLrmаn saсю|agу p'усho|agу, е|( Pаsttenses ]nternаtonа сL] t!r. knOV'/ edqе
bеhаV OL]r
soс a ifе ]n |],s, Lrn !€rstiеs
вody dоmsаnd hUгnаn Plеsеnt аПd pаst hаl]ts
5oс]а rе5eаTсh exрer гnеnt ntеrnаr Oпal сu tL]rа kпOWLedgеl
RLrsh lveek
trаtе.n 1iеs аnd SOIOrl es Wordformаtоn su]ixеs
sim еs

Wаys Oftа k пg

Тhе bе5t аgе to ieаln to сOmрound no!n5 N4odа verb! ob igation' Sсjenсe' тeсhno Ogy аnd the
dr!е с0nneсte0 W]t|l саTtTаVе рermь5 on, рroh bltion' envirOnmеnt Е есlriс сarl
аd! се аnd сrit]сjsm
Е]есtr]с сdrs].L stoгn]sinq Phrisа]!еrbs'. r! es аnd
юL]n05 аWs Мoda Verbs 5p""сlrLdt]on,
deduсtоn, рO15iL]i tyаnd
Usiпg рUbl.trаnspori: an сo ]oсаt On5 Wth l6ke' mdtе prolrа['i]tу

]\4Odа|Vефs migh|
ТWo b oq'l еgа аqе5

Dаn е Timmet Desсribinq mеntа рroсеs5..5 Verb + -inq torm аnd L]tеrаlLr re: Iie .Lrious /llсr,фn t Ol
Unders1and]nq А5реrgrIl iniinit!е |heDO'jn theNiqht lime by Маrk
Phrаsа verbs thе гn nd
5уnс|оm"Ф Veгb + Objесt+'inqtorm
Wс]rdlolгnаiion рrefixes
mрlovIn9 mеmoryаn0 аnd inin]tive
an9L]аgе eаrn]ng

тhе Сu rja|]' 1nсi dеn| at' | hе

Dog in thе NighЦimеьу
Мirk Haddоn
]лсeptjon:АfiIm lеV еW

Тhе sсiеn.e Ot aqс nq sсientifiс рIOсеdures аnd СOnd tionа s аnd m xеd sс еnсе аnd hьto0,:Thе bilth оf
|eseаrсn соnd tionа 5 5l]реIhеTOеs
suреrhеro or g n5
.o,nрoUnd no!ns and nVеrLed сondit Onа s PopL]|аr сL]|tule/sс r]nсе: 5с епсе
Gеne1iса ly mod]fiеd food
othеr сOndit]onа !1rUсtL]rе5
саuses' Tеa1on5 аnd re9u ts
AdVаnсed гL]tL]rе lorm5

Fееdiпg dLrсk1in thе pаrk Pеoр|е With pov/er с eft ьnq!аgе апd ! tеrаtL]rе:
|]inеtееn Еightу Гоur ьу
5mok nq outdoоrs },,lin Or of|enсes аnd othеr Wаy5 ofаdding
GеOгgе orWe
pUni5hmеnt еmрr]а5 5
Ninеtееn Еightу Four bу
Gеоrqe orWе| PrеpO5t]onа рhrа5е5 VаqUе аng!аgе

сhid сurtеW' FOrmа re!]]stcr

'ffi#r,,ulo;lflilr; speаking Exаm suссess

Prеseri and pаs| рerlonа Pеrsonа ]пtеrViеW Rеird пq sса.n гq |or keу тr'Oгds п]Lr t]р e
]ntсr! e'/./ qL]е't]оns prасi се mаtсn ng
\l'/riinq а 5io:l: u5еilr Voсаlr! аD': /lorс] lormаt оп
PсT'Onа ltеr',,еuд
nEJ 5t с devi.еs
сrе.i n-c l qОod L 5tеn n!:ТlLrе/tа 5e/NOt !l./ei
i\iа!.5 оltа ( l]!

;Jmm;rу:Тhе h 5tcr)] oi 0рjпion е55аy U5е olЕng ]Jl] \/1L] t р е сho се. Оz.
:he e есt|iс саr UsеtLrl аnguаqе
Pаrаlraрli р аi5 [ 5tеn ng:lVL]iресlloiсэ
ihе l,,/o. d 5 гn c5 .
5реаk]гqlD 5сLrj5 nq рhOtos
!аnqсT0|]5 Toаэ
l^/|it]nq: 0рi.l Oп е5n,!5

:.n. mL]t пq асt V t Е5: PreDalin9 and 5tгL].i.]r nq Т. kiПq аbOL]t 9а\]аljts Пеаd]nq l./i!tресhoсе
i.i!tpепlаt.h]n!] n рrсsеntаto'l L 5tеn nq:lV! t р е mаtс ] nq
i]0rl' t|]e ntеrпеt а],ест A dеtаiеd ii Fr rе.riеyr
Prеsегltаt cn5 ] rрeаk]nq GiV]Пq а prеsentаt On
lh гk nq stritеq е5
lli|it]nq: A rеV]еш/Oр П]on

:.]реrhе.cе5 апd 5. егl.е A |o| а]]d n-а n5tessау Та kiпq аbolrt nаtьtiсs Rеаd]n9 l\4 ssir!] рiri-qc рrs
]..саn U5 пg Di'']А Grаmгiаr 5rI]tеnсс trJnstorгnаt]on5
speаk]nq 5t]mu Lr5 эа5еd d 5.!55 Oп5

Iц/rit Пq:^rgJ ng аn оpiП оп

: nсерt5trогnr!/л.i..сл Егnрh.tс5еlltеп.е5
.|qrn| Гou|
A ]ette| ctсогiр а !t 9iy ng.dl.]се t]sr O[Епq ьh:oрen с czе
:.ТV.nd mU! с'/idеo5
5реаkinq RO еp аy5

!,\llit]Пq:Гorm; rеq tеr п сoгni] а nt!

Reаding v0саbu|аry Grаmmаr

PrOb еrn nеighbol]r' Тyреs oi hOL]5е аnd рLасes n Rерort]nq slruсtL]rеs Histor),:Тhе ifе o|а 5еrVаnt n
the homе V]сtоriаn ЕngLаnd
mреr5onа reрort]nq
B!уing' 5еl ng and rent]ng 5lгt,]сiL.r гe5 5аbe а вееtoП,5,ool Or
N s еhald l,4anаgenеn|

diomаt с еxplе'sjon5 With

Dеs.IlL]lnq с!t е5 аnd tоWns

Тhе сhаng]ng fасе ol Advеrt 5]nq аnd sei nq PаssiVes, рa55iVе in1in]t Ves ntеrnаtioпа сu tun] knowеdqе:
а0!еTtls n!] and pаs9 Vе gerunos глoщh o/rr.dl bу в] Brysол
WоId lоIп]аt On rеVь oп
NeL]romаrкеt ng nnd eхtens on Pа55]vе5 Wth Vefts u/]th two
сon5Lrmeism аnd сhоiсe Dеsсr b ng с]othe' аnd
Tаsn on5 саL]sаt]Vе5

DeterГninеrs аnd qL]аntifi e11

B rdy,s mirасU оLrs ilqht: сопrрOund аd]eсtVes Pагtiсiрle с]аusеs L1е аtLrr" /0rll br Ntсl Holnby'
ЕWаv./ьnL"15kа the body
]\4аkinq and modiry ng
5kаtеboаrd]ng аndТony Word5 \,\]ith гnоre thаn оne с0mpаT 5on5
ffаWк mean nq

Тhе kеy tO hарр]nе55 lvletаphor5 hаррines5 аnd

Apрrent]сe5hiр5 L]lе аП0 саteеT Апiсlе5 s.еnсе/ЕсOnOгn с5: сагeeI

]Оb9 Olthе fuiure Prерos tions in lе]аtivе
Ve|b noun сo oсаtlоns са!5es 5с eпсе аnd te.hпO ogу: t-UtL]rе
nlеп' eW I ps сnаlеп9еs

AссеПts and t|аnslаt]on5 сoгnrnl]п саt On/ GerUnds аnd ]n]iпltive5 L iеlаt! rе: P'prrboy by
сoгnmun]саt оn blеаkdo\r'lп |'ц
Thеft]tl|re Ot hаndwrting h аtеv е r, v/ h е | еv Р' |, W h a еv е r,

Phrаsа Vеrl]s etс L 1erаtUre:Tееnаqе15 аnd reаdin!

E ips s
]пternatЬnа y poрuiаr
Епq i5h Word5

tr"1ltl!:i11t1i!, speаhing Еxаm suссess

i\/ !kе5h A-b.ii! hcme Аn а.tiсr Dс5сr]b nq а Т. kir]g аbOLrt пr 9hbcLr.5 L]5еOгЕn! ]jh i\.rlL] tр с .hc се.oZе
р а.с fulаnаq]nq tne homr L stеn nq:.Oгnр еt nE 5егtеп(Е5
u.lаy5 tо пVO .]е thе rе;dr|
гq s.J]s оn5 сOlnе.ted tc
D 5сU55 nq phоto5 2 5реаk D

Us ng сomrnепt аd!егb5 \'Vrt l]E: U!ir!ii rаigе о !,o.аlrLr iЦr

аnd.dvеrb а15

Еn',/ |onГnсntа уirеnd y А rеpolt Аd!еrLi! lrg 'rn. соmрirr n!] Rеirl nq:!Lr tрrсhoiсе
цodL]сt' а0vеп 5е nеnt5:
L]sе o.Еng 5i ll,/Ord fоrГn;t]on с O7r
.O аbОrаtоr аid
FOrma а.{]L]аgе nnd
IlеgОt at cn 5rеа ( п!:.o .lI)or.]|\,е t.r515
ехрTе55 0n5
l]''l]t n!]: tоr.nа герort5

1 егn ]r. b E ! lеnt5 opn cn аrd |-or аnd DвсL]55iOn5 bа5еd On U5е оfЕrlL] !ll:5erl|еnсe Ilnn5toIirnt cn
аqа nsl е55ll! V]5L]а stimL] ]
lьiеiiiq llr t]р е пlаtсh,Пq

sрenk n!]Г]i5сL]55 cп: l]а5еd O] V5n]] ]iimLr

outooor асt \r tlеs
llirliiq ]!5t1lt-n аn(] е{р аiпirl-0 ill!LrпlЕlrь

Dсj апd dоn't5 njоb Rо]ер;y5 2 1е;rd r !: l\/]|rtiр е mrI.h пq

ljlаkinq !еnеrа izatol5 Li5lепiП-! 5h0rI Li]']]рlehсг' .]п аI
lрeak iо NаtJrа r..'pon5е5
Vlirtiiq .hcо5 n!]thе 5.! е аNL]с0.iеni

ъ.nаqег5 аn. rеаd ng ъ k ng irbоUttiе Rеаd l .].hесk nq ]nst|Lrсtion'

]c n! сгO.s.,,!ornr AVO c г.! гeрotitо'l L]!e cl Еn; 5h:0реIl..:е

hа nd\'.л]| пq
L s1еnin .on"р еt]nq qар5 i а tеХt
cр г, ons аbcut rеad rq .с]

!рсаk l!:Тi] k n!] i]holt еt'.-.rr е ]с.1

Di9.L]55inq inquаgc an.
еnrПiпq ег\/iгOПЁеnt5 l]r1ill .lr l.'1аk]пt] !OLr| .ntцr пt.r.5t г!]
Р.е5entаti(n]! ]: Pег!оna

VoсAвULARY soоioIogy, рsyсhology, efс

i\Лаtсhthree of these Words with the definition5 beIoW.

аnthropо]оgy аrсhаeology аstro|ogy bio|ogy geology

glаpho|ogy meteoгo|ogy pa|аеonto|ogy psyсho|ogу
sосio|ogy zoo]оgy

] thr 5сеп.е ofstudуiпq реopе! hапdwr]ting ]п ordertо еаrn аboltthе]r

2 thе 5tudy Ofthе hъtory Ofthе еaпh !5 n! fO55 s

з thеs.]епtif сnLrdyоlthеl,irаVsoс]еt! sоrgаnzеdаndthеWаylhаt
реop€ Ьеhа!е n reаtoп tоеа.h оther

Work in раirs. DisФss these q uestions'

1 Look at thе оthеr WO|ds n ], iц/hat do yOLr th nk1heу meаn]
2 DO yoL] сOnsdе|а thеWordsto be serol]s 5.еnсes?\'Vhy?/цlhy not?
з WoL] d yOLr.оns]dеl study]пq аny oIthe5е 5!bjесts оп.. daу? Wh]сh onе5

Reаd some extlаdsflom the ьook Qu,}kologи ьy Riсhаrd Wisemаn.

Whаt unusuаl eхаmpIes of humаn behаvioul does he giv€?

. h' u'ё UI 5, lе ] l l t F, Ф llhULl lo.l ь' t'l u l' h.\,,
- '''"'',"t '''.oi ь,uo,.", пi. .rс ц '"j аr

Pгofеssoг ]егry Butgеr and Ь]s сoLlеaguеs at Santa СLаrа Uni!еrsity in саlifornia PLofеsors liпсЬ and Сiаldini
woпdегеd whetЬеr pеоpiе сould Ье регsuаdеd to Ьф
strаngеr Ьесausс thе two а from Aгizoпа statе UnjvсIsity
of tЬсm sЬaеd а rcmрlеtеly mеаnhglеs symЬol ofsimilаriry - tЬе sаm€ date Ьaте еvеп shown thаt тhе sarnе
оfЬiпЬ. еffесt саusсs реoplе to g11дд.
BuгgеL aпd Ьis tеаn Ьad voluntеегs visit ЬЬ lаЬoLаrory !ц !l]e Prq!-е]]9s."af a.-Ь'|i.ц( с1е.t9 otЬo pеoplеЪ
rаkiлgрart in an ехPеrimеnt оn аstrology. Тhе ехPеrimеntеr iпtroduссd сrimеs and щisdсщgqnqчгr. In
thе voluпtесr ro a sссolrd pапiсiрапt (aсtuаlly ап aсtol ivolliпg ivitЬ thе thеh study' peпiсipanв rеаd e
*pсгiпсntсl), aпd Ьaпdеd еaсЬ а foгm' TЬс fгont pagс оftЬе fom шkеd foг Ьiographiсal skеtсh dеsсriЬing
val]ous pсsoпаl dсtai1s' inсluаing fiеiI nаmс and datе ofЬirtЬ. on 50 Pеr сеnt thе tеriЬ]е сrnnеs сommittеd
ofoссаsioлs, п'Ьеп fie gеnuiле PаItiсiPдлr соmРlеrеd Ьь oгЬеL datе оfЬnтЬ' tЬс Ьy Rаsputin, tЬе,mаd monk
aсtor sц51-ep1фцф nored it, end i:i]lеd iп тhе sдme detе оn Ьь owп foгnl. Fог ofRuкia', дnd thеn ratеd thе
thе othеr 50 рсL ссnt' drс асtol dеliЬеLarc1ушorс а diffегсnt darc. degreе to whiсh thеy thought
Tlrе ехрегimеntсr tЬсп askеd сасЬ vоluпrcеl tо sаy tЬеir dаtе oг Ьirrh out Rrsрutiп souпdеd l]kс a niсе
loпd to еnsrrre йat thеу wеrе gn€n the сorreсt horosсopе to assеss, Halfofthе .с.фр' UлЬеkпоwп to thе
раrtiсiрants dЬсovеrеd an аmazing сoinсidеnсе- !ЬеI sharеd rЬе samс Partiс]раnts' thе ехрегirnеnrеrs
ЬirtЬday witЬ thе othеr pеlsonl (Thе othеr ЬalГ of thе pertiсiPants' of сoursе, Ьаd 1Ьlrnd out thеir datе of ЬiгtЬ
folnd tha! thе t$'o ofthеn wеrе Ьorл on diffе!еn! da'vs,) Thе рaпiсipant ЬейrеЬаnd аnd maniptLlatеd
and aсtor ratеd thе ассurасy оftheir lеspeсtivе Ьоrоsсopеs' and tЬеп lеft rЬе thе tехt sееn ЬyhalfoftЬе
laЬorаtory' Thеvo]untееr thought that thе еlpеl]mеntwas ovеr ]п f]rсt, ir was votltotееrs to еnsu|e tnаt
RаsрrtinЪ dаtе ofЬirtЬ паtсhеd
Аs tЬе lwo wаllrеd аlong е Ьаllя'q.' rЬе aсtoг pul1сd а fouг.рage еssаy fгom thеir own. whеn Pаltiс]Рants
Ьь Ьag, аnd аskеd tЬе ]fйеy would mifld саrеfLrlly rеading it, and tlrougЬт tЬсysЬаrеd а ЬiпЬdаy
fiеn writiпg а .с.riфlE аЬоut iтЬеther fie argumеnts аdvanсed lvеrе сoNinсing' vjtЬ $е mad noпk' rф
Vould fiosе rollпtеегs wЬo Ьеliеi.еd йat tЬеyзЬaгеd a ЬirtЬday with тhе aсtor псrе prеpaгеd to оvегlook Ьь
Ье morс 4.qg9.цц9{3qцgi AЬопt a find ofреoр1с wЬо tЬоugЬt they did not шongdoings and еvil dееds'
share e Ьirtlrday vitЬ fiс aстoL аgLееd to Ьсlр, In tlrе тюц ivе Ьile thе samе and fouпd Ьim sjgniftсendv
Ьnthda,v' wЬat а сonrсidеnсс, gгoup' almost t.voтЬiгds аgгeеd' Thе simplе Ьеliеf
in ЬntЬdаvмs епougЬ to pеrsuаdе реoр1е ю doia!е
a sЬaLеd a сonsidеIaь]е
.]g.r..o.'|.еir .эI:аЬ|е r:mе ro э сomр'е е.rъrgе,,

unir I

In tЬе lаtе 1940s' Рrofesoг Dспlam Forеr Ьшy dсvising novеl iтаys оt measuгing pеsoпaliq.. oпе evеn]ng Ье шas apргoасЬсd
Ьy а gвpholоgkt rvЬo offеLеd to dеtеrminе his PеБonаtiry оn thе Ьasis ofhis hendwrifig. Foг deсlined thе offer, Ьut tЬс с,Ьanсе
"vas ..

.n.ou'.. ."а. ьl. -.nt to disсovс vЬy Ьrgi пumЬeгs оfpеoplе sсгс imрlеsеd wirЬ astrolоgев аld gLaрЬolo8ьts, FIе deсided :
to сarryout arr ппusuаl ехреrimеnt
Forсr Ьad tЬс studеnв in hn introduсюLy рsyсЬologv сlак сomplегс а pеrsoпаliry tеst. onе wесk larcг еасЬ studепt rvas iandеd : а
сonuьсd aaiЬort
sheеt оfраpег аnd tоld that ir сonuinсd dсsфt]on oгtЬеil
sЬort dсsсфtjon pсвonalitу Ьisеd
oГtЬеil рсБonalФ sсoгеs. lоLсl ts]rJ
Ьаsеd on thеiг tеst sсoгеs thс studеnк
аJ<(| the stud(| lоrl
-. t\
ю ехаmЬе fiс dеsсфtion сarеfully, assigп it aл ассurасу ratiпg Ьy сirсliпg a пumЬo Ьеtwееn 0 (Poo0 алd 5 1регtесr) un rhе
sЬееt of paрег, aпd tЬеn rrnе thеir hаnds if $еу thоugЬt tЬе tеst Ьad donе a gоod joь of mеesuring diеil : решoпаlity'
ForеrЪ studеnts rеаd йе dсsсriPtioD' mаdе thеir iating, aпd' onе Ьy oпе, stanеd to tаisс drеir Ьаnds intо tЬе аir Aftеl а |еiv
moniеnts, hе wes surPlisеd to sее virrurll). all оftЬс srudеriв wilh thеir hаnds uP, vhywаs Foгеr so аmаzеd?

rогеr Ьed лoгЬееn елdге]y honеst witЬ ЬЬ guinеaPigs' Thе pсrsonaliv dеsсгiption thаt hе hаd Ьandеd tЬеm !!аs not ЬДеd
thеjr lest sсorсs, Instсаd it саmе from a nеrтs sтаnd аstrolоgy Ьoоlt tЬaг Ье Ьad piсlrсd uр а ftw deys Ьсfoге' мorе importаndl
еll1 l'Jспг t.аd
а'еа oа.ll ,"е ач" rе' ".оIл- dr о 'p,iо t,

g1uеd thеm togегЬo to лаke a singlе desсriPtioп. For€tЪ rеsulь reюlt'сd rьс пystегy tЬаt hаd ьееn цggs-iц8 him siliсе his сhдnсе
mееtllg \''rn .|* g'ai"Iogl* Asrro'оgy
rпе glaрnolоg'st. Asrc|оgуand g,аpЬologydo
aпо glaРпo'ogy oo lot
not aсtua!у
aсtuаlly nссa
пееd tо /
|U }e эссLrвtе in шdег m Ье rzл д rшntе
Instеad all you Ьаvе ю do is givе pеорtе а vегy geпевl statелспt аЬoпt fiеiГ реrsonelity, and йеiг Ьгаjns lvill !(]сk thеm into
ьеl1е!iп8 il is insigЬtful,

E Guess the mеаning of thе uп!i!.е{ Words from the

Foсusiпg оn thе Ьody яtЬеL rЬan thе лind, John Bшф аnd i сonteхt. тhеn u5е а diсtioпаryto сhe(k youl ideаs.
ЬЬ сollеаguеs аt NеwYoLk Uniуеrsity askеd tЬеir vo]untееls 1.

sPlAкlNE] WhаtаboutyoД?
ю do e mспml task iпvolving rvords rсlаtnrg ю old аgе, suсh as
.glеy' .Ьnrgo,'
аnd A sесond group т'еге sЬоwn woгds uпгсlаtеd Arеyou surрIi5еd аtthе п'aу реорlе bсha!ed]
to old agс, TЬе Lеsеarсhеrs thеn said tlrе ехреtimеnt was ovеL
and sесrеф гесoгdеd thе timе еaсЬ рагliсiparil took ro \тalli тurn to pаge l6з. Reаd the personality desсIiption
dowп гЬс lorrg Ьаllway tо tЬе ехir. TЬosе witЬ old €е on tЬеir fIom eхperiment с. нoW ас(urаte is it for you?
mind tooL signifiсаndy lоngеr to wallr down thе сorridor,
\!oс^вUL^Rt Bodу idioпs an.l haman interacIion
|\Лаtсh these idioms with the definition5 6. l
do 5om ething behind sbъ bасk
givesbtheсo|d shou|der
doа rеаd nq aсLlvitу 1/'/|]еrе yOL] Гnаtс|rq!е5t0n5 оr
YoLr are qO]ng iO hаVe sb undеryоurthumlr lend sb а hаnd
nаtеmentsWithdffеrrnttеxts nthstуреOiасtVпy'f БtLrndеriпе pu||sbъ eg stiсk your neсkout for 5b
kеyWord5 ]n thеq!еnioп5,тh s саn hе р ),OL.r tоfind thе rе cvnnt
nforгnаion п thеtrхts' sее theехаГnр е! b..ov(аnd сOntinL.rе ,l trеаt somеbodyуoLr kiol! п in Lrпirend y llaу
ExAIvlsuссЕss > Pagе ]48 2 hа./е сOmр etе.ontro ovеr5опlеbonl'
З tе]| somеbody som еthiпg thаt snOttr!е'аsi]о€
Reаd theteхts аgаin' For quеstions 1-1з, сhoose from the four
tехts(A-D).тheteхtsmаybeсho5еn morethanon(e. 5 tаke J lisk bесаLrsеyoLr bе ele ln soгnеbоdу

Whiсh teхt desсribes а test 6 dO somеth п!]l^ritho|t somеЬodу kncw]ng аbо!. t

.thаt пvoVеd 5оirebоdy рlауiiq аfсt oпi ro]е? ]
q uestions With tЬeсorrесt pаrtsof
.that nvoVеd fоо n!] thеvili mа]ortуOithе раrtсiрапt5l 2,
сomр|etr thеse
the body.тhen use the que5tion5 to intervieWyоur
. thаi mаdе раrt]с]рапt5 сhаnge1hеir рh!5iса ЬеhаvоLrr? з
. thаt madе pаIt]с рaпt5 Ьeha!e d]|fr:еntlу tоWа rd5
the рerson thеу Wеrr .,\'ith? 4
!!hел Viаsthе аntiгnеyoLr |еЛt 5O.n.bOd!
?WhаtdidуlrLr hе рthеm tO do]
. thаi mod fеd thеVo Lrпiее6' рerсeрtion OfOthеr
2 lvhatliOU d ycLr do ]fyоLrrfrепd did soгnеthinq

that рrovеd thаi mеaп 5lm аrtеs.аn rnаkе

Ьеh r]d уOur ]


thе distiп.tоп betweеп |!htаnd Wronq е55 с еаrJ б \'Vhеn rlhе ьni mе уoLr рulcd sornеbodу's
/ !Vh. 5а or do1
ihаt !,/аsdes qnеd lO d 5pro!е lomеth iqi
d d ]nLr
ihаt iпvo|Vеd mOdify]ng h stori.а| пforп]aton? 8 4 /hо WOL] d bе mon ]]kе!у tо n сktheir

OLrl lоr )OU |/O! ше е n i LrLrL] t]
Whеrе рЕopеfOO!еd ihеГn5е Vе57
}rhеrethе ЬUid]пq iа5 рапоithе ехреr mепti ]0 Vy'hаtV/oLr d уoLr do lуOLr \''/еiе n оVеWth !оГnеbod)
bllthеy qavе !оLr thссO ?
l^rhеrеthе mа i tаskWа5 h]ddеп from thе
раIt]с]раits? 11 '|2 6 Dо you thinkуoLr аrе Lrпdеr anуbodyз
l,!hеIе раrtiс]pаnt5 vrrrе drсе]Ved bу rncrе thап or thаt аnуbOdy i5 LrndеryоLr. ] V'hо]

]Lrn profеlso15 Orp5).сho]oq ns]

сompIete the senteпсes With the сorreсt pаst form ofthe

velb5g iven 5ometimes mor€thаn oпe form is possiЬ|e.
Pаst feЛsеs ,l i\4yfriеnd (са ]rnеatee!еnotLoсk а5t
1а Nа mе the tenses of the vеlbs in sentеn(es ] -6. qo ob"
] Hе leso|ved thе my5tеrуthat hаd been bugging 2 l (iavе) а iеlr Ь е hеаdа.hе а dаV-
h m slnсе h 5 Гnееtlng !\'th lhе qaрhO OqъL (tаk..j thr."е hеаd;сhеIаbеt5 lrut t i/Ont
2 n1hе аiе ]9,]05' hс Wа5devising пOV. Wаys ol qo аWаy

mеi]5L]r ng ре60nа Iу з fl/hеn (оok)cLrtоfгn!\,'']ndоvith5

з Тhеr rе!еаrсh hаsshоWn thаt реОр е bеhavе n mоrп п!], еVеrуthiпq... (bе]Ir'h tе ЬесаLrsе
]t Eпo,l. а .iqht,
4 тhЕ еxреr mепt.]r5 hаdfound outthеirdаtЕ o1b rih 4 ', (\,'/аitJtO 5реаktothе рго|ё55c| lo|O\,сr
tпIohoLrl5 ЬLrtshе5ti lаsn'tаrrlrеd
5 Hе hаs been investigаting Lrп!5Lrа humап 5 !!hеn (rесеi!.е)l'O!| еttсlyosteldау'
ЬеhаVjoUr ]:оr thе аn t!'/еnty уеаr' LOреn] Iаnс] lrеaс] i
6 Тhе tеn Wаs аbout to/Wаs going to nirt 5rrа gntа!/ау
6 iiЛd Lrп yеrsiy ].е difi.Lr t, (stLrcу]hеrе
1b Whiсh tense orvelb form in sentеnсes 1-6 do We lor n nе moпths ЬLrt n .. (пot mаkе) апy
u5eforthese situations?
7 .oLr dn,t Oреп th.. doог ЬесаLr5е l
tnе ра5l (lог!et)tO ]rr]пq my kеy
b TOr асt]Vit..5 in рrogrе55 аtа гnoГnеnt n tirе ра5t
8 ТhаldOо 9drvп.rmеп'ad t (lrirгl)a
с tо1а kаboLrtthеtl]tL]rе n thе ра5t mOrrlП!

Deсid€ ifthe verЬs in boldаre in theсorreсtform. Rewrite

e for aсt]oгs that hаррeied l lhс раst bе|Or. а.other the inсorre(tforms'
поmеп1ori]с1ioП п tпе рa!1 PsyсhO]Oq hаd been пterested in dьсOver nq the keу
ns (а)
for асtio.5thatlirrtеd п thr Dаnаnd аIееihеr to s!ссen|Lr liigfori оiqtimе']rLrt doеsn't!еепl t!i
iiсoпlр еtе orfiп shеd !еr! rесeпtу' е!р?.ia y i-lhеn Vе гy ra!! to Wоrk оLrt Whаt mаkе5 а qood аI'onсе' Plоfеssor
thе dLrrаt]on оfthеасtioi ъ mрortапi псhаrd шьеmаn (b)hа!done aп iпtеrеniпq ехреrimепt !s]rq
tоtа kJbоut Jс|Ollj,lhаt haррсlеd ]]c|Ol. аllOih9r Ieе'ьoП Hе (d intеrviеWed а fаrnоLr5 реr5oп сa еd поЬiг Day
aсt]Oi n thе pа5t !^rhеn thе d!rа1on OtIhе асtlon s аЬоUt h slаlcLrrtе i m n 1he irst ntеш е.,4, Dау (d]to|d
/sеГnаn thеt|Lrih Hе (e)desсribed hor'!'hе cvеd tho i m
5оrле Likе it ]1a1 n1leseсопd ntсIliеir' hе {f]lied'te n!
RЕF RЕNсE th." ntе|!i./r.I hc\l,l п]Lrсh hе kс. 6Oлe l,]1lil Iie l,lin!.' evеп
раgе ]16
thoL]!]h rea y he hаlеd ]t,\r',/hel thс! (g]hаd beепfinishing the
ntеrv е\ц thе! (h)аsked lielirersto Wаtсh ihe tl',ro iпiеrrlеWs
сhoo5e the сorrе(t аlternаtive. аndtodесdеin yihiсh nterv e\''/ Dаy (i)hаd been |ying'А mon
1 oп o!r hoiidау a1i 5!пrmеr !iе Ir](].'ЕllqIе|]'i'с friепd5 !.r th ]0'000 реoр e рhonеd in tо VOte b!t thе ./ciе' .n]еrе сOГnр еtеy
d Vidеd bеt!r'ееn thе t,",",O nter'i е\'vs t bесагrе с еar ihаt 1/ е!\]еr5
two 5\i,/ 5i nLrCents.
(j)Wеlе 5 Гiрyguеssing.Тhеn а sLrрri5 n! tl.inq (kJWа5
hо- "пd
hаpPening 0n thе1.lro ntсrv]e.'(s (l)аppeаred
Lhe sаme daу,
i1'5 rеr y djff]сLr t,
On lhе rad o and in nеrsрарe1sevent!.threе реr сепt Oftte
3 Оn thе\'''ауiо thе е.t!rе !{е"'I]5.Jсdl.'L:i/я|я'l]Js.rr]'gthе rаd o nеneб сOгIeсty (m) guessed .i'/h еn Da)' (n)Wаs lying'
ind 50 d]d 64 реrсеnt Olthе nеv]sраp'рr rеаdеr5 Othеl |е.еnt
4 kno.'/r qL] tе а btаboL]I!|арhoо!у bесаu5е re.'07lrt.ll
tеns (o) hаvе 5ug9e5tеd thе сOnс lsion, !h;t bod!
l.,'r,1n4 f Vе Or 5 r bооk' аboLrt аnа J5]ng hаndv/rпinq anqLrаg.cаnd ь.а ехpiе55оns'аГnе
givе tt е ]nd.аtjol ofреoр еЪ
5 /]! mLrm |'lb!"../]4,5 ]'ltеrеstеd п аliro Og! bltthеn 5hе
rса Zеd п !\rаs а.l'а5tе OltiГnе
Write one question using eасh ofthese pasttenses. тhink
6 shе соLr с]r.1lrl iе hеr irn51r'1е|5 dOurп bесаL]5e 5hеd ioUотten/
of questions thаt heIp you to f iпd out somethinq you don,t
bee.r /ff,eliЛ! to br]nq а реl кnoW аboutуourраrtn€r.
| "d -a- "- d qрob" oр6o016 ] pаstslmре
;o f nа
y dсс ded to.a somebod! 1c |х ]t,

8 Thеy lСii1'?еlе le4l'i.r' thе |OO m Wh еn thе tеaсhеr сa .d th еrn

з пlр е
рrеsеnt реrtе( 5
аnd sо ihey li.]l!е!./,|/g,g iqrnilE round.rid herdе. bасk'
4 рrе5еnt реrlесt сontlnuOu5
9 she s Гn! Ьеn fr]е пd tlе !gl,f,4ll]дJl :iЕ. qlц!J,),j.!l:1] еyе tо
5 ра5t pеriесt simре Or.cnt nUOL,]5

10 f5 dark somсOпе h;s J|./itr lrеd7'betrl 5,.',il.lrlng thе !h1Ol[ sPEAкlilG IntelvieWyourpartnelusingyoulquestions'
тe||the (lаss аbout whаtyou found out.

W0rd f0rmаti0n _ sUffixes

1 DeсideWhаttype ofWord eасh oftheleWords isапd then wlitethe suffixеs Look аt these 5entenсеs and de(ide What
in the сorreсtсo|umn. somesuffiхesсan go in morethan one сolumn. diffelen(e the suffix -ьh mаkestoa Wold.
aссurасy aсtor аrgument аstro|оger аstrо|ogiса| heЪ |crt), !h
bioglарhiсa| сoinсidenсe сonsiderаb|e dе|ibеrаtr|у dеsсription 2 don'lknoиr иrhatсo oLrr m! еуesаIе
friend|y grаphо|ogist importаnt insightful likeаbIe
meаning|egs pаrtiс]pаnt pеrsonа| personа|ity reseаIсher qrеyБll
psyсhо|ogist simiiаlity tеflible virtuаlly 3 lhou d Ье hоmеаЬ.]!tеght5h,
4 WOL.r cn'tsау 1n tа
blt 'm lаli5h
Adje(tive Noun - аЬstlасt/сon(ret€ 5 lV'1! hаir !strа]ghtish

sPEAк|ilG Writе down аtleastfive

аdjeсtives to desсlibe yourseIi Еа(h
Add the suffixes;n tЬetаb|ёtotheWordsЬ€|oW' sometimesyou сan аdd аdjeсtive must (ontаin а guffix (one ortWo
morethan one !uffix. мake сhаnges to the Wolds ifne(essаry. саn сontаin ьfi]. сompаre аdjеdives in
'l pnn 7 thoLr!hi l0 pаirs аnd expIаin whyyou сho5e them.
2 асс]dеn1 5 5сiеnсе 8 еnjo),
з сOmр ех 6 hер 9 ntе gеnr 12

Workin paiгs. Add tЬe suffiхes in theseWordstothе сorre(t(o|umns in the

tаЬle in ].тhen think ofаt leаst one mole Wold (ontаining eасh suffiх.

imрortan(e impres{ve fаi|ure frе€dom hаppiness |uсky

optirлЬtiс re|аtionship

Use the Wоrd given in сaрitаь аtthe end ofsomе ofthe Iines to
folm а Wold thаtfits in the gаp in th€ same Iine.

Rесепt у а сLrr]oLr5 ехреrimеnt v(a5.аrr еd oLrt iп

Еd]llbLrrlh iа] сft 2.10 \"]а еt5 RЕsEARсн n thъ t!ре Otехе.с!е' shоLr d rеаd the Who е
ilеreilраrts oItheсt!, еаVngthеmа5]f
п d
" Og..g " d.oo;'',o "Ь . ".
tle]r oI/пЕr5 hid (b) Aсс|DЕNт in mоrе dеiа]]tO dесdе
]fthеWоrd пе?d hа5 а !O!
n .n.рn iЬрn F;.Ь i ф nрn ] nеgат!е mеаn n!]' ]1 t 5 р !rа iiit i5 аn аdjесti\,е,еtс
рhotoqraph'е:hеrofрLrрpе5, fаm е5 lrаЬе5 or А.lrals rеаd tO thе еnd ofеа.h sеntе:l.е.oпtа n пq thе
ofаi еldеrу.oLrр]е'Тh.. (с Oi сoNсLUDЕ gар' notjl]5ttothе еnd ofthе iiе
thе еxрerimеnt ц,аs thаtlfyоL] \]Vаnt yO|]|'"!a еl ExAltl5Uс(Es5 , pаge r48
tо с0гnе 0а.kto!0L], tnе Гnon
id) l^rаy is by kеерing а

рhоto Otа bаbу n it 5 псеthеrеWа5 а

iei diffеrеnсе n thе rе5роn'е5 SIGNIFY

tо ihe d ilerеilрhotos'Аn if) вЕL|ЕvЕ
88 регсеn1Oilhе v!а еt5l,lith а рhotо Ola
bаb!Werе |еtLrrned Тhе 5есond bеn rеsLrtWа5

Ofthе Vlа еt5 With рLrpрy рhoios foLrnd tlе r

Vlhin pсturе; o].lаm]iе5 апсlе dеr y
r'!аy Ьа.k'
сOL]р е5 hаd rеtL.rrп rа1е5 ol,+8 реrсепt аnl28
рerсеnt rеsресt\rе y1i''hy 5hoLr d t]аbе5 рrodLr.е
(s] '', '',, ', ',,
bеtiеrlеsLr t5] Pеrhарs оLrr
.огllpаssioпаtr lе5рoll5е to 5mа .h]drеп ь Еа !'
сееp сo\'in' а quеst.]n o]
(h) clthе sрeс е5 Hov,lс\rеr'
thеrе vloLr сJ ha'e tO еi. аnatlon fcr
bе а d ffсroni
thе ii] ',. ''.
Ofthe pLrрр]es, n A
аil,ihе rаdеr оfthе rе5еаrсh iеаm \(а5 р еа5апt у
. . (рn r. <рё. nn
сamе bасk i,,lауbr lj) 5 пoi

а5 сoгnmOn а51/,lе sOmеi mе5lh]nk n mOdеr|

Fnаteгnities and sononities

- _ --;.ъ sororitiеs
At.r thrу сomn'эtiltv€?
llеrе Lr!еctc Ьс |er.е согrреtitioп cеi!,]fеr d ffеЕnt

o:.еП ilсаlеi] р oЬ еrnsа5 thеоr9аn z;t oп5tеn.]е.]t.

WIrflt af€ xhey? rj d
dе nLrcе.з latnеrthan !n t! thеm ntе|еnпqy'
io.а]оrgап zаion!for Lrldе|qlai]Lrаtе Prп..|On Is."l tо Ьa l thегn 5 rl.с thе! tЕп.iеd !O."х. Lrdе
Е,аt?rп te'аnd 5crO'т е5 аrе
реOр е ]rnеad c|bl lq nq 0lе 0rho е |г
5tLroепts n Ncrth Аnеrсап Lrl !еritе5.|hе гаГnе5 сOmе1оп Lati
Тh 5 5tLrrtiOn Iа;.ra l!]еd.\'еrt|rс!еr15 tnonqll' аnd
|r.l.r гnеаn n.с|аrd 5cr.|nlеап пq 5\1еr. аnd, а5 thе nагnеs
nо'\а.]rу! .hе.е ь mLr.n mO|е.оореrnt 0n t]е.ilrегr
mр ! t]е оrlal /. on5.rrl .]5Lr.i ],5-li] е 5еr,.or 1l]r rаkе otс.nvеn епlе,
..] dffеrеnIi|аtэrlt]сstO prеVеltti51rom hарреi iq,
! реo.еoltеn LrjЕi.lеl'.,'оrс fr...lntеlio rс:!|.o bctl maeаnilеnlае
oге аrеа flhеrеihеr..ап 5oпI]t m..5 Dе.l]/lJ|]lr.nfе
clgаn zаt on5' аnd tl.'''.r. ]5 сonmon у эЬЬr.!Йtеd to'frаtl а tllo"!]h th 5
.oГ.!еtt]oП j n lhе аrЕa cifLrпcra sing.I,1ontrаtеlrilе5
Б mos:! rsеd n а lеrо!]аtor,!'\,iаy' г .ncre 5t!а1'or5':rnd:o а'o 0
and so'cr]t'еs orqаn lе е'iепt! |O lа !? гno]е! lo пе р
thе5еlstl5еcf t'nс\rioli] :rat..n:r5 tlе!сO|gаnzat]o']5аrе.ftеn с. еd
еrт.cгnеsfrоГn Ihеiасiihаt h nоr]са )i
orqа n z;t oпs,;h 5
сhаrlе! and ре.р е ]i iее.]' еrhЕr!/t|]п iirе Lrll']е6t!
Grееk .еtiе r
r, оliorih!.ub с Jt а/qe апo d ||.lепtorqаn zаt оn5 ke
1 п.O5tolqrпДiспs hа].'сnа.n:5r.,h.l Lr5еt1,!ocrtil?rGrесk еttеrs,
.crеramреАрпа Dеti P;Orсrmma Pi веtа Тh! . |е l o. .е п со n. е t
to с.]Jlреtеt.;Pе triо сrП 13 5е nOnе! fоrl]с:
.Fo5еi рh аnthroр. с.Lr5е A l,|hеrаrеа o|.Oпlр.1iоn
il.Г. tre Ir!. rltlrj n а short с|ееk 5егiеn.'.оr гio:to nfасt'tl.!'rоrd
't]l..еk !o|tег ,5е аr аdjе.t \rе.o dетr bс.гtih п! 5.oпnс.tеd 55ро .eпd эth еti.!,L.\rhеrесfi."r.n1 frаtеrп]tе5агd
\rri1'] ir:rеrп]t:.s .l 5orоr t еs,5o реoр е.а r nоt O. )] а[]oIt G|ее[ LЕrt!r
J" о o oо,аO
i O,!аn;Zatоns Ьri a sо Gl:еl L i. Or.hэ Grесk..гrnLrn ry' OI гnеnbе6 аre
dЕsсr].еl] а5 G|сеk5
шIry d.} ffatrrrrtttrs arrd soro}iliёз
sФmrtimоs lrаv€ а ьalt тcprltatiоIr?
lvhnt il(D llrry dФ9 ],! sOm." crqаг z.t Oг5 lаw iiаOе п?./,. ..rnui.Jtеs d.
-l. lr;5. ]d.j Oi а Grееk еltеr О.!an ?;. cп ; io brln! реop. tоqеtl.е. at hLrin'jt ni.r : a l!.|O..5 tа5t5 iLrri]q р еdqе5h р' iп.]
tъtоl' ol|.rе tllе! etThеln ЬесOmеtLr mеmbе|5 ihе
а !.,. e t п tэпd lе рtrеГn гnak.. fI Ёгds. \'1еmЬ..r5 must hе р allj nrррэn n
llаnР hrzr-n' ! -0t]еп o..е]r' ".'h ll'
i. fi s t),рэ
thе r Ьr.t.]еl5 апi ! 5tеri пап! ]ауthеlсi:l;rсscforпa5o.ia п.t\'".lk
.аг 5оmеt Ьr h.5 е!?п еd tO d."а.h п
t|rrоUgh.Lrt |h'.l n '/е5i! N.rn. ! t.lеl..55ре.а еnrр|]а5; cn а.а..m с
Гnеs '"xtlеГnе.гd
jl':рort' !'r ih mег]bе15 hе р nq еа.h othEr lO ех.е пTirP|асldепlс .i thе рrji весa-5е.ftlе 5f|.Llnе:! эl thе5е рro..n.5'
Lrn],iеr;t]es lа'rе !.эrt.i]iO tа€ п].Tе ]nt?rе5t n inе5е
i.h е!.lnепt5 0|!]i]п 7at o'l с. Г. tnа: Jlеy hе р n]сеnt5 to dе!е.р
се5;гс orq]n]7а оn; ]'.5tаrt пq to 1аkr nrorе
e.d..rjl]р5k' 55п...'nеm!?riсf[cltаkеrе5p]n5]c t!iorоl!аrnпq!]г0|р рr:]сt
.аrе\,ith ll]аtoп Po|;е'rеl fэi !n.]еrqrа.LrJt. ,е; !
а.t]! l е5' эr..it5 оli.i]пl.5' l his Ьесlln d ih.i рс.,р е froт .hе Grееk
',''аnt!.o bе.oп]еа п.еn0е'cla|l Lуоr5о эrIу'
;| сoГnгn.'.'ty :nn(е J. !э'r. cL]tofеl]!r! |сn pеo| е nr. ]l i/L/|O! L1,n.'
|Olty thr.е d rе.i.6 O1toр
.]ftl.cmрr l]е5' 75
L.r сепt.|соnqrе5s.ri.]6б
n tl'еifее tтtthсr..lа!еto.O !'rhrtЕ.rеr lhе!эl? arkц],
(аb п? ! nсе ]-000 hо\.!еV.l hаld' апi thеr kеер.!.t аbort t, Оr!an z.iоП9
рr'.еi.ofihе!lе5.е.1а o..i]5оnа ! аrgL]еthаt ].it atioг
а \rlа!'s bееп kе |ll s
s.mе Gr.еl Lе:tеlO|'n.г Zat]o.5'lа!еtFеi cun .haрtеr l'.rlJ5е'оn lnd rhэt J рlеV]oLrs nem|Ьrr! h:d,..suitеrthE sапlе
.аmрL]5 аrd th 5 flа! \,-е bеrе5dегi.]'Тh5цtоn|сn!:hепtlс.ее]i-nof
1aj(5' аni thatth s'5t|е сп ),.'.r'а)]:o kпo\,l i5omеЬod''
,. broihэr]oос nсrlОоd Ьеtr.]с:n thе fl!m[,еrs ot|rеr."ар.еr |0|5е5 а'.
or 5
.. ъ qо lg tс bе.oтр.tеJr .Ir tO tце оr!ап zili 0n olr.е
5]mр у р a.е5 !.'Ьеrе. mеm.чеr5 с.г еаt toqеtnсl
||rеy аrе brotTlе|5 cr5jiеr5.

lnternаti0nal сulturа| kn0W|еdge

Sооiа| life in U.S' uniVеrsit]es

1 Workin pairs. Dkсugs thеse quеstion5.

] Arе уcLr nо\,,l or i]a'/'. J,o. е!еr bееn' a mеп]bеl ofаny сlub' 5о.]ец1lеаm.r qгcLrр/
2 iуOr аrеоr hа'/е bееn а.nеn^bеr' givе.etа 5,
4 VlihаtlOуO!triгktlеgro!рsnthерlo1o]\'!hа..oyоLknc\,rаbоLr.5LrсhqloLrр5]

l0 unitl _,.:..:,...:!:ll::t:,:,, J

Read the t€xt аnd аnswеr the quеstions'

1 ,'r'lс а'е irtt|l ?: rПi]5O'. t,i]5 |(j'i
2 lO i....р е scГ.еt ]n.!5 рr"6]еl o.; t]еj:!.с. ]jG."еliLэtt."ri].!i].]Z.]li] r:i

з \iihаi 5 1lе o. !iге nаmе Grее1 Lеt?r oli]а.] :at l]']l

5 l'1jhа i ir .|ар.еr .o-5еi

tr'i 6 n \'',rh;T аrеа!.f :е Jrе frа.еr] t е5 o 5o.r t е5 сi].l!.!t t i.: ]c\'.i:.a]xi

l, 1l
7 !i! h.i 5 h;ziпg']
8 ,i'h!.o 5orе.il!с5.t,.al l! !!LrПП!t...i
I 9 Hо,,! dO jc1]е pеo. е..1еid l..r.nij15]
l: Ё
]\4аi(h the Wоld:i аfid de1inition9.
] .iр.r а . sll.rl 5Lаt.rnеnt trаtrr!lr55е5.i .еа'.ttЕг l5е.l a! r
nirtеп]..ntoi bе iе. r)'a l. gal z:lt clr
З -nilt.o iLrg.еn

lj! t пq
6 iL..drа ! nq !/ il з ]t.f tъr:€ 0r.l.|:r)]
тlrr f r..r,.. i ir rj5 рl..jt L il]..
P. ].ъ ар]. !j. !l\ drL ! lli. t э рr.сеj:irсе..Пlijll! l шh.h sonrb..! hэ.oпlе5.
lri6rra.rr..lrii:,l.r ii пlеlDе ol a ].T-.аn 7эI,o]
il]].]] ;ri irc \l;.! п
.l.].r.t ! t! l-.i.l n! ii-. ре|slrаdе реор еtо!.rс IO.].)tlо.
r iri:.:rL.u. ira; :n r'l
.,.",l; .r ..rтr f'rr:.': :1 sPЕAк|NG Whаtаьoutyo0)
-]].lll]! i t|n."r. tl ttl]rll'е]tt!a]An]еlс..
\ ii lт. :;..п:] '.t !e i\t]. d !э! |]. li..с!t.l] t!' cl 5olс
lт. .эr frа:.L. t:s !l ]..'l.]: !гi!еl i)'] ir'!.]]rl'llii.]r ].1/
r1.t r a ! n!.r., tj,rr.t. n. Аеor!:]n];i.n:k..ll:lLl!еl.?5iг!o...l]].rliH.!]rс]rl.]/srl;|..
.:i. :1e.i]aii.: ]п i. e:]
lerr!l(rr ru ,,-ir.i. cf.l.rс|t t.1lе o.еj .!hЕ J;А'.

ifi t'dггtаii0fi ai cЦ!tttfаl k!.!fli#is[igr

Rush Week
Listentoа studenttа|king аbout RUsh
Week,When studentsfjпd out aboutthе diffе lent frаtern itie5
аnd 5ororities, and сompIetethe sentenсеs' tJse no morе thаn
threеWords in еaсh spа(e.
F:'n t.е э 5 iп i]r е.i:rt Oг N.J.t' а \r!а!'5.n.i а
1Ъ'.э l..п.е L.l t. b] -r!tihеrеа nаrtt.l]шr
flееk : .h:.еtt: q.]t uh,.n у.r., lс
."асl ld Тl]е Гr.5t .lр.,tаПllh n! ic.]cthаt
п l]h. ; iэ] аi..Lrl rа.h 5.|o,1! D.пi bе
i] Тl..5е....]п i] l ]nih?пt.."\rhа.]е
l. раrtе5 lс!сaп.jiаr.!t'.;.. ]эnr: lr!
раI1:5'\,.U.irn r.j1. аЬ.lt ii, n.nсh
.rqаП /.:rt Or hI]
.\.хt r]-nht 5 f. ij р!r|t c!
rihэп ].o.]dr.'сe \.\,h сl5O|cr1!!o',.] [еto].п iЪ| |аl/. t-.l]o1!
: l: k] t..ot.5' hе аn са! 5 з. L]dl !rtl. r

5c|.]l t.5 rin i. 1.L:, п'/ tJ cгr t tl';! 1r tr ]rс r' \'0! !l] ]..
il рr .t:o !еt t01noi(!..| r nсir.]

unir I 1t

Look at thele sentenсes. Whi(h groupdoyouthinkeа(h

one is tаlking aЬout - сhаvs, punks, hiрpies or goths?
,l Thеy,re а Wа)4lieJr n! 5роп5 с othеs
2 Tlе!,d Wеаr]еаn5 аnd f o\'!еrеd 5h rt5 aпd hаye Onq hаir
з 0 d реoр е u5еd lO Ьеfr]ghtепеd ofthеm t,eсаLrsc1h.у
o0кe0 soаggrе55!е'
4 Тh..y, neа|yа Wа)цWеa| b а.k.оthеs
5 Тheу Ll1rlvеа|thos'" bi-o qо d.hа п;
6 ТhеуWerе а u'аys tа k]nq аbоli реaсе a]d o!е
7 Тhеуоftеn rеаd пo!е 5 abo!t\rаmр rеl or hоrrоr
8 Тhеy ,cLr]c makе а t neil 5ong5 iаn' 5ho lt аrd оLrd

Put these verь form 5 inthe(orreсt plасein the

tаЬ|e.тhen аdd the sentenсеs in 6.
а !гeseпt simpе (+ аdvеrb otirеqLrеn.y)
b !.,'OU/.l G tre!!eс)

sPЕAкl8G Workin pаits. та |k about What you саn sёe in the e L/L/Ouid(L]nstrеssеd)

тhe peop|е in the photo аre саl|ed сhаvs.Whаtdoyou g рrе!еnt сопtiiLroLr5 + аd!еrb OffrеqUеnсy
think аre typiса | (hаlа(teli5ti(s ofсhаvs? h ра5t сOn. пLroLrs + adverb i|equеnс!

LIsтЕl]|t!E Li5tеn to а Iаdio interview аbout (hаvs'

(i} ].02 Ехаmple
DothеsPeаkers mention аnyofyour idеаs in 2?

@ Listen аgаin. Are the ltatem ents true (т), fа|se {F), or is Plesenthаbit- 7,
the informаtion not given (NG)? neutrа|
,l сhаrottе Hаrrъ sаsосooq!51L]iеnt ii]l]l
2 сhаy5 аrе поt Lrsua ! L]ni,/еrslt! 5t!dепt5 ii1,i|:.
з сha\д 5рeпd mon o].the r monе!оn сОthе5
Pаst hаьit- пeutЙ|
4 Еtреrts аrеirу пq hаrd tоfind.,.]hеrеthе ц,ord
5 fhаl,s cn !сOmеfrom onе рnrtсLr аI раrtOfЕng аnc'
6 .harottе HаIr 5 rесkоп5 thаlпеqаt!е аtttL].е5
tоv-(ards !]rO!р5 ]kе сhа./! 5 пoih n!] ne,,!, i i'tit. GRA|M|\ЛAR REFЕRЕ сE ) o.9" I

7 Тhе Br t 5h рrеss tеnd tO.rttа.k сhаVs l

I |-oоtЬа p ayеrV!Ъynе lоoпеyv(o! d bе Vеri
сompletethе sentеnсеsWith аn а ppropriаte Wotd. With
ar]no!еd to bе.а еd а.lа!,
wiЛ and would dесidе if уo u пeed thе (ontra(tеd form.
9 .hа']!teпd io prеtеr iistIL]гnеntа ГnL]5i. ,] 5hе
,l0 сhаr oitе Hаrrзih iks thаtсhа\,5 hа\,." mаdе
рa!the5аmе.Dаgа nandigаii'
5Omе d]ffеrеnсеio сLr iLrrа Lifе ln Bl1r]n t'i,'\a!
) " o о O,
Wnеn \1/а5 5mа еr
з tо оVе plrПk п]!5. thсn !lа5 yoLrnq
n ТrLrе/Fаse/Nоt.оlven nеn nq aсt]!tе5' оokat thе bLr! гn пot пto i пo\lr
statemеnlsbеlcrеуoU ьtег, f !оu m ssOnеаn5' еr'5tа
nеn n! iгifiеdъtе y].оrthе nеiionе Lj5е thе !е.оnd
4 ''|Nr Lrsu,r ! qеtdrе55еd Lrр аtihе
цIееkепd bLrt idереndsWhеrеV!'е1е!oinq,
nеn n! tofпithе апs!.rers!O! d]dnt hе;lthеirsttlmе and
tс сhес[thе anlwеБ уou аllеаdy hа\r'". 5 V'hen Wаs ttе, fаl аseep\\ihеnеVеr
ltеnеd tlr.]a9!са n]!5с'
5UссЕ5s Раgе ]:l8
sPЕAкlNG Witе аt Ieаst fivе true senteп(es аbout a
SPЕAк|NG Whаtаboutyou? membel ofyoul fаmi|y, using the diffеrеnt vеrb fоlms in Z
тhen d is(uss you r senteп(es in pаirs.
] Аrе thеrЕ an! сhaV5 Or5iГn]аrgroLrр5 п yoLrr.оuntr!l
2 !!hy dо yoLr lh nkyO!ng реoр еtепd to form !]rO!рs (e
.hа\r5, рunk5 Or rOсke15?

1 Lookаtthese questions.Writethenumberof eасh questioп in з Putthese ехрrеssionsfrom thespeakels in 2 inthe

oпe or morе ofthe seсtions in the tаble. Wlite а|so Preseлt or (oгr€сt plасein thе speаking Bаnk.
Past, deрending on whаtthe mаinfoсus ofthe question ь. ] Аlfarаs '.n сOn.еrnе0, 4 Wе ,

] JO !оu р|eiёrstLrdyinq оп yoLrrovli.rr !\ith o1he| реoр е? 2 Тhе th]iq s

2 \'Vhаtdoyo! do to rеаx] 3 То mу m]nd'
3 Wъtdot'o! lh nk imрO|tаntfоrа 5!....55fLr |rеld9hр]

4 Do )'оLr рrеfеr sреnd ng lourlrее t]mе oпе or \,i th others? !lhl]


5 HOlv гnроrtant 5 nLrsс n уоur iiеl

6 HОW onq hаvе !о! Ьeen nLrd! n! Еnq 5h?
7 \'Vho hа5 hаd thе ql€аtеst ]nflenсе oi yоLrr ifе?
8 Е:oW rasyъ tfol)rO! tO Гnееt nе.,\ реop е аnd rnakе |rсnd5]
9 Dc !o|r рrеlеr 5реndinq уо!r ho dаys Wth уoLrr |.rm ! O|tliепds?
]0 did yо! qеttо kпo.,'/уolr Ье!| ftеnd?

1] \r'/hаtdoyoLr ]kе to do аiihе.,,/еekenc?

Wъi hаs bеen loLrr Ье5t ho dау!оfаr?

Lаnguаge Iearnin9:

studiеs| | (rrrsеиt),

Fliends, fаm ily a nd re|аtion5hipsl

iisтЕNi,!r Ф'!.s] Lьten to th reе pеople аnsweling thе

тhink ofаnswersto the qUestions in l. тгy to think
questions in 1. An5Wer the questions a-с, usin9 thе tаbIe to
of mole thаn one рiесe ofinformаtioп fol eа(h
а \'!h.h qLrej1on dO.5 еасi реr5oi ап!Wеr?
Ь Doеs еaсh рс|son givеj!51Onе р е.е ofiniormat on оr dо |hеy .r]!е SPЕAкING Wotkin pails.таke it in turns to аsk апd
аnswerthe questions in l' lJ5e еxplessions from the
с DОе5 еа.h реr5oп.rеаtе a lood n]рrеsson cr not? Ho\'!? speаking ваnk.

WritetWо mole q uestions for eасh саtegоry in

speаker] spеаker2 speаkerз
thеtаb|e in l. Writeа m iхtu rе of present аnd pаst
Que5tion а questions.

Question b
Prасtiсe mаkes рerfeсt
Question с
7 sPЕAкlt{G Work in pаirs' Ask аnd аnswеryour
questions in 6' Whenyou answer,givе morвthаn one
Pieсe оf informаtion.

Work in pairs. Disсuss the5e qu estion s'

,] l\hаt 5 tlе iji!i.r!
rL]L] rеiri]i l'thrt ia9 it aЬort
2 D. !.! kе .hr n.r].j !.ihy],i !'ihr,.ot?
з lll.rtd. )i,! illik пlakrs а lood;i.L.
Look аt thе photos аnd thе title ofthe story. |n pаirs, dis(uss
Whаt the story mаy bеаbout'

Reаd thestoryаnd (heсkyour ideаs in 2'

.loиtttlttпд (ost soис lltiи 4 touи1

1110|] ltilи .,lLitlit !.. l' |.'L r].n'l oL]. lr |lr.1tr .]и. lLщ. .rl
]t|51фr i].i1n.r.,ir. .']i1": io\ lit1 lt i'rr i ;Йilit.rl ili3i{t.!.iLil,
аllr1' СlltL l ola, tJL. i '-''r' r.]L.i. з..iLt r.,rit |iti./.|l!] .( lis t.,(.l i.f

ol| ,i,!] .i^trrLi. .]..ilt ',] t. jloф lri\ .'](nf]] tL1. фti']..,!fLl

L.oL.,i lil.. s. l. orи., i|s .tr,. rrLi ld t '.id!

lLor oi]../.to i1,.\ tir.J.\. lLt


Ol1 i.L .1,*l ,li.l r[f !r, t+1.,!J

_,ti\f.l aiu' ir r. l i. i,.ril:ii'll
ttr turlt i(r. l:i1..f.i LL!. !!0 lLo]., L i1!. h..( 1. rt'aiL-a l,
.taltr.'] ' r.n ] L! ii{l .xor! l|] ф l s !{tl.i. .i'rfL . J!]s (.(r.L,1] .'
b't t,. t]]ili] .\.l.]lrLl] it. ]D|.[r l.siLln ]1i! !|l.i]L..и]']Ili.
!\ L.^d,: a lL/{lir фo.t orit i0 ri '.ni:tt O'r. .r.r i(,. lt r'rr
iL1|! 01@.]. |o ,r ni.l .ilL..] .,\Li1 l.ri t[( 1.r Dtr i{i .^ lLэи!. .[ tit., i;i.. r ti.a
t. .llL;l.oo',1 l'.1..,\'r.]] tnolц|'']. ]'iL s1.,'l .{ ф. oi ]с\ lrr|iIs. ил0.ш
i tlt s,riр.. !t 1001 sl. lrl ilи iliiLn iL1.[.!1l: lrli.ili0r11,{1io ,ц..][,nl.t i'й"l t.!i,..
ф..i..,!\i1. с')n. [tr]' b.|l
j.. .l.t.|. [|t]l^b.1t ]1i. s]'ll.rt ;liLtl.o'l шlt .

' "''
,...,.... l,.,,,,,;,,', ... .1,,., ,

4 :!0сдвU..4i!: s,l',7es 9 Replaсе sаid in these seпtenсes With аn аpрropriаte vеrb

(omр|ete these similеsflom the story in з. from 8.
] Тheу gоt on like а '. '.
] '0h Wе LBеltеr Lr.:k neхttimеL'sаid Brаn, t 1,!аs thе fifth
2 Llstening tO Мiа! nlrr,сhar]еtlrrnеd а5Wh tеаs timе hе,d lа]еd hь driv ng tеst, but hе Wа5tаking ]t са rn y,
2 'сomе hеге.ight no\,vапd say уlrrr'rе sorry], hеr m Other sa id,
аtthe Wау hеr dаUghlеr hаdjust tpokеn to her,
5 маtсh 1-10With а-j to mаke similеs. Useа diсtionаryif
з' r,\'antto gеt оff
hе sаid ln thе m]dd е оlthе ro еr сoаnеr
а аsadаsy
I dе пе п.о ne,е bее, ^ o " " "d
2 asсоd b аs a feаthеr
4 'sоrry'm atе' f5'еrгn,Wе 'thrЬ!sWа5 аte''shсsаid.
Unlortunаtе t thr tеасhег сOu|d hаld y rnаke olt а Word,
з as quiсk
5 't\ notfаir' t snt tЪjustnotlаir,'gaidthеboy' tWа5thе
4 as iltht d а5 ABf р ||" 6d г.о"| е.O, |е1to,dр'" bоd,lo
5 asbind '
osing раtiеп.е W]th hlm'
6 аsq!еt f а5 а fаth
6 'N]y]eg thiпkitъ broken]'he said,a]though tWа5 hаrd lor
7 astгеsh h]m tо Ьrеаth lreсаusе ofthе раin'
8 а5 сeаr
i а5аbа1 lo Reаdthe informаtion intheWriting ваnk. Undel|ine
]0 а5 llrtid j аsаrcсk exаmP|es ofeасh devi(e in the story in з.

Work in pairs.lnvent yourown simi|€s using 1-10 in 5.

4s stп\Й! аs а te'1 аs .о|'{ м Lo;иtЕr iи Аlаsk1l
Рot liaиt, UsefuI linguistiс deviсes in а story
7 сompareyоur similes аnd (hoose the best.
\roв^вULАRу: Waуs of talking
раn s]mр|e, ра5t pеrlесt 5 mp е аnd сontlnuousiаnd thе
rts1{NtшG tE 1'04 Reаd the lent€nсes аnd listen. маtсh
TL]tule n 1ne pаst.
theWolds in bo|d With the definition! l-8. tjse а di(tionаry
а Vаr elу Oiadjесt Vе5 аnd аdvеrbs'
ifneсessаry. , o, ,б | o- 1 о,d,.. . , , pёе ,gо o РlJo ,a'O
'oh Wе , rnyteаm hа5 ost аgаin,'hr sighеd ехрrеss ng diffеrentWаys ofspеаk nq,

b 'tсаnt bе] thoUght yоLr Wеre dеаd], shе gа 5Ped'

'5tор itLstop tth s minLrte hе уe||ed
d 'BLrt'МLrгп'рeаsе, dOnlWаnttO go! Prа!е,,,'thegir
1.t Work in PаiIs. Disсuss these q uestions.
'f5 ghon],thе shlieked
DO yоu kеgiv nq рeop е surрrьеs?
Doyo! ke rесеViпg sulрrЬesl
'DOn,ttе А|ехаboLrtthe s!rрrsе Whьpered,
ра rtу,' hе
з Whаtз thе b ggеn surрlьe уou оr sornеbody ]n yо!rTаrniy
s 'sоrry, Id]dn'l didn1rеаlуmeantоdo t, Wе I' nol еxaсt y,'

h '0h' no Not аnOther eхa m!' groаned thе еnG,

Praсtiсe mаkes perfeсt

I to 5реak in a very|оud h gh Vo]сe bесаu5еуolrаrе 5o angrу .!

2 Write ust еnd with
а story of 20о to 250 Wolds. Your story m
thatyou саnnot сontю уOtllsе|f
tо spеakin а loud Voсе bесаlseyOLr аrе аnqly,ехсited, n
ра]n,or n оrderto makе реор|е irеаr yoLr
It hа.t bееn thе ||lost s||rpnsiпg thin. thl1t hаd еуеt
з O,р.o ,o]q,е, o ho oh"|о"oO". оd,
hаPpеnеd to thеlп, аnd prabаblу е|,еf ||)оukt.
4 tO 5реаkin а Waу thаt showsу0t] аIe L]nnаpрy

5 tO5реаkЬrеаthiЛg outsow|y, mаking a Ong sottsоUnd'

espес]a y bесаusе yoLr аIе dьа рpo n1еd' 1 red' аnnоyеd or

Whеn yolrWr]tе а narrаtVe' а oWt mеfor р аnning аnd

to sреаkWhi|е уo! а.е blеаthing ln suddеn y'torехampе еd t nq BеforеyO! bеginr,llit ng, рьn 1hе bеgiпп пg'thе
Ьесаuse yoL] аrе 5Urрrsеd,shосkеd or in ра]n гсd|"а,d,|.ее оo L" o, o,d. o-аaа.La,.|'l
7 tо сOmplаln n Wаythаt аnnоуs ot|reг peoр e events dеаL When yо! fiпьh' сheсk the nL]mbеr OfWords yOL.r
hаVe Wittеn ' сLrt оr аdd detа s tO гnаkе sulethаtthе пL]mbеr
I tOspеаkln а oWVoсеthаt i5 diff]с! ttO hear' esресiа ,
15 rig hl, DOn1 undеrrnimлe the mрortаnсe of thеsе two
ЬeсаLlse уoL] аrе аnnoyеd' еГnlrаrrаssed, ortа king to yoursе|T
nаges, orthе timе thеytаkе,
ЕХAlilsuссЕss > рage ]48

Unit I

LongUoge reгerenсe ono гeVIsIon

l Word formоl]on su{f]хes 5 Wсуs of to king

graрiо o! 5l lll] q;sр Lt] * /go|sl]]

/hсlPf(э)l] lrоaп (,) i /grэоn/

п.|ttrl (i) *r ] nrtэ(r)i
]п5ghlfLr 1аdn
iэ strDl.dзэФ] shriеk (!) ]1Гi]k1
i реlnf(э)l/
trl sз:(nL.'а('. silh l!) *i ,sar/
thо.rqlrJ'r (аl]) * ] 0зjLf(э)l/ .rirsз(I)ф(I)] !"/h]iе i!] /waпr'
hе ре55 ьd]) * !h5реl ('/) ** i !rs|.(г)]
/Ьr li|!а(I)/
!е (!] * /.jеl]
р. п]е5j {аdj)
ihouqhtе55 (lrd]) dе lrёlаiеy (эd\') ** /dIllЪ(э)rэtli]
6 other words ond phrсses
/.sksdе (э)l/ ! rt!а ! (lrd!) r** ] vз(r)t]Uэl]i i.on mod.jt l! (аd, ]эkDпrэdеItr!/
t]r.а.]). (аd.]i *" /blJldl]/
лпо oqrca Gd]) 2 soсio\agy, p|усha|ogy, eIс lr,,s (,1 /b^sl
bioqraph са (.d]) i balэ gгEftk(а)]i аnih|oрoоqy (п) / rnOта PDlэd3i/ сh.р (i) i i{.еp/
i o(r)ki Dtэd3j/ .h'rik (rr) i {a!k
/эslrDlэdзi/ .ltiqLrе iп) * ]kп ti]lс
]Ьr l]v.b(.)l1 ]ьalD]эdэi] d.. l]еаn offеr (р1r) idr k1аln il DfЭ(r)/
*rr'tэi sld(.tэЬ(а)li qеrr og! in) } dе ЬеrаtЕ! iаdv) t, id].hb(э)rэ!Li]
!.арпooqу Ln]
dеrogаtоrr(аd]) /dlrDgэt(а)ri/
kеab е ьd]) ] lalkэb(э)l] dеvsе (V) *t ]dIvаlz'
d sprc\,е (!]
/ tсгэь(э)L'. (n] /рellinntDlэd3i/
ра eеОitooqy
еnsLrlе (.n *** nnj.(o]
р5!сhоio!y iп) *r
/lm рJ(I)t(э)nt/
/frеn(d)li/ Еxiе г ('] /lksеL п
5..i. olr (n) ** sэoji Dlаdэ]r
/ t.{a,l
iеr.е ьd,) ** ]fl.('s/
oqy (rl
foo (!) * /flrll
Irаlеm t], in) ]t]э tз(r)nэli]
З Bоdy idioms ond Irndrа 5iпg i]) / t]\ndrеlzr!/
- abnlасtаnd things
Noun5 q!е i,]) * /glu]]
.ompеlt! (г] *r /kэп рlеksэlir {V)
hе.d trа.k 'ъеd bёk/
реrjoпа tу *** / рз|(r)sэ nё].ti/
(i) hialoLrs(ac,] Лrтlс.Iiаs]
5rn эrtу (n) ** /sim.lEг. 'гру (!) *** /mplaт1
hЕv s^mbэni
сo nсidеп.е (n] * ]r..,n!oаbе !dj)
/k.U msld(э)ns' i nrkэn sэU].Ъ(i)r1
ntе qеn.е (n) ** /m1еlldr(.)ns/ r taton (п) irn iеll1.)n]
/lеndsnmь.diэ hEпd/
mрcrtai.е (.] *** /пn pз('(.)ns] пlqhfLr (аdj) / nsaltf(э)l/
.с.urасу (п) ** ] Еkjш.sj/ е!.o.]r;рhе| (ni ] ]сkst kDsrэfЪ(r)/

frесLrепсr (n)*** /fгi|k\lаnsi/ misdепrе.io!rq ln] / nnsdl

arlumеnt (п) *** /o(,Фоmапt] monl ii] * iш^!k/
еnjoyirеnt (i) * !n dJ.]mэnt/ nо:tо in] / mnlэU]
4 S]mi|еs
mрlovеmеnt (r) *i* /Im nnt]e р|Еlеn.еof (рhi /Dn 6а pri tеns Dv/
*** lr!еroоk (!) ** ] эUУё(r) l0k]
.reаt]оn {л] 'kliеl'l(э)ni ]э7 klт.r.z kпst(o)L]
quirt! {ad]) i kwэr(I)k]i
rесrLr tпr..i ln) r /п kollt1эnti
а5 еа1,а5АBс
rе!реdvе ьdj] * / s!еktry/
s!ror]t! (n] ]sаmIаlii
i fеIlj.(r)1
а5 i!rtа5а tеa1nеr 5Lrlrеptiiousy (;d./) / s.fэp ti.l.sli]
]п lс{(ё)n.|r!i
ъbо]d5 ii] /teЬl. z'.
tLrlп a b ].. t]iЕ tc (рhi/tз(I)nэbLamd alш:]
Lrnbе(io Ц (аi]) ]^nbl nэUnr
*r j сь(т)/ lllоrqdo nq (n) / m! dux!]

16 Unit I

1 сhoosethe сorre(t аlternаtive' 2 Deсide iftЬe verbs in bold аre in the сorrесtfolm' тi(k (/)
] Тhеrе уо|]аIе
Аi a5| 'r'|оitеdlbееn w|)]tl.,rll |orlcLr icr hоLrrs the сolle(tfolms and rewlite the in(orred forms'
2 Тъi5 trе ben Iеn !а Lvejrr/ldщb99Лtc sc iа| ] Д4у рarегt5wi||buу m. рr.s.lrLs с!!r! l',!.k, fs lioпdеril ]

з Hе соLr dпi qo lrt rе,'ilfnshеdh5as9qln]еt1 2 !!hеп hЕ l|а5 fyе' hе Would hаve a Ь]rе vlr.h hr'o.r

4 \!|\1е 1 ,d
|l!1g1bее|! |!0(!]|4 a гny еnrа s' n,]ade.i!sеfа 5nа.k
5 Тhе р otiп аnпqhi5f п1t]95 b|.еn/'|ц' a|||\1' \l'hеi ./еd r o5е to thе stJd !m' Wаs il \',/аl! going to see
6 \i' N] е |l|оs/h|] d br"е !]'l at.hin-.r thе mаl.h' 5а}r Т]in п ihе.rof,/d
7 n.рnрn iЬ: .. )..] lr.; .1:n.р]] n t.]р i\4), рrrеn!5wou|d insist oп nе'"lrеаliпq q o!е5 J \l;пtе.|/hег
|/r! 5пlа t 1ilа5 5o аппoy]nq,
8 \меn hе i!]d1'h.]!'h{l! h]5 !ho!еr' hе dr еc h m5r f
5 used to goto Brа7 oi.еforihо.]ay
6 аdOlеr'.r'аtсh n!f] m55o useto9otоihе.nеmаопсеrl\/ееk
WoRквooK } Pаge4 /8p.
WoRкBooк ) pаge4 / 6 DoIh

Ward formatian - suffixes BОdу idioms and human intеraсtion

t1 Deсide ifthe Words in bold аre in the з Rеаdthe definitions ]_5 and (omp|etеthe idiomsWith а pаrtofthe Ьody.
сorreсtform. тiсk (/)thе сorre(t folm5 ] dоsomеth]rq WtholtsomеЬоdу kno!.l пq aЬout t dс !оmеth,ng bеr].d
and rewrite the in(olleсtforms. soгrеl]odу,;
I \,oL] don I Uniе|stаnd thе important otihеsе 2 hа!е соmр еtr сontro о\]!rlomebodу ha!е 5Omеbcd! Undеryо|r
з tr 5OmobОdt'5спrethiпqthat s nc|trL]e'.s а]ckе:Г.L] 5оГnеbody's
2 Тhaf5 meаningful' 1mаke5 no
4 trеаt 5oпl..Ьody]roLr kпol^' п aп Lrп].rllli yvi.!:q]!.5оm.bod!
з А tiе parti(ipants i| O!|.огnреitcn W n а
ч 1]|:] lЬр.i (р. Ьрр р.(.пРl ],\ у
t lrЙs \rеЦ] thought|еss of Jroir to b." 5o rLrdе

5 H ! раrеnts аrе unbеliеvаble rjсh

WoRквooK ) pа9e2
А..idепt5 аrе hаpреп]nq W |h !]|rа|

7 'm fее inq optimist аboLrt n)'ехаm rе5! t5,

WoRKBooK > pаge5

4 сompletethe simiIeswith these Wolds. тhere аle th lee ехtIa Words'

b|nd Jеаl еd\y t.e)h qU(( qUet \olid st|o.g

soсioIogу, psусhology' etс

2 сom plete the Wo ld s en ding in -ologу to 2 l' hе o'/е'аt yоLrr hоLrs."а5 4 a5
' .5 а rо.k
mаtсh these defin itioпs' .r5 а f а5h 5 t\ а5 a;Ав.,
ihе nr]dy oiF!пlаn sос сi сs,.L]sLom5 аnd
WoRKBooк ) pаge 8

thе 5с]еnti.,]с nLrdy ofthе Wеаthеl:

Waуs of talking
thе 5tLrdу оfthе nr!.t| rе ofthе еаth: 5 AnsWеr the questions With thе5е words'

thе 5tLrdVоfihe m пd апd hol./ it аffе.t5 gasp mutter shriеk Whine Whispеr уе |

bеhаVioLrr p ', ',

HoW d lcu 5рЕэk |yoLr:
thе 5tLrd), с,fIhе movrmепt5
ald hofr sO.n. th
nar: аnd
oftlе ,l 'roLr
\r'аnlеd to 5аi"5Omеth n.J.lcг.ant]сiО soГnеbоdy ЬLriyo! d]dпiV;аnt othеr реoр е
рапets рeoр|е 5

о!/ ''/еs: а
tlе5.iегifсtiLrdyof ]/ nq th nqj 2 \t]еr." l..а ! 5urрrisеd and 1id n! t hard t|. br""аthе?
з \,/а|tеc tO 5реJk t() !oпlеb0c), |ar а.]!.r!?

WoRквooк } pаge
4 \,,/сlf lеа]i)/ аl]!]ry аnd oLr| о|с0ltlo i
5 \r'rerе аппoyеd аnd п!]to!o]|5еi?
\r'./."rе tа k
/ з points 6 !../еrе.oпt пLrа J,.oгiр аir n! t'lаtth пgsэrеп,t:а r]

/6 Dointi

Unil I
|!::.voсаbulаry }сomp0und nouпs саrs аnd the r0аd]Phlаsa|verbs ru|es аn0 |a\vs;
с0 ]oсаt oпs ],1ith l,k"' лrаi{eапd d0
. speакing

\Iс^в|JL^R\ сoпpound nouns - сa|s

Work in раirs' маtсh 1-10 With a jto

mаkе сompound nouns. Dеddе if еaсh
сomрoUnd shouId bеWritten аs onе
word, two words, ortwo wordsjoined
With a hyphen' Use a diсtionary if

2 sеаt b 5!п5
З dr!]rq

5 5ре.".
6 nееr llq
g iоh15

i Ьеt t'.,':
]0 реn.r j \'!ho.
2 (ompIetе thesе sеntеn(es With words

] 5hе ha. tо sloр bе.аL]'ёrirе
Ready for th
2 Тo mdk. tl'. са| 1rn r]qht' yo|l lа'/е ф
1r] lurn thе t|) |h. Whаt s the lrest age to earn to drive? Тh s rnаУ seem |ike а s rnp e
qL]estion' but there is а sL]rрrsng dfference l]etween the ega
| !h.
з Тrе fr!.ih Пq yO| slrOu d.O!'rhеll !qqцi!91]]q!!9 n different сountries' аnd а ot of disagreement on
iar ! allсn nаtonа eves'
у0L] !еi п a yoL]r
Unti just reсentlу, in NeW Zea|and you on У had to be ffteen to be able to
4 г]t оo|hs J tL i] dr Ve, Then the NeW Zеa and government deс ded to raise the egaL age to
thеtеn or h 5 |rn.LlеJlD siхteen' suggesting ihаt theУ m]ght tоUg|h9n th s цр and mаke the agе go
uр to seventeen in the not.too.d stаnt futLrrе, (1 )
L] nfortunate|У, the

сhanges to the |aW hаVe not gorrq qqц!] We n rura|аreаs Wl]ere there s
50 k]оmеilе5 реrho|r п mап!
]о a|most no pUb|ic trаnsрort and раrents have to chаUffeur their kds afirund
Whenever theу Want to go аnУwhere (2)
NlanУ NeW zeaаnders Who Were aga nst the raising ofthe legа age
for ап |.o!|iid пе hа..еn't Г.o./еd
argued that the government shou dn't hаVe цоlh.qred s nое stаtstca у
morе tl.]n 500 Г.еlе5
the h ghest number of aссidents W come in а driver's irst Уeаr' (3)
Work in pаjrs' Dis(ussthese questions. HoWeVeг' ntheUsA Where уou сan beg n dr Ving at the аge of s хteen
,l \4,hаt s thr rr n mLrm еqа rgеlcr
ihere hаs been a ot of reseаrсh done into the queston оf age аnd ts
nf ueпсe on dгV ng sk l|s, and the resu|ts sl]ggest that age mаkes а b g
dr !inq.] са' in !OUr сoLrnir}.
d]fference, тhe research has shown that ihere s a рarloflhе lrran thаt
2 и/lаt dо )rоu th nkаbоt ilh s аqе? 5 t heрs to сontro !ЦpЧ|siv9 behаViour аnd Warn Us oT rn..nneлt dаnger
!еп5 Ь Е? шh!?'il'{h! not? (4) nteгesting|У' thеre s evidenсe to suggest that a lot оT
deveoрment hарpens between the аges of sxteen and eghteen and
Reаd the teхt, ignoring the 9арs, аnd
sо а nеW seventeеn or e ghteen -Уear.old drVerW ]besаferthаn а new
answer thеsе q uеstion s.
sxteen.УeaЕo|d drVet |n other Words there s а sсientfiс reason WhУ
1 ,ihаt ar. thс е!а аqе5.OrdrVirq п teenagers саn at t гпes be morе саrelеss and rаs!, and their lЦр9Jц9Чq
Nе\l/Zеa.nd' thс trsArnd lhе UK? nаturе саn somet mes gei the better ofthem Wheп thеУ fastеn thek seat
2 Ассоrсiпq tO th. а|tiс e' dOе5 t!ееГn be]ts аnd st beh nd the steer ng Whеe|,
thаtthr е!Jа dqc ц, jt.rv |hе nГnе оr
5 ,^.."|,.' ,d,6!,|olto ,qb, | д.' si'tее,] еd odd,,дt
аre more dаngerous thаn anУ othегteenage drivеrs' lreing nvo|ved n
thоusands oi fаta aсcidents each уear an d be ng a ргinс рa сause of
death amongst teenаgers' one nteres1ng disсoverУ s that aссidents
are more kе!у When а teenage drvеr s aсcomрaned than Wheп he or


5 сhooseflom the sentenсesA-н theoneWhiсh bestfit5 6 п4аtсh thеundelIined Wolds in thetеxtwith thеsе defin itio ns.
eасh gаp (1-8)' ] ;.t rq.|..n. t.. qr.k !. il t']о L]сr Гq t ]'; :]ъ.t5 oj
A \o'']ird.!! pаrеt5 tеп.] nоt t.... t] 5tnrL]. i 1:t)+l с.i )r..,' а.L].r^5 lLгl.. ii.dl]
im ]l r."-i5 апс lоLt.q tlа.5omеl]n:5 io o'r'
j ё]
B Т..soг!|] i i]:./е o.! Ьi thеi]!'" !f.|iэпцr l!'. ar]o iг;(! Iпеm э.rп. rе roLr
с ТFе!..] m thrt t! rl!.!!.пt Lli.еtrе'thэtf15tуЕа. at з Ьееп rе.? !.еd orа..ерt..с
.hе а.]е o.fftее ]' 5 rtееn nr !Е'/е.i....п 4 г.а.]е tiЕ еttо(lo.]. i..Г.rt.г

Rе.rпtiп.iгq5аrе bеiгq Lrjе! r]l5oпlе п thе U5А а5 ап n.ik гq а. dеа р ап or а"-r' nаfit.''.iorl.гd.Ье LrsеL]
: !]Lrпепtfo.r.5 гq t.е !.a 1!."oi.r'е.5tiе.r 6 kеl o..еrta l iо l.irрEг \,'. r 5.oп
hE.h.lll!| п'a!'l. h.\,. h.i 5olrli]t1.']!] io J.l IlrIh.
|a.tth;jLLlr.i;]L; t] Oid'.rсrsl;]'.0р.r(с1rt'r|'r.l 8 ni i!
rе.L]. ir n.. nl]е|' е fl !i|L.'rgill
ih.: . n.э.ll]O..' l! А!t|а i]

hrln.l еilr i П !.lii'l{]рrr.еnt.idrlrrr аl... ,l0 nlаkе t|.tеr

bL]t\'i.сll5.lсn[.L]i аnс t.'l]еnt! .n.i]l tl.]r i]оu i]
lэt l;]!c рaj:i]. tlс r.i! n!] tс]: 7 Under|ine аnyreаsons given in thetеxtWhyyoung drivers
P !! tll .а.llln ii.|.ni - ..]n'tаl'пnlr ifг5 mLi] .nl. hаvе morе ас(identsthan othеr drivеrs. саn youthinkofany
lo dli\iе t.ihnthе]'.ап lе..Lrt tr./ t.irlo'k otherаrguments?
тЬ . l :. : ;r .| Ь t"'] |n !:
|r|.Ь эm.l t l. 5.].е n: 5 thзt рrl:пi! ha\].. i. епfоr.? t' a SPЕAк|NG Whаtаboutyou?

.].] Гnаn! аrе..t.]O .'o t. ] DL] r..]r 1ll n(iе.Пr!...] l,е 5 аrе Гlol." ]rn!|ап...]еl
(lrirа:r i/ri h)ril it/ h,/ n.rr
2 Е].''' lilolъnt l ltffliLrto.rеt;dr!г! .е l.е] lrl l)i?

she drVеs аone, With two oT moTe раssengers.

9 v0сдвU|ARY Phrasdl verhs - lules and laws

the fаta сrash rsk for s xteen toniпeteen УeаЕ

пЛatсh theрhlаsа|velbs in bo|d in thеteхtWith
O]d drVers s more than fVe t гnes v/hat t s v/heп
driv ng aone Why? N/]аybе t s s гnрУ beсаuse T lr qoL]."rnm."т lnL]е а '..аdl biought in а .Lr nt]. .f nР'' а'.r5

'her |O о'!.T llэ..]m..T.|.Oa. a...е 15. N|if' lе.ес.е. tO

рeope the cat or гпaуbe t.s beсause

n toughеn up1ht a!.! rr|r.h !O!.'n5 5р..d li 15'.L..1с].n.. г
tееnageTs aTe moTe ke|y to 1akе risks and lrreаk ."!i5 r.] ilj|.. п. ts h.! l]Ре] fа||in g of f i| !.m.4 i Гnе nL]r.l
sрeеd imts When с]гiv ng Wth the r frends s nсe l|.Р.а ilimпtРе jti iloninqoutlеtа l.flhЕПеl.' еq;а.!г

r! theу Wanl to g|r-qц.9lI аnd go fast, Whatever the . " o"р Ь р o"d
reason' 1he d scoveЦ] has ed to.гnanу states .hаr!е; hJ Ieaked out l lеl.isrа..."r N..'(ttе
э п.]]o rаlсl;
Ц]]]e'l-r-r"qlt!g a sуsteГп knO!!n аs graduated .rolэrпn.е.t ]а\r:..ап.еd rар!roi.| ап.
аrе ft./ ]! .. buiId
сens ng, rL]es Where sxteen yeаr o ds аre not up ;t]|"р.r f.r j оiРr ;рееi iг. tj Ьу nrеаn! xf r n.r]nr р| Ь . t'/
e|lowed to саrry other teen рassengers drVeat .'iгlра l]ll Т|еi t.е n?li аrr'l\] сome into for(e.rl.rе tir
n ght or drive а|one L]nt theуhаVedrVenacertan j'.nГ.е' Еni.r..Г.е.1o.tiе а..r'.r ,oJ...]lе (ome undetthe
nLrmbеr of hoLrrs i6) аuthotityofthе.. .?
n thе UK
Whеге Уo|] пееd to be sе!еntееп to get
e provs]oпa|drVлg iсenсe, pаTents аTe seen as
contгbut ng tо the O]l/eJing of standаrds аmongst
b bе..гt. h];' lhе рLrh . (f.r l... lirlе оl 1е.|еt niolrlаi cl)
уоung drivers, тrad]tiona у Brtsh parents Used
с |ll. р|or.ll l-].i'.I-Olr nl r.h." а!t |сl']] i 1n !i.[i.-
\,.] t L]l

to take their kds out on рraсtiсe dr]V ng essons d bi]! rl .o t]i] dрр ..
аnd these рrаctce essons WoL]d he p the УoUng e ba t ra r.saan! a l)r.l
drVеrs to gаin сonJidenсe аnd eхрeгenсe
i7] Тhe UK DrVng staпdаrds АgenсУ g !r.5Гiа еl ifоrаmoL]t5' е!е! lrr!а LrЕ5]
sugges1s that eerners shou|d have fortу iVe h lсrеi е' паkе b !]qе o'nrolq
hoUrs оf рrоfessona |еssons' p Lrs anotheг
twentУ tlvo hor]rs of рrVate рrаctсе, HoWeVer' a 1o Rewlite thеsе sente n(es u sin9 p h rаsа | velbs.
recenlstudУ shows that todays Уorrng гnotor sts
on у hаVe an average of 29,9 hours of рrofessionel
] hi:l5Fo. . П.kе.]r п[.l !! J!\l! 5tritеr

essons befоre tаk ng аnd рass ng their test. аnd

2 А l.ll .'! stoрl rl! t.!.|r!.l! i|Oi l . ll! 'il!|o'|r (.5 Jl0| . b(j
27 рer сent ofУoung dгVеrs saу thеy hаd no i]р] i]l] .nl]fd.riс ]''
praсtice at a v'ith ther рarents, i8l 3 Тlе]'tlo|! tr.dLr.е пе.'\' 5rl!е s:еrd r:5 o] n.ot.]r\l.}'l
4 ]rlatеno|е5аL]o|tio tсап55to. d пri-е bе..г.е kгo\/;п.!
as to What the best age s to becoгne а driver n
generаl, beсause оf thе h oгr fyiпg stаt st сs thеrе 5 Тl.е |ro[r.] аr]tlоt |5 !]4t4.rl5 5 qi:t г .q
!пr еrаi hэ Гioпе.t
s a grovr ng fee ng that the age shoLrd be made 6 sltrр.r l.r.nL] rorniпl. !frепi!.аrj 5 n.rеа5 пi] аг...q:
h gher Wth moгe aпd more Уouлg drVers оn the lпе qеn..rа рLrD .
road, ihe debate W i nо doubt сont n!e
1.l sPEAкIl'iG Wolk in pаits. DoyoU аqreeWith eaсh stаtement
in 10? Why?/Why not?

сomplete the seсond sentеnсe so thаt it hа5 а simiIаr

meаnin9 to the first senten(e, using th€ Word given. Do
notсhаngetheWotd given.You mult u5e betweeп three
аnd 5iх WoIds, inс|uding the Word givеn.

1а Workin Pаirs. Ехp|аin Why the Wolds or expressions

] t /oLr d hа!е Ьееп Ьettеrif'd tc d loLr ihеtrLr0l
in bold аle uled in еасh sentеn(e. Deсide ifthey
rеfеr to the present orthe pаst' '''' '.thе trlth

] YoLr On y hаd tobefi.tе.n to bеаb еtо dr]!e

2 hе nitrlrсtcrsа]d Wе mu5tn1qоп tholrt h m'
2 hе! iее tlс)' shou|dn't have раssеd
Тhе]ns|r!сlОind!.'е '' ',.. '. l"/thоLrt h пl,
з 5]х1..еп у.а| O o5 аre not a|lowed to .а rrу olhеl
з Тhеу 5а! 1,\е mLrn b|r) thеiсkеt5irоm thr.rVеr\l/h.n 1,!е
iееn ра5s.ngе15,
4 /оLr need to Ье 5е\,еn1eеn to qеtа рroyьioпa drv]n!]
n пLl о ,d,,е,
5 Thеythink са|nеr5 should hаlrfо|ty fVе ho!15 оf )rhеп !.]е qеt on the сOасh'
рrоI..!!oпа e5'ons 4 tWirs а b;d ]dеаfOI Lrstodr'/е in the 5пovn
6 tr"4аnyieеns must еаrn todrVe 5O thаttlеy саn hе p нAvЕ
lr!е ... nInе snо'!
1b нoWdoyou фangeeасh sentеnсein ]a flom 5 lt.,\E5 nUр d оfmеtO WorryаЬo|]tthе rхаm bесаU5е t \\iа5
plе5ent to pаst ol viсe versa, Without (hаngiпg thе еa5у
meаning? NЕЕDN,т
'' tiе ехаm be.аLrsе tWаs еа5у

6 'rn rеа yаnnoyеd ihаtyoLr !1tnItоthе раrtyl^rithoLr1гnе

Lookаt these раi15 of sentеnсes. Do theу hаve exасt|y the You ''' .. l! |hоL.]t гпе,

sаme meаning? lf not, eхplаin the diffеrеn(e. 7 t,,!OL] d hаVr bееn bеite| forthеrn tc!еt а tах
1а dldпt nееd tO qO tO sсhoo уе!tеr.rу
]b nееdn't hа!,е qcnеtо!.h00L yеstеrdaу'
Тhеy '.а tах].
2a YoLr dOn't hаvе LO еаtеV..rуthinq оп thс рьtе' sPЕAкtl'lG те|l your pаrtnel about som ethin9 you:
2b mLrnnt еatevrrythinq oп tiе р аtе,
] irаd trrttе|(]otodау
За {le о!ght to ]еаVe no./'r if п'E Wаnt to ge| thеrе on t]mе
2 !hо! d dO mоrе frеqLr."ntу
3b !Vе,d Ьеltеr еаvе nOlV t }/е r4rant t0 gеt tnеlе oп 1mе.
3 c|qhtto hаvе dопe а5tu/еек.
4a YO! hаVе to !5е a рenс n th 5 ра|toTtne еxaГn
4 mLrlido nсхt.,.rееk
lb O ,"g ,lL 0. о
5 irаVе to d0 0n а r..qllar Da's,
5a \A/hеn wа5 !rnа]]еr' 1,rrа!пtаlLo}r..dto п']tеlr1еnds hоГiе'
6 аrеп,t a o\r'/еd to d()аt hоГnе
5b V./hеi 5ma еr' lmry пOt hаle tеd iriеnd! hoГnе'
l^r.r! n\]
7 r.r'€rеn't аLov,/еd to.orlrhеn yoLr Wеrе )rOLrnq
6a mu5t hаVе ц/O|n а Lrп form ii рr nrary5сhoo
8 dld оn.е ЬLrt nееdn'i hа!'"
6b hаd tоr/,/eаrа Lrп]forln n рrimаЦ] 5сhоо,
7а YoLr 5hoLr dn1!.rаkе hЕr !руеt ln groups, tа|k аЬoutthese situation5 using preseпt аnd
7b Yo! arеntsupрOsеd io, аке hеI Lrр уеt раst modаlvelbs.
8a l!4!nyoLr mаk.5O mLr.h ioisе /h e 'm violk]n!]' 1 в|аd5 dаd рromБеd h m thаt he сO! d dr]vе his саr аtthe
8b DOуoLr hаVе to mаkе 50 m|.h пos'"Wh е 'm Work]п!]l Viееkеnd fhе рa!!еd а hi5 еxаris вrаd р.55еd lr s eхаmg
hе.аi tu5е thесar.
Ьut rlow hъ dаd.sаys
сompletethesеntenсеswithаnaрplopriаtemodа|verb BrаlЬ d"l shо"И",t hа'e иаle а proяisе thаt he
аnd the сorre(tform ofthе verb! given.тЬele mаy ьe didи,t мeaи ta kеep,
morе than onе possibIeаnswеr.
2 DаVе nеVеr rаrпtоdrl,€ !!hеn irеWns !оLrnq \]cWnе5
] \bLr ',, 1,:{ Гnе55n!].5 rlrh rуo!'lеdr!]ng fi1)/ Hе5ЬееnIJггеrеdа new]oЬ' ЬLrLony]ihЕhasa.rV]n!J
Apаrtfrorn Ье n!]dап!еrOL]s' it\ е!a. (5eпd)
с.nсе Hе rеа y n.4rd5 tO еаrn to drivе blrt 1lе dOеsntTее
2 \0hеn l!'.'a! srnа \,iе '
',,, .Qvеry\'hеrе .0nI(]епtепo!!]n'
b.".a!!е l./e d dnt hаVе а.аr оr a (е ('1а
|r k)
з ]ееn.]lоle hеr.аrtO 1rirnd'! hоLr5еforа рaпy l,Vhеll thе
З Yо! еarlthis mоrп 0!]bесrLrsе t5
раrtyi]nъhеd' Hеlеi соLr dп'tfnd hеrсarkеу5 tWа5 |OОlаr
sLrnday'цlhy d]d yO! do lt? (qеt uр]
4 lvy dad ',,]еаn5 аi
s.hoоl.Тhеу hа. a
4 ]еllny! раrent5 Lrsе. todr]!.е herеV'.ry!'rhеre' bLrtthеу ar."
sреса]ru е аgа nn t (1,!еаrl
!]еltinq tЕd Ofit ]епiy hаs а рarl.t]mеjoЬ lrLrL 5hе
5 Муqrаndiаthеr tо 5.гroо Oу.ir.lnlrs monеуtо bly. othе! аnd qo ouLallhе !./ееkеnd, shе sау5
bе.а!sе he !еd rght пеlttO h5 !сhoo (!о) 5hе hаsn,t qot еnoulh moпс!fоrdr]linq es5оn5 ortO bLryа
6 DоWhаtуlrLr ke bLrt 1 th nk yoLr ,,, '', ,,,, а.оal
Ьесausе f5 сold оtri {tаkе)

c0||oсations With takе, make and do 4 Readthetеxtаnd deсideWhiсh аnswet (A, в, с or D)Ьеst
fits eа(h gаp.
1 сhoosеthe сorreсtvеrbto(omp|еteеaсh of these
senten(е5 whi(h аppeаr in the teхt on pаges 18 19.
] Тееllаgеr5 ii'." mоrе ikе],to rjrs and
.|(.аk5рееd Г.it5 n"'hеп.]r V]iq W tl tlе r fr епd; Y.! Jrе go llqtO dO. mLr t]рe .]о]се. оzеt""5t Тn.l.oo5е
сifiErеit оptоn5'th nk аbO|t thе nеrп nq' qrаmгiаr
в nlаkе сdo Ьеt\l/е..п
(е0' ia./еrЬq.(]!.]!ih a рarI.Lrrrрrr!oliton]'аni а оэbcLrt
2 h.l'.5L] б 5L].o'-.]е5T h.n а!е .rlr,j Lo olii10rlrli]stt.hl;sеj EхAMsuссEss > Page149

B п.akе5 с do'.5
Тhе i ri еVеr 5рееc ]т t п .hе |r'or. i]]
з ТЬе'е hа5 Ьееl а otofrЕsrarll Пtot.е
qJе5t]oпo|.g..Пi,.5irf !еnсе.rг dri\rПс sk !
еf.е.t г вrtаiг п ]E6] йi]еls L2 ' *.*d *"
ha r r.5iгg 5рled oi ]0 miе5 i].] kio-n?irеn.еr h.!L п]аlLrаЦ,
в mаdе с .].nе l89б WJ tе'Аrпo d Lo..imе tlе 6t ре|5.Il е..'еr tO bе.cn'. сtе.
for Ьreiik nq ihе 5ре:d П П аt (з] а|е.
Write the5е words аnd phrа5еs in thе (orreсt сoIumn.some
o.tоni.п' hе Ь,оkеэ ] '1l е! (] ] [ 0п]!t..!jр|1l'0.| m tlj!
сan go in more thаn one сo|umn.
dli.] n!] аt 8 m е! (аro!П. ]з ( |mсLrI' р.l :r.]..' hе р. .ЕГ.ап
b, ,,
аn аpо]ogу аtternpt а са | а сomгn€nt
а сoгnp a]nt а сourse а deсis]on a diffrrеnсе
hr!с !е.]в аtl1 i ]E99' lhе iirn.аl. ъ5Ё n Br i.] п tool
аn improvеmеnt аn nterest а mistаke
i4] iг No1hаг.рtoг' Po ... of.].rr /lLiсO,J
а rьk а st]ggestion а tеst business сhаnges ,,la5 f'a I l! а o11] а |O.d hе 5аV,r r lLrsp с эLr5 пс \,.Lr.
сопtlo| сover effeсt hаrm hou'еhо d (hores 5е lg iorqеd L'.Lr! t.kеt5 Тhе рc .е oifi.еr mасе
оffenс€ рowet lеseаrсh thе right сhoiсе ]5r |Oаrr?st ]]n ЬLrtti]е пaпjLrп..d iа.аr
usеofsOmеthing yourbеst J|d drrn.с i6] |JrLеоd na,iс.1o |Lrn аiеrthе
(al зL]l hr !.;r5 too s o!.l, ]. 5toррLd.i0tt1l са'1hаt,,.rJ5 ра55 пq
7 o "b"
dr!.еr5trk пq tEr ]l с L8l
\rlith thе .lу.r'r nq
;t 5рс.d5 OiаrOi']d ]: n еs (:4 k om..trеs] рer lolr.n/hеr."thе
!р!e. mitflа5]7гi е5 ьrcLrп..9k]omеirеs]р.| l.,LrL Аttеr
acoL]t |h|ее гl е5 lf!е l oпеtrеs), lVсLEod 91.ррсd the ]i;i:nd
Deсidе ifthe vеlbs tdke, rn'ke аnd /o аre used сolleсt|y,
mа.]." hl5 аrrеn М.Lео.l5.]!еroъ П |tl. ро ]сс lO. irГn tl.аt irе
Rewrite the in(ollесt senten сes.
hаd Гiа.еthе riqrt de.9Ol Oit|е.аrhLrti.r]d.hаtге
|O |O
] d kе yоLr tоdo аn арo oqyioryoLrr L.!haV O!| аn n qht (9] hаiе brokеn tlе iрееd г.]t' еrеп thо!!]h
2 Т. гl! m пd' !о! toоl а !е19 b e сhO]сс р.l n! th 5.аr h? hа. i]0] nо.а.nа:lе
з DoП'. mаkе Ofi.п.еin Ье.аLr5е !Ji]loLr lleсd tobе nl..L" ] A hаd в mа.iе
сarеlui \,!hеn !oLr'rе dr]!iпq
с loor D .с
4 fs t mеthаt oLrr.опlраг е5 d d bl]sllt55,
2 A m|nгt в [еlеi1J о /еd t1r
5 l'!е sio. d tа(е сo\,е b.с;Lrsе thе)l|е lhrc\r'.'n.]th п!5 аt Lr!
с шеrеПt nrрi]оsе. tо Dl]iсr'thа!,еtc
6 Aftrr ll. e е.t'Ons' a nеW раrt! Wi tаkерowеr з А b|r 1 B Ь.:t Lrр
с b!t.i D b.r t .lo.,'rг
с D Р:lе.i
5A B а:ry
с D ап atiетрl
6A B ,rp
с D aor/n
h;d B m;a,o
с D t.ok
8А B tеns
с D dес;oъ
9A 5h.Lr.]пt B o!!_ln t

с D hа.] hеttеr nоt

]0 А B .аLr5еd
с D l.аi

Unit 2 CDaгs

Sсienсe, teсhn0!6gy and the environmвnt

Е есtriс саrs
sPЕAк|N! Workin pаirs. Disсussthe photosаndthеn mаke
two Iьts With advаntаges аnd disаdvаntаges ofе|e(tliс саrs.

: Listen to а гadio рrogrаmme аbout

eleсtri( саrs. тi(k аny of the advапtаges or disadvаntagеs
in your Iiststhаtаre mеntioned.

,j Lьten аgаin аnd сompletethesе notes. Usе no more

thаn twoWoldsаnd/orа numberin eaсh spасe.
t n ]l] ilаTtl.е рэiro c:'rеГ
.o.iL]5ticг е.!] n. Dе.агrе nJ|0'rrn
r].hе...Гi п!] |iс!.rr5t:еr.r,r l е r cLrп!
12] ' lrl!.с r]L cr hlljr c.a5 or jэ е
Е|r somеi Г.с сn еd 13] Reаd the teхt а9аin and ansWer these quеstion!.

i4 ъ|'hori ]!doэs thе i'iеrtr.1t.аtth'. Еrl0реаn Uп.г\r' bаn

0n.Р е е.tr:с.аl5 gеiаr,J!n. -1ре|.!l]: c .|rr г.аr(еt сr!еil;

ti r.( I.nLr d ."a.lо i5] 2 l/hеrе h! rr. s..аkРr; Ье Lr c.]
,06 з lii lаt
tr.i!.f 5oUrо..]Lr d O..h.Lr d Ье Lr!.d' асссrl rlq |O

NO!.,.'rd.]',!' Jn еесt|tс.l'... qoаЬ.ul ]60 ( oгnеt !5 Dеi.|е]''.|r

"а,;!10 lll !,liaI i] liеrег.е5 'ar n rе d ]tеl:nt п.a l! а.ti.:еrs rпL]
i е.tr. сiil5 q,/! Oiг i8] t.е ]!!n.5inеy!/аnil
t: lгq !р atа:еtro st3t Oп jiа5t.| bL]Iigl 5 l,4'h!.OejIhе ll]r]tеr mаkе а..l...5cП riih п]Ob е
ф.:: rЕ.l.nс]nq аl е эсi|...r
Gn',еrПп]еnls аrе!.] n! il0] 5о|nа:ре.рr 6 п qеr]lra .]o?5 t 5е:n..5! r d ii.L] i 1...n.r |]p'l;.ll

!апrl;r ih пG рloi е !.; ЬL]'lncl.. ап. т.rr . . .аr5, t r.n

r},.|.| 7 \i/.ila: d n l.tоl j!е5 tnr iеxt n;iе bеi...rееi rlosе аn.
i]1] all., n r|r: !г.l' Е !.1|..а.5'

sPЕAк|N6 Е|e(tli( motors аre а |most si]ent. WorkWith а 7 sPЕAкINc WhаtаЬoutyou?

раltner аnd think ofthe сonsequen(es ofthь. ,] Еorl.аd ! По t?
рс |rt On n !э!r.0Lrnt0' !/i.lа' aге tiе
n.а n.oпtl;.lt.|!.оthс рlоb еml
Reаd the n€wsрa rtiс|e' Whаt аre(аlmanufаdure15
per а
.ап).'.r! е:е.t:..JIs ll]l(
doing аbout eIeсtriс аnd hybrid сars being siIent? 2,\'h.1 ]1lра.t' n..] г )iо! со.]]1rу?
1hе е.r ron1ent i !cLrr.оtl]t:y?

Ivlаtсh the Words and definitions'

а .]. iq bа.r'il.l.-t n а \rеh]с..

2 i]:].о.t,l| п! b th]ii] .l.]t.on:r..5i]o..r:Jst J ']еh

се \ rl.!]l,.]
з (] .i..] 5r i с t ]. h.]ll .'.it of lo !е!'feе' r.d.ll,. nl.rd:lеl n.]iе
d :ip.n5'''е.гсirсtrl.еll

6 il.lnt е f nn!:(] L\, th.аr"" o 5k]

g t]е la]U !о. irrqеstра.iOi

9 tlе Ь] [ O. i..n!]thп.аl.|пlеl;ol:J5|l.аttFе|ln.t..|bа.koiа.а,tO!rcе.ttiihi5апy:lr!]

22 unir 2


hу silent elеctiс сars need iо moke iheir preseлсe The key ]*ue ]s wЬot sоUnd |i sho! d emit' slloige for
felt' ,аnсl havе yaur soу аьout whс1| saunds уaU us Ьeсоuse os on оldio соmрony we Ьove о wоуs token
',/oulс| |ikе ta hесt rmitted Ьу еleсtriс сoгs' lЬe opproосh thot wе shoU d reРIodUсе soLrnd the Wсy ihe
сleoiol' lЬe mUsiсiоn, intended,,, soy5 HorЬermoп'
They dоn,t ike ]i wЬen уou use thе n.wotd - ',Nо]se is
cсd' sound ь gооd'" wоs gent y сoггесiеd oЬou| this on wе hove tо сreote someth]ng o!rseives' t сon
iioгe tЬon oпe oссоs]on, Noisе ]s Whot ihe HАLosoпiс ]itero|у Ьe onyihins, h сoUld hоve с|oрРetу hoovеs ]t e ]m;пotes, soUnd s Whс]i it с|еoies' you Wоnlеd, ЬLrt []n P oсtiсe] iiъ got io Ьe soГ.elhing ihe
reсiРient ь go i9 to Undeгsiс]nd os о соr.,,
^r.l.r.- |.. .eо| d,in9оoud.о" tr
eni.running hyЬгids oпd e eсtriс veЬiс es {ЕVs) sоfety ТЬe teсhno|ogу hсs Ьеeп demonstrotеd tо thе ЬuIk оf
egis сriiоn wi ins st tЬot our сors need to genеrс]ie soп]e vo Unrё сol monUlссiuгеrs, .] | of Whoпr oррreс]ole ]ls

,ё) oo, , e ё\ dе'..'ugg" ТЬe гiоst;nieresling tЬing, сrссord ng to HorЬermon, ъ

,, ,|.||с] ol о , d о,
|o I A| е\o| o .] |ig1^с/ Гrо lo е , the гonge of different opргooсЬes tЬey odорted, 'Аt the
'Ь. о |,Ь d o^ 9
Lоt ,,yоU
- сonsеryoiivе end,,, he sоуs' hove |Ьose Who wont o
]t pping, reversing o| пlсnoеlrvring in o сoi Рoгl' t,5 hyЬг]d оr ЕV to sound l ke ihe |esl of ihe]r
,At 'сnge'
'viсe сs |ikе у to Ье invo ved in o рedestrioi сrosh ihon the otЬel eid. рeoр|e wont lo exPer п]eпt' Тhey don,t
r г-.gU or vehiс е, Woпt ]i to Ьe |ike o pelro] or с diеse еng]nе ond wonl io
j оteside ru|еs ole с leody оп lЬe wоy' TЬe Pedeыriсn Lrse t os о sensory engo9ement with thе Ьгond.,'
..Iеty ЕnЬс]nсеrrleni Асt Ьos iЬe Ьосk ng oI foгmer
,о,ol с',leо, o| o.о'o.9 .o^dL..o.r
о|ёt./ 'oо'o! ,qо..den. -hе ,.,.. a |о
Jrеsidеni]с]l сondidote seпоloгJohn Kerrу' Еorliel this ^5 "e|
' эсг Jopon puЬ isЬеd gu]de|ines on Ьoпning s]|ent ,I e e e ьou о i, o. ,q г,oт i" l.lolio,
о:o 9o d t. l "il e.оЬl oloц
iо where thеy ore, o |ougЬ estinrote of sPеed сnd Whethel
-lе moы odvсnсed so utiоn to dote s рrov ded trrolgh o ii,s oссе erоt]ng or deсe|eгоiing,
] Veniu|e hom high end соr oud]o sрeс oIist F]ormon .u t|'е dо". thе.ood |" fо ,'n \е
рo.. о|
-Jtоmot]Vе сrnd Loius Eng]neег ng' from whоse nomes teсЬnolоgy is vost' ТЬ]nk of tЬе соr os o moЬi е phoпe опd
]ALo5oniс deriVes,
thе soLJnd ]t mokes os o ringtопe, Еuture hyЬrids сnd ЕVs
. .'e , .о Ьеrd roоd о d eпgi". oi .
-'оЬ. neеd not Ьove iUst one tU!re, ЬLrt dr]vеrs сoU d сhoose lгom
Iol, ho d.'. oреd hundreds оnd tЬereъ the рoleniio for nеw souпds to Ьe
о or |о, oouq .. 9Ь. o o ra |е pro.e , o down ooded lrom the lnternet.
:: iп9 ]t to гnоio| сс]' ГЛo]lUfoсlUгers, Thе fiгst ProdUсliоn The sоlndtroсk of the engine сo! d Ьe on eхpressiоn oI
:] с e io Use ii Wi| Ье on sole witЬ]n l2 mопtЬs the driver's individuoiity
-:.y HoгЬermon' Hсrmonъ so|еs direсtor, sоys:
соn Aid whс]i oЬoUt сe eЬrity еig ne ]oises? HAloson]с hos
]эneгote o sound, lune ii iо ihe ihr.эti e inpUl ond Рloy |eсenlly сoпlГЛ]ss]onеd |egendory musiс рrоdlсel Stevе
эoсk tЬrough speсkeв' ТЬey сon Ье ins]de tЬe соr tor Leviпe' whо hos woгked with сU|iLrre с UЬ' мotоrhеod
.э drveг. or ouьide foг
рedestriois, We don,i Wс]nl to oпd Тhe Beoсh Bоys, to с|eоte с disiinсiive new соr
:-еotе nо]se Po lUliоп'
Эпе o{thе odvontoges of hyЬr]ds ond ЕVs is tЬe |oсk oI тhe роssiЬ ities orе еnd|еs5' ЬUt lЬe сomРony Ьos to ыolt
.] se, so we ieed io ensUle ihe sound ]s
рroiесtеd on|y somеwhеre, |iъ оЬo!rt to ссjmrn]ssion sel]oLrs reseoIсh into
:lоrds pedesitions ond othel rood lseь', whоt thе puЬ|iс thinks wou d Ье tЬе Ьest hyЬrid сor nоlse'
.е externo sрeoker is Ьuii inio tЬe nесrside frоnt
Sofry, sound
]'mPer the Po]ni сlosesi io рedestl]ons on ihе
::''emeit, Аi speeds с]Ьove oЬoul зornрh it сon be
: tсhed o|f' Ьeсouse tyге noi5е oi the rооd surfосe

LIslЕil!Nc iiBJ 1.{6 Listen toа podса5tabout

the road. Forquestions 1-7, сhoosethe
аnsW€I (A, B orс)'
] he рrеsentеr'ауithе loаd
А E b! f.rihе гnоndаnqеroLr5 l]thе\(Old'
B s рOОLr аr\'!th 5!]htsее15
С mа! at1rаст рeор е bесаu5е оf t5

L! shiрmаn th]пk5
/\ thr joса 5 don'l L]nое6tаПd l,.rh! реoр Е
go to Dеath HOаc'
в уoLr hа.]е tO bе mad tO
r'^rork оn Dеаth

с ггakе a Otoimonе!шcrkingtol

аmоLrntапbknq bLrs]nеss
Тhе рrеsепter th nk5 thаtihе n.пе Dеаih

А .е5сl bеs thе roаd рrrfесt ),

в makеs i 50!nc Гnorе dапgеro!5 thаn t
Е;r ! is,

С sпttota ! ассL]rаtе bе.aLrsе п somе

\\ау5 !5 not rеа Jrа roa.
l е п!ГnЬеroffаta !сtimsonlhеloаd реr
i .;] nа5 0roррe0 Dесаuse

А :rаifi. hа5 Ь..n grеаt! rеdLr.еd

t] lhе rоаd !ехс Js\/еytO|.)'с i5t5 nоW

с rhе сoпd t]On оithе |Oаd hа5:mprо!еd

с-reаt у
..:.lrrkethе.r. nq]cLrri'"y е.!]еr' B апd

A .]skfO| hе р from a о.а 'еaг:h goddе55l

B еithе с!. i5t5 !]еt а.с!5tоn]ed i0 t|re
; tLrаicп р|c!rе55]Vеу,
с tаkеtrе.)r. sб ]r thеlrsLrрр{rrtvеh. e
fоr paгt oflhеjoLrrnеy

A yO! сan iа оvеr500 гnеtrеs'

B ihе b k пg .oпrрan еs arе еqL] рре. to
{ 1hе b kinq .onрaп е5 sоmеi mеs for'"еt
10 br n9 5!itаЬ е eq! ргnent fоrа |еsсuе
7 l'on реoрLе r;dеthеWOrd,5 пlоli
n.rngеroLrs rоа0 DeсaL]sе inеy \(аnt to
A sееthe sрссtас! аr s.еnеryior
thеГnse \lеs
B mрress Oihеrs
( ГnрrоVеtheir sLrrV'/a sk]lъ.

sPЕAк!Nс Did the pod.аst аnsWer а||ofуour

t SPЕAк|NG Wolkjn pаils. Lookаtthe photos of,theWor|dз most
questions in ]? Dls(ussyoul unаnsWered
qUestions аnd hypothesize а bо ut the
dаngerousroаd,' Wlitеfive questions аboutthe toаd thаtyou Would like
а nswers. Whаt сou |d you do to find the

Whаt аboutyoU?
YoLrаrеqo]i!lO.]oаmLriре.]o.с stеn n! iсti!iу п ih ! |yре Olа.t\rt},' !."bLr d J,oLr е\]еr.опsldеr!]о n! а оn! thе Wol d's
.]oпоt.hocsеаn аtеrПat],iе]Lrn.'..аL]5РуoL |rеаrr\,\/or. tTlаIарр?.15 п t mоn dапqеroLrs roаd bу b](е orbVсаr] tur!li,
Тhiгkаl]cLrtthе o\]rr..п iq ot !'rh.rt i5 bЕ пq 5аid
t' дil l.l...,s l рdl4 |19


Lookаt these photos. тhey shoW diffеrеnt minor ассidents'

student A: сo Iраrе rii] .cl|lаst t\\'O о1 t']е t lre. р.tulе5 (om pIete the sentеn сes With modа|veIЬs.
n! пс
. lo'r'thе а.. dеlts п' qrt ra\].. lарреlе0'
] sLrrе! ]rnliе hivеi dr!.гq] сеп.е!еt
. ]ol].r' thе]r.о! i.a!е bееп р ..!епtе0'

student B:.',!'h.l ro!r рar1nе| in shе. tа kit'g.lrnL]llhе

2 i{е ls.Jiе е,.]!е bе.iusе еlrеl!.оd!'еsе
! с0 n!'
р.1lеs' 5а]'' !!hiсl] cfIhеГ. ]5 trе !|O15t а..idсnt i]nс l]Lih!, !\lе t.kе.]ri]r П!] е5lоni thе 5Lrmгrе|
З n

.]'i.!illlf (i} l'lj.' Listen to a student doing thе task in l' bе.aL.5е ' hаL,е о|ее tiпlе
Whi(h two photos doеs the student tа|k аbout? Does she 4 sh. 1irlе tJkrn lhР.а'.tr.".Jt t? t5 tl
do а|| parts of student Aз tаsk in ]? hеre n thе !]a.аgе
5a hаiе р:sjr.
.5.]ri.. п. tеn ье.аLr5е
5аn./ h гr dli..'n! ]rе!.е.]э)r

Modal vеrbs spесu]ation, dеductian, 6 1,oLr .

hn\rс:] |e:-i .a b|rt th.t d.'.5nl mсаг
possibilitу and prababilitу roLr.ап dr\rеа1 an! sрс.d,

за Work in pairs. Ехplаin Whythe Woldsol 5 Wolk in раirs' Apаrt from Ianguаgе of5peсU|аtion аnd
еxpressions in Ьold аle used in ea(h senten(е' dеduсtion. Whаt |аnguаge do you think i5 usefuI When
De(idе ifthеy rеfеr to the presentor the pаst' dь(ussing photos? |Mаkeа |ist,then соmpаle itwith the
speаking Bаnk.
1 Тl]е.аl I Il] 5 рlcio сou|d tё п r .it!
2 Тhе {]ri!..r(аn,t havе 5rеl \lllеrЕ rе \l.5 qс r!]
з Тl.е dri!:r might hаVetho!grt it rrJ! Ёa5]еrto!еt
UsefuI lаnguаge to disсu5s Photos
Тhе саr.: th'"iOrеqr.Lп. must hаve hitthе oihэr . i\r]Ocа Vе1ъ of!ре.!]аt оп m6J'l lтiqhl m!5t,.dлt

тhе]е?р а.. cе'lt mаyWe||hаvе t]ееп пorе . L]n(еr5 oi.ontrаn'||hj|е, ||vh€rе|l\' а||hоuqh, hо\|еrcr
. ,,",,.l
",o,OrOр о O о
. ,рO: 4,,O^,n.р,6 O,г.
Modal Vеrbs m]ghI рO5 1 оn n] lhe ioregrouлd, i:7. |,he b.сl
Ех!ressions sL]сh а5 8oii plotcEорhs shaw ,, ' ,
3 b ]иight hаs othe l uses аpа rt from speсu |аtion. l\Лаt(h Оnе \igлifiс.]|1| di|е|i!n.е bеxtеen,lgрhctoli! lndl,
sentenсesа d With the usеs of mi9ht1 4. соnparcc \j|il|l , ' '

а \b| might/сou|d hаvetod mеloLr !е|r qo п! t.

bе i].е
lr ,'i'е
might/mаy а5
k ЬесiLr5еihе ЬLrs !.r
'.lЁ \l'l!п !oJ d s.Lrj-i р'lоtoj'.nnil sLrrе tha1)r.! sреakicIlhс
Hе might/may bе аг ехреrtоп.аr! b-t lе.ali ..r.еL.Jпl0!llt0||mе гil']dе.hе Liпlе 5cIhаt ]rоU Inаn.-0е 1

dr\'e!еl, riе tOсo\'еra :lеc,f|еrспI р. lts n thеtаsk, IеГnепbеrthat)'oL]

lJyе to.oгnр:rЕ аnlj сO^1rаst thе р.с1Lrres' гOt d'os.r be еа.h
Dri\,е пlcrе.аiеilr ! ше might/сould hаve hэd aп
ЕхAм suссЕss > ра9е ]49

.T t с sm OisOm.Onе b.с.!sе thе)].] .n t d.

!сп].tl'Iq ц,. t.r.1lhс! 5hO! с hJ!е.]onе
2 а !аn рoss Ь; ij, Lhitd dn'l rсtrа ! haрреn Praсtiсe makes perfeсt
l 6 SPЕA(|{G Work in pairs. Look аt the photos on pаge 16з
аnd fo||oW these instruсtions.
a.Гntlпq trat!стеt| гq ! lrL]с' еl.n
tFo!qh ..\,е dc l: rеa )'!!аnl:O асn I
s рO55 t]
studеnt A: o O

. th| р.!р с п'ф,hiL,е.есi.d IO t|аLrе iП thi5 !а)r

1GRAMMAR RЕFERЕNсЕ 9аqе5 ]з7 ]]8 . hc\l dlс ре.р е nr lhl lrе fе? nE
' studentв:IO " "

SPЕAк|NG Workiп pаirsаnd lеаdthe stаtement' Doyou agree With it?

PеоPlе shоukl Ье fon:еd to u\е Рub|iс |rаnsp|Jrt ins|еаJ |tusing

Reаd the e55аy. What is thе Writerъ point ofview? |s it simi|аl to your

тотcing people iO аdоlt a paтticuLаг iylr оf b€hav]oш ]s. Witho']l

dоubt' a veгy s€nsitive is6r,Le' Nevrlthеless' ihere аr€ many гuLeв and
гrgu]a,ttonв in ouг sосi€tуWhjch orrist fOf a gоOd Peason аnd wh]ch шe
w]l]ing]y accept.1cеItain]y be]ieve thai ihе оb]igatory us€ oi рub]ic
tгans!огt should bе аnlrih".r ofthe8e аndW]L] discussihe гeesonsWhу
in this esваy,
тiтв!ly, to my njnd. theтe 1s nо quest]on thаi ihe us€ оlрubllc
ьгangрOlt gгeally reduces damage lo the env]ronm€nt, It has lrren
ртovenihat оnе bus emitБ fаг f€Wеf lumes ihaniwеntycarc, A
maвslve shifi tо lublic iтenspoтi Will cul dounpоl]utiоn 0n a huge
sсalе аnd сou]dbe a deteтm1ning faсtol iл гeduоing glоba] waPming'
Aseсondmajoт гrasontO foгсe pеoplеtO use!ub1]с tгaпsloгi is safety.
It is w1dely aссерl€d thаi th€гr aгr far fewвr faial aсcidents invоlving
jn paтilсulaт j6 '. Put these expressions flom the essаy in 2 in
lubuс tгanslort ihan pтivate veh1cLeЁ, Rаi] tгav€L theсorleсt p|асe in theWliting 8аnk.
соnsideгеd to Ъе one оfthe safesi fогпls оftransloгt' despiie the faсt ,] .сгIа]rlу L]е ]е!е1h:]1 '
thai lt ъ аLsO оnе of ihе iаsirsf,
Whl]вt jt 1stгu€ thai!гivаN€ tгs,nspoтi can Offer confoгl and sеcuтity' 2 ТO т! m пd' thеrе is rO q!'"iioп thаt

th€se come at аhigh!r]сe' namelyth€ fтustтatlon and angeг caused з t ;\''].еуас.ерtеd th.jt
by diff]cu]ties !т]bh laтking' tгаifiс jams' aссidents' rnaintеnance аnd 4 !\lh n iti5ll еthrt
the cоst of luе], MоI€оveг. many peoplr сhооsetobuyаnd dтive a caт 5 аm.|)i!ll...dtъi,,
nоt becauве ofcоmfofi saiety' but as a status synbol'
In сonc]usiоn' 1 am cot]v]!оed thet foтclnв peopiе iо us". рub]iс
tlanspoтt is aquеstiоn ofcоmmоn sеnse' cатs aгe burnlnвuр iueL
at а гate thаtW]L] soonbe im!оssibLеtO maintаin. and ihe imlact оn tjs.i'i ёrрr9,cii..s in itрi.iDn esзa]r9
theltanet'в cLjmatеш]l] be iPr€vrгsible In вuch a situatiоn! dlаstic
meаsuтеs musibeiakrn' s,nd the mоst impoтtаnt 1s io put ihe !]anet'8 Ехpres5inq 5trоng opinion5
wе]l being befole Ouг Own selilshness,

Look аt the Wtitel,s pаrаgrаph p|аn. (omp|ete it With the main points
he^he mаkes in eасh palаglаph.
' i hа5 опq Ьeen myiее ]nq thаt

t^r^o|^Р|' |. тatradцct,aa) )$chja a1 aРiniaa

. Тhеrс..rn t]е no]Lrnf.аt]оn fcr
L ц^i^ Рoi^tG) ia sцФar+ at. aРiМa . bе]."!еth..rе ; nO е!.]еП.еto sLrррor1
TФ . саnпoi agl.!e.'/itn

Ехpressing opрoEing viеWs аnd 9iving

o\чФfu ,, t6б! o'a, tо l! ,и.UPP61 al aР | оу
. Dеsptе thе trсtthat,,
Р^|Y^Р|L +. '"ia1ь) ia s,JРРar| a+ Аi++erё^+ aPФa' rnn
caцФfer^rfr11fue^1 sl \
. l'lе!еrthее55/Ho.,'rеVеr'

G]ving gеnerа| oPinions

P\s,Ьу e|Г'^adiч \ta\|

'#1,;у. ""^.",,,", 'estatiч ^4n ,,, 5 Lrnr; !.оп!]dеrеd i0 Dе
Lt ъ OTtеп 5а d lhаt
t 5 gепЕrа y bе ]еVе.] tъt, '
0г thе WhO е' it i5 thorrqt that '



Reаd the bjogs аgаin, Why аle these p|асеs, numbеrs or

things mеntiоnеd?

4 - rr ! r ,, r.rrrlili ir : ; f ir,rl..i,i, ,r; LriiL r.fLr:

5 'r.1rr !,l i. jr !,: r,,r.ii,rLr,rrr ! :rlr,1, i.l i]
I iil . r r t r-: t,r r, rl]. rr. l r:.r 'i ll iirr l
(omp|ete the tab|e. тiсk ('/)thе |еqа|аg€ you believе is
rightforрoints ] з.

2 ,ir':r'r: Look аt this stаtement аnd Wtite аn essаy giving your

] .].t. ..l:. ].. . е:t !. opinion. Usе expression, from thе Wliting Bаnk аnd аdviсe
from Eхаm 5uссеss'

gIouр., dItсu.. гh.,ge. you hdv" (].o\рn

"'rd 9ive
fu ] ni\| l fb|1| |,iрh1.|1I t|)
,\J|)\i || !4] di||.\ \hоl!|d
аlguments to justify them' |l |п|, .|1| bц ln\! |аl|1\.:!.lч/iktrl.ll4r,/./\ jllп].
n,) |n|]| |tР|] i.]x,. оf ||t | |)]]|!,
r r I ..

Longuoge reгerenсe ono revIsIon

1|\Iadal vehs obligation, pеrmission' prahibition, advicе and сritlсism page 1З7
2 |\Iadalverbs spесu|atian, deduction, possibjljtу and prababilitу > pages 1з7-1З8 '
З | adal verbs n ght > page 1З8

l Сo||осotiоns: |oke, moke, da 5.еrеI! (п] * i sifi.ri/

таkе(Ph0 !еishrеss (n] /sсLfф.s]
] t\f(.)n !епlOl!еn!э!еlnеnl (п]l'sсlsэri ni.gсldзm.nti
$ |t (п) ar 'J.t.i ,Df]
4 other woгds ond рhroses фо\\ off 0) /JэU
4х4 (ad ) Lrаl I.(r)] liрреlv kl]i / sl]p.i'.

аllnеd iоr.б(n] '.f.(0

'.ornd Г.ь.z1
nаtе5Jе (]dj) /ыс|ts!d/
b eпd (!) /b|еnd/ 5uрэоrt!€1.е (п] /s.pз1 !iIlk(э)l/
hothеr (!) *** ] bDбЭ(l)r t1е l-.u kOi (рhl /0. Ь^lk.!r'
br.rrJ (rr) ** /ЬтзeDdi lhе-qепеlз pLrb . (n) * ]'аэ d3еп(Э)r.l !^ЬL
blmреr (n) ] ьшpэ(r)] . оl.t е (!) ] oгot(э)l]

by |а: (ad!) /ba' Гo(I)/ l.rgh.| !р 1!) ] t\t(.)n iр]

.а:.hа5с lii /k(г) $оIsr \.i. t]!itr! (п) l wеlbil!]

мake (рhl) сIbоп еm g]ois (rr) ] ka(фЪэn lш]'(o)vi {dс) (аd,/) ,rr ].wаIdl]/
.hаUffеL-r (i) ! ng )r (;d!l /wrlllll
а. JрO Oq)' /пеIk э! ар!tэd.1/
.iIzеnф p (ni * !r пn (''] ir
аtiеГnрt /melk.n.temрt/ /sItP(.)rrJ|р] llv0md'
с ift iПl **
] mеi( э k.]l] ''lild]
.ombujLon еn! nе (п) /k.ш b^s$G)n
i..mпrеnt ]пrсikэ kDDrсnt]
Gotewсy to exoms, Unils l 2
а Lomрз гt /mеtk э kаmllеml/ rdарi (!] *r /. d!eр!
/m tb(rх]
а dе.sinn ] melk. dIsб(э)0 arе nr (п) /.е|dl lnnlt]
idfl€'еnсе /n]еlk.dfr.!У btoаdе] (!] * /,Lrr.ld(.)fl
аi прjc!еl].rп| ] пФк ш
.rr.iqe (!) *** ] tj.е]md3/
!npnlш.nv ..п1.пt (аi]]) **
fOl!еd ъ('d;d] /k.! tеnt,
аmsnkP ] mеik э mrstс& 1ad])
,llu,mz/ .оLrntoп (i) /krunt !n/
5L]q9еl1оп ] пrс* ё sэ феstJ(.)ni
qain (!) i** dереndеnt (!) *** ]dI pеnd.!t]
.hапgеj ] nrеik t|е|nd3эz/
qО dовп (\.lе ) d sma (аd) ] drzпr(а)Li
lhе llht.ho.e
/mеlkоJ.аIt iЪв/
d'oр oL,l (ri]) ] &DPаoti
Ujе ofsor-rе|h пE ]nrсlk iuls.!
еntо (L,)
l|n r.o]/
Do (phr) h i]i еnd ьс]j) еtPе.iаton (п) *** ] еkspеktеlft.)n]
|!lr|d (п] fа lsharе (1l i iеэ0] {еэ(r)i
fа on (r) *r* i fsj(.)i/
fol lhаt пlа:tеr (phr] ]fэ беt nЕtэ]
iоUпdid (0 ili1Undld/
hоus€hod.Forе' ]duhaushэUlds.t)z] trom 5.ъ1.1 {!hr) / 1iJm skrЕ{7
lеjеаr.h i dul tl sз(t)$i dul dc (l] ] fud(э)Li
Lisз:(0$] п]рlеsl']: (аd,] i* ]Iлr рIсs]11
t.Lrl bеn / duljэ bеsi '.
]еdJr slеI,J(.)0
]Ldqе i!) 1*r ]d3мJ/
ea. ц]) 1* ]lj|p,'
2 Compolnd лouns - сors ond the rood oq.. 1п] 1* ] lDd3lk]
.ri! п!tеst (rr] ] фаIvIl] tеst] ona(h!gе)5.ае iihr) nп! cъtаi.. (rd]] * 1l!! dБl.trs]
mоtОi,,r;! ii) ** / п.Utэ(r) rvеli гrаrеr (l) * /]nоlsLэ(r)/
p€trо nаton (п) ]!е!.l slе''l(э)f,] n."r!еi (п) /iз(t)vzl
rоUr]dabОlt tl) * / гаUndё ьaotj рrасt.a lJd]) *** /.prзektlk(э)l1
р Lrg n (ad])
ra **
) (i) rrelil
/pre \lз(э)nэli (а.]]
re i.!еc 1л]i]vd]
slееring .nhее Li) 5rtсп iv] ] sеt D!]

slnk ' (vl isrlk rnl

5о dаrq, (г] /sDldt!rэt]/
3 Phrоso] velЬs _ гu|es ond ows nеrеoryр. lг] * / sIсrLЭ ta]lrr

b пq]n (v) ]Ъш] ][ Iаkе id!атr!'" )

(рh /1еIk.d!orrtld]]
bU d Lrр iV) ] Lrnd iр/ (]d]) {nkэn d||(э)fl.t]
.oпe пt. iol.." lv) /k!nr пitэ f.js/ Lп., i!] l rtэ(l)i
.oliе Undеr (!] ] kim
.\ndэ] lrlhn (рlер) ***
..з off (!l /li|l Di' rrrссk lг) * ^lloDr

28 Unil2

|\,4adal Verbs obligation, pеrmission, prohibitian, advicе and Сritiсism

I ] сhoosethe сorreсt а|ternative.
] 'll] !01. \ii.].'c!.i".ilt. lnlс,.]slе.]!.!| ре'пl slioг t. сo " еh
2 ,'tс |.],1,'nol]iа brtlе- еа\]еThе lо..Г. n.ilL] l-]е.;Lr5е |iirl]]i...Jс|] ij]!1-Olli;|i]l l l] ]]!. !1 rr.]
5oll].L]c.!! rа l n!... L]:t t 6 i.'1.1./i,!.l!,'].'Lt, t.5 !п or tlе lo:t?1] ]lе]
з l'lе L.!l'. ,-li.L.',..|.jl!po::i tl] l| Ll irl
l'1 t'] !: nlе.n рРn ] tirе I |ЬnL Ь- r nr| a ..i|..Ir'1r^.ar
эndп]' Ь!t t'].r. rraj l, |!.: i!. rst t
4 !''qi'!]'c/llr!''!!./'.!.lll|.t.:hР ]osрitа лlhЕ !.;r?kеп. WoвквooK > Pаgе ]2
bе.аLr5е Г.y qrагdi.ihеr а5

|'4odal vеrbs - speсu|ation, dеduсtiОn, possibilitу aПd prОbabilitу

2 Dесide ifthe verьs in bold arе in the (orrесt form' тi(k (/) the сorreсtforms аnd tewlite the inсorrеd folms'
] h.rt.j| mustnlЬe ]Рr! hР.аLr5е j.е.аn i ri1oli lo b|l oпе, 5 YcLr !е qciihе.rrroп!]arl5rlеr 50 loLr must hаve mаkе J
2 i'.niРl .,!h! l.е hаsn,t.oгnе ]е mayn,t hаve remembered 'il j..kе !.пr.rrl.t'. n )rO..i.i] ..] ']L.]n5
lh;t !.iе h.r!е a mееt]lq 6 '.n гO15||. rrhеn ihе nеttеn в.Lrt 5Lpро!е i сou|d bе
з f .,\'э qo lorr'.,.lе mаy welI get t]еrе |эr tlе !ta 1 Oi ilе i] il
4 dоi't kпc\,! ..\hо епt пlе t l5 реr Ь!| sLrр.oj. tсаn hаve 7 '/c|]'!е hаd а cnq]o-lnеIY.L must hаvе bееn t] е.

WoвкBooK } раge ]5 /Tpoints

lvladal verbs nighl

з |n Whi(h sentenсes i5 it possib|e to rep|а(e migfitWith сo'ld? |n whi(h is it possib|e to rep|a(e it With rnay?
] d]dit kпofl .hэ рr 50l l.i.5 !рrak Пi] to',l/.s ]i.!l l]|nllе| 4 \('|у i ln,t!o.itа€!o'r.!atl 1 might ha,lt Ьсtll ш d,
YOu might hа!.10 i] m.. 5 5h." miqht bе !..od.i P. ЬLrt!hеfiгds рh!5.; rеа ! lаrd
2 ]hf|с.'.Jii еnO|r!r^ рРoр."iO mаkе t'"!o iеаг.5, i]!l mightJ5 6 i,!! might.5 lе hJ!,rtl.аt аn b .Lr. lrе.аLr;? o.h.r'".'5Ё t,
!с .;n.. Thе nrt.ll .roh.h ! еn. L]р ntlе. п
З H:r Lrlс? might Ье trе.] r...t0rсit.lс..l.р.].)'L||l .loе5n't
пе.е55аr I пl...П hе ! hсlа]оir' WoRKBooк > Pа9e ]5

: '.|]Осatians with |akе, "гlakе and do

] сomp|еte the senten(es With thе(orrесtfotm oftdkе,mаkеo| do.
] t n.diterеn(r\(hа. tl.iпi .r'э lt tо knо.'\ !оLrr 5 \tslrlLr! ii."ffО(ф.'] БЕn flот t Г.е totln."rnL]
f rd cLr: ho\,/ hE 5.
6 t! ii.f.. ttо !еt а qood п]ar[ i!o!t].П': Jniгtс
] ]е'е].!5Er]nr сont |!1] ф 1l1hе ]itе|! е!'/ bе..L]sР h?d
oifrll.. at !r-.п'е c||h'.lLе5tioг5 аbоLrt ]5 рr'ntе ]iе 7 Аrе]ro]5!rеro]'.lt t:].lqllt.h0..]
] 1dOеrnt аn! hаnn io lrе р. .е
WoRквooK ) раge ]з

..^|nr| n.)h< -.2r< Аn.] thФ h2|l Phrasal vеrbs rules and laws
: UsetheWord5to make сompound пouпsсonneсted with з сom p|ete thе sеntеn сes With the сorreсtWord'
саrsandthёroаd' ] iцlе П.еL]fu ]'.n 5onЕ o.t]]е proL!?nъ ltl5.оltа!t
bеfcrе 5ig:
;bo!t bеh
driv]ng ]iсеnсе lights molor 2 '.lr
!,ihеi./.r t". еs.cГnе icrсеl
lе.Ji ||
pеtrol lound sеat stаtion stееring trаffiс
З |l'e!'rе no l!] Lo b' lq i..mЕ nPl! L]15i.rраrkп!
,аy Wheе|
th! с1' сen1r.,

t5 4 s.)пlеl'"u!ol]сs|loпrll]с|Dhа\rе..аkеd olthrnеl
..6 5 lhr),5r),: l|t l| qi]il1. t.LrIr.'l ihР е'lnrn.е ёrаm5
э7 6 hс! l. trlil.q |o l| . lе551ln.е ф tlе ll?!."' .r! аП.]
l]L]t r]Olf рl0|].:. рrLrr.дsr а.]r nn i
WoRKBooK ) pа9e ]0
..'oRквooK ) Pаge ]0
/6 ts

Unit 2

) Gotewoy to LJnits l-2

) Reod ing
|98| wаs an impог.aт yeаг foг тeresa с|агkе аs it
wаs the yeaгwhen she hai heгfirst dгivin8lesson,
тwеnty.sеVen yсагs atег shе fina |y Passеd hеr test.
г n!1'.]'l .l 1il]i ] :i ri 1in..]:r
Du- ng those Lwеnty.sеvеn yеaгs, she has had two
]: ..L' l nr '.' i ri ] .L. i L]]j lr. |r.l-]r] L ]: еr|i i:jjlL] dаU8hteГs аnd sеveга graпdсhi dгеn. sЬe has also
' 'i:r'r t ir l( i r. ir.t..l .r,r: sPent oveг .|5,000 oi еssоns' тwenty differenl
с||v'n8 |nsLI uсrors ф 8\l цe' .oг Z5о o Is shе
fа |еd hег testtwe vе rimes and d]d |ifty Pгaс.iсе tests.
A nUmЬeг of dгiУins ijrs.гuсtors got tiгеd oftгying Lo
Еor qUestioпs T-9' сhoose from the three dг]Vers (A_с) tеaсh hег аnd oпe еvеn гeftrsed to сaa.y on ]essоns
тhe drivers rnаy bе сhosen rnore thаn onсe wth hег whеn she {аi]ed hег rеst, He сo|d heг thаt
Whiсh dгVer itwas imPоssib|е and tha| shс wou d nevеГ |еaгn
Wаs the o|dest Wheп hе/she stаrted tо ]eaгn or Pаss, s xty.two.yeа| о d Теrеsa is ргoud tо hаvе
to drive? 1 Pгoved him wгong nоw, she,s a so g аd drаt she no
lo 8.| l o ls' h0. husЬаnd .o I"],e he shoDP n8,
hаs сhа|еnged а tуpiса|steгeotУрe by pаss ng
h s/her test? 2 Те.еsа is сonvinсеd that rhe key to heг гeсent s!ссess
in Pass n8 heг агivin8 test has Ьeen соffeе' or гаther'
d d not tе h s/her instгUсtoг the Who|е tгUl|r
8|, n8 .P сofiее S e us"о o d |n rl |еаsr
аbout h s/heг drivjng experienсe? 3
stгоп8 сoffees a day ann гeа ized thаt r]ris 8геa!]'
sUгpг sed his/her nstructor bУ surраssing thе affeсred her сonсеntrаtion' the mаin гeasoi why she
nstruсto.s ехpeсtations? 1 fai ed tests n thе PаsL- By no. dг]пk]nt сoffее. she
s re|eved nоtto be so dependent on others managеd to imPгove her сonсеna-ation aпd f]nа]|y
аftеr pаss ng? 5 ger rhe |iсеnсе shе had wаted so |ong fo. Whеn heг
disсovered lhe seс|et to pass ng bУ hirnself/ e"2 r пe' lo|d .er I.e nрw\. il loo| J wг,|е ro. |t to
herself? 6 sink ]n, тhen' she |.ssеi the Woman examiпеr Hег
агeаm had finа|ly сonre true'
has Used h s/heг dr V ng iсenсe аs а first steр
to асh еV ng аnotheг' bigger goа ? 7
d]d not hаve unсondit onа| supрort from his/heI
famiу for What he/she Wаnted 10 do аt first? 8
mаde a nUmbeI of rnistakes]ust betore takng Kate Gi аrd рassed hel с]rv ng tеst thе T rst t me
the tesi? I shr took t. Wheп she Wаs ]Ust seventeen. вL]t
shе Wasn.t сoпtёnt Wth that WheniheаgeInrt
fol drv ig a orlу Wеnt down fronr tweniУ-one to
eighteen |ast уeal, she deс]с]еd to takе advапtаge,
Dаnie L оyd
s Used to Ьeinq fаst, ]ust l kе Ь s helo,
Аt the age оi n neieen' shе enlo |eс] for the tеst'
FormL] а .hаmР on LeW s Hаm]ton oп this o.сas on'
Whiсh nо uс]es с]enrand ng tasks in lroth thёorу and
tho!gh' Dа l]еl hаs teen eveп fаster thаn his ]do] He,s praсt сe' shе neeс]n't have Worrеd аs she Passed
раssed his dr]V ng test а1tel just оп..аn':] а hа l пo!rs оT blэth seсt ons n mрress ve fash on
tU]t on on thе veiy dаy of h s sevеntеeПth Ьirthс]ау,
Kаi]е is on]у 5 ft 4 n (],64 m)tа] but she ]sn't afra d
L]nt thаt dаy' Dаnie, an eхрсl]rnсеd kаrt l.сer, Ьаd rrever
оf dl V ng a hugе 32 ton lоlrУ, Тhаi.s jLst as Wе|]
асtuа]y drVеn on P!Ь |с roаds. Hisfаthегhаd boo(ed the
bесausе she.s about to dо t fu] time' dl V ng ong"
theolу ехаm Joi the morп пq о| h 5 Ьirtlrdаy аnd аs sоon
с]Lstaпсе routеs alounс]the UK, Тhen agаin' с]rivLng
а5 Dаn е hac Pаssed ttrаt' h]s {athеr п]anаgесJ1.1iп.] аn
а lоrry mlst be n hеr b ood' she is go ng to Work
€ХапrneIIortЬe Prасtса testthаtsаmeаtternoon' Jor her dаd's transpоrt f|rm, Whiсh hеl grапdfathel
Dur ng Dа ]el's oiе аnd oi y lesson' he Wаs fаr irom
loundеd baсk in the 1980s Hеr dасl, Whо hаd been
Pelfeсt' Ь!t hе Раid с ose аtient , on to h s dr]Ving iistruсtrэr
d d ."o.d jo d"Р o' d the оneto suggеst Katie tаke the exam' Wаs Verу
"l р|eаsеd for h s с]al]ghtеl. athough hе hadп't аlwауs
dгiV ng normа oпеs, Fol а stаlt' thеre,s not mUсh use tor
been ke-An оп her gett nq nto the profess on, H s
s 9nа l ng in а rас]ng саr' or go пg in rеVеrse for thаt mаiter'
so h.э hаd to lеаrn these trom sс|аtсh. 'оm i.ё.| ,J ,, а ро 1, o
bLt Kаt е hаd aWаys been sei оn |оlrУ с]rVing.
Тhе d.iv]пg nstruсtol th.JLrgl]1 Dаn]еl аnd h]s с]ас1 Werе гnаd
to do th.] test аftеl ]L]st one lessoп' s iсс] ne]ther otthem
oiое her fаther Was сonvinced, hе еnооLrаg€d
her to tаkе the test, l(atie's mUm соuldп't be more
Ьаd men1]oned tЬe fасt thаt Dал e| hаd а reaсJу Ьeeп гасing
саrs fо| а year, Wotr]ed thаt ]t m ght Ье lsed аs аn eхсLse
to fаi him вut Dапie Wаs а qu сk lеаrnеr, mаsteling rоас] Kаtie foLrnd thе two dаy сourse siressllr esрeс аl|у
dr]ving in jUst а q!аrter of thо t гne thаt !t took Hаmiton, Whеn shе had to aсtua tу s t behinсIthе Whеet.
D"'.,l ъ, е r 'g \ .- !. o''d о,, еd P", .d . . But she р сkeсl t up fast апd s аlreаdy р]аnning
thоugh Ье is !sed to stress{tt s]tuаt ons оn thе rасe trасk. on moving up tо dr]Ving a 42 ton |olry n thе futшe,
Neеd]ess to sау, Dап e 's teасher соu dn't qUite Ьe eve lhat
hе hаd Pаssed аfteljLrs1onе esson, Aпd h]s Prze? Dаn]e
got а Ьrand пeW Rеnа!lt с io for his Ь rthdау, thе Verу sаm6
dау he Pаssес] his test,


) Use of English ) Liste n in g

: -; t.. r', r', it r,t'rtl,r:.-.
i r. t;:...r r i; tiiiiilr;lil,:;,{,t,
l nt tрr..o.е...:еtЕn5' :n.еnЬе| l Пl.. t !. сh.].! stlllП].]l|! t Ё!' r'.'lеп][еr
i!o. а|е l t Lr !,.l. . l..5!.iеr s r i]h., tr. i.ЬоLrt !! ]! r.t ]'.
.r.5\,lе 5 аrе d?fг t: \.i.i.п! ilпi е ]n п..е.h?п],
EХAM suссЕss ) pаge ]49

Reаd the teхt аnd deсide Whiсh аnswer (A' Bо or D) ntегnаtiona сLrstoms, Foг qUestions T_6' choose the
best f ts eaоh gаp, answer (A. в or с),
тhe Рагis Dаkаг Wou|d never hаve eхisted if Fгenсh 1 Dг Е |ot tti.kь tL аt гrdny ьoс a (. s[on!
dгiverтhierrУ sаbine hаd not got |ost n the desert, A aгe p|аin|y We гd аnd unusuа|,
Тhаt Wаs When he had the ideа for a raоe thаt WoU|d B make itt|e sense Wthiл а pаrtiсulaгgroup
\1) d.ivA.s to tte imit ofтhe r аbiiтies, ol people
| ,|e bу itт|e tte orgа.izР-c hаvр (2) с don t foi|ow аnу |ogiс
оhаnges to the rасe, For exarnр e' аnd гаtheI
Dг Е |ot onсe rnаde the mistаke of
confusing y' the Paгis Dakaг has not а]Wаys begun n
Par s and the (з) llne has not а Wаys been
A buying аn naрpropriate рresent,
in Dаkаr'
B giving a рresent When she shou dn't hаve,
(4) the Уeагs' the га |У hаs hаd its fаi| c giving a present in the Wrong Waу,
shаre of inсiden1s' а|though а]| the раrtiс раnts opening a рresent in frontofthe gver s
are c eаr about the risks they агe (5) by A uлusuа| in mаnУ сountres,
оompetng, WhetheIthe Vehiс|e is а саr' truсk' quаd в сons dered rude in Jаpan
or motorbike, the сhаl|enges аге extreme' аnd there с a good ideа, ассording to the presenter,
is usuаl|y a high dгop.out (6) in сh]nа, si|enсe is
'7 ) , oгe сonsiа.L [eа|u.e o[,he rа.e .аc A betler thаn When sornebodУ sucks а r through
been the so|dаritУ ofthe сompetto|s a||WrIin9 to theiг teeth,
|end eаch (8) a hаnd When n t|oub|e,
ва sign that someone thlnks Whаt уoLr аre
М]eanwh |e, it seems thаt thе nUmberоfрeoр e saУjng is not good,
Wаnt ng to (9)
slgns of fа |ing (10)
раrt in the event shows no с belter thаn speаk ng,
5 Wь|.h o. IAe<e is --dо \^rрn oаLiгg dс d g.esL
1 A pul в push с put D hаve chinа?
2 A nrаde с hаd D taken A aссepting more food the first time it is оffered,
з A с osing в fina с fnish ng D ending в ассepting food the second t]me it is offered,
4 A Тhгough в over с Duгing с |eаving food on your p|аte at the end of the
5 A doing в making с hаv ng D tаking
6 A rаte с nUmЬer D аmount 6 When in рUb iс in Japan. you shou d лever
в Whereаs сWh|e D Howеve| A piсk youг nose' в
blow уour nose
3 A one в рerson C other D self с сough |oud|y,
I Abe в tаke с hаVe D mаke
10 A out вoff с down D through vv г |т|n g
ЕOi l]1r1]; ri]i: l-]l l| n! 0р lo..ttrli l.э.;oе ai
Г.liLr.;n.е.l n'l . n! n.rеj jе: :а.]е l?+E

сhoose one ofthese two WГiting tаsks Write

between 120 and 180 words.
1 Look аt th s stаtement аnd Wrte аn essау giving
your oprn on.

h,n|е]il Ih( Ьеn\|а\ tо ЬЙnlеn !о0 n1ul|,

iпg I Plesentаtioпs 1

\oсABuL^Rу тhe human mlnd

сheсkthat you understаnd the word5
iп bold in these srntenсes. Use a
diсtionary ifne(essаty. тhen de(ide if
the senten(es аrе true ol fаlsе foryou.
] ]!1у mLnd Oftеn Wаndels.,.rhеn 'm
doinq mу hоinеWork
2 (ind ltеа5yio memоlize nuгnDеIs

-;;;3;"; doiпg пrёntаI аrithmеtiс:

зz x 37"
3 DaniеlтапrгЛet i5

Lсаn re(аll 1h!ngs thаt hаpреnеd t0

mе When !4rа! ]L]st fou L
ьeWildеrrd .'у qLrас]rat с
Hi5 flnqersh9ve.r аbovе the tаb|е' trасing
!hаре9vl5lbletо no one bUt n msеlт,
6 L hаve а giftfor]angLrаqеs' A fеWseсonds lаter, he smr|еs|
7 grasp nе\! сOnсеpt5 eа5ilу the answеr is 1,a?4'161'
I ,m
not Vеrу arti(ulаte ехр аrnlng

9 Lnеvеrаssume апуthin!to bеlruе

5ееn it W tir гnу own eуе5, j'т j;li""
:l.ъ:Т,"Ы# HT:H:i
Lrn еs5 L'Vе

1о as a bаd :::,:Т:#Jlil',:ъЬ:нl';:
:::.:"';;::;i ;ъ Ь""; ;,. ;oiioozoь,,,"-""."'inLe( leсlting deсiта'
rh ng.
pi;"i.ЁJ hа' 1тоppеd dicp|dv'n9
" "i'* 'ь".тсJ,аtol
2 Wolkin pаirs. DisсussyourаnswеIs in
j"' ;i.j,T;Т:::i;:5";d: l"J i ..
:ill':#:';i* xтffi ;i; il#Ь oe'e|opin9
аn e 9|"Ih o'his own,
3 lndividually,dothesеmеntа| ;;:"";;;;;l";g";ь"i' аnd
аrithmeti( questioпs (no (а|(цlatorsor
Writing аllowed!). HoW long did ittаke ., li"1lli:l.I;!."Ъlj'ЁЬ i;i,T,-1,;t.i,iifl :i:Ё':?*:#::,.l::.Т.:iiiff"'
you? He ako hаs Aspеrge r,s sуndrome.
] A tеaсhеrсomреtеd аn ]8 kilornеtrr
sрonsorеd Wа kiorсhar!tу, АLLlh rty
ifu 1*:.ll,1.",""'.;:::...,|,.ffi
, ilт
р!р!l5 in thе с a!s sр0n5orеd
tеасhеr 5р рer k ]omеtrе, f ou/ гnuсn
iiг'i:lli :'""l';rlj;
;.i'';ilff *l.:"н:;""Y iТ:ffi ;
did thе tеасhеr rаi5е fOr сhar]tу?

:} i*lff"?"".ТJt*1.Т *I"."
(Тhеrе аrе 100р n
2 Oп а 5.hoo
€r.hanletо Bе gi!Гi' нl,t*iт+ ;;*,;:iHf ::
a qrOUpofрuр]ъ |rаVe rd 85
L]5 ng thе сonvеr!]oп oTt!e гnlLеs
н:ж: ;*::;гll"l';:::1"j#]жi,;l-':J:i"".'".*.,lу,:;i"*:i;
Ье ng еqLrаlto е gh1 k]lom еires'-no\,!
mаny k оmеtrеs did they trаVе ]

*1ж'l.ж**.;т}rffff "jЁ'lili:*
3 Аtеn hаd f]ftу quest]onsWоlth onе
pеr ]о lаng'rа9es,
mаrkeасh,Тhе раss markWа5 60
.еni' Hоvf maЦ/qLrеnions hаd tо bе
lr -"л;?:':т:^нн, .;"..1.ТI;'-:;11 LHi:l::l.?'!]:i!:Ё::.
аnswelеd соrreсtly to рass lhе tеst?
4 Lookаtthesetwo problems. Doyou
thinkyou сol,tId do them without а
.аIсulator? нowfаst doyou thinkyou
the result otthewаУ nе
тamm€t eхplains his fluenсУWith nUmbers
Фuld do them?
,l ]7хз7х]7хз7
21t+91 ".rг;'i-;*'lжtч*;i':jтТ:*"'.lllr#li:".*.ж.l
5 Reаd the аrtiсle aЬout Dаniel тammet,
Who саn do thе Problems in4injust ;;ъ;;;;.;;i;""",.l" t1ro \l..p"' а
5eсoпds. Whаt еlse сan Dаnieldo?
];il::'". '""s".""*' "

llГll|]tiр е .hoiсс r...d Пq irсt]Vtе5']]oLr mLrsiiiпd

niclmаtcn in tl]с |.хtto !pyo!rапn/iеt Uпdеr
L]a.K nе
rеiovant i|iormаi on il thс L.хltc he р !оLr
EXAIи 5U(сE55 > pаgr ]50

Reаd theteхtagаinаnd сhoosethe best аnswer

(A, в, с ol D).

1 n t]е seсo]d me]tа arthпret.рroЬ..ntъtDа.iе

ТamГnеt 5c Ves',r'/е kno.]'/ thаi
A hi5 ans\'еris mO|eассurа|e |hаn tlre сa.Lr аtol!
в ho ь ncta5 fast а51hе сn.Lr.]tоL
с h. саn WO'k O!tansw.|j |anеr thaП thr с...t]аior,
45 jigsаW piесе' Аnd thаtthird shаpe gradua]|у сrystа|l]ses: D |hс tсstеrs t| rn the.a сLr ator o||аs sool a! h. o !е5
]see а JЧ4фe!ithаt beсomes с|еаrel аnd с|еаrel,,, lhеГn lhe.orr...i r n5Wеr
When he Wаsfour' he Wаs given а Ьook саj|еd ) j,odо"oоlr . 9
сouлfinФ аnd suddеn|ythe Wor|d begаn to mаke sеn9е' syrd onlе лolf ld .cпfu5 пqi
He remembels sitting for houб in ехaсtУthe sёmе sрot
50 on thef oor of his bedroom, ost in а Wor d of numbеrs,
A 5оmеbod!\l/ nkiпg аithепl
'Nuгrbеrs Wеrе т,rе r.on red|т1n9 for те,'1е,d)5, B th."ехрrе55]oп'Iv(oLr dп'tr'!аniiо L5е n !o!rlhоеl
,,You сou|d sаythat they{orm the Wаy | |ook at the
с !оmеЬocуl/аnt пq tо Ьеihе rfr]епd
Wor|d' ТhеУ are myf]Бt |аnguage.,, D lomеЬоdу раtt п! thе'n oп thе Ь.rсk
H." soon dkсоVelеd he Wа5 rnole соmfortаb]e With з Та.nmсt;5 i] L;5с
'lр.lIt beL;!5е
55 numbeБ thаn with peop]e, sсhoo|wаs nevel еаsy:
he didn,tl]t!!, |.le wаs fortunаte to hаve а а19еаnd
A рeOрe urlh А5реlqеirrrе 1rOt1оo kееn On lа k nq
5Upportive fаmity (he is onе of ninе) Who ассeрted him аbOullir'4 r.O]d tiLln
а5 hewа5, Nonethe ess, some aspeсts offаmily ife в hс.аn dсl.rbешhаth5 m:nd si]cП! Whеn hс
Were hard: hefound сertain noьe5,5Uсh а5 the souпd р..rIorпl! пl.']1.] iс.t5,
60 of tooth brush ing, eхсru!]qщg to Iisten to, апd took с hс! qLr iс.]n схрсг| on th. |Lrп.t]Oпi]q o|lh. blJ n
Pаinsto аvo]d the bаthroom When onе of his brothers
ol sisters Wаs u5ing а tоothbrush, D hъ sаVаnt аbiп е5 аrе Un q|е.nd nOI5hnrеd by аn!
Othе| 5 !LrtTеrеri
Тammet hа5 mаde hUge str desforwаrd in аdарt ng to ^5реrgеr
hьAsPelgёl,s' but he sti nrugg]es With some everyday
65 skiI s, He саn,t drive, for exаrnp|e' beсаuse his mi'rd A ilе \,!а5 аЬапdorеd Ьy еyеlltl]rq э ld Е\rеryoпе
tеndsto Wаnder, аnd he is nоtVerу рrасtiса|, He аko ехсерt nLrmЬеrs \(hеn hr 1,.rа r.hid
finds сonversаt]on hаrd, bесаuse hе tunes ]n аnd out, B n|rГn|5е|5 аrе п!.h rаsеrtO |ёmеmbrlurhеnуоL]
rаther аs if he ]s |ьtening to a rаdio intеrruрtеd bУ
а55Oс]аtе thеm uritirа р]сtLrrеorа soLrnd
с |.
7о |lе а 50 suffers om аnхiеty f hё gоes iпto а рub lс
рlасe Where hе саn,t pred сt WhаtWi||haрpеn,
D oп ], п!тljе,s геa )' mаkе sеъе nhь fe,
a thouqh he hаs eаrned tо саlrn himse|f bУ с|osing h s TamГnеtdOеsn'tа !Vа,.is раyаILеnlOn iO \(hаiothеls а'e
eУes аnd сount]ng unti thе раnk passеs' 5a! lg tо h n. beсаLrse
Та'nrnetз extraord]narУ story i5the 5Ubjeсt ot а new A hЕl пot qеlLr ier intеrеnеd п',lrh.rt t]е!th пk,
75 doсumeлtarу' Ihе вoy with thе lnсrеdible Brajn-тhе B hE.а,l't rEa l Lrlldеr\tJlld Whdt thеr .]r'. ily П! t.] !аr
pro9rаmme trасes hь journеy аround the Wor|d to
meеt some ofthe 5рeс аlistsWho аrе interestеd in his
с hr oЛ]у р сk5 up ЬiЬ o|\,,/hаt thrу 5ay
са5е' Theу set him а series oftе5t5, one ofWh]сh Wаsto D Ilс r thоUghts аrе tco diliеrсnt ilom lsclfl
eаrn |сe|andiсW]thin а Weёk, j.]e Wаs g]ven а tutor Who Таmmеti nr..е55 аt еаrninq .."аnd].
30 deс аrеd thе tаsk imPossib|е, A Wееk аter' hе аррeаrеd д :n "1.rЬ"n]i :.l1Ьр.рi..]. ).. i.р
on te|еVisiоn аnd gаve аn intеrvjeW in peгfесt |се|аndiс,
B Wi5 thаn c tO his реrсе0t]On оf,"../Ord5 а5 р]сtL]rе'
|o\"d,' Jr di(, ',I o-гd iIde\r]"eIil"||y о|ра(.9,
Ithink in рiсtules' аnd |се|аndiсWolks Iikethаt' inthаt
с \{/а5 а |е5u tot h 5 rеjесt]On Ottгаditоnа аngUаq.
lеасП П1] пlеrllоo5
аbstrасtWords аre dеsсribed in сonсrete tе rms. 5o,
35 for еxamр e. the Word for 9аr|iс meаns Iitеra ]у
,White D '. o" о o o j 6о9oР
oniоn, аnd the Word for саrrot meаns .yе||oW loot,, тhe апq|аgr раttеrп5 п hь lеаd,
Word for ideа is lterа|y,mind-p сture,,,,
Likе hisworkWith numbers, thewаy hе earn5 Guess the meаning ofthe under|ined Words from the
а lаnguаge is рrimаr |y visuа|'
,'A ot of it сomes down сontext' тhen u5e а diсtionаry to сheсk your ideаs.
90 to pаttеrn spotting, sеeing shаpеs аnd struсturеs,
)a Most рeop|e |еаrning а |аnguаgе Work рrimar lу from sPЕAкl G Whаtаbоutyou?
grammаr tёb|es аnd Verb tаb es, ]eаrn morе ]ntuitive y V'hаt doуoL] th]nk iе 5 ikеforir рiоd !ioLr5 sа\,аnl' *.
thап thаt, My miпd ь vеry Wе||щilqq !9 Pаttеrns' Dапiе Таnгnеt? Gi\,е rеаlons
sо rаtherthаn p! |ing outthe ru|еs, Ipu lout thе

Work in pairs. Look аtthese pаi15 ofsentenсеsаnd

d ьсu ss hoW th e meаn in9 сhangеs de pеnding on thе

Vеrb + fo|m and infinitivе

R.ГrеmЬ.|io Ьr П! l.lJr c.:onа'е5t.l.r55
l саn the -iл9forms in bold be сhаnged to a lo " " o
to.infinitive orvi(eversа? |f so, doesthe meаning of
2а Тr! to d0ll.. еr.rс 5е' еiеlll|]t 5.r'fi.u t.
the sentenсe сhаn9e?
2lэ lrеc ''^ja ( n. rltтlе!n; hurl
a Hе.olrl Пrеs leсiting dс. nl.i po nt!
За с.'r]ng 5аl i!].it а.d \l'е ltoрре.]io сh.t
o o р dd|sp|aying "
iа tап Fo!| е nсррr.]||пп l!,rnl5аi сO'^rn'
с Тhеу nrJ!]!]. to reаd i.г yеr.. i.rа 5,
|]|) n! .h 5.iаГ. п.rdlrs it|c! п!]'еа ! hа'll;or.hе пrхt
d ||]ryt..ri to bе o'.l itэr:
ТnЕ''.lo'd |trе.ап to mаkе sсn'? l t. hLrr1уOLrrlее .qs.
d.n't ггеa
t е.епlеmbr15 sitting iol1.LrIi г еlа.1V hе 5аm. ttе;o. a bа.k!|OL]ndild
h.lеа.hе'iJt ехр a n'"l
t ll.'ll."!.eпt ol] tO tа kal-].LrllhЕ е..n.г]. !]t-'rliоl
" to (а|m
ll]е tэr.h!r!../еnt or t.r ( Fq t.r nOLrЦ ап. irOLr15
соLrпt п!,
ба kе to !tr(]r. n! гO.е!oпl.. а !'r..еk,

lGRAM|v]AR RЕFЕRЕNсЕ 6b kе lljееr nq г.t i]еcр с'

Dесide ifthe sеntеnсes аIe сorre(t' ReWlitethe
2 PuttЬеse vetЬs inthe сorreсt со|u mn. тhen сheсkyoul inсorreсt sentеn(еs.
answers in thеGrаmmаI referenсe on page lз8. 1 Оr Г]r Fоnlеfr.п] sсho. 5:оlреd b!)' n!]nrеаd
2 HOrr!эti..r irе?rJп' (еp.оп t0lh]nkэDcL]:ihе m 5|.iе5
аffi аffold аgrее аrrаng€ аvoid lreg n
bothеr саnlbеаrьtаnd саrryon сons]dеr З l,t! ]]o!nqеl ]rroih?rаdm It..i tota[. г.! а!1!!
сontinue .lесide dеny еxpeсt fе€ |ike finish
4 ]ilеtо.hе.kпi! еГ.а Jt]еа5t oг(]1] а.ау,
(on) mаnаgе
give up he|р inс|!dе keер
prасtisе proпrise reсоmmend lefusе risk
6 Dоп'i bOLhе|iс k|Oс(,]Lr5t.оГnе п
stаrt suggеst tаkе up volunteer Wаlt 7 r]a!."!.o] ]nаrа!Еd аn5!\'еr lr! J th.. q.rstoп']
8 Г. qo]rl! Iо !n Lrтееr це р n.]thеm !rlh thr I
verb + ing form or

to.infiпitive With IittIeoг
9 dсi't Г.еаП i]е]nq r!i]. hLrt ih nkloLr tе Гn.dе а
10 Dcio! iее kе.Omlnq !/]th пlе this аflеr:oOni

sPЕAкING Wolk in раirs.та|k аbout:

сomp|ete the tехt With the сorreсtform Cjлg or to.infinitive)

ofthе verbs given.
п 200q Dii]с -аг.m.1аqrееd lаj l.lri,iе] an

irt.lrеi] t0 mJ!.rz]п.' n tl]е nI]ll е!\i hс

(f. .r]d]ffеrlnlt n5 i o|d:rto
-!u.]qеn..C lb'.l.nriil.4rJ.|r.,Il
еrl. (с) ilr r{] tjсгtеr
rt]е ntеr!..'lr hеаlmts(d] ifп.l .har.t.
]mэq r]с h...l.]|lrсr р..o!. 5Ре пLrr'lhеl5' Ье.aIlе эfJll tа.t t];l irе
j.r5tlеm а]|',rhарс]аnd.еxtrlеi Hе5a!5tl.аthсnrLr!qеd
(ei еаxrl папornа'"4'э)r.ts.hco anl] tFat
rе rеf|rsеi (f] iЬ! .\е] п i .а еd,nlе ]!еrr.е
tеn!,bе.а|5r ]lrLe !ег(. Il|)lт реr;!n i. pец0F
iti?i]r.l е5 а oi
!.flеth пi] r.]Lr tr].d !o do lr1] !r'tho!t 5L]..е55
ъпrmеt 5р.j('.Lrаr!]ir."rеnсd n ап!]!.j!]. .!а'г n! H?5dy5tlеrс
% 5cггеtl]lгq d fi.'r t thэt !i]L] Г.апаqе. tо.]o
"" I 2
mегds (h] so:rl.|h nq thаtу.r" fс. ikе dо rlg Ih s
lto.Lrj]аft..l]l.n Ееа 50 l?.oп l""эrr] з
а аr]quir!r:. Ol.еr Lо !iа.]!cL]lll]аП.i а..Tt' 4 soг n! уо'l rfio|d lO do Ь!tflЦh yо| .оLr d

H !: р5ior гг'Jlor]nq mеnror}/ ll.!Oе(i] iLl...i 5 .] hoЬЬ,!.rа.:'';tythаt loLr ''.;.t]

d kr1о tаiе ]р

;nlа.]]rati01l' а5 Fе 5;!s th !.|rлеs dr.реrа55o( лi(]l5 \,,ltll

vrhJiyoI ar. tl!lrq to lеГnеГnhеl ',\l..] lса:oсаi:ni hаi]rOlс.l
mаПr!е 1j) (lе.; ) rг0е пю|n.аt]ol] l|rе 7 !!rгrtFlгq lo| .ап'1'Jпc dс п! аt tЧе !i.е."kеп.
rJ;се !ilеr.]уo! аrе lrу n! io гегnеn.Ь.lTl.е lforn;l.n h;i 50пlс I sonlеth]lq!O!,.'oLr.'r! n! lloJ.0L]d
5;m а. i)r ! tnе р i.е l;hеrе уO.] Or.] пn ! е.rrt t,

unit з

Phгаsa| verbs _ the miпd

1 Readthetext and mаtсh phra5аlverbs
] a e,аnd6-10Withf-j.
5 With

Е'/Еr),Ьod!'s тiгd Wolks п a. ъrеt !.la)

I.L].,rn 5ее lh 5 nn1.! ..'n nqs t-ato'l,
ЕOl.хnnр., nL Ln \,.ls]t! \''lh!n a рrol:5rэr

l]] piсkthепl up rеа Iьn' lrLrtct]е15 tа(Е

; lrr е to
2](atсh on,scmе kеiо аna у5е
thс nr!!.ol..рt;t. sп]ir l,]..h.']ls aп.
t']сn !|аd.J ! Lзlpie(e |hеIn together
дn. 5orlе рРcр е sLrffе'.lrе.аUi'э.Lhф' |аkе
.iqеrагdinl t d ff.Lr tIO 14rkeep up
With thе l'.5t' Е-OrthO5е р."O. е' ]t s }]спh
5) lef|eсting on th. сa|n nE рr]с!ss all.
jее n!]fin.]t t.]е!.Jll.o to .arn a]iе, з Putthe Dhlаsаlvelbs in 2 in thе (orreсt сolumn.
i].!i^i]l5 inIеlеtin! s lh.I $Гnе ре.р е r O
.ld .l ff.. t tо fc c..,! othеr D?oр е lе.rs тWo pап рhrаsа| тwo.раtt phlа9аl тwo.pа( phrasaI
i]rе jсnlеt г.е!]! i пdе.еп.]еrtth п(еrs
verb (no objeсt) verb (iЛ5еpаrаbIe) vetbGepаlаb|е)
l.'hoi nd l ml.h rа5iе оi6]сomеupWith
ihе rc.',li' hiq1)r c|l nа, dеas Oftеn lhе),
a e ]сi.аb с.f kiоi гq h.ri thс!
7 hit on а 5O.tiOi] tO a р'.t].m t']с)'
rl'" 5пnр!t. оn-iгo thе]l iгiL .n An!\r'/еl5
8] |eаpoutаtti.rn i'.гl ]i]r'l.е'r (]1hеr

реор еi]d .rа5 еrtо hа]rе г?fl lеа! 'hеп

hеr rе.,,;.h o.hеr: Pеrloпа ),' fп. ]t rеа !
! t. i9] tа|k1l. П95 through аn. tc Add the рhrasаlverьs in the teхt in ] to the сorreсtсo|Umns.
10] boun(e idеJ5 off а i еnd' i|.| еiаГ.р е.
5 Reаd thesе seпtenсеs. сhесkthat you understаnd the meаning ofthe phlа5а|
а .h пklЬcLri somе.h nq.аrеfLr N. verЬs in ьold, using а didionаry if n eсessа ry. тhen аdd the verbs to the tаb|e
in з'
с .ап] аbO.t sijп]eth n!] b! .O|s.Ё'n! a ] ' 5.lnqеr! tаke uр Lhсd:nсc аqа n
th.5ера|аL'. b Is cI nio.гl.t O. !()| h;'rс 2 i]е hа5thrееrrеа5 cieхр||tjс th,.]t stаnd out.
о ..|n 50mс..l n!] '].l з еd]dnl{itinа15сh()!
4 Е..]nd'..n!.|j-rtio:] hi]rJ Ье..!5е hе tUnes in dП! out,
f i]:с|r- 9oпlеth П!] П ori.l to 5 Rа.hеrthагрu||ingouttl.rt е5 pu|loutih..аttеlп5
L]n0.бlаnо l0. lсl 6 Hе |ooks for |"аt.r]s
g dъсLrs! i.mеth]nq ..r'/
th 5cГ.еbr.d}] n 7 Atfrn h. flпс5 t ъrd .o geton With.Еoр е
o'dЕr to qеt tlе r oр lоl 8 Hе п..L'сrIooks down on o:hrr!
h 5rcdеп! ra']Еап icеa crd;.o!еr
soт:tп пq Dy.llап..e Deсide ifthe Word order is (olleсt in eaсh senten(e. Rewrite the inсоrrеd
i .hе Гnm."l]irtеуоblrоJ5 tL.5оneoге ir
mnl..с аtе ! qеt thеi|аtlеntion ] 5he !LеiЕ..o thе 5oгq]Lrnопсе Ь!t l.€с Lro . гiгiеdiаtе !
j .hnk.f:l.]еi.rраl 2 th]1k уоLr фOr|l lli1Lt io|rl.t( 5 o'].lr]']d п dlbе l|aПq.. )ro!r m п.

2 Lookаtthеse sentenсеs' Does eасh

з l',/hеl hе noрреc tn ni n.]5c hаr|i.|].L]tthес|O55WOd с Lс sLrij.сi yth! aп5rl'еr

phrаsаIvelb hаVe аn obje(t? |f50,Where

does the objeсt go? Does it mаkeаny
4 d i€ to bo| r.е у.L otl5OГnерO55il]еltе5tcrthеаlt..
differenсe ifthe objе(t isа pronoun? 5 !io. d )'oLr 5а! tl.аt)].L].еt On L]l]tll h m]
] 'lrе (ome up With а g|еаr .eа i..|. rе\ri 6 th п( l,е l t. n.".]i \l;)' On Ф dо lhеre еqL]irlOn5
7 th пk 'n go пg tc nап р;y]nq.hе5l Dn !o! !!аnt tl]1!riс up t t00]

2 .]o,l.. ),сLr сome uр With t? 8 YO| iс.d lO qo fаnеr i.уoLr у(ап..o kе?р nе | р lnl]t'l
3 l] k.]1о ref|eсt on l5ro|тепt5.crа sPЕAк|NG Work in pаirs. Dьсuss thesе q uеstions
,] \l/hа. i,lре.f pеoр е dO rcu !еt Or] v]itr Ье5t?
'пl !o п! t.lef|eсt on .]rе у.а.е|Lr ll
5 Hе рiсkеd upthе ]dеа rеа j, f.r!
2 llihаihobb)' OrПе!.r' tyпсLrd!O- k. tc h[с Lrрi

6 Yot]pi(kedtnе kе!.oп.Eп up nrа grt

з \('hеп l'oLr аrе ]n а nеv.r'"ll,l|On.nPni lо\(/.nllOеs Iiа[е!с!iOfi п]
4 ]oе5.. k l! thro..rh !o|r п.tе5 h.д руoLr to |еmеnЬе' hеm b. L.ll

7 lh n( 5lt'5 piсkёd it up r..r !ь9t

5 Ьo "d
8 m nJ|tiг0lO сat(h on io-r сеi]5tO !o!15еtl
6 |]O!оеrto]rсkLrрotl.еlреnре5dеа5ort..cГiеLrpl^rith!оL]'Ol]n]

I sее еvеrything.
l.hatls \уЬ ] don,t l]l.е псlv P1aсеs, lf ] rm in a tli.е I l<now, 1ike
hоmе' or sсlrool, oг thе Ьus' or thе shoр' oт tЬс *гее
i]rnost e1.сrythnrg iп it Ье1Ьfеьа!d аid аll I liivе fu do is to iook аt
,}l] thе things tЬat havс сЬаnged or movеd, гlrе SЬakсsрсаrеъ GloЬr
Postеrhаd fаllел down n1tЬе сtrssroom at sсhorlJ urd you сould
tеll Ьесausс it hid Ьесn Put ьасk s]]ghth'to t]iе right rпd thсrе rтеrе
jlf". |' . -, ., oг d| Г' t ,| . \ || d"и l][ l]ri nJnd
sjdе ofthе Postсr, thс nеxt dаy someoле hаd gfafl.itjed сRoW
APToK to lamрpost ^n.]437 ]п our strссt lv]riсЬ is diс onе outsidс
But mostpеoрlс аre lazy.'Гlrсy rrсr.сr loоk tt сvсц.tЬjng, Thеv dо
!hat is сrllеd glin.i.g ivhiсh is the sx]nе wo|d 1ьf ЬLu!рiпs off
somсtь]ng rпd сarrvn]g l,п ]n аtmosr fiе sдmе di|ссt]оn, е-g. whсn a
snookеr Ь]ll gIаnссs offanotlrеr snookсlЬrll. Алd thс infofmationin

sPЕAкlNG Work in pаils. Lookаt thе piсtule LT n.r/r'o 'e,. 'l.l rr i'o s......
fortWo minutes. тhen (|ose your Ьooks аnd 2- Tьerе arс somе сows in fiс fiеld.
desсliьe Whаt you remember ofthе s(enе. з, Тt js sunnv 1vjth x t'еw с1ouds,
4, Тhе|..-с.. .Il"t,- | |\"gr
Reаd this extrасtflоm а novel. тhere аre two 5. Tlrr, ', r' g- i 1., ,1 ', . -
des(riptions ofthepidure in 1.Whiф is more 6. TЬсrе is a {сnсc it tЬе еdgс of tlrс ffсld aпd iL лrs r gtre rl.
simi|а r to th e desсtiption you gаve in ], thefirst \пJtr.n. e-s ,].I |o' o|i n. || , |, |g '..',,. ' vпо, |Ь'
l':,'ti,g I et\j|.|'k.lо,',,,,,\-,\ ',"'',.,]h.|-' n Ii lo iеd
thаt 1 might Ьlvе lеft thс gis соokсr oп,' oI ,]
Reаd thе teхt аgаin аnd аnsWerthese Woпdсr ifju1]е Ьш

] Forihе паrrirtO|' !'Ihat 5 thе oifi""rеnсс bеt\,iееn

н'|iITJ .. li : I

.с П! iп а p а.е hе krows aпd bе nq ]n а l]е''/

Г. е\',o],,l-.,',.| Ь-| 'Jnl 1g| . "].Io| \v(, п.,оJ\ |. J'1;
1994 ьесalsс ГxtЬеl lпd l{ot1rеr md l1vсrс driviпg to Do1тr to gеt
a t.rry fu |-tanсе (...) ,id I Ьad to stоp |or r lсс, and I stорPеd аDd
2 l,ryhаtcOс!ihе iarrаto|th nk 9thе d]fiеrеn.с
lookеd in thе fiсld and 1 пotiсеd tЬсsе thilgsi
bеtv/..n h m апc othе| реoр e? Do yoLr аqree
l, Thеrс ffе 19 сo1vs nr Llrе iсLd' 1s of1vh]сh xrс Ь1асklnLt ivhitс
vi;th h op n оп? Whуi/Why пot]
аnd z| ofwЬiсli rrс Ьrоlvn and $.tiitс,

з lorthе паrrаtоr'r]\rh]rt s thе d f|..rеrсе btlvr'ееп 2, Thсrе js r vil1xgе in thе distiлсс wh].h Ьts 31 vniЬlе }]оusеs and
а.t vr'ith iots ofреOр'. аПd a
lrе п.r n а nеrr' р a сhurсh \уith a squriе t(,rтеr and not r sрirе'
nеvv р]a.е l/itho|t реoр с? 3. TЪетс rrс rntgеs in tЬе {.iеld lтh]сh лrсаns L]ut iп mес]iсviltimеs it
4 Whаi L]'uа у hарреn5tоihе nalrator /hеn i]е s ,а erJ, ,",''', t)J''ro1."1|. tt' ,',1 nLlс
in а nеW Oасе !ith оtr.tреoрlеl \ .g ',o dr ..r /J3,,l',,. ,,r, s"
5,i!hydос9thе паrrаiOl1а kаbo!i.огnрLrtе|5 ani]
сеnIlа рro.е55oI Lrn 15l

36 Unir з

Mаt(h the Wоrds and definitioпs.

,l в.r ъ.r" а a г.аrk е:i cп.otl]еs оrsllfi.еs
2 :ъ l Ь a cпg lаrro"^/ rаsеd пе а cп.ltl]е

4 jioрfэrа с 5icр to гаt.. i.]:tеr Lrsе.i Ьу .h! d lег.)


d r Ь |е !"]ri:r.се kr ic|t rrrbЬе:

5 rе
jр Lr!эd fornсkiпg piрэrio "-tlа 5

6 l.]q. e а i.rh; а ъnг.l.lqs i |hа loi

? 7 fLrrl.\..r "";h?r."..roр ((] bе раntld
f .r lirL].t:.е.ftеr гrrd? oil,..O. trаt
nrrio|]ni5 аn ]rеа of nnd
iN;inE lн Fl] R t{l}iТl8li g |llс рo ,lt:. t.:'р of.l th!l.]l. tlrL,/0г

Рi]rl. r ]i ] l.- li].r ]P ]P i n j. йri ti.l' il.;i.]j ird L] L]...]:i.l 4 Whiсh оfthеsе adjeсtivеs do you thinkdesсlibe the
]..i9 t r;. )o :.. :' ] ] ...]] J 9 ьj]l.i:! iIt. r i.' r:]| L! Ь. ft .
narrator7 Undеrline the pаrt ofthe text thаtjustifies
l'i.|etlr rl[:]ll .:]| t!л]].. l.j..]Ulj,1t ] |.п youl opinion аnd Write the сorresponding аdje(tive
. т]]1l. ]li|r ]]li .. l]]n.].т...]|]. r.!.n.]. т...;1n.
.r.rrr.. .q.n.. . i., a .1 r тejti l..i.ij a r.fti.i ]re:.. ] Ir r. t
next to it.
ёLEIj r;rr.r....ilrnт. "r.; i| r1!,a..rr... !i I

. . ra ;l nir: i iiг].. rir ] :i: L-... пi: t!l: ji]r l Еl]lrL] i ]'-| lr ! аdvеnturous аrrogаnt funny inte Iigеnt
тГl.пti' ! r:i....l.ri]L [i'ti.!]."rгl]L...l.!.. ].]].J[i т|]|'..i]
-L nln L i|l 1].|'.jr ;..r. rl ir.].т!i.i:r.!Гr.i..rtl\];:
аzу obsеrvаnt obsеss]vе раssionаtе
l..]l гl.;. тri..i! i.:r. ].9.г r !]i.];r.:.:r. jiJ пn]....'!|] !l ]] per.eрtivе rе|аxеd shy young

'1 ].hеrе ]s in old Plаsriс ьxg f|onr '\sdi nr thс hсdsс, аnd .J: Listen to infolmаtion aЬoutмark
i .Чuls]]еd Со.а Со1x сx! \уith i niiil оn' ind a lоng рiссс tiаddonз |ife. тiсk the thing5 thаt аle mentioned.
,l ]сс nq р.O.]е |еа. lg irs nо']r
i' т]iс Dort]) еlst с(Л1rer.n]tЬе 1iеld is Ьighеst д!d thе south

.l.t сrtner is ltлvеst (,,,) алd tlrс I.iсld js tЪ1dсd doвllтards 2 !l.]сle hr !е1l .ц ]dr.s fro ll
. ]чhdy ilолg t]iс 1inс Ьсtlvссn tЬсsс t1io сorлсrs so t]rаt tЪе з rnitп . drаГ.а
lтr]гlvсst and soltЬ-еаst сопlсl s rгс siiglitir lori'еt til.tп tiler 4 hъ.n,o'ki5 a 5.: рt!.iritlri. ТV
lu1d Ье ifthе fjе]r] ivls lL i.lrt in.linе.l Р]inе. 5 lь oссa]oПir f/!|k .! ]'] .]L ii] r
6, ] сan sее thгее r]iitirепt tr!еs oigrtLss l!d tso ф]ours оI
6 еffе.t. рLrррсtееr.lа. o| l П

; TЬс сoivs агс rnostlr l.rсiпg uрhill,

'.J Lьten аgаin. Alethese stаtеmentstrUe (т),
rЬеrе l,еre З] morе thir)gs it
t]]i5 list oithir)gs l noti.еd fаЬe (t)ol is the info rm аtion notgiven (NG)?
]::. SioЬЬlп siid l d n,t I]ееd tO Nritе |hсп lLl oo\!l, ]!lц ] i/i.с. ];dd.n Г.еt а .mаг |е:d].9 It!./ir.!j
nrеxns thit ir js Iсr1.tjliIr8 ifI aл jfl x nсs.Pliсс Ьссausс I
ilr.]d.'il.i in. i.].l,r ]i rir.l]].ll l]I..E 5hЁ 5c
..: tЬings, rrrd it sonrсonс rs]rеd mс аftегrуrгds lтh.Lt
ех.tеd 5hе.olJ d hаrd l,jрЁei. 'lii ll|l l..
! сolrs lookсd likс, 1 сo!lс] aJ<irniсh oпс, rлd 1 сoulrt dо lt
2 iцl|е. Hа.]dоn n.еt а ''.Гnап rеа.,. а.otiеl
: lтnlg ofгlrсrn at hornс (,,,) , .q

cii.'5.rцrе i l]Р t/"'.sr'l kР.л 0ll5trе.rk]iq

.т:.1яtlеn I aп ]n r nсlт р1rсс' Ьссeusс 1sсс сi'сlrtЬnrg' it is
la l:l t,t:tilt,
rе \'hсл 2 сonrрutсr ъ dohg too лaп.thnigs it thс siniе
:::rс апd t]iе сепt.rl lroсеssoг пп]t is Ь]o.kеd uP lnd t]]еre inl.l
З .r(]..]l f rdj hЕ rе а. oПlh р Ьеtl.r'Еег !.r'tЕr
j.:]1 sрrcе ]еti n, th]r]k rЬ(ntr OLhеr t]l]пgs, ]\|(t s,Iеn l аnr ii
:. :lоv р1.rсе lпd dlerе rrе Jots оItео|lе thеrе it is еlel hxrd.f пo /lLrа .orta.t Lr:.lllEеп thrгr ||i,i |j
(" \...j:.. d-' I 1 4 Hаdd.п |r'rоtэ a s.те5.. е.] А!€|1i Z i|1€.|'

:il txl[ ф
1оlL in.] do rlr]пдs drir rou don,t схРс.t' (o 1юп ha!е .i.i|],]r.,].I!l.nаI5rj.L'allor:h: l i,,i,i.:|
:] rotiсе е\ ег
l]ng rlrit iq iп drе Р]i.е' iid Iоц i]ф hiYе rо 5 H.d.]iп !.;:j Lrllарp! i':tF tl.е qLrа t! oi I5
,nc :]]:iсе t]lings th.1t n]]gЬt L,rppеrr rs u'еJl.,\lLt кllеt]nlеs' rvhсл iеr.5 [i].I.5.,, .,|| :,.
'!lт iп i nеs'P]i.е xld L]rсrс аiс ]oLs oгtсоPlе LЬсrс ]r is 1ikс a б o] th..5.т:5 Еаеd.па a5]rе.:5
lnlрutсr сraslriлg аnd I1ierс to с1osс лI.сr'сs аnd рut пv hands сif m п]Jk rl!' -( |.] lllj do "! t l. !.Ь Jl]0
rJ : ll
nr1.сrгs tпd gюrп, lrlr]r:h ]s i]kе pressiпg CTRI, + ALТ +
.h!O5 n! с.thе! |,,i.| |:
DЕL alid shuttnrg dorтл рrogrаrns шd turriing tЬе сornРittег
:.:.rrrd гсЬootnig so tlirt l сur теniсmЬеr в'hrt I rп сloiтig md
7 L 5t.n nq tc a lтаn !'] il а 5O.i.n h 5 |аn.]
. ilеrс I em mсent to Ьс going, r]l.i],J ]rJ.oгtl'Ik5сlo-5!,roLri.lJil. I ./.,|.

].rd that is ilЬr'I aл goorl rt сIеss uid rтatlrs uid iog]с, sPЕдк|flG WhаtаboUtyou?
l:;аrrsс пost pеоpiе ме llmоst ЬLiгd rпd t]iеv doп't sее шоst
: :itrgs xnd thеrе
js ]оc 1)fs])rrе .ll)i(]r! ir] thсil ]]elds rпd it is ] !r'h.1.. !.t] h nkJrethе q..i ап. п!t а.5oLrt
bе nс; fаln.Lrs \,!r tеr]
::]]сd ri.]th tЬiпgs N.hj.h lгerr,г соlпесted дld s]]]r'. ]]kс.1л
..:.t.. T ,j ."r 'rгe
, ( " 2 flo| .o' d Ье.oпr irпl.Lr5' l|'at (o- d loLr kэt.
Ь!.oт..iпlсtl5 for?

Unir з з7

Putthe vetЬs in bold in the сorrесt сo|Umn.

some verbs (аn go in morethаn one сolumn.

a Do]пg oо3\'!оrds he|ps Гnе kеер/tо

(еер Гiy

b t rеа y mаkes mеl\'akе !р ]n thе mornLnq.

с 1аsk my husЬаidtofill]п thе anWords
d hеarmу 5 nеrсomрь п n!/.oГiраin аL dаy

e lt enФulаges iirеm to сOnсen1|аlе

f t аIlows mе tO 5witсh oflаnd havе 5omе

1 WoIk in рairs. Dь(u5s the5e questions. g ljLrst hорс my si5tеr doе5n1 сatсh rne

,l !!hat саn !оLr sее n thе рhoto]


2 Whll v,/hen аnd Wh.rе do реop e dо |hъ ас1 V tуi h Тhеytеасh уoU to шink n а d f|еrеniWаy

з DO)о! еniоy do]nq thь асt!]tу? Why?/Whу n.l/ verb+ verb+objeсt

obieсt + +to-infinitive objed+
-inglottl infinitive
or dеas
Whr]n \rou hаVе |O mаtсh 5реаkегsWth lnfоrmаt

don'tйakеyolrf naldесЪontOOsoon oftenа.pо55]trе

iп1wеrl"r .Omеfir51' Ьutthе rеа]аn51,1rеrW .Ornе аtеr
ЕХAп4 5L,ссЕs5 |" рage ]5о

.'s' tft lNL {E l.10 You аre going to Iisten to five peoPle
tа|kinq аЬout how they o(сupу their mindsWhеn tney
trаveliowork. Lookаtthetwo listening tаsks. Lъtеn in the сolleсt сolum ns in thеtаble in 5.
сompletе both tаsks аt the sа me time.

таsk l tor qlestions l

сhoosе from thе st (A H) Whаl.асh
аdvisе authoIize beg сhоose feе|
5рeakеr's рrеsеni oссJра1on в, lhеrе аlе 1hrее еxirа lettеr5 find forсе hile inspile invite |et need
Wh]сh !OL] dо not пее.1t0 u5е' notiсе oldеl ovelheаr pеrsuаdе рiсk
A ]olrna si sреаke| l
reсommend remjnd see send teaсh tеl|
в doсtor sреаkеr]
Wаnt Wаrn Wаtсh
с аlсh leсt sреakеl ]
D tеасhеr sреаkrr4
сomрIetethe seпtenсes with the (orreсt folm ofthese
Е a.сoLrn1ant 5рeаkеr5
раirs ofverbs.

G еnq]nееr аsk/hеIp саtсh/so|vr feel/Ь|ow forсe/l."аd

tet/rеst overhеа/sаy reсommеnd/do
5-l0, сhоo5r lrоm thе n(A raсh
о ъ'о
тask 2 Fоr q Lrеn On5
oLo ob o, "",' d

ld ро.
б6о6, "dO
5hе a Wауs mе г]еT

сin nеVеr гinish it on hеr

A 5OV nq sLrdoku рuzz']5 spеаkеl ] 6
With thесrossword bесa!sе 5hе

в do]пg сro5swoп]s sреakеr2 7

Аt рr]rnаfу 5сhoo п'hen \(ie Wеrе t rеd, thеy
с рlаying W th а hаnd hеLd
q;mr5 . OLrl hеads oпthl
sреаkеrЗ 8
D lЬteп igtо an i!]PЗ раyеl sреаkеr4 9
]doпt mеаn tо Ье rudе' bLrtd d l уoU
Е reаd пq spеаker 5 ]0
уоU u!еd1о Ьe а
qrаnоrnаstеr at сhеss

F sо Vinq сhеss рrob еms Last.,!ееkthе teaсhеr mе-

G ob5еrVingоthеrpеOр]е а sL]dok.l рL.rzz е innеаd 0lа гпatn!

l-] do п! log]с рuzz]е' aпd brа n iеа5rr5

Ф Listen аgain аnd сomр|ete your а nswels.
а no!е somеtimеs ihеy епс] L] р hаt]ng

Bе nq Ьythе !еa mаkе5 melее sO{еахеd,еsресаLу\'lег

4 siЕдкil,lG: Whаt аboutyou? . ёo
. b,её,o
to oссLrpy
!{h сh Ofthе а.1./lt]еs nъ5k2 doуOu рrеtеr doiпq gеntly On уO!r1асе

Unil э

Usefu| eхpressions to stlu<ture а prеsentation

Bеg in nin g уour prеsеntotion

. ]'. ikеto bе! п bуrау п!
. Тo n.]ri I/ th ..,

ord еrinq уour аrgum е nts

] Read the eхtraсtfrom а magazineаlti(|е. What is Niсho|а5 F rstц]/5е.oпd }''

сarr,s theory, аnd Whoаgreeswith him?
ЕLrrthЕrп]Ore,/Whаf s more'

P rеsеnti n9 opp os i n 9 p oi nts of vi еw

OLr саnt аl9Lrе l 'th thе |асt Ih;t

Rеsponding to opposing points of viеw

Lеfs nо1lоrqеt thаt,,

]\,iou d n
5aу1hirt ,,
Еvеп !o' l n ]] bыieve thаt . . ,


sPЕAк|liG Wolk in pаi15. Dъсuss Whаt you thinkthe5e ideаs

from the text meаn. Whiсh ofthe idеаs do you аgrее with? sРЕAкlNG Work in pаirs. PIepаre а presentаtion аbout
1,l/,ihеп f'е qo oп rlе' \'!е eniеr aп en''ol теnt that р'Omctеs reаding and the Internet. Fo||oW this guide.
сLrrs.ry n! hLrrr.d.гd i]]1r.с:е.1h nk.-0' аld ] ]еq]n by nа. n!]]roLrl oр]r.or,
lL]!еrli.а еJrn nq
2 l'Jake)'оLrr rno5t mрOItаn| рOirt ll5t
2 'V'е аrе е!c\, пq:l.п Ье пq.Lr t]Vatcr! cfреr5опа
з рr!5.l,. cnf о. L\.iO.].рc5 nq .o nts
kпcri еlqе to Ь? пq ь|гiеrs аndеr5 п.hе Е е.troп с
4 .
ihе Oррc5 n! рc ntGl'

J .rр - 5 .oг..dе Ь! ..nJ: n! }rO!r cрl]iOl],

р " q
Ofnе]'(lесhno cg)'' sPEAк|NG Prасtьe givingyourpre5entаtiontoyour
4 'iiorГnаt]o. bесoпlе5 а.i5trrсtioг а d !е|5оn' а torг.оt pаrtnet. тhen Iisten to your pаttner аnd think of
еrtrriа].тепt rаtirеrtiaп a .oо оtеп'!о(е пlепt, сonstruсtive (ritiсьm to hеlp him/her imprоve.

]'1!1гil]N0 {!) ]'!] Listen to a stцdent giving а

presentаtion аbout thе |ntelnet. Whаt ь hеr oрinion? What
аrguments does she рutforwаrd? il/he. lolr !./е а рresеntat оп dOnt l dе bёl nd уOLrl nOtеj
Lоo[ !р at )lс!r dLr. !гLi] аn..h.'t( 0]с r l..jL10n!
сompIete thе spеаking ваnkWith thesе explessions from
ЕХAM suссЕss ) pаge ]50

] hе.]ъt tr]nq l kеto 5ау r,,'

2 H./rr\rеr'
Praсtiсe makes рerfect
з FinO.a
4 !''h n t'5t:LrЕthat 7 sPЕAк|NG NoW prepаrea plеsеntаtion on this topi(.тhen
5 r 5 dое5 гot пlеап tFat '
give yоuг p lesentаtio n tothe с|аss'

6 An.trеr imрortaпi рo rxto rnakе !tlit ,, ..Thе

bеs| \|ау 10 iпProwуoцt
7 Ftu\l
D]i]1d is ь lеuп1]lв а

8 ir.се.]t t]lаt.'' Dо \'оu аgtее? wh\'?/$,h| пot.|

9 ТO nrГ. Uр'

sPEAкiNG Workinраirs.Whendeсidin9WhethettoWat(h
а fiIm, how importаnt аre thеse eiements? Rаnkthem 1-10
{1 = notimpoltаnt, ]0 = veryimpoltant).
l thе narаid !uррot]nq асtоrs

' lhЕ qenrr (.oпl'"dJl (]еnсе tсUOn' еiс]

. thе еiqth
' lhе !p.сiа еileсl5 агc ! n аъ

. thе 5еtt П! аnl loсelioп

" t.V е!'!'s Jnd rесomГn.aпoаt 0n5

sPEA{|tlG сompаrе your аnswels with the rest ofthe сlаss.

Whаt аrе the most аnd Ieаst important eIements?

Reаd thefilm lеviёW. нoWmаnystаrsdo you

9 Mаtсh the prefixes 1-,lз with theilmeanings a.m'
think the reviеWer qаve thе f iIm, from onё to fivе'
Wou|d thi5 rёview mаkeyouWantto sеethefilm? 2 |]Ь /un1in-/n |iF1i| l] bеT.]rе

3Е с пlоlе, b gqеr' trrtLеr

\oc^BuLAR\ wo|d fo nation - prefiхes

d lct enolrgП

Look аtthе5e Wolds from thе rеvieW. Underline

the рIefiх in еа(hWord аnd 6e(kthаtyou 6 ..5 f
understand the Word. Use а diсtionаry if s
8с. I
9 pоsi !.rith'to!еthеr
impеnetrаЬ|e misсаst ovеrblown 10 r'Е j a рo5it Oг Ol5iLr.t.rlr thatеr nеd
subсonsсious underrаtеd !nprediсtаb|е
12 \1,1р.r k
'13 dnfi I

r!а |5t

сomр|ete the senten(е5 byаddin9 prеfiхеsfrom 5 to the Маtсh Words аnd expressions in the Writing Bank With
words in bold. the5e definitions and eхplanations. тh en сhесk thаt you
understаnd thёotherWords. Usё а diсtionаry if neсеssary.
rlL r ..nrrlo fli(;11. ] 1. ! ln o|iс']l] 5!lrlс р.!! !
2 Aр:rtiron thЕ nr.]jio.уibo-to !.]:пq 2 J. rl1h.1rd пl;.]' l]..t. [r.l! 1.5|.с.t tl'.. llllrJ
i]..n['nn!еr];' lllеi. r l roln;г.. з d].]!eli] L|а. !
b,rt(..n ih! tro Jr.i r 4 k.. ! to l!.oпl'" 5Lr|.:5!i]
.n;|i.Tеr! 5 rori l|rro r!ia rrrr rr I rrr,stor!

з Y:)Lr h.]е.. bе o]еrе qlt..еr to t.е

. m, [Lr.ll!эrts рrеd ttt lr..hэrе'!аt.h
\,', Ье 7 арреаrеd п tFе. г?г.а
я р] 1|r;1 i . ]] |r: ] .: |r]: Ьр:. :-. : i
th j a(tO| : р.p|r.' |i th lot rlq. 9 рсoр е !.il.tе !]rеat tl:.q5.roLrt.lе jiпl
]0 5LrldеГ Lrlеrрr.tеi]..a l!!5 па]ol
4 А..е 5|oot пg tlе f n.' пrrt.oгг:5 .hэ nаqе ],l .i.i.Lrt tJ Ье е'/е
f. ]2 fim ihа. mаk?5 ]..Lr папi io с:rу o: !lаt.h l! .o f пl o]t
!l li]t .rррс ]! l!!l
5 'ln nnt; t] ! i;г оi

.rее| г.оrе ,Е. i5ti. sio'е5 мakе notes аЬoutafi|m you hаve seen reсent|y. Use this
6 tFп(а t.j h.\'е qэiih?: m \r!roг-.r pаragrаph р|аn to orgаnizёyour notes'

|r'r ! irhО..t |,

hе or.] пэ f г..iГlе o.t ]] ]!-!]| j п:'.; 1 oaf.fa .i.f 1 cf 2'.|. |ha +i f1 .xо a...Р'
a:.о.i.' .t,2|,.'tetе ..21. a0|
I г. 5]Lrjiэ
i ] lk рсl)р. hj.r. bl..
()il.l.iim 0(, | Лi Lh.. lrri. f i m еlе| b|rt t

.еrta r ]' 5lltthE !lor]1 rl].l]ь /-i^ats.rе

ре.Е э Jrе jа]r l!]

sPЕAк|NG Work in pairs. Look аt the аdjedives in the iVr;i].]! t.i]rl].]i i k.,rD.!iirefi.j N |.еfirPI...
Writing Bаnk аnd deсide if еaсh оnе is gеnela||у positivе,
negative or nеutral. Whаt aspeсt(s)ofа fiIm сould eа(h one

DЬaрpaintinq ]s a nеga|iуе ad] eсtive а nd t соu ld desсribe

4 fa'| rcсa|n|nс|o'Ian
а fi|m n genеrа,thе 5pес]а|еffесts' or mауbethе
p" to -"n("ofonрo n o eо. lr."(,o,,,

:]:] sPЕA(|NG Work in pairs. Useyoul notesto tаlkаboutyour

film. When you desсriЬe the pIot, use the present simpIe'
маkе yoUl oPinions аnd teсommendаtion аs сleаl аnd
dеtаiIed a5 po5sib]e.

J..]|Lаi.n |trci.i|.е .i.^ё . ftll;il]е.

l,t. ]nаnе,рiе.е рo аyа т:i|t 5еn|е
L.l n! аid tLrrъ (oiа ! оti ir\i:еt ]']l)| !]l tе; 'еl] е\lli'.а']е J сеi n lе .]еj;|r.rut (hi:]liO.
''аnt tOt'. реcр е.h.Ut thе Ih ni tlat !.u а't |с'] е!.'. ^]..
| ;| tr l.].' oр]i]nrj l]! !i! l . Еr:rп р еi i(] u5| i! theпl
j 5aррo]l]t llq . j]o:']t.! е!r :dr fеt.:]еJ
ir!.пl!l.п! iа|r'!с ! .р пg Lrп] ljр r п!] r::r'r':",', '-
пt q. пq !hЕlеirt'.. .,i/ ЬLr.gеt xеm. аlr:е
п.е5mэrl']! m']. |r(rflii]q п.o!П!] r!qLr.
lh.Iqirt рr.\'O;( nq rр ;r.] (r.rr l].]
Write a rеviеWofthеfi|m you made notes and talked
ilеf гг).oггJеc (.r:t.!]рaппеd itFе f гr')
аЬout in 9 аnd ]0. Use Words аnd eхplessions from the
.i.еf Г.lq o! ..d (jli]'Lr|.] (t]]r nol!) j]]io dj
Writing ваnkаnd аdviсеfrom Еxаm suссess,
:]: \'е,r !]rеаt pе'fоrn.г.е
I.r i Г.j|.c.еlrеd |.r1.'е rе! е\/;5 qеt а LrkР!,r'аrm |.c.ерi.п

in thе$/]]d Фhr)
4 othег words ond phloses /\ffItrеll/
l Phrоso! verЬs _ the mind
Фhr) /. smзеJ,'flDpi in]i]tra1е (v)

Ьolnсе ofl (!) /bаUns nt/ аsпr;shiaор

* AdёP\еlj(э)i
(!n)lnsрr Gd])
n! ('^n)mФalэrЦl
adairtаt]on (п) /
ptirzщ/ iilr].lLr]nq ] (аd 1inтnlgп]i
аеnhеtiсal!pеasing /i]soсlrkli
(рhl) .rhi-hеаltеd (idj) i lat ho(ottd/
/ J:ltаt)r m.lе thlqе sll dе. .nе|[ strз|du
(v] /kip'^р wiо/ toriа d (рh )
kеер UрWllh
(V) iij! ad€t/ mепrОrаlrе(ad]) i mon(ё)т.bG)li
mеsmе|siiq (аdj)
i /mеz'nэlrаIzЧ/
D].k!p {V) /!iк \рl
(l] /рi]stэ.gеб.G)r
B ! Та.k, (п)
m]n.]-blow]n1] (а.]]) / nramd ,blаUi']/
(!) /п,flеkt nn/ mov пq (ad]) ** r mul:!/
гilndanе {аdj) п n oеrnr ,/

ob!еrvаnt (аdj) iэЪ zз(оvG)nti

boх oiiсе (n) /.bоks DfIs/
(v) i эU\ъ(r)ш.(r)/
lrlmр \!'] r /b^mP/ о!'еlhеar
(сltL.' рапi."d /p8nd/
gеt оn \4 th (V) Grriaqе (n] * / k.епdз/
.hаsm {п) /kez(э)m/
раtеrll (п) **r
(n) o! 0.fldэ/
рg 1еpilе ad
сh! OfthLridеr lrJlr) sеplп'
(п) i ktЕр.(r)р.(0d/ . tx
реrtolir; tеJt рhr рэlгlf)lL]
.Li.hё (i) i kli.jеt/
Dortc\,аl (i) ф.(0tтсIэt1
сLLff hallel (n]
i k1iflhзo15(r)/
sэ!аnt (adj) фIэ dld3эs .sё(Фпi
.roр (n) i* /кгDр/ рrodiq]oLrs
pLrрреLе€r(п) /p,\plfi.(rl
.!ъory Gd]) i kз(r)sаIi/
rеboot (!) /ril bшti
d|,]|\ эт э gLеп
m)rе.е]vеd /п si]Уd теп'.rvjurzi
2 тЬe huпron mind ".;;;i,j;." phr р.lг)tr:(rlrnJns (1hеfr
/о(0 fikjutэn
dетаnqeс] (аdj) (\i]
/& геindзd] /rr sar'
.]]-о (!) i* /dig/
rLdqе (п) *i ir]dз/
'ъlwad.(0dr .]sjo]lrtеd (аdj] /dis dз.'nhdr
rsqlё hdJ)
|аzе (t)
edLfy (!) / еdtfа!/

еrгr!o],vеrг.епt (n) impаoэ(r)mэti'

a qlft for (рhn
ерrс Gd]) /сptki
пg (п) ***
ехсr!съtLпq(adi) /йсItr!1 sеtt / sеt!/
ехnеrt 5е (i) ** /rеks!а(r)1i|zi
shа oW Gdj) i* ij6lэo/
рэ(r).silvi /.to(0 fеtjr
fеi.hеd iadl) (./]

fаr siolе isn.r(r)i

ьn mo! пq Gd]) /.fostmшиl]/
soll (n) ***
fеnсе (i) ** souidtra.k (n) i sаUn(d)'tr?еkr

lit n (v)
3 Prеfixes /,flt rn/
flапеd Gd]) /fl.Id/ / stD1lsэ(r)/
flа\,lеs5y (а.]V)
ri / r-liп./ -
dis /!п-/ / fl.rlэslj/
f.rrrс]W (n] / t^таr'/

flrz]nеss (n) /f,!ziпэs/ 5iа n (i) * ьlсnri

aathеlеr (il i gs0эrэG)/
n]рроt ng a.tоl (i)
o"t. ut. u," ,gеt э ]U.kц'J1r)п 5!!еер a a} (V)
/ ss,iр э a'е!.
е."р1rn pп ] тl sеP]lэ |lr
lhоuqht рrolok n9
(аdi) /t.t p15!.U{Ч,
a..е (!) *}* ]llLolnУ
(!) 1.11!кэiI]/
e lnkеl
qriрр |q (эd]) ] gшрп]]

dБ].]ntеd (аdj) (thеnпr)glО55еd ]'gгэUsl/

510,000 lv)
qroLrndbЁаk]ng (аc]) 1 gЕUn{d).brе]kr!/
hаmреlеd(\,) 1hаempэ(r]d'
!п.;nпу Gd]) /^r1 kЕnii
(thе ]i п]]h tthе i'hl!6эъlg skгin/
(thе!tоl!) Lrni!1d5 ('/) /^r1 f.Uldzr
b]g 5сrееn Lрnr]
.riJ.{lаiеd (аdj] Lrр an.] п9 Gd]] i,^рэnк,\mr!/
hovеl (!) * i hNэ(r)/
пq (ad]) it rеd to Gd ) ] wаl.(r)d tu:/
-. п5p l
hlrпtel (n] r. i lьnrа(т)i
' ^npгl

l сhoose the сolleсt а |ternаtive. IfЬoth аlternаtives аre сorleсt, maIkЬoth.

] HO!.r сOГnе ),O! rеfu 5еd ..p h€1p,/.hebr!.q m е ц/ th thе еrеrс !е] 6 \a/hеn thе рo сеqLrеst]onеd him аbоulthе рrе\ro!5 n qht!
2 сc! а
nOр lo l!|слlli5ienлq tc Гnе
d yOLr boсаlsе hаliе е!еnt5, hе dеnlеd io dol'aр]]tg аn!1h n! 1lr|Ong]

5oГnЕth пg ]Гnрortапt tO JnnO!nсel 1 ly'е сOnt nUеd io itdd7|Фd]/]i thе boоk in с а55 tol а гnOnth'
3 п зon] e ц,ауs' bе ng а d OсiO r .nеа n5 iO dedi.'lсld.?l..'tlщ уour 8 P еа5еdоn't bothеrto.']]/'.di]i|g гllе аgа]n bесаLrs."'гn поt
4 Аsа (id, рrа(i sеd loа'ol'd.o',1r."g Гnаq. tr.ks
9 5olry' Ь!t iorgot |q!|i!qфi]rgi!g thе moпеу о!,.,е уоLr,

5 Тhеа.tоrnа|tеd toъ k aЬo|t hLs саrееrаnd Wеnt on lq tdl.V ]0 Aftеrса55' еfs сariy On ф plт'Iеl,rr,,|щ oLrl рrеsеntаl on
tfll./Ig аЬоLrt it:or i.'./о \l/ho е hoLr15'
WoRквooK > Pаge22 /10i

2 сom plete the text with the сorred form of the verbs qiven '

Тh.nlm Лlrinl]on (]988]Wа5 bа5еd on а Гnаn са еd K]m Pееkllrh0 rеа fе K m rе|Lrsеd' пot bе.а!'e he.'\'аs a].rа d thеyWO! d
hаd аmаZ n!] mеntа рO!!еr5 Тhеiе ро.'(lеr5l^rеrе е!]dепt ,,,(heп аt .аtсh h]m (7) (dO) 1' L\Lri lreсalsе h.. sаid t V\rаs unеth]са,
theаqеofiWо реoр|е not]сеd hiГn (]]
ll."аd)iеWsрарersL n \l/hеn Hоffman mеt Peekand h s iаther'thе! qOtоn ехtrеmсy
]984' 5сr]ptl/rtе: вагi! l'lorroш'mеt к m and !.ras 5O imрrе55еd that i.rе аnd Еoifmаi Ьrqqеd Kim\ fаthеr {8]
(sh.rс) к]п]
hе mmеdiatе ), а5 kеd h 9 lathсr (2) (g Vе] hjm
ре lm 55]on to llritl. the\{or d' |аthеr and 50п lrrqап tоirаyе thе\l/ord\,ittl
!./ritе a fim аlroLrt h s |c. Kim! fаthеr еt him (з) (do) t,Тhе кim doiпq his пl..пiа]tгiсG aпd hъ fаthrl he р ng рeoрlе
f mmаkers рiсkеd thе а(o| DLrnii Hottmаn (4) (р a)')th.. {9] (rndе15|аnd) mOrе abOL]l'тrеnlа d 5аb t]."s ТhoLrsаndi

раrtoflim аndthе!]nVtеdhm(5) (Г.ееt)h m iп реrlon OiреOр е sаv'' h m ilo) ido) hБIаVOLrrtеtr]сk'!\ihеп

l(]m hаd аn аmаzin-o ГnеmorуiоrnLrmbеr5 and numеrса patterns somеbоdу to d Kim h 5 0аtе Oib rih' hе сO! l ]nnаntytе thепl
аnd so n ihеiГi' thе tа n l"laп'5 brothеr реrsLradе5 h]m (6) .,./hat dаy оIdlе /е.k it./rаs]
(!se] hьmеntа ро\r',iсrstcbrеаkthеbJnkаtthе.а5nо Hor./еyеI n
WoRKBooк ) Page 22 /10

Phrasa! verbs the mind

1 сhoose thе сorrесt аItеlnаtive.
] YOu neеd tо |еi есtlol|fli.!lq!:.'.]]',!]I]]!ii]ii1])i4iа' 5 t too k t ]еm аqе5 tO .j]x.,,]]r L1tl/:lс,.tr]r olit;li а good nа гnе for thе
2 Whydoit пrеtа k ltil'!i!(.ijl.i]O. i']l.i,q ll]lLl]!.]] qr0!р'
I iia !.rie.trirai? 6,m сOnсеrrеd thаtуOL] аrеn'i kеер]Лq.|/ir'!] Vlith thе rеnof thе са!s
з DoycLr m nd f bOL]nсеsoГnеidеa5c'i/|r,yоL]] 7 tr,!а5i,i еа5ytc th пk oiа 5оLLri оп' ЬLrtWhЕп thеy hit ]lOl7b]j ]ltheу
4 fiс lhat .6l.t.i/p]..t щ nеu/ lOсаbU aЦr |ea y v(е|е\rеry rе е\rеd,
WoRкBooк } page 2з

тhe human mind PrefjXеs

2 пЛatсh these words With the definitions l -6. тhere аre 3 Rёаd thеdеfinitiоnsаnd (omр|ete the Wolds Withthе
threееxtrа Words.
] mаke а mistаkе in са сLr аt nq лUmЬе5 = .а atе
fаze 9rа5p hаve а giftfor
аssume bewi]dеrеd
2 lеmре|аtl]:е owеrthan 0 dеqiеrs =
mеmorize рerсeive.., аs reса| Wаnder з

пolа!qood а5 sоmr реoр е th nk= rаied

l еarп lomеthinq 5rrthа1yOL].an rеmепrbеr t рer|е.t ! 4 пoi.]а.п пq еncLrg l mOney for 1lе шcrk !OL] dO =

2 5 faslеr than ihе 5рееd оtsоLrnd = soni.

з m]|" (nmрn.р..пг l* ] ! .|Рn. I -l 6 а реrson !"rho 5hаrе5 thе rе5pоn5 bi tуfor рrodLr. пg
hаvеа nаtLrrа аЬ ]tlfor
5omеthiпq = рroduсег

ьtr!е е!еп tho!!h loLr hа!е пoасlua

7 th пk аqа п abo!t а dсс s On tO dссidс Vihеdlеr уоL] 5hO! d
5 Ье ]е!е somеih nq
сhап!]е t _ .оnsd'.l

WoRквooк ) Pаge 26 /7
WoRKBooк /6Dс

Unit з 43
) с0ndit 0пa] struсtшres; Advanфd lUtureI0Im5

voсаbu|аry proc-.d!res and reseаrclr с0mр0uпd пouns а[d

adjrrdivеs] саUses' reas0пs aпd resUIts
sрeаkiпg Та|k пc ab0шt siat sliсs

voсAвULARY .sс/eлlffIъ рrocеdurcs aлd resеarch 4 YoU аregoinq to reаd the newsPаPer аrti(le oppоsitе' six
|Mаtсh the9e nа mes for d ifferent Ьrаnсhe5 of sсien сe
pаrаglаphs hаve been removed fromthe аfi(|e. сhооsе fiom
Withtheeхр|аnations 1 8. the pаlаgrаphs A-t thе onе Whiсh fits ea(h gаp (1-6).

biomediсine сrуogeпiсs суЬеrn€tiсs Е Еоr most geronto oglsts рeop е Who silrdу thе sсienсе
genet]сеng]neerinq gelontology of аge пg. suсh stвtemеnts аге a]most scandаoLis тhere
informаtion tесh n O ogy nuс|еаr enginеerlng s а generа vеW п this fiе d that 1here rs a mвХ
hlrna|r iiesрan of поt mоrе thаn aboul]25 yеars, JеanПe
Vо сeteсnnoIogу
Cа]ment' the odеst dоcumеnted рelslrn, с]еd at the agе
ol ]22 уeаrs aпd ]64 days, Aссord ng to thе ort]rоdox V еW
] е nLrd! o.d]5еа5е5 of1']с hL]Г.ап ЬoJу саJ5еd L]
of ageng srre Wаs one ot thе few uckyeпough tо nаVe
t]о оq .a (hеmсr аro рh!si.. е еп'rгi5
rеасhеd that гnaximL]m uррer l rnit oT гrlrгnan l1esраn
tе.llol]!l)r\lh сh rii]b е5 flrсh l.s tо Lrп.]еr5tarl.

ihе sс.n.."rrf.]dr] n!] !епе5to.r '/r9tl]пq е!ре.iа 'lt|] ]t n]OIе sL]itаЬ е i.гJ t]а.t].!;| р|r|рo5е
Еcаoriе resftс1]on s now а Wel establshed rolrte tо
ex1end]ng thе iles of manУolganisms f'оm уеast ano
4 thr !. епt |. tLrd! оf. J.r!?
\trolms tofrut f]es and mсe BLrtthе]urу s st lo!1оn
5 Ltе 5tr i]]l |)|.оГip Lrtе ъ an. е е.trэll . !!5tегn5 tсr s|Ln n!] Wrrdhеr сalorle rеstrсt on саn ехtend the Llе ot hurnans
althоtrglr a.]iеt Iсh ]n сa|orеs сerta ny iпсreаsesthе risk o1
6 ihЕ 5|ud! o:tl.е!!. |.lnLr. еa,рOl!.еr оbеsitу, d alretеs а ld othеr fe shorteп ng con.] 1 ons
7 thе !. еll.еthat'l]d е5tFе с||ссt5.t э\"-teirреGtLrr:5
е!ре.i ! thе r !5. |.r рrе5еr'/]i-n lh? Ьod е9 OidеаC

EVa ter Longo s one оl thr sгnз l but nl urпt]a gloup of

8 thе tе.hnо og! |O mrkеroрi1]5oi ъiLrrа thiг'.r5'lcr
.]5е Ol sресаisls n ths areа Who beieves that aп 800 Уеаr fe
еxlnр е.(iT.а boo! рirts sп.t ]Ust рoss b|е, i is inеVtab e' 1 Wаs h s Work at thе
Universtу оf SoLrtlrern сalforniathаt |еd to 1гre сreаt on ol
Workin pаirsаnd reаd the newsраpet head|inе yeast се |s thаt сan ive for ] 0 rlrееks or mоre rnsteao o1
opрositе' would you like to livе fot hundreds ofyeаrs? .]уing аtthe Lrsrrа maх mlrгn ale оfiust one Week

Reаdthetеxtаnd mаtсh theWords in bo|d Withthe

dеfinitioпs 1 10.сheсkyouranswersinаdi(tionаry' ц Тhere is oi сolrrsе' а hLigr diffеr-дnсе brtwеen уeast
(|аims оe] s and рeоp e but that hаsn,t sioрреd I o lgo anс] h s
A mаveriсk sс сit 5t ъ Lrпi].lsсrutiny.|t..rmаking
соleаgLres suggеst ng that tгre \\rork s direс1lУ rееVan11o
:lirt ts!пlаi5 !|]o аrе ]l] !.а|5 o d todJу.l;J, '/еt.]rа .We}е setting thr founoa1 on
i]lnf.brеаkthroughs hUman agе пg aпd ongev]tу
1ho|5aп,J !РJr .hаiIs ti Г1lа]cr 5l lr
е'/еJ.n! rеi ъ for €prоgrап]ming hеаi|-ry Te. lf We сan fnd out гrоW tгre
thе пеlto!'.nt! !Еэ15,5Oir hэ hi]! nOl асh
]o lgеvity mесhаn sm Works' t сan be apр! еd io everу сel
tnаl hаVе hе'"n.ff .r l doсumented' 5о mаinstrеam
n everу iVng oгgan sm '' Longo sауs
!..anin5 аrс sсеptiсaIdЬO!1trе..]m Тh..5.]епt 5t с.] 5

h гnsrf rпеr!сli itl.еf .. O qеroп.o.!]!'.rthеn-d!..f

thc l. эп.е o.;l]еiIq, ] 5.c еаg!е5 an] аПql! Dе.аLr:'.1hе!
lа! tlаi hе 5 сir(umventing tne 9. еnT tl. сoгlmun]tl bl E Lke rnany еxреrts.'n the sсenсе of agепg t.]оl daу s
n.аk Пq s."n!эt oгa s|. а Гn; п thе qtnеr; р|.ss ТhP s.]e'] \t deеpУ sсeрt]сa аbоt]t the deа trrat the agr пg prосеss
.е'l'е5 0] 5 iгd iэ-\r 1hnT nе s;!1t.q thеfoundаtion or can soгnеhow be сirсUгnvеnted аlо\,!ng pеорeюеxIеno
.Thе м/lro e
|r..rk.hJt rr еr:е i.] ih! .;|сnt hrпа'] |с'|"ап тhe the r ]Vеs bу deсadеs or even сепtU r es, lаnn
'.rlэаt! age ng] mоlement nоt on]у bесomes sc enсe fсt оn] t s
с,оo. , .o d", ,
jury is
,оq | о,,qJ , A
] .oгs 1]е|еl rorlil; аг. а..Eрtеd .5!'m.n рс!p r аГnol]nt of bomed]о пe dala sL]ggеsts 1hat deа1h аt a
2 .]J']
rq dоLrbз JboLrt.-lr.Lh."r5oflеth n! l5 tlLrе maximum аge of аbout 125 s nevitabe he sауs
З реoр. hav.. n по1 dе. i:с пhat thе7tF пk ct. s tLr;t nп
4 Wr'tto.'rnd 5Lrррonеd
еV !.iсе

5 пiерсndэпt'.l tr iе;5 tiаt.r,] lеryd]ffеrеntf|Oп oih.| Еoпe сonvndng аnsr^/ers to ths s known as Lhe
оf the most
d]sрosalrLe sоmatheory t s рoss be tо keeр on mеnd ng
б the maсh]nerу оf thr bodу as it suffers q4]v !'iea|зld.teq|'
ihele сOпles a point \,'/hеn d s no ]ollgеrWоrmwn]е
aпd the сosts bесоme too eхрensVe, mUоh lke the po nt
8 d i.c!.эrе5,. rгq аi.еr а on.r' lаrd с||Oll
When fixing аn nсrеаsng|у оe!|rрц сar qets too mUсh
9 а!оd П!, !. п.] rnLrli
t0 nlr-0 0l.i 5omе:h П! 5TrLr?, е,lеn tnc]..п yoLr ll.\rс n.

нol]daу asks first reql]irеment s
to ignore the huge ]tеratL]re оn ageing
researсh' Т|reseсond s to gnore
the enorгnous аmоUnt of i
thаt hаs bееп obtаined b\ th..
ot hurnаn aqe dcsoсаtеd ds€
in оther Words, to ig


5 Mаtсh the und€rlined Wоlds inthetеxtwith the l rеaoinq а.t t]еs \{hеrе! еiе а tеxt 1'.l th '-.аnqrаirhs,
dеfinitions 1-9. l.'.1
] rегn ov]nq' tа king а}rау аЬоLrt, сro55 thе5.".t]i 5o thаt yсLr hа1.'.e |е."1'.дr oct]o.5 forthе
EХAM suссEss > pаge ] 5]

З 5L]ссе55tU аnd rеsре.tеd b!'many рсoр.

Rеаd thetextagain Withthe paragraphs in p|асe. Еxp|аinWho
4 nс|еа5еd tеn t]Гn."5 orWhat thеse аre аnd Whу thёy ale signifiсаnt.
5 n.|е. bу ,l ton'!.) 4 5.H0
l 6
Vа tеr RА52 аnd
.'/rсаk'.nsу tc h!|t OI1]aп]а!f
2 .а or.д rеi:r].T..п 5 th'"disроnbеs..mаlhrОlr
7 |hс.hirng.s Ol.ian]ag. th.]t hJрpol] lc a.mеfi nq з Pob n H.r idrr.
8 o.]аnd in bаd.оndiloп 7 SPЕAк| G Whаtаboutyou?
9 thе fiсt ofhаV]nq r cпq iiе r yоLrrс|r П оП] r]hirl!Ood or i].rd .onsРqL]Рn.еs uiоL] d Ol (.]е!iL!
llа'Рtor пd,r.!а 5 Ol5осеl,! n !]еnеrа i

Lookаt the sеnten(es аnd аnsWеl thе questions.

а frh ! rеseаr.h Werе !L]ссei!t!, l Hol^/ dO !!е mаkеzеro'fist' srсOnс]аndthird сопd t]oпа s? V'hу dо \'./е Lriе rасh oiе?
реOpeWou|d Iive оnqеr iп thе 2 l/'hаl ryре of.оnd i оnа ! еасh sеntеnсе on thе еf1'
з Arе m rеd сond t onа 5 а Гn xtu'е offirst and sесоnd сOndlt]Onа !' or seсond аnd
Ь lsс еntъt5 hаd found the kеyto
th s рlоb еm,,,\'еWou|d no.,! be \'{h.hsеntеn.еdеsсrЬе!ап m.g nаry раst s]tLrаtioп аnd t5 рrеsеnt .onsеqLrеп.е?
ab еto ive |or hLrпdrеdsotyеа15,
5 1,\hi.h !еntеnсе dеso Ьe]аn mаg nаIу рrе5еnt 5t!а1ion аnd ]t! ра5t с0n5еq!еп.e]
с f5с еni91s knewthe sес|еt5 ot
m mortаl]ty' \'Vе Would hаve

heаrd abouL t bу now,


2 сhoose the (olled а |tеmаtive. 4 Rewlite thеse senten(es using invelted сoпditionaIs. Be9in
vour sentenсe! with sl'oUId,wеrеor наd.
] fyoLrr b|OthеI had nld]ed mеd сinе, hеd 'bl I''9'Il1n!/in,lr€
и/ql'(Еd n а hosр]tа nor'!
2 fуOrr don\ Watеr р ants, thеу ciе/|:|-о|11|] о|е,

з ]fуou knе.,\' гпO|eаЬolrtsсiеnсе' d (q//'ld!?.-,1/(iyO! for

hе p !'r th mу hoгnеWork ]dstnight'
4 f уa\J 1!|'сl|kad |\еl 5. еnсе fi.t оn' уoLr Wо Lr d hаvс
сnjo!еd tlе fiгi Wе sirш аn.rrееkеnd.

5 fhlrnаns hаd u/ пgs' \(е.]bellcr.Л ab еtoiy

6 f
а s. еntъt' lYюu d 5lq|y'''lg'!5infe' \,\'Ork]ng оп
th s рrоЬ eir аgе!аqo,

з Look аt thP sentеnсes апd аnswerthe

а Weleih siruе' mеаntnat Гnаnу рео[r e
1WoL] d
аrеdy]ng eаr rrthаn thеy Пeес to
Ь should 5с]епtьts mаkеi breаkthroLr!h ]n th!5
aгeа'thеrеW рrоЬаЬLy bе sогnе пе!ati!е
a Vеtоday, \'On.]еr\\'hа1 hеi th пk
l5 r 5аас Ne!ЛOn Wеге
с Hаd thеeipеr]mrпt bееn donе on hL]Гnаni' t
2 ]lthеy mаdе а brеаkthrough' rnorе.omраniеs /OuLd Wаnttc
WOLr]d пot hаVе bееn sL]ссеsllul,

d нad ]t not WO|kеd' thе elfесt5 WoLr d hаVе trееn

3 fуOu nееd апy hе р'jun са!l
fit hаdnlbеri fO| раn р onееrs, thеre.,!OL.r d irаve Dееn tаr
1 V'h]сh 5еn1еnсе .orrеspond! lо а)thеfrlt iе.,,']еr 5. епi lс аdVaп.rs
.опd 1Onа Ь)the sесOnd сond]t]Onа, с)thеthird f thе!rсs5io!ndoLr|аЬоLrt t'1hеуu/сLrd1!rn iiпtoа

Dо Wе Lr9r ilwhЕi,,!.i put L/./e|€, \hould ar 11аа

Lfthey hаd dOсLrmrn1ес]lhr r rеsеаrсh' реoр с u,oLr d nO\'!lаkе
bеforеthe sLrbjесt n thls tуре ofsentеn.еi
Arеthе5е sеntеп.r5 morе orlе5!fоrma thап 7 lihеyасhiе!еthеrаim5',
thе f 15t to.onqrаtLr аte tr.,т
nolгnа соnd]t]ona sentеn.е5? fthеуа Viа|tеd to bеfаmoLr5 thеyWoLr d hаVе аррr]ired OnТ\l
Y'hеrе doWе aсеЛOt п п.]qаtlvе jn!еrtеd
сопd I оnа]5еntеnсе5? sPEAк!Ns сompIetethe sеnteпс€s with youl oWn ideаs.тhen
dьсU55yout idеas in pаirs.
сRAмтt,tAR REFЕRENсЕ ) pаqе 139
1 ор. 'о,
2 \'Vеre io beсOгnе r.h ,'
з Hаd еft5.hoо Whеп !.rasyounqеr'
4 lvеrеа po t.аn'

5 shoLrld']еtobе100',,
6 Hаd noi bееn born ]n tlis с0un1rу, ''

comрound nouns аnd аdjeсtivеs

.l Маt(h ]-9 to а.i. Alе thе Words сompound
ОIhеr сond lюna! sLr LIс |ure5 nouns or(omрound аdjeсtivеs? Are they
writtenаs oneWoldl oneword With а hyphеn
6 Lookаt the sеnten(es, whid аlleхpress сonditiоn5' (]оr two Words? Look аt pаges 44аnd 45 to
сhесkthаt you understаnd how аnd Why We use the
Words in bo|d inthese sentenсes'
а pposing/sUppose V,rе .оLr d noр tlъ s]tuаtion'|/oLr d
] inio|ГnаtOn
th 5 пoi bе \r,/oгt l do пql
2 mаin

b Provided thаt/Providing thаt/As long as ",lr с.п fп.

cL]i hOWlirе O1qe\'itl. m.сi]аn sгi frcrks' i1саn be aрр с.
rО .c!/"6rv.е il] еiеЦ] ,/ngorgаn5m 5 r,/e e rrhiе
i5с]епtБt! shouId/Were tolhаppened to ind а WJ! 6 worlir f .nqi]сеr пg
to hе р hLrmаi5 iVеforе..еr'thе}rcrd \'oL] d сhanqе 7 b|еа.h g asmD sn00
8i. h 5рап
Un|ess V/е tly tO |ind а sc !tоп'y'е' пе./еr aсh е!r 9 q€nе1. i .hroLrqi
аilth nq
Тhе 5.]епtьts \,!ont.'(ork oi hLmаns in саsethеrеrrе 2 l\Лаtсhtheсompoundnouns l-8Withtheil
|fon|y/|Wish \,rе.oU d VrforеVеr d 5аd!аntаgе

s l Wish/|f оn |y аn yеаfs еxреr]mепt had bее n 5 LrссеllfLr ' 2 drаVib.сk b :е5U l lеq, clа рroсеss'
mееl n!,асl\rlу]
GRAlvllvlAR RЕFЕRENсE r Л.!е зq rе.Lr.tOn n 5omеIh n.]

5 oLrtsеt lеq' lnе аГ1lo.]nl oi Inоnеl

сompletethe seсond sentenсe so that it hаs а simi|аl meаning to

the first senten(e, usiпqthеword given. Do not(hangetheword
7 .!tbасl aCTnmatll5 aD0!t rl(Jt/ 1/rr.

orbadу5ornrоПе 5doiпq
given.You mustusebеtween thrеeаnd 5ixWolds, inс|udingthe 8 .rасkdov\rn
5omеt]l]ng' ]ntепlеd to hе p
word given.
] l' hе р yо!' t]!iоn у]iyou рroГ раy(о5е аtt."ntron Dеq пl lg,5tаlt
tо /hаi 5аI juddrп nаrt of !..,dr' d 5еа5е,
' he р уo! '. tо рaу.о5е
ашeп1on to\l/Tlаt sФr тHAт dеа O|!rhаt n s tuа| nn l./
2 ithеlfа]'thеy ma! csе а 1hеirgOlernгnеnt flrnd ng bе ikе ii thе |!L!rе/!оLrl
a lhe rqolerпmепtfLrпd ng UNLЕss qoпeга atttL]сe t01h n!s
] . р, Ч ,"dd "". о " ",.d nrrrп! а.tоп thаt 5oпlеollе
wlsн in аLrthоrtytаkЕ5 to nrrр а

Pеrhар5 ]fyrrt ехр а ned it t.r mе' mаIlrе d !ndе6tаn.i

сom pIete thе sеntenсеs With сompoUnd nouns

f rxрr]п tto пlе' гiаyЬе d
from 2,
i' bеrqhthеrе.]'lаitn!]ior),OL] l]есJ|sеyon m lht
] bq].n rеаd n! thв bookles|..rdа)rаnd ir.m
tnе кnе',i Viаs gc ng т0
' Ье r]qht hеrе,,./а i пg fcr yoLr сAsЕ
oVе t'

Wе' рulr rеsеar.h Ь!t oпц,

5h yoLrr fуo! hаVе
2 Тhеyd sс!s!еd ],.]lеthеrthеV5hO| с сOnt nL]е
v\']t l thе r rе5еаr.h апd t.е.
с! dсn.е OIyOi]l Гnd]ngs
ofthе mеet п!]I./а5 tlа.:hеt 5lоLr d
ly'/е' рub 5h !оL]r rеsеarсh
еуldсnсе O].уO!r iindinqs
з orqап latioпs,lrhi.h рrctэ.t an ma rqht5
iа.'.е mаdе lLr rе thаt thеrе hа5 Ьееп а
fbуаn) сhаiсе уoLr n\,i N.thап'.oLr i yoLr !.]е h пl

ЬorаtоЦ, еlреr]m епi5'

NаthJn сOu d lolr q]Vе
sс]еit ns hа0 tcWоrk hа d tоfпd а сlrеwllеtl
hlm th !?
r n r] Ьa !..^nr]t^ Ь]
1h.|с V!'а5 a sL].dсn оfа
|.ad y tyр. OI|!,
ONLY BесаL]sе Otthе е.cnomiс rLсеss]On Ihеle 1,!a5
mс]!пtоl п'onеy
5p.!nt oп rе5!аrсh aпo dЕVе oрпlеllt
,ljhЕп],oL] f п 5l 5..пielс." traпsformаt оп а.t.] t."r'.hе.k tъt itlrlkyO! an. tlJ!е thе nrnе
roLrhav. nO1сhаnlj.d thс mса| llq from thе оr g nа 5епt.]псс or 0|с
:hаngеd thе iOrm оtIhе }rоrd g Vеn'
ЕxAМ 5UссЕs5 > page 15]

Unit 4

Ttre sсienсe trehind supenlтeгoes

The birth 0t sUprrhеr0es

We,Vе a]l heагd it before: a sсiсnr]st,

Wоrklng Ln a c..rеI They plomored a utoPiаn i
b,'п с oе"Р '. ,|,6 Чc,r | оtа
e,l n' wоndv]еW' wherc good was :
ьЬo ",o *,t-."narе mlshaP and Б dоusеd good, аnd evi!wаs tо Ьe
""I.*' '"к*, ".
in ladioасl]vе сheпriса|s/gаmmа ray'mutngеnj.
гiNА' ьаttIed tllе|ess|у in dеfеnсе of
kno!!, he istrапstоrme.l Intо a сnme. thе сommоn man,
! Neхr.hiпgуou 'o
figh|]ng gualdiап of iustiсе, Еv.n d]еirсostunres, vriгh Dnght'
rh еmsеtvеs аle оfteп а]most f]uoresсeт соlоLrrs' аna
ltъ no aсс]deпt rhat mаnу supе|hсlоеs
Ьold sупrЬoIs,lefl€сtсd thе]r leasur
(аlG thе lnсrеdib]e
<iеntкв, inсluсlngBruсe Bannеr world,
(akа мьtеr Fапtastlс, rhe s]mpl]stiс ViеW ofthe
l1Ulk) аnd Rеed Riсhаrds
lo p|ast]с mаn from rhе taпtasr]с гоur i!s
pur. r.odesty ]95оs,тhе
Тhе world Was Ьusу rеЬu]lding in thе
аnd nol,Doсtоi)' '5 United sratеs, otWаr
thаt hе'5 саLled |аrgеtу uпtоuсhed ьу the lavаges
аnd no!! W th an unprесеdеnгеd lndust
signiiiса'nг Pаlr
|t! а]so nо ассldeпt thаt sс]еnсе р]ауsа
.oяJn Io U'.е Ь.J.o''h.te,l ot,
or]яinsоfmany supеIhe|oс5 and thеlr stоr
in rhe
leа]|у]LБ! an ех|еnsion of .o|o.,,o... dвo|,,'',"n(Р \'',b.| 8Ф ll
or.". ,ri' iuo"и*" "''л'е
'Ь''* "Iе Ф tо оfferа PаЛaсеa fol thе
WФld! Pюb еms,апd Wаs
ls sсiеnсe tiсoon аs agсnrе,
p o\ J ng
,es ]noр,, лoll' .гd е"mф ol U',, ф.ю
Тhe ]930s was а time lvhеn thе сrеаt
Dсрressiол tne \!orro
]]оmе5 Jсlo$ thе Ui|геd 5tаtеs аnd
q loD.J lL я'ooe, , o'h r,fl. o"rL' J|'.|, рoi8nJ,,'
Whеn rhe spесtrе
i1"' o, p"op""'tn"U 'ed5"е rhс,оUn,v Howеver, thе 1950s Wаs al'o |lrс t]mе
''. , overthе flLrurе of thс
hа. h.d o o r Рdг. 8@ A,
д|! 2, drpdr.vа
"r "..съ*wт.'t "'ь.аоW
''- ,.'.e|' B,,|" * |.u.ы шe*l ьыore hаd humаn]ty possеssed the
.' "-ы.,. е., Po,",|, lа.e,
".'' "
i" rl"' i'""-.аri". Peop|e nееded heroеs' а1d саpab]l](y to ехtinglrьh аL||ifе on drе рlаnеr,
".;om} herreswno
nеw5pаPer сom|с 5tlips
Plovidеd ln t|rв еnv]loпn]епt' hеfoеswеre пееdеd.
аnd сou|сl reа'sule thе Wоl|d that
good Wou d u|t]malelу
Тhе eаrIy 20!h сent(ry а|sо had sсiепtjfiс thi' Ьасkground thе panol]ty
tесhnоlоsiсaI brеakthtough5regulаrly rеaсnIngtпе
tliumph ovеl еvil, Agа|nsr
;;.; ;*: е ф.J,ре ||oml'\ l ,'д| o d ic ofsuDеrheroеs сhangеd, Тhеil or]g]ns re|lесtесlrnе
апсl gаnrп]а
" у il'o..l- | (Uri,e Pр.'e \сo соnсeпrs of the dау, slLсh аs rhе lаdiаtion
'''",.;''.'', |,.,'n,.l'" о' ' р,o ,Ё''lьJ, |rе rауs еmirtеd fiom atom!с boлrЬs' oltlreсosmlс Iaуs
lh. '', 'еo' on mаnЪfirsrforаys Lnto sРасe,
*."еn 5hr nkin8 rhе wor|d, rесеnrly disсovеrсd
.i'r." in'i ..'-*" *а
iь"," а"""ьp*.в мrа.he Prоmisе.hat sсieп.е and For еvеlуone olrhе suPerhеrфs W|ro
. i".i.*i.gу.i'ша -'""r hunrаnity! trouЬlеs' to Ьling
.n,U , Dеl ( vro. п
т-,. .r1lеd sс]еnсе !o.hеirа].l in аttemрting ro br пgJusгrсе
l. JJt o' .qе D. p'.,,'oп "nd *i*.**lа,.ь*"wеrе еvеn nlorеv]llаins
|' Uni .oц п с'| ln,:l used its ivеapons to frшtheltheп nefаr]ous Pulpоses'
BJL,,'е.,с!., Doсtor Dоoпr and Doсtol oсrорus '!еrе
Lех Lurho[,
ior the сommon p.lson,
n fewofthewiсkеd аnd nefariоus У |laiпs (hlеаrеnl|g
,сiепсе Wа5
Тhь |еd rо W]|d sPeсu|аt]on aЬout wherе ,\o 'о d' d oU, o'" 'е ,Lрр,|\ror. bul
r5 teking Lrlitowards a utoрiаi Paradisе'
ol into аworld
иhо *е". Lo, loоР |'e', *, U| рo , d
. n,il в.. m"
bу drе vеryteсnno|ogу
wh"ri hum"ns wе." еn.|nved
nс. on
rhar tеmptеdthсm With sа|vа.]on? sсiеnсе
nJndo,'oр'jп\ iо. '||е
go n8
Despltе rас]r aсknоwlеdgеment ot'(hesсrcn.е
еАD|orр4 bo'n Inе Uloр question
\\ег.cnu'|lР|аa, J( vо\og..ol н"'o" rhеlе,s no
on Ёа.i"а
"''."'",'",,.'., it 'r." '."n"s'
lhаL ]аwswerе bе]пg Ьlokеn апd thеor]еs
bеnt, !t
саl over lnеU
mаv nor bе possiЬlе гоr anyonеtо Litt a

Еn1er nоw thе suPеrhеlo' Маnу

ofthe fi6r s[Реrheroеs Ь!t mцсh of drе sсien.е ot
hеасlin humdnrm rеa|itу,
burwerе Wе]|wolгhу ot.Losеr
саrnewirh рsсLrdo.s.iсnrif]сЬасkglouпds, реlheloеs ь stiil nrеrеsr]ngaлd
,ь"l.", * м*а *.he-9аmе riсh myni.tтn tlrаL
"r.* *s ofrhе rirnе. Wlth the|r gleаt
6 ".ь*."g-
powеrs саmе 8lеal rеsрonnb |1r|еs'

7 sPЕAк|NG Whataboutyou?
iL LL.n ; Ьi Е.rр.
sl|ergt lJрe.d/lrar лq' еt.), v{ l].h 5LrреTo1,.rеl
wO!ld you .hOоsс Jгd Wh!l

WoIkin JUroJsj. Pdrk, s(ientъts usе DNAto
ра irs. ln
Do you
reсreаte dinosаurs'whаt is your opinion аboutthis?
thinkthis is рossible?

lIJтLl.,!'c (p1.l] YoUwi|| hеаrарod(аstаьoutIе(lеаtinq

з Look аtthe seпtenсe5 аnd аnswerthе

*ooiry muйotь. r.o. tьeir DNA. tor

questions ]-6' (hoose а \,!е ale on the verge/рoint ofа brеakthroL]q|r

the bestаnswet (A, в ol с). b n fjftу Or !]хty уеаr5

.lrе,ll have madr!!IГсеnt

] \Дhаi did Proiе55ol реteri !nсе dol

с soon Vfе,|tЬe le(reаting fе'
А H. п5рirеd Plоfеsso| Priers to bе.omе а ра]aеonlоoq

B Hеd d sornе rе'еаlсh thrt !''a1t|rned iniо

а story d цlе,||have been studyingthisIOr OngеnoLrgi
|O ha!е un oсlеd mosto t|rе 5есrеr!
с He m]riаgеd to !еt DNA 5аmр]е!from a dinosаLrL
2 \,l,'hаI.loс5ProlеssorPetеr51hпkаЬoltthссоn]n!]оf lvhi.гrsепtеnсе ''
A Nо sLr tаlrе DNА nmpе5 ехъt bесru5е d noiulsiгоzetoo ] u5еslhеf!lLrrесопtinuo!5tоtаlkаbоLrtаn
aсtiv цr п рiоq|."!! at а rnomеnl ilrthе

B о' ,, а "o'.Oо .Ooo, "d 2 !9е5thеil]tllе Dеrfeсt 5 mрlе tOtа kаbout an

pаrt]сLr аlt mе n lnе
а.V]tу.omр феd bеtorе а
с YcLr сaп on yсonе an]ma ! !51nq Vеrу rесеnlDNA5nmр]e!

3 /hуViаs a ]араi15е ехреrimеn| рrodUс i!.lоneriroп] а i|оzеП

ап]mа]'L]ссеJsl| r
з Lrsе5thеftrtLrl€ pеrfeсt .ont]nL]OLr5 t0 еInрnaszе
thеdLrrаton оfan асtlvtуthаlсonl nLrеs a
A BrсаЦ5сthе Lеmреrа1!rеаtWhсhth'"аnimа
] ]n drеf!lL]rе?
раrt]сLr аrt]mе

B BесаLr!еth. ап]mа]Vr.а5 OnlуI|oZеп forа

\r€rylhorti mе, 4 ъlks аЬOut sоrnфh пqthatl'qo nq to hарреn
n tiе Vеl! 5Ool]J
с весaU5еthеу kерt аd]uninqthe tеmреrаtLrre
ЕRAltlмAi REtЕRiNсE ) o.sе '

4 Whаi dOе! P|оfеssor Petеrsth пk аЬOLrt don]ng рrlmitVе

4 сhoose the сoIreсt а|tеrnatiVe.

A t,5 notjun a q!еn]on оfhаV]ng thеtе(hno 0qу,
1 Aгr],оLr on thеVеlgе oili]]]]!l1]:];]lii.nyou|
в lt!]Lr51а qLren On oiliпlе
с f5 а qLrе5icп cffind]ng thе r]!]ht bOnE5
2 Bythе еnd оfthьyеаr' hOW onq !\riL loLr i]. i].lri]J]|
5 ] ]OW rnрortаnt ъ thе
а!]е of DNA fоr с cn n! ]rurрosеs]
lLrdy]nq Еnq ish?
A 5lhr rnах]пl!гn а!]е аny o dеr аnd rtsо1
l-.]'rо m]llioll уеа15
з !!hаtV.l]l]yOLr]]i:!r.]r]ii]l]lJri..i.]]! nеxt5uГппrРr/

4 !\ii |Ll,.llll.]!.. ll,'l:-r'.1]].bуthr t]пl.y.Ll|.A

B ]hrrе 5lrO mах]rnL]гn а[.]е'

с AqсimрorIаnt' hLrtс mali.Vаr]аtoп n 5o
5 Do!оLr frе1а5 ifyоLrtе on thе рOinl i.,jtli.ili.i.]i.]
сond]t]on of the DNA,
nе\r реr]оd in уOLlr lе]
.at]on Ot
6 Whаt doе5 Plofе!!оrPеtеrs 5ееа5thс!reаtе!|аpр
6 Lfуo| sЙу п уO|Lr homеfоlOne гnolеyеar'
no.l/ onq 1

oеnel. 5с]'"псе n Ihеiullrrе]

i]!',rri/. ]]:i ii i!,ing thеrе in |0tа11
A "р' ,O" o,r],о l] . d уoLr
irаrriеd bуtl
'o0 - 7 DоyoLr rе.kon уOu''i !l.lт]i]li!l..].i
t mе уOLr,rе thirty]
tlora аn0
B lt.,\'i hе р Lr' iо qеi а mole сопlр еtе р сt лР оf thе
s youl
fаLrnа iп thе |]rnе 0tdrno5aL]rs s БFEiц{l Use the quеstions in 4to interview
с t..(]l]hе р u5tо |'"сrеаtе ]lеаndЬlnqЬа.k.nosаLrбаn0 patner.
oihеr bеa5i5,


Е сo.roп.itь uni.u| с|oning by 9endet Loоk аt the сharts аnd grаphs' Whiсh one

з 5at.:i]
4 ir lе!r.r.h]
5 ] lсL.l5 niсj'"!h.h lotа ]l0ре.е. ]
6 jl.''r5 а.hirnq.]. trе]d olе аре..].ftrlr]
7 !,]o".д а noг . aJri]п] r.t.IстраrjL]n.t stJl'L.51
8 5.Olr,5 а: l!rап]rr.i . ((]1l[]t !i]r . llrt n.5]
sPЕAкlNG Wotkinpаi15.Findwoldsinthespеakingваnktotа|kaЬout
eaсh (hаtt or grаph in 1. сhе(kthat you understand а||the Words.

Usеf ol Wоrds апd eхpressiоn5 ta talk about stаtistiс5

r Gi.4 аn imа| exрeliments

Numbеrs аnd proрortion5
. a hi flh rd/lLrаll.|/ifull/sх||r' сtс
. oll.. ]l t' o/ti|.еfi\rе'/t.t' .tс
. 51']0/]] реr.сnI

. O,О ,

.':Olrtl/r!П5dеrаb у nоrе/fе,-rе|
I . а :rrg./sп]a /.спs]dеrаЬiе пLrnlЬе '/рrolrоrlicП O|i ф!llL.Ьепor.r)
. а rr!е'/sma {.ъidе аЬ е аmoLrrt& Lrаlrtitу оf i L]n.|.!ll|dtrе пo!п]
. th. ъс|orl.]/ih rclъUrtr) аro."silrr]ggеsl/l !

. r]5е'i n.lР,r!t,i!]r0w/dcLrЬiе,it.еЬ Еi'ro.kеt

i.ii'ldr.rеа5е,'drOp/dес iе'/hа]1/p uп.l./р Lrггmrt
s1ythе 5aгnе/сhаiEе tlе/]evе Ofl^iаlr rc

lеа.r а h]gh/ l]!'r

5lcvr'(J,)/qlаiL].li)'),/s ! h1( !)15 tеа Oyinеа d]i!) (аdr/ЪdV]
5 'j п iiсаrt1]!)thа l р(])r],, d rа rrа |].(a hd]hiV)
Iиаjority of Ameli(аns suррolt ']
thetарeuti. с|oniлg
Write а short desсtiption of eасh (hаlt or graph in ]' тhink саrefu||y
аboutWhiсh tenseG)you need to use in еасh сase.

Wolk in pаi15.Whаtdoyou thinkаboutthe informаtjon in thе сhats

аnd glаphs? Doyoufind it sulprising, shoсking, prediсtаbIe, etс?Why?

5 ,, : l
'-1 . ListentofoulstudentstаlkingаЬouttheсhапs
аnd grаphs in 1' Arе thе sреа kers, desсription s аnd leасtions similarto

Е Amou nt gрent by vаriou5 U.5. states on

(ellresearch in 2008 Prасtiсe makеs perfесt
6 sPЕAкlNG Wolk in pаirs. тurn to раge 164 аnd tаkе it in turns to
tаlk аboutthestatistiсs аnd your reасtiоns to them. Usе words аnd
eхpIession s flom thе sрёа kin q ваnk.

..iimLr !] l]а5.dd r.L t'r (rlrL]!1 th! 1l!5tilIpэrt.пtl ]ti5ti.i

ljoi ] с!рd п Ё\rеll jгn е inсL' сm.mL].r:o i]l.е ]i]r:.rn. r.,r.ti1li5 .1l!
!t.]t n.! q l! rrа5.l!T. ]Lrsi ilj аll]L}l a I rlrLrroр п ]n
ЕxAM suссЕss > ра9e ]5]

-i Wolkin раirs' Rеаdthe ьeginning ofа newspаpel аltiс|еаnd dis(u55

,:' PUtthеse heаdings in the сorre(t p|асe
(1_6)in the Writing вank'
what you thinkthe diffеrеnt reа(tions to the news hаve bеen.
. Аcd].q а"gLrп]с l
. ..i. t]d п!
. Еr!rе55 п!] с0n5е.]Lr!n.е5
. l.lа[ пg LOn.r;n!
, .хр,."!! пq lO!| апd cth'.r pеoр.!

, n:roo!. iq rnd 5еqu.ёn. п! J|gLrпеп.5

ij5.!'!tti ::t \I.1,,.1!r.! lN

-1.!.;-'|:|J ,
.::'7\; э

аn )l

Look аt thь еssаy tаsk. What exa(t|y do you neеd toWlite? Wotk in
Write а pаrаgrаph р|аn.

Wтitе ahout lhс lbIk)wiпg юРiс:

Sопе РеоPlе thi.1k lt,1t чепctiса|!| пo|li|iе{] |ood сould bе thе еl1.t to 0n ihе onе hаnd'
Pюblепs ||ith hlпч]r i]1|hе worll, o|hе|s Йink|h|lt it fuuli llа1j.
,''',Ь1' 'r
'''" t-
'-t,'rtI, I'1'', |dJ".l'',ЦJ',' ''.L,'','',t't
||ь|о|'с|'.. bo|t l|.{ . 'nv,,||J||е| с!е\оUlUьnwpIon
Gi!с гсаsoпs foг vour answеI and inсludс аn} гe|оvапt eхarтр]еs frопr
уotlr оwn knowlсdge.

!-: uе'tio ns.

Reаd thеessаyаnd answe r these q

1 |]oе5thE сslаJ,dol|hitthr tаsk аsG |о'

2 5tl.е o..]аn]zаtcn 5 .r tо7o|r ..a5 п ]i

3 Do !O! аqrее \rll th .hr'ilrtеrs oр n.n? ll\/ll],],,llvl], l.t]

Rессnl nеws that genсtiсxllу tnodifiеd Iish ь аbout to ьс соnsidсlеd {|ii$]е
il Ъumаn сoпsumрti.on has gi\еn lisс lо.r fiеrсс dеbxtе ьеIweеn lhosе
whо ltrjпk Lllat
thiswill lrеlP пi]|ions o{slarving Реoр]с rndthоsс ulЬо thinkthl|it is ппnatrLrl|аnd
сап оilу lrr!е negаL'!е сoлseqrcnссs,

soпrе iсiелtj'rs сlаim 1hаt GNl lоо.lhаs ехасdy the sаmс qualitiсs аs пoпnt|
ri 1bod
йt ъ.n"тi"i"шo. tие siпсс (лr nаtL]гal алjnаl ale y' l]e еVеtt]at
Plаnrl рlалt;Lnd 'tsourcеs
'ulIш" |,с ||.с. ^||nсг|'|,,,.,e ||J,Р',||L.nг,l',iU
^|.|,j'|',, |j,|. э|
n,.t."rr'].'. 'г. orоv i,''|' .'\ ||e.,'o|сlhe.|п"."U| A\iаrа5 1rr сO]lсеrned
'. i. .l"||, |ae iou.lbe'"
i ш.n. ',',. '.'',r'''.",.
n "|,|,'n|,|,,n г":|J ,..i
' ''t,i,1o.tJ
t'|'|,'' re i,J р:q]|,, v | ^',gUJ l| | U.,'| с.nп''|,o\ |\e ||
i -. qlr.-",,.

..цr,li,'l"',"r..rnЕr'rl ,''l,Dе 1rеrh.r..rrt'' '|,".с,.|| J ,':||J,i'l ',

I thе Гood is \xfе. thс \idе еttiсt! оferriпg rt лrаy пot bесoпrе xрраt€nт Io. !саь,
A lulthсг сritiсism оlGM t.od Ь t]ut ulliлrate]y it willbс irnpоssi]r e tо stop {]M
i rnl]' "or'ilerш i.ц| ''^.г:'.paim 'u':',.U |'|,|г|jrn,lе:dlJ А inа
dittёrсnl mntаtions tlrаt \!е йоu]d beроs€I]сss LО stoP, Lrst bцф!! lс!!t. mаnу rеаr
thаl biо leсh сomрaгiеs wi]l onе day сoгlrо] a]] tЬe tbod t'е еrt, аn.t es xrеsu]t our
tbod wil] bссonrе moгс ind mоrc eх!еnnYс,
То suп Un. йis is aсoлrр]сx is{re, ЪUronе thа1ц,с сxnnot snnpl} ignоrе' щ! o!ц
..,пi' :||. € |. ',\ ,,.'|8е .'|. |о |'|', v '| ||"|U e L.||' .. |',,.v |h( ||' Add thе underlinеd Wolds аnd
io,',".l*""' uГ'"hnt 'u" аre doing. GNT tbod дraу so]vс |dшгс ProblеnБ, but il is еxplessions in thеessаyin 3 to thе
iй Ltiat -.аеp*аo't ьоdу mпк'|s ma rs!еsi,Ёlw6гt oл GIl Гооd sо thаl Lriо. re|еvаnt 5eсtions ofthe Wliting 8аnk.
tесtr сoпpаniеs rгс nоt tiее Lo lekе dссisions whiсЬ соu]d hr!е .atrnt с]рb1с
1.ог our planсt аs a !\.hо!с,

5 voсAвUlAпY сausеs, rеasoлsand results Dьсussyoul ideаs in 6as a who|е dаss. Do most peop|e th ink thаt
сho05e the (orreсt а|ternаtive.ln some (ontlo||ing the weаthеrWou|d be а good thin9 or а Ьad thing?
сase5, bоth а|ternаtivеs аre possibIe. сheсk
Lookаt the tаsk. Wolk in Dаirs аnd use the ideas in 6 аnd 7 to Writе a
thаt you knowWhat а||thё а|ternаtivеs
pаrа9lаph plan for the essау.

] Тh s пеW! hа!,i]l...]{l.l.,,lj.,'i а tiеrсе lYritе аЬout thо fol]os,ing tоPiс:

Sопl. Pеop|е think thаt h|lvinв sсiеnti\|s паniPulсnе hе
PеOр е аrе.rfrаid оfGl!]iood thеy 1/|еаthеf сonld bс bеnеfiсiаlfot
']l..ij.j Ihе PIаnеt- o|hе^ thinkthа| thе
don't (no}r r,!h аt еffесt! i гn]qht hа!е on
.:олsеquenсcs сou|.l bе усr| worr)-i]1s,
DisсLlss ьоth Lhеsе viеWs and thеn gi\'е
G\/]ап гnа s n]nу nterbreеd Vith nOrmа уoпг oц'! olлпкnr'

Gi\. геJ,''n. o| )ou-,||'vе '|'d,|,с|.|сеlq) ге'.'\]n|е\:
sре.imеnst!h.h сO! d'.]l ]]Рil /il,]r] i'iill' n,г|. \
rlоnr }UUr oц n lпoц]rdgе,
|еad to|LrIther lnL]tJion5
\'Vе5t .аnnot kпо.^ il. l] j..l].l.l'j!]]l]iij]i

fi l. r...].i] . .:li.l j! of еаtiп q Gl\/l food,

еffесt9 ol eаtinq GI/] food
i]|аr:tic8 rfl аit9s pArfrсt
Гnаy пot |reсoгnе apрarent 1Or)'ea6.
\rve m!sttаtсh oL]I bесаtrsе lh s.Ou]d hа\,с B Write your еlsаyforthe task in 8. Use Words аnd expressionsflom the
li]].|ll'i]l,i j iiijll?]]]. rе5Lr t5 Wliting вankаnd thе vo(aьuIary seсtion on thЬ раge, and аdviсe flom
Еxаm suс(€ss.
с[i fOOd .OLr d rl']]i"i'!i,i'1....' ],. !]rеаt
.г]aП!es n tnе \i!аy Wе сJт
Тhь iе.,! dе!.. oрпlепi hаs ]l]J]iji
jr.]iir.J in.r J ]Ot O|сlitiсьm. l]eаd thе 1aJ[ r/.ry саrе|Lr
! 1o 5ес |yO! 5hO! d be g !;nq y|)| l ор n on о|

nеv''s vi] рromрtthе аrqLenion'аr!]LГiеnt5 оп both 5idе5 оithеq|е5tion' orа miitLrrе ot
а раrt]сLr I

!OlrеrnГnепt.ii rii]i:].n']n.. thе а\l/' bоth ТhеWауthаiyoLr orgаni7еyour е55ау iп еa.h.а5е\,i Ье d ffеrrn., аnd
t0 Bo tесh.omраn е5 аrеnаrt]nq io рrodLrсe yot] W Ье е!а lirtrd ir..оrd]n-.rto horr !^rе J,oLr hа/е сomрlеtеd thеiаsk
i.:l]n.l]]' i. thе irсk oi пirtLrrа| Е}:4lvl 5i.]...5s t Dtrge j 5]

Reаd the Ьёginning of anoth er newsра per

аrtiс|e. тhinkof аdvаntаges аnd
i.l disаdvаntаges of mаn ipu|аting the wеаther.

Rвil-, rаin, go a\\,ву

Сome .18а'l аnothФ aву
Ас.o1di;s to сhinсsс sсiсn|ists,Ior the 1'orаs to thс
this сhtli,еn,s ,t,уле aте Лotjlst wish/Пl ihinfting ftеy
sd! lhd'l,'.) I'J, е ,li аь,!iI),o. oil' nl lл., l'..',h/,
l,r \o' сЛ'l,./ 200q п, rр l а. а,l п L, -' аl Jаlt ot sа otl,
Сhjnа сIaifis promptd thс sпo\| bу Jiтi11g 186
thс|t it
сhеmiсаI rосhсts inLо сlolds Passin8 O!сI ],]сUilrg
l l..\ d'd llJ'' Jo i('г чo,j ,lг l"ле d'о'lght -tt,е , it'
L^ 4 \|l|е' |1g g,'
".; ,1''1' a'. ц"' ' 'г.J rl'аr r1.а' i
сouflL|J uni\аteт.йIу dесide| ta usс gео-еl|ginеeпng to
mаnipulаtе thс leаthст' thс globdl .o l.l
l,с .аrсv,n]"tr'. dЛd ghDdl "l.ЧrJЛg с.иlJ P.l I,
] flot bettс sсiсЛtists di. ',

Longuoge reгerenсe ono revIslon

1 Conditianals an(l mtхed condittana|s > pagе 1з9 З othеr сonditiana| struсturеs > page 1з9
2 Invеrtеd сanditionals > page 1З9 4 Аdvanсеd future form' > pagе 1З9

i Compоund noUns ond odieсt]Ves rерЁl.|sjcr (ni ]ri]р.(r)k\{(e)n] ltrjrрi,,'] (ad,'а.]!) &(r)р']o(r)рli]
sdе е.iе.t (г) * 1sаdl tikt]
sрrtkoft (v) ] spo:(r)k Dfl str.k *(.r)
nэп]floп l\4 ] Ьtеnr 1iDп]] sрЁ.trе(n] ] sреklit)1
5!lr ze (!) l stcф.ll]z'
4 othеr words ond рhгoses
jiсid].]'!tеr. l /stеd], stеdlli/

(поr ).а!Emmаii. ] dl|.g. mЁl'k s!.rо!е.l iа.i] * s.liuzrd]i/

с.п рarj.п lрlr ) kэrtlr ЕгIs.n]
!J'!еаh.а. (\,) ] sз(])d. э hеd]
]q е (аd]] '.€dзall/ iаbriа! lili) iГi *** / le!b(э)]]
bar]й'l Ln) ]lro(г) tJo]lг)t]
tаil h.]]
b.пi i'] *** ]ъсnd]
tеntЪ.] lаd!]
1Lеn Г.old]
hlеаIhlrk i-!у (.ri]\.) btеo1е]k|tIi/
t]. nr].|1\',/гi г.rtl rii ш d5Drёti.
й!еn;i (r) 1lrе]! nrEn/
.oп!!ri!t.r (r] **
'l{.n slпrlj(.)n/ L!] ]rсbG)l/
..Г!еlj,'1 n.]!) * ]tDn!зr(г)sl]]
Unрr....еitц] (з(]]) * /lnlrеs]dсltld]
.а )' leа (р. ] i dеl|i s,ёэ(1)Jn lеi(0] lunеlаэe (аd]) ** ] viln(а)Db(.)l]
.е. r]t ldlk|8п]
"** 0OO !mJпrп]otl. in) /W]]i !rЕma0/
nP.t.рt lаc]] /dlktс!!n (.r:r.' o| l;l]) ]\€j(00i .!]
(!r **
sJonlrr *
/dr llxl
rе']n r 'j]st]
d iаd,] ]d|
d st rgt !l'r.] (a.]]] * /dJstllqтI|t]
2 Sс еnt Г]с рroсedurеs оnd eseоlсЬ d.Jb. i!) ii ] d^Ь(а)l/ Gotewoy io еxсms, Units 3 4
.cus.d г i') ]dаosl In] аеonl i.] ] il.пz]
dEmаtiс(а ]r] (ai,, r!1 ]drэmEt'k. а$!пrnt0n (n] ** ]э saпipj1э)n/
***l.].l dгэп]ank]i/ аl. lil * ].i']
.]rор i.r] *** idrDp] bспеlcе.llhd]) ]b.rc11.)l.пt]
/d5. nеlik еId3I пDпtl] .nl! a/." (!r in stеlli ьtаtilаk n! lac]] * ] blсl]tс]k|!1
r!.:!а:е (\t / n^ kt|LLсIt/ Lhаliеt]liih i,r] ] do:(г)dзd 1'I0]
tЪп)'lr] ] tЬгcl] .ojmoo! n ii] ]kDz !rD]аd3Бt]
(rl * itп.iп! itr) r* ] frпdт!] ] s.Prп 1!) idl jз(I)a'
, nrLL:kli.(r) h!тdtrпrlз.]) /Ъ^пn]г{m]
djndпtе li] /dБ !rсit(.)l/
rJm]dl:i li) ]hju] mфti/ . !р r..d (ld]] /dls р|еБI]
]пi.rbr.еd (\.) ] шtа(г)bri|d .п'bе. ('t lilrbсdi
еv, оff l!] ] |e!(э)l ot,7
rгdеа.rout iп rln dеvэ(г)]
iс q|aрh (п) / |iпr gгolГ/
P4] o]t (v] r* ]lksрL.Ir]
.п9е! t! (n] dзе!.Li]
crtra.rc rаlr lаi]] ** jIL(stri10dtэ)n())ri]
mri!Ц ]tе'] ].]n р| it].. ]m0DIрjULсt. .а. iаie (!] * /1.эslLэtеn]
(.r' r] **/i !iа !Щ UlсIl(.)n]
jrbrе oрL. l;.Il /Iarbэ(oDрtlk/
m jhaр (п) mв hrPr'
гi!еrс[ьt '.тт] iiо] fl]!.d (аd])
псfа oш l,]d,) hJtсаriаs]
ft..i[5r (аi]) /1ii|k|'l
п...thе е!j ie.!) ]!rnoэ lсs]
pаr.р)r (.] ]lrnJрli] lrаlmоп.t(.]d]) /huj(t)пrэU!j.s/
]Unаn t! (n) i1 mrп.ti]
.irmфlе l) ] рз(г)rn]е|t] ']rju
п vа r (рhr] /rn !стi',
Pе..аrt (n) ]!аl t1о](г)1/
ri ff.rсп.е (г] iln dlгl.nsi
Pcп..r irl r ]!а'.пF(0]
Unnеi (\') пt:l.irаr!]e ii] ] mt.(] )t,JеЛ1d3]
.tPrPаiеt']rr (аd]] ] пnit) plФDlt(а)гi]
р Ui!с **
(\,] /pl.!rdз/
3 Couses, reosоns оnd ts ti еtар|уs- (п] / mсtа 1.'z lkli)ll
!oqii.t lаd]] r'pcщ.!t]
р.(et.js (].]] тiп!s.Lе il.])
pauа(i)Lэs] /nnn| skirr]l/
brirq ilroLri (!1 brЦ аbrll
пr.i1Or L.r) **
рl.*.r.le (!1 ***
jistrcJ5'/.а1аnr.Ph. ]dIzоst|.s' |pfizзlt)\| ]
оn tlr.!.r!е.. iрrl) i оn 0э \.з(0d3 eli
р1O!olt]Oi (r) ***
tej!t5 (r.]l krtэsffDlik r| 71L1zl ]prJ]r.(''l(])1'
d!е1O ьd]) *** /diLLl Lul1 рt р 1.] '!l1р] lзU5bе lаd]) iрl.z.b(э)]i
'а!'а.]e5 (п] ] lalrd3lz/ Po5е i!) 1* '.!jаUz]
leа.rаhlgh1of Lрhr] /l{ а hп, I.o/ !t]st iп) r ]krvеsl]
саsjlrпсrr i г]:.ju.пllli] !.е.l n!с (аir) / 5реkj0]i1l\'1

.р.аtеnn'.sеi(!) ]гс!]Ikс]t \!\n jеI|] 5tзrе i!] *** ]slс.(I]i

ll]оtoLrj i;., i ]rl!]Эhs/ tlа.е in] ** tгos/
..[еt ll] /гok( ,rзi (аdr] ** ivo:sl]

Unit 4

Сond itiona|s and m iхеd cond itiОn als Оthеr сonditianal
1 Writeсonditionа|sеntenсesforthesitLrаtions ЬeIoщusing з (om pIete the s€ntеn (es u5ing thesе Words.

l т ong providjng suрposing un|es

а]rоL]еl] to.rrr bеirtБе l.t .].]t h. р lltl!!tеr..]r,
,l |)'...r n |'ll.. n l .Lr. ciг:
t.] 5:].'е реr Lh !
2 l'!iе..i'l l! lLr: bс.aLr5е nе h r]iеn i l.]t !i.]l !\'o ( t. i o 2 L.l .] .i!! li]rr ]рtoр.5 iil r !.! t.r rеt. г t
]jl]L р.i]
з !..t].J1...lh. п O'n.! H.liL]lo| с 5n.' (] i]
з,] irirа d.i hэ ih ! lо ..| t q. tothе t.р.. r..r L.!.'r 4 th:rt t]. \r/.а
hёr!|.]ii Ii!, !\'е Fr'r.....е'...15i]l]
5 .]o. lа'еа ];55р.ll,t.l.)r||rl':.1]ro. i.
4 ...'t kl'o|' aг,l г ёn.h r. .L]1, d1]t traп:.tе.h? n..rrir.]?

5 .i]r't...l"" t.] n.hOO !.е5t!|..]! 5o : .]|'t (].lh. rr'r n WoRKвooK ) ра9eз0

6 !.]ili]!]lt.l!...].nr..!.l l|i].ri] i:5 t||.].t i! Dёttёr Advanced future forms

4 сompIete the senten(es with the (olre(t folm ofthе verbs
given.ln 2 to 5. u5ethefuture сontin U ou s, futurе pеrfeсt
WoRKBooк ) pаge з0 /6points 5impIe ol future perfeсt (ontinuous.

.vеrted СonditiОnaIs ] (: I l. lll 5iе : rь.lr i q. rl l] l l. t..]n :]r. o. t.е

r. t. ot lrr.rt.l h n.rr
2 сh oose the (orrесt а |te rnаtive. 2 Т:.'. l]l J5||.i] р. t]rat!']']L]irl]1(l]t пllfiil
] ji]li]-r ]i]l],,rl,r|]Ёit!r rt 5 ]Lтi '!l1(lL].].0 t n!lс i]|t:ll
2 L/r'.IЕ] i. j:е,|..n] i 1..l h п] !..nrrdа! il.|.l.;li]!L'сl h I з t].пt.а n. n: х |'е.;r.!|. lhJ!.] il dliilli:] .55.n
4 ! l m] n 5h.Lr.] h.r!r r(, l.. |r.r.i b! thе !.lееiеnd nе.rL]sс
] j'i.ri. i]n]i,,'n.!rjl] l r5е:!o- t.]l il . .|!'il].t!р tl. Г.r.hа.. р|.l'l i|! l'i] (tr] .Ь),t|Еn
5 rе.оi hii in.lll .lltll.iih!п . аb|il]t h;.ir l.!.1r| Е\i
tг:rll nl. he (|п]t]o| ]lijрi.rLr\rir! х h.]l l!
5 i;.,у..]]:llr! lr ||l]! L.с ] п .hе iLrd.;n.r' !.].I i]hrli.
Woвквooк ) pаqe з0 /5 points

\,r'oRKBooк ) Pаge з0

..aaund nouns and adjесtivе1

SС l е ntif i С proсеd ures a nd rеsеarch
' сom pIete the сompo und nouns orаdjeсtive5. з сomp|ete the sentenсes With the сorreсt form ofthese
с| i!! .ni г rcр k.e Г.Оn r'rl c ] j
2 |]..Lc|! i]l! е.]Ье.iLr;Е:h.|l ;l.] l]o llL t0 |]';.Lrt brеаkthrough с|аim5 dо.!nrеnt (V)
. lra; tr 5!a'.inrr
ta l! infоmаt oп ]ury sсrutiлу
] .t]еfе:с mее i!l' t.]|]li'; !]o п:r t.] е mЕh.! l];l
lll|]rl!с r! prеjеntа ] ! рi]i]еiLrrеs ..е i ti: . .L]5|!i !]/ llh ! lli.]r l j llio [ .а5
] l]nhtirom.h?nа1.ill]е.Ul'!r.iioггihrl]еrf...,t .trr..dе rе.еjtLl
(lеLl t (\loL] d |5е s... i 2 t5 i bJi] dеаTim'riс.r!. JЬo.t t].е rrxr li (lI
NLr.i;| рo,.lР| hiis 1]rr(rL|r O-5 d ir(
iaj.! тo].еl'i.r.l.i'ill] i! nr!o.t. З !l ]
j.ra. i']е,.l o hi.еir:.rl.]lr. r.l!rа!l n h..
l (пrLlil.:5
iri]i]lir.j riг.] l t.Е i,
4 !h.'i].l i]tllr Ll tе.hп].i.n'r...!1.гq
]вкBooк pа9е 3] ..nnеllli !] l.r ..jlllr] ]|еl
' 5 r;iе !.;i5 L]i! 0'.! ll]:.;Jrсh bеf.lэ]]о.. t ni ]l тdk!.a
. 'r':s' reаsoлs аЛd resU/гs
6 !(i!'i.!J |.. i|r.l.Lri iii.. t.е ]!t o.toltlа
: l/ritе а dеfinition оr eхpIanation ofthеse Words.
' ..'l]l].u!! o.5 з r5е п t]rп fu 5
!].]е WoRкBooк ) Pа9e 28 /6
] ..., е i..i 4 ,1| i.о 6 \ti l r0:l

] ].:вooк ) ра9eз4 /6points

Unit 4

) Gotewoy to exoms Units 3-4

) Reod ing a7
i дnсilеr рroЬ]em with stт sthatа]]сn5 n]ght not leсogn]sе
: rааъ w"ves After a
Wс hаVe movеd оn tO us nq fibre.Opt]с
]; саb es whv wouLd Ет sti|l be on thе med Um Wаvе? Aьo,
j vаn.]]5tаnсes in.rOIved meаn qа aхie5thOU5аnds O{ Liqhtуеаб
' !o. to .'0 .

L.]tl'L] ]irL l].j'.! . j]i.i] ]]l т! iз
(U.с!ss ! pnge !5l
l]y^Nli ; Ihе ]tаlаn рhysiс]st and ЕТ кeрt с, Епriсo Еermi, 5DоkР

i.. tурiсаl',
and Еаrth ъ ]
mаny sсiепisis: |ifе 5 Wid€sрleаd
sа]d' ''th€reshOuId hаVе ьеen manyр anеG Wltrla0Vаnсеo,
You ёre qoi.q,o -еао а'e'/iaw ol а l]oo} si. oа.dg-аргs
n,ve ьeй .йoveo tol l.e аrt'' |e, с.ooce I oг] hё
i spaсe.fаr]ng сviIьаtiOn5 |orrg' |оrrg aqo SоWhy hа!eп,t
а Lens

lo рLq.с ?.d
pa|ag|aphs A-F the one Wh]сh f]ts eасh gар (1 6),

i.l ]\4оn Ofthe ЬOOk takвs apаrtlhе аlgUment5forthе
l оi eхtrаtеrrеstr]аl ifej but bесаUse hеWas Oпсe а boУ nаr ng
storу i5 поt ke Уto .
i in аWe atlhе stаls' аnd Ьeсause a negаt]ve
o dq" rdlгq,O,sг| 1"1L. Io0O"d .рDo 1о
, ',о .,'or,u -ooool,. 'inа|LLroрт' Dd\iе, d
l hь,pесtlаtiVe sidеfree, Aпdthь ьWherethinqs gеtvеry

1, ..... "-'_.' ,,.-...'.-, . "',"'

efhъtory оfsЕT аnс]оthеr аttеmрts tо teаsе
тhe rerie sllелсeъ а br
out ЕТftom hъ аpраrеnt iпdifferen.е' The aulhоr'
a сosmо оg15t
:: аnоthеrехtrаordinarураssaqе, heWritеsthаt fа]еlrsdLd
droр .

l. ь";,ir-rь ,
sш,elpас€ d tot€ l tlrLgstоry, зь.,'^''|rl й^ o,. d. s"l "d
dапqеr 'о
", ' *rа р'"
Pau DаvLes, thе
са]еd nrрqmаЬ|v bе аv/аre of
" ",""
As the сhаirmаrr ofsEТlз рOn detесtroп 1а5K !rоuр' ;::'. 'od '' J.е o|тр inOLo ']

he ь сharsеd With WOlk ng out humаrr tУ s resрoпse
lo аI]€n сontа.t f Ет са L5 !5' hе W Llbe thе оnе
l *iii
" "i'
la"""i"а ;rl",
mапа!е thе interchangе With
: sеns]tivitу' Hа5 hе пOtseeп Whаlhаррeis ]i Mаrs '4fi'.ks
:. рtrkin!] Up thе рhone

is not
As thе 0hiIo5oрhеr l,1аry N4idgIey hа5 arqu€d, !сiеnсe
the ассuг0uLat]on о{ rаndопr fа.ls] t reqrr rеs thе аtrаngemеnt
оfrlаtа into а "hаrmoniOUs,5эtъtуinq sуnem,,thаthа5 aп
Тrь ъ пOt tо sау thаt sс en.о
еleпrent of th€ metарhysiсаL,
' о рь o.d t|.о|Og/, oJ, 'а.. , q |ili. " d" ''0U| ) "
d p oo qр o,oo|e ! |] .t гфd

аttеntion qUesttо seek аn5r,!ers tо eternа! qUesr оп5,

n their
the 5Ет|Obs€rvers shОW u5 somфh]rrg аs mрortаni
thеу mаy еventuа||y dlsсover: the Vа|uе о{ Wа t ng аnd lъt."i ng

ЕЕ р'oie, |] Dd!|р',5U'plisiг9|v,
|а\e' ml
*. D"vie, mJoi."( wh.' гLrа ъ nig|., "vo,vеIhр'е|rto to qeL d
*. BJt г sL-| а p|du(io'e
ien', Wе oРtтel oiстulе ol wh"' d iРг9 n qht Ьр |,te'
u'.u. o ..ot q.qinq о l: d'(. n Pт.o| ) dboJ, а
''UtoDi; ]n Wh сh сomрutrr-desilJned Ьe]ngs enjoУ the ben,
'hЬu d not mog,no
t.Ъy 'oо
,he/ o,о .5 |(e ,1 |р.рlт0|д oiЬiЬioсriсаi quа|lt]еs.withоut i]l-ness оr eаr|У deаth, flаWеd
, \o nоo0i."(5 о iтodtiр.(e
пe"оs аnо чhr ve'rрo ood.e>: v
t0 Dесоrne ...тo.', агс рoо"
oiаnt bilds or ottopuses' тhey m]qht hаve evolvёd "а.ог'.'9
ol i"o.ou'v" * '| o" р."*ni:n lhe!е
"'"| (|edteo, qodl:l'e
n olр ,i р lтJ' 'r I e\ Pv"n аbd 'do| ,г"n\e ve5 W||1
Рd bоdiрs Р,,
"пot:v" |о..
i.1р | oe Il п eqа.or"i r ', l|о"ting n 9o"сe d |d dm'l.i.q
)u(h D05чoi it,". ned t.d| | ]e о[
to ttьli i5 VerУ muсh а рhуsrсьtз fаntаsу).
аli€n; аre а с|оsed Ьook tо us'', WOu d theу еVen Wаnt
соntасt ЕаrthIngs?

Е! -.ot
_ "^,hv
оаvie, .",s |.dt t'д
n o(т 9оn ib р ' о ll)е о[
|cгтi,iL ' omn ||teе !\,.'' n
|гаt1| Р.hcn(". oI i.te|i9"nt''tёdev"|oрi dL ioп i5 lо ' '".t" |vpе оf '
tr!Ddvi"1.dтit |9
ou'o рr.po "а ne,,а9e ,ь h" p ldс,|'tа|" .onmun,l "riol
nn .а'tn *o.e ri1us'Jр'..с]d|ргo| no.5 nu1t]е| 01
\расеР/!o''no Ье,weeг гr no l. аго рuLro.тA.ro5|lid|5 Тhn mрJsdgр woulо
i. tors hас. ,o |,ne ,lp to р'оdU' р oL|
.\оf.e"(i"h inni..ninloi"л'*"ь*' гd|Lh. no(.qn:j|(d ||.се |'i[,L
"1. pnyslс!
".riыуoо''io|e|гаl,'р9o|igin асhievementз, to show to Whаt degreе We !nderstаno
t hа5 hаррепed оnLу onсе, .nс] Wr .lе r,
'o.;"., r^rоlks ln Ihe Еerie sl/eлсе' suсh а
аnd ihе wау thаt our wor d
mes5аge аppeаr5,


Es.iеnс€ fiсtiоn stories hаvе eхp|oited this sсrЛаr o Dut reа ) Writing
gсieпtists hаv€ а|5o shown ]nterest, ln 1959' trаnk Drаke, аn
Ameriсаn аstronomer. begаn Us nq а rаdio te|esсoрetо trасk
ootentiа|sigлаls frorn other p|аnеts, нi5 рro]eсtWа5 са |ed ( .lЁ o] irlrtr:] ll.!.Llj' !е.. i];L]Е il
thе seаrсh fOI Ехtrаterrestr]а ]nte|iigeпсе (sЕт|) аnd hаs
сlrntinued fOr the раst 50 уeаrs' Fo .]., LN l.. in],." 1 г.] iLl, ; ll] .r]a lji.,!n\r 5.с рr.rr ] l

Е. d' iр( оo"s on |о J5e d 5тr k n9 dтount ol re,i9iоJ(

] оhoose one ofthese tWо Wгting tаsks,
lаnguаge' We must disсеIn the hаnd', oт
.nrоnоmiса| lаWs аnd trу ]n vаin to аpрroасh the ,,eerie l \\. itе a геviс\' oI r sсiсп.е Гiсtnnr l inr] oг Dооr!
sienсe,, аt the сentre of the tjnivelse' тhe dьсov€rу оt а|rеns | ,|-'\r ,, с,' '{
ou]d mаke ife seem раrt of,somеthing glаnder аnd more I rrlrL|tJ l! lilr or Llr\tr .
n]eаningfu',, Тhese а|iensаle |]еnevolent morаl guаrdlаns, 2 lvriLе аЬоul llrс tъl]o$'ing tоPiс]
adv sing Us to 5toр burning fоssilfue s аnd d smаntle Our
G| | аt|l!]п.1|1\ |о| апl аed|]ls| lлl|
nUс еаrWeарoп5' Rl(hаrd DаWkiп5 аnd othets hаVe сritiсsed ч\|.. 1Йo||,I 1I1.|1

Dё\ ъL( q| lhрi5[ . аoo.oа ]] bJ| 1:) |oO5р ьг9u.gо in\] |оlro\]lo])п,оп,
"\' 'J
hiqh|y revеа|ng,

) Use of English
, )рeoKIng
!!г..n.. n; l! n.llllr .j j' i:n.r n]]'
]l еП n L'ili l].i]!с itJ.inj' .Г..rlЬL]. Т. ..] ]l.lri t.. lтi'r l ll] i r. J.j]] h е. lrl с| t'l.'. . n lin
']г . еt nn;[rjrL.jl]./!!i]]тj].,:inil l. .irln Т.i t а !.] .][iLri it5 lrrаm. : ..j .| .ll. ji: I
. ]1:][.j t
р.55 .. .' L]i !tl] .1l!П.. i..i.. L. t l.] :iо|" 'r
il'а'l.] i]l .nr! )r loеj irl ln;.LjIll1'l";ij . !i ii:n:i
]l lll] ct:.;l ]o ] t irirr l i...!! lс ! iЬ.',1 li.rL]Lr. .i е thе ЕxAм suссEss pаgе ]5]

'.L.. !.r.l]пt in.\rL.l!l. .:р r l .]r L].]i.. 'lр. |'ind

ЕхAN,lsuссEss > раge ]50 comp]ete the seсoпd sentenсe so that t hаs а
s m |аr meaning to the fi|st sentenсe' using the Word
2 Rеаd the beg nnrng of the news аrtic e, What is Уour g ven Do not chаnge the woГd given, You must use
гeаоtioл to t? between thгee and six Words' inс|ud ng the Woгd
1 |n рrimагy sсhoo] theУ Would rnаke Us
беWarе| inе а| еns eаrn рoetry i'У heаrt,
,:] rД .r.\Tn lnn I
|n pг mаrУ sсhoo|' theУ FoRсЕ
poetry lэу heагt,
[rепiL5 5сi0гtь| 5t..nrn
.].iаrп..]] thit 1he.i.п.е5
.n./k nq
cf n еi' 2 ]'m suгe Wе.гe аbout to make аn
mpoгtаnt bгeаkth|ough,
."i lh r.rI tll.rt riiqht
аr.. h
]е. good thiiс He |]! е..]l! |m su|e аn VERGE
ii]; i еl сont;.t /! ih O.r p ]n'.t Irnрortаnt breаkthгough,
сi! d iе.аЦ!t.Op с n5 tl..y З You сan use my сomputer if you need to
L,'oJ d b. e!! tl]аn iе.lc !, H. You саn use mу сornрuter sнoULD
reс оn5 tint tг. а епr !..r.L]. 4 We Were tiгed Ьut We just Worked аnd
г seаr.h l)f|Jr Woгked unli |аte
р|OLib l сcпlе
I]аt.r|; i."5ci rсс5' аnd i.l0L]. bе even tr]ollgh KЕPт
jlr Ih;ln Lil);lr]е oitik nQ theli] |]),lor.с' we wefe tired.

: сcmmrlls (сгn." а: n iiгnе ,-lh..f гnOrс пOПЕ\. ]h.l е'rеr ь

5 We сan t d]sturb her now beсause she
а|Waуs hаs a breаk at th s tirne,
:'q 5р!ni ol iрi].е plobl.s allLr lnl55 !еt..sсODе5 !r' l.5е
: р!|рosе ]! tO сеtесi J'.n ]e
she nоW so We WILL
саn,t distu|b her
6 |t mаkes пo diffeгenсe When We stop' so
Look аt this toрiс алd prepаre а pгesentаt on' ets stop now
lthiпk now. WЕLL
DЦ)пе'\ oп Лloking .о11!а|J nih а\i.п\
-'-,п'-t,'-, is а 7 ТheУ ve been invest gаting th s brалсh
of sоienсe foг a Whi|e,

Do уo|t !:reс] \\:h\'l,/Whу

They'Ve Ьeen RESЕARсн
ПОIl) this b|аnсh ofscenсе foга Whie
8 тheгe.s а strong оhаnсe thаt he sаW |!lAY
r Give your pгesentаtion to the с|аss
the film.
пe the f lrn

t с|eftseпteпces; othё;!vаysoiadd ngemфаsisi vаguе,,.c.,;g,..
) Peopewth power]l\4inor offencш ыа щп sпmeпt; рreщs;iюпаl фrаses
F0пnа]regster l
sрeаking I R0 ep|аys 1


1 V0сAвULARY People With power Wolk in pairs аnd putthe реop|e in l in orderof
Work in pаirs' |Mаtсh thеse Wotds With the definitions' importаnсе. lustifyуоur opinioпs'

v1с^в|JL^R\ tr/liлoI of|enсes and punishпеnt

lrurеаuсrat сivi servаnt (ounсi |or judgе
Whаt WouId ьe аn арplopliаte punishmentforthеsе
|еаdеl ofthe opрosit]on maуol minor offen(es? сhoosе flom the |ьt ье|oW. сheсk thаtyou
|\4Р ([4еmbelofPаr iаmеnt) рrimе miпьter understа nd th e Wolds in bold.
spoкesperson Wаr0еn
] smok]nq П J non designаted arEa

] 5oГnеon. !rl.O ./rOIk5 tor. lt 2 |itteling r.] раrk

5oтЕoгr i.rl]о hа5 lrеn е.c.tеd to rер'е5епt реор Е rom а
з рaг[ i!]in JI art.a speсiа||ydesignаted iordr!rвy' lh
a snL\ irs
раrt'.t JI i nr.t ]n; рrr iапlег.
3 thl] m$t m рortа nt е е.iе.] o|| .i.r n; .Oi.ol.]tl а Тh.. pеr!оn 5hoLr d be ilsued With a 5mа||fine,
4 "" Ь "
lэ Тh..l ilo! d раy а heаvy fine
iOr.iаmр iг dеа пq \('th]о!rrJ 'i.5
Р с Тhе]r !loLr i
be ьanned irоm qо nq iс thе р i.е a!а i,
5 th.! рO еаdеr n.cLrпtr]rs;uсh as dlе JKthаt;,е d Thе ofiег.е 5loLr d.рреarоn thе реlson! (liminаIreсord
qоVеrn.! D! a Pаr аг.епr e Ncth пq Lrn е5; a пlеmbеl Oilhе рLrLЬ i. |odges а fotmаl
6 ап r c.tеd mrm.Ье cithе.o!г. thJi !]O.rе|n5 а сt,'o:
сoL]rt'] f Тhе р."r!Oi shOLrd.\е proseсUt€d апdjudged]1rсourt
7 саdеr oрo t]са рa ц] 1li1 5 rot !;rt оf tlе gо'/еrппlсП
а g soп]еlh nq Р 5е G]!е iеta !
8 lolnеоnе )rh c5.. jo D ] 1O bе ''.5рoi5iЬ е fоr а !аrt].Lr .n рь.е
or th]iq' Jn.] rrro сhе.с that l.] е5 irеоbеуе.] Do you thinkfeeding du(ks in а pub|iс pаrkshou|d be аn
9 5olneonе !^rho i5 етр oyеd to hе р |rп аn Oti... or offеnсe? Why?/Whу nоt?
!oiе.l]пl.nt d."|"аriг.е lt (oitеr !sе. to 5lO\r./ i] rrррlo./a ]
Reаd the news аrtidе. Do you аglee With the punьhment
]0 5oln.cnеihosе]оЬьtoпlJ[.ir.siОns n а сoLrltoi аrr the mother rесеived? Why?/Why not?

', sаid
9!9цg!'' but then,Whаt she сounсiIlor М]ahboob Hussа п'
stаrted dо ng а fine. I asked 5о sаndwе соunc 's sрokesmаn
fOr?' and she sаid пg'' for ne ghbourhoods and housing,
,,Hаlrу Was st ll throw ng the breаd dеfended the Wаrden's асt]oпs,
,We hаVe dолe a |ot of
25 though and the Warden tо]d me he He sаid:
сOu d сarrу On аs hе Was too yolng tO еduсаt onа|Wоrk iO get this messagе
рlOseсute, ] сOL,] dn't beIieVе t,'' 55 aсTOss аnd We have wаrned peop|e not
she аdded:
Was hоrrifеd, Lt s to fеed pigeоns and WаteIfoW other
ridiсu|olrs, Pаrk fiпе5 аre еss thаn than in thе desgnаted аreаs,l]
A mothel wаs g]Ven а с75 ittеr f ie ng
for feеding the duсks at her Oсa] pаrk
зo tnls. раrk hаs а ma]Ol рrob €m Wth
tаkе mу son tо fе€d the dLсks CaПаdа Geese and peoрLе lv ng
but hеr son Wаs a ]OWed to сarrу on
еvеIy Week, He |oves it, |t s fol h s ljo neаrbу hаVe mаde manу сOmp]a]nts
beсаuse а Wаrden sаid l]e Was too
vOL]nя to рrosесute, епtertа nment and tO kеep h m hарру, аboUt them,''
u.' u, .. o' d..O)tРо b} . ) оo| |g . gOоо сёрd, e dlL,5 "lе He addedl are tak ng this verу
n,n. " '.
^.5 OOi,oUs|), ooь|nвIo'.Lе OOd' seriol]siу and We are aсting upоn thеse
o d Hаrry threw thе birds sсrарs
dO not nteлd tO раy thе f пе' l аm
сomp|аints, тoo muсh food саn саuse
Olесо, goi |g glt t| |) o hр "nd 65 b]rd pOpulаtlOns to grow oLt of соntro
1 |р /а( ,OWAO .o
,,.' . ,o |1' Sne a, |йg"d а сo^ o . w t аs
aWе|| аs leav ng |iiter аnd аttraсt пg
rаts' Wh сh pоsеs aг] enV lonrnentа|
the WаV' io h;Ve thе finе revoked,..''];.' sandwe|| СoLrnсi| and ntеnds to
.aO heа th r sk,''
м ss KЪ||v v s ted the oа
аppeа agа пst the fine, shе hаs tаkеn
А сounс spokesmaЛ аdded:
ё."tr.*iiи. й".t м а unь, *
рhоtogrаphs аt the park tо he р рrоVе
7о Wоman Was being ssued With thе fine
I o\0аl. tе, оon, ,. don't th rik theу ha\/e а the kjd Was sti|| ihrow ng brеаd aпd
she sаiсl. гlе wаrden wа|ked towards she аdded|
(0 n..а !9Цре| shе tlrrned аlOLrnd аnd
." й -*o n е lo |oD ,a6о, я |l o j,ч|8l ]"g..o.(i.а-rd o| bеLdj
, o(а//оLwi|| g.| а
t!€|a а|o o
.,. sа
d supроse yOU?e gO лg to issue
а,,'Ь"ju."o.omр|"r '| аoБr-- hjm Wth a f nе аs We l' to Wh сh the
сh dlen s ррing over on their Wау to she said she Wi|| nоW take Hаrlу 75 Wаrdеп tO d her that she сou|d not
sсhoo on dLrсk гness, But there аre iо to аnother раrk !ryhеre feedjng is dO thаt bесаuse he Was tоO youпg to
health and sаfetу s gns up' permiiiеd

i\лаtсh thеЧnqе4iЦ!d Words аnd phrаses in the teхt With th еse

dеfin itions ol explаnаtions.
YоLr аrе !o пq tо co а lrU./At]ь€,4\Di4i'e]r rеаd n'q
] somеlh n.] qOOd аlrd ht р|u LO hс р so:nеon..
цl ofа(\]ity'|'ьt'mr.rn5 thаtthе
aсt \' п |h s |уpe
nnlеmсnt сOl]trаd сt! ilе fa.ts or oрiп oп5 nаtеd iп thе
2 nopр.".] аnc 5рo(еn lO

iеx1 ]!0i']len гneаn5tilittirе !iаtепlепt пlаyоr mJJr з Wаt..r birds

пot bt trLrс' b|rI i!e hJ\rе Пo !./ .]еп.е frcп. t|e tехt tс
ЕхAM suссEss > pа9e ]52 5 hа]rе аrJr ll./;l о: рlOV in thаtуOu а|е |!h|.Ьо!| 5oпlеth пq

7 ior sаyiiq 5oгiеthinq 5ееГ.5 r.!asоnаb е bLr1уOu dol i a!]rEе

Read theаrtideаgаin. Arethese statementstlue (т),
fа|5e (F)oristhe informаtion not givеn (NG)?
8 o a -)
] i']]5 Kе yl l t]а rеаdol \,ihеп 5hе,,1'аito d tc
stоp.ееd nq thе dt].[5.]iа5 onе оfаi.]еr аПd sPЕAкtNG Reаdthesе сomments thаt peop|e hаve mаde
т|i,||iG аьoutthisstory' Do you аgree ol dЬаgrеe With eaсh one?
2 l'/i ке у nо\r'./аgrееj n thе !,r'ronq
ЬLrt 5hеfеe5 thаtthе 'h'"Wа5
' a What 1don,t undеrstаnd iswhу thеуstappеd
з ll5 KЕ у 5соlfdеntthаt5Fе\,l] \\ lhеr thе mathеr but not thе san. su|еlу if jt,s wrong far
арpеа to rеrnol'е tпе l п.Ф _llr't'ii thе mothеr ta do jt, it\wraлq far thе son tao,

4 Тhе 5рok..5mап forthе.oLrп.]] 5trеdof

.omрr nts аbоLriiееd]nq thе dLr.k5iroпl E ]t\ thе sizе of thе finе thаt makеl mе (ngrу'
реор]е Viho !е nеаrthе раrk i,,i,,ц. | / \в t.. Ф' I.Ь fёI.' rh n fP|' rr{Pnсе'
5 Fееd]пq tlеdLr.k5 i5tоtа !рrol],tеd n
5mrthl./ik Pа,kdirе to1hЕ |.с1thrt thrrе в tt rеаl!у daеs аnnoу mе thаt pеopiе h,1vе tо
.cLr d b.too maП! b rd! aj:].o];еq!en.е pау fi леs fa r s m а l|, j n |ig i fi @ nt th ings I ikе this,

lhe rе;sois q yeП Ь!thЁ sрokсyna l for поt ьut mеаnWhi|е thеrе аrеdалgеrou\ сrjminaIs
|ееd п-o thе i|.[5 dо lоtсo псdе.,!th Whit
out on thе strееts сommjtting sеrious offеnсеs.
i!]5 Kе уWа5 to d аtthеtiпlео].ihе ii.]dепt )/ilti '
7 l!]! Kе r! i;ttе 50п,lrа!.rп!еrеd Ь],thе Д тhе truth ь thаt the faad thаt pеaplе |ivе t|)
а1t tUd. аrd behJy]OJri]|1]. rraror.' I,,Г/i'iс
duсks daеs аftrасt rаts and iлsе.t'' lffeеdjng thе
duсks is not pеrmittеd, thеrез а gaad rеаsan for it,

Nеvеr hаvе l sееn а stupid ссlsе- lt\ сo'ting

: -5l€ 'ud
lл" ' oUц i' фoIa 'a oаv |d wudеn,IЬоn la pо\
.э i|ft rot'on"ьod o IPaa l hе pоI L' lеоn оnd I Idу




Cleft sеntеnCes
1 Lookatthe pаils of se ntenсes. Wh i(h sentenсe in eасh pairь more маt(h the еmphаtiс sеntenсes in 1 With
emphаti(? the с|еftsentеn(e раtternsа е'
,lа iii'lllt
l]o11|n.ljtli.] 5 ir'h];'.t.е\].].: t sto: i]е 5oll а lrl1. l../ра.r/...r!L-.п ]th.]t
]Ь .o. t.Гl].ъt.]гl] l lL |hrli dn.5t.|"lhr j. (!| ll] s.i1 ntе|.t 5ilj....]r','rn..),i,)
2а Тh." li].^| |il(! Г.е;.irl! lr'rllirarrLr I i
2ь l'5 ^.l /:.itl е 1n.,lh;t'n.i!5 ]е irп!]r)r b ll ln lj. рli5е5i..еrе5t!i5ho.{5,/
. rrir)r! I irr rr'ri ] r5 I i
за Thэ ..r5oг,.l ]]. :h: i!. t lс.!lkj rir! L]1]..],5 ] :h. l.. t ]е? th. ! !r|5 l.,. ]i iе (].n'.
ib" с l/iihit i1L.l.'/ (ё1:oгt
Lrr!. \tli r!ri.rrLl I :
4a hР.oт.lег:5 П:... Ь.r А !.rJ ]J ]' ] ]ln. n lрl...] nЕ
d hе r:.!.l u i .' !
4b ,;|.l tr. .l. L.!еrе t ]i]. r]'illllt! п..I L]) 1i...lrniРr t]Ё1ll]
5а ]|.n rl .] j nttldЕ.r!.е5 rЁ.ili].
5b hРt. ].]trаt.r']е5.lэ'1]]l] :L .ill ll si] Lr.i iспlммяп пвrвпвшов l р.q"й.

3 RеWlite the sente nсes. stаrtwith theWord given to

] rеJ !. [.i] .l. |;rj].hе 5t.|]]..пlеd othеr waуs of adding emphasis
6 Look at the pairs ofsentenсes' Whiсh sепtenсe in eа(h pаir
2 h! !l]l]]Рl;.]ll еrр i г... tFe: t..]t irl ismoreemphаti(? нoW isemphаsis аdded in eасh саsе?
i ]а Т.1t rп..]'.. m.
r.i] !
L].1] l L ni]rr:.t l.]''l1ll t[i]! l].i i.i ri.tiе ]b ]at rЁ:] !.. ]i r|.llir
2а do.:.l.l5.i!li].] |i l tlrl.Lrl. '.ЬL]t
.].. i.]rее |i.l
Т|L.! ! .-'t.rр..q uе LЬе.а.5Ё t.]|]l t ].]!l]|. .h';]'rе . 2b d..i; /;.l5 :]qrе. ,.i .l thl .!!l. 'Ьtt аllEе!iiht.епl
r tlrl
За l f l)l)l].ttt.].Lj,.i:.]
Т]е ij tti)i.l] h.5t.] ]i : rгrjtir зb Тh.t Lrt.i i.i.l']р ot] ег.ti]:5lnllrti!,l | . l].li Liеli].d
Т.. аtI t.].. i .ll: lrr55 аПп.!5 .l! 5.n."1 r'.l
. GRAN]|v]AR RЕtЕRENсЕ ) раgе l.]}!-
Тhil..rе: sl]!..] .t оl 1....рt.|еni
Тh.. ре|]lr. с hаnge these senten(es to m akе thе m more e mрhаtiс, Add
8 rl i]rn?ln ] nе|5.oтll...t!:..'|]15..] тr;5ti'l.ее[ do' doеs, did o| тhe truth/fасфfoьle,n ь... . Маke any other

сompIetе thеsе sentеnсes to mаke them nue foryou.

] t.oLr ..]nt t !.lа5 |г|]Lr.'!! ii]ll]г ]-].lr
You (аn Write аboutthе news, soсiety. peop|eWith 2 Т.аI 1){]е .. |]еll:r!r .l rlLr !]r5е5 r.
з .r..l:е.i.l..!''rl iol, t-.l]. .o. of t,
] \',L.;L itеl.ji5 т: abo]t 4 ;.е rJiг5t.lР !,r'L]Lr Ь|t!.t l.r. tO Ur.]с6|.г.]h.r |...; .п
5 !n. '.t]. э!еt]] ,r l.].] rl]r, lLrT TTаkе: l .п.t пlе .o.hJl!].
2 Т.е tl rl!] k!.r]n..t tn. ili:]! р.ol].1l] li'
6 |u.]5ir o.!i l] L]!| Jсеl]..!Рd l
3 Т.е реор ! |il'o 7 l !]h l|:ll!5е е\]!ll|\, '.!l]ii1,l lhrrr j.]. !tr' 5 .еi. Пq'

4 i''!'hаi .or't i]lli..!l.]'r. lt-..]t

8 sPЕАкlNG Reаd theteхtаnd Writethrеe emphаtiс sentenсе5to
giveyout opinion ofthe news.тhеn 5hаleyoul opinions With а

6 a
| ,ra.t'rt
.'.,с:nnnn nn а оlan wherе]
тnе qоvе'l.lrеf :.
;#:: е) 'Ч;;'!:.:;:::
чll! ...
,' ||lv'чll nUп
. .l'У eа.\
i,i , Ь,, *". ьoo t,o n.р "].lli'li.'l..;ilii]i l-" *
};ll Jiii #i!':i'",lj;l!;,i]:::l г:l нl;"н::l;;jl:
5 sРЕAкlNG сompаrеyoulsentenсesin4insma|| ;::;.fl :,.l,;''|,;::;;;;':::i: ::J;:
йptoi ;ът;;.;
в фo о' i" a
gtoups. Rеspond by аgreеing, disаgrеeing ol аsking fi;ll*"i"ll:lH""'i#{J|i:;lо
"Jilil:i;;;';i;illioпs оf рounds,
questions to find out m ore information. li'.j'.

Prep0siti0nаl рhrаses 4 Reаd the аrtiс|e beIoW.Whatdoеs itsаyaЬout smoking

1 (om p|еte thе 5еnten сеs With thesе Words.

аid bеhа f mеаns t ilа! 'lоy\r be.Oпle tle lоlт in гnаnl".оJ.tlir5 t. bаn sn]Ok гq
proсе55 strеngth Oвао
.t с' а5.hiсасo аid Lo5 Аnс. с5 hJle а rеа.]y раlsed аr.,!
lln tot'lс р|
jcn j..t!. ]..] !.с l..] '!сl.!m(rk r]q ОL]T.i).]lr n
эаnninq ра'ks аlr. ljrа( l]e! n,.r) Оt lЕl5.rе
|o с!i!] ll..
рауJ OП tle!е'-!e ib]
jс г;пr thrrr..Тhе dе.5 c]
2 ra:i.ra,lron_ t r! frrr r,! llo In - ;r!]а ln sпxri п! пdcЦ5 iсl . Oп th!
d р' e
ассoUnt Olthе . е.]r е'' iеnсе oiаd!..r5е hеa tl еliе..5'.l'r]t|'
of.h:5еl cLr n?55 o.thе.r nе
thoL'sаnd5 оfраssi!с sr.okеr! d)iinq еасh yеаr в!t\',lh 5t г.о5t
4 Тhr'/io]гd tlе.| г. .r by otа.
реоp с if] а!]||а mеаs.rlе5
гlр. tаl]. р.. . у.аГ.l]а o ] in l] ;5l li ]h..t]LЕ. . g
5'.сc.d hаi.l s.oke 50. eаr oL]tdOo|s n n р;.i Or on а bеa.l, i.,
on the ot ехаmр e? lh] аincуs s.п'e реco]е' ni0(e|
,о o i
Т]е пtеri э,l..r.(шеt]]тr т lstс oi,]еl]! too rеstrсti,/. On ti. tr..dOгn cltiе ndi!]dUe , Аnо .hе)r ; 5o
with !l rr. r r!:r rL r rt.r i t . Гr ihаtаn еiоiпlcL]5.]гnO!nto:mOn..y\"'] ]lаnе to hе 5реlt
th rkl ij] qn' Jр oll l].i.h.'
р.rtt пg 5 n р.]|k5 аПd
7 l] kеtn hаrr
on ofl thе
р.д.р е !\'h. J/olk].tl5 dЕpirr.n]еnt а!s.qn9 niО,nг,qtl!n]Оfsреса ! ces qlаtеd аrei]s lJ!lerе
8 Тhес..r. : inthe of.iaп! ll! smокinq s рe|п] tted' 0n thе Oth.. hend' cI!:nizаt оi!
.] р|Ь . !!]ll! Ьiit lсr! гot I l: ].. саГipj.]Пinq il] 5mO (]nq ii pLb ]с р n.е5
.i!.е thаt somе.n drег аrе bесоm nq sгnc (е|5,.5t а j i |е5L t
2а Whiсh plepositionа|phrаse in bo|d ] meаns
(m] thе L.]c inf !еnсе cisее 1!] аci ts smok nq
_ J j
2 |s i!]а раr..]rrnе.hо.7 iftе..] Ьаr .г 5mоk i-r ii
р.:r|k5 аПd oi b.iсhе5 гq thit
з n!; lcр|'"rетаT tr...t] he [еt Jl;t еcsirtonWа!qО]nqin 'J! lаrаld
int|.ri lLr O ] tl'е .iglxj o[ the ilrlri\]]d!а , tlе
.o| i.]
2Ь сhесk thаt you undеlstаnd thе mеаnin9 ofth€ othel
prepos itionаl р h rаses in bold in 1.
lo] tlri]tIhс q.]!сгпOг 5 а 5t] i kс.I 5гnckсгоi
ехреn5i!е. qа15 hа].]. .аd аiyth nq tO do riitt n' dе.]s on]
з сompletethesenteпсеsWitЬaprepositionа| phrаsе'

!]hаt5 h;рln]tl ni'lсl|' . L'rе i]1i 5 сomp |еtе thе а rti(le With oneWord in eасh qаp'
2 Тl]е 5 ilrln/е.t t.... ?.itllе.r]u.

Тrе mrt.h hа5 rе..г.i]rт1 .:d

!J!пЕrа dе. ol (i]аt t ! эЬcLri Ih!п oor с о!е ]r n thE !.lo|.5 .h;i
lr? ralra i r i.!i b.r.-t r( rr .oтэ,In rЕi..rе агd.1еrеi.. sj..е to dе..е !\l]iii)ре оi\l-old
гllc! п! n:еd \iаnl m 55..r J/o i5 .|l ]ir! !.еrЬ5,
'lr р:ерo5t.п]
]i!Lr Ье
Тhе h.Lr5е \,!а5 lеаiеi .]rt. е5i .roгoL].5 ап. .o ,Lr l.!.пl] bLri 5Liг1l.. г.а! '... пo| г5 o,
тhс]r ExAм 5UссEs5 ) pаge ]52
h..r t lсjd]]Lr!|

,dо!Ьlер]Lrsqood' fyolr v!аnt sornеth n9

thе d сtion.0/ gett nq on?'sа d Winston']nq
'']oV./ Ь h]5 гneаn nq; or
Vo се to ovеrсoгnе thе noise. s1rongеI st] . ot сo]]r!e' Wе u5e those torгn5 а leаdy' Dut n
lhe fiпa Vе15 on O| Nе\'1/sре.k there' |]е noth пg е 5е, lп
5 o'./ y' sа]d sугr]е.'lm oп thе аd]e.tVc5,lt! tа5сinаting 40 the end thе',\,ho е noton оfqoodness аnd b.dnеs! \1/
Hе hаd br qhtened Llр imгlled аte y аtthе mеnt]on of bе сovered bу cn|y six Words . iп rеа ]ц,' on y onе ''\'ord'
5 NеWsрeаk' Hе рushed h 5 раnп k]n аrdс'tookrrp his hLnk L]on't yOLr sеr the bеаLrty ofth.t' W]llston? t \^,а5 B B,!
oi L]|eаd ]n onе del саtе hапd аnd his сhеese ]п the ot 1-.r, ]dеа olq nа y' olсоl.rr9e'' hе ас]dеd а! аn аttеrthough|,

аnd eаnеd .сross thе t.b е so аs to bе аb е tо sрrаk А 1ortolV.рid eаq.rnе55i ttered асгo55 Wnston'5
',i',lthoLrt shoutlnq. r5 fасе аtthе mentlon of в g Brothеr, NеVeflheLels 5уmе
'Тhe ЕlеVen|h Еdtion 5 lhe dеl]n]t V.. edit]on' hе 5а d' irnгnеd]аtеlу deteсtеd а сertain асk оf еn|hL]1 аrгn
].] 'Vфie gеttiпg the аnqL]аqе ]n1o t! t nа 5h.р.. lhе 'YoU hаVеn't. reа| аpрrес аtion of Nе.,Vsреаk' !V]nnon',
5hарe ]tЪ qo]ng to hаVе \'!hеn пobody sреаk5 anyth ng he sа]d аimo5t sаd y,'lп youl heаrt yoL] d рretеrto 5t ск to
еL5е, Whсn.,!'..,Ve 1]nьh'.d r'! th ]L' реoр e ik.. уoLr!t oldsреаk' Wlll а l]t5 VаgLreness Jnd ]t5 Lrse ess 5hаdеs oI
hаVе to еi]rn it а l over аqа]n, Yotl th]nk, dаre 5аy' |ilаt oL]r ф mеаnin9 YoU dont grаsp thе lrе.!r1y Oithе dеstruсt]on of
not а bit ol]t]\'Vele
сhiеl]ob ]5 ]nventing пе\,./ ц/ord5, BUt
Wordl, Do ycLr kno\'vrhаt NеW5реаk 9 thе on y аng!rа!]e
ri с]estroy n! '^/olds sсoгеs oгthem' hLrndreds ofthеm, n ihe \'!orld \r']hosе VосаlrL] аry get5 !ma ]er еVеry lear?'
every dаy \^/еte.Lrtt ng thе ]аn9Lraqе down to thе bоne,
Тhе Е evсnth сd |ion t'ioп,t сonLa n а 5 ng е \'!O|d thаt V,r] W]nnоn d]d kno'! t|-]аt ofсoU|5е Hеsmilсd
bесогne obso еt'. b.oloIе ihе yеаr 2050' !уmрirthеt].а y hе hOрed' nott|Unrlg him5еito sрeaк'
5. symе lrtс]ff аnothеrf|аg!n.nt oltl]еdаrk сooUrеd |rreаd'
He bit hunql ! intc h 5 breаd аnd 5\^'а о[Ied а сoUр.д
сhеWеd bl еtу, аnd Went on
.2. ofгnouthfu thеn сolltinUеd 5ре.k]llq, V'пh а 5ort ol
,Dont you
5еe thаt thе $rho e аim ol Nе\'!sрeаk ь to
реdаnt's ра!5 on. H 5 th n dаrkf.се hаd bе.omеаnimаtеd'
hь eуе5 lаd ]o5t thе | inoсk nq еxрrеssion аnd glo\'!n nаlrow thе rаnge ofthought? n the end v1е shа rnаkе
.]mO5t orеаlny thoughtсrimе tеrа]y ]гnpossib е' l]eсаLlsе therе fl/i be no
o /o | ., a .] aр |. d оо
а lre.Ut]llrl th n!]' thе dе5truсt on Oг r,\'Ord5, ol сoL]r9e' b'. nееded \''ii bеerрrвssеd Ьуехасtуonе !!ord'!!th
]5 the grеаt Wаstаgе ]5 n the Vеrbs аnd аdjeсtivеs' ]]ut tnerе ts mean]ng r]q d y definсd .Пd аl its s!bsid]аr! meаn]ng5
аrc hlrndrеds of nol]ns thаt сап be qot r d of а5 V'e, t rirbL]ed outаnd tor!]ottеп ( ' )Еvery у.:611."'x.'..6
ъпt on у thе synonyms;thеrе аrе а 9o thе аntоnyгns Аttеr f'o!,/erWord5, апd the Iапqе o|сonsс]oU5ne55 а y/аys а
.l, Whаt]Un]lсаtion s thеrе lФ а l^/ord \'Vh сh ь s]mp у 6j l]tt e rгnа еr ( . ) Hа5 t '.Ver o.сLrrrеd to уoLr, W nston'
thе oррositс of5опre othеr Word? А li/ord сoпtа]n9 its th.t by 2050 аt the Very аtеst, no1 а linq е huгnan bе nq
r0 oррo5te in itselТаk-a'9ood]lor п5tаnсe, |tуoU hаVe а \4/i lje а ive \r./ho сo|r d L]ndеrsi.rld 5Lrсh а сonversаton
V'ord ike,goodlи/hаt need 5 t]erе iol а ц,ord ]kе,bаd'? а5 W'. ar.a hаV]nq no''\'( , ) в)' 205О eа||]еr, рrobа[' y
'Ungооd'W] l doju5l а! !./е bеttеr' be.аL]sе it 5 аn eхaсt
а| reа| kno'! edgе OIo d5реаk W l hаVе d 5арреаrеd,
oррos]te' \,'h сh the othеr ъ not or аgаin, ]tyоLrWаnt а r,. Тhe who е terаtL]re ofthе раsI W] hаVe d]sаррearеd.
stlonger Vеrs]on ol,qocd1Whаt senle 5 therе in hаV ng .hа Uсer, 5 h а (еsрeаle' Мiton, Byron thеy'Iex st on y п
rj а lvhole nr]nq otVаgLre U5е е5s WOTd5 ikе ъхсе ent апd Ne\'!sрeаkVег5 oПs, not гnerеlу.hanqеd nto somеthiпq
Ър еndid'аnd а |thе rest ofthеm? 'P usqood, соVers the ditf'"rent' bl]t сhаng-"d into soгпеth]n!] сontrа d iсt{] |y ol

. P qтirt I|. dn n.пеrl 0r\!e i!u d iot.].. dЕ'rrthA-:h.lte cfttre n.\. 5hcu с Ьe iillэie.4.i!tц folj.r
тh.|.f il'r il r1r.!. or i]! r': r. b'Ф ]c3c' Ltl bcc!s. tre bccil.ok i .пrime i! !x te' t.e!.i

.hini]r.i.]932;пd t rз !t. ]93] 'eлli5lo

....r!e0п\! !.1lhе5i.l rBr:ai lrr..i 5rЕг;пgdд6Irрoie ].oln,n.t.snrcuiitrэ пteito.ltiig
ioE тl]. n.n..frrr Ь.О|]j i d n аrlа п ] ] el tc cmрri!uЁ ritlri Епq rlr lрe.ii'.L].ics m n.i rr;tЁi
[9lt.ltlrаn апyDпe..jс in. thаttcii t]l]:r jn t]!rnn'.оЦCllLnрпi.riге r
. itiеnoolts!.Brcir.rI]5]гi.. b!l l |п....r.9ltrhcllrerзq Bl!tlrl jаrer реr!cпo']oL-j.tIrPe5.qыъ0
Bq]loLhc'!' e lliI s rrа.elfrРе.].пri'j?.'e1'аnd'зr.Alic ]nrcпЦtlr]

urhаtthеy !5еd to be Е','еП thе iеrаturе

cfthe lrаrty.'./ сhаnqе Е'еn thе 5 oEаns
'r'' сhаnqc , oV' сoL] d )]oL] hаVe а 5 oqаlr
|. l.nAа.m ! ]^niьA..n.Ant
ofгlееdom hа5 bеen аlrc ьhеd?Тlс
!l! i.,]hc е сl m.tе ofthought.".r l b.. diffеrеnt,
n f.сt, thеrе W trе пo thоughi' а5 Viе
Undеrsi.r]. ]l no\'\' orthodor,V гnе.i5 пct
th nk lg Ilоt пееd n! to thiпk. orthodoхy
5 Unсon5с oU5пе55

L]nе ofthe5е dау5, ihcUq lt W nsl'on l^l th

5| dden deер сorlv сtiоn' slmе Vi] Ь..
virрorized' He ь to.] nte 9еnt Не 5eе5 tоo
( eаryаnd sрeаks |oo ра л y Тh'. Pа.|!
ctr.o1no| ke sUсl рeoo e one dаy lrе l,r l

.l5аррeаr' t s'"''ritten in h]5l.се

,с(тv, stаnd5
fоr (|osed сil(uit
televъion' тherе аrе 4,2 mi||ion сстv (amеlas
in thе Uк thаt arе used for survеi||аnсe. Wolk Vdl,]е lan1udgе
l in pаil9 аnd dkсu,9 thе аdvаntаge5 аnd 4 Lookаtthesentenсes.UndеrIineаnyWotdsorstIuсtulеsthаt
disadvаntages of сстv. hе|pto mаkeeасh sentenсesound vague ortosoftenWhat is
i fiqliiNii {,11.1$ Listen to а radio being said.
oroqrаmmeаbout how a lo(k grouр usеd ] \oLr nеаn ..]tji.]rрLrlr .h!]. iliа ldlh п!l krthrt,
сст'v са.",usto.аk"u uideo. Answer the 2 1.r! nr illas k l.d o]'.rе55t]
questions using а mаximum offout words or З ,Irlег !o!..!iriсh .hэ !dэo I o.kj liе lcLr..f sP.r rc.ard. 05е

numhersfol eaсh onе. Listen twi(e.

,i'hr' 0 d lhе d...е to ]5е.. !/..rгеra5 Тh:! ha.1'lo I|сni5 f/ l.5ort olf n.Ёd реoр r rаt.ri.-n lhе

Е.l.' .l.i! t]ПL5 nа. p!O.r е !I].. t lс']..o i l snl. еr iэl];i]]]е5... ЬLr9 nlr55Ё5 h.rl пO р|оo эln5 еti п! t|еп
.l. nе lr.tаtthеt m.l, ih i l]'.qraтп'ri
l/m:l o L|е!]O1r! lаl..t.].е.nеoi n.r.е" 6 rе!.//е.г t lr. ]\,'/r.l F. ii|
|.] qеt |hi Ье!. р.55 Ь.' Г.i!I]5irom 0r... \, 7 Бn (]!.55lhЁ]i |оt]пd !lo| !|] | n.t! nа (? iht Lr iеo.]г!'l,rа!
I rэ.rOг it \.ii]Jl1еха.. у еа5')'
i."-' did .hеr rn.."-lih сh.cmрэп с! o!/ l.l 9 t ! n.rе аЬoqt rrрr:! n! yo,''ее il'!5.] !(jnеth lll]
iiе tll,I
ihР..]n?rа5 thatv',еi.t n i!]iгэпll
l U t]е)r i]]I tе t! tlе lе!г. lr! lo,\l' l'..
\t] h'/
t.l'...lV.агг.!i th.i h;t] re..r.iеd i l0тi
.вщщпдщшвщlс11 Е"щ]1!.,
]Оl; пlJг! o:.r thе or!а.iir|.n! э!rtеd
|..r]!I 1.е.]].]th.i.oiэqс1lаitlr|},h.o Use Wold5 or eхprеssions to mаke these sentenсes sound
vague orto

i/ilсi]r..'е€r.!5е! i.rdеiiotto lnnd i''сr

1 !\]J5ni 5t.n n! io !iriit]'0J n! пq,
]n]/ п]'riе5 o'.0oi.!]i] i. Ii].llап!l '.rеr';
] :;|'|
|".i |' r L'|i | :|:|' |i,| |. /!1 j :i:| t j d,i| !|. )|j | !| :.j
|' j


Lil5 аl]i] moio.Ь];ie5.n.] b (э5
9 .,.lhat 5 t.е 5.lli iL]oUtr 2. ТLel'. rrt| ]

]o .'',/LlaL i ! th| .;]]d !сl)р

е tO nо b.l 3

nain. t.] 5.. iЁoi

5 ]..| |i.rеlt lJрр!tFat i.r'/Ё. iit..
1 sPЕAкlNc Whаt abоutyou? 6 Г. lot ral П!J.lO..rе'"l].Lr. .q,

1 ..( lnan\,l.тl.aГ].lrs а|с п oр.lJt.rl 7 tr r q!Рn.п O: рr]l. p.

f.iFе"е]il]L] lеl lot а !|.i:.п ![m.п?|,
2 ll'hаi iO j]o.r tп].( оf t.rе .."a .t Г.аk']'.] ; lЬrl: mL]n L5е irl]еltrr
Г."5. !.]r. !i]ig !i- \i.arrР|.r5] 1.i€]; ol di .! i

l.rBli -s

UsefuIwordsаnd ехрressions to give аdvi.e

. Do!o! thiп( 51]orr d,
. ShaLr !' 7
. t.',OU.lrrrr пrЕ, wot] d yoLr ?
. !l'i.rtdcyo| |с.lon shoLr d do f

Giviлg аdviсе
. l l Wеrе }'оLr'

|1аvе!o!tnoUqltа||ro!t 7
Wh! doпtyoLr , ?

IоL] oLrghtto,/had bеttеr -

Responding to аdviсe/Asking for t|аrif iсаtion

. Тhat! a qOOd dеа
. lhа|so,Jrds 5еп5 t]l'hе рi!'/ice;

. it..i""]yiiй"ь"й.*".r.цi; ;
. Dcn,tyouIhinkitа beliеxеi ta

Dо you гnеan,, ?

:'ceр iy5,0ll.]:|lP )i..Lr аrе пnkiпс !r., Il.|.tll!r

L.f ll: cr.Jr lh.lе.еJ..еl]/ехаxl li:r' ii'rт]етb.| :.
nеП 10 'hi] olnlJ реr5.n dп. t.. rc!D.п. t! !l/h:rt
lhеl'5.]l. t !i-]Lr.]l,. a o]!rd:. m;r(| П.trsl]elolе ih!
lc эр а)], !5!thе.Otе5tLl llrilпi
!O! of dr.! Ьr:
r|!еr]rn l..d 1hr no1е! cL]..

ExAМ 5UссЕs5 ) ра9e ]52

Prасtiсe mаkes рerfeсt

4 Workin pаirs' Dothetаskbeloщ using eхpressions
from the speаking Bаnk.

sPЕA(|i'{G Work in pаils. Lookаtthе pidurеsаnd desсribеWhаt

ь \ B'||'.| u Il,l\iе"|ro||i|1r.,
happening in eа(h one. '|'..nd
L'' 'е. \ tiie Ч( , rе i' ,''1.1'1ц 1''
sPЕAкlNG In pаirs, dь(Uss howdаngerous, or oth elWise, you thin r.'ц|l, |)|.сu\\ tJ|е 1'li]osl]lc s\Пе\, '.'''',.;'' '''
your сountry's (аpital сity is' GiVe reаson5. . tJlе bеst p]rсes to go сlut'iп8 lhе
dау lпd ]n
!rе е\'еnIпя
sPЕAкlNc Wolk in pаi15' Reаdthi5tаskалd foIloWthe instruсtions. . tс rrсst $Ц,s ofgеtling rгound
. oрenin8 аnd с|osjns tiJrrеs
\.в' In
'iеш'i,;o''|r|',,""ll '|\. d,'\ '','|l,'1l,'] ||j)o|, . drеss соdе aПd sugsсstn)ns
' '} ' || ,'|,i') ||с \,|. ,.\' ),, |';. \ 'l'''| |.r.ll'oс
,оl' '
, Ilc
L]|{U\\.he 1i'ilos l!р s\Uе! "геr'IL| '{ ,,
. rуpеs ot сIi'1tс to walсh оut Гor studentA| r,o| J|t qо n! t..] tl.с аd'се
. '.
student в: /оLr.r'е!oiпq tO d;ki. .jdii.е /15(fol пrjrе
аd!iсе for ]oоkjng !flcг
уоur mопеу aod vаluаblеs
. thе sа1ёst,nоsL dаn8егоLls tirЛеs
dеta .rt(]i||r..пi Г.Omепl! itl t.е .Or!еБ;Ti.ll, а.0
аnd alеl\ n !аqrРr D! 1еy'.ri1h thе;Lj.ii.е о..с сrt\r'rIi::o ЦrI
' WitL to do if }.оu ha!'e an} pfub]спts !o!r рiItl]е 1с ! ]'ll] rоL] m0l.! i.]еJ!

studеntA: ilLr rrе .c в !h |rеп. lф itе.Lr.\to15 ro a:к

stUdent B:,l.rk] lctе5 llith а.].ri.! to !i'.] |]l l ] ] il ."nl]
зoth: .!kattIс!t]еiIn! J.]п[to. d?;!Jt.o.tlLrdi а]0l]а!]еlc|5r

Rеаd theinformаtioп aьoutсhild сurfews and

аnswerthe questioпs'
,l \{hfl аrе сh i .Lrllе!!5.
2 .l'hеrЕ irnl !!hу do ihеy сx ni





agаinst сuffews for SPEAкING Reаd thelеttеlаgаin аnd Ioоkat

2 sPЕAt(|lrG Wolk in pails. Ate you in fаvour ofor
l your opinlon. thе underlined Word5 and phrаses.Wolk in
teenаgеrs? тhink of alg uments to support pаi.iйdiiil.. whу und how the Words
сulfеWs аnd Whаt аnd Phtаse5 аte used'
з Read the Ietter. What is the Writer,s oрinion ofteenаge
gl"".o support helview? Do you aqree with thеm?
"й-"'"".'а*' 'ь" \oс'^BUL^a\ Fornal |egistе|
I Find thP more formа | synonyms for these
words in the letter in 3.
Dе,tI siг/Madаm. ] somе (р,]riqrарl2)
I am wгiting to plo1еst.tbоut 1hе рossiblе еntol.(]emспt
d Еепigе 2 пlOn (раrа!r:rрh 2)
l .*г.*. i'' Бu. lЬ*., r ьыiе!е Lhat Llris lrсasurе nц|td ц!ta]]]J з j!n'опy (раrа!lарh:)
r be unPopu]nI bщ lvould dБrr bе сompletclу inеttесlп'е,
4 n.o'е.id пr.]rе (рalаqrа1)h 2)
!!!!] rr l Js . с |hJ| ||le|' 1|е i гU|rbеr' J )oUis \ oг|.' v ro 5 \rеr./ lраr.qlарh j)
**i.'''ь,..,'.. ' l|дh, In (сl|1.п J,еJ' o| ,пе oьn.'\е ,'l
j , 6 mal,v (рrrа!rrpl4]
mJi.'r'l} .'| }U'In9 гсoг.'hе|е :rlе 1^lmJ|. |аtr ]b|Jiгс
r ь" ',сi
l. ri,r o, с,r.''в J|| l.е| аз. r, J' с|iIr In: |., Ihс соlr,
7 offL.| nq !]\,]ng (pаri!]lарп ч]
."'"ry.".ou*g. o gтowing лulnьеГоfуоLrng реoрlе to Use the сorreсt folm ofthe formа|Words in
ьеЬ^,е ь"itу цi]ще йь leеms lobe what is eхрeсtеd
i 5 to rewrite these sеnten(es.
To lnake mаtters wоIsе,I Ьеliеvе that thе leasurе
Lo be ineffссtivr щ thе oлlу waу ю еnforсе thе .urfёt'Б b! ] 11'\iеЦ, rrаpprcрrJt |o саl|y a кn1е t0
t mсans ofеmрloуing пlхс po]iсe offiсers {от this puryosе,8!
Ihеo|c|.!г.l,l ||'сoU|J Dеrigh,' е\г.|,'!'Id г,.lег,'||.е 2 lvъny а.. dеnt5 а|есaLr'еC Ьl.аrее55
l м .. ui'.а, о
nt-,r,."^ o.t..' ь,nJ, || е\ . iпР oГ п ег' J'i nr!1nq.
' 'ь" з
ехPosеd to оiher' tауlnq оLt
usеd' lhis пou]d lurеly mеaп lеаving the to\lп lvlolе and morеte.nа аrr

morе sстious tуреs оfсliпrе' oris сrimе оn1у соInmitted
Тhеlе llаVс bеег s.]Гrr с0mр.r nls IrоГn
lЛ сonсlusion' I sholld likе to draп уo I aiLеnt]on to 1hе frсt m.mbеr5 t]f tilе рLrЬii.
thаtthеrе is nоthiпs fо| уoung реоp|с tо сto in th]s t(Лvn п Lne 5 lrlO5t a.! t5 d nj!]rе." !th l1l'рo1lс)l
еvеnings,.ГhЬ is thЪ rеr] сauче of Lсеnagс dе|inquеnсу.
h ! !]!5i a lспrрoIar! гrЕ.r5!rе
Ьеhalt;fthе numсrous bогed tеепаgеrs in this town. mlgпt ,ol 7 Тhе.OL]nс !.iе! hoГnе сss реор1е1o0с
| . я!.*, ,|': ' }о|' 'ре||л nU| .a o| гlo\ |J|ns
аn eni,i(.
i".:"..i",., i"p ! J|,с|; n '|J|^l} г^||с) |hr| $ lIl
simpl) makе Lhе prоb]е'n Worse]
Yоuгs taith tLl]ly.

тiсkthe explessions in theWriting Bаnk

thаt appeаrin the |еtter in з.

. аr. lr]lit nq L. сOГnD ;]n/р|оtc5t

. am rrlt п! or Ьеhа fof,''

. d]cLr. ]kc to dlayl yo!r dtlепtoп

. i']]у 5е.о.d1гехt/mа п.oгiра]it

. ТO mаkе mnLtеl torsе'

. d.Jп]aп.1lat VoLr ,,
. 1n/0! 0;5к)r.u |0
. l.4i!]tt si](.]lеn )/Ol ?

. Тhс IасL/LILrLh/р|OJ сm ъ tl]a|,'

. ..l\hat а""nOyi,s|]rрr5еn?Гnаz05 mс

. тGeп discliminаlion аl |0Gаl GiпGma

lbLrrs fа:tl.ILr ]V (аftеr Dеаr ! l,/i\/аdапl)
. Yсurs i.].сr.у h|tсr l].аr l/:,/i.,']r!1l\rl5)
Lаst 5аturdаv lоса oir| Мiсhe] е Ri(hаrds
hаd аn unp|easаnt exрer]епсe аt the
North Woods Мu|tiplеx сineгna, Miсhе||e,
SPEAкING Work in pа;rs' Lookаtthe Ietter sevеntеег' 1ао gone to see t'rе |ёtеsт r' J'
аgаin and identify feаtures ofthе |ettel Joh1nу Dеpo,il1 v th r|.leе flie1d5 dged
betwееr fifтееn аnd ,еvеnтее1' hе f; m
thаt аre typiсаlofа formaI reqistet.
hаd ЬegUn аt з,45 рпr, When the fiIm
finishеd, Miсhе]ie аnd hеl fr еnds Went to
the с]nemа |obbytoWa]t indoorsfor hеr
. тo|\рl |o (o1е c1о p (t l|.e1 Up Atе. *.---? ol
\Р o'
sPЕAк|itG Rеаd thе nеWsрapelаtiс|e
а!': 'iх
m 1JLe\' t1р n а1dqе' of t1е
m l||ip р\ Lаme а1о |her :r t1еv hаd
opposite аnd answerthe que5tions. "5|'рo r:rл
| (e, s, Mthе],е (о|о t1е r"ndqe' t|^"t r1ey
|9nole the notes аt the side ofthe text. '
| аd iLt| . oтe oJ, or ,"e 19 d fiim аno |1dl
1 шhirt hirрреn'.. а: .h.. гrni? eaw1w|t1 thеy Were Wа]tin9 for their раlents, тhe
2 Dc!o| thiпk]\1.hЕ ё'rnd hеr г.otl]еl.rrе .e 1.hЭ. mаnagеrthеn told them thаttheу соuIdn,t
wаit in thе |obbyаnd thаttheyWoU|d have
rghttoЬеапgп,l - '
to еаve, Wheп Miсhe||e аsked why, the
з L]otoLr 1h пkthс no.у 5alEiапlр..oi
mаnаgеl sаid thаt shе hаd seen them in
,t!!]е .
d,s.г]т lаt ol аnd
- the |obbу on mаny prеvious o.саsions I

=ъ Wб t|l:d:fth:
: _1: :.'.' t :.; : : : t:.: :i :i'!7 4 _ti! ttttti
i:: 11.
''vа5 |э|' l|]..t
tnаttneу :r:| Td
:|]: lаL(0d
тhaу саused, тl.р
lhe mаnаger !loP|em:
nага9ёl thre
.:.. ,1:. : : : . .'. '. '.':i::'i: ::'i:r/'r':: r :1 :::: ':::'::::
: _t__.
|hе |
,l ||..е lе a toсаltheрo|iсe ftheу didn,t |еаVe
ii! аrе qo:iq to ,r']litе а ..t.,"t.","р.,т inn рd ",e\ so Mihе||е dnd hе- fr|e1ds \
пg еttе15' та€ 5]rеihе n! е
[1l.е'] \llrit 1dо |o WdiI oJ.5,de, Wl.р1 Mil1е||e,5
that mother аrrived, shе Wаs sho.ked to sеe her r th.У lrj7.
аnd rе,j nе irrе.ррr.рratе to thе 5]t-ato: ':,
'о """
iпd thE !е f l уor arе !.l.t llq tc A5 mJпy dаughterоut inthесold аnd dаrk, in аn i аoi.thс
b€.aЬe аreа thаt Wаs unfаmiliаr to her, Mi.hё]]e ': эenе l
mаr(5 mфr bе !J to aрр'oрrJlе ny е а5
'/еl] vе:||сaл andhernrоthеrsауthаttheУаrenоts]mр|y ,'""aь"",
rrе morE forпla , 5.r yoLr 5hoLr с П.x t]5е l qoiгo tо forgе' |l.e iг( dегt, -hey Jle 9oiг9 ,

Io nаlр J to.тd| сo1p аi1т ro thе сiгe.rа

.o ltri]it o']!' but.|) !5i] i]/.r.5' рnra!i]5 d l. so ,l..| lhi. |vPр оt, .e1аqр dЬ',i-i| dтioг,
n(еrl thi]l.i. mOlеt)/р са OiiOl.n. r.!]i5tе| "''' W1i(l. рJ| |he gil|s d, li.{ doe\ гol h"pр.n ,:

|.,|',,:',.',.;,-':,.'',,'.. to others' тhe dirесtor оf the Nolth Wоods |у.2.!oa?

MU iP,ё. (;nефа retLsео to сoфmегt,

i:,:a_: :! .tir t: ::.1/. ?:,1.:.

]maginе thаt you аre one ofthe friends Who Welе with мiсhe||e thаt dаy. tjsе the notes
аnd аny othеr idеas to Writе а |etter of сomplаint to the dire(tor ofthe сinemа. Use the
informаtion in theWriting Bаnkand in Еxаm suс(essto hе|p yotr.

, ( -l ,----:'

Longuoge reterenсe ono revlsIon

1сtеft sеntenсes 140 > pagе

2 Оther vlaуs af addlng emphasls
1vague ]anguage > page мa

l PlePosiiiono| рhгoses аigеr (v) * 1Е!!э(г)i

l addition to i.m э.dlj(э)n tur/ сosсd t rс! 1tе]еv 5 оn (ссТV) (n)/ klэUzd sз(0k|t tеhv'З(э)ni
.onjLrrе u| (v] l''k,\ndзэ(r)

/ m, aul э1. r^f wlб/ / kз(т)fiu'


еaqеrпс55 (n) / i|gа(r)

on tnе nrenqtn оr n\тз(r)d3/

|аlrеnoLrgh {рh0
2 Peop|e with power; Мinor offenсes ond PUnishment ]llttеl (V) /flltэ(г)/
lrе bаnnеd (|rom) (v)
Iootаgе / fоtId3/


bе i55!еd W th i fiпс (v) /Ьil ljuld wl6 э 'fап' hаVе а е!]tostаnс оn (рir] rhЕv э lсg tэ st.сnd DЛ/

h ghllght (v) **
сVl sеrvаnt (n) /sw(э)1 sзr(0v(э)пt/ hunk (n) rъ^!k/
/ kautrs(э)tэ(t)/
i.klmm(э)l rсk.:d/ /mkз(0/
/d3^d5/ /lnkз(0З(э)n/
inсLrБlon (n)

еadеr o|thе oррo5 t on (n) / ]i:dэт l)v 6l Dpэ zd(c)

е|t over (аdj)
obby (n) *
o{]qеа (гorгnа])сoгnрLа nt / tDd3 э kэm plеint/ / miэ(r)lj/
moсklnq (adj)
non dс5!nated аrеa / пDn dеzlg!с ld сзтiэ/ /nDt э Ьil эv t/
Not а bit оt t
рау а srnа /hеirvry Пnе /'рсl э smcrl.hеvi гaln/
/ DЬsэli1' .Dьse L!1/

/ pmsi,kju,u
/ sp](I)Uks pзrs(э)ni
/ w.('d(э)r'
rеvokе (v)

J гоrmo rеg|sleг
а growinq пLrrnьеrLll /э gтэUll] D^mьэг эv/

h gh]у (аdv) *** /harli/

/sэG)vс эns/

U t]mаtеy {аoV] i.* /,,JtJmэtli/

/бэ vсst mэ dзDтэti эv/
vарd (аd])

4 Oiheг words ond phroses

v r1Lrir у (аdV) *** /.vзr(r)tгUэli/

vоw (v)
аdverse (adj) ,.
/эn 'с'fъ(r)'0!]L/ r,^ra|еrfо\^r (n) /wlrIi(т)fаUl/
аn аftеlthoUqht (n)

Оther ways af adding emphasis
r сomр|€te thе sеntеn(еs With the5e Wolds. 2 PutthеWords in orderto mаkе еmp hаtiс sеntеnсes.
l thiпk.o сir.5 tl.tе 'h n1a qood
p|асe thаt thе thing
2 .оt lг t..о!Ёllrlllеп. Ih. d d to 5о !e th! tl! рlo! сm DLrl
з brrа( lrnЬ е1l l'е 5 а..0 loПlе реср. thatthе
l . !г't iе '.id5thе,.lJ! thе)r;|r.k.. to 4 аi]c'r!j 5Тhе nolrodl (lorrs thit ho!\' tr0!Ь е thе ППd to
5 kе ]]t](сr:эry b|ri:h,t ]dоihеyа|е Lr]е!
2 t!!а5 tl.е l!p. iеij;:t t!l]е lot mr 6 tlrlri i ! ро lt oiiРПll] i5 on !тh. a rn nor
З l''lhrt 5|rр'i!еs rilЁ llJlпclrоdr.'.. ! WoRкBooк > раge40 /6 points

.llс рс 5ol ll]'rL ! l!!. jеl. q.сi]

.сr;гn.., 5 tl'с рr Г.е 'n l ].еr vague languagе
.o t 5 trtdt 'riLl I 3 сh o05е thе сolrесt аlternаtive.
'ill! i п! l .l.i! nrп .. l]r].!,il1.]! Oi!ll) s.]nlеtпll\
б Тl]. hэ |;IL\ 5 q?:tnLr |р !:l ]r 2 -lrr'i llrrt llljiirlэi!!]tl | \llаj tr!|o to 5а)r
7 ,]h'.l5llo.[еi rs t.. nI ]oеro. З 5оr'1 r!i';,1;.,;',.15".1 Гrrl,. a m n;k."
4 11...illl.r)l ithаt!lr'h! l]r сэпе
8 Тi! |с; i[;пi оl5l!пе.]аr s
5 'm q,L..7].rlli]|.oпfL 5еd aЬоLrt ]ihг 1O d.r'
6 ..П.r 5.еn.. l.t ol'iаnl;5jl!.oLr k]nn''', i[l.]t r]1,l..]i,]' q th п.
WoRкBooк ) page40
WoRкBooK ) раge40 /6 points

э.еpОsitianaI phrasеs

] сompIetе the sеntenсе5with thе сorle(t pleposition.

] Т]е)rl]'.|lhi п ]hе ^L.!.l' il.\' dсссL]nt(] trrlllrl].l(] 4 L\е;,. tl.е рrL]с.!5 of nlрr0/]|q.]Lrr5!5tl]пl,
5 |h:ydL] i nеi"sof.Lrnilll] Ёdqе:ё.hnoOЧl
2 Е.":. !,]l.r Ьr:rh рn t.iп n].Jt|]п t]Ji lе,l 6 h! rе 01rt o|to!.. todа! j ll.!5.tlrn.]\
7 lliс е рltl nn:h ! .hrr ./'
t Jlr lll 1ni t!lo| brriiri.i.r s' 55 rе1
WoвкBooк ) page 4]

.:Оplе With powеr; offencеs aПd рunishmeПt

|\,4inor Formal register
2 сom pletе th e senten сes WiththеseWord5' тhereаrefjvе еxtraWords' з ReWritё these sеnten(es in а |essformа|
burеallсrаt ]ssL]e |odgе nrеmt]еr
oppoч!|оn pаy рrosесLrte s€rvаnt 5pес]а|y Wаrdеn
l r.]."'t п!г..r..|r9i.."пl]5'
2 'r l! lbеro,sLIl..пt!rr. aЬ5еt
l l'll! rrпr in nrlсr:iт-.].l'6lnтеn L]] .е 3 Т:е ldj. ггаi..| |.r ofh 5 kеhilr'.l
2 Тl..р]in]Oг..е'.ir.l. linlr.lэfПРiO'i.rkг0ll.
4 Тh s n: l.еLr''...ап hе l i]h )' i; ]g.lor5
ihэ езi?.l]iil! l;i5 5].e!l b.ссГ.еLl. 5 Тi I lixэ l/li .ro.r d? l \ a hoi п .d
lll. пеt r.t 'hЕ!..|:.!lt 6 hi !ll,с.t./;].[е
n е oг5
H trntrit.п | o|. Li! 5to.t.clll.э Oiр.]i.nэli WoRKBooк ) pаge44
5 ih (n rt.rnа.onрa lt..сLrtth.. F.oрOl..].l dll!еs
!1/oRKBooк ) pаge з8

Unit 5 69
)Tyрes 0f h0usе аnd dасф ]r] the h0m0iвuy]пg se iпgапd rent пg а plаce
t0 v"oj ldi0mаlic 0xрrеssi0ns w th i?o]'€ D0sсribingсtiеs aпd tои,ns
. sрeаking
Writing )Аn aп с e'doscr b]ag a р аов

V0сAвULARY rypes ol,ouse an.l plaсes

Workin раirs. Dis(ussthe differen(еs between

these types of hoLr5e. Whi(h аre mosttypi(аI

|r oсk offLats b!ngaloW

(ottаgе dеtасhed house
Iuхuryаpаrtment semi.detасhеdhouse
terrасеd house Vi|lа

sPЕAк|tlG NoW disсuss Whele orWhаt these

P|асes in а houseаrе' Do housesWhereyou
Iive usuаlIy hаve these things?

Ьаsement соnservаtory drive fenсе

hеdge аnding oft porсh shed
uti ity room verаndаh

уoс^вuL^R\ Buуing, seIling and rentinE

|Mаtсh thesе wotds With th e d efin

itions -8. trdeЁg&tfu*жrs €уwж hell
сontrасt estаteаqеnt
drаft а
E POn€d аt02,56 сh|oе Blасksmith' Bedford
insрeсtаproреrtу |аndIord/|аnd|аdу We,d Ьeeп |ookinqforа housetо buy fol аgеs аnd We finа|]y louid Whаt
movе inраyа deposit We Wele |Ooking fоr тhe estаtе аqеnts Workеd leа]у fаst to show Us the
tаkeout а mortgаge tenаnt houseаnd аgre; thе priсе, Wе Pа]dthedepоsit аnd tookout a mortgаge
wthоut dе|аy, аrld With n аWееkW€.d nrоvеd n, Еv€ryihing Wаs pеrfeсt'
] а реiso'] ц'hO rеп:5 а Fo!s., l ,rI оf.]се
5 Unti|а wеekOltwo lаtel' When the firn trou b|e nа rtеd, one night Wе
heаrd oud musiс |аtе аtn ght, Wеjlrstаssumed ]tWаs а раrtу, BUtthenthе
2 а.сер::r .qa rqrееПEпi ll1]lih d. lcLr boтoyi
noье Was evеrу n]ght' sоmet]mes ti|| tWо olthreе ]'rthе morn пg' аnd it
mопе) ||Om э baпk п ord$ tc bLr! J hoLr5e 0| nartеd rtr ninqours|e€р Wоlkапdеvеnourrе|аtiоnshipstartrd1os.ffer
tat as а lеsult, Еventuаllу, We hаd no сhoke but tO сoпfroпt оUr neighbours.
3 soГnеoпеl./ho-rеjolr 5to lе рре.ре |rLr!5Е |tturn€d outthаtthеу Were ауоung сoirр|e We told thеm thаt We Wеrr
Oriеntа lot]sеorfаt hаviпg rеa|рroblems 5 еерinq due to the noъe, тheУ sаid thеуWeresоrry
аnd seепrеd s nсere, Thеу рromьedthаtthеу,d keeр thе musiсdOWn in thе
4 .hе.kthаt a hoLrsе.rfа: ! l !L] е.оnl ioп
futurе, Тh€у d]d, butjust{Oltwodays, тhеп 1 wаs bасk to thе sаme o d
5 а lran cr.'\'o1lа'] \\'hO ov(ns а :or5с irll аttlаt lоLt]iе. A fr еnd ofours suqgestedlhаlWс Write a |ettеr threаtеning to tаkе
t5 egа]асt]on ]{thе поisе d dn't stoр Wе Wrotе the |etter аnd аdded thаt Wе
6 r|lе а е!a dcс!Гnеnt, еg,tc b!! O|5'" а didrr,l Wаit to сa|| th€ ро|k€ ЬLrt thаt We WOu|d i{ W€ hаd tо, Тhаt sееmed
to dothetriсk, ]аdmitthatWe sti] аren,tgoоd frieids W]th оulnеighbouБ,
.,р оJd тlU'с |.d!,loрр"d аld wA (dг t "рр оос ,,
7 n.rl ]Ving n а d ffеr..llI hc|!r or t аt оUl dt,рo\.

8 Гnirkс а t r5t t"a,VгnеПt liirеn !.L rqrее to L||r! Е Pоned at2з,22 ма|k NeWton, сh€stеr
!on.еthiг! еrре ls],i! ]vе n а s€m dеlасhed hous€, п4y nеiqhЬour s obs€ssrd lt]ith рrivасУ ]n
hsfloлtgаrden'hehаsаrowofrcа|уtа fаn grow]пg trees thаttolа у
sPЕAк|NG Workinpаi15.Whаt5ortof probIems h deth€ froпt O{ hь hоUse,lсan't imаginеWhаt hь VingrоommUnbe
are typ i(аl Ьetween nеiqhbouIs? |\Лake а Iist. ike beсausеth€re,s пo Wау аny sun|]ght саn getpаnthetr€es, тh€у а|so
tаkе up somе оf our |ight аt се(аin t пrеs ofthe day, апd the top brаnсhеs
Reаd аboUtfour p€ople аnd their p rob Iems асtua||yovеrhаng mу root Whеn l'5W]rrdу' Worr€d thаttheу,rе goinq
With their nеigh Ьоu rs' Do they mention any z5 10 саL]sr dаmaqe triedtо sреaktO him, but he rеfus€d po]nt.Ь|аnkto dо
problems in your list? апуthing аbоutit He deniеd do ng апуth ngWroпq lreсаUse he са]med
thаtthr trееs Wеrе ]n hь gаrdrn аid he соuld doWhаt he |]ked ther€, вut
the brаiсhes aьO obstluсtthе раveпrеnt and kпewthаtthе сounс lWou d
hаve to dо somеthinq аbOUtthаt,5O lса||ed them апd exp|аiпеd WhаtWas
з0 hарpеnjng' тhеу 5entsomebodу IOUndtо ]i5pесtthe prорertу апd thеу
аqrcеd thаt tWаs i||ega| iJndеr апtisoсia| bеhаvioul е8 dаtion вtt пoW
mу nеighbоur hаs ассusеd me of]nvаding h s privасy, Hesаysthаt fhe hаs
tо сutdоWn thetrеes b€саls€ ofme he,s gоing totаkе mе to соurt, somе
рeoр|e have gоt а сhееkI

Rеаd the tеxt аgаin' For quеstiоn 1-l2, сhoose

from tЬefоur pеop|e (A D).тhepeop|ёmаybe
фosеn mole thаn onсe'
llh.h pсl'on
1]c|!,ilа1hе/!hе.,]аrtеd] ]

ddпtbсthernlаk]nс ad re.tсOmрa nt?

Е Pоst€d at ]5']0 сathеriпе DаVв' Bury )
I nevеr.rca||y know WhO mу neiqhbours arе bесаus€ they re а|Wау5 iLrffеrеd lroГll а i]Ltс|roп'пlt]пса1oп] з
сhаriging, Nеxtdool is rеntеd а(ommоdаtion аnd thetеnants sеem 10 []J5 trt.г tNt(].liсlrц] !.LJLr!! oIl]ь/hс1
р?rmаnёnt|y сOme аrrd go We've hаd so mаnУ diflеr€nt рlob €ms' no doubt а...on] 4
саUsеd pre.ье|у by thе fасtthаt th€ рeoрle know thеу аrеп,t gоing to be
5о !еd h !'ihеr рroir еm on у oп tlrе
sе.on. аttеп'рt?
there fоrevеr.5о thеyjUst doп,t саre What thеir nеighboU15 think ofthem,
Wе,ve had ploblems Wth barbесues in th€ summ€r(theУ near|у set f rе to
the fеп(€ опсe, аidthел therеаrеthе5mе|ь аndthesmokе)апd wе,ve th|еаiепеl l]5/hе. ге]qhЬo!r? 6
hаd саssiсаlmusiсiаns driv]rrg us uр the Wа||аs thеy reheаБе ti]з аm' вut l not с а n]ng оn l]в/hе'Ourп
WoБtоJа|]аrеthe dogs, Peoр|e don,t reа ize hоW апnoyinq they саn bе bеh,r f] 1
W\e|,tеi,lе |еh d|o е d|| ddy' I Wor. аt ho ne.1d soг е dos' j,5, doг | qot ап ехреrttо iаkе а.t оп !,;hеi
stopbd. i| gclоt] ining Iti.|,Ljus.lhPтd(trаt tnop5nе||ог flolli,g'
hь/hе'o\''r'п attепlрt5 to 5o'!е .hе
Don't рeop|е rеа|izе thаtth€ilprts саn,lbe hарpy ifthеУ'rе mаkingthatsort
of noisе а] dау |olrg? |'d spеаktоthе n€ighЬours if Ithbughtitd mak€ а рrob '.m fu .d'? в
d {felепсе' 0nе dаy IWas 5о desреrаtethаt lsрokе direсt|у tо thе |аnd оrd' hrs .5tа fl еn.]5h рi 9
He ilst ассUsed me оfoverrеасtiлq, Тhеrез no а|tеrnаt vе but tO h.! b!сll l !tLrrЬld Ьt(..ъ! o|рroр€
сo1,o(tdn a id|'ghЬ9 o-p' 'rом/
\i'./сr( п!]l ]0

E Posted уеsterdау 20,]5 ]iпr Gordon' нanrngs .!рiеd h 5i'hEr Пе!]hЬo'r|5 brha! oLrr] ]]

Weа Wауs gоt On reа yWe With thr nеighbours on One sid€ ofoul house. Ih iс ghbO!|'5 J.IOlr5
h s'/hеl 1rе
WеWou|d hаVe djrr ner tоgethеr onсe оr twkе а yeаr аird hаd а оt оf shаred miqht i,rmаqе tl.е s!r!сt!|е оI h 5/hеl
iпterests, |tWаs а tоtа shoсk Whеn onedаУ lаstsummer lgot а |ett€rfrоm hoLri-.] 1)
the |oсa сounс te] ng meto nор thе bu ding WOrk thаt We Wеre doiпg
be(аusethe neghbours had ]odged а fOrпrа| сOmр|аint аbout th€ noье Find idiomatiс expressions inthetexts Whiсh
aпd mе55, IW€nt rou|d to 5е€ thе n€ighbоurs on the Oth€r sid€ b€саuse I
рrеsumеd it hаd brеп them, We don1hаve muсh сontасtWith thепr, to be ] .]o rrl.аt s пе.е55аrуio..hiеl.д soп nq
hоnen, But it Wаs с еаr аfter]un а lew miпUtes оf оur сonveБаtiоn thаl
thеу,d hаd пoth пg to doWith it, sothen IW€nt round to 5еeoUI,friend('
2 n! гo ]r а i rm аld.irе.t.n€y
th пk пqthele'd b€en а mьundебtandiiq' You сan imaqine my.urрrse з \,!hеll nrJrе!i." d(rе5 r'r.е, .] 5l..sр'".tf! thinq5
When thеу сonfеssеdthat it had bеen thеm, Iask€d th€nr Whytheу hadn't 4 l]ryе 5оnlэb.(]! nlа.
spоkeп tо nrе fiБtапd thеyjun reр|]еd thаtthey'd fеitаWkWаrd аbOUt 5 tirrеnteП tn dо tо 5оГnеcnе ihе 5аmе i|]n..]tlаt
tе ling mеtо mуfасе' Whal? sothеу thought it,d be bettеrto go bеhiпd
mУ bасk аnd invо|Ve the сOUiсi|? |deсidedthere апd thеп thаttwoсаn
p ау аtthat gаmе' тhаt 5аmе аftеrnoon I put ]n a сoпrplа]nt аboutthеir
sPЕAкlNG WhatаboUtyoД?
сonservаtorу beсause IknеW for а fасtthеу hаdi,tаskеd forthe рroрer ,] Vihаi аionlh рWih !o|r пеiqlboLrrs
perm slon to bui|d it, |пsрeсtoБ сапre аnd orderedlhem to pu||it dowi, 5./oLrr rе
Nеed|е55to sаy, We io |onqerhаve dinnеrtogethеr оt еvеn sаyhе|]oforthаt
rnаtter, but th€y сan't сritkize mеfor dOing Whаt Idid, Аft€lа||, didn,tstаrt 2 \ilh},.oyo! tl'iIkpro!спl5Witl'lrс!llborl5L.lll
а||this, did |? !Г]сt ]]сs.l.ррl]l'l

1а Look аt tьe seпtenсes. Rewrite 1b Put eасh verb in bo|d in ]а in thе (orred (аtegory.
thеm u5ing dirе(tsрeeсh' ] \rе'lr + (iN.i]+sегiеnсе n |срortеd 5DеЕ.l \//.h.hапgЕ oitеп5е е!] 5,]1rс'li1
lhe), prom ised ihаt th е]r'd kеер .x)|]' аd Гг] it,.o.rP !|ji !1
.h€ mLr5i.dо\,in п thе fLrtLrrе 2 cbjесt + (lh.t) l !сrltсnсе п rероriеi 5рее.h' еq' iе]l' r€r.lllc
А iriе:d suqqested thn ,\,е !\4 t." r . ,tnfatx,
з \iеrL] qLrеnioll flord/i.+ lеllL.|сс l r..роried 5ре..F еq'l7Jl'
с ]е denied i]' n,l] аnl|| iq' |O.!]
d ]е с|аimedlhat h'.,d sееn hеr 4 !еrЬ + LrOl)l. ]'rfn t]Vе' еg, cIiсt ,ih|еа|.|1.lcn6|1(i
]е ас(usеd пlе OtO\,е(са.t nq 5 VеrЬ+ol.]еLtЕ(rol)l.:nf]пi|:N?,еg,!е!i,о|i'/lsе,ia|b]d,,,it'||tе
nsр.сtO6 ordeled lheп] tO ir! i
6 !еrD + qеruid' е!]'. , P.a!т)||е|16, оdnt' rеg|еi
warned h пl tl'at WсL] d:.[с 7 \rеrb + iоb,е.t)
рlEрositioп +!еrL]пd ,.оni.s'to,е!],
Ingr.]tNi'iе \axrеbо(i! о|1 с|i|iсEе sonеbod' far, |'||l|л \оnеbо|lу aga|nst, aоciоli7е
h Wondered V\'hу lhе!d dcnе t {о |' |j i.) ||] е \a |nеbоdу |N I
i Hе refusedt. co аn!тh]n! rt]oLrl \rе|b + (in.l] + оbjе.l ] (r.A'!/t]) + I п t \]. rritFo!1 to'.q
п rе.a п ||е n |i, r\ i\|' d еrл a na


j40 l4l

A mbel of reрorting Verbs (аn goWith mole thаn one

n u сomp|etethе sесond sеnten(е so thаt it hаs а simi|аr
stluсtule. Look аt thе senten(es аnd addthe rеporting meаnin9 to thе first sеntenсe, usinq the word given. Do
verbs in ьold to аnoth el сategory in 1b. not сhа nge the word given.You must u5e ьetween threё
а Hе promised to lrеpthr пLr5]..o\r,/П пtl.rftrtLrrе аnd sixWords, in(luding thеWord qivеn.
Ь :]е сlаimёd to Ьr aЬ е to dо
hе Kеd thеrе ],1,ol d d а lrеаi]оЬ ol рl] ltiiq !оLrr r.оm' ] Гn to l.rt'll
с Hе Warned m! not to makе a forп]а сcnр ir Пt сoNGRAтULAтЕD
d H. denied hаd.]Oi. аnllh i.].!|O']!] hе lm
2 ,'

e Hе suggested rtгq а еttЕr сa )rо|l р.r.ltj'' th.!. Jdy |O d |h.lrс!5

сomр |ete the senten(es With these Wotds. тhen rewrite Тhеod irl,.i ''..
the sentenсes usin9 direсt speeсh. З'Arе уcu d6 1q д1y11 19 at |h. \,!'с.kсl.?' 0 ./еr n. to nп ti,
арo|oqizеd сritiсizеd insistеd offer€d

lеminded Wаnt€dto knоW
ех.Lrjе', 1,la]lпе to с sапсIа
] l,]]у iеqhbоLrrs iц.sЬlcd thаt sh.Lr i tirr10'
'\bLr rе а l^,аr5 mаkinq Lrр
|''l'h0"L1 J9 l.'| d|иr'' :r' эlеtl п; пr",
'IoLr m-n рa!!oLrr Ьi 'ihеcirе.toriodъпе55а'
2 ,i-. т.. nol.о f.rqеt1оiiriе аn !flbrе . DЕlvlANDЕD
З Тhе рo ]се ,, i. rrе ъl 5е..n аnуth n.r Тhс с]гE.tor
4 Тlе! Lrj tcr b.. пq пo 5! 6 Тr!5реak ng tcуO!r nе q|.0!rIlst' Tагl]аra tо d l/
5 ТheV.rаit|е55 fо'.(рр ']q tlL'I dt0' 5UGGE5тЕD
б Тiе nе!hl]OL]J tO Oс( ]t1.| f]у sъtf|

сhoosе the сorre(t аiternаtivе. ln eaсh sentenсe one, two тhiпkаbout oсса5ion5when
or aIl altelnаtives mаy be сorreсt' ] 5оnеЬо.]! ссnqrа.Lr;tе.] i.оLr i.rdL] nq 5onlr1iq
] h эl . а п'еd ie
.l./lr.,,r' o rl п е q h bo| r! 2 nj f] 0tJ.d), 1n!еnеd tiаt!oLr 0o 5oiеthiпq
2 P!t. l]!'ilс. tll.'ili,.'/.n |: i'- to ll5 рi]rt)l з 5ОmРlrОd)';р0 o! lrd t]Vl)! i)ld()l! nrn..1h п!
з .rdп'it|.d Лfi loiIOl]t'i'('r'l1l]'rr!!,/,/ihе
4 lol;dm .t.d d. lrq 5oпl.|h n!'"!|Olrq.
5 yo! сritс7еd 5cIтеbo.!ьr.]o n!]sonlеth n!
4 lеy .orilcssсd ro jl€'a'iilli./-t. li..j|,.iirrr .i../ itrlr 5iort.| .hе 6 somеbod!. аskеd '/оl tO dо h m/hеr a biq iа\,сLrr
7 lOLrtl.ankс. l0mebоdr Iоr соin. l.пl..t|'iПq,
5 \atе proГll 5еl] le .'|]f7,!qnl g,,;.hf l1,q!rj .nпl. tо !.чit пlе,
8 !оГnеiicd)r а..L]s.|ij,.I o|lOn! 50mIth rl! !ou lаdПt.oпе
6 ivr)' n e ! h b O Lr ' s ! ! ! с s tr ij I'|]i:i||]1"(:r,I||],у:|,ii9,|, ||r,:'ho|i|i |,)!,(|,
a l0!5е l/!аlГn ig pаrt)] sPЕAкlN0 Work in pаiь' Disсu!! five or six oftьe oссаsions
7 |?f|,1sе,1
р6!rn'|tc рi,/th' 1r,;]1th е f п..
in 6' A5k аnd аnswеr quеstions аboutWhat hарpened'

unir 6

Idi0mаtiс ехрressioпs with home (om

Pletе th ese diа logues using idiomati( expressions flom

1 sPЕAкiilG Lookаtthеsе sеntenсe5. Eасh one(ontаins 1 A: t/lrat.x'а5thеf m ]k.?

аn idiomаtiс expression (ontаining thе Word
B: t\''/аj0(, sLrрроsе'ЬLrl
fiome. With а раrtner, disсuss What you thinkthe
expressions meаn.
2 А: Th ! hclе] mаke5 yoLr fее rеа !,'.re.oпlе
,l ,m
в: аqr..е l!
оn.еr/''orkеd oп а sL]Гnm.rсrmр
аt home
з А: Тhеr'|еtаk п!]iоrеVеriO br nсlо!r пеа
kпo\rithаi home truths lr!rt' ЬLrt h.\rе |Otе yoU
в: kпc.l']Vliе сOr d Ье hеlе

:hа1'irе ha/еп,t bееn hаррy./rth yoLrr bеhaVioLrr

4 A: |]oп t mаkе );'O!r..55аytoо !]еnеla
в: 0к ЬLrtWh;lьnrс5 do lcLr !!аit ]l.lс ,,?
\''ф'rе v(]nn]ng 5 0 аnd thеrе J|e oll ! f !е m n!lе5 OI 5 A: А|'"),O!rqrаndр.rrеПl5 сcm|ortаЬ е !s n! 1he ntеrпеt]
the mаtсh lе1t \r!еle homeаnd dly] l.- B: IhеJr,"""'е'сn1irt f rst Ь|t iOW Ihey '
],!al rеа
!]OOk nq lorvlаrd tO lеаd']q h ! пеrl/ book, 6 А: t! аt]O!tt пlе hе hеаrd !,ihаt wе rеа
bLrt l1,1'а5 a bit d 5арро ntеd hу t, t.еItаillywаsnt B: аqrее Lеi5 t." h].n5ome''
аnything towlite homеаbout ,; 7 A: \ц/hat'5thе iormа irryfor.рiot?
\li/hеn tегnрe|nt!rе5 nari rеа.hi|!]45 d..qr?е5 сеs U5 B: th nklhl
, brin9sithometoуoU 8 A: so fаrVlе'V'"!O1ir tlе qLrеnion5 riqht ii tl.е qL] /
в: kioI/ ЬLri dOг't qе| too ехсiеd liie arеп't
Тh s iе\,idr пk 5 ! |oItе..пrgеr' so1h.. рLrЬ .ity
са.nрn gп rri homе in ontnеГn ^ Reаd the tехt аnd deсide whi(h аnswer (A, B, с or D) bestfits
lron Nе!r\,c|k 50for
m mе а b! с]t!. ikЕLопdоnБ еaсh gар.
homefrom home. ,
8 Yo!.аг kеер а5(illg mе tо iе уоL] hеr !Е.rеt untilthe 1

сows(omehome' bLri'm пеyе|Eoing tOtе !oU' г lllt]iре..loсесozе;. lrt].s'if )roLrаlеn'l5U.еlrh.hорtоп

9 \,е lеаd n Пеtееп.fthеt]r'.'.гt!.haрiеrs ]n |h s book, ь rqhi' th]rtiboLrtv(hу.thеrs а|еdе|r]t..]rWrcПq JId е Пiпrt..
'm onthe home strаighvsttеt(h аi аn ] ExАM 5UссEs5 l pаge i5з
10 Г]o yOLr m ld ii ;5k./OLr hoil fl!.n you tаke homеi

А rе.еni rерO|t сa гп5 t5аtа (]l ,, ''. ,]r'nlb.!lofреоре

n th.. L]l(аlе i!l.rt lопlе onqеrТnс Vdn mа]o| '!.lрсoр е vro| d
Mаtсh the id iomаti( expressions in 1 Withthe р'рrе1еr.Oi 1O lа1/е to do thе 5hoрр Пg' пq аnd iоп lg
definitionsа-j.нoWmаnydidyou guessсorreсtly? An.' et5i2] ,, i,
'й5hs LrlLrа
i!]Lrfi5.!ok lq t'dlf.Lrttо
а bе сOmtot;lr еirnd rе аi..d \ri th bеа1 вutOПеihпgihаtьсLrrio!5 5thаt гrO|с гпеn s.а]rаt ]огne th.п
b iO| а !!Ц, опqtiпlе $'omег' т(e \r\/oпd.crеd lз) ,, that m;oht Ь.. ап. 5O .'(е
с !]0 nla qhtto О е раl|.Lr аrthiпg аskеd Е 2aЬеth l'/аrsh а 5Oсoo! !i' to 5!qgс9t soГn.. r.cа5On5 she
d а рJсе vihеrе !c| ].се a5 rеахеd r5 n loLrro\,Jп hcГ.е
|!) ''' ',, th.tq 5tеni 1о bс пro|еso.iаЬiе аnd lаllе а
,iridсIп..t\riorko11riе.ds !itl whоГn thе!.dп 5.arеаiаt Тh.)ri5o
e hа! iq а.l еvеd ViсtOr)/.rr 5Lr..?55,.r сеrtаiп tо
tеn.1о lа!е еаlnt5ur!!a 5ki 5'ihеу.|е пl.гЕ at hoГ.е
i'5) '' ,,, аilhе|!р..a holsеho d.l]olе5 aпd аrе rеаd!
mаkеloLr lеаlizе somеth]nq (cfl.п somеih n.]
I0 do tnегn аs 50oпа5tilеу Г.о\'е 16] Тlо5еfа.loв
!lp еаsаnt]O/ !|dсrstaп0 ]t bеttеr thап Ьеf.rе
l7j mа!ехр a n \''ih! 5o mаnу!.cLrll! v/oпl.дп р:е|еr
I tс еn]оythеi| rldерепdеn.е аni mc!е oLrt oith. р.rеПtаiirогnе аi1he
h !пр еа5аntlа.t5 or oр n on5 а'olrtyэLrihаt 5Om.Oг. firli l8) f5 a sо:rLrеihаTуlrll]q реoре Oi.еn liаnt
to i.r'" а Onе b.Jt.аn1(9]
'. ',a..olrпtоfthеfа.tthdt
пot bе аnylh sреса t|еуnont ll0] '' ',, , hогnе епoull1о Ье аЬ еtО р.y dlе
thс аn oаrt ot аn асt y t)'or рro.е55
,l А b gqеr в !]row пq с n.rеа5 пq D neadr
2 Аsаy в .rl.rрt с fасе D ar]i
з А \l'h). B .,.r'h.rt сr D hovl
4 А пtormеd в tod с rеm ndrd D eхрaпr.
5AOП B ц,th с |0r Din
бAOг Bin с irtc D h(nт]е
7 А m]х..d B .rtoqеthеr с joiпеd D сomЬii.d
8 A оссаlci B е!еГt с оррorlL]n y D moгnеnt
gAoi в]n с fol D !,rih
]0 A mаkе Bgo с Ьrп]g D tаkе

Viсtoгian horne life

o *li:till;]l ij ;:i:lfiТlili,J'j:l\1H.
соlrесtаnу оItlissions. с\'еn i|lrе s|lould.ilаvе timе to
Flistorу notiсс fiеш, a]thollghшith the Ъеst irttеntions,
Тhe life 0f а sеrvаПt ]n Viсtоriаn Еng|аnd
21.9l :;i':'-#ff ilil3:i""",i$}lJi;l"*"''1Т"
has dol1с ll.ith il thе Vegсtаlrlеs irпd saoссs Ъе]oпgn1g 1o thе
diГгеl.еnt dishes рrсsсntеd Nithоut rеmаlli lo Lhс guсsts;aпd
Ihе iootmaп sholtkl irеаd iigltlу irl пo\'ing IоInd. aпd. it
lo роssiblс, should heal in п1nd, it |hеrc is а 'il ог hLlmоrist
оf lhе рnrtу' irllоsе gооd thillgs kеер lhe tа]rlс h а гоnr' thаt
Il) J|e 'o'' ,),.,сdlJ'rl\l '.r,,

2|g 1 H:ilJ;:"': j'jii:,,l-ii:;.i'тlff т.iТ'

l5 lras ьeen рrс\lious]у plераrсd: hапds rhс trау round to |hо
сompаIDl l\.itlt сlеаln and sugat. dr. tеа and соl.fссЪеiпg
sеnеln|]у рoLllсd out' whi]с аnоthеr аLtсndant hаnds сakсs'
rоast. oI bisсuits' Ь aп оidinary tъmilу рarty. WhеГе this
sосiаl mса] is рlерaled by rlrс nristlеss, lrс са|riеs rhс urlr
]o or kеttlе. as thс саsе п.ty bсi hапds rotrnd thс tоаst' о' s!сLr
оthеr еаtalr!е as mауbе leqLliLсd, |еmoviirg thс wholе in rhс

lt J.f\!? \|,r|..,l,n|е.| l|, ool,J|,,I,J,Рi''l

i. It' a' | .ра |',) |,r'c.,l|;.I o|л
]5 а р]асe гor c!'сrуthing nnd е\'еlуdring h ils р]aсе. A sinli'
l\.ith hоt аnd соld Walсr ia o'l, is !,еly dеsnа]rlс' _со]d
nЬsо|tltсlу nесеssarу, i\'"oodеЛ Ьоwls o| пйs оisllг|iсiсnt
сaрnсitу alс rсquirеd, onс lbr hot alld аnothеr fог соldыalег.
t]а!е thе LrоWIlhrсс pагts Гпll ofdеап hо| wаtс|; iп t]ris
l...dIp|, с. |||г|l,с, i I l'. \v|,, |,,'еolё.,,y,t, p,|':
|1' |',
' о,.',FinIrJ,.il\.\' Ol,|'l
r-rJ.r J. тhе |ootmаn ]n s lal] t.aпri]iеs. 1\,hсrс onlу
3 lУo ," rп-
i" кеpt, ]ras many o|thе duties оt.
thс u ppеr sеl !аnts tо pегtоrft аs 1\.еl1 а5 h is o1\,l1 аfld пrorе
]5 сonsйЛt оссuрaliolli hе lviIl nlso hаvе thе arгnngсmепl
ol |. , ,| ]' n o|Р , .с|а|.|) l |, . o'. |, .о.|l.o|,llld
hеNilldo Nеl]tо ]еduсe illo а lltеlhоdn]aldivision. Al1 .]

his.oшgl \'olt slrou|d bс dоDе heГоrе b!еak|аsiis rеad}'i

ll,hсn hе musl nPрсal с]еan, itnd ill a рIеsеп iab]е s!аtе.
Aiter brсaktаst' 1\.lren с\.сrythiпg bе]ong]lls to hislantL'i,s:
сlсanеd nпd рLlt ill its рlасс' thс f rпituiё nr гhс diлiпg'afd:j
draNirls rоопrs reqLli|еs lпblri g' ТоWaids] il]on 1hr.paitd-lll
]nпсhe.rlt is tо bе ргеpаrсdjапd hс mtlst l'е rii:li.i.i-тnisliеiзЪ
dispоsal ro gо оuiltiih ihс сапиge' о' гшоii;irеl.iг stlе
. r r.. :rl
| .:: : 1.::1.,t;.: .:t,.,.:

маtсh the Wоrds аnd defi nitions.


P19? rеtJ .onl.iiеъ;5еi

,; ior
ff.: :.iii,::TlJii jl'fi :',il-".i:ё:iч
pегtесф сlеanl\.oodсn Ъo!v] is bеst fоr this орсration' onс nl
гor inodelalеlу lrot and anоd]еr tb| сold п,аter, цJash the
а!.rh oLri !
.] siassеs 11€П thе ti|st and rinsе them in thе sссоnd' аIrd 5 .irф'rl d !oте.оl]! \lhо itLrгг!' oitеi
пuп thеrn dоldn on а linеn сlоth foldеd tWо оr thL'сс limсs'
lo drаin tоl a i]еw mnrutеs'
\Uhen slLf|iсiепt1y drаiпеd' $liрс drсm r{irh a сloth апd ]i kе l1.
polish ll.ith a finсr one, doing sо !епdеф апd саlcfullу
А,.idсл. \ | ||аppс|',bll |о| lirgd,,Ir.i|чJ'.]'',г iI
thс dlaпring room more thаn сoiltlnx al Lеpоrts o|]rrеnkages' l
шhiсh, оt сlrursе, шxst |сaсh that Lеgion' :':
22or ff:Iifi: *::i:1.ifl::i.."*ffiIт
rightro rхресt' aпd shlru]d еIасt |ф|оL|slу, lvhеn visitoгs
A surprising Vjсi0riаn bеst-se|]er

рIеsеnt thеmsеli.еs. lhс sсrvаntсharged ц,'tit thе dutу ог ;
oрenjng tlre dоorц.il] opеllit prоmрllу аnd ans$'еl,, tlithout:; тhetеxt in 3 сomesfrom :

hсsilаtion' i| thс thm iI)' arе .!l ot аt hопе,' or .спgagеd]'' , thеBookofHousеhold

\vhiсh genеrallу mеапs thе sаmе thi g' on Lhе сon!гnrv' if Ilаnаgеmеnt, еdi|еd ьу
hе hаs rlо suсh ordе|s, hсi,ill аnswer ai]Гil]trаti!'еlу' opеn : Nlrs |sаЬеlIа 8eeton in
Il doolv o' o',J| i| |l|| ,',, , o'llе |е l |en, . ol' |||с l86]' In pairs, аnswer
dool oГ the dlawing l oom. If thе tЪпily arе nоt гhсrс, lrс :
wit1р1асе с1rаirs гor thсщ oрсn thе blinds (i|thе room is ..
] tl0? of !еl5On
loоо"Il'. 'l| |,il||-с.,\i,ц l|'l hFsoс,,o |',ol ,n'' \i\il.rt
ao !oLrtr rk !cLr \,"'.Lr d
mistlсss,lгlllс lаdy is in hсr drац,iпg ioorn. hе аппounсеs
thе паme of thе vjsitоrs' haviпg prеvious]у aсqLlaiitсd nс.d to irr 1. trr dЬ е to
himsеlt with it. ]n this раrt ofhis dury jt is neсеssаly to ]rе ]. :.. Doolаn(l!t lli]ll
\t'Iу саrсtu] to rсреаt the n]allles сolIесl]у; nrjsprопounсirlg j 1r m.Пdqе а hопle
'rn! a
паmеs is Vсly арt to gi\,е о||еnсе. ц.'hеn sеvеralvisitоLs irfl !l l.r,! o d lo!o.l
апjle togе|hеr' hе should tаkе саrе nоt to mir uр Lhе
с',' lс |l |/n.\,og',Ir., 'r1rrr |п \ h,'|o|r .,|Р ' ',Р 2 rраl1| i L nn idhU t5. rn h.t
Гашilу' as l'1r,I'lrs, аnd l'liss] iГlhсу аrс slraцgers. he пfоrла1cn fro! i] сxрс.tlofni i a Ьо.[ (.lh !
,l,o| ld 2|l1oJ1' ., eJ' Lr . , Jiч | .ц
' l роs ib|' , n lE6 l
2PO2 "",11;;;;;;11;
";{.i:: ;]J "
l''lh;t l.i]fП5 г.i!l.t еlр] п ih. рсr.! а::!
kе ih s' lГr...с nо!..]
.fа bOOk

: .}.
Listеntoа rаdio plogrаmme аbout
Mrs Beeton аnd (hе(kyouranswers in 5.

Lьten аgain. Whаt i5 the 5ignifiсaлсe ofthese
numbers, names, tit|е5 аnd obje(ts?
] 2п irl
2 9Ai)

5 ]rl]? Еlu]ljlL,1.ii] rl. !,mс!itlij.JJZ]Лl.

6 l1a|1еrr1 (.a|r|! [|| P|iv|t|е'гаnii е:

8 loi]r:.l r ld igrtп ll]

9 l96C

sPЕAliNG WhаtаboutyoU?
l thoLr!h lvl,5 з."еtcп,5 3.!r эi ]l0||\е ||h r0qеI|еn|
]50yеэrs. d t h;5 illl сrt o.5.,'L tь nodеrl
.o]l.ерt! !Lr.h а5.! iеnу
е n.]q.iziге5 а].]
5е|.hе р Ьcoк5'!uIh.5!.L/'/iо bеа ra.о plj|е|lt \|'||\
d.lOJ 1h пk /lе аrе il
lt..'еnе. n thеsеth Пq5 ]j t|e

unir 6 75

Impеrsonal reportiпg strLlсtLlres

5а Lookatthe sentenсеs' Why do you thinkthe
раssiveform ofthе rеpolting vetb is used in

а i!']L]kеih
'lГi.а ] ъ sаid to bе 0llh i]3 i] O.
b Тl]е L5| .]ii. ь repoltеdto hаve gone l]р r

с А.ih..t пlе' itWas с|аimed thаt}п.!.r .].].

!i]l l|!z]4 m ..П ol h5 г.iе

d |t isestimаted that.h..10]!. ! ti'!.id)/ !]rolill
е [']LrrЬа is known to h.lrе о

f |ti5thouqhtthat..|rsсrlJllЬo|5ti .lе
lееiРd пthE l.t!.
to "L

9 |t hаs Ьеen suggеstedthat h..,r5 5lrеnt 5.

sPЕAкtNG тhь photo shows the home ofone ofthe ri(hеst |1lL].l o. h5 hопE t!t.U!1]'rt 1rllеl)rрl!;1r
men in the Wor|d' In pаirs, dis(uss What you think ofthe
hoLrsе. Whаtf0аtures do you thinkthе house Wi|| hаVe?
5Ь тh ete а le tWo d iffeIеnt im petsonaI Iepo rting
1]i.,:lit.j] ltlil! ti] Listеntoapod(аstаboutthehouse. stluсture5. Whi(h senten(ёs аbovе fo||оW
Does it hаve аny ofthe fеаturеs you ptеdiсted? pаttern A? Whiсh fo||ow pattern B?
а ii р;j5!е'rрoj]l! lii.l n.l]]Р.i
|.lr .lс 'с.t]
п t ]е ll.;t ir.t]! tl yo. rlLr ? . ;:п.е lсе] Ьl !|l].].](] b !!Ь:.. r!гnJ.{] l,rl|r + lo + рli]!.r t lrln |!е
toi.еrt 0|iO|ё!o| n..п, е:ii]il1 !е.ltiп.:5 апJ th llk.]Ьo-t
.l i.]l ljrре.f\rioll! ir li.1']r.l n]]r.сnе l |h. iрn.i,

...L]. it l t l. s|;.? аt.h:rе b| !i.]01iеl [r.j5iD е:ls el
] 5 t.е rе:i i ]! lr t.. lnt .r рrеirпi ре tе.t'

2 5tlе.].tolllt ll]'.рo trd n.lер.n.

.цl.} Listеn аgаin аnd (omр|еtethe 5еntenсes.Writo пo рrеjегt pеriе.1/
more thаn three Wo rds а nd/or number5foteа(h аnswеr'
.GRA[4|V]AR REFERЕNсE ) pа.lе l]i] r

hЕ h.Lrs.. 5.]| r.|lrL )]:h.t!li... b.. i!ltI

ReWritе the senten(es fo ||oWing th e exа mр |е.
Th..]rj.]t.l;t d ] Еl! ilГ.апj г.п.е ! ljr.]!tI]
. h. rirГ.е tъ. !lLrl.jh д n.rr] hа5 -q
r:ll th. ir0L5е.i]n.е5 t. ,t , | ,, i tt, 1,. .,, I

] тhе! i:r Г] t..]t l]оL]jе

р,.r5 аrе !!] l! L]Or'r

!]!(сih i п.lаr!]i:|)irb! ':, Jnl]lIir

2 hР.] tr d ihn thе l.]!5'.lr.d lrеrn iрr.tа.l, аL

bir d rпi I з ll'.]! [.]..r l;Lt.еPа..ес.5tn cl51.l].,i.

. 5oпrсаl? .Пгарр.',t li]: 1ll |. j n]сh а rсh hoLsc .] ltiulnlrJ
пl oг t)I]оl]i, !r n рool
'.рOnr. tlаl hе! ! п!] r N.!i\i'k -]nl
\i.k..+'iа5.L] t hъ hоLr5'. Lr5 rl! r t
Тhеr.. d|. llеirt iir tiL]Гltl.е ]эtottl." Ее
b| .] п! r']сle !1l (е5h iг.] | 5 i]llr ), ,.Е,
|h.]| 0l.. hO|r5е iе d].,',l п :68-]
sPЕAк|Лc WhаtaЬoutyou?
] l''l|;t.].] io| tF llk.rit..5l].L]!еi
2 ]о !.r .h Пk t ll |(' i ii l]lо!:n. !! tr r ! l!] l.i b.. n i!
5.,L:h!] l! l]еi7 i1].r]]7]ii,]lt Пэt]

'4t ,

4 ReWtitе thе sentеn сes. RepIa(ethe undеrlined phlаsesWith an аdvеrb

ol аdvelbiа| from the speakinq ваnk.
,] Тo tе ,!O. tllilr!t]r' doп't kе hеr Ьеdrooгi
2 Тlr! !а! tn.lt5hс'!!Oitylob oihеБ,
3 cq!еr.|.]nl!opr]i0г lrroLrlj tid)rtlеroсnl !. !x.iоlrt аrl.)l,
4 :.,,е|]'сn...Jn sсеilаt it5 а rn nakе'
5 t 5еrm5 tlаt 5lrc Iol]уl't 1d\].. a.ompLrtеl lг hеr h'рdlcon'
6 Hе эqrееd tо h. р, ЬLr..hаt rri': а 5 l th п! tr. 1]0
7 lh;i 5, trrth.L]L !Lr.Jt oll. а l.еaL dс.j'
8 Тhl !:i p:! blr. пotе.',еl!onе i..]еj nаП.еho!5c

Praсtiсe mаkes perfесt

5а Wolk in pаirs. student A| Look аt p hoto ] аnd prеpаrethreеquestions
toaskyour partnerаboutit. student в: Do thesаmeWith photo 2.

sPЕAкlNG Workin pаirs. DеsсriЬeWhatyou сan

seе in the photo.

-i-iт{:j!llli 'jl, ).*1 Listеn tоа studеnt

dis(ussing the photo in an exаm. Whаtfour
q uеstions doеs the exа minеr аs k? Does th e
studеnt ansWеl а|| foul qUestions?

',/heп !.t]
оck at tlе р loto iоr thе firn t Г.е'
nar1lh Пk llq of рo55 Ь е qLrе5tоп5.onn"".Tе. tO
.h! 5 1!;1 On aП. thеГnе.hаt thе еrаГniПеr mioht
ЕXAIVI suссЕss I pаge 149

з (, Lookаt thё infolmаtion in the speаking

Bаnkаnd Iisten аqаin. тiсk the аdVerbs аnd
аdverbiа|s yoU heаr. Wherе do they usuа||y
сome/ аtthestаft ofthe sentenсе or in the

5b Askyour pаtnerto desсlibе your p hoto' After аpproximаtely one

minutе, begin to аsk yourthreе questions. Allow your pаrtnel time to

give full аnsWels.

sPЕAк|NG Work in раirs. Di5сussthese

] аl h:thrес tl э5 r tiс l]']Ol.s i/'h.l

!\i.Lr d l'o] . .i.| lо l].
..;гil \(h],
2 llih.t Iа.iOrs iо!..l lh n( dе..е t.]е qLrа ilr

з \'!h.|.tе! п th! rr.]|..о !0| lт;q Пе

оif."r t Ье5tqIJ tjrOi..i.h..!еiLrЕrni

l 5..55lIlе l.JJi]ll: i]l)rot r.n..Е5

Rеad this informаtion' нoW mаny ofyour

five сhoiсes in ] аppеаl in the Iist? Arе yоu
5urprised ьy thе top ten? Why?/Why not?
Eасh уeal а сons!|ting сOmраnу саL]ed ]\4еrсer
rаnks сities аro!ndthеWol|d ас(old]ng tothr
quа ityof iving ofthе nhаb]tаnts,Тhе iving
сondition5 arе аnа!уsed ассording to d]ffеr€n1
fасtor5 groLlрed into thеsetеn саtеgorie5|
,l рo t.а .jn. sc.. еn..'rorт?пt
2 :.Jпoпl i .n! '.nmегi
з 5o.]o i]r |!Lr |i!']lоПГ.еt
4 hеr th J'l. nn l; nn
5 5.l.с j.l.]ed.,... nп
6 i]ut].sеl!,].еj.гd |r.]ll!рo't.ll]ll

8 fuтLrmе !с..s
9 lrars.l
,]0 i.],.!.. .n\' roгГnепt

тhе rеsu|t5 n 20]0 Wеre asfo|lows:

2 ].'.l'' si /е|.i'ld
з Gr l|!a 5ii1?Р|агd
4 lапLl]r.r.l .;гаdа
5 А|.t а|.]' Nе',.. ''е. апi]
6 DLr55е.] I i''Г.Jn)]
7 ЕrJIk|Lrlt' G:rпэ l!
8 iVLrn].h Gе.пl.ri''
9 веr' 5!.!,1Z.l rll.]
]0 !!dnеn АLrsftа .
Reаd thetаsk' In pаils, btainstormWhаt
you сouId 5аy аbout yоur home town/сitу.

You rеаd thе fьl]оWjn3 а nounсеlDспt

in.L trаvс] пugаz]пс.

I|о! l о| illв |1 Геtепt1\' pu blisItсLl Гanki11r

оIlhе \|оr|7'S bсst сL|iеs |o |^,е i]l'
||.Ifould likе Ге| lo sепd it1
аrtrc|еs noпind!ing thеir hопе |nfл
о\" 10 b. ilI.]u|fu|l i|l nk'fubIе пе|I
\еаj|'Ii|l us Ih1'!оnI hо.пс fu\|п.)r
сi|'\ i\ \pеtnn а |h| n \houLdЬI]

Reаd thisаltiс|eWrjtten Ьyа studеnt. Does mаkеyou Wantto Jive in this сity?

tooking for qUаtitУ of Life? Look no furtherl

no4; до' брOeO || O\,l'!o'|'
' . i, |!а ;
1o о рdll' rvс O.
'"'b" b,
|'"".'',д 'о|]ё.d"b |O"Oo
Ь'' o d oд, 'O
0nсе the сарitаl of sраiл, ТоtedO сLеаrtV l|а5
о !] d,.' d| , рl' |д06орёO
ircn 0'i'g
i'6'д д O.' Ad 'рс " I

i,d .'ib",,l, о,д l'o/о'о' g

сitУ tOr thе thoLrsаПd5 оf р.доpte thаt
' сoпlc еdLJl
Уеаr to Visjt its riаqlifiсеnt mOпumeпts
q"" " -," I 'q,"..
оredo Гnаnаqes to (ееp jtsеLf yoLlлg thаnk5 tO thе
lпlttrеПсcoltllе пUmеroL]5 5hLdeЛts \,/hо tiVе Ьelе'
A| oL.,|" 'д' '"0,i'о,i.,".:о о,"
Do о| , о Alо,0'o,р, о6.'o сс
ff shоррjng is mOrе Уour sсeпе,
Уlru саn find tuхLrrУ
ltеms lл trе аtmоspheliс' irаrrolv stleets ofthе
od "|'Гo, |g''l'|e'o'6 l
iс|o' le" o lll'pё, ё ''ррi| q',lе
о :о' ,о ''" j ' |O',Oo:s /"'.
'o| .',дd oo,i'i' " 'o||,, ;с ,,
o|t 'O"l ]" д '"O v.сliO,
0' " "'' "0 lо,do"о' o' i}ol Ie
0d оl,:"O'9''" O ;ir'"bРd ' rL]in.l j.' rгl.1 l lrti.L' 5 L]l !ii]' i ... lrll.i.
алd сnаIасtеr, But dor,tjL5t tа(е пlУ Word fоI jt, t. l lц
.ltгr 'Jn.t. L]..'.]l']t]| il.] ]'.l L.. ..'L.:. п:.:'
Lсme aПd see |or Уour5е|f, Yоu mightjtr5t спd uр 'l;l
,.L' ll]] l l] l].iL]!:] .r i. ti. еi.]lr
l-i] !! г:l i]еll.i r]..;.] L
.o nD lir r,. :r.r ra rrli,:,j..r.:L Lri .:r r.rr.. rij,rl, rrr
l0гtД! дl]' ],.4s.j'l..l].],]i:' j !!i :::5 a n t'] !о|]!-115
. dr, -..,)r:.rjr-. r.!i'Lrs r-d;!!irr.r. -_,ni-r
A4аtсh some ofthese Words With the definitions
]-8. For
onе аnsWеrtWo Wotds аte,possibIr.
вeаd the informаtion in the Writjng Bаnk' Whi(h
аtmosрhеriс b!nliлg сosmopo itал сroWOеo .
eхpressjons or ideа5 аlr used in the аrtiс|e in 4?
of thе
t lthy hi iy h]stс'r с indl]str]аl ьо]аteo
пrаgnifiселt piсtLlеsq!e quаin1 rеnопlпeoloI
l,Lrn down shаt]Ьy sр]эt е5s sрrаW| ng
5tеере.] |i thriv ng tourьty V brаnt
соming weil сonnеitесl WеIl otf
r rLс:! i]!]o'.] 1r;. l.irL .:]j ] t]'! ].i]..ld
.. lrnr . r't. iL| 1tl
2 ir r..n. ;t ,,tr :. r,r,rirrr l.ri.i_ri.riiir,,
.;:.o .r r!,5. trr.l rLe ilr I ! ,1ir,
ri, r1riai,1,tlra
it :l llll.:у-ir; r t,
4 L]Li nlе ]Ll.r']eri !l].l . i..L.1l;lсfL] ]i]j..: .,!с
d ]i] l]!t!|.ri]'
. l]!r.lrr.т. lt..]l'l ttr. j ij.:.];L]..,'] :o r]li.. ] la
5 ] nlr lo. ] 0. l]l....]....l. hr].|'L:П: г.i.l] |].'rl-].] j

6 l l: . l].]]::'.]n. ''].r l) .] ii..ri L.! ] е..:i .. .' rе5 li]

7 -r!.ir. irr.',r;r. rr . tL -trr Illl sPЕA|(iNG YouаrеgoingtodothetаskinЗ,сhoosеасityot
E t.i'il!LJ' l.]с]. l] rown In voul .oUntly Wh|.h vou think hds а good quаljty
||тe,ln pа|rs, mdhe notрq. тhрn mаke o p|аn, olgdn|7inq
sPгAк]шG Workinраir!.сh€(kthаtyou thе
knoWWhаtthе note5 |nto pаlаqlарhs,
otherWord!in 5 meа n а nd аnswel th ese qu estions.
I s.,1. ,,1.! t, a.r ti!. rr .rtrr .
2 i]i]].l r Ё..j ]i]1..]|5. li] i..iri']
] illhl: i.| ].iJLrL!.t].].'l.r|:ll. lL.т;l L l ll.. Writе yourartiсleforthe tа5k in 3. UsevoсаЬu|аtyfrom
5аnd expressionsfrom the Writing Bаnk.
| -l revlslon
-- |

Longuoge reterenсe ono

1 |diomоt]с exрresslоns witЬ Ьome i th)' lrJi) * ,'fiL0i/ !ЬstrLrсt 1''J rёЬ 91r^k/

L.е а1hoп." !! tlr r bil ..1 h.Om wiо/ h ). (а.j] rhrli/ .p| еr.r (r') ] оpiul.лs]

bе hoгГ.".ni crу ]Ьi hаO r en dгш] оlеrhа.!] (']] /эUv.t)!юЦr'

эе oп |]ё iоmе n.а qnlnrетr o!.llеа.. (!) / эL'vэгi akt]

/Ьi m 6э ЬэOrn strсlt. 9trе{]

рartr)r (n) / р&пtтi1
br п.soГnеth п! honl.tо 5отеbod'/ nаqi flсепt iасj) ** pJroL]l (n) ] рo(г)lа(r)]
i ъrlil s.!mo]].] ъэUm 1э s^mьэdi]
hoГnЕfrom homr / hаonr ti.rп hэonl lish l!) r ilnlrv
п.п]е n oi i!] ] n.Unr ш nn] ||е (!) * /рn 7iuпr1
lromеtrulhj (r] i Ь.Om lrпlosi Гrе\,а i\,) r ]prj\'еr|/

noilinnto 'rtr hoпlе abэ.ri р оJ еm раqr (lr) l !]тьl.iпi pсId3/

1пlll! t. rlrrl proпrрt'. (аcV) *
h.rUm эtraul] 'iltъii i pmlr!t]i''
plb 5h.r (n) r* ]
jрri]W rq (аn]] i $t.t'!/ rE.'."alоn(n) /ri:rтiе|.J(э)Ir]
2 Тypes оf hоuse ond ploсes in thе home rЕf!n.рolit blirt iphr] ill лu' pJIпt ЬLankr
a:rar'еit(!) ].рo(г)t'пэnl lh'!].! (аi]]
.L.h.аl!е (!) * fl hз(r)si
Ь o.i OitliE iri ]ЬlDkэ\'flюts] tо]r n). iаdj)
(\,) **
rcrп /rеln/
blnqa or' (п) r /b^!q.lэU] (n)
сo:taqе ln) ** kDhdз] rrе..]1n ng iаdji '.r]llеn/
rл;е .t

1l,\k]эri/ hd]) ] гDkfiЦr'

'o.kеi].q (аdr]
'o!),.r...[еc /ф|kd]
5епdеtасh.d ]sеniidllrе(t]
lеrraс..] ] tе]' 5 oiher wolds oпd Phrоses rlD ill ** ,rrbl
:bnm паt !r (п) /э ЬDmI пс{(э)D r!ii l!]VlalеI ll]] ,/ ni.] w.:tа(r)]
alritо.! scгГеihii! ].е!t rэ du|sam0Цi яu.. ln] r*
!аlегrепt (il * i Ьсlsrlоnt]
iFhrl 5 !т (tr] ]stan]]
s. еl (a.]!] ** s.Ulli1
.onsеr!аtoц](п) ik sз:(I)!.l(э)1ii

dr!е ill] *** ]drаlv/ ltаi (n] *** ]stol/

fеniе 1n] ia ]Геis] lrrff (n) *** /st\lr

hесqе t') ** ]hсd]] tаkе s!п]ebodl ] tс]k !$b.di

tо.nJn 1!h! t. kз|1/
aпd iq (n) ** ] ltDdl]r
trа)r iп) ** ]'tгсIi
О|| lг] * ilDflr
l|еad i') *
рorch lп] lрrl(')o ]t|сd]

5hеd Li] ** 1rb (n) rt.\Lrl

l]ti i! loon il] /i!]tlL.l] ruпri
\,еraп.Jh (n) /vэ гr[dэ/

3 Buying, se|ling ond reiting o р oсe

:;n Lrri lrj
!r.! |q (а.]]

/m spеkl. prDРэ(r)ti'

lEn(d)]еldii 5-6
Gоlewoy to exoms, Un]ts
.аsе ln] ***
.r m i. o!Бi lпj ]krlnlDDlаdзls'
/tеlkaut. m]dl)g!dз/
ег. L,o i') ''
сnd rр1
trard lПt *t
(п] рo:(,ti] lfrr:dl
L.b lrnny (:d]] r.Ьilgэl(.)|j/
or].]aс]' (рh')
4 Desсгiь]ig сit]es
shlеdi].i (а.]]) i Pе|pi(.) liсd'l]]
] kеl(.)]/ рaрсr
(il **
tr,]пsа.tnl zsk.(.)n/
t]Ust n! (аd]) ] ь^s(э)lЦ]
!. (аd]] }* ]vЕhd/
\{atеInаrl(п) /Wэxi(l)mo(0k/

80 Unit 6

Reportjng 5trUсtures l mperson al rеparti ng struСtures
1 De(ide if the sentenсеsаre сorrе(t, ReWtite 2 ReWritethе5еnten(еs.
thе in(orred sentenсеs аnd tjсk (/)theсorrесt ] Pеo. r. J п еi] i l'jt |olj...r.i]|. b, ..r. l a.i] L]Lr . п!

] Тl.е]./ :.1L]jе.] nilhrl ll tа(rn hP ir|r.. ll1hi]L I 2 h.t t.l.'l' 1h.t ]Jhп:эп |r'aj.t t.r !.е]е.ith.".r mr

2 shе. i .lеd to [п]!.rt]е: rе.t.r pе 5cпr ]] з Thеl .е r!е tl]а. .h. lO r5.5 а|. L]lI.].
з ii!.е g1j.Lrr i]!П !с 1l h].l'".oге.пli] l!]
4 At i.5t' ре.р е lэ d tъ h.. tе эр.o:е а Lr5е е5j nirrпl.n
4 .l,.
!i] .с
!.].]^i.! t] kiсl )l'irt ti!r. tl.i] !] o]р l] ',lа5
tL]сl];l]L]'s:].0] di]l. l ill str..|t
5 l.. at t']O.t !5.r.! J!. t! fol.]r!с ] | li: !Пcil
6" б l Ье ri:d tlе tаr L.rа] h5'
!\trl o ,;.r r!

7 lс)'' l ll-.l 5|i nc. ! l].]\l ljL.l]rl|!(Ll]i]it]. t

8 lег .rр. о! zеd h;t iе .а. rrol]Рn .L]."|]...Li L l Тiеj,iа! h.rl.оnе 5 |lе|.1lr hеаr t

'!VoвкBooK Pаge48 /8 points WoRKBooK ) pа9e48


1|Оmatiс eхpressians Wlth hoгi]е Buуing, sеl]ing and renting a

] сompIete the idiomаti( expressions. 3 сom pIete the 5enten(es.
,] jtr!lr![th n!!'rllр.ll.r15 5 i.lт]l'l1] llll. ] h.! t..j'] illn||O 1r.l| l|JbO.t
t]Р.iil,5е .r .].l .о.ri.rir b еtl."l."
2 \t| n lht п'.t kе \,!hа 'пl.]c п! t. !r)i b|. !o. ]е?. tn 2 ih...r аqrе."d to ]rLrуthе io.5е.rd рi. i
lеаr 5.п]е hin.е
3 Тl5tеrn. 5 lеаrr.]!еr llе ."o.t]е hсn.е З |hэ1. 1..5uno.u.o. o. u
L.tеn .o
4 lrri.,!' i. ре.|r е t] .
1 h. l :Lr.h а !oo.] |rrеrintr' Pе 5..пr ! f пi j.е t]е
|"L r.h.5е.it.е hnLr!r

..n' .h ni hе5 to .е h.mе;b.Lrt 4 Ееl.Lr \ъ Lr;f. h]fi h..,."nt.";j.

5 .''! ]еl h:rl.]iЬo-t ] 5 i..i.еt' . rеа l h.г.е to т.. roг.h Ье.iLrsе hЕ iаt Ье i п ]5 ti h Г.
ho'.i гг]].r1r x l. ! П Пl! i! 5 lli: h|)Lrj'" ! orr5 at !]\t l\]crt Гlo.:h |t'r.irп
6 |ll.i.rр,0 !..ou. ЬL] l].]l1] .l. .orl..hlnrс
6 .l|J!t|.llltl].]n]|i]|ttrс ]!!5! t51 r.е t0
WoвквooK } pаge49 t ra iton[:rat.

. WoRквooк ) раge46
< or j'с]Usе aпo р'aгё5 In rnР qamе
: Write simp|е definitions or eхpIanаtions forthese Words.
Dеsсribing сitles and towns
I LrLrrq. o!;
2 5hеd
4 тiсk {/)the pairs ofWords that have a simi|ar meаnin9'
Ехp|а|n the diflelen(e in meаnin9 fortheothеlpаiгs'
з hРdqi
,+ .l r..i] l.oLr5е
I hLrn ri/ lтi! r.l
2 rr'r a.irr.a i,/\,r. .'i
з фrbbr1|t]i i...rln

7 !.п. ..t.ri]h.d ho!5|

4 rе |o!.i. еd in/tа т iLr ! ilт
5 h r15рr..ri П!
WoRKBooK } раge46 6 |. !i' Lj аni

WoRквooк ) pаgё 52

Unir 6 8l

) Gotewoy to LJnits 5-6

) Liste n ing ) Spеoking

.,1 \'.i.]сt il ]..]55 l!] !|r.tc5, rепегn!еr

.h'".k tъt ycLr kio.rr ']O'.r n;rl flord! а ld,,nr п..mbе.5 !0u P|.].t5еyolr l тin| sc thаr!o] doпtfп r l:oс..rl ]' 0l n]П
с.]г rrl tе п еa.h 5ра.е t,nr:r !'/o| irе еrреrtеd 1O ['1с]li .]L.toItini] Тh. т.'е),oJ рrа..'i'thее.]!.| |0 ]t
thd|!O1r.r.n]а '/ hеаr ве с.r...J tO !рс |hеГ..оl,.".ty' ЕХAN4 5UссE55 ) pаqe 149
r:).:iil'i !'l.:Ёl! ! 5..! l:']

ф:.оa Listen аnd сomp]ёte the sentenсes,

Write no mо|e thаn three Woгds аnd/or а number in
eасh spасe'
. т.e Ii,s, B.iтi<q douLnen| s г1 |а. to a passpo| L
was written in (1)
. The on|У peгson Who doesn't need а passрort in
Bгitа n s (2)
. тhe origin of the Word passporl cou d сome flom
(з) ' , ', '. for а Woгd mean ng dooror
. After 1858' the message in Br]tish pаssports Was
Written in (4) aпd

. At the stагt ofthe 20,h сentuгУ' British pаssports

hаd а(5) ', соvet
Тhe (6) that ассompаnied the
рhoto in these o d pаsspoгts Wаs often d s iked,
sinсe 1858' Br]tish passpoгts hаVe been vа|d as
trаve|doсLrmenls' but a so аs (7)
Peop|e began to need рassрorts for foгe gn tгave|
during the (8)
вritish pаssрorts сhаnged сo oUr in
N,4iсroоh]ps shou|d he|p (10) go
Unlike pаssports in many othег сountгies'
(11) ',, ''.
аre not ob| gаto|y foг Brit]sh
тhe Nicarаguаn passpoгt nc|udes Wаterrnаlks
а| d (12) атoгg is eiqhlу'
different sаfetу feаtures, 2 Work in pa rs, таke it in tu|пs to оompare two of the
photos аnd sаУ Whу уou think the peoр|е have to
|аn Еleming nаmed his house
(lз) '.
show ID, HoW do you lh nk the peop|e feel? What arЕ
the good аnd bad points ofshowing ID? speаk foг
His speсiа| passpoгt Wаs so|d loI
(14) аbout а rninute,


Use oг Еng||sn
Reаd the tеxt аnd think ofthe Word whiсh best fits eасh
gap' Useon|yoneWord in ead gaр.

l . (l.iп..7е.il.5, l11пl.п i]..

lllrhеп ]]oL] th .k r.]i! lI]' [.]! t.е ll ]i]'р .elt :]qi П
r lrL]. ii|
. t.е l];.: olt.i
i" h lc|r;ъirlе'5 !l)! |i 'i]i]. t. rL.d. J
.I!.r J:L..П ljlt...\t to {п.rl irltа lr.rоli !..'|с( I
ExAIVlsuссЕss I pаge ]52

вe саrefu] W th yоLrr rtrЬb sh. Тhаt,s tЬe messаge

lrom thе рo iсe (a) tЬe streigth of
reсent reseаrсh, Whiсh hаs shown thаt сr m]nаls аre
go n9 tЬroLgh Ьins ook ng {огdoсUmen1s Whiсh
-, 1.. - ,r-. - "d
dё .,) r,а d а 6 o d.J.d ,o 'Ь
: ',
amongst thе most serious аnd W]desPreаd сr mes
tоdау' onе Br]t sh сr m]no og st hаs сa сU|аted thаt
four irinutes. Тhe (d)
","o d ,.1
is tЬаt We mаke
а it easу for lhе сr]m nа s, t s (e)
аro!nd 77 Pel сеit ol housеhо d rLrЬЬish сontа ns

one or more items Wh]сh саn he P сrim nа 5 steаl
аn dentity, Reseаrсhers took а tyPiса 5аmPle of
ruЬЬish аnd found РаPeгs thаt сontаined сrеd t
.аrd nUmЬers апd doсUments Wth Ьank ассoulrL orblrgаrу soWlаtсаnyou doto Pleveпtidentty
ilmЬeБ (f) ',
', add tion to сomр еtе thett? F rsty' neVеr g Vе оLrt аnу рersonа| ;nformаtjoi
signаttres, (9) сr]minа s сo! d then {k) Lrnidеnt]f]еd пd V duаls o|
oo\ h o.oр. do ,.d ,. . orgаn]zаt ons, еither n Рerson' оn 1he рhone, Ьу mа ]

Wth а ithis ]nfоrmаtiоn, idсnttythieves саn mа<e ol onl ne YoL аre аtso reсommendеd to сheсk уour
P!rсhаses ]n their nаme, 1аke olt Ьаnk ассoL]nts regu|аr y for аny !n!sUа trаnsа.tions' f yоL]
ernрty their Ьаnk ассount' Us!а] у ]dеntity thе{t i5 (|) sLrsресt someth n9, сontасt
Рloteсted Ьy Ьаnks апd сrеdit саrd сomPan]e5, Ьut volr bаnk {m) the оo iсe аs soorl аs
роss b e, Aпd, lаst (n)
it саn tаke !P to з00 ho!Б o{ рhonе са| s and V]s ts
\ to Ьапks to с eаr uP the siluatjon' Тhe prосess саn
not leаst, Whеn
you thlow doсuments аWау, a]Wаys destroу them f rst,
Ьe not {i) strеssfu| Ьut а so h qh y eithеr !sing а рарer.shredd лg mасh ne ol s mp y

7 dерressing, ndeed, а surveу fouпd thаt аroUnd 40

Рerсent ofthе PoPulаton аre nrore аfrа]d ofidenttу
ll . j Р рo |.-i оl.оo o
teаr ng them !P Ьу hаnd, Aл o d etter frопr the Ьаnk
(o) we i seem l ke ruЬЬish to yоu, Ьut
to аn identtytЬief t сo! d end LР Ьeing PUге gold

сhoose one ofthese two wliting tа,ks. тhen Wlite youl answer'

]: !| i].гL. o'r !! t,.0 еtltrj |f .nг..] а пl,...ll;n. ]i,,
. .]t ..]lltr o.] !.', t гq аrt. еj sе.. р.gе l5i

1 тhe ,]\,4osquito,is
а dev]сe whiсh em]ts а|l
:;!}:,}н ""., -
unр|easаnt high-рi1сhed sound Whiсh on'y l;}#"*ffz}};н,
У0ungeг peоpie саn hear, Тhe puГpose oi
the dev]сe is to keep Уoung peop]e аWаУ
Tгom а рагtiсu ar агeа, A locа| shopрinq {flЁi,tfnffi#i;Ё;;:u:
сentгe hаsjust instа|ed а .Мosquito.сlev сe
so that young peop|e саn no longeг rnee1
outside the shоpp ng сeлtГe, Write а letleГ of iТ:::,i:,i:i:r";z:::;i:|":!у,i.,.,
comp]aint to lhe shopping оenire eхp|аin пg safе1у
Why you think this ]s unfаi| We /i prr{r/lsh lhe besi

mаt ) Ihe pаssive; l]аusatVеs Deteminers аnd quаntiI0ls
а0u|аry and se iпg; W0rd formaton revьi0п and extsпsl0n Describing
sрrаkiпg I 1]0 аb0lаliVelаsks

1 v0cAвlJLдRY Аdveftising and sеlliлE 2 маtсhtheWordsin Ьold in lWithth€dеfinition'а h'

Reаd these stаtements аbout hoW ll..];гlеtjаl i.oПрirпi.].о;:i]r.rt!раrt.L!rlрlo(]|.tO:ol0||ol'rlcO.с15
сomраnies tryto advеrtisе аnd se|| r.b thе tРn.е..! оf.Lr!t.] ]еr5 t. k..Ёр Ьrl.! t ]i n I.ln:^ ].l;r р|.].L].] .ltr;.].).
their produсts' In pair5, dь(u55 the
meаning ofthe Words апd eхpressions
in bold.
l h...r lаunсh а mаrkеting саmраign ,d 5.]ril!t l.l! \l1lroге i.L]lh; i.Lr.1.]th..rеtoр.]/ ol

5.r l рLrb t t ..r.J. lr;l!. r :k]; р'.. r-

2 hе!.] fleebies
з 'е.',"/.l!
hе! п.ak." сoId са||s
4 тh е]r !]! t a l:. l Lll' ])r 1. e nd o rse th еi g t l|r||. |L] L. еГ]hrп:.; 5 ol .] jitl Ьl5.rеorе t ]'.!i tO i !!m.t.].]q

5 l'|,!.hаni."ih! bIаnd namе ]|]l.

'h .l]1].]Е'].r; lhор! Ьеf.] Е iot]d.".dе \.- l.]i 1. tr r!

6 |i]! ! r. r.L thе hаrd se|| sPfAкlNG Wolk in раi15' Dis(uss

7 Тtе!.рр|.r t]Ьrаnd |oya|ty Whi.h methods in ] аre еffe(tive in
. гl!
making you Wаntto buy а pаltiсu|аl 1Lr ! .lj.]..lеа. ni а.tl]iTirs'
8 Т.е! lll!l.l]ll .еl.е .lh.l.]roс..i
Ь.!]lr !! lii ll! J\,l;),i.ti.l.5 trаi
!!r: 1r(l!o r]. shoраroundlrn produсt' Give reаson5 аnd exampIe5.
г L].L]r.р]ni.] а е.]еT ]I.ё! пct
Read the tехt а n d eхplain Whаt ..lrе.t'ThЕг r...l. Lri l.,.р|.ll!
thе р hotos lеptesent in terms of iпi tге .: I]!]']t 5l].t 0г n] ]].lrtt
ЕХAN,]5Uс(Es5' раgе,l50

Тhel.A Uged to bе а t me Whеn аdvertsinq Wа5 re аtVе]У

,o e,!,'L',,о.od'р'ilо 6|Fb,:
еа5у, Тhele \'V..r..]un Мo or thr€е ТV сhаnnels' mаr mUrn, еndoБemеЛt hа5 аlwаys been а рoW€rflrltoo|' Gett ng а
аnd not thаt mапу di{ferent brаnd5 tght nq tоl сUnom fаГnous Ho]n^,'ood сon to Usе Уour brаnd hа5 а Wау5 beеn
/ 6, rol- p i ro-l а !ц!efr!е Wаy of сonv псing the geпelа pUЬ|]с lir
thousаnds of рotеntiаl сLstomers а l аt the same tlmе NoW ]5 lqцqw sц]! BUt it (аn а so соn thе сompаny а fotune. 50'
thеIе аrе hL]ndleds о1 сhаnnе s' neW mаgаz]nes аle сoгn ng nowаdays аlmost апу lrig event suсh аs thr Glаmmуs hа5 ;
olrt а1 thе t mе, .nd mоn people аre morе intеrеned n the '""b,., q,t o Iqоbо l,'dqё,
net аnd mobiе рhoпеs апуWау But рeoр|e Who Work in
аdvеrt5 ng аrе 1lro с|еVеI аnd сrеаtve to]ust 5t st l H€Iе тhе dеа ]s simр e, сееbltеs аre invrted to а |olrnge
аlе d]ffеrеnt Wаys in Wh]сh they hаVе аdаptеd to thе times оeol omD":ё l"\р e,,D|,16l,,l.-o5
^rere.roаrе givеn еther а
20 сelеЬrtеs
рIe. or рost.сoлсert tolrr оf
the stаnds Where they arе hаndrd flееЬ €s of аl typеs. At e
reсеnt еVеnt Robbiе W lhаms Wis sUrрrьed to f]nd himsе]l
(omilrg out of а lol]nge .-d!.Llсhi.'1q а Whoе rаnge of р.oduсts
lпс|udlng рhonе Wаtсhеs' .A|e.t.on. с]gаrрttes аnd аn
25 undеrwаtеr саmеrа. Whаtdo blаndsWаnt nr€tlrrnfоral
.,. .] ,' L, " ,' | 'о ,lo,. а o| o,o аl рn
ofthе с€ еbrtу WLth the рlоdlrсi it ь undеIstоo.lthаt the
рhoto Won't be Lrsеd in аny аdyеrt5 ng ol PR саmраigns BU.
it W l] bе shоWn on а сompаnу W€Ь5itе or mауbе on а sосiа.
JO networkinq ste suсh аs FасеЬook

Тhe othel а t..rnаtive to ful еndorsеmепt dПd the g ft

,o,' р l . I . ,о^rn"1," ' bР d a oa 6| d|о
fаmоUs pеope thе r рlоduсt аs a gift Тle dаng€r |]еs in
nоt knowiлq the f?Jе of thе 9 ft, ii it hаs been leсerved
з5 аnd' mole mpоtаnty, аpрIeсiаtеd onе oссаs]on Whеrе lt
hа5 Worled Wа5 Wth а сoгnpаnythаt гnаnufасtures 5реса|
р l]ows сoпtа ninq spе.kels thаt а]oW yоLr tо isten to уо!r
п4P] р]aуer, тhе сompаnу hаd hе.rd аlrout the Еiqlаnd
footbа] рlаye6 hаvin9 troublе 5еер ng on on9t ghts so
40 " р .Vlо,Р e.mо oл oobс 6, 6,
hаd hi5 p сtUre tаkеn саrry nq ^d'r6ooо
the rrru]ti'рUrрos.д pi]оW оntс

unir 7

5 Rеаd thе teхtagаin аnd сhoosethe best аnswеr (A, B, с orD).

] l..lJll!.! ] э{].rrlt5 ni l i]'I] jэЁп..| 5е.]l]i i.lil]еl l]lll ilr|!с : а n]аr]rtin| !
П| е n
A i :ot 5o nа.]r l].(]l) l. l]L]t t.!еt.е' аt rе r:rm. t nl- А ]рiпc t... o n.пт]l../'

B il. r.]lrе,t jr'j ll]L]l] t]l с r!n'!thtqеrlеir IL]|' l .]llfrt ''q t е

с t].е nt'.l!..i] сiПr'ii....l]гL] OL)r !r|]r.r|!е r!пr5 l iiiLl' nl!iт t

D t lе .. jl] f tn!, е l-]..].]гd

L]ij n]Еd а L 5е. . ;.\]:Il j:] D h,rIrqr-".
Тhr.. nр]l]r t ]ilt тodLrLе. ll!ilii.l]l'
2 'rl
]еl.r эb'il.! Jt. ! i| JLrпlе5'
А t'iе. L.1]l] 'lj|]q е!ir
A |t.)i:аirtn .r|r.,с'll. irom е..h l.п il]i]./ B .i l Е L р \'l]Ll J' t]lr llq jir..еl./ t.] lr.п(jt.] thЁ
B t.[!!o.'t lаlrеt.r.]rrЕinJflt:r]5o ..] .] i.l! l]l]1]ttl.'!i
с r-....!r.'.i' .ritеnlro|.l ! i.r t.е..ГlраП.51l е\i L;ir Il. i] ft с llЁLrе tепiе.] t. i.:ii]../ j!.]cd lq i].еj
D r.."!.'t j.rnl il.l..!.п р|Ь . t/fоl ! J.Jl."5
D rrllt.iгo th.l' ]n s l!.L].l il]r р|Ь .t]] Llll t'r. tl... r]р.]l]l, .е Гlob]. pг(].е аc t] H'"аihroii l./r.]. ll]l !! l]
3 \'!! ].. П..г:tr.t.i;п l] i l]l!'.5t]ilt mirrkеt n! .еrrli br.jJ!. i
A i]с(]bl ii:! joi't.. ! h., i] LL) !. t .lnj h.l1llе) ;. рJ. t. A !|1lto.t.r Lrеr!еn.]tiоnJ .nl]*d!!
B .rр!.'.. !O |:]n аг. h;.];r llll].i]]li..r]rt.
в .е r.l ! (] it .t r]!'!! irе аП ri.е.1 i. lIr lсt.0 jnа.е!!
с lh: L]l] . J'l.]]r] Ь| ]rj р iiL .l!. l.t,.]пlсLrj реo ] r 5а.l' t|е]l L ii с rеr.l!i] .0lrla l! реJр е
I D 5l l! гn l..ll р..dLr.t: . i].nc!j ljl]ljр е .rе]rr; ! Jцl'lii D '.Lа! |:r]t .rl'..]..;р t.] l .i|.
Look аt the undеr|inеd words аnd phrаses in theteхt. Use the сonteхtto he|р you towork
out the mеaning ofeaсh one. Wlitе а synonym or eхр|anatioл for еасh word ol рhrа5e.

sPЕAк|NG WhаtаboutyoU?
ili|it.i]j d. r. r k]i'ilhitj:ре.а аbо',t]l]rl].

thе Аmer!саn ]аy сonrаd LеV]n5on n h s book ot thе 5аme

nаr.!e t rеtеБ to !nusl]а] р!b i.tу.апlраigns thаt dоn,t
LlsUа]y nvolvе hLrqe аmоlnts оf moпеу' blrt пeed rr1uсh
gr€.tеr quаntt e5 of mаg паtiоП аnd oIq nа|ty' Wth а
60 аrgе dose оf trеаtive think ng, s.rme сап еVеn bе donе for
treе, Тhе рI me оbjeсtve 5toqrаbреoре!attenton па
q€nLrine Wау to сIеаtе а Ьt]zz, аnd thел hoре thаt thь gоes
€' With ал evе. iпсrеаs nq nLrmbel Of pеоplе gett пq
саLrght ln thе lruzz аnd n tlrrn sllei]dng thеWold, eth.Ar
65 terа]y or v а ncw med J suсh а5 mob e phonеs or the nеt
lt hаs to bе аdm tt€d thаt nоt а аtt€mpts аt qLrerr ]а
mаrketinq аre n gоod tаnе, ]Un Ьеfolе а v deo gапl€ саllеd
тUrok ЕvolutioлhIIhеUК nreets' {500 Wаs оffеIed tоthе
fiБt fVе рeoрle to egа iу сhаngе thеir nапlе5 to ТUгok lп
70 the eлd':,000 реор€ tIеd ]о ! аrm the money on the dау
LLcl . ",i" o.р е. .р о,.
сomраny o{fered to pау аl] sp€ed nq^оf пе5 nсLrlеd on tle
dаy of the lаUпсh NаtUrа ly, the рo iсe bеqаn tо Wоrrу thаt
a р]ane sooп аttеr Оnе Wееk аteг' the сrэmраny W.s sа d to thБ WoU d асt!а lу ]псte morе sреed nq on |he dау аnd
hаVе sh ftеd 80,000 erта Un t5, 75 frnаl]y' аfter m!сh рUЬiс drbаtе,1he сoпlрапydесded to
Wthdrа\,v ]t5 оffer But by th 5 nпе thе rn s5 оП hаd bеen
ln shofi' t сoll d сon hundrеds ol thOu9апd5 of poLrnds tо ассoпlp ishеd NеWspарers' тV аnd rаdiiiЪаd а]l Ьеen
gеt а top се]еbrlty to оffс а]y eidorsе а produсt, but in а tа]kjn9 аЬo!t the gаme' givinq it tons of р!bliсity
.еlebritУ gift оUnge, thе totаl сost WoLl d be а tFФ9! 91
thаt, t mау s..eгn UпLr5Uа thаt с..leЬntеs' Wth аl] the r ln сontrаst' some quefri а аds hаvе асtlrа y hаd thе polvel
m l]ол5, hаvе 5!.h а r€.d ne9s to .есе]V€ f|€e gifts ro lim t 80 to tо!сh рeoр e,s heаrts, А moЬ lе phоiе соmpаnу'5 аd
сlthesё, ,] nvolv€d а flаsh mob оl hUndreds оf s пgers аt Heаthrow
qfts, events usuа|]y псlLrde сhаrtab e e emеnti Where thе A]lpоd on 27l| oсtober 20,]0 Тhе s nger5 Were mixеd
с o ', o о l. o" oJloglаpl W]th pаяengеБ аnd n.ff аnd burst ntо song аnd dаnсe
dоnаte monеy or сo]eсt tems to lа se mоneу for thе сhаrity Iout]пеs аs t red tlаVе lers саme out of al ivа]s Тhе iпlрасt
85 Wаs rnstantапеоUs' Wlh hLjidreds otbyltапders fim ng thе
V]eапWh lе' аnothеr very diJferent Wаy of ] mit ng the events on thеir mobiеs аЛd sеndiЛg thr ]пlаqes tо trепd5
|o. оrrpо,о O.dо "d. о dnрсgr Whеn thе аd Wаs broаdсаn оn ТV ]1.а!sеd а 5еn5аtоn
roLrqh glr€rr lа mаrk€t пq' ТЬ s te|m
'аs firsi Usеd Ьу HL]ndlrds of newspарЕrs аnd mаqаzines Wrotе аbout the
rven|, аnd sinсe then it hаs hаd m l|ons of hits on the пеt,


and ve Eerunds

1 Look аt thе senten(еs аnd аnswer thе q uestions.

а Тhе рhotl)WiI|be shown оп. сопrрJn! lеbsit'р u,il сh 5еntеn.е сOrtа]n5 а .а55i!е пi п i l.ei
b сoп]рaniе5.]cn't kncl\' ftFе g|t hаs been l//h.h сOr1а ns а рl5s]Vе !]еr]nd?
lr]hаt ttn!е5 arе the рd!!i] \rеrhi п thе oihЕr;!Пt.псс]?
с i! d ffrLr i to gеt invited tc oпе oi trеsе п 5епt.]nс! r]' ll th..Oпt.rI of lhе аr.. е oг р.qе9 84 85' h.h ъ
oLrnqе5. lnOrР прcrtаnt tl.еа.ioпоrtlе.!сnt t1е pеr5oi rr1.o d d i)l
d Тhе tеrгn пl.]r{.ll]l' Wаs ti|n used bl tlе Do rrЕ a'i',lаy5 пеEd io -.iаtс ilc ai]еnl n ра55'е 5.рПtсri(.sl \r!h)r]/
]а!сoпr.d LOr nscn
e ^m."r]саr
somе.ееЬ'iе5 arс.jia d оiьeing

2 сomp|etе the tеxt With the сorreсt pаssive form ofthesе 4 Rewlitethe senten(еs usingthе person orpeop|еаsthё
velbs.lJ!e ea(h vеrb onIy on(e. A|| you l sentenсes mu't use the pаssivе.
Тhеy 5е !!r.аdоfthn!5!.r'.doп,tlеа
|]rаinwаsh еxpose leаd show
2 A рrе]..п. f/а5 ЬcLrlhi |O| m. b! myh..пd5,

з Тhе!1а!!h h п] 5опlе пеW lnаlkеt п.. nrаiеq е5

N?ur0irdftfi]r]4 5r пе'i! р!|ellirеrе !с епi n5 Lr5с

i.]nсT.nа l/аqrе1. пcsonаn.е mаq]п!]io пVе5i!].r ! hоir 5l'1у 5 itеr ilо.n,еd те J !lеа1 iе,ll аdvеri oп tFс rlс|.
Olr Ljrа]пs rra.t .(hr] thеy (аi fu рLrb 6 Th..-! na! рr,Jп] f !оL] а trее! tt
|. r5t' yоLr !E1iг5 dе ir on .q rih tе t!bе' rrh сh s ntасtlhe

. " " ood b

5.rееп п ioт OfyоL !.t] (d .о
Oп а
i]аq nе!'o|15еiJs n! thе рrO.]Lrсt !!hег !с! |n il'thе :

EsLr..5 (d) I'hеn сеriа'r рrrtc||hе

5 Look аt thе 5enten(es and ansWelthеqUestion.
Ьrаiг ъ а.iyе' . ггеaП51lit[е irе ]ntеrе5tеd пil.рlOO!.T
l ih ! V/а!' a,J!.rl s'"б (аn trsI оLrt thе r prOdu.t5 аnd;d\iеrt5 а ]Oе hаd'/qct hъ рho.o tаkеl h! r lr rn.'
oп а п!mbеrОfрэoр е Ьеforе'!o n! рt Ь i.,Тhе.oп.Ерt oi b ]oе gotа ireПd t]l.kе hъ.hоto
л.L]loп' .r рреa rеd fоr thс |ls'i Гnе ]n ]002' 5 l.е ihсn, с ]oе h.d. |rсlrdiаkе h! рho.o,
|rе рro.,:с]J|е le]' ', Di. nаnl.onраi Рs
D]d ]oе .аkе the phOiO h m5е i]n апy o| фlе 5,]n|сnсе5
bе.аLr5е th! ansшеrtо ihе q!еn]oi,Dо !o! kе.hsр|оdt.t?
, o 6l V6 . о
сап i{) 'by;. Епt!|5 rr,rr]еl5onlе реo: е GRA|v]|l4AR RЕtЕRЕNсЕ ) pJqе]'
NoЬod) kеj th." .]еэ оi (g]

'аrd nlallrе
.oпlр.]n]еiW !!е пе!rс5..l].е Lо dc рrе.ъе !ih ! п the UlUrе
Reаd the advertisеment аnd Wtite senten(es With the
struсturеs in 5' lJseeаф d iffelent struсtu re аt Ieast onсe.

з Look at the sentеnсes аnd answerthe quеstions тllE Al{YтlllilG Allll EUEпYтI|IшG G0ПlPAl{Y
\{е do ol1уthing wе сon to mаkе уour ]ifе ес|siеr!
]a Тhey g]!rеlhе.е еbr:tiе5 a tо!lOIthе5tаnd! \tе,I do уour iranjng, &nу уour shopping homе, Iakе
]b A |O!| Ofih.. nапd5 i5 g]!en 1othе се еbritirs уour dog for a wa]k, pаjnt уour hau\е, put up shеl\,еs, tiх
,]с most еlесtricаl оD|Juаnсеs , , . уau nа|пе it' \|е,ll do it!
Тhесе еblite5 аrе q Vеi а tol]rOfthе stаnds
2а Тhеy hаnd thе 5tаr5frrеЬ]е5o].а tyре5
2Ь Freeb е5 Olа tyре!аrе hindеd |O Lhе nаrs fuи аи 1еt tllем ta iо уоиr iroиiи1,
2с,|hе5tаr'аlеhandеdfrееЬe5Of а tурe!
сompIetе thе questions With the сorreсtfоrm ofthе velbs
] HoW m]rпyobjoсts fO OWthе Vеrb5 iп ]а and 2J] g iven. тhеn аsk your partnеr thr q uеstion s'
2 tlhсh 5eпtеn.ё in еа.h qrоLrр1a' borс)aсtL]а l! ] Whеiзtho а5t1mе,iоLr had,!o!r€)'.sight
аpреar1 i thetехtoп раqе5 8,1 85? (tе5tli
j ц .doo ,oеoг
Do yоLr LrsLrа '. iq.,].]у0.r
.ih ng orthе реБоп а5 thе lLrbiе.t п th iltsT!!hol
ра55 vе
HаVеуou е!.]r rJd.cmе.оd]r iiх)yoJr
i GRAlvll{AR RЕЕЕRЕNсЕ 14?-;
I' .Pа99
HaVеyou еVеl!]crscгnеDoo! iсo])ro!t
)lоL]7 \'!iеl
homе,,!оrk fcr аrld ..\,|Ц,l

Unit 7

Woгd formаtioп _ revisi0n and eхtensioп

1 sРEAкlNG Work in pаirs' look at these words аnd аnswel the questions.
2 Work in pаirs. HoWmany newWords сan yоu
аUtogrаph со]|eсtаb|е сreаtive сIitiсism €ndorsеmеnt mаkeflom theWords be|ow byаdding prefiхes
fаrnous irnаgiлаtioп instаntаneous inteпsjfy like|ihood аnd/ot suffixes? Use the list ofplefiхes аnd
modernize mU|tЁрulpoqe offiсiа||y or]ginаlity suffiхеs on pаgе,146 to help you.
post сonсert powerful prе (onсert leаdiness
,l Паtioп
2 аb..
] \ц/hаt 5 Ihе рr'"fil оr s!ffir n еа.h WOrd? L]ndLr пеth..m'
2 De.dееlhсrа)Vlhirt rn..ап ng eасh p|еПх асds lO thе rool \r'Jod, or
b) VrГatо]pе о|Wold еа.h slffir Lr.itеs

з Read the text be|ow. Use the Wold giveл in (аpitаls аtthe end ofsome
ofthе |ines to folm а word thаt fits in the gаp in the sаme line.
(а) '',, ''. Гnorе5oрhьt]саtеd n|а.i' thа5lrе.oгnе5осOГnр.atес]а;;50imDоrtатforthе
o,Oo, O,,, ",', o ь ". EXIsт
anthrорO]oqn Rе1а а lth rolo оqi5t5 nLrdy lhoрреrs nthelлаtLrrа hаЬtаt thеslрelmariеt'fоlсхаmр.
lhе},Lrsеаi()- ',, o].ieсhnqLrе5tоOЬsеrVеаndaпаy5еho!.r'mаnyрro.]LrсЬеа.h'hcpреr
]'h.h ld]
to!сhе5' аbеs thеу |еаd' hou/ Onq thеy 5репd п еасh а 5]е'Тhеi|
t" ',, мi. AттEND
сеrtаn yраys ott Аthоtrlh thе у(а! 1,!..shoр п]irу 5ееm tоta yiеj , Teta Jnthropo ogisis PRЕDlст
сirn lnd Гnрo|tа|i trеnds аnd hаЬ t5lhаt hе]р !hор o'"|'ntr5 to dеsign thеir
5Lrреrmаrkеts mоrе е|iс еnt y
Тhе oсаtol ! mрoriапtiO|а n:ri i{] ,,
ilуoLrr5|реrmаrket i5 пехttoа bаnk, iiWcПtdo FoRтUNЕ
./еrу gOOd Ь!5inе55 sin.е ]t hа5 bееi louird tъi
baпk5 rеm nd реoр1е olhо!.r m!.h nonе! thеy oW."аiс]
thь nop' thеm froгi !o пq in,rnd sреndinq more Аlnoгgnthе Other (9] rnаdе вthе DlsсovЕR
lmрortаnсе 0lГn rlоrs. /lеп We !ее а m r/or' it аpреа15thаt !.rе 1еnd tо s оVi dо\'!п tot.k..
а Oоkаio|r5с'е5'
.п05oyOL,сапse yоL]rрrоdLr(morе(h) |уoLrра.eуoLrrstа|dс05е1OоlеOПfo| ЕFFЕст
а,rd n thе.]пd One 5LrреrГ.аrkсt cоG !..rуi miаr tоапothеr Оп thе othсr hаn.]' sLrреrmаrk..tsаrelir
(j] : ,,to dьаb]сd реорlethJn 1h.Ф,v !5еd 10 bе п qеnеlа r.Qtr аnthrорooqу hа5 hе AссЕss
р|.e5, гnаybе \'!е' а n

П }/оrd lormаtiоп с Oze tе!ts' rеmеmЬ'"r ihat thе 5р0 лq оi

l0mе rооl Word! сhan!е5 qLrilе siqnifсаntiy \,ihеп r'!e add а
sLrlПх orа рlсfiх, АhO, ior5oпlе urords yоLr mayлеесj to ird.]
bo1h a рIеtr n!! а 5Lrifit La5ty'.hесk.аrеfL] y !r'hеtnе/ aпу
иroros nс.Qd to г]е р L]Ia, ЕхAl\4 suссEss Pаqе ]4s



figlred out whоi s wrоng w tЬ еve'ytЬing' Тhёrё

60 ,][
tЬоt meons o norтno сuр оf сoIfеe' then уes,
l hove f]no Lу
r too m!сh of medn ЬY ihсl lhot lherе ]s 1oo muсh ot everу 'Well, thеу1e ol сoflees,
'".гq.',9,rо|o," ojooo iЬ "о|'o..еd...o| ' "
l,о|l'o /l.l
woпt o пormol сuр of со{lее ]ke п]i] ioпs of реople dr]nk

-o.oрeoo] ^ro,o
5 you hold"-аы.o.
o doo| oPei toг them' ,so Amerсoпо?
YoU waпt dn
. о o-d o| Ьo ,6ol 'о|,6l- о ld o|,о
' 65 ,Еv
mo'еd L a,е | 'o, doz
,|рd о| d q o,1рo

; i:;;,..,,. '.-е-o",oо'g o'e ,Do

yoU Wont ow сo| wh]ррed сrеom or rеgt or w]lЬ tЬol?,
f]n.] thol t , dоп't Wont whipPеd сreom

s.Joегmсгket oпd Ьеlng gепUinely imрrеssed tо

lO stосked iо fewer thon eiqhteen vоr!еt]es ot inсont]nenсе ioPPу, ,вUi
ii соmes w th whiрPeс] сreom,
dog ,]i
l0 om, l bеёi
Fol nеoгy evеry othёl tуPе of ploduсt' frozen p]zzos, 'Lоok, l soid ]n o Low voiсе, ]s 6 hс]Ve
r."а, i." ь *"lr., .гъps - lhe сhoiсе5 wе€ otieп O rопо оь', |'.. oр'Io.i,'е.1 r,рo '^d".(,.,,
ll".. u ""Ъ".', . oеr .o L Idol.9. o-е oLеё
ь".а.а., ыеly new flоvour seеmed р.oPe o|o, r|о
to Ьove
,,ёdd6с] \,рo '9 '.
О oo.оo'o|'ь" ё о,o,| "o,obo'
, .o ',. ..'o.o Ч.о'o.о^l., .
'o ,o,р \o' v'|
d 50 е '
'..," .'.", o'o..,. " гioЧo il l|оr ,oi
ool"d г '9о Ь,r"::.dqo |,e
I ol .l,е L o id
os yоU w]| galher' o mornLng Рe6oп.]
t": . sooо '.,, ll o^ ,
75 ,so iЬoi mеоп уоU Wоni oW сo whiрреd сrеоm or
hсvе Ьeеn
"' "-а

totеIу' Ьowevеr' Ьоvе сome to rеol]ze thot you соi

gеl too
-l;h :l." ." Ьod tЬ]s Ьrousht homе ro me ihe otЬel week
Тhь oЬшndoпсe of сhо се not oilу fidkes еverу tronsoсt
'" when Wos ot on o]rpoll ]n PoriIond' orеgоп' sionс]Lпg n о
iё',, ё o |o'oo о 9|'.o Ь.l'o ,|о|o" 1o/ o оL|'
.UeUe of оЬoui {i{tеen pеople оl о сoflee siond 1wos ' 16,o6o6opl.
iд o- '.. ,o.''...o| do, оrо ^od ' r'е''.i ,е в oрро\o о|,,lо o| l. o.р|Lер
i - .'"'. 'oo. o.o o'. ,eo|' ,еo '..а.d.oq., ..""", *а tь" .*" tь"y 1he m-o'е iЬeу' We l, сгove

25 som; сoife]ie" пio my sуstem YoU know how

t ь ...,You hove o sеn* ln"love,
Aпrer]сa оf Ьeing оmоng i]]l]oп5
о dФ|or.o P.oРе."'d'o
, oрord o,ёolрe, r.9
t Usеd to Ьё i{ voU wonied o сUр ol сoflee iЬоit whoi уoU ,
rq .'.loЬr, | о,.!'.o.
olfеrеd lwеity
.'l.l ь. ."а иi't,' *ь"t уoU 9ot Blt lh s P]oсеmoссh ^еooD.
is g|ozing iЬrougЬ reio
. ...Ъr'/i" *ьl+'iь" р inс Pо! oс1iv]tу
сho]сes - esрre$о' Ioliе' сolсmеl |ottе' breve' ato'
'. i9s slroреs' fovoUБ '
,o 'о 65р,р ,оmo'о Ь|o.. |ol.J o,lo дa- о o о'сr ёsioЬ]shmепts ]ooking foг lh teХlurеs'
Lr66 /о nol Ьeiore епсo!nfeгed
с1оoo,ё .ro, "'oе.
о":;"";;'.,,.,.,'." lЪ' dЬ'qt,,р omoig n ie
,|o' o,. ooq. о'oPo |. дl|ol ТЬе lost time went {or Ьrеok{ost' l hod lо сЬoоsе
oIо,,о.o'( olLlo]4ё, oр'o| |o,n,.q9 ooо.d'оbL.d('I d. oo,е
ordеr wеnlsomelЬ п9 ]ke th]s
O6o o,о oo' o
ы . ''|eca,'Pe o ро o|o o.d eigЧ ,о| .|е,
,,| hove о сoromeL lоtte сomЬo w]tЬ deссf moсho ond o ". **, *"ttI" morlgоges lhot ]ivo vеd
.odоo"lo,..o- | "е..o, do'o- ooo.|
.iЪ.'il, Ь;vё ioken о0t
йs moking rЬоn rЬdi' thoUgЬt ho.j f iislred Whеi
.,'.p' .,'оo,o|"оo,dol 'е,dр д,6'o l deсlslon
о!l'o| the wo tre55 so d: 'Do yoU wont wЬ РРed bUttеl' Pсt b!ller'
;;ррy*.d, -;'t"d r" i.lу!пsdiurо1ed veget.Ь|e
o I?' n]ЬsliiUtе?'
lOо morgor ne' ЬUltегmdrgor]nе Ь|enа or ЬUttеl
,o,cl 6do'oе,6,,o.i6 o'oloе'\о,|
,Ll 'Yо!1е lok ns'' I so]d
'Оh thot,s no qoоd tor me ln iЬot сosе, Ьovе o Nёw , don,t
loke оЬoul ЬUttеr,
.n v",l iь.*.м"i" р'.рeгn .kе fUdgе сloissс'nt Whot []id
'Theп Poi ЬUtter'' l so d wёоky
еmUls]f]eE do уo! Usе ]i ihol?' ,tow sodium, no sоd]um or геguLor?'
mуsе]f iсking hoLd of eo.h сUsiomёl
-;..,o sowo'"
ln mv mindt eуе' L
.oo"'r o,,to, '' е о.d
..". ' l05 's!lрr se me,, onswеred ]i o wh]sрel
"o,l.q ,о ё |l'9oo.o , |66 .
' p o| o 'd
o o-ёoo
Тo mУ osioiishmёii, mу W]fe oпd сhi]dren lovе o llh
5, Тhёy
, Г qir lЪ, o,. :o ,o^.| , гo -o|e o.d
^ ;."J.;;." ,. ove qoinq ]пto оn ]сe сreom Po| our ond Ьёing olr e to сhoo:.
of ]сe сlеom, ond thеn sеventy l !:
omoщ sеvenrуJ;ve {Lovоuгs
torlunotelу {оr oIl thesе peoр e' Unii Ьоve hod mу
{iБl.Up of iyреs of lopP]ng to рUi on ihot сe.сrеom.
сoffee il rЬe molп]ng (ond thь ь рolliсU|ory lr!e dUг ng no!Б
n |(o' |e oJ |-o \ ' o '9 16 no .o . oо'оо'dr,
-o'''".por*o.-аo.Ъ"'"..' .,
.".ь l o' ",l "'t i,. \р r o Ь.] o-d o)L
"' "d о.'"
n o o:'р"]t'o,'." о"'o.d_..o| ,t oоo .ы"o*'Ь" *ь. т".. rь.t woy' trln tЬot mу wife oпd k ds
..d oёoo|еo|o.еd,o Ple. na.
"orеd'.o',o', ^1|.ti..l]ndiv]duo ized oгders. "it e.еnrrоt'
о|lr Ь, t.e.rо о о
сore'rm]nsj ond рrфФtеюusy hоррen ng yeт
WЬen оt r". my iuln ссrne, l sleрреd Uр on.] soidl а ikе o l15 st] |, ]ook]ng oп $e Ьr]ght s]dе, oi eosl оm we I fiхed tor
Iorge сup of сoi'e, inсoni ieiсe nорP]es

,Hot ond ]i o с!p oпd very torgе]

-1 ta: ' ! !',ti:t ::
,YeoЬ' ЬUt whоi kind mосho, moс.hioto, whot2,
- . ] ]rl5.r Lг..r ]'.'. l i..0u а'! nj ]]|r r.:] . t..... l.Ц: [. l n .'9
, wont wh]сЬever oпе ]5 o normo сop ol сoffeе' :.]: . . р.- ].! l Е ! j.] lri] l L.l l.. ll.i. li']]l]| i.!

wоii Ameriсono?, '!!jгrгi l:...llri:r.!n h..L...JrjlsLlrq. l Ii]].l rr] ri];.1i.

'YoU .. itr.L]!1.11.а .P т..l:i]L]ll. Lre.. . ].'!:i.r!., r] it. r n. bjtr|
L1.. tl.j! it]] ] l.. ].r .l | пl. t e.]....i: irri rt: ]:.r.]|l: . |. :r t
t ] г. irЕт Ine.;r.' .. lrrii J.t t.. :t| r.iт. nf .n. ].г: ]i]rl]! t . Lil

4 Reаd theteхtаgаin аnd аnswer the q uestions.

,l Whаt doе!ihеWrtеlth пk aЬolt pеoр е \,/hodoi15аythапk
lOLr When,vоL] cреn thе door |оl thсгn?
2 u/hаt did thсu/rltе| Г.aq nе urhе. hс\4аs WJitn!] |Orothеr
сL]stomе|5tO o11]еl in 1hе аirрOIt?
Work in раir!. Di!сuss these uеstions.
3 Wh)rd dn1hе асtLra ydO аПyth n!]
] HoW oftеп do уoLr !Oto р а.e5 ikеthеonе nIhерhotо]
4 HOW did h s own ordеl gO
2 lvhаt do yo! LrsLrа уordеI? 5
V/hаt sthеWrtеl'5 thеоryаbcutthе еtfесton 5Oсеtуoi
з Whit fа.io15 ]nf Lrеn.е yoLrr сhо се оfqoing tO ollе р асе hаV]ng ГiUсh сhoi.е]
", Ьо' ""; о o о p 'o
rаngс o|prоd!.t5, quа ц,O|рrodLrсt!,.]Lrаlitу aПd 5ре.d c| 5 BiIlвryson mаkestheаrtiс|e humorous through the
sеrv се' сOгniol1, d6соr' etс' situations аnd сhoi(e ofIanguа9e he ises.WorkWithа
pа rtner аnd аnswer the5e q uestion s a bout thе style of the
ReadtheInsideInformаtionьoхtounderstаndthe tехt.
baсkglound ofthe teхtthat you аre going to leаd'
] \'Vhatdоesthe eхрrеssOn,gсnL] ne bаnanа. kemale'iа,
L|sтЕl!|Nc (ф2.05 Reаd аnd |ьten to thе teхt. Answer the mеаn аnd !.rhal еffeсt doеs ilhаVе?
2 !!hydo yоLr ih пkihе!'/rtеr U5е5 thеWord'qа аху'in inеl]?
,] \Д/hаi \,/а5 thе\,\'r]trls or! п. rеaсtioп tо sLr.h а ,,!idс сho.. з Whаt doеs ihе \''/r tе r mеаi пrhеп hе 5ау5 lе s пotа,morп пq
реrson аnd Whу doеs hе 5aу it?
2 Whаtаrе h 5fее ]лqs nоц,? l ,' оdo. 6 . o pо "рo" oоd" q

з \'Vhаtаrе h 5fаm]y!fее пqs? Ьrеаkfan to апd Why?

5 Why doуoLr th пkthеWrtеr reр е5'Wеаklу'(]]nе ]0])аnd'п
а v(h5pеi i пе ]05)?

6 sPEAlot{G Whаtаboutyoа?
,l Hаyе уоLr е!еr bееп iп a 5l!аt oп ]ikеthе oпе5thе .,.Лtеr
dе5сribе5? \',/hеrе апd.^hел,r",а5 ]t?

I 2 s !O!r аttiT!de Гnolе 5 miаrto thе Wlпеr orlhе V\'rit..l!

fаm /
d 55аt 5fiеd \l/е а rr1 Why?/lryh! llot?

sPEAкING Workinраirs.Whiсhof theаdvertьements

a fdoyou likeаnd why?
шsтrilrп* @;.сl Reаd the instru(tions fo r the
speaking task а n d then tьtеn to tWo people doing the
tаsk. Whiсh аdveItьеment do they (ho05e аnd why? Dо
you аgrее With thek deсision?

Hеrе аr. sоne а|Ьеrljl,t|еnts thаt hа|е

sPEAкl G Workin pаils.Lookаtthepiсturesаndаnswel |есепtlу аpPеа]|d inпавс|.i|lеs- Fi|st, |аlk
thёquе5tions. |o еuсh оlfu]r аbоut |ixt 1псssdrе' уоu n1'Ik
1 V'h."rе.n,o! d еlirе.| io jееthEsс оqosr
Ihе аdfеr|s аrе вfiilg аL1ol| |IE Prоduс15
th.|I |hе! аft |r|ing 10 \е!L, Тltn dесidе
2 Arе thеrе mаny рrod!.ts n !o|r,.rr|rntr! !.r:.п сi].n tc
fhiсh ItI||еfilou |hi||k is thе пo\t еI|a,|i|е аt
Ьe,!rееn'] y/h]сh 1!реi oi р' ,,1r;. th_ t.rnd.t, t.
З \r!ha|.о уor th nklhе tе.m,qгееn Wish iq'т qht ггеan]

ilsтсшIшс ф2.06 Listen to аn interviewWith a з AnsWerthesequestions.

(onsu Itа nt for а соnsu mer proteсtion оrgа nizаtion, а n d
] D d 0rс 51Lrdеnts.]o both рiirt]оiihеti5ki
(hoo5e the сorreсt аnswers.
2 D d lhе),; ''''э],! aglее]
1 An Аmеliсаi mэrkЕt nq f rn з D. thе)r rеасh a c.сriL]l аt1hе endi
А fo.]rd,0]|]епVr.imегlаl![.i.lурrodLr.l' 4 D o ЬO|h 5tJcеnъ rреэk].оr r']O|еor е55th,] 5аlnеrflo!nL
B fOLrld ]'0]7 еп! roimеnt. ],i|.nl,!'рrоd!сts
с П!.еn]qJ:еd ]'0l8 olI.е|."nt рrodu(5
D 5hеC trr,rt thе!.O1rdn't i пlJ.\'еn ]t;t ol..
1'\'еr." а5toп

rOnmеltJ ),ir еп.]y р.OdLrсt'

п.o1LabOrаt]\]0iа5(5'yoJ mLr!| ntе.r.t!.]]1|!c!rprrtП.r
Тlе рrоb Рг.\.l]t! On." 5hэriрOo flrпi|.сtLrrе'l\ia5 |hаl t
Тlъ r'lt.n5.т!]п!] ll..Г.qLrе5tоn5, п.аk lrq sui]!еn on5
еrр ?5s l! оi n].п5;nd noo!.Q a nrn п!] dnd 'еsPond п!]
А thе !hаmioо'i]]ап с bL]t!'rhег t\.rJ5tеitеl' l
tO !..'.lаty|rLr| раrtnеr
ja!s' ЕхAN4 suссЕss > Pаge]5з

в t hаd рlocfdlJL lhе фa nрOo 'а5

or!,rn.' b!:.h.
Look аt the eхprе9'ions in the speаkin9 Bаnk' ln pаil('
add аs mаny ехptessions ofyour own a5 pоssible to
с it tаd Ir OOtthrt tiс jhаmрэo rr.т.r-.rап r' bJL thе
D thа: \//а5.n ! раrt; уt|Lrе
Aa iirt...a р|OdLr.t5 art good
B .а irroduсъ аrе е*cn . ! ninlrа
.j- kпO!.r' n!]а рroiLr.. ; пat!|n ! поtа ijoэlr еroLrqtl
rеа5oп tо b!у r
D .OГiрап е5 lhoLr l l5t а thе Гаt!r.] iгq,.".] eгr ]i а

4 Тhе соп!" tаnttе 5 J5

A .o b!! рrod!сtslhаi.a r.]lhеуаrеtF.nеr

j B пO1to Ь!,! tl.! аre.F.Jrес
р|OdLrсt5ihil.; m
l с аit рroс]!сtthrt l'5.F.Jrсе ъ yiпq'
D .ГсJrее р|OdLr.E.rrftrе oеn о|рlоtе.tnq tnеоz.п!

5 l hе.oпsLr i.]nt 1." ! Lr;1hаt Oiе oI0rе kе!'5 to b.r)r n!

рro.L].tsthаthе рihе..t]\,lоnnlеn1 5
A to rе.d; thе пfor'nаlоn аl. thеn сhе.k t atthе
l пfоrmаtioп ъ tr!e
B tо d 5Ье е\c dlе е.o o!].а . a Гn51hirt.oГnрal.s

с поt tO b. е!Е thatа рrod!сts .l"]tr аi Е.cloqо or

Grееn 5еа аrе !]сo. torihе еn'r]rоnггеПt'
D пoitо rеjе.ta рrcdLr.i f ihIn.rr!iа.iL]rеrmeпli.f!
5omеT|rпq rс!а1!е аrс!| r

з sPЕAкl G Whаt аьoutyou?

Do уO.r or ],.ur iirm]y ЬL]! !,е""n рrcdUсъl Yjhl?/,\\lh! ]]ot].

5 SPЕAк|NG Wolk in pairs and prасtьedoiлg thetаskin 2.

Give youl oWn opjnioлs.

Prасtice makes perfeсt

6 sРtAкlNG Work in pаirs аnd do thь tаsk. U5е explеssions
from thе speаking ваnk.

I',''J,J,'h, Гi,1n -'ч Га,, th\, 1h?,' -Ь-''hia\,

|'h.x ||.^E а stюng iпf]l1о1се oI1Р.|)|lе n thci|.tаitу
li|еs, FiГst' l|lLk tо еасh othеr аbout th. vа\J\ thа|
|hсsе thDl8s inflrcпсе u\. Тhеn.rесidс 1|hiс|1\'()
think h.1S thе |1i88.s| iп|1(1.J оn tfu] |fui.1hi|f-

sPЕAк|NG Workinpаirs.Dis(ussthesequestions,
] |]. r..l lh п(thrt а.L]..r.l ]q ]е.е i r ]i r рo51.rе L]r
.е.rrtiЕ:liе.i ].]п 5o. еt!. Llh!i Determiners and quantifiers
2 L.]o
th lkio"Iq реoр. a L] lnljп].it'jk |r.n J.\r. l! ](]
3 Read sentеnсes a-h and de(ide if stаtements 1-7
t.a l o: l.. Г]f n. L]f |! Or thf .| b .l i/iir\i1iii.]]r l!t] аretruе (т) olfа|5e (F).
з -]o
]l': l:rе j |olj 'ilLr1' O' i'ot Ё|o]l]. .oпt.| l
а Еvery.Lt.r !! |ir]l!! l i.dL].d|tl|
а:]!еr j ..r? \ii ]].;
lэ Еасh оf I lt 5 iLr.t o|j 5l'Oj.xl! r:! tllI] rlр|.]j.ll
:] Reаd thi5wliting taskаnd а reportWritten byа student'
thrt;!rrr. rrr.. flrr! h rrr
De(ide Whаt tit|e you сou|d give to ea(h seсtion ofthe с A |oт.е,аL5 ! numbеroftееъ.]е|; rrit.l. t.r'l.].r
d lFat!.i .orЁir5no1rЦr]:
Y()u sее 1Ье fо]l()wiлg rпп0llссnrеnliп а! e мost :]J'..t! .]I.rЬ o!l. tttl'1! lL! b..q iLrlllu o'
intеrn.ttlnra] Лсц'spарor.
А kIryе пlultinаlioпаI сo]п?аn\' i:'in|.ftn.а ul i N.. а|| of hr а.5 аrе !.c.'
kno||il|g hо\, |-оuлч РеoР!еJ,.е| ubоut n.tfеtli\i|lg g None 5hc\.,r пcrn.а iееп.q]еБ
, P!, 't,| ь l,' tl None of 1ll .].L.'! .Lji kЕ l'l) r o| т.
. 'l in] (.'li] irе.5еd !/ h 5 п|| ii
oullu|е ||hа|
пll\! L1,]l|Ш"n\ Цe'n |ьt tti
Й\,arl is nrч 1|1"lеdi(l.I|е
\ o|n 3 pеоP|.'

. Й.i..i;l .].i.1l]...iqi !.; г р !n

tIеУ:ribе n1с n||li||Рositi|. Uлl лсp|'| I1SРе|r\ оJ
d\|rlisil1ч in уnlr соuпtr,\,
. / rlnrtсlni ..r.'.!l' iг 5 п!| irсo.tib е
!]ч.\l ||hа1 сol]d b? th,l. b i.пР1|fс t]L|!
аП1]оn(l| tо .||]\tпxin! i]1\ollI L-оuл1Г'-
/ rith ..тrrr|l]L-] ! !..]! .]r
..r ]tJL] i] .. р !|ii .....Tа ) е n.In. ii
rii iii,ri rr.Jr riroJi.i.ri !. rith
Lrl.iLrltirЬе'5п!| : .o.]ll.а. !.r l] L] il
A report oл the rе|аtionship between аdvertising
and teenаgеrs in my сountry
l].r.5 а ]roгo...г.li].!..! ].t (l. L\l t|
Lц o1]!. .l i/i
Гhе рr.р':lsr o: t] 5 iерo t st0i]|1t lr.
tlL] n 0!t Ll]п']l]'] .\i,ir -.i..г,l. .r'r th ]n..L]nt.b..r l r.
x]еdi; t1rd :il :].r'. !|| : | | |! |L] ]lneL]|! n r].r'..]L !l.]l i,,a
аl. .]etа Lh. п..]OI l.!]L l1] :]n ] n.4Eа \ е эt.r:.15
lGRAМп4AR RЕFЕRЕNсE ) .;-.r.. ]a2 ]

\..isdеl:]Dr n'rnlrе.ot.е. l:rt?l5 г nl]/.э!rtl,l!ln:i. De(ide ifthe 5еntenсes аre сorreсt' ReWrite the inсorreсt
tl'io ol nolе l..rt! oI i! |l ! (]l .r dа! сLrnt. ].rL l'
ll L]i]lrL] эl nL] iL .|] sе to еJlr t|at гn.5t.n!Е|tj гЕ
а Гr.".] а trеrаqе|s.joli]:i ]l t'" Iolli oi Т\r l.r lr.|i'' ! ] .] lr.)] r.rltп]l|l.JLl .d!l It! !f..ll i]

Тhr n.гllr. 5Lsеli]!еrL J!l ir]" 'l..зt .l ]ta 2 NO|. ofthе rol]i! lil.рh.tcьnL].r[.qh
i.еnаg.|5 г.!lе а]. sJ roр rрs эle Ilеq.ellt l !lJ ! !'/l. з hlrе a Ё o:5 oi r.]р |р! с ] t l ! [сЬ!tе Ь|t.o.]е а....rеr'
|o эеt slL .еllll t. |]L iirlt.trаl i] o.Lr..:, . t]o|ql ll
tа tl ]е!.; tееnJgе|5 'р;!l:ttе lt эl tl] tl..l
4 ,q ir.Liеr:s 5ho) пq r!o:] . ! r.i l! drе t].lпе.

Тh. rlаndаd cf !..гпГlr.. ! ! ! l]ЁlЁl]:.] !е q|]t.

5'rlrt o_i! i ri!! rrL( I h.L r! i rl hrrr..l ! ri ! or il
h gll l!']csi аd\iеlt5 Ol |re li]!.l! l] i]ul :i. .t L l]t 1!
bе ]g flll]ll ol .] е ]t . o| ! lr] ) ! ir''' sho]'! le us -1 . ] ].t5 6 Г\'tlуoll O[tl. i].n],5.Jl]? i.;;LrT:.- jh n. lе.elir
liit l!с rl0 |.] r .'].t r..l.s .4. i :rn g t lg L i !а '];rl-. е

7 |r\r? гnT ilте' ] trе.l. ..i;dlеrtв n!

lJolli at ot :]L)i]| t .h0п. H.]L1.!. ir i].li]l 8 i г! nЬе|.i ре.р е kпonr hiis \lo,k..].5 ni.е
'.].il] 5

}o|, е l]..|]. Е'i.rl,i. .. s. L1:j] s. :m аrd .]...']t ilr j1 sPЕAк|NG Reаd the report in 2 again and disсuss thesе
[']l]t.!. еа.l].ti]е t,Jt1:]ls!holln 4!Р! lе questjons With а partnеr Whеn you finish, rеad Еxam
nр|еs5 o l .h:iI aррl'al:] r.0 5(.iс ]r|l nз n Ih ! tr;!'
t'реl аg..r.r..l..] ] ;Ё... I. i]рL.o r!. L]lrses:е.] 11 : ] i е ] suссе55аnd the Writing Bаnk'
] l/iih. i lll |сl]l-.l i,TtРг f.l]
a 2 s th. 5tl. 'n.|. .l.nn .г ..OlInJ i
Тo а'r.l. tl. ]еgat \rе nра.t olаdir:t s] :.Iltеr]а;]еl5 З !rI] .lj.itr..1 эll5 r!td]
зLl.iE !'rес.r'nгrе ]d ihrt аi].е|t зr s ]l.]L.l]Е lllijlе 4 il]'l)l.o !.- t.].1tl]. ра\i\,'r ni il-rr|i.]l; lе|r.l:nl
].ггnа е!ег!dаl еi]n:]{]i]l5 l Ilэ !]|]! l]rl L|]:'t I nn
slr...t1r|с].'r !5.a.].n 5еL].lа r...;5r.l5 г 1l.e rР[r.ll]
!' lh l ilo] d ll' l] sto|] l..r:iЕсri 'r]r lE '. :r.hi.!(] аn
Lnllniu n pI]|l.! L L]n. !оп.. 1 n: |rh .. .: ] е.s ll еаd tc 5 i''!'h].h lkrr..i'r 1. Ье f.!.d n h.. ..t.ol tl l''!.аt L]. thР). i.

51] l) 1рr.i]l.Г:ls L] L]еp|е5'j on


Work in pаirs' Desсlibethe outfit5аnd ас(еssories in the

Тhе nylе п \rih сh а rерort i5 !.l|ttеn ъ Of

qleаt mрOrt.lnсe Оftеп rерort5 аrе'"lrr ttеп irrr
O|!аn]lаLоns' сorilpaп е5оr реор е ]n рo5tоп!
.l .(h... Ь Ьk.]!. tЬ.'..n'|..рr].
to be |оrmа somеt]mе5 lерort! э rе }rr itеп
ior. qro!р of!оLrr oшл рее.5' Hеrе thе n! е
W b.а tle e55formа'Ь!tlri n Ье

Е;<А\4 !, pagё '| 5з


UsefuI iаnguа-сe аnai e!рlе!3ions ia

mDгe l(!r41аl rд'оlt5

.oпV..y а rnоrе sеrоU5'iormа styrе

. Do пo1 !5r .ontrа.t оп5
. U5е lkеrs ofаdd tоn,.onirаst'
соn!еqLrеll.r, еi.' lo nr!сtLrrr уоLrr

. Usе detеrm]nеrs апd qLrаnt].irrstо5ay hoW

gеnеrа )rouriпd n!5аnd (Oгnm0n1s are
вe9inningthe report
. тh.. allтl/pu|pa5e af |his |еpor| в |a arJfli|е/
dеsсribеlр|Р-|еnt thе iindirrgs'''
. тhБ еpaft Б lntеndnl to
. тhr\ r,эро|i r\bа\еd aл g sPEAк|Ns сheсkthаtyou understаnd thе Wоlds in boId,
Еnding the report тhеп аnsWer the questions.
. Аs |/h|е hо'/Р' р|е\|i..J\s!у n]еnionеd, ] DoloLr lh rlk1h.. соthеs fiа.сil?
. |y'lе (wau|d) \UggеsIlrесaпnелd ''' 2 Dо yоt] Ih nkIh.y{il t[.е рropе .'t/еJr ll! t|rеrn?
. |lу/a'r nain rе.arnr.]еnd6tlonЬuqqе.lian з n ycl]r Oр n ol' dо ihеу sLIiithе реop е',l'еаr пq thе n?
is .. 4 DO yоLr tl lkthеуv(olJ d 9uit!oLr? !!h!j/!,./hу пci]
. |lоving tnkеn еrc|уthinQ intn сansi|1е|а||an, 5 А|е lhеrс аnt' tеm5 c].. oih пq o: aссе!!or]е! thе р.tLrlЕs thаt уоLr
А1Ithng\ .оns|dсrеd' иrоtliсin,t br,eej1 dс]сl in] tlh.hl
6 Аrе ап! of th." do1hе5 n siy е а| |h'. пlomeni? Dо yo! lhiпk thе!.olr d 5.:,
. тa surn uD/сanсludР- iren.j iп thе1LrtLrrеi

: VoсAвUIARY Desсrihing сlothes and lashions P I nЕii)r,Е' iaakr's wе| teс|'

l\Лаtсh thesе words With thе definitions 9 ReаdtheWriting tаskаnd foIlow tЬese steps.
1-6. severa| Words mаy be possiblefor
some definitions. In pаirs, сheсkthаtyou
] dепity\'hOуOL] а|с'"Й]titr!] |h. |сpcIt |Ol.]Пd-.hе kry пfоrmаtioп thatуoLr
lееd to iп.]Lldе n it
understandthe otherwords.
2 Dе. Oe hо".r nа l), 5есt on5 l.rL] и4 nееd ]l yо|r rерOl|аnd !i./e.JLh оПе a
60'70У80s.5tу|е аdventurous bаggy
саsuа| сheсk сhiс са55iс
3 ['1.rke пotе5 v',]th dеа5 tol еасh sесt]On'

flowerу glаmorous loо5€

o|d fаsh]oned p аin sсruffy smаrt
sophьtiсаted strlpy tight trendy ntе tn аti onаl rеSеаtсh сoлlpаnу vсlnts tо
tФо||1 ||юfе
аbоu| tее|lаве lushio|l itl |-оu| сo||ntfi- IIеto thеп Ь\J
|||iti}|в а rеPоr|. This shou|d''
] fаshionаЬе'nу 5h;nd аttrа.t]Vе
2 !nldуOrdilty
. aut|o||э Stflеs о| itеms ofс[оthing |hаt аrе iп аt
з fltt n!]Vе|y с O5еtO lour bod,V
. .\p|аin ho|| iпPot|аnt (or not)
4 \,еly1аrgе, nOlfittlnq nell1O yo|rr bOсу )ou think Jаshion i\ |or
5 s mр е n nеsiqn'}rith io раlt]сLr а|.ес.]|а[Ol] . rcФnпеnd ап'l inProwпеn|s fu thc |ishioл industr\,
6 Wth а раttеrn oT!q!аIеs
in tеппs оfp|oсllrс|.\, b|o.]е]\' priсеs ал.l пL||*еting,

Longuoge reгerenсe ono revlslon

1 Pa\stvеs, passivе infinitives and passive gerunds > page 142 З Causativеs > page 142
2 Passtves with verbs with two abjесts > page 142 4 Detеrnlnеrs aпd quantifiers > page 142

1 Word tolmotiоn - / kаs}эl1 dе.е!1.,е (a.,) /dl sерtrv]

гevision ond exiension (п)
/фki dёсоr i dеIkc(г)i
.h с (аd]) {i,k/ iatе (n) r* /f€It/
.o есiаЬ.. (ii]]) ikэ.lеktэь(э)l]
/ kl.еslki nb i!) ]1]Ь/

/trt/ nqurе oLrt (V) /flg.r а0'

fowеЦ, (аd]) |а5h molr (n) ] 1]€J mr,Ь/
ic o\l/ sLr t i'/] / tЪlэU stLti
] ра0.(I)f(э)11 girthеr (= Lr ldе15tапd) i q:с0э(т),/
o d fа5l опеd iаd]] /эu]d fаеJ(э)nd] qftrL| a*
(!) /sr,еb]
olаt]fr i!) ] qlЕtfar/
imаq]паtoп (п) *i /r лlЕd3l nетJ(i)n/ q'аzе l'] |9tе\2|
.[с hоod
{п] * ] lаRlih0d/ тгrifl ьdl] q'ееll )/аsh пq (п) 1gтi:п wоJr1l
O|q nr tl, (г) q'm (аc]) * /srтпr]
rеаoil]еss (l] iсOn (r) r / a|kDn/
5Oрh st саtеd (аdj) /sэ fist kеItd/ in.tе (V] /msafi]
iпiЕп5ly (!] inoепLr tу (п) i ll1dзэnjxrэti/
51r pl (аdj)
oW.а (аdj] ]lэo kюl',
mоrт (п) /mэ(os(э)|i

/.r frJ(i)li/
.!ht (аd]] ** iаpр]."! (п) /naрi,
рареr iарk n in]
l tlеnd]'.
] реlpэ лаspkln/
р] cW (l]] * /Pnа01
4 oih'.г words ond рhrсses
р lmber 1l] 1
аJto!]|арn \n]
аfrrсt oп of (рnr) iэ f'Ekj(э)n э\n
рoасhеd (v)
i m.\1tiрз(0рisi /pэU$t/
а 'аr0с.O5е Oi (рhr) /а 1o(0d3 dаos эvi
(п] рoррy5ееd (п) /рDpi sidi
/рri: kDпsэot] irtrundаn(е /э b^ndэns/
рrерosterO]5y (аdVl /prJprrst(i)гisli1
е (i) /alli
reаd пе55 (п) /.теdmasr
2 Adveп s]n9 ond se||ing
sаtеd (adj] /sеI1Id'
Ьnni Oу.ty lnJ i tгtпd l.lаlti/
sсапnеr (п] *
brаnd iаmе (n)
i skаеnэ(0i
iЬrIвnd nеtmi i bDks slJ(т) rixсllэ]
s.rаmЬ rd ьdj) i sk3еmЬ(а)ld]
епdOrsе а рro.]Ld /md.:(т)s э рmd^kt]
lрПr] shа! n!.rеаni lnj iJсNп] kтixn/
5hrеcdеdlrhе.t (lr) /.ilеdld .wi|t/
s]nnеr (n)
i smit)r
hаrс sе (п) i]L]бt intO 5ong (.hr)
sрrrаd thе.lrOrd (рhr)/s!теd 6а \\з(r)d]
] l.n{. пo:(ok|tЦ
stJП.j (ll) ** /stEпd/
.еIt]n.atоп (п) /sз(r) tтfi kе{(аh/
5to.k (!l /stDk/
nO.a y (Jd\'] / slэU*1i/
i Jrft ju,nnsi '.Ft {nl
5hор J|OL]nd (V] i kl'r(r) Da slr.*lirеЬd]) ].|.(oгalа(r)/

tепcепсy (n) ** /tеndэnsi/
З DesсriЬ]ng с othes ond foshions Irаdе oft ln) l trc D'
аd'/еп1!rO!5 (irdj] 1idvеntJ(э)r.s', Lrnq!еnсhaby (аd!) i^n k\a.rnsэьli/
triqqr Gdj) /ЬЕ!i] 1/ гa 1аd]] ] \.aгэl/
Ьrinnуе W.rsh пq рo.,'/dеr (n) / wоJЦ pаOdэ(0/
dаzZ е (.r) / d?еz(э)li !!h рped сrсаm ln) i wЩt kri;пl.

94 Vnir 7

PassiVe struсturеs
I 1Deсideifthe5entеnсesаrесolleсt'Тiсk(v/)the(otleсtsentenсesandreWritethein(orreсtsentелсеs'
] !. р :. .l].! lr !:п t.] ll L]ll].io 5 Tl. !.lе:rlrri тi]jt til:t 5 t]. t]!: j .]rе{] l.]]Lr5
2 Jo.t.l\l1L t:с r]o.i! ]:! Ё.еlr.] 6 Т'l. рi.lа:lе!,l. |.ееl::Пi ]]lt rгiа Пеrt[.!еi
З'n. !|.. ]l t.r i]!l(т jlе ]li.i.].. orr.сJ t!] е:rl. l l! |'oslr tа 7 ll] п.ееt..]|1i. tllilj i iпi! lr t ]'.: irrrl
4 Тhi 1 Lih !l.! t. c t.] nl
WoRквooK ) раgе 58

сausatjvеs Determiners and quantifiers

2 Rewrite thе sentenсеs using theword given. 3 сom pIete the !enten(es With thе5ewords,тhelеаre tЬree
I .[Ui r .r,;yj a!.! s _; tn' . lt t-tAs
2 iL
:]'] Т;
а| еасh hа5 hаve
!l'L].]5kr.] l."r г t0 i].i lЁl ! BY
з N:t .l]..Ik j ii..55.] l,r !.:. i!.o it-n l. .o.5Е GЕтт|NG ] Lir 5i| r.|lLrrir.jе. r..rt!c .;\'!сfj!,егt
\].!lil]tr].[ Dl.п, lj.i O ln 5 2 l.l|i.rr rt].j t.n. .ii оliTl ll]5Jtr.i n. Гl .n
4 ТL].\''! l]. l:r..]1ll ] r]1f.r.5 DELIVER
з i]!]hi-il :..]t.!г г.}r -i!. . tli Llflh.I. j.rl.. сoi."
rririr r.r\':-.c h j r.r !r :-.! sERv|сED 4 Тlеrе j drtL]: il n) i] r.] hntl.l. r.tor nаll
Ф] .rG ,] |]

!it thе ! ll]р J* j а t t.l ;! t.l] р.:. l WRAPPЕD 5 L'.. r'.;. ..l.l;r oithеb..lll]lihrt..ri
б ;.lrij ih.,!. r.tcr5 .n].l!l]! !ri]r..l.
'i]] n t].еi .l]!l it t.L]l]n'.n!. нAvЕ
Woвквooк ) pаge 62

lofiKвooк ) pаge 58 /7

'.d farmatjОл rеvis|oП and ехtе|lsjОn Аdvеrtising and sе|Ii11g

] сompletе the sentenсе5 With the сolreсtform ofthe 2 Reаdthеdefinition5and сompletetheexptessIons.

,l Lеi5 t.гl ] Ьrаnd :.hэ]I1r.l..I.Lr!irli].:!tеrр.L]]'t]L]tlе]irпе

\l]'!l] ir).rtthjр.]l]r.l l1.i]r|. n:i.a. !ft !l..].n ..l]rdП:5
!.alL] l] J
2 d.n lrL..!.t.е i.i.];l. iflhrli|.| rе 2 g]vе 5o mebоdy thе hа rd l,'hil 5t'.ll:o.еt P!l..L l..]tL]
.эrj.J!..L]j ..ll|! .. L]|lji]n]lt. ll]
] Тh..L] .]5 ]е."П .j..lll] !l].l l]i (. ... .]t'r l'r ] qiveаWаy а l.iеl i.L]гl|r,]n]i q !!s]r.'.:l].!.!th пg,i.L
l]L il !Ir'll]iе.prr.. tl']t l.!lе,l]|(..i]
l .r.П l]rl| Lс ра]i .|
.1 !h.. .r.]а lrr,)i r|.rрр]r .l] l]]b.t n r! nLr.]. 4 а рroduсt:5а]l il] l]L L] l i ]. iп а:] Lhrt !.r k.r рli]i!!t
5 сo d !пr]1!r( t.. !t !pг.iг?.r ! !r,l.jit5 b''.]|rf,l.l] ]е
5 i'! гее. t.] li].ll]].]Lli L.t!..iпllhi].n i!]io 5Р 5! rеtг т]
6 !! !.rе tlаl hr r !. rзю i]l:i .
1r \].L 6 а!nсhа mаrket]пg :п'rklij.i] .:i 5еl.! Пt].].].Lll]!
;.ri] i5 o [r.s Ё 5 tn]t t'l] l] l1l]1|.dе р..р.j!! i l]'l].!.I
7 r.j] bеt. 7 5hор ] -]n to 5еL].r,] 5.r!rj Ьrfo.lnlr.]i:: cе L(l.i]i ! lLr]'l

п/oRквooк ) page 59 WoRквooK ) pаge 56 ts

-sСriblng C]athеs and fa1hiО|\s

] Writea simp|е еxр|аnation ordefinition foriheWords аnd eхpressions'
2 i: i r.: a ] ] 1.]-! .].I nhаt 4 ,[,i.]k,.t. id ir.L 5!f-i ro:t -rnr I

WoRKBooк ) pаge 62 ts

unir 7
,,,,,, o..,,,.,.,,"* *.lro пrodrlylnв сompа
сompфпd аdieоtvei- pаrt5 0lth.. hodyiW0rds
mean]ng N]0tаph0ls hаpрillеss аnd sadness
аkiПg ) D scuss0ns based oпv]slа st]пru ]
IIllпg | 0pini0п аnd г0гaпфаgainst essаys

уoсllвULАя\ сonpound adieсtives - parts of the bodу

Work in oаirs. маtсh 1-10 With а-jto make сompound adje(tives. тhen
matсh themWith thedefinitions i_x. сhe(k your аnswels inа diсtionary.
] sO! а tl oW гr! i гiа(iГq уоLr lее hарр!, t]lLra у t]eсаLrsе oth.q рeор е аre bеinq k пd

2 hеаrt b rrisir]q ii аtirа.tVе оr nnus!аlаnd thеrеTorе поt.с.

3 h."аrt с v(аrn. ng lii Lr5еL]lc.]е5.riЬеа s]tLrаton ihаt гnаkе5 !cL] Vеry Lrnhаррy ЬeсаJ5еуоt]th nk iW nеVеrjinрrO!е

4 hаr d bt|g iV Lr!еd tO dе5сr Ьe a 5iLrаt on thatrnа[es !оL].]еrу еxс tеd'

.,,rorr еd оltеПs.

5 brеаk e nорр n!] V ехirеrn е y mр r..5! \,е' ?r.]ting, or 5hо.( n! (]nforma ]

6 саr f dеstrof]ng v] !еrуtrqh|еniiq

. 7 еуе g орЕn n! vil !еЦ,frghlеn]nq' lrLrtоftrn ехсi пg at tiresаnlеt mе
8 еyе h lа|с|r nq viii vrrlr.ir5t'dl sрееl
9 na i sрitlпq ix J5еd to dе!с'l]е а 5lt!at]on lhаish0\..l!yoLr юпlеth lg 5!rрrs]п!] th;tуoU d.n'r kno.,.r cеlоrе

]0 mno j nе.k

сomplеtеthe quenions With the сolreсt pаrt

ofthe body.
] HаVе уo!:!сl trа!е еi] аt Ьrеаk ! l :
5реР.L? Whеn? .,-']'
2 Ha\'еуo.Le!еr
tnеssео а
l;lm]iq 5.enе? \{ha1 hар.епеO]
з \{ha|slh? mosi l . sр ft ll! soLrld

4 ,'l'hal!thе mo5t a]5 t]g tn]r!]

y0! \'е l0nе/
5 !!hat 9lhе mоli ]l - b пq i]m


!о!\,e sееп]
i*;{:{'}oi.; ;*;1'; та*Т;;j^:: :;x::
6 t{hаt\ thс Гion bt]nq 5р0rts tloт'hе п oтA. ."^
.Vепt!ot]'Vе 5."еп]
l{;:;':- : j "::Б:i":1: :;i.::: ?::? l:i:у;"iЁ.
sPЕAкlNG Work in pаirs' Dis(ussthe
questions in 2.
il.o:l,.i li,:З"j;i:. :
ioр{onked womoi in thё wоrlсI,

sPЕAкlNc In smа||gloups, dis(uss these

,l };;.';;u'l;;*1qiр;;; -;;1;.g{;;: ;i:"i ", .

Hcи,5ро|цr doуо! соni]dеryo|15еtto oe
j :J*:ъl;""l ::j в
2 \'!hl.h JрOrts dо yо! Likе шatсh]ig оr dc n!]? ;;1-l"".;l].i.i:;'.
".;iт. 1 11fi,

з ЕrаVrуO! е\/еrdOiе аn ех1|еmе o| danqеroLr5

5po|tlWо! d,!Ol] ]kеtO Onе dа).] t{hуl iiжТн ;:;Ъi:}Ё*};:я}r; :'.]:::T ff "

rhYnot? so{e у wh;lе they сould,

!!hyоoyoLr 1h nk реcр е dO danqеrcL]5 !pоri!?

You аregoing to teadаn аrtiс|еаboutа

i ;"::. l",.3'lъiтъ, i. "]"J.:
раlagIiding inсident. Five paragrаph5 havе ;. ;т':::' ш ;' ;l :l:,'. 1".'.Т, ;:: d,o
оlA o1с] nо^о g,
been removed flom the а ltiс|е. (hoose from sp]rcl ou oftЬe doud. Еwо wсts not sо lLJсky,
the pаtаglаphs A-F the one Whiсh fit5 eасh
gаp (1 6).

Rеаd the (omр|еte teхt аgаin аnd аnsWеl

hl";'^i..тyдт;:,8:}""iiт:'}Тr;."?,."T'f i:lif ::l:
gJff]' :J!.Тi"Шllil'lfl :-.'Т:x':;fl" ...
il."iJlТi' ;J:[T"':l
iт j.i:::;;.j;;: l; ; J;;:..";;:::
] tlhit еха.iy hарр..nеd |O [!'а? 4аkе а nоtе

r-r Ь. .l.s o,'":l".:''ч::,"\

, os .\o, чо'ed [е
ot 1ne Гnа гr '.V'дnrs'

2 !\'hаt.(еrе Ih.. d]ffеrеnttасtoБ thаl .'i.i"аji Ь... , ";;.""'i. ".

сOntr Ьltсdtо hеr 5L]nr !.а i riБ .-..

As Еwo hos оier odm;llёd, sЬe Undeгeslimoiеd |twos in FeыUоry 200Z Ьoweve., fhot Еwo гeo||y hit the heod|ines,
lhё qщoщi|]g dоnger oлd tЬe odrenо|in rusЬ тlo:ni.s fo ,he wol d po'o9|idins сЬorPionsЬiрs iг мon,|o
took ovel shе ond o poriner sow two oiher Aл|lо.io
сomPetitoБ oheod оf hel gёi thrоUsh tЬe two
'l. deсided lo do o (ros, сoJnIN eveп|, |п |he!e eveп|i
iЬe ideo is to set оfI оnd сover os muсЬ disionсe os rэossiЬ]e in
с|ouds ond reoсЬ tЬe orher side, suddеn y, w|.iсte'er dr'eсtron yo; wо1., o. о.e oЬ'e ,o, .|у, т|.e weо|hel lhoi
ihoogh, ihe iwo с|ouds ioined ond Ьeсomе doy wos generoily fon ond uлгemoгkoЬ|e, Ьut ihe сomPeiilors hod
one, |t Ьeсome сleor tо them ihoi thele wоs no Ьеen worned of iЬe PossiЬi|ity of o ihuлdёrslom lolel iл tЬe doy.
woy of gei|ing tJndel |he с|oUd, so |hey Ьod to

Еwo,s miraсU]ous survivo|wоs рieсed logetЬeг fгom

ihe informotion rёсeivёd Ьom heг GPs wЬiсh rcсolded
Еwoъ unсoпsсious Ьody Ьeсome соvered in о loyel of o|| the times' spеeds ond Ьeights sЬe reoсhed, Her
iсe оs the tёmpeгoture reoсЬed 55 deqrees Cesius ot eoLiр.nel| |.оd рio/ed o1 lnlegtо| Po|i |n ove.сoming
|hъ inсгed]Ь|ё o litude. Нёr g|ider ol5o f;oze. тЬen, {ol q1dqq|, He. g|ider hоd emorred rn оne p'eсe o.d
o Ьeol|,.|ooo|rg mo1ёnt it. s|ider s.ddеnly сoloр'еd
keрt fiying perleсt|у tЬrougЬout tЬе hoirroьing ioulney.
Jadel -e wё qht ol.he се ond Еho o]l.d |o D"splte Iwo, .n'nd bowi.q e\ре.eлсё, s'< doys |оtе'
' р|Um.т€ |o
the gtound ot sрёeds of Up 1o 200 km on lrour WilЬ on sЬe wos Ьoсk JP in t|.e с|ouds о9o.г, Iyiлg |h" velу
iпсrediЬ|e stгoke of |uсk, tЬe g|ider uneхрeсtedlу гeopened soгlre g|ideг thоt Ьod token her higЬer ihon Еverest,
ond the sudden, Viо|eni io]! wоke Еwo up.

Еwo sow o lorm ond diгeсied helse|ftowords ii. нoving

|onded, she loy in йe fie|d. the сo]d ond tkedness
sioriing lo !с i|,],
'i||сovёled in iсe despile $e worm
9.olnd teтpe'o ure, |..r moЬl|. рЬone Ьegon io .гg
Тhroughout the wЬo|e пoi|Ьiiing pe|iod, hel grotJnd
ieom hod Ьeeп iгуing desPeгote|y to moke сontoсt witЬ
her, пol sure if sЬe сou|d PossiЬ|y hove suгvived the
slofm, мсkiлg o rnonumeпlо| efforl, Еwo wos oь|e io
giYe ihem her сoordinoles ond ihey wёnt to рiсk lЕl UP,
eighly minutes of|e. sЬe hоd set off on lrel iourneу gnd
7 km from WЬere ihe с]oud hоd suсked heг up.

|nсгed]Ь|, Еwс went ot Ьreokneсk speed fГom о lrеight

o| 762 n to orcr 9,947 n, olmosl the сluising hёighi of o
iuflrЬo iet/ iп iUst ]5 miпUtes. At iimes her GPs гeсolded
thol she wos оsсending о| o speed oI40 m peг seсond.
мeonwЬi]e, |ighining wos сrosЬing o|| olоund her, ond
her Ьody wos Ьeing pounded Ьy mossive hq]]!!olrel,
some os big оs 15 сm in diomeie|,
iJel lЬoLJgЬt wos iЬoi she Ьod only Ьеen
.1сo15с'o' to.o т гLle, ЬLt Ihоd Ьeeл оvе' folry
.i1Uiр. sьe(|-е l<ео |e-
оЦ'tJd. о1о *os ho \eo jo 7 маtсh th€ !n.d€rlin.ed Wоlds in the tеxtwith thеse
..elitsоI .hе wo- 6oo0'. |rgl, Snc wо' oг tьe eхрlanations аnd defin jtions.
l,rе с oLd bui 5od hЦ|е vi iьl'i'}
old .1t,e wos"dgе ]
J' do
sll ' аn ехtrегnеy Lrnp rаsаnt ехprr еnсr' ott'.n оnеthat astsа
n e т gh- ь. 1 г kеd'uр гto l|.e .|oud оgоra,
.eo|z|19 'gе' .hё г igь|d,e
ofсo|d J 5Ьe d|o1. оelоOцп Onq t]mr] о| Li,, Ii
.) !hе b.gо|
|o (ol о| tоLiy Wh"l o| 2 аtlесtеd byа mеdiса сOndition ]n Wh сh со d Wеаthеr
::e r6 wе.omA 5'9гt о he
'оs.she сo ',о
ogo г cLe tр'l I te оr s€r oLrs ydаmigеs рa(5 оlуOur body .,
:'ronоul сom ng bосk t]ofir oU|ег sPосе з. stаrtto hаVr аn еffесt -:
4 аpрrOaсhing
../orlied ihоt Ewo migЬt hovе suffered
Ьlоin domoge
,т o^уg.л deo.vо|,on dос|o,. .ЬAсred ьёl oлo we|e 5 5гnа|| bа ь Oflсe thаt fа ikе rа]n

:-o7ed o1с] JA|ieщd .o ['гd . 6 |оsinq сonsсoLrsпеss ,]. ..

'hо| sl |.od no|ьi]g |пo]"
- ) |'9фbi .en eo| ond ]e9 oiuq son e ?|o.,vрi) т nor 7 silLrаtion iЛ Whiсh 5оmеthinq noрs moving oIhарpеn ng
.]. соJ\ed bу 't. giогl ho,i iore,, А''o сo'Jqh''n
8 . ,оd,n о , o,",
_. 1|
:9.. .'- с|.i1e,. ро oq|:dP' Ч",zhorgpri lоо
: r.гerелl"|'оg( сor]J(io] jo 9 fi strаlght down VerуqLr сk]уfюm а hiqh рositiоn
his ioJll еy H. оieo' t0 hаpрening ]n а Wаythаt ь suddrn аid Uneхpесtеd
i,+m,"g|y |toф о di.eL| igq л n9 \' \ь oodl loсrd
f- оwoу hоn *h" e te tod Ьee1 sLaed |'|o
'lе sPEAкllto Whаt аboutyou?
1 Doyou knowаnyotherаmаz]nq са\еs Wherе p.Aoрie hаVe
sulviVеd in еxtlеmе сirсumnа nсе5?
2 HOW doуou th nkаn eхper]enсе kеthьWoLrldсhang€уorrr

Lookаt the sentenс€5 аnd аnswer thе questions,

Oithr undеr]ned раrt сiр '".lаLr!е5 !5rthe
a ]l]](к!aпlsl'.]']]]|!]Ji Еv./а
\/1/]sn]еl5kа hа5.еrtа п yIOWп h qh \l/ l сh
рfе раrt сiр '"irпd wh.h usе th.д рa5t раrti.]р
b Hirllnl l./i-l!h!d hе| n ?rtp|' hеr|rеid5 nrqqеЛr.]5hr
Wh]сh оtlhеtVlOtyре9 Olраrt L]р е.1аLr'. ! !еs a
5hould."пtеr с0mpеitоn!
mеarln! 5 nliLartothе рi55i!е?
с .lгr ptlag ld]-rg yоLr nееd 1O fnd qоOd ihrrma !
!!hiсh liruсl!ledo.'^rе |5еl"rhеn оleаф oп nirрреn5
d .B! Щ n io!]qh !!]п]ll."I]t!]., hеr ob5еs5 оn
Wa5 tо саtth uр
lrеiоrе the оther' doiл4 orhllylл4.1onеl
е сovJle!] ! 1!€,'l.]сlр]:!е.tLIе !щI|r] ! |0 цn!].!Е]]:]ре]i!].]rе' nеr
ithе 5!bjесt oithе рalt. р е саu5е Lrslra !1пе !аmе
гnolr]E рirоnе b.gапtо r n.0
аs thе Othrr hаlt оftl€ \епtеп.с?
мn,k]llg n Ц9L]!r]]]еlтn1'!lfo п' ЕWа l^ris а Ь . tc q]Ve lhern hfr

i,.спдммдп пягвпвпсв раgе ]4з

2 сhoоsе the Фlleсt а |ternаtive. In oneсaseboth

а|ternаtives аre possibIe.
ln sеntеnсеirапsforГnаtоп aсtV]t]е9, do пotаdd or.hаnqеWords Lrl еs5
] Da гnа! rd by thе 9iO nn' i r|е yOL] hаVе tо ЕxAм 5UссEs5 ) Page 15]
mаnаqеd to !]еt Ьасk sаte у 'а|!||'1]h|a9,a|
1o thе р0rI

2 !]llql'фi.1]/'l!.]4t.ij'.r' the f monТv

qrаdlrа ytе
сomp|etethе seсond sentenсesothаt it has а similаt meаning to the
first;eпtenсe, using thewold 9ivеn. Donot сhаng€theWoId 9iven.
З Аflч'!l,|е!!i!s1' a|ijn|],|Iе|hеl, loLrnc hеl5torу You must use betweenthree and siхWotds, in(|uding thе Wold
1 весalr!е hе knеW it е аbОUtаn Гnа 5, hе hrd |O idеа aboLrlhowtо оok
4 l,!hеп driцJl.dti1,щ''),ou Гi!n раyсomрlеle
5 Wr ttеп ,,! th rеа sty е' l ]aщ iliJ !a.'i1'li].J be,q(l'J Nоt ', ,, '' '' ' hе
hаd nO ]dеа аlrоut hoц' tO Look

9!! til"..l, iq.v,o..urilqj.

6 lесl'!!'/]]n]'t]4.!!-Е]llhe nlm оiсе' Wе d dn't rеa

y 2 Wh.i thеy hаd.hесkrd ihе Wеa1hеrforссаn'thеy sеtоLrlоn thе r]OLrrn.ду
v/аntto !еe Lt аqа n I\4AKING

1 B!ця|,|tlq|i|]g hеq|е| |11hе f]па, thе рlaуеr' Аftеr thс WеrthelwоLr d bеoK'thеу'еi
!\reTе nrаltDroкеn, оut on lhе r]oLrrnсy'

з Тhе саl h 1Lhе lkаteboаrdеr andthеy hird tO гu5h h]rr] tO hо1piа

з сomр|ete the sentenсes With th€ Фrreсt form BY
ofthe verbs given.
,. '1hе
lkаtсt]oаrdеr hаdtо be rushe.lо
1 (,,!а k] tо \''/ork' nWап

4 ве]ig totа уfеаr]еs' 5hе оVе5 а ехtreme 5рolL5

2 Aft.r ',. '. ',.
(еаrп)to dl!е, ц'е V.'еnl slNсЕ
oо ,'L. 6l0,
3 ,, '.. (teасh) Lo sа]] Whеn 5h€
5 Hь сoасh thоlqht hе !^rou с]пoL Ьеаb еto сопrреtе аqa п ЬесaLrsе hе
Wа5]un а сhld' !h.".|о'sed lhе Ai апtjс 5 nq r
tholrghtt|rеrе Wа5 nо 9o ut oп
hаnded аt thе аqе о] tWепtI ЕEARING
4 (pLrrhJtothС limt Ьу lhе
His с()асh'', thоLr!|rL hе
bаd,,\'еаthеr, thе moirntа]nееrs hаd to tLrrn bасk'
аb е |O соmреtеаgаLn,
5 ,, '',, (еаrn]tо rdе а пlotcrb k..
6 ТhеyOffеred АLсхIhе.han.еto рlаy апd hе sа]d yе5 nlа qht.п'ay,
lr't' hе stаrtеd LodrVе а саr 5OOn аftеr
^L- а иlаys
o. L o
A]ех' ', ' 5a. уе! nrаlgnt аvrаy
rnLr5t Wеаrа 5еаt bеlt,
7 s]nсe (ql]аlifу)аs а doсtor' сompIetе the senten(еs сoпtаining pаrti(ipIe сlаuses.тhеn а5k your
shе hа5 gJ nеd ]Ots ofехреrjеnсеаtth 5 hosрltа pа neryour questions'
1 HаV]ng donеуo!r hOmеWOrk'
rr Й'1шиа!
whаt da
|oЙ u5ЙаIу 40
2 Hаvinq nud ed Еnq ъhtor mаnyуеаr5 now
з \ryhеп rе!ь iq',,,
4 Аttеrdoing sрort'
; 5 Bеing а n!dеn|'
6 t{hеn mаdetO Wа t', '
7 Not lrе пq aD еtоlotеyеI',,,


Words With more thаn one meаning Reаd thеsе sentenсes (ontа in ing phrаses With the Word
1 stЕAj(ltlG Work in pаirs. Dьсu ss thе d ifferent meа n ings of polr,t |n pаils, disсuss What you thinkеасh phlаsr means.
thе Words in bold in these pаirs o[5eпtеnсes. сheсk you l аnsW€rs iп а diсtionаry.
1а t beсan]е с|еаr to thегn thаt thеrе.,"ras nO Wiy o].gеtt пg
L]nсе|tnссl0ul], 2 .аЛ yo! plеаsе gettotheрoint?
]b shesаW а qaр !,Jith с|еar5kу ii front. з А ighl' yol]'Ve plovedyourpoint
2а Тhe Weathеr thаt dау Wа5 qеnеrа|lуfаil and Lrпrеrnirkаlr е 4 thinkyouve missedthe point.
2b lt гn ghtiot5ееmfairthаtsomе рeOрese1of]..Фаrliеrапd 5o 5 5hеWа5 onthe point ofqiv пq Lrр hоpе'
hаd tinrс tO с5сnprthе nolГn, 6 аgrее up to a point'
за Тhеуtr]еd 1О сoverlhе g dеrs 5othаtthеуdidntq'"tWеt 7 ],оtrhаveа point
зb Тhе ]dеа i5 tо 5е1Olland (over аs mLrсh dьtаiсе а5 рo55]b е 8 ith]nkWе'!с lеасhedthe point ofno retuln
4a F|y пg bеtr,!ееn соLr.]5 i5 LrsL]а|lyi !]0od Waуtо piсkup
тhink ofoпe Word on|yWhi(h (аn be us€d in eасh set of
4Ь Hеrtеаm Wеnt tO piсk hе| up at thе lirrm threesentenсes.
5а Ьееn раrа! i|]in!]sinсe 2000
Еu/а hа5
,l iеtа !'ji]:l .J]', O'nПопmуfa.е,
5b somе рeoр е dесided to аnd sin(e thо W..irthеr 1,!a5 g еtt]nq 5th!thе : ',. ', ',WhеrеyO! sаW him lir 1

V'hаtъ t tlra on уoLrIIа.е?

2 Look аt how the Wordpoi,lf Ь used in these senten(es. 2 shа Wе еаVeа , i ? thoLrqhtthе\еr./се
маtсh eа(h usewith а defiпitjon а-9. Wа5 qOOd. .
,l don't аgree!'/ith уоLr оп thаt point |е gаr,с mс a Lrsсfu] fоr hоWIO Wаrm Up

2 Whаt ьthе pointofdo ng thrt? b'"lor. dOiiq 5рort,

3 Atthispoint'd kе tothапk]oе].orсoгn пq hеrеtodаI

Тhеу Vе On thс nоr1h.|n ofthеisаnd
4 Lеf5 гiееt аtа pointthаlъ сosс thес пrгnа' ].dо ""с]'oсе|O,

5 Тhь trаm ha! !ot sir points and thе othеl hа5 oп у оlе, now m!(h prtro t

6 Тhе pointo].thе kn]feсаu!]htthе ght

.сlёo.oql 6'ё о

7 Don't point а1 hеl' tъlude' thеассdеnt,

5llе oLrt а ]thе mопе\ itohе Ь.nl.
а рartс! аrгnогnеnt]n tiгnе
Vеry i' i$ n.
Ь 5how!оmеtЬinq Ьy ho]d пq oLrtyoLllfingеrOr a oiq thiп
Тhe bсГсh \,/а5 апd LrnсOГnfо|tab е,
Тhisуearwсlс hivinq а W]ntеrwth оts

с the 5hаrр end olsometh ng

оl 5nolv аn.] 0W lеmре|nIU|сs

d а pаrt]сLr аr '.. '. ',, '', 0lсаn yоu аnswеrn tnе

рlасе q!еniois] i
е аn idea or oрiniоn amonq а nLrmЬer oloihers
f thе rеаson |оlsOгnrth nq
Тhе u/irtеr 5 anс] ...] ].i' .
bеаut]lLr ьеrе

g а L]n tlorсOrr|ting thе 5соrе ]п а gаmеor!роrt YoLr neеd tо! Ve ,, '', '',, iпnrLr.t]oпs ].yoUWаnt
реoр е to tol|or,^r fi еm еа5i у
lt! thаt поbоdyсаn 'in а |асeWthoLrt
tr.]ning fоrhOurs,

,o q,о ,еO"'

W6 6дd o!. ", ', rd ,"ад6р.

арреаrеd in ai аd |Olа ъmO!5 Ьrапd оftla nеrs
] th лl. t5 Ьо |no Whеn а matсh еn.]5 d,. ll
.]|ike to уoLrrаttеntion tOth. nсx| pе.е

some р..op есlа m thаtthеy саn,tсVеrl '. а

nrаiqltliпr With а rLr еr

8 Wе neеd to run lаner to f ... ; - thе othеrs up,

soпy' d dn1 уоLrr папlе
]' псеrеy hoреth'"y ,, thе реrsоn r,^]hо did

Writе down th€ meаniпgs ofаny newwords or phrаses in 4.

6 Work in pаirs. Usе a diсtionаry tofind а Word thаt hаs three

diffelent meаnings. Wlitethree sentenсе5, Ieаving а gаp
forthe word аs in 4. sWаP sentenсes With аnothеr pail аnd
guessthe missingword.

:j..i]'lt]il.] нoW muсh doyou knowаbout

qkate|roаrding? |n pairs, do the quiz.

All о]]e s lvhеП уoL]
.r ,О l .' l . L' ,l o ] |оd| |O

h tlllist ЕгO!l]d 54o L]rgгees hoLd ng oпto thc lrоагd

iп skatrЬt]агdiпg а s]а n s \afiе. уoll
а dll аjl а]1lаz n!] .г ск,
|r hаVе а bаd fаl оГ асс dеrli
Тhe gгeаi skiltсг Тonу Ha\'l'k [Tl rthrtеxt] isoftennсknаied
a Thе StL]ntlnап
Ь l hЕ вiгdrllап,
Дj ,,l.l q -o Чl^ п' о| L оoдоl i..
skaLеls tW s| -Lo

а 54О dес].rеs п tle а Г beioгe |andЛg

b 9Оo dеgгees in r.he a r heto.e аndinll sаI!.Iy.

Listen аnd сheсkthe ansWerstо ihe F;nd thesе сo||oqUiа| eхpression, in thе
l quiz' нoWmаnydidyou get right? tехt аnd rephtа9e them iп your own
words. Why do you thinkthele аle so
.dn you dn5we! lhe(р quрsnons? |f not, hsten dqаin.
mаny сo||oquiа| explessions in lhe text?
] !!L] qсt! lг|,L] ].]. '.
2ё " 'ljr
2 ф-сi.!р.i]t']i .].т.t
з ]!l l] !| ..l ! ..j l]еi

5 itii.i r ihr..:.] iirl r]с.]]ll]n. l.l'Г]!.^

Rеаd the In9ide lnformаtion Ьoхаnd the extrасtfrom s/dm'
,.lа: ]| 5t .l..5] г] irro. гl]
What ь your impression ofRаbbit?
Rеаd thеteхtа9аin аnd сoгrp|ete the 5eпten(еj
2 (.i: !..]..L. ].,.l t]..r.. itе |,..:.!l:.5 i]rl| ! bеi]. ll]
I !;ri!,-r r,'.r !,.,1 !l ilrLr r.Lth.i!r iirl ','.ji... 8 H!!!.l r:rr',i! 1tril.r ril
.r'ril. r | .r 1r, h.rrL,i
:.l]1lli. Whаt аbout yolr7
4 (i.n.,,,rr! .rr)r .rt. i i.

5 ].Ii !.l;'1]l!...n... t|lrг] 1е t;. гiit ] '\h:t jа5 :r!п th! n.jsi
Г...jrTint |r.t!5i tiаi
б !.n.]oе!.it l.l'Jn| .lr t;rl..! i. i5 t.].а! h..i]|jс
7 .hrrе! i'o''. rl]rr.. ]|!.Г] ! ] L rr!:r lrt i.n a !"ff]./ 2 lriihn' l ]i.]!' ']р. .]'
inР...:51 ...k :rгr..l :
8 l]!.l].\ i.l; i t.] i;.]b. Lrе.iLrsr,

.е.,П.!. f:1hil]!].i 11] l|.i Jl]l]iiil

9 l'i.mllе. d:!:hn li'.:.]..lL''.r5it !пs .'!lh.r po5tеl .'
]0 P'rbi] tj t.еoi)'r.rо.rt:аn. ::] l! r l а....Пt tr.a\] 5 tl]Jt

I O0 unir I

Thе iеxt dаУ шаs suпdаy аnd !!enI dowП to сr]nd сity
\r\l lh Rаbb l, o. rаthеt ] sа!! Rаl]bit аt the bus stoр sO jhlriаrih.ltl|xiteп
, ]Oп]il.957'N.{i].rnD! jibс51 je n!Lnq
шe onded Uр gо Пg togr]the. Rаbbit саn dO Lri.ks | саn't .crbolhidц15iпd/oUпqа]]utr
]lm.!lli,n.ЬЬ..|l lЕer'.|.i|.lr
аПd hе иlа5 righi on the еdgе ol bе nl аL] e tO do а .ld.lri r ri а Ьe.n тrd. itоti!
r'DD'I d 3o],] h;ve
j N4сТl'vist' l,1rh сh s а 540 dеgree turП оn а rагnp'
. ri4lii/эjн0r]b]r.trn ro'e yf ttlifоrl.unqio. Ij teрPe;I.d п
20i]7 hЕ паtrаlcr' 5апr' 5а 5iteеп bc)] lrlr. j ni|];Ь.ut
Wh€n trу |o tа k to Мum аbоut tr сks, she аlwаys gеts 1. :.t]oыd п.. ind,h.5e cn jъr]''eа..n
]r/'| Ъ l rnolrj тo r/']э/rk j
mudd]еd Up b! thе numbеБ' Ve huПdгrd and fOrtу аL.t.honraГlr! rjcec|i rtsbe.]r!!п'ltirДаЬ.lр.nЁr.i]r'|
decrees?' shе sаid Whоn i lr, аs tгу ng to desсribe a lre tа k. nа! i i! H?flr! reр е5
NlсТLr, st |-oW the he] do yоU knou/lrhоn you',',€ dоne
o livе hundred аnd fогtу dеgrеes?' Аз f1^e5pеndoUгtiгne
соUnt|ng Ihе dеgrее5 onе i]у one But а l]!е lOrty s ]ust аs yol] tа]k, Тhаt s l\lhу sреПd hаlf mУ l fe tа k ng tO а
t60 рlus ]80 n оLhe| lrroгds cs just a t!,'ist апd а hа f itе sizod postег оf а skatеr Аi eаsl Rаbb. \'!аs а leа
N]L]гn seeгned drsаррO ntеd l,llren | рLrt t ]kr thаL Lh nk
shе hopеd .hаt skаt пg !"',аs tU|nlng me intо soГnе kind ,mсtthsgгl,
rl Ol flа|hеmаt .а] gеnjus аnd ] цias do ng са сu аLions I
гny hеаd tirаt othe| k ds сoU d оn У do On а сomputer
!b oo"do0,,d.o
".o. Does Lhаt Гnаt|еr?, | соu d seе thэt it [!аs gо]n€ tо t]e а
bаs]са] у ]пlрOss b e' Уou,l stаrt |o see v!hу hе shOU d lIust|аt ng соnVoIsа| On
hа!€ а соLrntrУ nаmed аlteI l] Гn .l'd
tkе to t.y to p]сtuге thе sсеne' said Rаblr t
2i МсT!! sts а|e reа] у hаrd' аnd ha\,en't е!'еП begun 'Nly mUm'5 JГ..ПdЪ pаrtу'
tl]rnk ng аbоu| theгn \'eL, most у bесaLrsе yoLr end uр .so'
еating а oL ofсonсrеtе l'1'h lе voule prасt s ng Yоu is 5hе ]kе геа]l! o]d?'
сan't do t W thout 5 aгnгning evеrу сouр е of т nules,
bLrt гhаt's ihе th ng аboLrI Rаbb t ]-]е's so th сk |lrаt he
Whаt lvаs 5h. dо ng а| thе pагtу?'
2j dоеsn't m nd how muсh .onсгеtе he оаLs, Hе'5 ]оst kе
three hund|ed tеeгh skаting. ]'гn su|pr sеd ihе pеор е shе | Vеs |hсгo,' sаjd 'sh." ,','
шho |un сr nd сitv dO| | рLrt his.ее.h On the toрs of ,she .HoLl,
Lrles аt а рагtу?' Rаtrb I sаrd dOе5 thаt !,]ork?'
!!а]Ls |o stOр рeop е gеttin€ n аt n ght' thе l!аv sOгne
pеop е Usr] bits oIbroken glаss r,lаs vfrong | llаs .nu.h €аs]еr еxp]а n nc th ngs tо а

rt. d dn't |аVо а good dаУ' though сOlrtdП t stoр |h nking

аl]0Lrt Il]e e\r€ПrПg аt thе с Леmа' I knoш jt sоLrПds stup d Shе doesn't ilr а[ а раrtу, shе lles n thе hоus.. v!hеIо
trut d]dn't паnt tо turn Uр tJ th а b g iаt b OOdy l p аnd tlle раrIy \,rа5 shе,s Гnу mLrГn's ||iend s dаL]gh|еr'
stаt st .s shoк.hа| |аt L рs tеnd io hаpрсn to me Jтlorе Rаbtrit геpеаtеd lrhаt |'d jLrst sа d аs if il !!as Lhе п]ost
On а sUndау thаП оn аnу Othеrdау ofthе\\lее^ .оmр i.aled seЛгеn.е in thе h sLoгY Ot thе Wоr.1
r! AnyпlаУ' Rabbit notiсed thаt Wаs jLr5t Гnсssinc агOund .Ho]d
On ,' Yolг rnLlгn,s i|iend s , dаughtеr oK' |'!e
!!]th a le!.] o les' аПd hе саrnе o\re|' goa t
s Lrp? Lоst уOUг bott|о?'
vve'|e gо ng out tr]night ТO Lhe сiпrmа And l'гn
'K nd of шor|iеd аl]oLrt gеtt ng mу |асe аi sпlаshеd Lrр
.\'!hаt's 'WhV dOes shе \'Vаnt tO smаsh
Lhe frогst that сan haрpen? ТhаtЪ hOп' l th лk !.ouI fаr:€ Lrр?'
40 аboLrt t !е
bеen to саslrа]ty l kе f ftееn |imes lrесаLrsе \o ,Idd 'c |,,d,о',.o io,," c
о] skatirrg' Тlre шoгst b t s on Lhe шаy tо thе hosp |al mу tасе L]р rrl ll.oг|iеd аbOUt cet| ng mу fасе 5mаshrd
bесаusе thаt hUIts' \blrie уing thcrс а| g|oаn Лg апd uр hеге A lrаd s аnr, Аnd thеn' Уоu know, t'] ook
moаn ng, аnd b ood еvеГУl"]herе' And уoLr th nk' s t tеTr 0 c,
|!ot'th it? BLrt th..n thcу c Ve уou soГnеthing |o |аke |he ,сot.hа' .ls
]j pаjП alvаy |]n еss \,O|r1e LrnсоЛ5с]Ous Тhen уOLr don,t
sаid Rаblr t shс prеLIV?'
nееd it Not lоr а Wh ]r, sа d

sOunds O € Od'
Аh и]е t' sа d Rаbbj|
.|t ,\'Vhаt
s just my рh оsоphY' YOL] kr]or,lj Pа n сan't k] ] уou doеs thаt nlеаn?
Uл еs5 jt s reaiy trаd, .Lеt
s fа.e t' you ге nоt аl thnL, ate )roLr?'
ъo,тLdrt so.6L о O
|'m nOt l knoиl' вUt |hаrks Iol bUiding uр rЛу
s therс?
He sееmеd surр. sеd, l don i sLrpрosе аnуOnr
hаd eler to d Rаbbl. hе d ci!.en fl]еn.] somсthin€ t() th]ik Тh]nk]ng abоut ]t |о.kOn )roLr пight dO bсiteI f yoU
аbоuг lt шаs beсаuse v!аsn't rеа| у ] steniЛg асh]а У .]о sпLаsh yоLrr iасе u1]' sаid Rаbb t
I l(lasл | gOing to sаУ anуthin€,beсаLrs€ r,.Jhаtъ thе рOinL 'Jош dlrO! Wolk thаt oLrt?,
.j oftа]kiigtо Rаlrbr|? BLrtilrел lrеа ]Zеd that tWа5 k]]ng .!!r
] seе sаУ VoU go а Ong !.] th уOU kлOк а сouр е of
me' nOr |e]]ng аnуonе аbоuL А iс а, аnd l d dnt tа]k
to h Гn' |'d hаVе tO go home апd tа k tO N]!m o. tO ТH
b аск oУes, 0r rl'еn а brokеn nose, \,ou саll tеi hеr you
Ook ]]аd b..сau5е o].Ihe skаting B tjfуOUgOаong]ust
Soгnеtimеs i| doesп г mаttег lVhO уou tа k to аs ong
]ook ng ikе thаt \ryhаt ехсLse hаvе \rOU rot? NoПe,'

1 sPЕiк|No Work in pаirs' Reаd A-н iп 2'Tаsk l,

below. наve аny oIthe'e thin9s hаppened to
you? тe|| your pаttnel аbоut them.

Yo! irrе qo]ng io doа nеning асt Vity Whеrе

yоLr matdr sреаkеI5r,lith р есе5 Ot]ntorгnаton
оr idеas' Remеmbеrthаt sрсakеr' гiаy ехрrе51
thе nmе ]dеа5 а5 iп thе qLrestions' blt !5 n!
d |iеrеntu/ords оr ехр|е'']on5, Rегnеmbclа sо
thаt othеrsреikе15 mау Lr!еthе;
thаt.omе n thе ql]еnоn!' bltthаIdoеs not
nе.е55аr y mеаn thаtth 5 ьthe сO(e.t5реаkel
ЕxAM sl]ссЕss раge ]50
LlsТrNINc {Ф 2.09 You ategoing to listen to
five peopIetаlking a Ьout speсial moments
in theil Iives. Lookаtthetwo|isteпiп9 tasks.
Lьten аnd сomplete both tаsks аtthe sаmе

таsk 1 Еorqlrеstons ] 5' сhoo'еtrоn thе ist

(A HJvihаtthе 5реса п]опlеnt]n еа.h speаkсl5
]f.. \.\,а5 Тhеrеаr..thrеееxtrа еtte15 Wh].h !OLr do

spеаkеr l ] !r
B d]d 5omеth ng blаVе
с ]!1yWorkWa5 rссo!i 7еd sDеaker] 3.
I sреakеr4 4
D гnadе irI inсred]bе
рhysiса еf1ort,
Е еаrnt l hаd а sресъ аb tу
F гnidеаbqmstаkе'
G nrеI5oпlеопe l./ho сhаnqed my Iе
|.] qаinеd n 5е fсоnidеnсе

таsk2 Fоrql]en].]п5 6 ]0'сhoosetromthе ьt

(А H)l^rhаtеа.h spсаkеltеt аttеrthе 5рe..r 1 sP:ЕAкl|'tG Wolk in pаirs. Dьсuss these q uе5tions.
momеnt'Тhrrе аrе thrее еrtrа lеttеIs l/ihiсiryO!.o ] DO уоLr еn]оу doin9 оLrtdoOr a.t]Vпiе5l Whу?/!!hy nOt?
2 !!hiсh Otthеасti!tе5 iп thе phOtO5 hаVеуoLr doпe?l,!hеnl
з Whл dO think .r'" thе рlo5аnd сOn5 ofdoiпq оltdоOrасllv]tiеs?
Oрt пlisпl 7
5рrakсlз 8 2 Reаdthetаsk. |s itaskingyou to des(tibethe рhotos?
D ехсtеfilсnt 5реаkеr4 9
'10 Loоk аt thе thrее рhotos' A вгi1ish friend is сoming to staу

F r. еl w1ih уoll this u,eеkend, You know tttаt hе/shе likеs outdоoг
aсtiviliеs so you want tо tаkе hiп/hrr out sornсwЬrе- You
G embаrrа55гnепt
havе lhrеe aсLivitiеs to сhoose fiюnr.
. Сhoosе |hе ас|ivitу th.|l in\ouf opi1i.'n |s fiе пlo\t
з (Ф Listen аgаin. sui|аblе апd ехp|аi1tfout |]юi|е,
, Ехрlаin\|hу уou hа|е rеjеctеd thе о|hеr мo.
4 sPlAкil{G: Whatаboutyou?
fyO! hаd to сhoose thе tl^rrr Гnоn 5рeс a

rnomеntsiпуоLrI iesOfаr'WhсhWоLrd !оu

\{hеntherеirr рhotos оl OthеrVis!а materа ln а пq ехаГn'

yOU аrе поt аL.,!a!s rеq!irеd io q Vе а de'сr рt on ot 'реаk
u/irаt уoLr сnп 5rс'
t mаy bе thatthс!lUa ihеre to рro.nрl yоLrtо pеIiorГn аncther
s 3|е
tа5ko|5еto|iаjk5 l"4аkelrrrеyou r..rdоr ъtеntothr]nnr!с1оrrs
с.lе|u уsоth.t еvеryth пq уоu !ау s rе еVапttothс |irsk'
ЕxAм 5UссE5s > pаge 154

trnir I

]]jii:l].t]1] l{!97'lli Listen

to а student doingthetask.Whiсh
6 (hoosethe сorre(t а|ternаtive.
,l т! орiгioг'.аncе i.l iljl.]i1l.!lo].' сxс
aсtivity does she сhоose and Why? Whаt аre the other two п n!] ]5 1 п!] thэn
questionsthat sheаnlwers? r ki!
Look аt the eхpressions in thе speаking ваnk. Whаt do thesе
2 llir k n! ]t'thr п]o"ll1. r5 с.rп Ье.r!,/j-. tir nq i]5 |L]nn n!]

exptession5 а ||oW the spеakeI tо do? нoWсou]d yoU (ompIete

з .h nk h.]!.lhе niп]сl)рill oп lhР stL]d'.ntviho
thе tit|e ofthe spеаkin9 Bаnk in a sUitаb|e Way?
4 .'\,OLr c sJy | l.l Ly. пg 5! qht y |.ltЕrl,ir]i t.!i fo !сLr

5 Тnе гn.rt..r!|. 5с !l)! .o, |h. ililJlt' iil,,irlr.I l,olJ .rЕt

U5efu I expressiоns to 6 q.]е55 thеrе аrе i'(li iiiiс.T ор.cr..L] n |.],.O !]еt oLrtdооr;
\''/h..l !o.i ]!е iп а lr]q]. i!
. \(l. i
' !]Lrе55
,,,!еtbа.[lnоn lrе.аL5e t!!]еitiг,,:1;|l!r
mеth пkаЬol]tthаtforа 5есоnd
Lеt ,

HоWсаn рLrt t?
irе 5 il:l]l.;i]l]j1lсrI:.l] t1е t lt.5t р.|jO l lпo\"-
sLr рpоsе thаt !\ihаt 5iy n!] s
l,!h.t mеrn/mеапt !/Wа5 sPЕAк|NG Work in pаirs' сom pа rе d ifferent sportsol
outdoorаdivitiеs.tJse eасh ofthеse words or struсtures
Тhеih пq i5 ..

' ] 5 qгli.аntl
Тhаf5 а gOOd qLre5tiO|],
Тh. |ruth s ''
2 b! i;
з (nоt)tlе i.rгlе
8 а !]|еа:.еэ

and madifуing сamparisons Praсtiсe makes perlесt

5 Lookаt the srntenсes ЬeloW and answerthe questions.
a sPЕAкlNG таkе itinturnstоdothistаsk' Use
eхple9'ionsfrom thе speаking ваnkand |аnguаge of
а t! r qrеаt.]еr еа5е|IOсh.ti]Vоriе. !!аkпn
Ь tj..n!dеrаD у lrеttеrfolуоL] lr. bе b'cJlh n! i|!h а | Lоok allhe Ihrеc photоs on ра8e 165,
Lhаi !t 5tJс( l]...a iа)r \ B'",'t',,-,,d'-,i',,''|'"'',' i' a'":
с f5 nоtthе 5amе dO nс]sрO.t Пdoorj э5 Ьеiпq oLrt!dе to s1а\'1|iIh fou Ihis 1|.еkе}|.1' уau |anl b tаkе
d YоL]rg реcl] 1] s..n.]siq'];I.]П1! е55tпlе.Lr.dоо15 hih1/hе| tо \ее (l цbr|\ е1е1l| in or пеаr $леk'fou
YO., :l реор e аl.| t |с!]r l' 5с а.1'е а5 tirеy Isеc to lrе 11.. 1rD1, - tk., -t,,,,..,,:a,,r, lt
L]l ъ\r'iеl !O!nс рc.р e "-lа k пo\,iаdаys Сhoоsе |hе c|еnt th|1t i]t )'|п]| opinioп is th.
в,itаrt]е mOn рoр! аl р:rst rnе5 arе tl пq!.hаiуo1] ]nost suikllе аn.icхlJlаin
g ,|our сhoi.с,
. Lхphin \fhу уou hа|.c |еiе.|е.! thс оthl, o|о,
liorе.пd mоrеyo.]rq]реoр е аrе ni]:t 1rq iO dо i]||do0l
studentA: ''lhеr ]'.Lr fп !h ihеi15t |rаllоf.hеta:i i]l]s!.'е.
LirOI iit 5.']t!lll!5. Jr]d t lri hеn di] ltiе u5е ]ejr.:ni]
,l r !.
l,rhеп do \/lе Lrsе i.n€l] Г.l.r.аntfni 5ГO't O р.rt ojo.]' .]е!?'r'h!?'/]''h!
ll sеrtеп.." е .iп V/е rе. ii.е (. \t]tirr"J?.O! i !e i]sе J'
I lll 5сrltеП....,''ij аf:].mа.'rе? 2 Г).lэLr th п( 5on:5рot.i (.".ф b'r hlll.|].llrl]lr tOo
sеn:.en.е.' |]O !!! сOгt llL]lth! схрrе!!оп poр r r r? t /. l]ri1V]. lу пot?
n ii,i] lhЕ
iJrna ir'.n tJ,m of lriJil
student B: l!l]'"п !OLr :lr sh thе f Бt рir. cithе tаs(' аn...4сl
l irntе'l.е vL'nеn.c . Lr9L. |ri'learrrrI(rI.] l'lhаt

othеrstrt.n]rе5.O )r.L kl0|' th.t drе j r .rl з l,/h.rt d. lcLr th ]k mJkls 5oiЕ 5r.rr n.rе |"oр!.]Ilh.г
\цlhаt."iiР.t.]o:h. r'\'olds dlld ехр.е55 on; J.r""'lj"".
.orjrl]{т.i]ill Ji|l|ri|i.d|]li]j ndalиI,lаrd tr iJl har." n 4 !"ih.]t d;s.r.Viп1ill]..5 .o. d thеrе Ье
.е n! J
р|.]еss O']a 5роr|!р.!r!oгi
lц ].h o|t.е ц,ord! or еrрrе5si.rш аbO!. i0' с !!t
W tl] norr.]J ..mраrаti.]е!? \4/h Lh.]O |r. !5е !.i tI
]l'ji]|Ji n-е5?'.(1.l dо rl'е t 5е.)rilh iioi]d'JO ' Jjl
GRAм|MAR RЕFЕRЕNсЕ ) рage ]4] ,

Unit I

sPEAкIl,tG Work in pаirs. Ask and аnsWеrthe questions.

1 Wo! d !оLr 5аy thirtуoLr аre !]eieo y]n h !h O| оWsрir15?
o 2 Whеn,'thе lаsLt mе уоL] lеt o.]еlthе mоoi?
з Whаttypе5 Olth ng5 саn mаkеyоLr frе dоWn?
4 fyourfriеnd Wа5fее]пg Ь Lrе' Whаt,,\'oLr d уo! dotо lth9/

sPЕAкlNG Workin pаirs.You alegoing to rеаd а shortteхt

about hарpiness. вefole you rеаd, dis(u55 whаtyou think
the key to being hаppy is.

Rеаd thetext. Doyou аgleewith Whаt itsаys аbout

'' hаppiness?

V00AвULARY /иelф,ors - happiness an.l sadness

сompIete the metаphors With these Words' What ideа do
they аll give аbout hаppine55?

аil с|oud ]ift moon sеventh up Wol|d

з sinс. gotthе nеr,!5'

? Do the same With these Wold5. Whаt ideа do the

eхpressions givе?

bright brightеned |it tlrnne|

] Тh пgs arе /Ootln' forthеfUtLrrе,

2 Тhеy] 0p Whеn lhеyheаrd Whаt hаd hаpрепe.
3 Тhеrе!/цЬ|attheeЛdOf|ie
4 H fасе
5 lрWhеn hе 5аu/ hеr'

3 тhese expressions desсlibе sаdness. Whiсh give аn ideа

а ||

ofЬeinglow orfаIling? Whi(h give аn ideа ofdаlkn€ss or

] 5hе,5 i€€,лg b/lle
2 |Ь Щ5 arе |a,Jkin.J qlaanу/b|Р-аk
з 'Vе Ьеrп f.?Еi,irE а b t /O',/n//Oи/ Iе.еit l
4 i!]у lreon s'niWhеn f.rLrnd o|t
5 1.dstd Jlrddoи/ ovеrthе гnеa,
6 shel ii /oи/5р]lt5, Look at th is tаgk. Whаt sim ilаritiеs a nd diffelen(es аre

7 1n fее iпq do,,,,л]i thРd|rmp.'lodа)l

there ьetweeп the two essays?

You-have had а с|аss disсussion оn haррinеss, Yоur

Iсасhеr hаs now аsked уou to Wгitе опе ofthеsе

|,Monеу саn,t bu\, уou hаpPinе\s.' Do уou аgrее?

2 soпе pеople с|аiп thаt оu| пodеrn lifе\|уtе, |vi\l1
mоrе пanе)", паrеfiаl сonJo|ts а|1d sсiеntifiс
progrеss doеs notn1аkс xs апу hаPPiеr |hаn inthе
pаs|' pеrhаРs е|еnthе appositе. Оthеrs s.1f wе
hаI,е nеNеr bееn hаPРiеr \hаnk\ |o tоdц'3lifе\|у\е
Disсuss bo|hthеsе |iе\|' {lnd sifе уour o||n

wlitе уour еslау'

Ltnir A

9 Workin pаi15.тryto (omplеtethe gаps inthe essаy in 8.

тhen |ook аt the word5 аnd eхpressions in the Writing Bаnk
n 5OIте е55аy5 Wе rnLrngive both sidе!ofаn аrgLrmеnt but to сhe*. саn you аdd аnyWords or еxpressions to thе
n оthеr5 We nееd оn y glvе Our оWn oрinion'Тh 5 W makе diffelent se(tions in the Wtitin9 Bапk?
а Ьig d]ffеrеnсе to !hе Wаy We orlla п zе Ouressаyапdtоolrr
раrаgrарh р аn' HоWevеr' in both сases i1ь imрortаntto
]Lrn]fyаnd ехра]n thеаrgL]ments thаtWe рresепt' апdthе
ny е in both tyре5 Olessаy W bеfoгmа IntrOduсing аnd sequеn.;ng ar9uments
EXAIи 5UссE55 l pаge,I54 . Еirnand
. seсоnd y''orеmon'
. Lasl but not least,
a Reаd this studentЪ essаy, i9noring the gаps. AnsWer the
Adding аrguments
. ЕLrrtherгnorЕ,/N]orеоVеr'
] 5 thеstudеntvlrt ng е55аy,lor2 in thе1ask in 7? . nоIoп y ''
oL.rl а 50
2 Whаt s thе рurposе оfеасh pаrаqcрh? . a lUrthеrаdvаntаgе/dьаdVаntаgе/сrtсsm Of
з HoW WoLr d уOU Orgаnizе thе pаmgrаph5 d i|erent y ifyoLr
Wrre Writinq thе othеItypе оfе55ay? I!1аking сont|аsts аnd giVing сountеrаrguments
. on thе onе hаnd/On thе Olhеr hаnd'
. drsрitе/in 5р]tе оf Е nolrфerund^he faсt thаt
. HоWеvеr,/N еVеrthе ..55,
In the 21't сenturУ, manУ peорLе Live surroundеd bУ
. Wh]st ]t ь truethаt, ' '
rrLativе [uхUrУ аnd сomfort. In todаУЪ сonsumеr
Еxplеssing сon5еqUеn(es
soсietУ it seеms We сап ьuУ аbsolutelУ аnУthjng We
rnjqht nееd (аnd mаnУ other things thаt We don,t).
HoWeVеr, to mУ (a) , thеre i5 no . а5а Tе5|] t
quеstion thаt hаpрiness is onr thjng that саnnot bе
Еxpre5sing strong pеl5onа | opinions
. mym nd,lhеrе noqLrеstion that
Тo ]s
First and , I beLjeve that the . сеrtа n yt]е iеvеthаt
things thаt rеа[[У mаke us hаррУ аre not tаngib|e, . am сOnv nсес tnаt
mаterjа[ objeсts. At the height of their fаme, пrаnУ . Аs tаr аs 'm сoлсеrnеd'
сe|eЬrities reа[izе thаt thеУ hаVe еVеrУthing thаt Ехpressin9 genеrа|ol other pеopIe,s oрinions
monеУ саn buУ. but nobоdУ to shаre it With. тheУ . t s Wldе у ассерtеd thаt ''
wеre а greаt deаL hаррier Whrn theУ hаd Less but hаd sоmерeoрlесаili/аr9Uе/mаlnta nthа1
fаmitУ аnd fliends to tift their sрjrits' . tlsoftеn 5a d thаt
Whаt is (() , I believe that moneУ сonс|uding
са.] sometjгes be аn астLа[ obsLас[e Lo d.|.iеuing . A||ln аll
hаpрjness. тo сontjnue Wjth the exаmple of famous
реopLe. bejng riсh апd suссessfuL, theУ оften fjnd
therп5е|vеs 5urroundrd bУ prop[e Who с[аjm to Wапt
tо bе thеir friеnds, but Who аre reа[[У оn[У interested Prасtiсe mаkes рerfeсt
jn thеjr moneУ апd fаme. Аs а (d)
0 сhoose one ofthe essаys below.тhen followthese 5tep5.
these people begjn to Lose fаjth in others аnd beсome
l С.|.n".o 'O^,\L.L
molе аnd mole ].so[аted аnd depressed. lоrаnd аgаins1
а е55a)r
sоmr pроplr а"gJе т|-ат witholт гonеУ hаppi1ess is 2 Brаinstоrm dеа5lO lпс udе in уourеssаy,
diffiсU|t to асhievе, siпсe rnoпeУ guаrаntees thаt We З Dе.]dеоn а раrаqlaрh pаn аid dесideWhlсh Olthе ldeаs
hаve the bаsiсs thаt We need to survjv.". nttolmеdWi qо ]пtо еасh раrаgrарh'
yoLr havе ЬIа
(е) it is true thаt a сertаjn аmount 4 WI1еyo!rеssаy U5е Wordtаnd ехprе55ion5froгn thеWliling
of moneУ js essentjа| for our peасe of mjnd, 1 WoULd Bаnk,
mаjntаin thаt аnУ more is bУ no meаns guаranteed tо
mаkes us аnУ hарpier. l,уour - hoo| )еаr' lrc lhе h.у'еo]5 oI \nl]r !;!ё--
(f), in аtL. а5I,m
а5 fаI Dо \ou а8тсе w1h |hls \1аrепеl]I:
(s) , hаpрiness js nоt somethjng thаt 2 somе pеoplе сkliп thаt !оu| sсhoal
)'ес|rs аrе thе
саn bе bought or gjven to u5. Hаpрjness соmes froп] bе-sl vеаЬ оl \ou] lLIе Оlh.]5 di'ogrР' с|'1d
Wjthjn us аnd from the effort that We put into oul l!е 1| n|ih b.IlI rа|iе1 !сholl, D;5.u. both'а) 'hol
reLаtjonshjрs аnd evelуthing etsе We do in Ljfe, у1е\|' аnd 8|1jе \oцr ol|n opinion'
I r I ..

Longuoge reгerenсe ono revlsIon

1Partiсiple сlausеs > page 14З З |vladifуing сomparisaпs > page 14З
2 |v,laking сomparsans > pagе 14З

I Words with more thon one meoning ft 5omеЬocу! 5рirt5 /'lIft s,шьэdiz di||i
с.а| (irdj) ra* /kl|.(т)/ sрIгIts/
/,pi]s 1э gс6i(г)'
сovеr (V) *** /'k,\\э(г)i !l.t atthе епd /laltэtбi| еl
р LrmГnеt (\i /'рl^nnt/
оfthе iLrnпе э! 6э r{п(з)l]
fаir (.d]) *** /fса(r)/ r
qhi Lrр рo!пd (!)
рсk Lrp {V) '.lalt
/plk ^р1 /rI dзеk'
^pi Dr!lll luk braiti
рo nl Ln'V] *i*
оoK /
]р3'n' l]nq е h.rп.ес (rdj)
nсе {аd! сoПj, prер)
cck! Ocm),/b еak /luk glu]пi' ь1i;k] ',sl!g(i)|
nапdnl (п] / st,rn(dl st
nUitmаn (n]
somеbоdyъ hеаn 5 nks r,s.\mьэdiz hot
sl!кs/ tаnqilr е (аd]) ] 1.еndз.b(э)l/
qеtto the рOint / gеt tэ ёэ 'р.rnt/
и,a l.]floatoп i r (.]) ] wclk' flэUtDn еэ(r)i tnеrпlа G.j] * i oз('n(э)L/
hа.]е а po nt / h.€v э'p]пrt/
m 55thе ро пi /mls 0э рJIrr 4 other wоrds ond phloses i 1aпr]1
On thс рOint Ot /Dп.. IJJlnlэv] ^ndа(r)
аdIепа ]п rLrsh (п) ]эdrеnэ]ш rЦ] UрсоГrilq Gd])
рro\rе а po]nt /Еu|vэ pJmt/ Ье th.k 1=nLrр d) (рhr]iьi olk] Watеrfа (п) * 1w.Iа(I) 1.t/
5е.да ро пt ] si| а рJI t/ (!)
Ь асk оLrt ] ЬlЕk al,.t'' !.lhat\ Lrр (рhrj
thе рo пto|nO rсturn /6э,pэmэvnэU bLrrst i=ехр o5]oп) (l)
п1з(r)п 'ъз(Iъt/
(п) i kruzl! hаIt]
.rlrьiflq hе qht
!ptOа рo]пt ]
'\p tu|а р.lnt/
deрr]Vа|]Oп (l) / dеprl vсIi(э)ni Goiewсy iо exoms, Unils 7-B

2 сompo!nd odieсtives ndе (!,) ** /IеId/ a еrt {V) * ]э 1з(r)n

ports oIthe Ьody lat р (рhr) /lьt hp/ bа5са у (аd!) ** /ЬеlslkIi/
iеirlеs! (аd]) (n)
hrеаkпе.k Gdj) / ьIеIk еl.' / 1.Iа(т)1аs/ саtеgory
(пi /kDlim пrtjz/
еar 5р ft п! (аd]) /lэG) sрhtц]] torеmоn (аdj) i t.r(r)mэUsli .o Lrmп in.h.дi

eyс-саt.h]ng (аd' /аI kstjl!/ fronЬ]t..n ьdj) i 1iDs(0 bfi(э)'' l..nitLr.е (аd]) r dсstltiuli

еyе оpеп п!] (adj] / аl эUр(э)nlly' tunl (!l ** /ful frli .]cwпszе (!] /daunsal'
hа r rаБ nq (аd]) i hеэ(т)тelzl'ri qеt mLrdd еd Lrр (.'. /gct \р'/ еnqаqе l,irth (\/] /ln gc|d5 uro/
еyo Vе (\]) **
'11\d(э)ld /I \D1v]
hеari 5topр nq (adj) /ho(r)tstDрI0i q yе Lrрihе.hа5е (\,) /'glv '\p 6э'1ъIsi
eхр Oit (i) /'еksplJlt/
hеirt Warminq Gd]) ].ho(r)t \t c(0mц]/ !]Oiсhа(]ntеl] /'gоLJаi
rniлd b OW nq (adj] /.mаIЛd blэUi!/ qroаn lV] * /gr.onr fа. tаtе (l.) * lfэ sIletеIL'

nal bit nq (аdj) ,/nс ьаlLЦ1 hа]nonе (i) ,/hсi stэU h.]OW.d (аl]j) / htеlэUd

iо! dеstlolitr-о (аdj) /sэUldi stL:rп!/ hеаd olrr hrе 5 i hеd аUvа(I) hitz hеаd to (..) /hcd tu'
п ovе (рhr) n,l^vi mрa.t (п) *r* / шpёkt,

З Мetсphors hоpр]ness оnd sodness hbе|nаtiot] (lr) ihalb.t),nеd(э)d ]u!]qе|Ilаul(n) /.d5lgа(r)n]J'/

Ье п O.,lsDrlis ibi|m lэU spfflts/ h (е ilJ ihаIk/ m! t]iаtoiа] (n' аcj] * / m nёJ(о)nili
ъO аtеd (аd]) * i аIsэ lе]tld/ рub iсъe (V) /p.\bllsazi
]]е | sсVеnth hеа!еn /bi| m sеvэпo
лevL.,nr ]O 1 ('/) /d5аU]t/ рLrr!еуor (n) фэt) v.эlэt)i
Ьеоп. П пE
oud Дi| Dn klaud nar k.k in (v) , k,l( m/ rough у (ad!) r* / r'\fli/
bеоVеrthе Гnoоп /Ъi] аovа 6э nlum] o5еfа th iп (рhr) /1uz fеIoIl1' nrgе {V] /stеId5]
Ье/fееldоWп /Ъir' fit dau Ose !о!гbott]е (рhr) i 1xjzjэ bD(э)l/ sirаtеEу (n) *** stтЕlаdзi/
i the dlmps In 6э .d,шps/
mаnoelvrе (i) * ,1llэ 1lu эG)/ 5i!пt /sn!nt]
Ье/frе Oi tOр
mе55 аrоlnd ('n
/blr. firi Dn tDр
оlth€ World эv бэ wi(i)1di
/ mеs э raund/ synoлynOrs (ad]) /sInDnmrэs]

b|!]htеn Lrр (!) ]iЬralt(э)n гпoaп lV] * taiolеd (i /tеIlэ(r)d/

са!tа shаdопlo!еr
/.k0st а JзеdаU mo!i1а пееr (n) /JnaUn! nlэG)/ tаrqеl (v) *1 /'to(r)gti
.Uvцг]r п сknаmе (n] * /пIkncnn/ tеnif! (\]) /1еstlfali
fее Ь Uе 1lit Ь1ш'] oгЛiioLrs(аdj)'/Dlnl'1эs/ \it!a у (аdV] *** /vз(
fеe dowl/oш /fit daun. lэU/ опсопliig (аd]) iDп k^rnп]/ ]'r/O\r'еd bу (V] /wаUd bal/

106 unir I

Partiсiple с|ausеs
tr/lodifуing camparisons
,| сompIete the sentenсeswith the сolre(tfolm ofthеse verЬs.
3 PUt thеse Words аnd expressions
еаt givе hu{ notknow prасtЬе use wаsh Wrjte in the(orleсt pIасе in аn
аpрroрriаte sentenсe' Use eасh
,l iht еГi;i :hr 5!п1il Wold аnd ехpression onIy on(e.

2 Т|L] rаr illthеJ,..icеit 5 т.tпq Uoon |'!!lеn l п..5! ta
з 1'/./h.l а пn]t] е !tli]lё tlрLrt] r, y.Lr5гo! o l y..t ton !1Lrllr |.i l?rl аgrеаtdeа| Ьyfаr fаr
4 tllе.ll!Пе}r bl n! р;rеnt' \../еnt tс.]! thе j\oirрпli neаrjy s|ightlу twjсe
5 Ьrсi(i.ъ|' l]|!:lе. il]it.rlh j ::hr n].jir!. tiгq .lo
6 O, o, р
7 |ii.!r! i]..l' !оr !l.]L] i]Ье.| Iе.r i]oоi
i]| Iir5t o].. ni]., r. {].5Inst.!rill.f гlе t]!.;Lr!Ё
8 i ]е !.r!i-'.' th 'r[ Г.'r./ qеl сj. hР r]5lеl п:l! m nLrt..s t.t]
5е.о rJ5аl. t n ! r.".]i] |!е
WoRкBooK ) ра9e66 п. rItPs tl.]L'! 5е
t !|j!а ]! lЁ;п.
|.]:r.| 1hа.
|V]aking Сomparisons
P1,]' lltаj dаiql,.Lt Ъ
2 Deddе ifthesentenсеsаre сorre(t' тi(k (/ ) th e сorreст sentenсеs аnd rewritethe
Lr;r.q d r!l

.nсorrеd senten(es. Тhс Е..l.omr hJs

l m.!п!пn]d ih.]t 5гo\'.lboir.].r! ; т.aj'J5 5rлеЬo:r.]i|.' rs рrе. iiе.' еlрiпdij!] L5! c,в
!.|.еnl ljiеаlj oit.е 0,1рrl
2 Ееl\'.|.]гd t.L!е.!O!lq lL]ot]е !a k Г.OI'"1hаl патi:tl.o"l r rr.!
.еПl рrе. .i..d bl !..clOгn nr
з t 5ееГr\ th:t .t]!dе'г fе sl]l]:tl]q nolЁ..d Г.0.!й51 I o0' r]o:е!J Ilb!thаn nе.
4 ],cLrllq.еoр еiO..]',d.r|i h.r\rс.hе 5Jn.е ПO! eпъ tlаn !o|.n
рlO]i ntl]е 9jiЬ.
5lLriПkр.0реЕ j0!rltr!г.r5рor!b..rl,5!ilе!tdkе'"sjj.lil,tlеl.h],l..d.!roLrtirt WoRkBooh } раge69
6 Lrе
е;l ..r ]"'.| .с.Lr.' sljolеr\rоLr i]ett.l..!, /6
WoRквooK > pа9e69


With more than ane CampОund ad]есtive' - parts Оf thе bodу
2 сompIete еа(h senten(ewith aл аppropliаte сompoUnd noun.
1 Writеаsynonymorехp|аnаtion
forthe Words in Ьold' тhen еаr eye hаir hеаrt na | песk sot]|
Wntе one other synonym or
] l! tс lРе lсll Гr.l! рoo h!п;]ry.h .|еllrеn.ill]]. t|с
\rinl d,
explаnаtion fol a differеnt
2 ihэр....]r..rсit .nl]еd.Oс.]t.lthе|.'tпеi
meаning ofthe sаmе Word.
з .oте Oll oLr| n..|' i.
l .rn'i 5Ёе,.ll.aiih. point i5 oi
4 ilih; .r .l.5h l|o!!tt'"r.r.l]:еr
' !..]

!o Пq t. n.,l llo|!е llrе '.Lе..lеl.!!

ni to o5Р !!|ilе jс.rеi п ih. ai1п lltе
пoi(.. ]r jn'i п '!iеn
5 t5 rеr ), t! 5е." hji,., пr]! рсoр. d.l,. !lli;l\,.'!сr{ ti] .h;l iеj
2 l''L. lе..d t. сovеr. ct o'
.]:.I li r.еl.rе !.'l].;| ]i0р 7 аl
ih.t..l!а5 .( rеrm ti.аl гri]..nе L |r] а'.| l. iпlLaт,i
WoвKвooк ) Pа9е 64
3 т|! rLrп]э!." oitllе rt.l.isr
|\,|еtaphors happinеss and sadnеss
4 .] k'.l'.'r t|] !i.rс п.е..
асс !'r'hаt laрр.n.. 3 маt(h ].6 With a-е to mаke sеnten(es. тheл сomplete
the sentenсes With the
s ;( n,r'k! .hi spot (olreсt prеposition.
6 l i';5..,lr bР 1.е breаkihаl ] Г.s. hар.! fее kr 1l .,,r.; Гn
2 iliri.l ll] п,t i.!.|]lt. oi.Lri !;l,l \i!' ,n
7 lJrri' l]dnl(аtсh ]/!| n.inе з h. d;г,r|O!n.n:\,"'ih п'.l il.ld аl. i.../ m.]!!i 1hе |сj:.i thе е\i!.ll пl
WoRKвooK ) ра9е 67
4 il П!5 [ qеt Ь!Lt!r t|l.еl!.] vlа./s oht
5 Т.. t а!i..с!.ij..]ji. !h;coi]
b !''or L ]r..пiреtlоn] iеf o.rrор
WoRKвooк ) раge 7о

) Gotewoy to LJnits 7-B

) Reod ing

п гпLr t:р е .hOi.. а.|!iti.s' |сmeгnb.|,'

Yo! m.! j.m! |rids l l|r.lеxL агd llllе
|ll. t.].
о||h'.cрt оi\ hL]ttlj dоеs гot гnеап t 5thе..l|е.t

. nfonnаtоп iг trе tехt Lr5 ffеrет(o'd!

п! d

ЕхAM sUссЕss Pаge ]5о

Reаd the teхt аnd сhоose the best аnsweг
(A' в' с or D),
1 тhe Wlitel says i|'s su.р.|si.g |hа! Red вl ,

sрonsor st]оh аrnаzing events beсаuse

A the сompаnУ didn't use to be
pаrt сuIarlУ big,
в Уou WoU dn't eхpect it bаsed on the
pгoduct they se||,
с they need to spend аn incгedib|e
аmount of t me аnd money on the
D the firm is not аn Amerсаn
rnu tiпationa|'

2 Red вu I events аre

A frequent аnd сommon,
в virtuа |у guаranteed sucсess,
c a|Waуs аssoс аted Wth poweгfu|or
аggressIVe spoгts
D сonneсted With odd' unusuа sports on
the whole.
з Red вu]| deсide Whiсh events to put on
A on|У aft-.r studУing What peop|e гea||у

в on|y а.te. doсid ng Who тhe} а.e trУi.g

io se I their produсt to,
с аfle. deсid ng il lhe p-b|U oг аud;e.Ue
w llbe younger or older
D often just beсause sornebodУ has hаd
а good idea for an event,
тhe сomраnу сonsideгs t geneга|]y
A a Veгy sрecf о' but Imited' gгouр of
рeop|e to seI to,
в а specifiо gro!р of рeop|e Who агe
асtive y interested in theiг pгoduct,
с а |аrge Var ety of busy peop|e,
D generа|lу уoung professiona s Who ove
тhe stunt of]urnрing асross тoweг Bridge
A Was the ideа of Robbie п,4add son,
в Wаs to сгeаte interesi in London as а
tourist destinаt]on,
с Was to рul)|сize аn uроoming Red вu I

D needed externа| perrnission to be


) Use of ЕngIish ) Speoking

п 1'lr.rd lcrmn tioг . 07е tе5t5' |сГl.гnЬеr ]r сo а.lrоrat!еta!G' rеnеГnb.r

]еa.]thе tеti cn.! qLr].kytо knc?r trе qеп..rа n!a ! l \/]аlе 5L]rеIOJ |пo(\,\/hеlhеr jrO! п'.n.огnеtc аn
Тhеп' rr1еn!o|r lok.оlеra:..i(l !iр''..;dtO thееп.] olih. аq rРе т,.lli or dе.i5 on O| nci.
5еnt?n.е' nоt]!n to thе еnd o|1l! iпе
ЕXAIM suссEss > pаge]5з :

EхAIv,lslJссEss > pаge ]4a

Reаd the teхt be|ow, lJse the Woгd given in cаpitа|s аt

the end оf some of the ]ines to fогrn а Word that fits in
the gаp in the same Iiлe,

Еe|iх ваumoаrten is lа) PASSION

аЬout beсoйing the fir;t йjn iЬii""Ьi
fаster thаn the sрeed ofsound Wjthout
а p|аne.
He intends to do it by meаns ofa
(b),,. ',,,,,',,,,'' 'jump from а he|ium sPЕcтAсLЕ
bа||oon аt a hёight of 120'000 feet' in
tЬ6 atr.t^с^Ьo.o
' '^nar
(с) ,,... '',, ''',,,, ''з0oгз5seсonds тнEoRY
afteгjumping' Fe|ix Wou]d be trаve]|ing
faster thаn sound' However' What
nobody knows is the effeсt thаt thjs
сou|d hаve on his bodУ,
When Amer]cаn Joe KittingerjUmрed
from а bа||oon at 76'400 feet in 1959'
he |ost (d) '...... '
and staгted сoNsсlous
to sрin гound аnd round at а sрeed
of 120 mph. |t Wаs on|y his automаtiо
раrаchute oрeneг thаt saved his life,
As Kittinger has sаid' the higher УоU
go' the moгe hosti|e the enV]гоnment is'
аnd the (e) Уоu iаl|' the FAR з Work in pairs' Do this tаsk,
fгiendlier it is'
(f) . ''.. ,,,, '',,
foг suсh an sURPRlsЕ Look rt piсLurcs' Firsl. tа]k lo еасh otnеr aЬout wlry
expeгienсed аdventuгer' ваumgаrten ttrcsе cхpеriеnсеs aЕ so lilепoтaЬlе, Thеn dесrdе ц,i]iсh
с|aims thаt he is not afraid аnd thаt he Iwo еIpеrlеnсеs lou rhint lуou]d be thе nx]st
uses feагtо his advantаge sjnсe it he|ps
him to foсus, He is сertаin|y no stгаnger
to (s) '',, '',,,
.. eХploits. |n the DANGЕR
) Writing
1990s he began вAsЕ jumping' Whiсh
is bаsiсаl|У pаrасhuting l.or'r ouid'ngs . ,:,:' :,, , ::'i,,'.
o. b.idges, oj1en (hJ LЕGAL ,,, ,,' . ,

as with his (i) .iump |!lЕlvloRY Fol.]L,idаll... oп VlIt п!'ерOrts' 5ее расr ]5].
from the hand ofthe stаtue of Christ Forq| .аi..,JП',lrt пg cрirOn essаyj' 5ее рJ!]L ]54
the Redeemeг in Rio de Janerго,
NeveгtheIess' ваurngarten insists thаt
he rs notjUstdoing this forthгi|is, l оhoose one of these two tаsks,
He Wаnts to p.ove thаt аstronаuts сал
get safe|У bасk to eaгth ifthey аre 1A k)са] sрorls с]ub wants to know thе оpiiiоn
foгсed to jUmp out of their сrаft at these tееnagеrs tol'агds spoгl nnd оut.l()or асtivjties,
amazing (j) н|GH Lhеm bу writing a iJporl. тhis shоu1d:
. оutllпе vorts апd outdоo| асri|'i|iе\ |hаt aft
pоpukf у)ith |ееt1(l8еt'
' е.tP|.|iп whаt nеw s]1ofв .'t ouktоo| ас|ifi|iеs
!.'.'tf, ]\ ln;еll,l
I"', ,' \,, l ,-'1rriaс,
. rесoп|nеn.| сaur\еs th.]| ||tе club Ioukl о|J'еr'
2 Ас'е'1'.iлp i J'
"го' Uл'||) л.e.| '.'|| Ц а.| 'i
оJ' ||lе.|)]е,,l'o\''t,' .ге. tilI hi..lJlе|1е'''

) Аrt c|Os;

) L1"'аnd
) Roeр ays 2
Preщs t ons i re аlive daшes
cэrвerdev-.0pmenis VrIb п0un ф]|0cat0пs] п1eIvl0\0s

ng lgtter

voсАв|JL^R\ Iife and сaФф develapпеnts

Read the teхt аnd mаtсh some ofthe Words аnd
exprеssions in hoId with thе definitions 1-8'
DаV d кhan Lrsed l s aрprentiсeshiр аs a WаУ to turn his
.5 5.l.lo .'l! Рtаmj' .е dе.i.1еd
Пh.]'] рil;0l 1]l]
lfe eround DаVd 22' efi home at аn ear y аge апd began
tl'rt hе^iil 1а] fo||ow in h j.lеr 5!.е jfootsteps Workjng аs а deliverУ аssistant аt Argos u/ih 1eW esрiratons'
.lnl b]еnro|on i]l!!:. i. Ье(.n: а.hеt Тh! |l-)Lrl,t DeVd,s manager enсоUгаged h m to conсentrаte on h s сarеer
l]r.ho5е ]r.r. iс servinq aп аpprеntiсеship l . апd siпсe enro]]iпg oп аn lntеrпledаte- eve аррrent]cesh р ln
!е (г o'l;п .!'/!0
ta!lJ l|' ! tl. i] 1.р. ]еt п.е.itor]lq l l]l lvаreho|]s ng. has nevel ooked lraсk
\l]|i li ]. thе rеn.Lrri.x Li]'tа l ! dr qаve him
Lrэ r.. ГJаV d saУs:
аррrentiсesh p гnаdе me q4!9| 1o eаrn гnoTе
in5ight into lоrr i рrofе*.llr ((hеnfЛri5 t.oоkэ аnd achieve the qualfrоаtons, |t mot Vated гnе to progгess mу
\i] t.l.r h fl tо lе sеtt|r iп Jil] f find hisfеet' Hе a !с саrel]r at Argоs aпd h'6 р the r]oГnpanу run morе effe{jt Ve У,,
g оvеrloтe !еtbJ(ks Dlring his ntermed аte.ievel ар рrent сesh p DаVd рUt
ре 5oгi i.. lе r.r;5 do nq .h?.o]r5l J| | r.l] .'.' nеW sУsteгns аnd рrосedures into pасe аt Argos tilat nave
1h рuthjid|.сlon ho|d f.rt|епl iпсreаsed р гof ts аnd q uа ty' a so mрrоVrлg W.]rk n g standarсrs
А.O)r 1i] has Iot5 ofаspirаtions and drive' Hэ .].i]lrts |O aГпong staff and within the stoсkгoom
]j get on in |ife эld ! l1a||.i d L.. ik] try his hаnd аt since сomр|et ng h s apрrentiссship, David has been
irп!tl] 1r!] .е hа5 а rеа,Jу l] ассomp|ishеd 50 пlt].l П рlomoted to stoсk lnaпаger at Argos Wгrсгr ].rе аttг butes to
5JLl] J jhоri . пе 51].| l.l]il] Lhе.cLr15е' hе! m пеvel
.competng rn!'
h s exрerience аs an aррrentсe, He exрlаns:
|ooked baсk' цh. k|.lli.n.. d:ry hЕ.or d е|.1] аррrenLсesh p has rr]рroved mу сonfdenсe, enаb|ed пlе to
n end uprLrП l r! h 5.!.;ll'Еstr.nn. eаrn гпore vVthiп the oomрanУ and he реd гne to рrogless,'
.NоW have asрi|аlions to rL]n mУ оwn store аnd hаVe reсeпtL
] sLr..эеd.U ]i.. nq somе:h l!]
been рIoгnoted as а resu]t of гny hard Wоrk аnd ded саtion oг
2 еаrl аi]oLrl r].b lr а.t.а усo:']q I my aррrent|ceshiр,,
З :ln а| а..'- tr |о' Ll.1 rstt]mе't. 5ее l ro! k| t Davld is now stаrting an advanоed |eve| aрpreпt сesh р ,1
4 !LrtylLrr].. .ll аll..if. i j.o|5tLdсlrs lnanаgement to l]L] d on h]s success H s арр!.ent]сesh р has
5 lеl..lrnсе to . rdе 5t.rl]].lгеt|гg ']r еаrl п.o'е а sc g Ven h гn an insig ht nto и/hat motivаtes othеr eп]рloyeei
in thе store
6 hеL.r!t:lli] ъ.\,lith i.пlеt. п.r ]е\".
7 5|..еРd l ir.
!i ш p-.l] Рг1l5
8 ltoр !оmеth п!:rэп] l J|]р0l n! ]o'l' b.t t Гllа]r

Geгnrnа Bаrгett оomр e|ed аn аdvanced eve aрprenticesh I

n hosрlta ty suрervison, вut for Geпlmа, 26, thе exper]егlо.
сhе*thаt you understаnd the other Words аnd
,l. Wаs лоT п/ithout ts .]hа||enges, chаng]ng emр OУeгs the os:
explеssions in ьold in Usе a di(tionary
of her rnothel аnd grаndfathег' start ng Uр he| bus]ness froп.
sqratqh and then the с|osurо of that bL]s ness паVе аL mаde
сomPlete thе sentenсеs With one Word from 1' for aп eХtreme|у dffiсULt few Уeаrs for Gemгпа'
,] hii.rе .]t5 oi .гd аmbi. ] Gemmа sаУsi ']t s not [reеn an eаsУ jourпcУ hаve oveTcorт:
mor-6 р-Arsonalhu|dle9 than most, l d dп,t gVe Llр' tholrgh
2 VlhЕп 'гг l i] llll; !lL;1..n пrеd i rЁ t! lr.l!!
battieсithroLrgh аrrd сomр еted r,llу аррrentсesг]p аnd ha!.
|reen doing We ever sinсe. know Wi oрen uр mУ own
з ' .u.1 ]' Г.! rL ;l !:i nq п
р|aсe in lhe futlrre blrt shаl|Work on тУ гnanаgeriа| skjlls аг.
|).d.l1. bе fэт.Lr! eхрerenсe Work ng for otheTs l|st
Gemmа deсded tо oреn hеr own sапdw]ch shop Whie
!r r..n ,cirrrr sLh.c оoгnр|еi пg her aрргentrсesh р Desрite а strong егnot ona
аttаclment to the business, Gemгna reа|izеd that sг]e rushЕ]
nto oрen ng the shор Afiеr determ rl ng that t Wаs not
6 1nпci пtс...,1с! itO Oiг! ]] аr]rboс)l's praсt са| to соntinue Oрera1 ng G-"mma made the d ff]cu|t
deс]s]on to d]scont nue the busineзs,
hа'e j |са.! .'].т.o'n.. oге o'1in Gemгnа sаУs,| гnаde thе dec s]on to с]оsе mУ shoр' blrt
|.Гп st рroud as -^аrnt a lot from the exрerence lv]y

8 rio. d П!]r.'рJL гr! с.i'rРrсп аррrentiсeshiр nоt on]у gave me the оOnfidence to run rn!
own bL]s ness fol a time' but t hаs also g Ven me ski|l sets :
a qUа ifсаt on thаt W hc|р me аs mУ career progresses,
4 Readthetехts quiсk|у.Whаtdid thefoul pеople аm now suррoгt ng mу оurrent stа{J lrУ еnсolrraging theт
ttаin to bесome? Undertake aррrenticeshiрs аnd foloW in mу Tootsteрs,,

a Jасоb stimрson, 26' сoгnр eted h s advanced ]evei aррren1сesh р ]n troаt

bU d ng and ma ntenаnсe !'ith Pr nсess Yасhts lnternаt]ona n P|Уmouth
F n shing л just under ilree уeаrs' Jaсоb ]аs shown not oпУ a h gh leve of
Workmanship. bL]t a so ded саton and оoгnm tment tо h s оhosen сaгeer,

I Jaсolr hаs lsФZ-eq rverу oррorttrn tу thаt hаs coгne h s Way on his
аррrentсesh р n ]!st hs seсond уeаr, hе \\rаs seeсted to bL] d a keу рart ol
а l]oaL on h]s ovln, Тh s tesk enelrlесl JaсФt) to shоr/r' his ab itУ and tq]зqlty
b o,,r.,g. obог b,dq.
.]асol] sаУs:
,Wheг] orginаiУ |eft sсhоol' | $/anted to go to
nsteаd oрted for аn аpprentсesh р аnd hаre never ooked l]aсk
got рa d to еarlr аnd f п shеd W th а job and skil s that саn Use
аnylvhеre n the v/or]d агn VerУ рroud of гпу асcomрishгnents -
аs аn aрргentоe аnd l]еing g ven the оррогtLrnitу tо Work
аb|oad, am hard u/or<ing аnd рu| ]00 рer сеnt nto
: everУth ng ] dо lпo!./ mentorаn аpрrentсe shering
.пУ tiрs and teсhn ques an.] | hoрe h-д,] beneft fronr
ris eррrentсesh р as гnuch es hаVe Jro{n гn]n-o'
D аne Еkаnd' tra niпg гnаnаger for Рr lсess Yachts
ntenlalonа] saУs thаt t Was Jасob s рass]on end dгive
that hаs гnаdе h m sLrсh aп асcornрlshed ri/orkеr
Jaсоl] sауs: don [ р аn on stoрр пg heгe' Wh сh s rыeсted nthe
.nanagement deve|opment рrogrаmme l have Undertaken, i kпow there
s st a ot Оf Work to l]e done аnd Wо! d ke to think that 1his s гnУ neхt
stер towаrds sL]соeediпg n this bus ness '

]аisy Clark, 22' overсaгпe а setl]асk thаt сould hаVe i'\1hrlr.L]h:i!Еmil.].l.Lrеil..!Оl!|. с!! l'
:i]ded the оareers of manУ, and then Wеnt on to sucсeed l if..rе t t:rr :].5!.lеl :hе.. еn]on j thJ JlL].L]'. l|!' t
] her ]ntermedate |eve аpрrenticesh p Dasy Lregan ' hа|е d.Lrt]t;
i r:. a li thег .ro Ьr.( tо thе cпе5 i."hе i !o.
:..i аdvanсed aрргent]оosh p п elесtгса] nstаlаtion iп ЕХАN,]suссЕss | ра9е ]48
\cvemlrer 2004 ]n Januaгу 2006 on the Waу to sit оne
.i her е eоtr оa exaгns, DаisУ Wаs nvо|Ved n а horгfiс
the асо deni, hadnо Reаdthetextsagain' Forquеstion,] 13.сhoosefrоmthe
.a.асс]dеnt DasУ saУs:
r,ор o ho,\ h g 'д.Jo ^iter ! o \o o,a,ро l pеop|e (A.D).тhе pеoр|e mаy beсhosen morе thаn onсе.
is the nature of п]У Work гneant lllу ]ol] Was рhУsiсa]У
--emалding, t !1/аs а dаrk апd dffiсUlt tiгne for гпe and mу "liс
iсi]cп ilп.tlеl.rojе.t ilt t]е
']noe fe Wаs p|]t оn ho d,, l.! |.lе ilj:o гс l5] lеrirр]rег..r5h
!d рi ]
.vh lе refeоting dLrrrng hel iепgthу recolerу' DasУ dеоded lrJs Lr ldеrеjt .lэtэc L5! othеr:| 2
f рUsh forvvаrd n he| aррrelticesh p as best she сotr d hа5 ].d; LLl n|r еt?.]ап.]е.ir.] Р . tРlmj
-]owеVer' she Was ireqL]entу in pein аnd sLrifered loss ol
.fJ!р ..пt|еj. rijl З ,4
nelnoTy аno сonсeлIrаtlon'
ll.5 d. l! t е.оъ -.t.rе !.iolk r..firr
-iаisУ sауs: t
'Despte гnУ Dа n{L]LrecolerУ ] te hасlio
l.''i!l. t l.. ...t h !/h..r..рrс lti.еsr:l. 5
: rcgress With eаrп ng аnd aоhieve the goa s ] hаd set out
,]- mуsеf belore the ассdеnt, lsoon fоUnd the hа|d WOгk nа5 .rOli|n a si.'iol]р.1
l)lр.J б
.rrfFl t.. hr.- rlil.!ЕP.|. ll]е |r'.!]]i]
'зs рзyL!.g.Qff and Wаs stаrting to gа n |esu ts, I had

-:.Lrght Lrр Withihe other appгeлtiсes aсeden сelУ and d .] г.]i h.]i]Е n] !f lI r t..; nii]
.. shed mу eХагns'' е.Lr r.гп]сnt tl]!n t^]'i]р!'.lt|l]!l. l] 8
-.ter neаrу seven n]onths of rehаbi tаtioп. Dasу returnеd lir. it] l t. l]| ]'r!сl t tl .llt.l I t]| ] l .5J] 9
...'!ork at Bаfour K pаtr]оk' Dаisy saУs,l fee| that through . с nitt;kе1l Р'ilt lе h.!'/' е.'!] l !r !
: ,pрort аnd en.ourаgепel]t flогn mу аpрrrntсesh р п|еln!. .] еа.r l.] 5.].o ] ]0
-; ners аnd co eagues. and а new found i]e ef n n]уseii
. hil
о L]од rh.nd !.i ']еr] a
l!|..] !.!t]е! tl [i
Ьеttе.knj!.i еi!].. o. lorr ]5,.

dа].l ,]2
j.]eeded the eхрeоtat]ons of those Who гnаy hаVe
! !li.t! to i].р h ]'/h."r n(l bo55 o.е ',lз
. ] ]Elted гnУ сharaсier
:1.y Hodgkson' tra n ng officerfоr trаining provdег JТL Work out the meаning ofthe цndellinec Words in thе texts
:j,,s: Da sy has not on|У exce|ed ]n her ro]e as en eeсtrсa by |ooking at the сonteхt. Use а diсtionаlyto сheсk.
::.rentce, tаk ng On а roе moгe tradtоlla у аssoсiated
.l mаes' bL]| has overсoгne рersona hardsh р' sPЕAк|NG WhatаboutyoU?
i..L'l.]t a|с | l. р..! J.]d..l] !i s.rr! ll. .]п ар rrеп..?sh рl

сom plеte the text with а/аn'thеo|-.

' sаrah /]аусOtt sen/ed (а)
' , ',,, аррrеnti.еshiр
in smjthсO, '',,, '',, соmpаny thаt mа kes
1 маtсh eа(h of these sentenсesWith one of the rules
(() гn Lrsiсаl ]пnrLrmепt5 Hеr bo55 5аy5:'sаrah

hа5 doпе morе fol {d) сOmрany in heгtWO

yrars hеrе thап mаny pеoр еdo in (eJ lelrnе,'
а Dа.]d Khan L]sеd hъ аррrеnt.е5hiр а5 а
iо tLrrn hь sаrаh r,^rоrks а5 (f) ,,. ',. ''.. рrr5oпа аs!ъtапt l
{g) ',,. mаrkеt nq dеpаrtmепt ЬUt5hе 5 а|5o гnid
b 1motlvatеd mеtO рrоgre55 гnу.аrеerаtArqos аnd hе р .tro. h r.dL.r.: /i
qLr tаri5 rnyfаVo!riе nlirument'Wh]сh s L]сkybeса!so
агn еnсoLrra! пq thеm to Lrпder1ake-арpr.n1.еsh р5 ,0, o lo. rl

d Hе,,!епion beсOmethe рrе5 dеnt'

1o .аtа|Oguе.' sаrаh reа уеп]oyеd (k) '''.. '.. 'prасti.аi
t 1'!a5thе Ьestdeсs]On
е\,е| гnаdе' а'ресt Olhеl aррIеntlсe'h]р, 'ln gепеrа th]nk tЪ

- L]пеrnр oyпrеnt ь a lr]q рrоbem,

qrеаtWhen (l) studеnts сап dO sornеih ng
thеyеп]oy, qеt (m) usеfu qua fiсаton аnd
s Hе bе9аn Work ng Yery аss51аПt,
cагn (n) гnoпсy a ntthе sаmetimе]'
h ТhеIе arr sре.:ia ! dеsgned сO!|5е5fOIthe !nеmр Oyеd
i поvr mentOr an aррrenllсеаnd hoреhе' Ьеnеfttroпl
hь aрprеntсе5h р
j тheсcmрutеr 5аn еssеnt]а toо iп rnon рlotе55оп1
k He hа5 bееn рroгnotеd to -stoсk гnаnаgеr
а l,irаnttоgotо Lrп VеБ1уone dаy,
] to refеr1oа th]ng оr реrson that hа5 bееi рrr!о!!у b !{е Wеnttothе Lrп./еr5tуto а1tеlld аП Oрсn dаy
mеntоnеd orthаt 1,1rr а rеrdy kпоviаbоlt Whеrе thеy еxp a nе.]
"!h;t lfе s kеthеrе'
sеntеnсе с ц/е Wenttоlhе hosрitа yеnErdау to 5ее пlу
2 n'L .p- "o0," . сO!5n'llho5i'
5eпtеп1r d ц/hеn shе hаd h'"rа..]dеnt 5hеWа5 ]n ho!р1а
" o o"l r p-.o. " ". "
4 W]th s]пg! аr nоLrп5tо rеfer n qеnеrа 10а thе mегnbеrs
] !!е the W th рьсе5 |ikr !лivЕ|5i01
otа qroLrр sеntrпсе: 'jeldoл,|!5е
s.hoa!, ho\piiа|, р$an \\hе|1 tа k a boLrt th e
5 ё,|Jf ,.Oo bo.
\\ e

qеnеrа dra olWhаtthese расеs arеfor

2 \'Vе L,jеld(rЛ? !5е the W lh р aсе5 ikе Uлiveбjl,
6 tO |еfеr to a th nq or реr5oп forthefгsttmс. \сhoa|, haspitа|, p|isan whеn l'!е tа kаboltthе
5enten.е рhу5сa ЬLr dinqs,
7 ao! "Ьоd oЬ
8 tO ta k аbotrt оnе oiа nLrГnbеr ofth пq5' п'itholt be n!
sре.]l. sеntеnсе:
5 Add theto thеsе senten(es Where neсessаly'
9 и/th L]nсоL,]ntаbiе пoLrп!to Inаkе gеnеrа nаtеmеnts, ] ТhеyрLrthim n рrьOnfoгnеа ngfunds
trоm thе соmрany'
1о Wth р Lrrа сOuntab е noL-]ns tO гnаkе gепеrа stаtеmrпis'
2 DOyou knOWthеWаyto Lrп vеБty?
,1] q!е рositioi
з 'VenеVеrbееn]n
'. '. hosрtа formoгеthan
\,/ th а реrsоn!]Ob tit е Ol thеir !n ]n а
сomраny sеntеnсе:,,,
4 'Vе hеаrd ЬLr dеr5aredon!]sоmeWorkat
(qпямш41цвгr!ф |ф.l+з. . ili::i** ',5сhОо'!viаitioqоto
сO]|egе to dO а соLr15е n toLrri5гn,
2 сhoose the (orrесt а |ternаtive.
сorreсt the mistаke5 With аrtides iп thesequestions.
] l"4yаГiЬi1оn i5 to bесOmе./Й.! рrofеisonа siпqеronеdаy,
2 ]'m not 5L.rrе i hе hа! g1'ihе1: drivе tо gеtto thе toр, ] Whаt.]О !оtr lh пkyour.hапсеsаrе oftrе.om]nq

3 //.li€/.:yolnq пееd oрpoltuпitiсs tO qсt Oп n tе.

2 DO,O, ",,] o, о".b"O, е'
4 Тhеr€ mlsi beir/ll]e/- llraу tO gеt рromotоп in th 5 сOгnрапy

5 5hе hа5 gh asр rаt Ons

З DOyOu hаVe Lhе а5рlratlo n5? Whаt аrе thеy]
'7-Й./ Ь!qеn рrоb€ms
6 Тоdаy g1jll€l: рr mе m п 9tеrь qo ng iо аnnolnсе nе!!]ob
Whаt аrе fас ng thеуOung lodаy]
Do уou thjЛkthе lnеmр olmеnt ь гi5 n! Ol ia ng?
сrеаt on 5с|rегnе5
7 lЬе iеVе mob e рhoгre hаs гnadе реoрe|е55 ndерendеnt'
6 Whаt ъ un Ve6i1y neаre'tyolr homе ke?

Did уoLr hear? Yеnеrdа)' 5hе had .!r,ihсl: асс dепt аt r,l/оrk
7 Whа1аrе сhа еngesyoLrng реoр еьсе inthе Word..
9 Тhafs 4!ll]el On yjob \,ееVerrеа y,,,rаntеdtodo'

]0 L iе аs !.r,,,.hсl.1е е.tr с аn 5 hаrdеrthап уoLr think sPЕAк|шG Wolk in раils. Askаnd аnswel the questionj
in б.

Jobs of the fцrtцrгe


А dаywo! d tyрi.а y 5tаrt vl th sGnn ig rh. n]o,t сIt саLo| u|genl nеи, Lеаding.omраn.s \./ nсlеа9ingy h rе s!сh
rеq!еn5 for rера rs аnd сo n p|еtе )ody раrt'' а r.L сhесk ng oi соm рoп еi I sulgеons tо enhаnсе |hе саpаЬ L е5 о| |hе r
dе Verе5 ro hе р !сhеduLе гhе dаy\ Work Pаi' RеqLrеsг!lvоu d bс lе! еWеli toр реl|оrmсб апd rasе |hе5|апdаrd5 оtllrе
to dеt.rmiпе whеthеr еnt rе mЬ'оIоlgап! vr'еlе r."qurеd ol]ust сomPonent , еnt rе Wortfоrcе
sL]Ьsysгemr (еg' а nе!./ krlеесар)аid w]еrе iru tjp e сop еs Wеre rrqurеd, еg, for . i.L. Агypса dаylvoud ]!'oVесols!tation
nth еlеs. А Vъ t ro rlе n.ubаrorWoud fо|lofr to сhесkоn lhе prоgrсs'оfЬodr Wj:h pro5рес!Vе Pаt]еnrs inс udiлg
рaгts сurleity bеiлgglоfln аnd to pеrtorm siаgеd qua ty соn|rо rеsrs thе rеV еW оfаn схrе]sj!е Ьattеr), оf
сogn tivе, рs}.ho ogсa' пеuroо8iс:l ind

сoп5deraЬе t mе W]]|bе sPеnr

сommun сatingtvith dаrа iлformаton t tеr
5pеса ns, sесrrrtу ехреrtsа.d сопnLlenrs on
мanу modе саn Ье еnvsagеd lor how suсh fa|ms сoLr d Ьe rui orе s/ou d
s i55Lrе5 5!.h аs thе dеs gn o| Vits рloteсt]oi
nvo Vе а profеlsionа fаIm mаnаgеI suppor tеd Ьу a m]! o| h umаi аnd Iо bot с and р.Боnа hunal firеWаL5 5!rgеonsW
larm hапd, and sрeсjа sr s. еntьts, АnothеI пrоа.lсnvisa8е! suсh lnrms bе ig hаvе io Ье part ofа рlofеs о
pаrt ofnе!' сommui tydеvеlopments Wirh thс oсаlrеsidеnc donаling |]mе Тl]е аssoс atоn Wр ау а kеу roe n try ng tо
а5 fаrm аЬour n lегUrп for a lеgular 5up р y ol ftеs r рroduсе and a ыrаrе of rhе a.ldrеss rhе е!h са outсr! and n{ uеnс ng thе
сomnrеIсa rеttrn5 frоm thе tarпl dеЬarе around m.mоrу e hаnсеnrеnl Thеsе
А tyPса dаy Wo! d 5rаlr w th mon toriлg рlаit hеа lr, аtmospher с сoпd]t оns spесa]Бtsv hаle thе h]ghеst nsurаnсе
aid сюр grоWth. Еaсh dаy, t mе Wo'r d Ье dеd саtеd ro Wоrkingon ielv рrеmiums o|аny mеd са Praсr oпе| !v гh

ъ в ,е1о, аn oссuрar onа| hаzаrd Ье ng thе rskоtbе ng

сloP' апd gгowlng !есl]n qUе5'

Тhе ntеrier s а пra]о' Ьoth thе |еga аnd еgalrеams Hеnсеа5gnf.апt

|aс tаtorof nпovation ]n

раrt o]. а ! rrua |au/уefs dmе wiLL Ье sPеnr mon toring nеW lеgа dе!е]oрm ei !s аnd preсеdеnts thаl
apр|y ro rhе vilr uаl WoI d' мU.h ol thе еgа tеrrilory lеmаiпs thе sаmе, e8' d sр!!еs, сoпrrасtuа
fаiurеs' оWneБh p Б5uе5' ]nte е.Luа propеrly rhеfr sаЬоtаge сopЛghг nfringеmепt! aid
r€dеmаrks, Howеvеi thе сomр еxny сomеs from trе globаl nа.ure ofгhe ',vеb
аnd thе d |rеrеnt lеga
]ur сr]ons thаt.oud Ье пVo|Vеd
somе of rhе mosr jnrеIет ng с lа еnges !V а.Бе from сlеrl ng !' dr i tеrпar ona| Wеb.basеd сr mina
асrs Еor еxamре, соnsdеr a Brlt5h pаssеngеrоп а l ghr lrom Par5.о si|rgаpоIeоn аn AL]strn]ian
а r ne'Тhе passengеr usсs rhеопboard Wеb ассе55 ro сom]n rа hасkingor Ph 5h]ngattaсk oп Vсtiml n
L'uхеmЬourg Wh 5t f y пg over Bu g:l|iа, U Пder who,e egа jul sd]сt o l shou d th с сr mе Ье Prc!есuLеdl

sPЕAк| G Work in pаir'' Dis(u5s these quest|ons.

] Hаyе !сLr е'..r h...iintc|r.\l/i 1s(]''''rh!n 'rnd r].;hаt 1O.
2 у'h!П aПll uh)' ех.е.Ifu |rr п.еrv]е],.rеd nlhеtlrt|rеl
dO !.L]
з Hоfl flе рrе!а|...].orаn пtеruеf/io]ro: t:iпk!оLr аlе r!]ht
n'.шi ir!h!]

sPЕAк|flc With а partnеr, mаkeа |istоfDosаnd Don,ts in

job interviews. тhinkаЬout thеsе topi(s.
] с.thе;ildapреarirn.E
2 агq-a!."

Reаdthese Do5аnd Don,tsfrom а Website. DeсideWhether

eасh one is a Doorа Don,t Ьefole olduling а job interview.
сompаrethe adviсe to your ideas in 2'

2 t!|l O|il.|rr Г.oi] ." /)]]

з d9!!m. yoL] !е !].l lnе]on
fпd.Lrll/htrс thс.r'tг!. ъ эеtorеhаnd, hcи,tc сеtt.lеlе аld holi Onq ]ttdkе5
5 rеаd froпl llOlеs or !.L]r.t'/
6 fid cLrl!.r'hаt k]nd оf ntеl'iе''\'
it rеЬеfo:еhаid 5cуO|rсi]n рrеpа:е,
ptnа|е r n51^'е|5 ior ihе mа п q!еnоi5 fcrсlaп]рe' !\lh!doyоLr\l/.пtthе]оb?]
'шhJ.аrеthrmаintа5k5 п th 5 ]oЬ],
'10 qеtiееdbir.koп lo| r реrfоrmdnlе, vihе||r.'lyOu Wс r. 5!с.еs5'Li] с r not,
12 drе55 sгiаrt)1 .]ok br!hiir|d аllеntVе,аnd \реrk.lеаr]уаid сoпfdсnl)t (oП r
7 рer сс.1Oflhе inlеrv]е.^'еr! op]l]оп оfyo! !irrmеd bуWhaIyоLr nу thеrеn
s]Lrd!еd nn hо\,J yоLr ook'а.tdnd5oLrпd]
1з Lrsе 5n|g \4old5'
14 сrt]с zе folгner е.nр OT.о ааgL]е5
15 аrqLrе W ih ilс n!еlv]еv'lе|
16 рreрnrе 5OпlеqLrеn]Оn5tоа5kаtthе елd,

4 VoсAвULARY /l'ferиieш Loo k аt thе sеnten(es. Whаt dо маt(h thеsе definitions, exp|аnаtions аnd synonyms With
you thinktheWold9аnd eхplessions in bold meаn? thewords аnd phlаses in boId in 4.

] Тr!' t.r 5tа". са т' еVеп fthE),1].,.]'i!in{'jiliiпlj

,l аг ]tеr.] е / W tl а qroLrр of р.cр с.'l/hc гnak.Ih. сес з On

2 \i.lhег а q..е5toп |ilj.J?':' r?! doi'i jLnL;i1еlit v(|rеt|rеrtэ h rе !oLrоr поt

з ТD to b. j:.]rlij.riihаlyo|'rе th." rqlt р..r:оп ior

2 .l рrofi. OIth. ']tа...rг. dа1еi.rа]ob
'i.]]('1i]l з .oni.еnl' t]L]l n r n./аlthаt ! пotоЬl' oJ5 to othеr ploр !.

4 t]On 1!lorr! аЬoLrt ]ri1l.];l|]|'!ir1'rli b.с.r!5| th|.:.! nlOrР qап аn аdviinlаq." t]jr lry пq soпlеtl пq th.t flаkEs
.l'а n.'. 5omrЬ..]у п thе:аrе .l [е !оLr
5 А.]!.r)ц.sk icr а iolr dетliрt cп aпd a р|ll1lr rri1iii:.rliill 5 iOlm а l-..|L]п].]t5оmеrh nq orioГ.есnе п уoJr m]i.
bс Olе Thе rtеn,,]е.n,, 6 еl pеoре 5е.дlnа:!o| rе пеr1l'o|5
6 n/ tc ',]!!n];ili tnе П1эП] е\'! bl O|е i 5tаl15 1!i!еi)'OL] 7 а5( 5omеЬody oL5 oi!еry d |i.Lr t q]E!ti0:l!
г.ot!.oпll]еn.с' 8 lomеorе !!ho g'е5 пforlrl.ri |)rr.l]|)| L !O!|.l) ]L]сj ;'r.
7 ве.аrеftr GOOd nL.a|!еW'4rs.аn 1'!с jiqir,i:t1nji]q]l !lI flork EХрЕrепrr\'!].n уоL] арр! To| а ].tl
r.]r ]l.lrhlt s0ln,]bod! 5lе; y krа]dпclbеt].lеdby
8 Doп,lj.,i ljJ!j. ]i].iе5 ].]inl too Г
9 YoLr сrп !l|j':l i;':|rrl lr)r рJtl].q !OLrr\(еirh.еxе5 nr t0 lllа[е !0п'е]o|]t !L]Iрr 5td orсO-rtusеd b!iOп!/:5kпg
posit!е ght jоmеth пq Lrпеxрес1..d
]0 Bе rеa.! to ! Vt thе -r,rlт]е о1а J!]:.l,;:l:
ii sPЕAк|liG Work in pairs' Whаt do уoU think of the adviсe or
informаtion in еасh sеnten(e in 4? DoyouаqleeWith it?

thе пeхt nеп]лg асtп]tууo! hаvе!o

answerсOmр|eheпs]Oп qLrе5toп5, b!t ihеrе ь
а mit to thе nL]mbеr OfWоrd! yоLr.аi Writе'
ТhеWords that!o! Wrtе W] асtLrа yаpреil
lnthеrесording, tьЛotnесеltаIyto.hаngе
them atаl, B!t mаkе lLrrеthаtуoLr dо not
Writе morе lhаn the пLrгпbеr ofWord! qiven ]n
thе n5trLrсtiOn5 OIyO! Wil Osе n]аrk5,
ЕxAM 5UссЕs5 ) ра9е 15]

LISтЕN|Nд {Ф2.l2 Lьteпtoа podсаstаbout

how to рrepаre for аn interview аnd аnswel
the q uestions. Write no mole thаn three
Words for eа(h аnswet.
Iryhа1ь the keytoсrеat]nq а good
mрrе55ion in an inteпl]е1,1r' aссоrdiiq tothе

''lЪ ... гo",о o,.-.r o-o о

V/hа111,!O1уре5 оfrolе ghtyoLr nееd to
rn ,:.j:.-.q}Eбi.т."-ad'^,j.;ъ l
in.he oоd,,l" 1е.,O d'еo'},|,6,'6l Oq л"оo. оh" .
shoиr,,\'hеn yo! Work]n а tеаm?
d o,.o,'d "D .,оoД q
lvhаt mighttheyа5k yOu ]itсad
. Whаlhе/sheshol] d Wear
tO dO o].a
5tапdаrd ]ntеrv еW or а раnе|]ntеrvеu/? hoпI hе/shе shoLr d рrераtеlоrthе ntе|!сW
. Whа1hе/shelhou d 5аyto,sе 'hiГn/hеrsеf
WhаtshoLr d yOL.r hаVе Iесе \,еd thа1саn
. аnyotnеr а.rV ('c

hе рyoLr 1oth]nkаbо|rt рO55 b|с nterv е\,i

2 SPЕAк|Nс Do the tаsk in ] . student A: ве reаdy to lespond to What
student Bsаystoyou.

Арartirom yoLrrsk !' пlhattWо othеrаrеа5

5hоU d уOLr bе lеаd!10tа kabоUt?
DO O. Ь"o. o o " g'Oоo "n,r оo
O,'oo, o '" g ,'O,"d о ".,O оl",р
Whаt dO pеOр е somet]mes do ]fthеу doi1
пе,,! ideas аid аrqLrгnеnts sрOnтаneOUs!, ЕхAM 5UссEs5 | pаge ]52
slLrdуthеil OWn сVaпd арр ]саtioп forГn?

Whаt 5ho! d yo! do fyo!lее пеrVOUsOn Praсtiсe mаkes рerfeоt

the dаyOithе ntеп, еW?
за switсh loles. studentA: Read thetаskbe|owаnd prepаresome
ideаs. student B: тurn to pаge ]66'
!tith quс5t]Ons аbot]t Whеrе уoU sее yOrr15е l StudentA
n thefutJrе' l'lhattWо things !ho! d yO!
An r5h|rепdWапt5tOstаyinуouгсOunlrуdLrrinqthеhc d.rуsЬLrthР/she
пееds 1Ofiid аjob Dъсu55 tl]с |o oп,]ng,
. hovv h..^hе lhoLr d go аboltfnd ng а]ob
. Whаt 5o|l Oi]obs arеtур]са ]yаVа]аЬlе
R€аd the qu€ltions аnd think ofyoul . thе аdVаntаge'd sаdVaitаqе5 оfthе d ffеrеntjolr5
аnswers' маke notes. . Wh сhjоb ]n раrtсLr аryO! п'oLr d ге.ommепd
] \ц/hat!ре.ia skil5 do уо! hirvе?
2 !!hаt а re уoLr r nrеi qths? 3b вefore you ьegin thеtask, |ookаttheWolds аnd ехpressions in the
з Whаtаrсyour,,!rаkпе55е5?(RеmеmЬеrto 5pеаking вank. Whiсh seсtion{s)ofthe tаskwi||these Wolds аnd

pLrtthеse]n а рO5 t Vo iqhtL) eхpressions be useful?

4 Whеrе dо yоLr 5ееyоL]rsеf nfi!еyeaБ'tmе? 3c Doth€tаsk. UsеWoldsand explessions fiom the speаking Bаnk
sPЕдкlNG lntervieW your pаrtner using the
questions in 8.

'0 sPЁA]кlшG Whаtаьoutyou?

] HoW пеrvous dо !оLrgеt ii sitLritions ]kе
ntеrViеr'\^, рrе!еntаt оns or eхаn,]s]
2 Whаt do ylru dоto са пl yOL]r nе|Vеsаnd lee

sPЕAкlNG Workin pаirs' Reаd thь

,, .t, _

job аdvertьеment, ignoring the

notes. Would you be interested in
Ma]or оruise l]ne has staff vaсanоies
applying fol аny ofthe different
postsl why?/why not? Grеаt salаry, пo exрenses, freetrave

. Readthьtа5kbаsedonthe We aгe |ooking for keen УoLig рeoрle forс]ifferenт

рosпопsоn bоагd oLJr atest сгu se shiр'
a dvеltisement аnd notеs in ],
then leаd the Ietter. Does the
lеtter сontain аll the iпformation Wa ters/Wa tresses е\es| worуed |ar +wo fta,'аL\s ia РiKв,. res|ьцrtl,и1
required? оhiсlmonito.s Giftshoр аss]stаnts ^
Physсa fitness сoaсhes Епterta]nment staff
уou а|е hokinsJь| а'jaь ап.l АreУou Уo!ng, с]Уnаmiс апс] trustwo|tгry? +- love spar|s a.иd soci^I
hаfc sееп аn аd|епis|,пеnt ^ctivjtjes
|,or post! oп а сruisе ShiP,
\|hLсh уоu а r? fеr'| in |еrc,\tе l seпd УoUr cV an.]a coveглg etter сleаrly stat ng the
iп- Wri|е а сo|е|ing bl|еr Уo! Wsh to aрр|У joг and ihe.аme of а tO:
й]сluding ап Iht inJьrm.1|ion
Rёcгuitmёnt offiсё. Ьоss at


12 соLtlanе Divе

NЕ01 3зЕ

?0t" JLrne 2012

n lh 5 t!ре otta;k' iьЕ55е.ltJ |o

]dеnt]ryih? реr5or !oLr.r.. |'r i ll!
tO L1е tly Руo.] lе?c to J5Е aп. t"е
p,..t5 Ot nfo|Г.аiсп io Ье г. Lrdеc'
Dеаr sir/i{аdаm.

lol /.i
.е\оо r'-" l.':l.xТi."1j""ll:
YO! O5е Гrаrks i.апy гforгr'at oП :
m ss nq вLrt.еп.еГnbе. th:t.] yoL] :rе
ш"*саstle тлrд оn rsth Junе' ] am раl
tiсutаrtУ rr
". q !егlotэs, !эLr nro|r . L.lраi. ]l..пl
агd ! r].|.j 5 ti-] i'di]|еJ 5i..otеrt
l.r'8 /ea,o' 'o,.jJs |,n :.:':"" l.iii"";:у
|oqтUo/ гodel-Ldnо.аo" . ..1". ,',.l*,'l. "::'
mе to е'рe.еnc
rh'rrti!o!td be
'" bеnefrсiаttо
; r,." Reаd the Iette r аgаin. Wh iсh
;":" ;
and ilaveL oi а сrursе snrр'
. п'-. nod",oe'jen(р ]
nрliP,e.n.,'"r'e'+,, рd.o'."',|oo,L.(,'rd,аn'"tа,d сlп 'n,(l !]!е5 Ьas с ll.|.n.t Oг аbО-tt'е

:',::.^:"; ".";; .;s,п|olocdL."',а dD i]рр с.nlаid Whythеуаrе арр ! п!]

?,::."";j..;:;;i';""""',"'"" :",J"ъ :"J;

", 2 n!5 rrhltl.е реr]cп i5.)rri пq аn.
:;.":Т , .:;. ";; ."]i:;.i.i ^li' .:"l;."i:"""
rhjolr 0]е ре60'1 5;рр! l! lxr:
г.qL'+, '" h

'rlс"i '' 'p".t "о

el, d,nат',0"',o
A-го' l/р" OnJoUа|'t,", |(onridе|'\n'оo" ,о',do|.d, Ilо,е з ni(lnn:t.п 5o t lаt t.е |oп.ра
i] r'сs
i;""""'.'i',o" ; 5oo', ]а' оbe,.e,е.аnnjg,|,
o''j" Л'' elp гe o .in.Ont nLrе i| rtiе''nr th .hэ
';:',," ",'..""'".l'*
,idndl .6
q,,р D ono' ' 'р,
..'".,-"^", .jj.'l 4 ! \rеj пfо 'ilаt cn abOJtLhе ар.] .i.'
' ]оu,oo"d"jq-l"d.оo|..'1 vrtJе аr(;:l."."
д. .;"':
Fп!еsted 1enсtose п]! сUпiсulUпr " 5
lщ"" , ъ., oг|'о."o",'.("'а,,.Lа, 5tаtе5tlеарр .ants'eе\rаni
.tреr епсе э ld,,or rе еVJit sk s?

Find the inсompIete eхple5sions in th:

oro,ce D^1X |еttеl in 2. тhen сompletetheWliting

IY -

ReWtite the5е sеntе n(es to mаke them morеformа|'

,l \,o|r.]:lГrlr;li! ! t.]е i rji\r/h.h hаlР гl;L]е:] ii]rJlii iр] .it.llo

2 :l lI]( ] tг.еnt ii. (сl , thi] .trj.ll "lih| 5р.]kе io

..l 1'lrr t lq п
З 5l.] i5]h!t....hеri(].ort..nss !trU.. r]
4 h|)rii'. |]е.. еr!|.'ih.1 i.i!|i.. rr Jl
olj]/рon/ро5itioг Oi 5 ]. ! t lI] реrj.n lh;i ..]r']t th! ri!n..]т'
6 l.]. |.it.r\l.5 а.rl:i]i hjl]l]tirl l|!rс.ii|r
to .'!(rrk ror )orr.]Г.!аll';l Join the sеntenсes using а noun oradvеrbiaI phrаse сontаining а
.r .:']е ti;t .Гlfi..о

] f t.r5 0l гnеt Г.аn!. nе!! р.!р i] А dr!]с lLriЬr o.1lеm.r'i.nl1]ood

hзlе.lo|kil.o kпofi е..nе of

2 'l lrе.]!'j ]L!-.t ]L]е lllh;lр..- !.l lllLrI'! rlsfurd'.!

at..r]n.n теrt е'nr аt]iL]Lrrеа е:. з га\rе h..:.l]|l.r ]!Ь5'Тh! аn..Лj i'. i. n:r.l'i']ttir . lt ].o :]

ul h..rс \(o|(.. i t| ir .]ll] ].r сi|h!j! Т]е f rj .l Р tr']| ! irГllLr, rltll.h

5 /.L] г.аl. ]... !.! ]:.". апo.h:r rеtе..i n lh.]i i.!L], lr !!.d.i.Lr:hi
lrеrа l L |r.]n '.!]!5l,

6 l.a!! t!.l.] 5 n.r. 0lri].]:th.]гг r! ]! h:r o"-l....lраl )'

PrеpОsitions in reIativе сlausеs
Read the аdve(. HoW appeа|ing is thejоb to you? Why?
5а Look аt these pаirs
ofsentenсes. Whi(h
аlternаtive in bold in eaсh pair is mote
]а (.]nr ta .
L.] 5а.Lrjу,е;trLrlаn|in
Whiсh llтtet] ii]r t!l'с п.o.th5
Lr.а5ir r J 5;lrr5.l|.:|.-i:rПtWhi(h
iliorki. in iоltirl. n.nlljs
We hаve severа|vасаnсies аVаi|аbeto Work аt
2a i.i)..?lэrее ! i']r..] n HLlh.5 fol
vаrious shows/events а||ovelthe UKfrom
whom 1,,'r.rk.l iт ir i ila ta .i. N4ау to
septeпrbеrse ling strаWberies аnd сr€аm. сood
2b iJу rеiеr."е j i']ri.] '] Lrqll.J Who
рау' Тrаiniilg glVen, bаsiс uniform supplied,
lio k:. for n ; ( lsn la ,.1

dl]Vers prefеrred but notessentiаl. |dеа|for

5ь саn we use thdt instеаdof Whiсh in 1a,? hаrd.WOIking' f ехib e, Ouigolng,
And in lb? keеn' Wе||.plesеnted individuа s,
сood Еng]ьh |еVel essentiаi.
5( Look аt these two senten(es then reаd
Aссоmmodаtion сou|d bе аrrаnged,
the informаtion beIoW
A greаt оррortuпity to trаve|' earn
за ht tLiР... i.]l l t.l'].]till.r nnd experiеnсe а tуpiса| Еng|ьh
рili;:п.еl5 someotWhom !, jL].!.l summeltirne, Please send сV and
l! Еrl! jl сoverjng еttеr to:
зb l.р.] t'].]| lcLr i.d ]'i.Lrr .',1rп]'] ;.
.i l t.lL]!t in Whiсh саse . hr

i]Е .]h]1] L].]|t.llil a l пtе i еl

] l з; Jirlr.i]ll1i.li1 :aп.lпlhlirlе
.!ll!J llll. ir ..р.t!е р]. i,]:l..
\lг rr.l d!е5 аrе i-rirlr/ JiLr/irlr]l1,lliitl]'
rr.ji.i ,1i.llrt ri iir, tre lr5i,/iЛr.i
Do the tаskbe|oW.Ivlake а pаragrаph p|аn With thе main informаtion
2 ] ], i|l цl].h..j. j;.;.l..b.] р' to inс|ude in eа(h sеdion, аnd use exрressionsflom thеWriting ваnk'
.ortэ l]]g r rе аt!i |1'cl]! l L]t|еr
s n аl l:i].е5 i...iLli]]ii]|.irl i.l w|itе lJ.о\,еriц lеfi..rhr thе jоЬ in 8, rnсhx|.| thi\ ntfuГnfunioп
. hл| 4Ге |сI|Лins 1o (|riе |11 |h. п.nс11|,
GRAIъ{I4AR RЕFЕRINсЕ ]4] ' Yоut nГе qui.k 10 tеаrп пе|: lkit||.
' ]-']!]е
' Y.|] hаt. hеcл rfukl,\'iлв Епв|i\h fоr |11оп\ \еdt\'
. Yл'| |xn. ехP.aiеп.. ot'11o|ki]lgа| L|suРсrЛldfkс1 i|1|l.

Artiсles 1 > pagе 143 Articles 2 - sсhool, the sсhoal, etс > page 144 Prcpo'itioпs in relative сlauses
> page 144

2 Life ond сoreer deve|орments

ассoпр (l. * /.'k^mpllt/
€nd uр (l. /еnd nр/
/m riul Dn.
/рtod]еkt. ]rr.Udзеkt/ liлdyoLlrtеlt / tiiшd j. 1it/
|O .( i soгпеbоdy's / frlэo п sшЬ.djz
/ vспs.(г)/
lootstерs tU1s1сps/

9аin+ getоi п |r /gеl!n п lаlil hardф p (n) i 'nс:('d.i]p/

gVеso]теbodу n5]qlrl 1gN s^mЪэdi msax
|EVе аlрlаliоll5 i ha! Еsp] rе'.'(.)nz
,'nnlrdSl ovеrсomе sеtЬaсl'is / эo!эkNn 'sсlЪФks/ iпfriпq€mепt (n)

/ kiю1flkсI.l(.)n] рLrt5orпе1h n! On lrod ]pots^mOц]nn h.o|o

/,шdаt) strndn]l dii,6ils dlkt(э)n/
59r\.е aп аррreпt.eshiр /,sз(I)a эn. preltlФр/


nrsk t!i(.)ni(r)/
з |nteгviеws
(n) /DkjU pоI.|(.)!эl 'hФzэd

! Vе somеbody а gl ]n! 1 grv samЪэdi . gfllп]/

/ эUnэ(r).'ry/

i sф оIJ(.)
ph nr rg (i) /tijЦ/
l si] ralt eru: sшb.d]]
рon п! (п)


4 otЬeг words ond phlоses

а...mрtвlr (v) * /. t^nl]rLl.'/
ас.оmрьh€d (аd]) ]э kшрllJr'
aс.omр i5rmeпt (t]) iэ L^пrPlIJп.nn
аd]шtm..пt (rr) ** /а dJ^s(t)m.пt/
аrs.flom (!) /ага]z
Al!п'е (!] *** /э

olheг сo |осotiois
аtа.hmеnI (n)** /э tatlm.nt/
.еh.d the /ь] hаmd d. silпz/
i!аid аrgе /bаI аn |u]d31
. Uttеr (n)
/m vaт.(r) kDltid(э)nУ i klatа(r)/
.оГn]теr.a rеtшns (i) /<эmз(гI(э)] пtз(r)nzi / srL{r.(r) va',.(rl
соrроratе.liеnt 1п) /k.(ф(эЕ*r]alэп1i ] sэ(odз(а)n/
.о!i5е]iпs (n) ** / kaUns(а)lп]i tеnасty (n)

сroр (i) r* &mp/

dе Vец/ (n) *** /dr]N(.)ril
dеmаidiпq {аd]) r* /di пolпdr']/ / !еnt.lэ(r)/
d s.osr (.r] ** /dlsklэо,/
dsplrlе (n) *** /dr sрju|t' dlspju]t'
еagеl Gd]] ** /.i:gё(r)/

120 Unil 9


' :"Т*lli:il:","Hro;.,,'"Tf

1 ll]h.ll l.lll il] lеrl L'': r]i illсii j i

L?.oгi..i.]LlO' 5 i !job ltэр.li].ttijе l1rо.сit
2 T lе 5П.',! icра|d. ]..l!!r.iеrlr.1i!п

З ih nk i! i (].. tl]!.];iirar 6 it!.]l oi])i.l]аn.!'lr'. h;!е
4 5lrе j
7 idсn i Ьriiе!. ih.1fi! b..j[5l.l]]]i j.lijрlаrl]...ijLr5Р
]!ji trе.nil| ].lr.]oimi]rkri г'] 01lLi-L

WoRKBooк | pаge 76
Аrtic|es 2
Prepositians in re|ative с|ausеs
2 сhoose the сorreсt аlternаtive.
з сomрlete thе seлtenсes With thesе
i']]il.lеnt! !.iсrР llLri!пq:J ;,ili!, Lrn
iеr] |l
[r]е. ti]е]r г..|' а iг.Lrnh 'm li]t .!r.4
hil; аtWhiсhpoint forWhiсh forWhom
fl,;HP:" "::ll.*.
2 |]il iеа.hе|| l,];r|t?i] t. k t!,l L'i]l h;.ht.].] .
|. l!h!oi ]]сr1.rcr]]
./l]ir l h.)'.F .t!.i ih ll.]! io ]r. giitеi,i
J \1l/. J.'eltlOi/liiE.rLrr.l io
tdk. рtotсj.jfii 2 Yi]Lr 1 .1rIlt n.."d !.пlе ! r-.1. d0ih j'
4 Th(]j.!rn; ьt !.r'..гl io l.iii.рliloп t0 nt.:r!i!l.l з
] ,?
пctol .t]j .r Пill.
Hе lре.l t,.rO c'r!5 ]. ]l.].ll05р d !!h .lhe|
5 Еrеi 5p..k iroп ! i.l 0. рnl' l rеr! irе. jh.j.l]l.;];i
l/е /lr.i- lJ l]ii..'.ii. 5i1)i tо ]эr'a ii]ri.]!5 б
1h j i;iрr.f.:i]D|.а.l
|Lf ir] qilii] а iJ k -l j 5 athl]l t:il](!
7 Lhпk i5 lh." m0lrеl].-
WoRKBooк ) Pа9е 76 WoRKвooк > ра9eso

Vеrb ПoLln сО1|oсatians

.1 l\,,Iаt(h
1.7WitЬ а-9 to mаkеsentеnсes.
1 Ft.hаl ]JiJеlr
2 Еr.":п,iilrа rrto 5рrrk
.]dе,.-p.r l ilеl5tа ]rn! oi]ioi thе]oh rЕ.r
5Ir пc t?..lLrs. !r
з hr а.tc| j аi]|rLri];rt. l
n Ье iз/е! г l]с r. j .еr.
4 n!э !5L]; l l... !
сon n.п.l b..aL]з." i]! i.;ii!r (]orli5 !,r'hаt
5 'l п(llеjl]o"]d!.]i i.е,.j.. l!
; r.r"'urL]rl.t ]/l.ltl] Ц ! /'i!,
6 Е. 'r i.lal! ]r5р Р!
; .'].]Оl5.tЬ;Lt lrс.а!5е lrс s]!r !е.]
7 |. hns сiii r.r.nlе iil!..
.J .|rп] .rlj i l;t i.!' р.l]р е Jgll! l,;iLh

WoRквooK ) Page 77
.ifе and Сarееr dеVе|Оpmеl1ts
2 Rеаd thedefinitioni алd (ompIetе the ехpress|on5.
] 5t.rrt to i.L]ii.Jid..пl..d.iL] е io l]са l,' tl soпlri
з сomр |ete tЬe se ntenсes With an а pprop riate Word.
l п. = l h. rtсrlilr.r 0rn Jп j h.ld' тl]."j, lса \r q..]t ilе
2 sli]р r)n].tl]П1i l.irрI.пп .i z п..t q ]еji.]..or!]еt.i]r mr
r./l'.!t ] l .i iliаnl1РхDРlL п!lJ
.i-4r = riul ir)rr.ltiinr rn
З ] о 5; r iс /LdrllЛr! bLr1i.olr c r.htll.i.L].]l tliгi;:]]J
з h..5L|Lr l ii! =!]еi
(rIlll' l. !!.5 ]liпl
a .с.r:1..]i]r t! iol Lhе l 5l tiiiе' to !..е 4 irit еJiil llеrlo.5 |rLri dii].
t ]сt l:ll i.r!5
|y..! i(сT!r.r'!qood ..n),|.|
i| r rl уc||t ,1:a,tr.i1rit1,
i !i. ho\r',r..]fr.ii ioOlеt]
5 .o 5 t]еls.г т] iiol'l t|l.
o ]l|:] ]::,ll1nr,е.] UЁа rlpеl-il
|еl0] ,.. r\
.;i].r.i].-Е tir.!'i. !o(.o itr
б !....rt]оI а!Ь б :.1.[ец5t!
b].';liLr;il.]t пt i1= :]]]:: |;]j1
рoil c |)i 5|!а[ П.i (
'.;| i ;.c
WoвkBooк ) pаge 74
WoRKBooк ) pаge 74
I cerunds

voсаьu|аry 'г0..л|.аI,ol сo -lni
пfrn tves
t|l ips is
ru|es aпd revisioп WhatеVеr, wherevеr'

dl|0 b|eаldo^r Dhld.d|!Р'bs,

c0rnгnLrпlcaton] ntelnat0naIly poрu аl Еng|ish W0rds
sрeаking tPreseilаt0ns2:Personа|topics

u oc co m m u n i ca t i o n/co m n u n i ca t i on b rea kd own
|Mаtсh these eхplessions With the definitions l l0.
п rеаding асI\rit]ls Where !оLr сOгnрlete tab е5' 5LrгпГnаriе5

find something puzz|in g get the Wrong end of the 5tiсk оrsеntеn.е5' rеаd thе lnnuсtоn5саrеfu !to knofr
\r'ihеthеryо! саn \'!r]tе апI!\rords' orrпr пLrmftr ot.l'o|d!'
imp|ysomеthing mаkeа(Witty)rеmаrk
nthе5ра..s,somеtiГnе5yoJ аrеq'Ena 5tof vlord!оr
mаkе a gаffe misinterpret somеbodу/somеthing
сhесk!Oi] knc!/ \l/lа1ь exрeсted
рhra5е5 tO сhoosе ftom'
off€nd sornebody unintentjonа| y ЕХAм 5UссЕs5 ) pаge ]54
ta*Ёsom€liiflg]iфlу tа|kаtсrosspurрoses

Rеаdtext в again and сom plete the tаЬle. Use Words

from thetext. Use no mole thаn two Words for eасh
] Lrnderstаid !.rmеthiiE ]n thе Гnon bJs].' oblict! mеаninq5 оt
tnе'lюrds k|t. миtt|h1
2 m]sLrпcеБtaп. sOпllih П! (to оq!.1] IinguьtЪсommепt
з m 5Uпder5tаnd soп]eЬ.]d)y'soпlеthinq
4 r,.r'hеi two реoр е th пk ihе/rе ta k пq аЬОLtthе 5аmе th nq
tlлg|] i |. ..a. r Ьд.r ..
bLrt ]n tасtthеу аrеn]
5 mаkе somеbod! Lrр5еtаnd аПqrу !.r'ithoLri mеап п! tо
6 Гnаk." aп embarrаss]n!] mьtаke n рL]L, с, е!р..са yсПеihаl
Lrрset5 sOГnеbOdу
7 say sоmе1h n! (сLе.rеrаnd tLrnn)r)

8 be сOn|.rsе. b!'somеthinq Ь."с.!5е!Ou саn'I un.l|slаll. t th rd t]mе

9 5L]q!]est)rcLr d]]!lksoInеthiгq tthO!t 5.i]iо t. rcсt )r
,l0 Lrпders:аid s ght d |iсrегсеs that may iJс d |i.] t tс Пot сс bL]l
wlаi yo| !]еt
|]uxг|хi' : \

Reаdthethtee аltiс|еson pаgе ]23.тhen Writea one- or 1."1.

two.senten(e sUmmаry ofеа(h one. d 5cГnеth]rg с еVеl

аn!!аnе ЬЕ

Rеаd teхt с аgаin аnd сomp|еtе this summаry. Usе Words

from thеteхt' Use no molethаn twoWoldsforeасh
з Rеаd teхt A аgаin аnd dedde jfthe stаtements are trur (т),
fа|5е (F)or ifthe inforпаtion ь not givеn (NG).
Тhе m nа (с l./ |h |h Wt 5h t|.|iL !n .'^/.!.aLrsе. !V aп
5 5
Тhе tr.rns а. cn 5..r!.е i5 oг ! iоr реoр е раy Пq shOlL 1а |'45р.]г5е cесаL]5е Inс trans а10ltraj
totFе сty, I i:/i!|
гo. ь] Off]. а i рrinie.]lhе sigr b."с.r]::
тЬо.nm.]п :.t! Й nlгr |ч. !i .. Ьa.: .a
lhеу.(еrе iс] thе m."аning Тhеу
оfрoрLr аrdemanr] l,,,iil; (d) ihе 5!i ".rhеr
thеуioLrnd о!ttl.еi
I l,!rita.
д Rр i. in....d . C i( р. i. F.n Ь n trnр

siLrаrt sm]t| 5 Work гq \".' th thеtrап5аtioll.oГiраn1.] lit'til Guess the mеаning оfthе undelIined Wolds from theil
(ontext. тhen Uge а diсtiоnаry to сheсkуоur ideаs.
ior li аше! аn t|аn5 а|O|5' rt:,'rL;
6 G aswеq аn5 аnс somе 5OL]thе|i !Пq i5h 5реаkеrl
tlnd еасh оthеrmUlUа y nсOГnрlеhеn5 b e il'.,,r:r

Unir lO

ш тodaу тranslations is |oo k iлg people Who мrтhorburn said that seruiсe is a suссess it сau|d bе l
if the
undeгslапd the Glаsoow асоent 'or аnd cаn trаns|аte it ехрanded into otheг tJK сities Wth notorOusly diffiсult aссeпts,
lo] рuzzled visilors to thr сity. DrJane stuаrt-smith' a Reаder iп ЕПqlsh Language atthe
sJ.сess.- саnd|dа|РsW p,ov|dрselv.essJ(hаsiг'e,plF|,]g Un versiiy ot G|asgow' specialises iп the G|asgow асс-"nt
duriпg business meetiпgs and оn оonterenоe са]]s' shе sаid:
G|aswegiaп ассent has a range of Varietles'
тhe соmрanу has hаd 80 арр|iсations siпсе it р|асеd an rangiпq frb]rn those с|ose to standard English to those that aгe
adveltisement in I,e яerаl4 а G|asgow.based newsрaрer' rnuch c]oserto sсots' so the broаd vаrietes of G|аswеgian Whrсh
ye$eroay. a|e |ing Ulstiсa||y аnd structurа||y more d J{erentfrom stаndard
Eng|ish yoL Would eхрeсt рeoрle tо find hardertо undеrstапd,
тhe аdvert ca sfоr'speаkers of G|as\i]egian, Еnglish ],i]ith
kпo],i/|edqe of vооаbu|ary aссent nuaпсes' to mеetthe have overseas students coming to the Ln versity Whо hаvе
ntеrрleting пеeds of с|ients Whofind it a|] Uлrхрeсted сhal|еnge',, not had аny eхрelience оf sоottsh Еng|ish but hаve beeп tаuqht

N4 сkТhorburn' sрokesman for Тodaу lraлs|ations' said theу retеved рrоnuлсrqI!o]]' Forthе firstfеW Weeks you саn see them
getting usеd tо t' butthey аdаpt Vеry qUiоkу,',
deсided tO offerthe seruiсe in lesрoпse to reqUestsfrom с|]ents,

нesaid: ,Probab|У
What's dr V ng t sthatGlasqow s beсоJn ng she sad a stldУ р!b ished this уearfound thаt southelr.] Еng|ish
sрeаkelsfound the G аswegiаn aосent hаrd to understand
a big busin'.ss ceпtre thesе dауs' аnd thе соmmоnweаth Garnes
arе going to bе hr d there' However' G|aswеgians fouпd sоuthern Еng|ish as easУ to
,,веa||ythe Uпderstапd as sрeaking to other рeoр|e frorn G]asgOW,
sеrviоe Wi||be for pеop|e Who miqht соme frоm
р|aсes |ike Japап and m lht bе n G|аsgow оn business' апd mаy D- sILаrI smitг said tre с|aowеqiаг iгтelрreтl']g sP.v|.e sе
have |eаrпt9qс EЦqЦs! aпd sudden|у reа|]se they don't reа]У d goоd bJt sressеd thаt с аsgow фas ]ot the oг'y Uк сity
understand ever!,'thing thаt s beiпg sаid,,, Wth a difficu|t acоeпt'
Word to d€scr]be sOпlеoпe or somethiпg 1rоп] GlаsqоW iп sсоt|aпd

ЕE l inguisl chrislopher J. мoo]e has mаde а сareer try to lefuse gfts' beсause' sooner 0r |аter' they rnaУ have to
Lof seаlchiпg oul some of tIle Wor|d's mosl rерaу the debt. HoWeveIthe bond of gt]алхl s rare|у aсquitted,
..unt1anslаtаb|e'' ex0]essions _
Words from around the beсаUs€ onое the le|atопsh p exists' it sets up ап end]ess
g|obe thаt defy аn Gаsy tlanslаtioп iпto Епglish' lv|oole
shаres a few of his Iinguistic fаvolites flom his ncw book Еrench: cspril de.l'escalief [es.рrer de less.kal. aу] (d om)
ln (tlhe| Wo|t!s: А l.angaagе Lovefs Guide to Ihe мosl
llltigaing words Аround the wo d' А Witty remark thаt oссLrs t0 уou too |аtr' itela||У on the Way
down thе sialrs, тhе 0xford Dicti1nary 0f auotatiaл| |jefines
Af]ican Laпguаges: i|unga [еe' un gа] (пoun)
Рspnl th l,Рь.ohФ a5,,А^ J |||апsiа Jb|P p|..аse, Ihe mеагiгq
тhis Word fгom the тshi|uba ]angUage 0fthe Repub|iс 0f C0ng0 0f Which isihatone 0пlу thinks on on6's Wаy dоWпstairs оfthe
has to0Oed a Ist drawn u0 With the hеlD of one thousand smаttre]!I! оnе rn ght hаve made in the draw ng loom '
tlansatоrs аs the most uпtrans|аtаb|e Word in thr Wor|d. |t Jаpaпese: yoko meshi [У0h-koh mesh re] (noun)
dosоlibes a person Who is leаdу to forgive aпytransglessOЛ a
As ап uпtrans|atab|е' this оne rаnks h gh on mу list оffavoritеs'
first timr an d then to to|orate t for a seсond time, l]ut never lоr a
оOu|d пot mprove on the baсkground given bу сommentator Boye
th rd time.
Lаfayettе de N]e],]te abоutthis bealtfulWord. y0k0 лleshi таken
lMаndarin сhiпese: gшаnхi [g!ryал'shee] (noUn)
|itera| y, ,]es,l meаns boiled riсe, and y0k0 means 'holizoЛtal''
Тhis is one оfthe essentialWаys of qetting things done n so combined уоu get,а mea] eaten sideways.,Тhis is howthe
traditioпа сh пesе soсietу, тo buid Uр goоd guа,хi you do Jарaпesе def]ne the peоu|iarstгess indUсed by speаking а
th]ngs fol рeoр|e suсh as give thern g fis' take them tо diniеl' foreiqn ]anguage:yoko is а humоrоus referепce t0 the fаоtthаt
оl !,a1[ аVoL,s соnvе,sеlv' voJ tап a )o JD' voJ| 9,ал\i ..]арanese is пorma |y Written Vеrtiоa||у, Whеreas rnоstfoleign

With someопе bу сal|in! in favors owed' onсe а favol is doпе, aп lаnguages arr Wlitten hoгizonta||у,
Unsрoken ob|]gatoп exists' NiaУbe beсause of this рeoр|e often

E GWansea
сounсil сontаоted its in-fiouse translatioп
designing а biIiпguа| sign bаrring hеаvy
Unawаre оfthe lea| rnean ng ofthe rnessаge, offiсia|s had it
When рr]nted on the sgn underthе Еng|ish' Whiс|] сorreсtу rсads:
goods vehiоles from а roаd in the Morriston аreа ol thc entrу for lqa]iygqodq vetljq]9!, Residentia site on|y,''
Welsh сity. тhе соunсi|took down the sign, nеar an Asda suрormarket' after
вut asthе tlа|,ls аtol Was notаvаiаb|e' theV reсrivrd aп Wе sh sрrakers sрotted the m]stakе
automаtrd r.rnai| rrsponse iп Wе]sh sауiпg: аm not iп thе
offiоe аtthe mornent, Pease send аnv Work t0 bе trаnslaied.'.

UDii i&

Look аtthe sentenсes be|ow. in pаils, disсuss Why Do We usuа|ly use а gerund otаn infinitive inthese
you tЬiпkthe gerund or infinitive is used in eаф one. situаtions? Whiсh sеnten(e in lа is аn exаmp|е ofcаф?
a tdеs.Iibе!а реrson !/hO ь rеаdу to forg ive any I a||еr рrеpas|т ans 1е'1и4' 11

tran59rе55iOn 2 at|е{ toо, еnoщh, thе fist. thе |а\t

b tЪа Wаyofleso|ving а рrobеm ],.]ithoLrt |osingъсе з tоtа]kаboLrt рL]rрOsе, сrexр a n lihу somеbody doеs
с тo build up good qudл.rl' уО Lr do lh ng5lоr реop е, somrth nq
d сommuni(аting in ап a еntong!есаn be 4 аfterVеrbs Of|ik пg оrd !]k nq
tfl.r5trаtin!' 5 а5 thе sL]bjесt/Ob]eсt of а sеntеп.r
Тhе!'nееd tOflnd somеonе to trаnslаtе lоr them 6 а1tеrthеsеnoL]n рhra5е5 /|! nоgоod/!sе, lt\ (]1оt) v|,anh,
f 5оmе реOр e.ant nind seeing mis1rаnыatlons of тhеrе,s nо рaint (iл), h|l1/е diffiultу/рoblеns/t|auь1е |inlwnh)
tnе r OWn ang!аqе, 7 immеd а1e y а|t..r аd]есt Vr5
At аswеg аn a..епtсaп be tOO d]ffсLr
fl51а G tto 8 iГnmеdlаtе y after лitе рronо!ns (Jomela/he|Р,
understаnd fOr оVеrsеаs nLrdепG'
|tъ по !5е going tо а ЬLrs nеss meet ng ifуlrLr сап't
sреаK1nr Ian!Lrаgе lGRAfl]мAR RЕFERENсЕ ) рjgE ]44 ]

сomplete the text with the сorre(t folm ofth€ ]sP!4ЦlN6: Workin pаils. сomрaleаnd d is0ss you r senten@s in з.
Whаtъ n а namе? We lomе pеoр]е5ауyoLrr пагiе
mау rnаkеthе diffеrеnсe betwееn
(а] (Ье)hарpyоr lnhаррy ii iifе' tФ.!еvsri.цф.eiез9,I',фоеv.giji.iёtq:.::]l:l]jjj:l:::.iii,ii]:] ji j]]:]:,:

(b) (.а )yoLrrсh d somеthing Look аtthе sеntenсes апd (hoose the сorre(t alternative in
LrnLr5!а| kе вIoоkуn' RoГnеoorсruz 5 а quеnOn ol therulesbеloW.
реБопа tanе' ЬLrtyoLrr5Lrrnате i5 а di|ierеnt Гnаttеr а hеWOrd dе5.r ЬеsWhеп yoLr рLrtlomеlh]ng OlyoLrБеt' ntо
дд isЬnри]rnrnр ...n .iр.]]qп р v/hаt you'rс d.]]Пq,Whatever t mаy Ье'
(() . (fiпd o!t]]fthе rrеаdels' b Wherevel lou gO, рeoр е spеаk !,]ith somе 5ort ofа.сеnt'
lLrrnаmе5 nl]!еnсеd thе r les ТheyWапted to knOW с Whenever a fаvoLrr s doпе' аn L]nsрOken оb gаtion еx!15

Whether(d) ''.. ',,. ',,

'(hаVеJа sLrrnагneWth
d нowever hаrd thеytry' 5omе реOр]е сan1Lrпdеrstand thе
а lettel nearerthе start ofthе а рhаbеt mаdеyou morе
sLrссessfLr thапthosе W]th пагnе5 nеаrеrtheend 0f e Ап intеrprеtеr shoLr d LrndеrsLand nLrаnсе5' however5mаll
сOLrrse' рeOр еWhosе 5Lrrпаmes bеg n Wih А arethе thеyаrе'
flrst {е) ',,. ,,, ',, (арреаr)oп аny n'
\||е usе |\|haеvе. Whеnеvеr''lhi.h€yet еt. Whеn t il,atej-./
tЪ.] 5сhoо reg а noljoЬ iЛtеrvеWее5' ol in а
'd'!'ЕJ|t.,!4lе 4лx d ifiere nсe Who' Whеп, Wh.h, erc
рhOnе book. DO pеOр еWhosе 5Lrrnаmе! Ьeq п Wth l Wе Lr5е howelel + аd]есt]Vе/adverЬ to 5аy ]t r,16ilеj/dbefi'l
forехаmр е, hаVе troLrb e (f)',,,,, (adарt)
'',, |л,tier how m | сh уOu do somethinq' or h oW Ьig/rmа /
1othаt? (g) '', (dо) thе ехрor]meпt' difiiс! t5оmеthing is,

реoр]e hаd to q]Vеthе r'urnаmе, аgе аnd 5rх апdthen

sаyho!.r sLr..r55ftr thеy hаd bееn а..ording tovаrilrLrs
саtegоrеs tWаsintеrrn]nq
сom plete the !entenсes With these words.
thаt, tеms ofсаreel, реор..With sLrrnапlеsаt thе
nаIt ofthe а phаЬеt Werе indееd гnorе suссessflr, Whenеvеr Wherеver Whiсhever
меn зеrm (i) (lrе)аffeсtеd Ьу
thь еffе.t morеthап Women' Dеsрitе1h 5, thе sLrIVrу
0о"d."i o no,.j ] Hе!е1s nеrvoLrs hс hа5 to spеаk]n Еng ъh On ti-
аbоlt hаv ng а sL]rnагnе5tart пq With i аtе еttе| nth.Q
а|phаbеts nсe theellесt5 Wеrе Vеrуs ght. 2 Pеoрlеtеndtо sреаkЕпg 5h ',, '',, уOu qo,

сompIete thе senten(es using a verb in thegelund

or infin itive. ма ke the sentenсes true fol you.
ong уou sIL]]]у i
1 don1think therеъапу рoiпt n Wе саn n,]eet,.
'',,, dау yolr ikе
. ,

2 n myoр n on' i1,sWorth ,, 5 n Гnуор n оn, ,,,, ',, ' 5ay5thеусаn sреaktп'еntу
аnquаqеsfLrеnIyъ r пg
з ]nеVrr hаVе рrоb rms '''
4 Аfter fее rеа ygood' '
hарреn5,, аl,,!a!s Ovе yоLr

5 IесkOn ь а.oГnре1еVr'аstе Oflime,

Unir lO

Phrasа| verbs _ c0mmuпiсatioЛ

1 маtсh thephlаsа| verbsin bo|dWith
exp|аnаtions 1-10.
n а !n slаff пreеtinq' ]асq!e|inе
Vеr5 ty

Lа)Ьroughtuр the 5! b]eft o| Whethеr сoi

5hoLr d rеpасе реn апd pаper n eхarг]s,
(ьjpоinted outthit пovGdаy5 mon
Viritе еvеrylh nq dol^/п Ьy hапd Bi (с)pi
on hеr рoiпt' mепt oп пg thаt somе Oi hjs
сoL]d hагd yWгi1e aпymorе bесausеthеy
сomрute|slorа thеi| sсhOO Work HоWеV
а iew pеOр е (d)spoke out nfаVoLrrotр?

рen, esрeс а y Kаrеп. вL]t еv.Arytimе Kаrеn ]
5ау ng somеth nq, Bil WOLrd(eJсUtin.nс]ii
аnother рOint himset' Bесаurethе сOnVеi
Wа5 qrri1e hoatеd' п 1,!аs diffiсu|t for mon
tO (f)make outWhаt Kаrеn апd B Wеft
lаlrnqоt еa ) аngl] , th B || 5 tоne, she Гёft thаt
hе Wа! (g)tаlking downto her' bLrt he dа mеd he
Wа5ju5t tryiig to lh)spellout h s 1hOLrgh1s' Whаt
beсагnе сеаrWа5thаt пе thеr sidе со! d {i)get
thlough tothе Othеr' аnd 5o thеy а dесdеdto
U) tuln to аnоthеr ]mрortаit ss!е,
ofthe word Whiсh bеst fits eа(h 9аp.
] сhапgеfrom one sLrlrjeс110аnOthе|
Use on€Word onlyin eaсh gаp.
2 Гnаkr sоmeOnе undе15tаnd WhаiyoLr аrеtrуiпq
Ho!.r oftеn dо реорlе Writе iоWаdаys? tor mа'thе аnsu/еr !,not
з tе soгneonе somеth n!
V/ritе bу hапd' 5o rnауЬе а
уlru Writе sthe Oссаsionа shopр]ng
norа qLr]сk
4 ta k to roгneоnе аs liуоL] th nk 1hеy аre not а5
mе55ageto soгnеonе thаt yоLr rаvеоп yоurсesк0I LD]
сеVrrorа5 |mрOnantаs уou homе' B!tаr (с) mostсOmn,]On s]tuat]On ь Whеrе реOрIе
5 5tаrtdъсu55ing tyрr еVеryth ng thеуWr]tе' е]thеron а сOmрutеrkеуboаrd OrOnthеll moЬ е
6 tаtеyoLrroр n on iirm]уапd рuЬ сytoрroten р o,l.,/O ..,. o'.с. o,d\|| 9lo .h, d.d % .оoо
аga пn or dеlеid sоmeth ng n]Orе' it саn bе a mostlГnрO55 b|е tO mаkе id) l,lrhаt thе

7 inlеrrUрt WOldsаrе' вUt 5OГnе pеOр е рrеd сtthаt п thе futurе hа пdwritiп q W]]| on у
8 undе15tаnd 5ornеoпе or 5oпreth ng 1,!i1h (e). lnderslood byа fеWехрert5 inthе 5ub]есt (аthoLrqh
dlffс! tу t hа5 Ьеen plr пtеd (f) 1hаt еVеn todаylttаkеs аn ехрrrt

somеth]лq yеrу с torеаdаdoсtor'shandwrtng)'somесоmраniе5do nsвton]oЬарр сапt5

ехpь n
5orn.Qопе nаs n01

o|tеn bесаu5е
hаnd ng n handwrltten сovеrlng еttеrs' п (q] .asеthе
hаnd!'/ritiiq ъ !5ua yаnа]у5edto ЬLr]]d !р a сhаrar:tеr рortra tolthe саnd]di]tе,
t0 ta kin morе dеtаi аbOLrt 5omеth nq thit
Nоt еVеryЬodу l^/oLr d а!rееthаt qood hапdwгit пq ъ thе bestеlidenсе
hа5 гnеnt oпеd
'omеOnе (h]'', ',. '... ,, ,,. \,/h сh to Ьа!еihe deсs]On tO еmр OysornеOneor
nоt' bLrt t struеthаt rеа ygоod handwrt nq сan сrеа1еа grеаt ]mрrеsson.
Rewriteeасh senten(e using а рhrаsаlvelb in l.
] fnа||у madеthеm !пdеr5tnпd Whаt
lu/еtlrп (i] сhjпa ind ]aрaп, hаnd,rll1ng thеrе rсa y
sаnаrtfоrгn'but tЪnot5!сh (j) ',, ,,.
5ау]ng ',. rаsyonеtorkd5to
еа|n аsthеrе аrеоVеr з,000 d]ffеIеntсhаcсtеr5iо rnеmor]zе Тhе р.oЬ ern
fиа/' lot thfu"lh h, thеИ' ! not to reсOqпi/е thегn' itl to rеп]embеr 1hе st|oke' oltirе р."n yoLr nееd to
2 WoLr d nop iпtеIr!рt ng
уo! p еа5e асtLrа у гnаkеthrm. Agreat nlmbеI Otсhj|dlеn 5репd а thеrtiпlеiехt]nq
3 DOnt5реаkto гnе a5 fl,,\'a5асh dI k O,."." d,,O, 'lqdl е,O, р l. Lеrbo.d |"
сеrlа]n у а mon nеVеr pсk uр а рen Orа ра ntbru5h ]n ordеrio Writе аnуthinq,
4 'm going to ехр а n my op n oп а5 с Еаryаs
ро55 b е
(l) ',,,'. ''',. ''.. ''..а rе5u t'there s nowа n'AW Сh|nеsе\\!a|.1,|ihr'xоnqzl,
vih сh mеans tаke рen,lorqet сhаrас1еrl
]d ]kе to iпtrodu.е thе 55ueofhowthe ntеrnot
]nfLrеn.е5 ]апgLrаgе
Тhеп с] ketO сhаngeihetopс аnd tа kаbolt
teena!е 5 аn! When yOLr lnish, rеаd 1h. сOmр et'4 tеxt \(]th yоLr r а ns}/er! n р]асе аnd
shе l5n1аfrа]d ofstаt]ng ореп у thаl5h€з see ifyo!rапswеrs (а)гnаkе 5еn5е аnd (Ь)itgrаmmаti.а y V/]th thе Word5
аga nst а|lfoms оfсеnsоrsh]p аround thеm'.heсkthat you hаVe us'"d Onе Word' апd оп y опе ./.rord' for
sреаkuр, p ease' beсаL]sе lсаn't hеa|Whаt ЕxAN,lsuссЕss > Pаge 152
уoule say nq,
9 саn j!51nythаtthis Wаlnt mу dеа?
4 SPЕAк|NЕ: Whаtаboutyo'?
]0 ikеtо mаkе moЕ dеta еdсOmmеntаbOL]l
|.:] a
Whаt my сoi|еagLrе hasjLrn sа d'
] Do you th]nk hаndWritiп1l ,,!i dъарреаrii thе 1LrtLr rеi lrvhy?/Why not?
2 DoуoU th]nk tmattеrs I hаndwritin g dl5ар реа 6? Why?/Why nоt?

The Por,vGll. of uroгds

i ,r': i'; i i,,;

Pаper,0y by сhristopher FOW еr

1 Reаd thе end of а suс(essfuI Briti5h wliterзаutobiogrаphy' HoW ha5 his
reIаtionsh iр with books сhаnged 5inсe he Wа5 а boy? Why hа5 it (hаnged?

f i.. s о s..лes of o.keс]с]oos yo! mlstf nd Iirь tnre os Wо ked

\'oys io oрen, books рro! с]oс] me \./ гr ]гre t|s] uр Tгrе sTr.оT \,V гr nrу
of n-rсjny kоys BL]t\,Vhon !./оs Teп' ]lc! \./c|e о so ormru ol books. reo re.l
mу рrVс]e shс]me t"/сrs cmbсrr|оss.о To be s']огr гrod nolh гrg To h.]е Ti.]е
соtry ng them rlerYwгreгэ | !en]' b!] сo! с]n,t ]с]]р Dr nt-..] рoge hсr.] no]
oс] о с] 6, jmpr soneс] my ]ho!ghts' bLrT hoс] !-.n ihепr shoрe onс]
o foctbo ic mу сhosi ol сr b сус о p!пlр' о| сVеn sel Them Treе n9leod ot sh. nk ng awoу uпT thеy Wеrе
, b. .l
о siroе сst, no onе uoLr c hоV'a ]na.]e i|rn oi me d ё6"ёd o ,o' р, , рё
вoоks !iе.е th пg9 sе] tо lre ioreveг h с] пg, оnсi v ev.ry s]oр ]сrok Eосh book o
] Ih hсr.]
oсr с]fferen1Vo сe, onс]оoсh !o сe сoU d lэe с]st nсty hеord \
tU.ked tгrem !P mу ]!nrрer Onс] even h с] ireпj Soп]е !./еlе уе o!.].с1 оnd T n!ес]\tr,th obsojеsсenсe, \
n5 dе the br ck о r lent n гrо tlоn gor.]en !nii] | oirrеls wеrе сrs 'slrr! n9 onс] гrsьtе thеy гroс] |rеen 1
сo!].] sofe Y sml gg e them L]рsiс]гs Ileу gole oo uрon iirsl |e.rс1ng Аnс]iherе \,Vеrе nev/ Voiсеs Trrоi hсrd
muсh owoy сbout..e, сrnс] - оs сrс]! ]s !,]ere сr Woys . bё., 6, oё o oё \о oo
soy ng . the mcгreу spon on .r book сolr с cе sреnl b'.еi o!еrlooked or qnored' nоli nеw y..mрo\'е.еd by
o o o. . о, р'
соu с]ho!-. bo!shi o р!ncilre k tfor ihсt, myfoi-]er О o.] ob.сr ".'"i
.. o, /
onсe sс с]!ren ,]e sоW ihc рrс. otсr boo( BL]tol] I
throLgh my сir с]irooс] irос] o sссrcl .ou с] bс.еlY lэo,\ V o |,o'o.. о.o|d .ooo {
ocknoliес]ge' Wh сh wоs lho] i hсr.]]о mс]ke O oVе.] {
to (eер m-. wсr|m' tr'oL] d о \!oуs hсrv. сhosen he \
gп nq thеmse Vеs on thе g tter ng dс]mр о r obove l
book е.'
sure ThoT T th s rе!'.o t
'/./.rs 'qесrel
woL с1mo(e me oo( weok опс]nLP].] ntheeyesоi
othеrs lt wos O ioпg ]]пreboto|о begоn o s!!рcс
сo ou15 on inе housеs .rt] оroUn.] !nt lthe еnT re 5kY oi
thot i glr .rс !о y пr.rkс m.э s |ongcl
]owе|Лg с oLrс]V/сrs l ес] V/ Tгr sеniеnсеs onс] Dгrrсrses
. Аf]el Ih.rd пry iirstnоVе рtrb sгrес]' fе] ii]е|е ond qlotеs ond с]еsсrрt ons of ..V..rY k nс], sрilс] ing
!'с's sonreth lg I nеeс]oс] 1o с]о ond..хр oс1гrg .] еVеry с]|eсton Th'.Wоrds b'.согnе о
thе enolon5 Tгrey .эрr-.sе гrled ' oL]ghtеr on.] olguпr'.$'
V/оnT boсk to \,esler.]о е Roос]on onе i nо
Vs T luo ]ieс]o onq Thе sс]me strе'.t' rеtraсns P..оs!r'., ..хh loroi]on сrпс] eпс]]e5s, bo!n.]e55 de 9ht
my steрs from V/here thе tteor.rn9ebrсkh.!se Есrсcс] v lh 5!сh.] cосoрhony оf mс!] nоion,
]o.] slоoс], lc!rс]los thc Eсrs] Cleе Pt]b с librсry Th'. rсriiоiсr br сk onс]соnсrеtе Wоrс]сoLr сl on y
Iгrc sky \./оs Thе сo oLr| оT o bLrs с1rVе.5 soсks' lT сrLmb е с]nс]fсr о!r'оy ikе ltrurneс] рoреr' b]aсkеn ng o.:
rс n гrg 9rr1y оnс]Tгrе slreеT ghъ Wеlе ].5T сom ng с] .o о ё ,o 6
on Iгro roсrd Wos Os еmрTy сr5 Tгr.с1everb.en'bLT Lonс]oп, lrronсhiпg oLt сrсross 1hе зub!rl.s ke conсrеtе
]L]с]g n9 by thе.]ozеn or so rooс] gns o ong ъ !!oy c о' cou с]not сoniс] n th'. tоrce of thes.. i]mly рс]!]'.5
lсoU d tе t novr' рrolit7.aс] V..h с' es, not р.aоp.6 No sUггo!nd..d by th s he!]I s]с ormy' | !/onder..d how L соL' :
eve' reo Y hоVe been оfro.] of оnуir ng сrtсr .
ThsTmе wos no] go гrg To tl.о broryTo borro!./ Wth th'. рr.ёс ous сorgo n my оrms' heoс]e.]
bоoks go пg to g V'. 9oпlе ltrс]сk !'оs
V/оs tгrro!.rh th.. ra n tоWоr.]s th.a We оcm ng ]ght of th-Е
Tok ng сrfevr' оi mу ovn iоlolrtе nоV'. s i!оm s.oop
to o'oлdoto Ihе Crystо/ l',L/or/d, from GorпlеnghсrJt
To Ihe sll|l ol snrklo Ihе yL,hitе сUltеr \l/с15 ]Ust 9o пg
]o k n оnс' qL ety eо!е th'.m oп thе shеves,
сorreсty o рhcb..i2..сl' to reрoy n some smо Port
the debt oWес], n the hcp. lro1 оnolher ]en-Yeor
o с] сh .] !./oL .] i n.] Tircm There.rnс] lrеg n To |eoс]

126 Unit lO

Теenаgеrs аПd rеаding

Reаd theteхt аgаin аnd аnswеl

I the questions.
,l lhе .'a! .г.Oаllа55е. аboJt.аrry пg
vlI lеr
Lookаtthe(omments about leаding.
Whetheryou аgree With thеm.
|n раirs, disсuss
ЬoоG аround аl tl]е |xlr bLrii in't ncр dо пq
. !\ hy? ] Pе.d]'r:.r.:rn t]е. !Еr! dLr рa': гге
2 ljhrt dо yoLr ih n ( ihе аLrthоl inеаrs "-rl."n hе sа!5 ti]аt
lrоcG'ga]е tоo mLrсh.ц'a! abO!t h]ml З ЕiJlrljрlт]rпlеrdраri.Lrа аLr.h! 5 furr]s 5t|.I]n|5 c|i
3 Vihirt vlаs lhr аtt iLrdе o:lhе lilitеr's tаth."rtо mопеy?
4 \i,/hаt п'а5 thе Wеаtl.еr ktcnthеdаyOi1h..е'/еiIhе 4 f! i'!!.nl 'r 1о rrаi.а5sсr.'riец (е j.akс]рсarf аl.
E dеs.rlbе5]
5 \'!hаt mеtарhordoе5 lе Lr5е tode5сгibеlhе 5k! апd !!hat 5 ]0! l.rlr |.rllr. ot .у lеаliп! bэn 5е еr;
imр|е55]o. dсе5 thе mеtарhcr!]!el 6 0r].! VO! sl.| t ,r .o..k },o| 5Fo| d. rra!5 tr! lO!| l;'.]е5t1..
6 5]n а. t:5 апd сjII.lеn.'.5 ех'l [rеt.]iееn ihе'nrrtеfs
\''./,lаt 'еас]|l.1rе еn.
I ъnvsttothe ]]Drar! аrd lh 5 оnе] 7 iеаd n! .cг..5 ! rot'il..реl |.;d]^g
7 !,r'h!does thс VirjL..ri... 5Lr.i qЕ'tLrdеiо.лard5 tnе brа|у? 8 Тее ъqеr5.i]г o! lJ Ф!l;-.]е. tL. rеа.'nоrе.r п t rq ;с
8 V'hаi hарp..s tOthе lеir /ror. ir раriqrарl l] to.o:nр!iе5 irn. i.е0 {].lnеr

тhe text uses numeroUs аdjеdives to сeаte vivid You аle goin9 to heаr а |iterаture tеа(hertaIkiп9 аbout
desсriptions. i\Лatсh the аdjeсtives 1-9 (undel]inеd readiпg' Bеfole yoU |ьten, disсuss Whеthеr you thinkthe
in the text) with the definitions a i. teасhel WiI| аglee oI dьаgrее With the 9tаtements in 4'
,l а 5irorq.ijd notеJ5 !0.Гnаqе0
рiuriр s .-; Listen and сhe*уour prеdi(tions in 5'
2 l n!]еd Wlti b iеЦ,.аrii,а5]i;norг. 5аbclttO
З stпgjiq .l]пlе -.l Listenаgаin аnd nоte down аnyinformаtion
you heаr

4 sh гninеr]nq с rеfr.t |q а qсnt е ]ghttiаt!еепl5 аЬouttЬefo|1oWing.

5 O.],/еr].'0
io !hak.5 qh1у
., 'n Ьу '"l,о v? ье j
1^е l"^сV.| vо1,l,l1 1 v
6 hoLrпd е55 '^i|
e Wir""П уo! еаrп liоm lcLrгоyin

8 i msy c 5.o."'еl е5 o, еlp.]ri,iсеs

f o|
у'Ь|ic's reьclol la ltn"
!еry nгoпq/пlak n! !O! Cь"пrL"s
9 iсtl5iс 1ее
1ьe o.pp"tl"п:иc"
Dicкen.s,s ltori4s
I largе оrTаt iп ап attrасt !.e !аl
h .onrа]п]iq а srnа]] аlilо!Пt оt
]qt aic lot O|iеr ng пl.rсh
иavе'Ls ьЬou1 vaьрles, cо^ сs' e1c

+ tLе' p|eьsllre peоple |ers1'!s

llат.h the цiскl3 аnrl definitiФn5. ,v|dea I^фР-э
tl^e P|e^s,'lre т|'\e,\\ 1rоw
1 5|Oе;5t a 5т. рr0]с.t:O.5]hаt..г]еircГ. 1ф
2 nL]f еd'tLr.rri] ir.]| ]

3 sml!! -. sе|.irо(r 5lo,.рз а sгnil io e

5 jсrd.r! р| 5h?|i. DLrt п.] !расe

d tаk"" so]n:.h п! Еqа ]'l to a Гr J.': sPЕAкiNG сompаrе your nоtes jn pаi15' He|р еасh othertо
rеnrrп п!] а оп! iп..5апl'; pdirl add informаtion Under eа(h heаding.
8.а y.L irа'rе е.]а оl! ЬеtЪrE
sPЕAкlNG WhаtаьoutyoU?
,'/'h сh
!o Пt5 rrlr.t hr 1."J..е .]o ]'nLr'jq ..е.] d !..]..е ! th
s J modс ihе 5h;рe o]а:ooi,
n :]]]'

.ck irt d itеre:. oрt cп5.,''ith0!:

Ье tq sLrl. vi:еtl.е. )'O!,,.iапt to

Unil IO 127

slЕдBlшG] Work in pаirs. Disсuss these q uestions.

,l Whydoуо! th nk рeoр е еnjoуdo nq сroslwords?
2 Whаt dо yo! th nk yoLr neеd to Ье оrto dо in Oldеr tO bе
gооd аt doiig сro55r,1rоrd5?

п thе пехt listеn ng aсt]Vity' yo! hаVеto сornр еtе

5еntеп.е5, Rеmеm Ьеr thаt U5!а]|у yoU nееd toWr]tе
Ьеt!.rrЕп oпеаnd thrее Words n еасh sрiсе сhесkWhether
уoLr hаvе to lirr te thе Words you а.tLrа y hеаr оr Whеthеr
thеyсаn Ьеd ffеrrnt соrrесt5рe ]ng 5а 5O lmрOrtаnt.
ЕхAМ 5UссЕ5s } page ]5з зРЕдl(liiG Work in раirs. studentA: сompаre two of
the piсtures. student B: sаy how impoltаnt you think
ПsтЕNl G (D2.l4 You Wi|lheаl аn interviewWith Wil| |аnguаg€ i! in these lituаtions аnd how you thinkthe
shortz, the сrossword editoI Io| тhe N еw Yo rk тimеs'
сomp|еte thetext. U5e а mаximum ofthlee Words аnd/ Lookаt this exаm tаskаnd, individuаlIy, 5pеnd one
ol numbels.You must usеtheWoldsyou heаtYou саn minut€ mаking note5.
Wi shortz hа5 a dеqrrе п Lаi bLrt You will hаvе to tаtk aъout this topiс for one lo two
whеn hе Wаs ni|lа1sсhOо h€firstп'aпtеd to bеа
гnаthеmаtlсаn and then а iь] Аtопе
Yоu ha\,е onе minutе to think аьout whаt you аrе
moment helhoL]qht he WоLr d,,lork рIaсtьiпq |aWfor
gоtng Io saу,
1(] алd thеn' аltеrthаt реr]od' v!'litе
Yоu сan makе somе nоtes
сrossword рUzzlеs, Hе th]лks .Iolsword pLrzzе5аrе bеttеr 10 hе]p you,
Dе\сlihе а linlе'lou hа.r,] nrohtpп ЬЬ 1а-"
пoWаdаy5 bеtaLr5е ihеy don'i сontаiп - -',
"' |-,''-' w,., Цлlt'
id) ,lhе ]dеa of todау! .rosswords 5 to еn|еt jau| o\Nn lаnguаgе o| аnothеr lаn?цuk<,
mаkе yo! (е] . A bi!]раrtоfshortz!]oЬ

Бtоореп аnd rеаd (fl lДhеп he еd i5 a . ||hе|е !1fut whеn it wаs,

.Iollword, iirе гnon гnрortаntthin! i5
is] ' h'hаt thе p|ob!е|11||аs'
Whеn hеt]nъhеs а рuzz. he Lrses
five реореtoсhесk it fourih] Whodo
if/ha|| thе prob|еп \|а! rеsotvеd.

thе рuzzеаnd оnе i!) a|ihеNе|||Yo|k Аlso' еIPIаin fh.1t ]ou lе|lпt ftom thе еapеrienсе,
rlлl€j Who doеs а f nа сhе.k Pеор|еWhoaIеrеa y goоd at
сrosswordsсan dothеm iп ij] min!t'.s'
сrosswordsаnd sudoklsnrr m]]аr ЬесаU5е thеy both hаVе

lk] tof
n Тhеdiffеrепсе Ьеtwееn
plzzеs aпd lеа |ifе 5 thаtWih рU7zles Wесаn dоthе,,!hO|е
somе sрeаk]nq eхаms yolrаЕ аskеd tоtа|kаЬоLrt
пot ]Lrn ра rt of t
' рe15Onа exprreпtе5,неmегnb..rthаtthеtорil ]5 bа5]са]|)'
аn еrсusе tO hearyou 5реak ng in Еng ьh, [i]аkе notеs sO
:siEAкIN! Whаtaboutyou?
tirаtуo(r knOWViilаiyO! аrе go ng tosаt bLrt\ryhеп уo!
Doуo! knoWаnyotherqаmeslhаt!O! саn раyWth\4/od5? bеg n 5реаkinq аdd morеdеtаl5 tOthе ро ntsyo! havе
Wh сh oлe!? Do yoLr еVеr p аythеm? Whу?/Why not? EXAIи suссEss Pаge ]50

Unit lO

7 sPЕAкlлG Aftet а рersonа|preseпtation

you Wiiloften be аskеd foIloW.up
dьсu5sion qUestions.ln раirs, аsk and
answerthеsе questions аbout |аnguage
] Hov] пlрolt;n1ь ittо b. аЬ еiO spеаk
norе llrdп onе ;nq!аqе?ljhy?
2 !!hi.h аnglagе d0 !оLr ih nk 5thеmon
t]s'. ! tо еа/n]!l/h!?
,l H.r.'(, лсi d.r реор е ill lolrr.o!ntr]r5реа(
ЕnqiБh] !\ h!?
2 HоVrd |f.Lr 1do уo! lh пk 1i5tO еаrn
аnO1hеr аnоuaqе? li'lhy]
з ||iт.l'i!tlG (Ф].15 tisten to а studелt doing the tаsk а nd identify thе main
point5 hewou|d hаve made in hi5 notes'
Praсtiсs mаkes perfeсt
8a Work in pаils'таke itintUtnstodothis

Lоok аt th ese seпtеnсes' Whаt words аre ,m Y()Ll willhаvс to Lаik аbоlt this
issing, аfter thе Words l()Diс
in boldT tor onе tо lwo minпtеч

] tj пеlеr tоthе l]К Ьеfo|е' lrrrt t] Wаl]iеd to You irаvе onс minutс to 1lriлk аЬouL
2 noрреd ajk пq h]m bесiLr5е }/а5 tOO егnЬаrrаs5еoIo
rvhat уou xrе going l() sl1у'

з ldопt u'iuа у istеn lc oihеrассeп15 bul should

You саn mаke sоnlе notс! to hф

4 \,е Ьееn 1O Еno аnc |rLri гn!l|end hаsn,t,

Dеsс|ibе а pas i |ifе t еа п1i|l|
Why do We sometimes missoutWordsаsin the eхаmp|еs in 4а? ехPеnentе |hаt
'\]ou hа|е had' еhhе|

1.GRA|M|\4AR RЕЕЕREliCЕ ) рl .s1щ-,)

whе1".uk]\|hеп itw|ls'
5 сomр|ete the senten(es with these Word5. Whаt Word5 а re being missed out ||hаt |hе еxp?riеп.'е ||аs,
in eасh sentenсe? ||ho wаs to |hаnk.t'оr thе

dоЛ,t torgotto hаveto |ikеto might reаdyto usеdto Аlso' c,хP|аin wh!- thе еapетiепсе ||аs
so pоflh|е апd whIt thе aut.on\е

I l!])r iI ..п. 5lе.k5 .,'rith а 5troпq;с.еltЬLrt

2 id0l i hа!е рrob..гi5 Undеrliаld Пg rссеnt5 пo\../ l]!i
з rl'а5 go n!]1с
рr пtoUt!oп.е t]5с|Lr ехрrеss orl5 ЬL.i 8b таke it in turnsto dis(u s5 th ese follow.up
I\'1yo.]еr!ste.noрo'.O ]еаrп nn Еп! ish Whеп 5.е с|tsсhoo lrh.п fnsh questions.
5.hоо n?ri,!е.r' ',, t,есаLlsе еп]q, т
5 o "Oo "
6 rе./еrdаlе! tоiO thь.хаm. No]lr ,nl
] DolOLr thiпktеLhпо oq!!r ]rер;n]
t..асhеrs l ihе1Lrt.]IЕ? V'h)r?/\4/h! nOi]
7 doi1|еа y kiofr' ii]' qo tcth.. L]5А Onеdа]l thnk
rrъ iOn,tl'.riпt tc trJп5 аtе thь t?хi
2 ],!hаtdOloLrth rlkьiесеsаrvfO|a
8 b!t thе tеасlеr !а).' vс р051/.. ]еаm n!] ..n','lolmеrT?
6 sPЕAкlliG Work in pаirs' Do the tа sk in 2 Using the notes you mаdе. Use з ln the раji ре0p е noрреd еаlrillq rrhеn

explessioпs flom the speаking Bank. thеyT n shеd sdlш] оr Lrn !.r5t!' hLrt по]il
pеoр еtаikаbоL]t,liIЕ ollg с;rпiпql !,/i]y
!с'Lr lh]lrkth 5 l?

Student B:
] \цlhy s еdt].аiOп !о п]роrtrпltc so. еt);'

DO yоLr th nIthаt еduсаtiоn! mJ п qoJ ь

t.] рlсраrе реcр Е tor1t]f !!эrd Oirrоrk?
\'!hy?/V/hy nоt?
t]пtj]\r]hiLh а9.".iO !оLr th lr[еdLr.аicп
lhоU ( bе сomрL]Ьory аnd !.r'h)'

Unir t0

sPЕдк|NG YouаrеgoingtoreаdаboutаsulveyWhi(h маt(htheWordsin3Withthedefinition5,l,l0.Nine

аsked intеrnаtionа| 5tudent5 to сhoose theirfаvourite аnd of the Word! appeаted in the most рopu|аr Iist аnd one of
Ieаst fаvouritе Eng|ъh Words. In pаits. ttу to guеss the top thе Words аppeаred in the Ieast poрu|аr Iist' Whiсh do you
fivе Wordsfot eа(h саtegory, think wаs on the |eastрoрu|аrIist?

Rеаd thetext. In pаils, dis(ussyourlеaсtionsto it' Did you

I fLr:,(,-ir ri r rLr r:l io"r!r,-,r .rrr. .l] r!!.t!5lr,r,!
guess аny ofthe Words сorredIy7
2 .ri.r lr.Ь .е.t. llrlnе:.lli !.]:. ']! p'i]|..t lll] t..'l '.Г'
i:. П гr t.i ]еi l! i l р .L !n j
з i ]f. т. ] :е5.r ] l!.ii.'l.ill. l l!rll.. l ll] t.]]l.. l.J i
n 2009 .le B' t sh сO!г. сOi.L сtЕd а 5| rl.'еу ln l пd oLt
llrat tl'д пl.]5t р.рLr аr lrlr .s п Eng зh аr! ot/Еr 10,00c 4 ni.]rnj ] rn ]r..! n.].i d riг. tiе.ill :5 ]]. i

рeoi] е ] i tt.с..olrпL: еs т;еir аskеd t. рart., Тle 5 !ii. Ьеj i.]'h..,r,Oij l.1ll ].r i|г ]l..rLr! ]l] trO.']:
t.р tel \llс l i]9 Tо oт,is: 6 iа. i l .]l l]] L l1[r 5tor t]а
']оr.5 .r.rгl l]] .ri i] l]. t]rl r.lrln.rl.1].o..n.l]rtii nr l.!
i_,ri r'r1r.r,,i ir!-.1_r 1l

r..11,r :. br..rrrtr.. r. r, r rrlrr

8 ir. rtl',i. r'r :rr r r r[,rt tl r]! th.r .rf. !. r' fli .i-l
9 |!i. il..!t!rе::.!. |.. l] n] j ..L:1] ]; l
otlе.r,,io.d5 Llih сh аrр€аrtd n lhэ..рse\ieit./:vе
nс ,'iаi. (]2]' i.l.Лd5irilr (1з]' IL]i]!ie (22)' sPЕA(|NG Тhink аbout апy Wolds thаt уou pаrtiсu|аrIy Iike
.i;i]eige l24)'.!t? (:]5)апd |..r (!] ot dis|ikr iп ЕngIi5h. сompаtr wotds in groups аnd justify
]he sLn/.у а ji askэ.]fOr рeOрe,s eаst ia'iol.:с tioTds уour сhoi(es- Do yоu generаlly agree about thё Words?
ill t'е eаs.lа!OL]rtэ !!eTe тhink аbout:
.l].. гiе.г гq
2 'а.sт

FOr so.n. eаsoП'te.(. lDe.24 ll |].. саst

i(rns nt
l]cса!s. о:t.с Look аt this tаsk. Whi(h threе Words WouId you inс|ude in
р|.pL];l 5t' a ]d |tlo|O!gh,
sре ]в' сn.]e n аt lL]mbcr 25 fs оr\']o|s..hаL i]o!L yourсompetition entry?
реojet;k lд pn.t Пil.5Lru.!п.r.cs:Lr.].г1s lrе.;Lrse
si,,n],/аг. eхanl а sO t.|gr.с.' аl]l].аr п: аL8;пr] 'r.r
\'()U ha\e sесi thе lоl]оs.ilrg xппounссmеnt ол t|rе
FR |.,Е LA \C L,',\с] Е Co t. R sЕ
v0сAвULд|lY ]lll'.l,зjj'Л,]!у ра!!!|ar ЕлElish Woit1s W| dR,о||сriлt a ])|i.| |]J \i\ Лlоп||Б'J|tI L:|1ч|i5h
Work in pаils. Disсuss WhаttheseWords meаn, or mаy n,\УIЬ il1 е\ Z|oI|t1l||,I|iifu' п 1|\ dп.| 1.l! u\ \oп1
/,,',' 1/,a ,',,
I,,l---... --. L t.....
bеlserk brаt сhаt сосoon сudd|e
сh t Illl!n'| \,i!|1'ill Ihс Р]i1'
lip f|op mis.hiеvоus ouсh y|mmy

Reаd this сompеtitioп еntrv' ! /hаt dо уoU think аbout the Words thаt
the Wlitеr hаs (hosеп]



Look аt the Under|ined Words in thеtеxtаnd writе them in

the(otteсt plасе in theWliting ваnk-
\r''геГ \]lritп! (nJrрi]tl0п е.trе l\!i.] to.".tr ir рn! i.i.
l.р ..55ioг i]i br 'r!] l tl|ll!l dj1. in. .'ii.a I\'1аk..5Lrrе
]i!! Ll)ll.r lLе thе ]| d..s L]! o i гс iir .]'ri.. !ll'.l. г!
;|(l|пl.:.t5lееp}rn.]'L.!| lt.rс:.г| i! r\ri]. li] :.реtit..П
!),п]г,iг1lj.i ]O!. rd.r .' Ье .lrn rЬ.Lrl
t].' to id.i' h;r!.].llс.]t cп fol,

str:o_!'rs oi ir|n, r r'r L rLrПil

i:rl]l].l i]. tllе,
Do the tаsk iп 6 With the three Wotds you сhose. As а с|а5s,
voteforthe Wiпning entry.
I r I ..

Longuoge гeгerenсe ono revlsIon

1 Gеrunds and infinifives . ru]es and revt'ion > pagе 144 2 Whаtever' Wherever' Whoever' еtс > page 144
З Еllipsis > page 144

l PhlosoI verЬs _ сomrnUn]сotion *

b'o|l5е (!) |ьt^цz| sсhcо 'е! n'{ (i) ] sk u] | tе dзпl.(r)/
b'nq Lrр iV) .a..].оi!(п] /kэkDf.Di] 5сt:r.:аbе ] sсt 6э 1сlЬ(э)l
snаmе (ni ** n1

.lrrr:.tсrzаton (li /k@I]ttэralZеt{(.)n 5r rrmе .! (аd]] ]Jnn.(')I']]

rll shor :n (n) ,{!r lostl
.оtrsропc.тс ii] ** i kD! slondэns] 5dе(a).s Lас'/) * ]seJd\,е|z]
.lаzе Ln) ',ktе!z'.
!muq!. (i) r'sml!(о)l]
.lLrmэе i!] ] kгamb(э)l] lnaр.реra (п1 ] s.ij| o|(э)Iэ]
dаmр (а.]]) a* ]dEnr!] lpni (п) ,/s!o(r)k]
d. lhl ii) ** nhlаrl] n ..l nq lа.]] ] st]!ll]]
Ium tо i,|r
dеn5! Ed,] * /dелs/ stli(е strLr.k 5tr!.k /slrаlk. sLr^k' strnL./
dеpth in] *i* /dер€/
2 Communiсоtiоn Ьreokdown delpi. l\t ,dr sla,zl
nrokе (.ithе р.п) /sff.Ukr
soinеir п9 PUzz гg / thnd !п0пl \zl|i]]
d'A].ur (i)
п р
/drvаUэ(г)/ st!.| ]st^Г/
gе1tlrе r gеt 6э гD! сnd
^'rOп!..d эv о. stlli/
.fttrЕsttk drft 1\.) ** idпIl'.
n!rd), (rc]) ] st.з:(r)di]
1 m!)r hd,j
гrp,Vs.гrеth iq jmllш s,\rnon]] ] flnтzi/ th n(thе'""ord.f ] 0]ik оэ wз(г)ld Dv]
пo(r)k] io.] LV) ** /ГэUld]
Гnаkеi l!!t1))lеmаrk /rnеlk . tL t|nu!hl рrr!o[iq lаd]] /0.x pгo!эU1rЦ]
1п!..d !.' th (аd,] ] !|ndэd N|i/
m s ri.rрrе| /mcmъj(r)pшt qi'е!.m.t. п!аirаl i') /grv slmen] э$.еl] toр (lj ** /1чrr'
5om.Ь..Ё.mеthi.] srfib.d].samOц]] G;!'\,е! an ьd]) ]glrswijd3(э)d 1rr.sgrss].i ln) /iгФDz !rсj(.)n/
.lr.п].or Еbod ) fund.\mhid|
tL.k5om'"th п! Uр (!] t\]( s^mol! ap/
!nnl..l.ra \п|п lсn'l.lnь)h

i1е|ks,!тe!] ht(.)гэ]i/
tаkеjсrrrеlh n-lr tеlа
nа!еа 5эii5potfcl /]revэ sDft sрDt f.]]
Goiewoy to exсms, Units 9 l0
tr [аi.ro55 рUrрo5е! /t.|k Эt. kФs
hа\'еа nrоn!а\€rs]Oпtо /hЕ! э strlr] аЬjЁПIе: !m (n) /зeb(.)n til]z(э)пri
. vз(1)з(.)]
п!аr.еj аdаnзr с iad]i
/.шd. stend njulDnnz] ].dE!t.Ь(.)]]
hэ!еaffе.tоnfol ] hE! ] fсlr]l.)n tЪr/
сi.Jsrolhе(п) /kJirstгoi]
rPilt9.o.5!.|.е in) /hоli godz !ixk1а)L/
сOnlэ!].n ii)
з nternоt]ono||y рoPU oг Еng isЬ words hс.rln. Lа.]) ]hju.rБtlki
]kэn teldз(.)fu
rb.(I) zзd'].] .!еБrrd ьd]) /dа] vз(I)sl |aJd]
r5'steit (а.]) 1шsБtэпL]
tееl]bа.k (п] ** i|dьekr
пnJ mеnt Lп] '/шst.lhnэlt] (п) '
/{ tjЕt] ! obа е.cnoгry /gtэob(э)l Ikonimir
oJtlrе i\') /lэ06/
qobа 5upр l..hJ п ] gL.Ub(J]l s]
рlal 1Ъп
orcl r! (ac]) / |э0э !]
zatoп (n) /glэUЬэlU ?е]J(i)n]
/krd(.)li EоЬа
пr nht]i (аi]l ] mald/
qr:рр. !!tlr (!) ] gl8р(э)l \!|о'r
mltll] ! /miuxluа]i r5оr]r lа. ]] rrhrsэri]
iпсопrrIlrпsLе ilrЁomгтrЬеlsаЬ|i
(ntеr]) гп: dеlrеПсеп.е ii) / !ltз|(г)dl
iot Ье аlrеic l)etrdэпs/
оLr.h lаUtl]]
] nDt bi] еrb(J)lt.
yumпr)r Lасj] ] jrlni/ llе р!o!r5е: hеlp jё(г)seltl пtriff. iаd]l r]D hшsй/

nсtоroL]5 y (rcV) /n.ijl.т]эsli] riеd е!. ь.]]] 1r i mеdi ijv(.)l/

о!еr..k (!r) 1* r.Uv.(г) |L,k', nP t..(r (l] ] lrсlt daul

4 other words оnd phroses
аhr.r (!i ].Lr h.(il o!еl!'.i5 Gd]l ** i.0v.(г)si:z.. mtilаtе 1\]] / mrtlgеfl

а t!епt1n] ] с.tJ vеn|. ьr (.cr) ** /pIkjLL|Iiэ(r)l mcrрh (') ]m.|(r)fl

аpOеa iг] *** /.pit] р.с r. (\]) ]
рe]L !р] раnс..m с (n) ]рi!ndеnrlk]
арр.ant (n) * ] iErllkэlt] р rnр (аd]) рlrепom.по| ]
(t] *r /tb nDmnа0

р аt (n)
bа l soliеir iron п-.r / bо(I) s.unoп] tlnrт] рrоrtz. (\r) /prпDпlr|4 ]
ввi Еп-'l jr 11] ibilbiisij llslo Г aqu. (rr1
р.rгd!rе lil i.r) /pN]k('i(l) kll' /plсlg]
bесlаz!аhcJt /bilr.сIzi.bаoL] plzzеc (ad]) * shо.k (г] *** 'Ink/
ьсfolioi 'ъi IDld o!' r. n.at5 апc.o.5 ] rеrn LrФts ёп dDgz] rstrrlс Ьd,] /!stiпI](
b].r.е рllnр (Пi /ь!I!Jk(а)L p,lnpi re..!.d /l sii\d .! b! еn.е (r1 i tз:(r)bjUL.!s]
lrorеdоm lп] * i lrэ(I)фn cr!n! r. аt оn (.) rtэnrnsi с]11э)D .Uп. ii) / l3(г)m.Il/

boLrnd е55 ьсi rr1o ii]

t /пt]](,t/ nеr;bе (аdl] ** / !^ln(э)Lэb(э)li
'.bаUnd]аs] 'll
br.k (i) *r /b k;.еnер5 /rill],еls steps/ l'!rеаk hаLro. /drk hзe\эl.J

1З2 Unit lO

Gerunds and infinitivеs - ru|еs and revl5lo|t

1 сh oose thе (olled a Itе rnаt ivе.
l .еr;iг}i.!llt n ]l .

.:! tr ]r..] 6 h..rе'5 ]Lrn ni р.:.t ic,rqq(,i]li'|iilq r tl. tlс i
2 t5 п.l.l). ].r.],l . -' . : :,l l г. ]i.j! hа]iе.r |rюb..m l. iа.. 7 D.е: rc ii]n{7lh]l.hl.r .rЬo. t fo.i] пlJk...',o- lL] lqrl',]
з п m),t:rn .r r.5!; i::'!tL]!r!.lii)l1,r./11,r]lЦ|l]
4 .ап nJ..]!: ]-.j.. ::.ili.] qlr:]t! l.]]]ре.псl WoRкBooK ) pаge 84
5 Lrj..:] 1 Р lrl i. li i.!! ]]j.].i]ili!. tl]. l]t.с '

Whаtеvеr, Whеrevеr, Whoеvеr, etс ЕIlipsis

2 Deсide ifthе Word! in bo|d аle uged з ReWritе ea(h sentenсe to avoid tepetition.
in сorreсtly. тiсk (/) the сo rreсt se ntenсеs а n d ,l {] in t rсirс tlе."'.rhi..|1 l. rсok' э.rе] th.L]nh !l'o| d h;.]е rе.r. l
lеWritethe in сorre(t sеntеnсes.
2 . а l|rdt i п jhеl е]L.!] r) lrсh Ь|t ]n!r iiеl d! haс.'t i п lh.". еrt']lr .
] Whаtеvеr b',5\r irт d !l.lj hа\i.l]1lP.L]l!o] з !h! d .^ t (o.t Ье.a.5е jh..ljs LL)) tir'".] t.].r]!(
2 Wherеver qo o i.L]l.о.]sс'lo]'rе ; fri)]! 4 ]0.o. d :|rеа i Е.. lrh |r'hег j lе.Jr;5 rl. |, -t !1с.:п'i ;trеа i Е.'еl.h r.l
\lе;l. (r./!Lrr
р]]iг.аj 5l]'l,е^еVеrLr5е.Tоlin.i]rrЬtrItth!гг LЬlir,.'Lr!.5tar..r]t...rrоl,j];ЬO!t
l irr;n. ...] р]]!! | lr .еj however .a l

Whi(hevеr ]ro.ii,lrаr']'o.,
'r.r.l.!] ook .r :irl 6 Т..]l г..L]еl ir th...|i rj Ь|tthе]5h.u i]n t l'ai: п] trе.r
с.^ t .]е ! 5гni г Whenеver t. .( аЬo.,t
5 .q
7 1:] Ollе tr. qо lnrl co.'t tr.l bе а|5 е t.. !|i

j].. Ье еlld howеverL . |' d ]!r WoRкBooK } pаgea7

WoRKBooK ) раgе84

PhrasaIvеrbs сommunlсatian
1 сhoose the сo rre(t pа rti(|es
,l пtе:rLrрr=|Ul].,,ii.
6 l П. ].\ta l| so.n..:h п.lnrih.]f.]с| |.r= гг;li! i]l]i,.i.
2 j.1t:)'oLr|.р.ь. Iril= 5реаk:ii]I,1]! 7 in ] tc !oпl'.эп.. i5 i.]]o. t'li]i Ll.]'' drе п.t а5. еlеrа5 !l)Lr
З niit i 5.|'i: n!] - br lq:]]],-rlJ = ta r, aa'rrt i:i,!ili1(.rt a..L.i

4 . lаПqе trOm ()lI] \r|-],е.t tn :n.t.rl = |urI l.,,l]r

WoRквooK ) ра9e85
5 п].k. 5o.iroПе L]r..l5L..d !i lа. !or аrе triгn LO s']./
= r!4. irr.rrr_11rrl

Comm Ll n iс atian/сam m u nl catiОn breakdoW n l ntern ati О n al lу popu I ar Еngl ish words
2 сomр|ete thе sеntenсe5With theseWolds. з сom pIetе the senten(еs with thёse wold s.

gаffе imp]ied nuаnсе offendеd bersеIk сhit.сhаt сuddlе f]ip flops

purро!еs remаrk niсk mЬсhiеvous o!сh
,l ,l t',T i!r' Orl, lе srn.] i Lr.]'г n. hOt'
2 !l1rn;.! r.. ]iL]L]l r tti
.Lr!. !.iitl. 2 5hсl.']t .,llег !h?..LrП.i]]tt|лh..d е.t.ll.l
l l].lIL(. L.'rDl'q i:].]oi.hе .^. Г] 9Lrl.]Ёrnсnl !.., з lrlh.l hе |iaj тri hе-5еd i h51е.с!.Ьеа ii .llt,
1е ko. idеrjl;r:]5 ttl] oеl'"lr.;.ql 5;d ;Id rр!... 4 0K'еn.L]..]lr i5 tiгnе o d !.-55 !oli]с 5Ёr.!: г.аlT..:
5 th llk fi! r.! tа k jq iii.'c:: .!.ir;: ,,lJ!1r i ! 5 Yc!, .. а ]"' t].! -qt!l. \' llq апc t']] ng lO tr.k -5

аl]o!t )i!Lrr Frеi.h :еаl.е' n.I ]i!Lrr Еiq 5: t."r.hэr 6 |ai ]ic€с рr г1Lr ]

6 ih i( l т'lihэп lirid h. OOk! ! cе

7 shЁ d dliа.tL i ]15ir)'it i'-tl1е hiit'rl5tUрd. WoRKBooK } ра9."88

WoRKBooк ) Pа9е в2

unit lo l З3

) Gotewoy to exoms lJnits 9_lО

) Reoding
Brit 5h .ross,',]оrds аrс djifеlеnl lrom Amer саn сlo5s\\,oгd5 |]e.аL]5е
thеy а|e not so (а) гOl еХirmр е' th.y сonta l
n r.t!t]РrV/hc|е !оLr.оmр еiе 5LrгilnJ|е5 (b) ,,. ''' . 5!сh .s hо аdпl ttаn.е' lor
l.tе5 ol lаD е5' |i'mепlDеr Тhаt mа), eхр а n \,ihу а otofреoре]nвritаinаrсprou.]|оbе
tr!.г!1r! rсa.]tl]еtal] с' n ГiГnаr!!lrепtепссJ ' аb с to dо сross\''/olds (с) ,,
thа|!o! П|'еd iо с.rmр1еtе Ье .r'".];lе lhаt thсy
L.! рroc.b !' lot trsе ехir.t]у 1lе 5i]гnе \,iol.5 а\ Аrth!| \Лlyппe сrеаtеd thе г]|5.. сrс]55!.''O|d so ihl] lh.11'Vi;snt а
n Ihе1сil EХAM5uссЕ5s ! Pаge,l54 (d) ,,, ', еft n thс пеusраре|, BL tlt.J']n!thаnks to
thе рц[r ьhе|5 s mOn ап.] 5.hIstеr th.., .ross.'\'о|d5 D0са.Ilе а г, q
Read the teхt on page 1з5 and сomр|ele n thеil саrr а!]еj to he р sо \'е d]li.Lrt.]Uе5 i],.e l-ifiРj аid ttlе
the summaгу opрosite us ng Words from o
the teХt, Use no moгe thаn two Words in
].or сrosj\'\,Ords \'!O! d nоt а5t ].o| onq' bul in .hе е ld tlеy nаfl е.]
each aпswer, r "q-d h
сrcsswords to.рреаr гnс]Tе sеr ol]s
l!'1еаn\'!h .' ]n еaсh !аrnе oi5.г.lrb еthеrе'lr'еrеi]t .i5ttlr.]c
(i) !,!]th thе е1ier z. Тhаi 5 'r',' l)r [а5lп.ро.|а!i
ер.!.' lэn]еПbе' Lо kго\,! оt5 oi(j] n То гnаkе iho !].пlе
to \..,

bе! i'
nаkе 5!|е io. .пorl5lагrс morе d lfс! t' thе сrс:tor оt5.rаbb е d cnt Win| рсoр е tO n.rkе
rhе 5 t|эt oг а l.iti5k 1lаt Vо ]] d sсLr99 l |к]
\,о|'.|еn': sL]rе' rs( for. i]r f .аl on lrеtъi]r уO.]
Dеq i ЕxAМ 5UссE5s ) pagе ]52 WO|dр аy ]snt nсу'', (l) ,' ikе'l,lаd.п' 'm Ad..n,'

hаvе beеn аlOL]nd lo| а Onq' on.] iimе

Work in pаirs, Do the tаsk be]oW, When

уou hаve f nished' сhаnge ro|es,
) Writing
Student A: : ':t: I tt:t:::.ttit:l:t t:.1:
You аre in Еng|аnd' A friend Wаnts to
!eaгn уouг |anguаgё to be аb e to study :.r
!L].];'..е.n ./"'rt'г r]еt t]o" еllt'е5' 5Ёe рa!э
or Work in УoLlr соuntгy, Disсuss the
. wheгe he/she shou d studу Уour Reаd this tаskаnd wlite your еntry'
langUаge' in Еng|and or in your
сountry You sа$'йis аппопnсеmеnr in aп intеrnаtiопl1
. Where he/she shouId take с|asses

. What tУpe of с|asses he/she shou|d FRЕЕ ,\DVАNСЕD ЕNGLISH LАNGUАGЕ АND
. рossibIe d]fficu|ties Iearn ng уoUr
olr oryапi.dtiоп i\ oJ]i|ing аfrее, лllп1|l |оng
!anguage аnd hoW he/she оаn nlппсr соnt\е in |апвodвс ||nl сul|uk in wlЙ h.\,|]r
Елg1Ьh сou|1b\')aЦ Р14еt, Аl! )ou hа|е 10
overсome the difficulties 'I1!dkins
t|о is \i'itе h ц5 Lпl tе|l 11s: ||'hjсh сo||t1|Г) J"оu |.оuld
student в: |hоosе апа ||h:"' ho\, \Il! .у|]|| k) usе ЕпзIis]1 it1th.
Reаd student As ]nformаtion, You |uпл.' аnt \|h| \оu s|юlltl \,i|t, Thе bеSt еп|r\'1|i1l
аre student As ЕпgIsh friend, тh nk
of questions to аsk УoUr рaгtner
\!-Iitе !ouт соn]реt]liоn еnLг},
аnd' аt VаTious moments during the
conveгsaiion' аsk for moгe detais or
clагifiсation аnd polnt out 0ne or two
prob|ems Уou have With his/her advice,


{{oрD P L A
s Х dауl .r W..]|] .]l :r]g liпlJг ilа l]еd Rcy Deаlr s тs
LrllInа iеngес lo. IWеrltу./е:гs

-"9 в.
0 .o ..

аnn r',rhаtеVer е se sрrr'lg5 tO

ihе riev srг s dсV |rus m ll.],
tsInsl] сlOsswо|cs |еqL] гe yo|r to
rе.iizе 1hi]1й/lh.|se ]!

ntr \/ er r lъ,
. ;

s еd lLrT . i Ё. ,".,
.. 'Lr.r
:) \- в1 l
-" o
L]Ll п сoпlpеtlllg tгrеllquсk]y
.t r"

Ас.оrd ngtо а r.]] ihr crоss or. srhеflost

Gа]]Lrр t]п у |.ne oill.r.W. i] g;п]e nas с!еr .la erlg.d tlle
n.D! аr sеderTаrу l..rri][OП lhе vеrу T rst .|оsswo|O с|Oss!r!.ri] Toг рL.pUаrry а]]L] r."5рe.tаb]rlty :]id thаt5
сc;t:r n lg lst th dу TvJo с L еs. арреаrеd l] |ile r\]eL1, sсlаhb]e, S.n|r5е ],vаs ntrlrdL].еd bуз gаii].еs
y..ll l4/.й О l Dесellbеr 2l l91з lt lad beei thOught сirгnраnу.а rd Sесlc\i/ ап.] Rglli..'n19qз trl lgrl
Jр аs а s]а.е | е.b!.lехраtrа|eЕllgllshпаг .аli]сo i г.. i]ееп lleпlеl lry onе А lrеd вltE Пlоrc i: а]
AlthLrr $^,пne .'\ho с. Е. t а !'r c сross t lrc..]]e
tWепTу уе.rsс]ir r]г i 19з1 вlttlс]езrуddl,t]lаvе
rеgulаr fеa1!rе n th. L4/.rrd blI n.roi]у е 5€ р.kе. t
legаx] l0r vlП.h еttеIs ;re Lrseс]
nrO rпLrсh nosi. ten
Lrс !П. Aрr L924 W|l.]r а t ecgl]llg iLrb sllПg.cmрrlу п Еlg 5h W]th]Llst lrlе1y.jghit еs hе пsrзi..d !
.:]]еd s moг аic s.l!s:еr |rrоLrght oL tn Vо l]m. nf ]lаv 1g аt еastfu/э оI erсh cttе. \,lh сh лса lз 1hаt !'
с|cssl,!O|d рLlz е5. рr...d at $l,з5 ilvаsaп mmе.;Tе r аПc1арpeаl .]is!l0i].гt о lа tе y Ofiel. Asа rеs!t'
h1l aпd t.'\'O otn.r v! L]nlеs rlеrе qL сiiy c.i].].r.en slrс.еss аi Sсгаhb. gеnе|. у г!o]!с: bеilgа|rе Iо
.аd sо.] .опle L]i] !r] t ] oi]sс|]|е l',r'Olds kе;rr(а h.tс ]ёt ki
ву thе еn.j otilе l |st уеа| th.. сOnrpаnу
hа f а nr l].| .oр €s аid с.оssu/O|. р..r77 еs !4/еrе r аild rl (thе fotrIteеnth .tter.f.1lе сr.c(
tоо )

сTаzе nс AinеT.a so muсh so thаt foг а 1me

lе a plаs.!t) |lt]tls пtcnto!аiу delrеsse. tl.е ]!ii]!t
0T 5. t0 i] 5сO|гаgе tlе lorггаtion of p !.а s :hoL8гr
ва t]mоrе nnd oh о Rа Lrоаd nstаl]еd.rсtlo]arеs'l
lerrnmрensаt.d .s
еа.h of ls саr5 ior thе.опvеl епсe i]f р,гl] bJ' inсlcasiПg the пLrпbeг of t!
trа!е еrs !.r'ho hаc аn aL]Lr1е to Ltrr0l./ tlet //iJlтtr,а i]гссLrrаge tге TOr nаtoi OI slffхOs апd рrefixеs lhе
s thе lаrgеsi ]а(е ll Aаskа O|Thа[.ql'аss.r sа
ki.о1 n gnesi sс|те асс.]r.]iПg tO А ап R сntеr а i.0пnсl
вritsh.hаliр Ol,,1'rr1 Пg l]rеll/а/]i.П 198Z r/,iаs
ij 88l rornts 'll
1 llс Lrdrd Lh€ vr'o|.j psl./]Oa';/j/Z1|r!.
Desрtе |il s h!g. poрLr аr1у ihе mo.t '/elеrаtr c tfl сh ol]е \r'/аs l'vorlh i 5з9
Tc| yеаls
ir iо r Ls
р.реrs.)п LJOIh s des oi t lс At аn[Lс rэ .:еn
to асklowr.jgе |nat thе.ross!"ir.j \r']а5 mln1] Tn;
lа lryordр аy ..s.rd аs аr]glrаgо tsei а]cаb.!tri
Jnt 19з0 V"'lolrs As Аlgаrdc ]otеs г h5sсilOаl]уа !
Dаss пя ia.] Il]е Ilrles lе d O ]i ']аnuаry Тonу
l|h.п i1n; y ts | |si сrosswcrd (dеv sс.] LJу
yct eПd.]s5 y аbsoгb гg ol|Lrrd GL idе io \цоrd Ge Lе5
l]eVоr рrevOLrs.y' so]Ved oПe
fаlmer Who lad rlаnу vеrLJа pаsI nеs g. bасk to i]]e Jir|lhesi r.;сl e:,
а NOrfr. k
гnLrсh еss сOnstr!.tе. clе), kr s.lve ]ts..]rs(] еn.е c апiq!tу Pa |drогnrs sеlltсnсеsTlаl |еао tile
аt sLс.LrmO rg 1о а f| V01оLr5 gа xе [h.. I/] llcs .l nlе.r sarnе bасk,,]rаrds .s forvrаrds аre аi е.st 2'000 yеаrs
oссasоlrаlсrossv]or.s п Lаl r ts .. c Тhе агс епi (jrееks O1ieп
.аmesakе n NеW рL]i'N spo. аrloгi ll]ita
YOrk heо orrt [оr апoh..г doсаdе аПd l-L.] nоr р|o0U.0
пl iiioП.n 0рs l-] 0n olrп1. ns it irапsаi..s аs'!!а5n
f |s| сrоsswcrd L]пt L942 Inе s l а5 \/!N аs ihе ]rсе


Grommor referenсe

Pаst simр|e t hа,t i'st |,ЬhrJ -1 ьlqиппr-

\'Yе Lr;с lht pаst5imp|e tO
1 l.sсlbein5hе1],r.lоnso|st!at.O15 n|h.рJ!t \(ъ |5е aheadytoi; l;hcL]I jоmet|iiq thJt h;s hJрр.il]d сJ| .l tlrJrr
/ wеиttо /rе/аис/ last vеаr
fl.. ехре(ttd. Alrеady !5Lrэ rqoе5 bе.orеthе mа n \,еlЬ'.r.tth"" е..d.f
2 !аy tlаi опE tl.iпq haрpепrd аftеr aпotlеr, lT]с 5с lt.nс. oI.!гnpnl5 5,
thе tеасher ццg iи, wе tццL шt t,цr kals. I l''и,t wаиt h *е rАat llи, /\е а/пaА srеи it'
Pаst с0ntinuous \\с !s.yett0 a9k п!.,!е..хре.t i]ar h.pре.]сd' оrto nlthrt
1|'a'l: | 1!5еl ]r qLr'.n oпi cr п?qit !.. 5еntег.е5 Yеt LrlLri ! .rое5 Jt
l|е Lrsе t lе pаst(ontinuous t0:
1|l,. е|r] cIа i.Пt.фп..! oг.аL]!..
] la!i'.5 n !lO!]lе55 at а .nоп].nt.i] tl.е рa5| Наvе уoц сtll/еd h|и уеt? | Ааvси,t laие it уet'
,lt |''", o|/o.I thЬ o/tr,"оoЙ | da' wа|.h-Й,] г| -

Present рerleсt c0ntinu0us

, р(. Ь"( рп:i . ] n .I.]... ni ]]
th -r'е o//u сonns /J"'1roаL |. lсеpuа'п- lh.. рlesent peded(ontinuous l Lr;е.] п а rт аr',lrа)r io tl.е рrе!епt

З tаr;bоLrtаr а.t!it!]] рroqrе55 rrlеn аlothеr' 5iortе'

а.1i!l'! hа.реnеd.r пtеrrLrрtеd t ttе 5 J5tl.аt ап а.ton /|. tееa J.lvИa -:и lhl, ,r/lп//u ц.rе 1hаи Д с nиth,-
wа5 l рrogrе55' Ьt]t п.t tnattlеа.t./t]' \,!а5 f l5Fеd
sо, lаn а.t o.l ъ Vеr! 5hor1, (..i]nnct u5е thе.onl nuOu5 tO'Г..
lшаs l|stеиiиа tо nt"siс шhеи {аthеr са/Ьd.
Present pеrfесt siIпр|e
o o рo " "d *
i/lе Lrs. thе plesеnt petfeсtsimp|elO tа ( аbolJt:
,l .n сxрсгi.nсе n 5оГnе.n'"5 l."t Г.е'Wtircut5а! n! thе
rе.ег1/oгъ г.o1lp еt.
---i !ееи
/,rе washiиа
_ tLe,.|t|shеs --- аи,| иу hаи'|s аrс wсtlеrаиsе /
г-. l ,Л|
еra.t t]nе'lrhеn tl.е е']еnlо..L]rrе.] !,ihi]i 5 5 !n ii.i]n. 5
oи' /;И.,hРn а a?rcИnа!о -,t ЫJ/ hа'rи t 1.|иi,hrl-
Il]сijсt rа еl.rr]еr.r'nOi\'.r'hРn ilnарр."nеO
/,uеsееи Сo|fulaу iи lоисеn- f !.l.. .(i]ll| :O .]прl.a5 zе t.е сoпlр еt]on аr]d r..5Lr: !iar] 1сtioп, оr
hO!.r' Гnanlt]nеj аn..tiоr hJррсn:' ilr'L. mL]ii ]!rThе prеsent perfeсt
2 r:сL.t]ll]V.nt! Vih.h hrLrе i] |!'l! t in thr l]|еrirnt
<hе' /'''| hrr Ьаq ,
o O
/\с pаiиtсlпу Ьu/rlои' t.' n'tlс1l
з аrtOпs0ls t!at]On5 thаt bеqаn iг t1е l]Jt .Ont n!. in
til,un tt ot'fit- tt,,u n-o.
ма L /ivel herе {оr teи vеаr' i= lllrft'Iаltеd tO ]l'. Pаst рerleсl simр|e
hе|ёiеn rеаr5 аqo ап0 lеn i.]е5 hеrе поv',]
L]se |hе pаst pefe(t simple to iа ( ebсLrlа.: o l] i lаt rapреlе.
4 a.t.Oш |n shеd.rеll.lе.еni! b.|Or.аncthеlaitOnoгa.:оП5
^i.. l*!рJ5t, t q\].! пrрOrtd l.еto |hе
тhеу1,e lцst hаl аи аcсilеиt. ..п]р с|]On ot nn .]L1.,, ц,,
l.\/h€Й thё fut€л,ie , ha'/ lиьh€d / Ь|+,
Еver, neveL for, sinсe, just' a|readу' уet
,'l/!.an ever iг q.,еsI.ns nr th Illе
Pаst peгf eсt сontinuous
-sс р''.5еn: рсrlе.ls nр с'
t m..nj,;T аnуt Гrе n yоLrr i." Ever.оГiеs]!n bеiо'rlhе li? !!е t.е pаst perfeсt сontinuoLls t0 L. k,rb.|r i].l Oll! 0rаl
hар.епеd bеicrеа]оtl.е';.li.n оl а.liОn5 n th.д ра5t T с:ir.l
НаL,е уои rrer /|aoш |и a hr/inplеr? ]mрortап.е tэih? сJrrtioг оtап а.t\,it)]'
/ wаs tirеd Ьесаиsе / Аal beeи stц4уiиа а/| иiаАt'
\\iе.aп Lr5Е never lllrfoJil/. !сПt1]lli,:5' t lilеi]г5 'dt Пс t ГlЕ
Futurе aсtivitiеs in the pаst
l,vе иerer иеt wцr plrеиts' torm
ForаП. sinсеalf ul.d'.'ll tr tl]i] pri]!сl]t !tl.L..t5п]]t 5 ||'\ t1|u1| |.) ' '||'\qai|-eio,,'' L,,,a5 + 1ir4.lrrrl и/.ll.l
l]е5.r h nq а.tion5 о 5.Lr.n.]ш tl rt !еqаn П Thе l-.;!t ijr d
.оnlnJе nthерl?5епi \l'е]5еfor',lth pеrо.]5оitiпl."аn.]
пе ir !oп.e timе5 ,.rh.n drе tа k nq а!.о!i ilе рan' \'lс \''/nrrt to .а 1аb.rLrt
5in(e rrit| mcmепts п . ih ih ! Lr!е ofthе рrе5е.t '!.
р"" '" For sinсe O
9Oгneth]i!.hа:'i./аs n1hеft]t]reаtthattme sоnе1h ngl.rhi.] hаd пэi

]!si bеTO|е.h'.t Г.е еxрrе55 cll "р " р".. dd " .р"
,Нш сaп r;еthе p.ntеГ5е.jfthr l''loJ d пormа y Lr5е t. ]r
Ьиq hаw уоа nЙicd Qсtиаи?, 'е|Ьfo.Гi5
\../е {
te sfuliв'| |t /оr Ь\rcе veаrs/siwе 2aa1-, аbоLrtthеiJtrrе' еq,,,,,i1/ > |ю1,ic, !rr 9aiлq ia > w|j\|q 0
i'1/.] !5с Wаs/Were to \l''h rг thеrе',/,..5.г аrrаnqС.i.llt for:omеth пg t:
i(ъ |!еjust \,! tl tlе рrе!..пi реrfе.t to еmрha! zе thЕ ol D.o. L ."о.
fа.tthаt 5oтеih п! |]aррепе. !еrt rе...riIJust !oе5 Гhе иeеtiиls шerе tо stа|+ аt 1 a'.|oa|'
ilп'еd аtе ! lrе the раn рart. р е,

136 Grommor referen<e

Present and past hablts (pagе 12)

Тotа k abolt рr.]sEгt h.] j . ]:. j..l |h. n.qJl r. tOlГn oi \ didn't usе to Ihеrе ъ

I plesentsimр е
ll() р|с!еn| icrnl oiUsedfo 1'.lr Lr5еtl.е рrеjепt! nр е
oиr /еэsl'иs slfoл! а[ s о,сhс| vr th J| аc!е|bоft'еqL еП.),

2 ihе present сontinuo!s 11 1|,rn аd/rrlr ot irеqLrеn.! ]h ! Lr;Lrа ! mр ]с5

/е J5с }уoUld.]/ th bt t nоt
:hаtth.s!..k.|||.5i^.i.b]t;nnol]1q раi'a.tioг5 раii 5tаtеs

SАеЬ а/шауs tа||иа иv tА[иаs,

l1r шо"/o1roпе aиl t LsLt ои 5шlos
з Wi||,
l,i. dо n.t usJа r.;5е l,youldnt t. iа {аlrcLrt раn
/'1У t':eи,|r аЙd / *i//
*еet а",.l sес а l/* оn Frilау
Lrc иsе tо 9irе us prеseиЬ,
\('hеп Wе nrе55 Wi|| t Lr5Ja 1' irnр .5 thal lhе 5реаkert nd! thе hаb i aПlO! п! Noтtйffi'oпFoт,
не wi//сaме iиtо пv roи ш|thоцt |<иoсkiиq,
li'hеn ."!." 5t|еn Wo!/d t thatthе 5реakеr
Lrj.]а t]mр iе5
Тctа kа|r.Lri рJn hаbi5tilаt!\lе la!е no.р.d dc l!] (е.an t i.. t пl]5thе.аbit аппo! пg'
мl и"п wоц/d,:иsist lи м qrthпа rо/у ои
.,]т' I шn5 sЙаx,
мv dаl аsеl to rеаl пе stl'rt:es шhеи / wаs sиа//' >циdll)1s L||1rи

l'и.аппo. Lr5е Used fo .o tа k abO!t5in-0 е е\iеnI5 г thе Pаli.r 'i./.l] !е а з thе past(ontinuous iJ th аг ad!еr| оthеqLrеn.l
реr]Od oit пlе п th 5.а5е' fiе Lrj.lhl] р;5t s mр е
му lа'/ ц,аs аlшауs шоr|iиq lаtе аt tht tip.,
Shr |o u oА ш а /аt|. sЬе -о'lеd,/,o r k, /'
',еl '-v' " ''е,'-;-

Moda! verbs - obligation, permission, prohibition, adviсe and criticism (pagе 2a)
п thс р'еsеnl' vrе Lrsr: . bе supposеd to oа 6d o bё
. hаvetotota k.ЬcLr:ih i!5','h.l.аr'"оb qаtоrуоr nе.е55ary t l а рar1.Lr;r |rа)r' еiре.]а '/а..ord пg .o !оп'еоlе п

оftеп dе:сr bes оb !Jаtion5 iгi|"o5еd оп Lr! Ьj,оthеr Р.еoр е аrd а!thO|.!

. don,t have to io tа k abO!tthinq5 lrrсh.rе nO. cb'igаtor}/ or

had to to.а kа..Lrtth п!! ."\/h сh !aloЦ,,Jr
. must to t.r [ .Ьс,Lrt ru сr lсq! аt]On5 агd ob qntions' t ottеr didnt hаve to to.а r аboLrt th]rls.x'h сh l.'сr.l.t
d..5.гi!е! Ob.i:rа|cns lhа .оГiе пtеrnа ],' from o!15е'/е5, oЬ qаtоrl,or nесеssarу
. mustnt to tа k.rbоLr. рlch b i оп! needed to to tJ kJlrOutt: г-.r5 wh сh !']еrе Ob !]lt.r! or
. nеedtoio tа kаЬoIthiп95 "-li]сh аrе Ob !аtO'!. O| nе.е55аr)'
. don,tneed to o'neеdn,tt. ь kJЬOLrt thin!5 !'l]]сh rr.. гoi didn,tneedto |OtJ (аir.L!.h п!]5'h.|,,1,еlепo.
ob iqаtorуor пе...55аЦ] \ii]ti needn.tlie do nct L] bеto|еihЕ оЬ !ator! оr пе.е55ar}l аn.5O r.'е d dntdOlhеln
n ni!'е needn,t havе+ pаst pаrti(ip |e tO tJ k aboltth п!5thаt
. (аn,tto rеfLrsе реlГn s!]on \,!еrе гo. cb'qdto.)' OI n|с.55.Цr |hL]L Wе (]i.:hеГn
. shou|d, shou|dn,t, oughtto, hаd (?)ьettеl (not]Io l].. ап. q Wаsn,t/Weren,t a ||owеd to to tа k JЬoLri раn рroniir t,or5,
а5kfoгa.'/.саni]|е.oГ.Г.еndаtion5 наd better 5 е;ре.a ) Or сouIdntio tа k аboLrt riпq5 trл !r'еrE рrl-)ll l]:tI]d 0l 1rOt
\,!hеп |r'е:l lk.]./е5hOr d dc!оГ.еthlг.r Ье.аLr5е]t5a!ccd d..r'
oughtto and hаd {d)bеtterаrе 5 ghty ..55.oтп.or ]r Пеqat V'. shouId/oughtto have, shouIdn,t hаvе + pаst раrti(iр|e
аn0 q!Еn oll ]Orгns.
tO сritiс]Zе ра5t J.t оп!.rtэ 5ау thе! rlrеrе. m n.[е
. beа||oWedtot.] tJ kirЬOjL t.iг05 thаl ir.е h;lrе реrг.ъ5 cп tollo

|'/lodal verbs speсL!|ation, dеduсtian, passibi|itу and probabiIitу Фage 25)

n:iе рrе5еnIап. !5е
Lrt]:е' . сan,t)rh..п аrе 90 реr.еlt.е1]] n thаi lorгсlh n'l ' nO.
. must."|hеn \/;еrr..90
pеrсепt.еrtаiгr that son]rti'ng tl.rе

0р" .оo

. mаy, might, сould, mау noc mightn,t yl'rei thсrе ъ а 50 реl . O ", O

сeгi рOs5ib]]t!thаt 5 tпrе (or п!i)'!'jе сan аdi] wе|| 5n't trJЕ \,!е do пo. Lr5. mсdа l.erbs Of s.ес. at оn аnd
after mаy' might аnd'.mеtl.iпq
(ouId п thе эff rmаi'е to 5аy theL t1еrе ъ а

sL'cn!еr рo55 biity'

Grommor re{erenсe 1З7

Madal verb| speсulation, dеductюn, paisiьilitу and probabl/lfy (сontinued) (pagе 25)

|п the pаst, We use:

. must have [hеn Viе а|е90 реl се.lT.Рrtа n lhаl5оГnеih n!.,.la!1r!е'
. mаy hаve, might hаVe, сou|d hаvе, mаy n ot hаve, m iq htn,t hаve \,! hеп th еrе s а 50 реr .е пt рcjs t, tу thаt soгnеth nq \'./аs lr! e (O l
lоt] \4/...аг irdd Wel|Ji|сl mаy might аnd сould п lhе аffirГiаt./.. tо t.ryihitn]е.." !r iirolqеr p.;5 Ь i),
. (an,t hаve f'heг !r. а.е 90 ре'.еn..еrtа n dlаt 5oгnеth nq I'r5 поt tr!е'

lvooal veros m|gnт loа8е Zэ]

\r!е.ап Lr5е might (оrmаy)аs We|l(hаve + ра5t раrli...)'"!htn !.iе а..ср:n !tL]J..on bе..]u5еlhеrе ъ nО Ьеttеl а rеiпаt \rе

и е *-оl,| .л e' -е// s-i /hr Г| оf bPаr'sf Ihf t " иot/,;иq оlod у toиiqht'
!!е.аn Lr5"" might/mаytordп.itthrtjоПеth пg ь рo55 Ьy trJс' еlrеn rhоuqh W'.lOг't |r;nltO аim]t t
нс и'аА| no tе t.:rh t"| hе,, q.t ,rп Ьod ta;,,
\lе ran !s. might (OrсouIdl hаve + pа!. раrti.]3 е tо.r t]. zе 5.]п]е.ojt !.lho dr]п t do 50п n! riе thпk th.)r 5hor l hа!е dоnе
oа пiah| с'L,L| hа. е wаrr&| ас |hа| fu ц аs roпЙ,]-
\'lе.Jn а jc
might iO|сou|djhаvе рili раrti.]р еio tа kaboi't а роss]b е раn s]t!аLOг.tiirld ln,lа.tLrа lhарреn

5/lе loаэ иsiпа thе sсissors withоцtkokiиа- she иiаhtiоиldhаrе сиt hersel|

verb .] 'ing torm and infinitive \рage з4)

Wе |5е !еrЬ + sfop I.dO уOLr stOр Oneаfl!tу bесаL5е yoL].'!аrt or пееd .o dоrпоtrеr а.t]Vit}
6dnit tlvоic .аnicn ...)rsd.| |l.!1.|' in.е iееiilk.! srop aoll], !c! a|е dc n! somеlh ng ihеn !o.iltoр
rcmеmbq0 1a|уa\1 |е||\егг1L]еryo| iее.tоio5оmеth l! and thoi!оLr.O.t
rеnеmbеrceng: F| 'la
romеth пq агd ttеn !c! |еmе:il-]е| r ;tеr

V1''е !se !еrb 1 iO inilniti\rе а1tеrthе'е!еlb5: forget1O.!]!с! dci,t n!]t'lаl!оL] ntеndео tоlo
dO sOп]Ёth

a{r.,1|d аg|ее арреа| оnоryе aесlое е\'ес! fcii forget;loill!] loLr..l!оmrth пg b!t ncW!o| OOn't геГnеГnbеl it
р a " рa /ike lo.lp !оLr dc somеih пq Ье.a!;е]/o! th nk]ts.r lOOc dеа
/'ke d.in9 yоLr do somеih lq Ьесa!5e)'OLr е.iO!'do l! ]t
0yloac !o! пldkе aП Efiort 1о;.h еyе sоте:h n!
Vl,. !5е thе qеrLrnd oI ih?.o ]пf l t]!е аftЕr tlе5Е VеrЬ!
],!]tr tt е or пo cifiеrепсе П rilсJг iq: try.cri' уо| do 5oгrеth n!] а5 аn ехреr nеп.
mеon ia оa:уa| пtеllс] tL..o 5огlеtll пg
bеqin ьotiе| .6.,'i !Jеa| ..n,lJt,nr] .Oniiлle i;t.
r'€dл.o]л!:аn а.t]or пtо.'.е5 jопеth п!
ViЕ Lr5е thе gеr!Пd or i.lе l' ]nfn t]!. а|tеrth.5. \rсr[,r5
.оnt]n L]. (]о nq аn.r.tir t!
90 oл dir]l]':
аг mрortагt. fi!|еn.е l
ЬLriihеrе 5 гnсаn n!]

Vеrb ! objeсl * -iqg rarm and inrinilive |pagе з8)

\l./е|5еthе iлEfоr'i afuеr|h.5.\rеrbsuhеnthеуа'еtc oir",еd bу;пobjе..

.|1iсi fееl fin.] hеаr r,ai|се a|е|j1?а| \ее

V'ъ!5еthеlO iгiIitVса еrtnеjе'rеll]5i(,lеnlhе!аrеio orrеd t])..г ob]е.t]

р,r'uаlе р|сk rеоnnеxc |еn]i|1c lerd le.tlr iеi/ 'lю|r| laln i|r|r|.)


For!Еnеla r! r!0rll^rh!. tc !5е lh. g.rund оlliIn I],;е,5ее uгit l0

l З8 Grommor rеЬrenсe

сonditionals and miхed сanditionals (paвe

zero сonditionaI Usе
Form t+ рrеsent 5 Пlр ! Еl!5еlltli'nрe i{е.аn L5е l!'еJ..ll to.|саtе t rs...ll.ilionn rеntеiсеi (U5пg sl'ouldj'
D1|1Й 40И
| шdff|Plаиrs- t|1l:)| 4lt- 5есOnd..nliionа 5еnt.'].сs LJs n! i4ldsll?yere '' rtoJl' аnd th rd.ond t.n;
!tIiеn.еs (Lrr:lq l/ad..'] hсjс рllrа5е5 а|е !]'.nе|а )r nr0l!'i1)|п]'r ;ii 'rlе
Usе: \tь !s. tti] l.|o.ОПi] |.ПJ tt ln 1ilr.||5iInаtOl]s
1](]lе.Oгnnlol i] \l!rititl!]thJ] n si]еесh
i|rаt arr !].П!ri Vor J l!rrr tr!.,
First сoпditi0naI
Оlhеr сondilюnal s|ruсlures (рaBе Д/'
Form f+ prеsеit 5 пl|-. .., L/,/ili |iг t!.
/f/oц €аtlциI f'o4у,и ||11/Pиt oи шеght. . UлleJs = i lоt' ех.ер't ]l
wе out,и,| lе аllе to sшiи цц|g!! the swiииiry 7r0/Ь оpеи,
lJse v'€ r5Ё t1е |r!|roll'j 1!ll; tO ta (irb,JLr,. рO55il] с
апd !roЬаЬ е 5tL].rtсr]5 Пih..I-tJlс'al. tl'.,I ' аs long аs' providеd/providing (thаt) = |.э|1'l f
L'\',//tfаt/, |a ,-lЙ а, Ьиа as pпnlгl.hе.ц -:цп-|nа pu'/- lpе.-
seсoлd сoпditi0пaI . ,л.dse = L]есe.,sе lт;)rl]е
Form: f+ р:ji; rр е' , , l1'o!]dl/и/,l]]dl l r iгflг 1!с wе,// talе oиrswiиslits fo1a;1{h€ sfuiии|и! Porl Ь rеи-
lr! hа|1а of|1f|1, I а i|nК |lqfr . suppos]лg/supposе= г.'a.a |е
Use:V'е !5е thе е.oid сопd.oпа toiэ [аb.Lrt s"'po.-:rа /1r.аЙt |о с|]| |.'''аht, -o"/l г hа' е е"o"о/, loo,t
ma.]niill o| im.robаb е5tLrаiопs апd ihе r . should/wеrе to/hаppеI1ed ro = V,rhеп somlih п! Б еjj рro |r. b .
.cn!ес|еn.еs Тlе nag па ! or пr! obab с 5,J xсnсс5
t|tt цt'еto ,h."// hаpaгиеlп
аlе п thе рrе5еПt оI.ut...' nоt n li. рa(i
Iwish/lf onlу |he pas| simp|e = lir { пq abоLr. nъqiгary5t!atoп5 l:h..
тhird сonditi0па|
р|еsеrrl viъhеs irrthinq5 to lrёl] ffеrе't n thе trrе!еnt,
t еrр''.55е5
Form: i] ра5t реrtе. L10iril,7и/.Uii]n | лl?l€ + раn / ш[sl / шаз ,'п th Ьеlс/l t |а/lt п,'ц '

lr| паа ! ш0Йll| kа|еPаsstа п1е е^а4- lwish/lfonlу + |hе pastpеrfесt = tа kiпg iЬo..t р.si 5 iLrа. oп! .hаl
'tи|'!l€l|, . ]Ь]; L; t Ь..]ir-a.r Ii ^..
Use]l,!е Lrsе.h:ih rd соld iопа tоi. [аiroltto |/Й/у / |,a'trИ , ,pе,t o//*l -o"n /ач u
паr! or mро55i. e s 1Lrаt Ols n thе рisl аrd lhе |
]Гn.rg "r|еnl
.oп5е!LrE|с.s. |hе stL]ilOn5 а|е Гn..!r [] е hё.аLr!.. \'\r.. lwi'h lfonlу would,wouldn7 -infiniti\P " o Ьod
..nnOt.hаrgеthеm nol],] thаt thеy l.аV? hарреn..l] hаb]tL]а lrеhаV]OL]lthаt\lе WаllllO сr]t].]zе аn. .hапoе'
му d'lls*оlеs / шl5l h woЙL|]1't,|o it
|v]ixed сonditioпа|s
Еolm: |, р.]s1 5 mр е' . !,,O1]iri',,c!l1lr'lir.j!. + раn
.р Аdvanсed future forms (page 50)
Use l4,хсi сOn. t cпа s:|е r ГniriLrrе oft]е е.cn. апd
tuture с0ntinuous
tlri|а Т|е!.;i dе .r Ье ап]mаg]lаry рrе!епt
\rъ r5е tir t!|! e (Ont nLroLr5 to td k ibоUtа.г]!п е5 ]i р|O!]ге55 а. a раt.| :rr
5i1!at]оl] аnd t5 рJ5T сO]5еq|еn.е
tiпlе thе Lr|Lrrэ Тlе aсt]V i е5 arе r рrO!]ress аnd sс tleу are Lrnt l ]hе.'
// /ff|| tLа| фJJr I w.ald hа,t,l'''е tL |hм '" п
'rc Аt tА,:5 t.:пr ta Иоffow- А,,// tе ||l,'а tо tht UsА

tuture рerfeсt simpIe

0| 0lе! саn dе!.i bе.n ]nlаq nаr! раn 5it|.tioп аn. it!
irе5еnr .or5еqLrеn.? \r"'е L]5еthе f|rtL]rе ое'.е.t 5 Г.. еtO tа kаbolt а.l!tе5 thа..l ЬеfпlhеdЬу
/// hаl h'l'| Ь"r"l /^t' t -l"/l" t Ьr h'"qn nu- а.еrtа п t гnе n.hе:.t.,..
| ш|// Аa| r аaИ? to bi ъv -dпа|ll-
lnvеrteo сoпolIlana|s \pagе цa)
torm Future perleсt с0ntinuous
shJ.И \J" rff'| а"''А,r'?' t // Й," l Ьг * \'!е 5еthе iLrtLrlе р."riесt.Ont nL]OLr5 totа k;bcL. ho!.; on! l а.t !ty hа5
, "thо' ".
t а

i= f!OLr ге.n] ап)"ti].q' o? iп thе othеr roоm )

Wеrе thе sitиatiои tо oct worsе' 11,е ||,oцI/ и,:cl t,J Ь 8 p, / // llаL е brr" rе' в'"o h,J"^ k' t' P h",r.,
lс'dеr olrpьhои
Re on the verge/point of
\l/olr. г.е. to rесOn5.еrOJ'рO5itioп J
\!lе |1\е bеon thе versе/poiлtofiotа kaЬo]tsonetl] П! that l!]o l!] to
наl /lиоши Аош /atе it otв' / wм/d llаrс Ь||
r|iеr |= | ||aakГa|'irг||оi-l аtе]t.nlа5 "l'о! d h.!е Гho аt оr Ihr n ar J/,|и' rи|iаа .,,ryе|/,:"tt еа//t L t'.,"a' у,
' ' 'е'.

Grommar rеferenсe l з9

Гьrl <ёnfFi1.ё< {б2aё

с|eft 5eпteпces Use
F0гm y/hеn r;е Lr5ЕtFе а!li аry !еrЬdo lla||lmnti\,с !еn|.nссs' ]L

Тl]с it] ng'iр а.е'/ре15оп,] that (5Urрris.s/]nt.rcsts,'5irc.!''аnПO!5 аdds..Г.phа5ь 1о !"'hа. l";е rrЁ 5а).]r.q,

iпlс/hеr/|! )i5 у'r..i а 5o Lr5r thе рhrа5е Ih е ttuth/fасt/problem/thing/

гh lА;м |hа wov:еd -е "
а" Ь,.
'p.t'оp |a lh иrw", quеstion/trouьlе, еl.. is that ,

\'Y ]at (;u rр rъ.5'/ ntrrеns'/sh o.G/'а i п cys ' )(mе'/.е''/.]5 )5,'
|4 rа|.Jrfu'еd 4еr ц аз l4аl !a? nJJсr Й a" fap|l- vaguе Bnguagе \pagе o4)

\(llаt (/\lе'it|еi ,,)([е,ii]о1: k!,,.On't Jndеrstenс/nе."d . ') 5 Form

И /"а | | ,|o; | .|. w^ i'",' е а q|]а,
"и*'."tаи'/ "'.'
l]е rеajoп !lпу , 5
Гlle rеаsои и,hу /сaцaе iэ tА,зt / hаvеsoиеthiиq |иpо}tаиt{о !е|/

f;ihе ,,1h.rt
/t wаs thе wаv l, soolс tАаtаииoуеlпе- , ' tl]lls kе .hаt ,,

llse i5 rot.еа n'..rа.i!

. еfi;епtеnсеs hаlе l'''rc раrt5 Тhе frsi раrt oitFе 5епtепсe hс р5 Lrs
tэio.!5 оr lhе Г.рortа.t iг.ormаtor thatroп]с5 l] Llr'. 5е(Olrr] раri п
i niqht1mJу/сou. '
th.s rЙ)] lhеy а.с еrnрl.a!5 to v-riat i!с.|е 5;! n!
!{е Lr5еthеl./.rd5 o'n'LrLt|rl!5 аbO\'еlО гrr[е n./hJi f;е 5а!
Оthеr WaУs of adding еmphasis (pagе 6О) 5o|n.]\rа!Lrе or!o 5oftеп ,l'hаt ь bе n!]5а с'Тhв сO!. bе
Ье.;L]5е Wе;l?n't 5Lrrе of v/ lа:'i!е аre sa!iгq cr lе dOn't \r'.r.nt
torm iо;оLrn. r!.е оltoо. rесt'
/ 7о thи| уo''rt ьаtlаtt аhи'l'
/l,;/а|]ttс w,th whаt уo' sаLd
тfu tfuth Ls rhd /thia|уo,it t>а'l4еп1h,И4

Thе /аd is rhd / а'lrсel witА ohаt уoц sаid-

Differeпt types of reporting struсtures 5 \,еrЬ+oЬ]с.| Е (n.i] |. пIlп t

аdile ,jl inrhld riji|.r.l llll ilс .r?i
] .rеrlr {th,l + 5еlriеп.е п 'ерortеd 5реесl1]! tl lсilmm€ntr' Iегn]n.' .€1]' Ll'dlrl

.hап!еOllе.l5е,?с''.j'.dmii'сEr?е,0|l1.|)N|се, 6 !еrэ+ gеrLrпd' еq,6dгili dе|!' |е.оnnе||' |е|1|е|, \t|qqе\i

сia]n, .an'iain, d€rу, ехoiain, р!|J||l|sе, Рai|, s'у 7 !еrb+ (ob] рrеро5]t or + !rrLrll., с! aсс05е 5.i1сbc.iу a|, аГ|ai.Eizс
2 iеr]r+o:]е.t ill.i) 5е'ltеn.е п |еportеd
+ fa|,iЭl0n1.sonеb'|.)|i|J|,Llrt|JJl.]'(.]nqrJl!/-ilE,oi€|o], ll .li.i.z€
5рее.h' ..q' il.Orll], |i,.ll]d' l."i |1,JlЛ \|n!bali fa, n'i5| эN, оb)есi io |l|.|r sоnеba|j' rE.:in'i
з rеrз + q uсsi on \r!n rерortеij
rd/ii + sе.ltепсе п 8 \rсlL (in,l + Ob е.t + lпlcdr ] + nf n t l.. ih cLr. lo' еq' фidn".l ijljrJi,
5ре?. h' еq' ;J4 //,rl iO tncL/( /L/ordсr lЕ.Oпrlei4 \11,'.jl
4 iеr. + lic|i r. n|in t r'е' еq' ,'|.t .l..]rт' !,сл]dгc'
,1fiе|, DnJ||jisе, |.iij5е, irе'iсr

l40 Grommor rеferenсe

stаtements ,it. sаy !оu dо nO: neеd IO ulеа ре|sonа objесttо

jl]!\(hoyOL] аrе sау]nq 5oгnеth ng lO'
y/hепthe rерOrthq'/erbiEq' j6]1 i?il) s n thсра5t'Lhet.n5еOitiе\iеrb]:l нr sаil it шаs
у,k1 k Ье а yeаt f/и'
0- _o
a.^ .; !.i. Ь
аnyfLrrthЕr Ьaсkaid 5o r.а! thе !ame \'! ll] te||!cLr mLrjt Lr5еа ре|5oга cЬjесttо5аy,,\l.o
уоLr ilе nуiiq !опеth пq tc
Direсt spee(h tеnses Repo rtеd speeсh tenses
Нr t!|d,м'r it шr !0i11.1
t|J tе.а
уе* fQ.
mаke г Гn! ' pie'enl jimp]? 5h. sа]d фе mаde f m5' !J5i sir'rрiЕ
mmаkingri m sFе jа]d j lе Wаs mаking fm, p.]..l Suestions
рl""5сlll a
, Тhе -iаmе сhаngеj...L]r\,'/th lе.5е5' рronoJг5 аnd
hаve mаde a I rn'pre] 5hе 5а d jh." had mаde а i]m ,,'tp€|i..i ot|rеrliolds а! \l,' .|r rеportе. nа1епепr5,
i(е co гot Lr5е thе.Lrх]irry!еrЬdo п rерor1сl
mаde a fi гп,'p.'jl'imp]. sh. sа'd shе had mаde а i]m portpeф.i

, hаd mаdeаf
Da vlц llr rм п"s,i.' > sh€ 4'lе|'| ис I:// /|k|'|
m 'pdJr,?|i..t shе sаid jlе hаd mаde:]. m ,,Jtp.:i.e.i

' willmake a I m.'1,,/i/1 5hе sаid shе WouId mаke а.]m Lr,{.]"r.i Т.еге 5 гo ]..rеrsiOn O:5!b]eсt.гd !еrb in lерO(еd
, (ouId mаkе
сrп mаke а ]] гn'..] sht 5hе а i]m ..Lrld .whеrе
вrеуoи?,> L|е аs/<еl ме ц,hеrе / u,аs.
' mаy mаkeа f гг,'гii)/ sh. s; d siе might nаliе а i]т ml41li ]ерortеd qLrеn Ons alе rоt rеа qL]с]iols5Othе!.O
, rot nееd q]еnon mаrks
must/haveto mаkе а fiпl 5hЕ5.dsie hаdto r rl'eа1m |d/to
l'/hег thеlе i5 гo qLrеn оn \,,rcrё i',|ha, ||'!ha| |0ц||hу'
сoU|d Would'shou|d аn. mightdo rot.hаngеfrom d rесttо rсрOnеc ifоr Whether
еtс)' ll/е r5е
с4"),"" l",:t?, > тI,, ns|rd пе ifl it.
,,,o"""Oре,,o" 'oиllfu
thе !еrЬ п:ерOrt!d sреесl .]sUa )'5lаy5lhе5аГnе
l €Й/i b'аt.hiи! > нr sауs hе еиioу wаtchф
f/и45,. f/иs-
i ]! \eb s ] ilе ра5t bL]I ilе 5tatегnет' 5оГ.еt'liгq \/!h сh 5
\ц/l.еi tlе rеio
n] trrе,or 5аnOl.r]1а!.ra)/sbetrL]е'lhetеn5еotthе!еrb n reрortе.i5p!e.h
Lr5Lrа 1sta!5 tnе 5аmе.
] ii+ i. + раn..rti.]. е oi iJе]iе'/е, klо|l',,ihiгt1. \а!,
Амеriсaи', > нфи эаilДеЬ Аиеrlсaп' еlресt, сlain, rcрort + ihat
lt Ь sа|d thаt do/phks cаи соимциicаtе.
Гh2 -ak /J|" фf/*' 'Й |Й,/'а-, > гh у-:,lе п/r,/", /hаl !h', -alе ьL was с/аiиay' tАat thc prеs[,fuиt lиеw аЬои{
i rерortеd 5рЕесh, рroiOLrпs аnd рOssessi!саd]е.t!е5 sо.hаnqР

/оl,е voцrsмi/е', > Brаlsаi'| hе bnеd hеrs-iЬ'


Hеrеаr.soГnеothеrvro|dr.'!h.h.rаnqеfroг.d rесttоrерcriеd 5ре...h

DoЬ/1fus are sail t|' ьr аь/€ tо сo111ИЙ]1hаt€,
Direсtspeeсh Rеpoltedspeесh
Thе wеsl'|е"t -аs с/аi*e,/ to hаuе kипuи
,lit tt,"
l{е use th s sirUсt!|еtotа k аL5oLrt.,\rlаt реoр е n
!еnеrа sаy' th]nkоrlrе е!.е аboLrt!опеth пg'


nеli (f',ее k/r,оn(n/' еa |) thе {оi!a'| niq ('!r'ееk|,nоNti1i]|еr|)

t t| с p |.! 1 o us (| \| е.! kI n a г | h /|
] е|з r)

|1 (||.ек/n a |1! h|уе6 | о qc r L ..l mo.lh,.lr| ]r.l €

Grommor referen.ё 141

s]r]е.t Е|]с, ii] l '. ( Ь.r .]!l]].]
5J|1L|кIЙ1 15
| '1, .li Prfrtит5l|Й|lf| torп
тhе pri2r hа5 tЕf'1 .|InJ|t'|Ьу thе со,ttмi{{еc' 5ub]е- + l.1vеorJ.l+ oЬj."сt + рan раrtiс p е (bl + а!еt)
(pr;s€иtpефn) 5ub]'"сt * 1ou"* u:.].u. r П|г ti.l...'\'thcut lO
it,''"p,,.t,''' ь",., '- ' -'/''оl.оlrl ,',t|l,-", s| Ь]есt +qc. аqеni + i.) infn l]!е

Lоts оfиeи,tесhиolоу wt:// tt |п',riсl iи the (шi/l) Usе

\iь Lr5е thеsе 5t|!.nrles |O tа k abOlIа.l]Ons Wh сh \'е.On,t dо
l',/е nlJkе ih: ра55 \,е
..\, tl ilе aррrорr аtе iе ъе а ld fоrr oithе OU15е \'е5] sOm elrOdy or 50 Гn Eth пq dcеslhem Ioг Lrs' ottел by pа]r п!
lier.l.b.аnd thе раn раrt]. р е oithе !?rЬ thс m to .]o 1 .:el ь 5Liq ht y пl orе пlоrmr , \ц/ith thе!е nrLr.tLr rе5 ,,\'е
|o Г.а(е lL]еn]on5 n thе ра55yе,.'!е p|tthеt]r5t;|rlЙry!еr|5 rilаkс d f|сrепi .еП5е5 Ь]r сhапg nE thr trП5! oi tl.'l'" or qЕi
fudoth|5k| ltо l^ hЬ.l\И'Йtf,.
Ь thе сшсЙЬeiиа shоц,и t'и тv? L|еs hat|иq а /|l:мl Ь' h|s омpиtеr
наs the l/'a tсе, /i",:shеl?
р. р. 1"
lr.lе!sе1hе'jl.рсs]tiOn,j/tO]nt|о.uсе.irеа!еnI,t1аt s'thе сап Lr]еthерrероsпionbIto]ntrоd!.еihеаqепt'thаt s'thе реrsonoI
реr5oп оr th:пq !il.l .Oеs thе асtOn' thiiq vih сh loеs thе а.tion lп i5 nоt ]rn portа пt Whо doе5 thеасtion
!..е do пot р!iапyth]lg
Use * hlhls fuп!|lеrl^dЬу а hrиd
\'lе Lr5е ihе ра55i.]е Wlеп:
] v'е аrе morе пtеrеnе. ]n thеасton thаn ttlе рсOр с ylro do

А sцspiioцs Ьа,7 hаs Ьсеи /o"и,| iи thе stаtit'.'

2 ''lе
do lоt kпo\'',l \,!'hоei.l.t! dOеJ Lhс a.tiо'l. . а (|alge/sma||) numberof ( р L]|а .оLrntirb e ПoLrn')
tnи| k|r iЙ1t [€rи п'ьъеl-
. аll,а||of (+ а|.o|ntal] e' р uri] соLntаb еаnd |псоLntаb е
з ]1 i5 О.Vio| 5 or Lrndе|5toоO.n,lo d]d .hе а.t]on, ']n!]|
тh€ sцs|€.t u,аr аff€rt&l' r most, mostof (+ 5]гqlriаrсoLrntaЬ]е, р !rа соLrntаlriе апd
unс0L-]nIaD e nоL]п5]
n 5oгnе ап!]!аqes' rеtеri\rеor mре6Oiа :O|Г.5 а|е Usе. ]nstеaij
. eасh, evely Е 5]пgLr аrсоLrntаЬ е пo!п!)
. eасh of,everyoneof (+ р Lrrа .oLrпtаЬ е пoLris)
Pаssive infinitiYes аnd gerunds . no L+ 5 nqLr аr.oLrntаЬ]е' рlLrrаiсouniаbеапd Lrnсo!пtaЬ е nouns)
torm . none ('lithоUt ofthь Б a р oпOln аld сanno1-сrо With аno1irеr
V'е mаkе]Vс niin 1\,с5 \(/ th l. De !аn р!rl|. р P
ро . noneоf (+ р Lrr.l(OLrnlаb е аnd Lrпсountib е пoLrп5)

Use lJse
Тlе.eс s Or \,!hеthеr1. L]5е irn iг.].iliVе or gеп]n.] .]."реni! On Еасh aпd ёvery аrе fo|ow'".] by sinqLr ar!еrЬ5
rе pr.с.|ing \'еrb' рrеро']tiОn crjtrLr.iLrе Еаrl Jw в //сrеиt- ЕL еlу lаt в l'fеrе"t-
| /t'vе bdи'l spoi/t. / wаиt tо Ьс rеsprсtеd
None of .an bс |o OWed Ьy. 5]пqLr аr ol р L]rа !е|b i' jt lс|.rs tO а

р !rа сoLrnla0 е n|rL]n

(page 86) N" /

"t,, "s
/,: thаt l /--
someaпdmostсапbеfo о.,,rеd d rесty Ьyа ЛoLrп tihеrе i5 nооt|.
somе'еlЬ5 аr.. |о o",lеd Ьy |WoOb].]i]Ь' o|e L]5!a ! a t...L] aПi soпе pеt,pЬ' мost сhi/lreи
thеothеr] ]'., Thqlуrе м а slrprЬе,
\{'еmUn Lrsеsome of aпd mostof lWе Lr5е aпоtlеrdеtеIm]пеr,
i'!hег tll v(е.аl п'akеo'/o diъrепt pа55.]е 5епiепсеs
hар!еп5, sоИt о/tА, Иho k|пе шrrс аЙnn
/ was ,15иrP|1}ё. А sLryrЬе ш.1' !i|.Е|1 цr. 'Ф,L lьа'pЦrеd,
/Иos! ot'!h! thо.olаtf
t i5 nоrе.ommoп to mаkE pJ55lVе 5..ilrП.е5' .h |h€ i1 ] !!. .] A|| .]ое5 iot hа!е tо !]O r'r' th of iftherе i5 аnоth'"r dеlепn n'"r
..]i .. а5 thе 5Lrir]е.t, д//b/) thе oсоp/е Аtrс alс l,:r"7э o/ *,:"с-
о o.Ь,, " o.d ,оoц"
b|iл|]' b!у, gj|е, !е|1d' оfiе|, |J||1|е р.|!,, p|a|.ri.jе, |еiusе, sс|)(], sho|'|,

l42 Grommor re{etenсe

IЙaking and mОdifуing CorЛparisons (pagе 1oЗ)

torm IMаkiпg сompаrisons

U5 г-.]tirе рlе5еni раrt.i!i. !r.rе Lr!." rсjJ' itl .i]сO]n!i] | гOUг5 аn. ]?r'l.l !l/ il с.L]n|;.. nO!|!
иаll иq п |/l,
, Ь,-pеd .tо а' ''/,|
fr',с,d' и е h"' r /,
- *l,с' rЬа. kht с- И ( hа, ( rtФf . 11а
' "сr"
U5пo thе ра51раrti.]. r
саваhtЬ thе po/цt' t/l, аа"а
'*n-"d 1'l'е !sе dj .jfu !а)] lt/.rО |ir].qj:rlr:h. s.rmе V/. Lrte l.]i lJ. lJ!.]|
|0l'0 d5tо ;a)' ihаtthе sе..пd.еr5оп.rth]lq .: |r.r? lrlJпthе
Т lr 5Lr|.,..t о|tl'. рrr|. р | ( i:!5. Г]LrJt b.l.l.'5a r]r.! | tlс
(lt.]сl l; i |.tTlе 5.n]еn..
Plаtltиo tcииts tэц'{ sl r'хpеиэu t а" pаrао/,'J,n,t,
s:еiи! |:iИ tАёrr, /,fuаrrd.
ll'е i5l rl.!] i]l?j.rгrr ' ijtс.orтр;|e ll]L].l]
гh- l. е"и 1. h' 1hr.аи t',.'/емrц| а - t. 1.' -а''|цq'
Use "p-'t
и,dltл!,...]io tа \rlе ..5е d.LrL5 е.о.n ir].rr-.nj л.i.' .]tjd.l.rdl]'4.];rn.l.
\lе рrеj."nt раlt]с tr е5 (фrlq, Lrdl.n]i4
Lr5е ( ).]rаI
аboLrt а.i.n; hарре ].q аt thе 5;mе i n.е' o.b 'es

Rции|иа to tаhА thе Ьиs, / tu,istеl яу аlt/</e, l= tll е lLas SheЬ lеttiиа иorr aиlиorе {irсl,
lLrгriпq to..tсh .hе ЬLrs' t\,inеd пl! аi[е) Shе' ае{hиа {а||rr аиl tа||еr

l{i. !5. 1irе+ |oпparnti/е ilrе +.t]frp,r,li/. t! tr IJboLrt |!.'1Lllll!!

hr'/lrr п|.hеc, ha'/ng \,',6i!е., еt.)to 5а]r tlа. il5 а.t \r t!
1арi]]еп?d Ье:orе thе пехi a.ti.].! п thе 5епtеп.е тllt /а"trr / t rhе цlrr lt:rtd | /|l
нar|иа seеп tllе уLеаthеr farесаst' ш€|,1и.r//rlt'е |,тh',r*.""и, lk ь,tt,i'*, o*/t"-
iiБio'"' е дп", ,," r'u,t''.фe'] t hс l.lсJ i l.| |о lес; s t' rrе
|v]odif ying comраrisons
.аnсe r. Lhе ехсUrsioг )
\'/с саП ]5е thеjеl.,.r.5 aп. еxр.!55сП5 |O п]cd.Iу baj. Lcгnрira|!сs
\'ilе.аn ра|tiс]pе5to 3r.;in t]е rеa5оп tcr5cГnе
a so L]5е \iiEi]i|i| а bii'r i.i' r c|е|l|:jе|l l ril.h irr' lLlltg/rhr 9: lim.!
Nееt||и4 а rеst, / sаt lоши' ( Bс.а|]-i. 1]сс.еd n' sа. НеЬ larЬe#еrat tеииl:s tАaи пе,

\цli]..lП Lr5Е trеjе'"^,or.5 aп. еxрrе*']rl5 |o пl!0i]у5upIr.1!.s:

b! со'il|, b'! 6 iong t|ау
Wаtсhеd Ьу иi//kиэ' the prоqrаиис шаs аи iипе аtе 5hеЭ !у /ar thc lеst аth/etе iи thе u,оrll riаht иow,
,/. i= Т lе L]..q|Jmm. (a5 .'l.itсh.d b)r m .n'i.ii] Wis аn
. " р.
qIiiе, r|еr|]'' аirг]о\i, j|s| i,'|'|i.е/ihЕ? iili..Еj' |i'!,/l.lе n:.I rj.iлinq lirЕ
sheb аrc/"/.s -е'

А/An tO td [ аЬoLri 5oпlеtl r! Lrп q!! sс.neth nq liat t]e е s оn ! Onе Oi

tА, мп' thе lrw t/1'. s(у' .hе N|r/'/
. i,l]с. гrеnT.n nlпlеlh i..r iOlthе i rlt r nё'.. iO nJrth;i t t15|реrаi!е ас е.t\rеl эld id'/еrЬ5 .ld ii.].l,,],].l,,аrrИ,Irе,
''" bo ltЬ а/ц,ауs thе sаиe эtиу.

. tс n! r./jаt !о'nеb.d!! рrjiе5! oп 5

L|ез 4 |€sеar.hеr
.r''ith.rll rl],JLt yc to l. (.roLr|. lrorр l th 5 LJst, |ll. ]rс1lr 5,r'!J)ц
р Lrlr
l,lrе L]jе fi. \,r t...Lrntаb е li n.1rLr а|;nd р L,lа ]rn.] Ihf аff."/hr:иа мal -Iаl qo4-
!nсoL]nt.l] е no!пr lliе.]5е t
N0 аrtiс|e
0|Ihзt !.rе а rеа.)' kпr..nrn|ro!r ll'f dO nоt ls. n]].jrt.. !:
sАrs аotа,аr тtrс,аri trraиl иец- . 0 :l р | rэ .о!пtаb е lo|] l; эT lсOl]n1ab е .сL] 15 !\llе L] l'l]iе a e
lа ( пg aЬoLrt реэр е o th пq5 п q:пеr.,
. t. i; i аbоLrt jр..]fс th п.5 o'ре.p е t(оЙоИьrr sа) s'.lrry и€сdsfu (и'1]11€-
тhе саr shе Ьоиаllt ц,аэ apeиsire
тhr фhо ф|Jl l' tho c а} с rr|1|Ь hr|pfuI
. . tl ; pеr;cП jolr tit е ol thеir Lrг.]Lrr рсs]t]or l a..] nрапy'
'еn,|t му trlther ь hеаl t,ffиаисе аt thе ииirеrsitу

Аrtiс|es 2 Фagе I|2)

elc .lhеn\,,lсп..ес]эрrе|.;tOn tnlhеrеа.yерlOFo!r5r,]li.i,r'lc..orL/l'|.jgliе
ArtiсIes With 5с'ool, иnivercilу, о O
. o o o o O"
use ц,:|h aи lиr, i.аА P. ts'n t. п whJЙ | hаrиI'1.аи) |аl(,иа|lиl lh ]1!1s-

' : :o noi .]5е аn аri. е n-.]iti. -(.too' ir ll eбlry

]j-.riJi.о1i.'.' рlj(rг .ll/I.l !.'Llеп \r!е ta k
:.jIt р1а.'.5 аrе ]Ol'
I nиliе,| l,ith аи Аиеriсaи pro|essоr щfu / Ь"мt ',,аи/ fаaciиatiи!
thiиls РlL
\','Ьtеr Ь аt Йиircrsi''- |.= jnеi.'

Тhi| is tАе ofxе iЙ шhiсh / ц,orkеl,l= ncrе|arnl'l

. iе usе | €l\'ih l.i.oi LllliL€rjiи n.Jpriл] тhь ь thе ofirc u|зuLt.ol,rl ц\= е55 iarг|r:
:J]]:'t !l5o1l'.]1lI.r l/h.n ''\iэ tа k эcoIt t l.
l'\,lс.аnпOt Lriе |i.iaILеr рlерo5 i |)ni
l] ]l-i].а L|t d nq5,
B"illеrs loiry -arl ot the иЙluеrs|ry- A|tеr э р|ерo!l]оп' l!l, beсori.slф'rn
rе р/.nо!Пj:
t oг5 арреJI n si]L]еr.] .orr рhr;5е!\r''h].h.cпtаг
"rе t,lерo5
' ,,
nоn ai'r'|Ёi.h/|'lrcm' th. ill5l'4'j| .fuNr.l]/,l.r'hoir
r,l.е ai llhiсtl/Lt',han' llаnу a|',.lhiсh//|ir.rг|1,
Тhе!asо.рpеrr rsе.r'е|r ;d!эrЬа] рhrrsс5!\'l.h.oriа]n rеаt]Vерlоп.L]n!:
.i,,ihl.i,Oi|i |0| /ii.h Е.lJOlil ir lfii.l..n.

Gеrunds and jnfinitives ' rеvisiоn Фage \24)

and rеvlsi
rules and

Wеusethegelund: L
We use the to_infinitive:

tc erp a i Why 5. n. еЬo|,/ dое5 somеih l!

аs thс subjeсt Olobjeсt oiа 5епlеn.е
tll а q,.d.onpl|сr у, to th',l r'rc|,Ц -h"г),"
l''h иЙ4|J rod.a5Ь h(Ps)0l l| аи4tr'таи4 0
lJ. J...'.;L"J |,,.|..ida |r i1" Ь"и1as furtиre'
]rnmеd аtе! аftеl аdjeсtives
аftеr pre positions,
t|i сsrn,io/ ЦlLЦ bсkrc)o" а',wеr
I d |'t|.| 0' *?I!! пIr.4кr'
jl,l]4 j\Pr too, еnough' Ihе first, the lаst'
a|tеr verbs oflikin9 or disIiking, En' iike' ro,/e !.]o/, .dЛ,i
l,и thе
fr* tцсfui! it.

",t ".."|;Йa iи thаt fe,'tаиrаиt,
ihЕre!ro :lt?r n.]Еfг 1е рrorl,L]n' (j.гr.//h.в ,.1l]gllli'lq' еtсj
a|tеrth?sе iOLrп рhrа5сs: it!l....d/.ljе ]i! iлOi]ir.ll ,

l с n1si| |o'Jb| е ir| i ]it)

/ I hа| fи r lnr а9]rпlи! !!!!!Ц!.!|
рaint ii |), hо\|е |lliiiс'Li)| цab

|tь иot ф|1Йh .'1ц!o'/rr

.iitеr.еrt. l' !rr|ъ r?е Jn t ]
''\itl9o tOtа k аbcLrl рhy-i].a а.t!'l]е5
fufuц!]' ,d;пФ-,1 |).lЧ ./,"ff''! ,w:gi"! |ьnaз
;.iеl.еrt.l п.rеrhi sе." L]п]L l

(рage 124) Eillрsь (page 729)

Whаtever' Wherevеr, whoevеr' efс
Е ]р!s rVr'hеn !^/е еaV. |.Lrt \'lllor.5 !сса!!е1nеl.lЕ
!Yе L]iе r'1'h.€l.l Й,lel.y€| Lr,h!.h?'|е|,',i|]aiе|е| t1.)||е|е|'!!hсi ]tdэ?5п 1'iаkе
lot nе.е55аl! апd to a!.l reреii()lr
аn\,. ffеrег.е L/,io Ll,h.n ,,,1hl.]l' еl. Т[lе.ьLr'еl.'h.h.o:1a
ns L,r/||tj19./сl
iегrtrnсr tlе Гn]dd.4 Оnс оfih. mon.оп.riсп еtaГnр.5 5 !'rhеn \.r. оГn i
,,,,ilос,,аl, сtс' сan сom'":t tll.'!iэrl оlthс
оr ]n
п ,
ап lrilniti!еto а\,oio 11реat]n!:hе!еr1rаqа
t,уhаrе,у / do' уоц,r,: а|wау5 aиqry fuith w[-
she afu еаф Ьи{ | li'/и,t wаиt tl 1еаt
oь'у' iч^ *,tt,Ъе' йh}tеL rr I lo,
no!\' mLrсh,!o! do t J l5o со.nп.oil to еа',Е OL]]in !еrb a lеrэ
\lе u5е ',.O,1'Е./.| + a,J е.t.1с/аdr'еlb tо sa! 0оеsпt n.аt.еr
п ]rсrа , еD
the m cd е |\1аrI w|;rhе/|у' b"t |ФltlIh|P wЙ],
ьoLL,E,trсi l с..nlе ат тhс stаrt Oi t]]е J."ntеrсе.rr ]tl
Ноwеtt{аs| уои ruп, у,.ll //иaсr bсаt *с-
i"||*'|uЬ,ot -,, l,-"ufаnу" ru.

144 Grommor rеIerеnсe

Add пq еmрhа5ь pаge60' ]40

Artс 15 аrt;.е)
(d/dn, the' лo pаge,l,l2' 143
А rt]с е5 (V\r th еt.)
sсhool U,iversity, pagе 112' 1ц
As lang os, providеd/praviding (th|зt) pagе47,139
Bе on thе vеrgе/point of
pаqе 5 0, з 9
саLrsаl]Vе5 pаge 86, ]42
раgе 60,
De1еrmine6 an0 quагrti]iеБ pagе92' 142

pаge46' ]39
-r on n-o- pаgе50' ]39
ГL]tL] rе асl V]t]е5 пihеш5t pаg€ 8',lз6
l-LrtI rе pеrfесi.oпt п|oLr5 pаqе 50' ]з9
FLrtLrrе рrrtесt5 mpe pаgе 50,1з9
GеrL]nd! and ]n]in i r,es pagе124'144
]Wish/lf anlу - thе pas| pagе 47,1з9
] wish/]f onlу + 1ье pa\| реfес| pagе 47 , 1з9
lwish/lf onlу'l'||| wauld/wouldn,t + nfinitive page47,1з9
гnреrloпа rерort]ng nrLrсtLrrеs раge 76, ]4]
ln саsе page 4l,1з9
nvrrt..d сопditоп.5 pаge46' ]39
Nlak]ng .olnраrьOns pаg€ 10з,14з
pаge 46,
vo ." nighl pаqе 25,,lз8
i'lоda .,еrD! oЬ qаt]оn' реrm 55ion' рroh L]itioi,аdV]сеаnd.rt(i5пl pаge 20, ]37
i\,1odi./еrЬ! 5pесLr аton' dеdLr.t]oп' pо!! Ьiiц]апd рroЬаtrii\r pаgе 25, ]З7.]З8
l/оd fo]пg.oпlpагьoл5 раge 10з, ]4з
Pаrtiс р е саuse!
рr(( :. m<: р'nn.1 р< аnd раrryе gеnrn.r pagе86,142
ра9e86' l42

Рa5i рrrfес1 сoпlinljous раgе 8,.lз6

Рast реlfесt si,rр е pаqе 8' ]з6
PlерOsitions ]n rе аt!е pаqе]]9,]44
Prе!еniаnd ра5t hаbits pagе 12,1з7
Prеsеnt рer|ес1сO|t n!оLrs pаge 8, ]36
Prеsеnt реriесis пlр е раge8, ]з6
Pаn s mр е раge8, ]З6
tероri nq qUеstOns page 72 14-l
Rеport n!]stаtemеnts page 12,141
Rерort nq nr!сtLrrеs page72,14с
sесond сOnd tonа pаge46' ]39

Тh rd сonditiona pаgе46, ]з9

Un|еss pagе 47,1з9
vа1]!е dl Чuаle раge64, ]4o
tеrЬ + -;л9 forпr аid пfiп;tivе ра9e Зд |З8
V..rb+objесi+;'giormаnd t]V."
nnn pаge з8, ]з8
whаtеver' whе|evеL whoеvеr, е1. pagе 124,144
le|O сondit Ona pаge46' ]39

Аdjесtivе suffiхеs
-fU, (usuа l|y added to noun5) -сble (us!ally added to verbs)
саrеiLr сooLrr].Lr, lе рi! ' hoреf! ' n5i.ohtf.r ра п:], реa.е.J ас.срiab.,аL]а]а.е'Ье :.rаbе'сoгitоriаbе,.on5.е"аbе,
' '
Lri'.fLr iOгcеliLr ?n,Oуаbе' rrtаb е' (по!,rеi]!]еаlr е' kеaLцс'm.Г.o'аbе'
'ih!Lr!hit| ' '
е rе.oqn
(usuаlIy nouns) рlе.] .tаЬ е' рrоfitaLr !, qL]е5i cпaЬ Е lсa50пrЬ 1'rl] е'
Jess аdded to
Lrrdеl5tапdaЬ e' Lr5еа|5 е']|nb е'',!;5]аb е
iеаrе5;' hе р е55' hор. сs5' lllеэп пg e55' ра n е55' рo Пt fss'
iоvi.Еr Ё55,5.,е: е55' tl].]..Jhtе!;, J5е сs5
-ible {u suаlly аdded to verbs)
а.се;! Ь е'.omрrеhсns b е'.oг.]е.l L] е, еd Ь е':orr b.
-a, (usuаlly аdded to nouns)
i..п5i! е' t..rr b Е
ас.dегrtа а5rro oqi.i] biog:nрh.a с.mГnеr.]а 'есопom.а
' ' .aлt (usuаlIy dded toverbs)
еп';onГ.еntа, !]эb,r ]ndLr;:r]а ' o!.а гr|5i.а П.t On,r а
' '
Еi1-r..tan|, пlрoltапi' o.!сlrагt rе5 naП|

-ive (usuallyаdded to verbs}

.k (usuаlly аddеd to nouns) а.t!е' ;tirа.tVr, сoт!еtiti\]..'.оп5:rUсt'iе,.rеаt!е'.есер 'rе'
аIt stiс' е.oioГn с, cр Гni5t].' !е]5 Г.ъt]с' !oеt.' sс]еnti. ...съ]rе'dеsirLr.i'е'еrесt\,е п:]r!!5Vе'i|nрJ 5],iе' реrсер.Vе'
i.е' rесерt rе' 5Lrрроri
.y (usuа|ly аdded to nouns) р|о.]L]сt

.i5fi (meаning: more or,ess, usuа|ly аdded to anothеr
.]O|rdу'd rt),, dLrЦifLrпl,V he ry rUrqry' |.(t' lr nу,;.еIr!
ЬrO']'''n sh'5:rаi!hti5h'ti ф'yoLrгq5г

Naun suffiхеs abstract/things

.ity (usuа lly аdded to аdjeсtives) .сy (usuа|ly dded to аdje(tives)

ab tу а.t!]цr'а!;iаЬ] ty' сOmр ехitу' сr.аti\r ll'.Lrrlo5l!' d]р оnla.l' еili.iеn.y

а..!rа.]'l dе.егс)l' fl Lrеn.!' irеqLrепrr/'

dеns ty' сquа ty'fоrm; ]t!'frаtеrn ty' {]еnеro5itу h!n d L)i' pr iaс,! ul!еr.!' !a.аnс!
]п-.rеiLr 1,' ре15сП.j ]tу' рrod!сt'l tl' |еа ]t!' 5...L]r1)r' s miаrl)1 .meлf (usuаlly аdded to verbs)
nLrр. i!' sLrреrort)r (| r]еm. cymenl' а..oГi р 5hmсnt аcjLrnГnеnt,..n!i?гnеnt'
-enсe (u5uаlly аdded to аdjeсtives) аррo ntгnепt' arqumеnt а'rаiqen.еtI, а5sе;5mеn! alIа..г
ad. е5.еrсе' сO nс dеr.е'.onIdеnсе'.orrе5рondеn.е' се\rе cрт?п.' еmiJJIrа55гnепi' еnр0!.''еrгnе:1' епгan.еnепi'

o]ffer..n.е'..хl5t.'lсе' iгdерэndсn.е, ]ntе g!n.. .L5еo]епсе, еn]оуГ.еnt'Еl.:tЕпlсnL'-.]о!еrlnЕnL, Г.lrcyеГnЕпt n5|а пlегt

pаlег.е' рrе!!rсе' rеs dепсе'!]O еп.Е rе.'I rГ.еt' rеqLr rеt r!пlсnI
.,n.e .ion {usuаl|yаdded to verbs)
{usuа||y аdded to аdje(tives)
аЬLriden.е' (. 5)а!реrrаn.е арр an.е,аs!Lrraп.с, сe!ап.е' ..1cn,.d,rрtа..п а.fе.i cn, аtt.пi oп, с|саi cll,i]r5.r !tоn'
еltrа,]аgа:lсе' ]qnOlrnс?' mрorGn.е' п5!'апсе lе еV.t.е' .е5tш.tiOг' с]s.! 5 эп,...].аtoп' ехр anat оn' ехрrе55 0n'
hеj]tаlоп Гr: .atoi]' inp|е!!оп n!еnt |.п' п\rеniqJ1cn
ьOаicl cp.,rаtioг'оrqJIiZаt]о]'plе. сtcn рrolrа.oп
-ety (usuаlly аdded to аdjedives)

.,re {u suа||y аdd€d to verbs)

.nesJ (usuаl|y аdded to аdjeсtives)
lа !rе, р еa5!rс' Ur,J55Lrlе
а!rarrnсss']r пlгЕ55'dаrknе55'е.!]с|nе5s' hаррпе5s, nе55'
.s,'ф (tlsuа||yаdded to аnother noun)
.еlsorsh р' с t zеr5h]р' ir еll1]5h]р' ьrosh р' еасе15l.'!'
-dom (usuаllyаdded to аdje<tive5)
пrетЬ.r5h р,.!]1lеl5l. р' rе а1On5l]:
.5оrrdom, frееdom, k ngdоfl

Noun suffiхеs - pеop|e

.o/ (u5ually аddеd to verbs) -dлt(usuаlly added to verb5)
a.t.r'.rеatoi n\]еп.оr ар! ].апt' а55 naпt' attеn.];)t' рafl.0ijг1

-el (usuаIly аdded to verbs) -ist (usually аdded to а nother noцn)

;5trо oqеr' bе еlrеr Ь!n.]n.еl, qirthеrеr' luitеl, |r а,Vеr' р !пrlrеr' аrt]n'qrаohooq n -0U]tаr
5.' орt n.51, рh!5]с 5i, p5)сi0 оq t'

р|OdLr.еr' рub 5l.еr' rэ5rarсiеr

Аdvе|b sufh\еs
-/y(Usuаlly added to аdje(tives)
асt'rе y' dе bеlrtе')r' па1Oга у рroс!.tl'е )i j'' !,l] l'] у


аnti- Imеanin$ og o i nst'J

апl hero
сo- |meaning| with' togеthеrJ
сo 5iаT'.0рIo0L].е .o-еr 5i, соoр.rdtr], соor.]inаioп, со р]ct

dis- |fiеaning| thе oppositе' not|

d sirb itу' d 5rb.d dьаd]лnla!с d 5арpеаr' d 5аpро nln!]' d 5аррro!е' d Jсoпlfort
ex- {meа n ing: @ рositior' or situаtion thаt еxisted bеforq but not now|
еx hLr5bаid,еx presidеnt
iI- Imeaning' thе oppositе, not)
i еqа], ilе!]bе' е!]i1im.1е' tеrаtе' il]Oqi..l

im- ||neaning': thе opposite, not)

rГnрепеtrаD e, n]mаt!rе' iгnрatепi' ]гnр./|e.i' mрO]lt.' пlpо55 Ь]e' irrrрrа.tса

in- (mеaning| thе opposilе, not|

]паЬ q1inа.ti\,e' паdеqLr;1е' rlсaрaЬе, n.Oi5olаЬ]e' iiсO.rссt, nеI]iсiеit'
iiripеrеn.еd, niorma n5е.!|с' iп!! Ь е
i nt еr - |meani n$ ь e t w е е n'J
ntеlас1' Пtе|асti!е' intеrсlалqе' ]ntе|сl)Ппе.t intе|dерeпdеnt, ii1еrlасc,
irtеrгnedаrу, пtеrnаtiOna
ir- |meanin$ thе oPpositе, not)
]r|аtionа, rrеq! аr' i|rе eyant' irre'5t b e, rrеsрons b e

mis- ||neaning| wrong' inсorrcсtJ

ГnвbеhаVе' mь.а сu аte, mь.аn' mьсопсерtion, m sdегnеаnour' mвfort!nе,
Гn 5hар' гi 5hеаr' m 5iniorm, mi5 ntеrрrеt, гiьjudqе' m 5 rаd' mьmаnаqе, Гn sр| ni'

Гn sрroпoLrпсе' гnьrеаd' гni5t]гnеd, гпьtrеаt, m]sIr!n' Гni5|rndеrstаnd

oyer- (meаning: too mu.h)

O!еrDeаr пq' oVеrt] cwn' oyеrbook' Ovеr.ook' O.rеrсгiti.а, оVеrdO, o!.|cПphа5izc'
o!еrеnimа1е' o!еrt]our' cverhaпgi o!еl oаd, oVеrра d, o!еrplrрUlа1'4d' ovеrрr]сеd'
ov.Qrrеа.t' ovе/s.Qер' oyеrwе]ght' oyеrwo|k

non- Imеanin$ thе oPposite, not|

nOn.рroiit, поn |еsdеnt' поп 5mck пq, nоп n()р' лoл Verbа
pre- |mеar|ing| beforc)
pleсoпсерtоll р|ссoоk' pr.д тhoo
Post. (meаning:сfter)
pо5igrаiLrirlе, рonlnоdе|n' pcn !!аl

re-{meаning: dgdiл)
rеа.t' rеаc]!5t, rеарpеаr, rеа55."55, rеbLr d' rесlas5i]./' rr.Oi5]dеr' rеd 5.o!el, redo'
rегпаKе' rер аy, r.рron!.е
sUb. (meалin9: below)
iLrb.on5.o!5' 5LrЬГni]| ne 5LrЬ pоl' 5Ulrwау' 5Lrb zerо
supеr- Imеaning| Йorq biggе|, bеtte|)
5Lrреrhеro' nrреrh!mап' sL]ре| mро!еi 5r.r!сrлаt!rаl,s!реrро1]l/еr
un- |meanin$ thе oppositе, not|
!naЬ]е' Lrnа.сеptаЬ е' rrnbе i.\rа|rе' Lrnсеrin n' Lrnсоn5.iOLr5, LrnсoпVепt]Onа,
!iсookеd' t ndO' unеmpоyеd' LrП].а]| LrпfO(uПаtе' L]n П5trr Пq, !пkjпd' trл]o.k'
UnnаtUга !nрасk, Lrпрrеd.tаbiс' Lrпrеаl, !nrt]аЬ е
undеr |meaning.. not еnough|
!пnеl.оok !п1]еrеsi ГnaLс' !ndеrрrVicqеd' Undеrrа|.d' !пdеrVа L]ed, Lrrldrr]r']еiqhI



п th 5 tyре o1а.t Vit),, уо! h]rVе t.r 5аy.'hiсh leхt or раrt n thi! typе Olaсtiv ty ),ou mun u5е the \4Ord givеn ro fоrгn а Wod that fits
Of аtеrtсоntа]п!а pе.eOI n|Ormаtion olап5Wеr5а п thе qар'Тhе Word5 саn bе аn! 0/ре - nо| n' аd]есtivе, аdlerb оr Vеrb

step ]| Rеаd thе tехi Onсе qLr.k y to kпowthе qеiеrаlпrean nq

step,1: Rеаd a thе tеХtsor раrtsoithеtеxtqLr]сkуto step 2| Whеn yOU ]OOk. O5еIаteа.h gaр' lеаd tO lheend O1 thе
qеt а gепеrа Lrn0ersвno ng' sеntenсе, nоtj!5ttothе еnd ofthе inе'Тh5W hеруoUtO
steр 2: Rеad thе p е.r(s] Of ]п |Ormat оп thаt yоLr n..rd dес]dе |уO! nссd 1oсhаn!еthе mеап nq otthе\lrоrd, еq' паkе
toiiпd Arеthrrеаre an! 5рeсir Word5thаt t nеgаt !е' UsL]a|y tо сhап!е the mеап пq ot tlе Wоrd }'Ou fl]
hе руou tO ]ind thе tехtorpаItotthеiеxt nееd а гrrеiх (еq,л , r€ ),
n5lhе iniormаiоn? Rеmеmb."r
у.,h]сh сOntа stePЗ: lhеп oоk.аrеftr yаtihе.,'/ords]Lrstbеiorеаndаftеrthе gаp'
thа1 nthе tехtthе nгnе пformаtion п'il |hе) .аa hе р уoLr to dес de Whаltyре Of }rord уо! nееd' L]!Lrа]y
рrobаb y bе ехрrе55еd With d]ffеrеflt v.,ords, iо.haпqеthе tyре of \,/Old уO! Wi| nееd а suiiх (еg' ioлto
stepз: Rеаd аqa n in mO|е dеIа] thе5pес]i.tехt mаkеа nouп' mаkeаn аdlerb],
or раrt ofthе tехt )оU thinkthе stеp4i 'to
Rеmеrn Ье r thаt yoU Гnаy пеed LO сhаngethе 5pе n! OftheWord
nlоrгnаt оn сomе5''!hеlе
thеу q vе уo!, Fоrеrаmpе,IrOm th."WОrd sТRoNG )oLr mау
stеp4| ilou аЁ nоisLrrе thаtуo! hаle iOUnd thе оееd to makе thе noLrn' STRЕNGТH A5о' ookсаrе|Lr ytOdесde
сOrrесtап5viеI' rrad the othel5есIon5 аqа]n ifyoLrrvr'O|d nееds tO bе n thе 5 пgLr аror р urа iorn]' ithеV'/Old
n morе dеtаi ъ а Vеrb' рut t п thесOrrес.tоrrn aссOrd]пg 1о1he сOatехt
st€p 5: \'!hеn уOLr ]iп 5h' thесkthаt lou hаVе аn steр 5: Rеаd thе сomр еted 5еniеn.е аnd сheсkуoL]rаns!.,еr сhесkthаt
аnswerfor еасh quеlt]oп, NeveT eаVе answе15 lou hа!еаn аnsvierforеасh quеstion' N€vеr еаVеаns\(ir15 bаnk
Olаn( n аn ехагjl'

п th s ц/ре Ofа(]V iy уo! ha!е to nen аnc dес dе ]tагr5WеI5 arе веfOге)'Ou v(tеа nory' mаke а p ап.l"4аke surе that yоL]r
trLrе'fаlseorllth'" nforrnаt]оп 5пoigVen Putl]сtqiyen tyOLl ncry hа5 а bе! еnпd ап end somеtii-lеs
Пп ng, ir rni.]d
саnпot hеаl thе lnforгnаtion.rrhеn yоLr nen to1hе |есord]ng IOu уOLr саn сhаn!].] thе O|d'"rоithеsеthreе5Е.toпs n a
!!Lrаly hearihе rесording t / се Тhе qLrеston5 arе !5!а y П the 51oЦ,' bL]t а Wаy5 mаk." 5L]rе thе 5еqLrепсе olrVеПt5 апd
order lhat yoLr hеаrthеm in thе rrсold n!
ё Og 6 ,с, !!6 с O i,

sтёр | ".dL
]dеаs аboutthеtOр. ofthе tехtапd ihе "'oсаt'u аrууOL] l!]ak." thе ma п rVеnts o|thе nol' с еаr'Whаt hrрpЕnеd?

аrеqonqI0nеаr n l \'!hy]цlhit hаpрепed'rte|? HOW dic thе sior! еnd? Wе

L5uа у Lrsеthе раn 5 mр eicгthis'
step2: YoLr.аn L]suа ! hеarthe reсord nq t,,1,]се, Do not pаn с ii
G bасkgro!пd пiоrmirt]oП 5o |h.t !е kпоV'/;hoL]tthе
уoLr do not Lrndеlsland ]nlormаlon thеiir5ttimе fyoLr
dоп't leаrthе аnn"rеrtо onеqLrrnion' nаrt 5iеп пq " "o
a' до " lo, O, !]mр еапd сont пLroLrsforth 5.

]\4аkr l|estоrу iпt€|еs|lng bуdетrib]пq 5.епе5 п dеtа Wе

stepз| U5еthеsе.oпd nеп пq tOiind thе аn5}r'"r5 yоLr didпt
"o I" .a,!е,j "d
Olten usеlhе pа5t сOntin!oU5 ior th 5

5hOrtsе.tiOr]soId rесl5реесh.ап bгiaqyoLrrstorуto i1е аs

саn thеdеsсг рt !,е L]5е ofаd]е.tiVе!' ad\,еrЬ5 aпd 5 Гll .]s
stеp4: Whеn уoir iin 5h, сhесk lhаt!оu hа!е an аnsviеrtor еасh
tOr more ]nfоrГnаt On On \Цitiig norе5, sее раgе 5501the
q!еstion Nе!еrjеаVе аns,,\'ers l] аnk n аn еxаm'
Wrt ng Baпk,


Unit 2

n lhj t!ре.fа. lOLr .h.O5Е lh..l]еn.:1s!.| ftоn lh|lс.l

stеp ]: P.аd th." ol 5эПrrп.е5 to ,qеt. -qеnеr; d."r.i
.hr.'rе,а mеiin rg nоt rioIl'ihоL]L Ihе.]арi аt \,oLr Lr5.,а у hral t| е r'"Ф-.] П! lii.е Тhe q..еl а(. !5Lr; )i
(tr! t

nоt; rG!5]) n thе t]l.elihаt )rо; hеаr1l.еnl ii t| е rе.0'. i!]

h stеp,]: Rеаl thе d lfеrеntаг5!.l!rs Ьеtorе y.Lr i5tеП'Тhеrсrrq.,е
uo.. or рi..j'..oпlе: П i]d:|!].! Lэok е5.е. a r ),.t] d..j.ЬoLrt oIt'lс]Пi 1h. !ссrЬLr.r).
.it tl.. O:Jj.lh.i сomе]Lr:L bеic|е а|d.j.tе'1h'. а'с
]!u n! lO .lе;l nп Rеmеrlbе|.laI:.mеtiiiсsIh.
!]ll-. .O L']O5с (с:.]' nееd i sр.. J рl.роs t:O'li 5 i]l d |i.|егсе hеt!е." t.]rO аn5''.'.a|s !, J5t оiе lnro'.
.lrt:.. OInL]х nrl \'сTb n]s: l!]Ti'](JЬoLrt Ih. ilc.
steр 2: \'ilhеr !.! 5.'рп, .фnlеm !c ttl.rt ]ro| та)l t lе rorrЁd
cf ..\,o'd !o] rееd iio.]rl' \,rrЬ' рrс loLrn' аrt. е' е1.] .hLr jo
aП5"^'еr l-Lrtеrрr!55ЁL п | i|Ё.еll: !,/o.d5 lilа! а
а:o tlе ljеrеra г.еilг rl!],
l'.i]T il (OT.]oT !O'. ilаI..mе
j n o]. |.ilhс c0js b.
steрз: liniiittrе;tе'nаt]."'..5 r.nеi].1hетr1hеlаГnе эn5', t]Lr11hi5 do."j n.l Г.е.. t i lhr аn5.'.'."rТh.
;s tiе \,''.'d loLr th..Lrq rt ot n -ctеlr ]] ве.аrеiLr
m;j,Ье tiеl?]| n t!. n r.i./..Lr
trе.аLr]е o1ег t1е г.lеап i.lofthе.]ffе'.n' .рt on5 ','.r.]isj
.. ] Ье lеr! ! Г. аr Ь|t thе d ]...rе l.е Гiаl Ь.. thаt Г.
o .O O" /oLr do not Lrnd:rltаrс пfom.tortlе]ir!ttn]е iуo!
схаmр е A 50' lег.еnl]еrthi]i 5оГ.е \,'/Oid!ryр.a 7 .On l irеrrt.е.'l5.l'е,.с cпе с]еn.o. nаr. i5tег iq
!]о \riill оlhеr '/.lodj \',!'е.а th 5 с. oсэ|.n.
step4: i!or:rегi 5Lrrе.n'] сh апs'i/еr ! r-nht'tl. nkаb.Lrt stеp4i Ujе.hе s...ord nеп ll! to ]iПd thе irlln.'еr! ddr]t
.,'rhyot.еrап r15 аr!.r]iП iеl.,.rroп!] эld Ё,.i] П:rti] hеar t^i] ||lt mеаni m.hе.kIhе..5!е|ii.Lrа
'oLr |Еаdi]

steр 5: \liiheг r/.! п.lh'.hс.k tlja|уOLr ha'/е an allsrrе| lо: step5i l''h.n ! 5l .hесlth.tуOn hn..'с аn nn5.'rlеl.crе.jсh
еа.h qLrеnоп Nеi:r еalE aп5.'r':r5 b aпk,r аr ехаn qLrеnol N€'.' еalrе аn5]\'еrs l. аnk nаiсхагl

.lt7.t1i::'l,t.l!..x':.i'rtitx'I't/iJ-il:::(.ti'!, .:!ijr.k.t
,,:1,.: 1..,t t. ! i: ttt lit,t t),t;.,t tit. .;r t..1:t\tt:t:.ti.!tli.a,

пth5t!p€!ia.ti\,ty!o! ].Vс .l].. o' ln. rе р lloto5 to d]n Lr'is.

''! tа'е tO . nl]рiiii]г еjrn.]r)'O|rсаn L](ll jrcL]l

aП5\i!еr; qLr.sI on |)r q!.5| 0n5 аbOLri 1h. р[.]tOij] O. |....с. tc tlе 5аГnе tOр с dе.fthе аr!]-1lеn. \.L] c! .lоt
.r!.r'П 5

. L nEn vеr!'.;lеiLr ! i.11]eeraп.:lers ii\tr!r1:ors'IOt'nlа:ks

'i/. .]е!'"nij
.a'/. tO рг.5.гt.оth ]..5 O1an а|qLГ].n[,
oп.oгг р ?i пq t lе \"-ho е iаsk s. iyo! or r.oпlр еtе oпе ра|t' уоLr \.ii: о;э a .hoLr!ll !o- сап 5tа1." arq!ril..l]t5
ood . "" L agr n5 !!Lrrсрпioг апi] trеп!!l:
IO1ritL|.|l]L]г.е1.Ls Lо dс еn. iO1r: oр]']]оn.

. i ),OLr ]аVе t.]io o' mor. рh.tos !.t 5ho| dn1.]е'.r.5е еа.i рhci.j пlrеn . Bеlсrе }'o,r bЕ! П' jе.]dеloLrr.р:'.:on а.i]
i]еtа] Тhе mр.riintth]nq 5tc.o]nраrе аnс с.ntrаsithе}rо рhotc5 .hе:о nt5l.Lr f'аltto m.rе Тh пkаt]oLrt
lo.l .r.jr!]ап zе thа5. р.rts n r .q .а
. оil n.r. jе' thе
'"rr( ! t.е
Тr'/.c 5реа ( ].or r qhi i]nOL]ni Г.е Тhе J,..] рrа.t
eаsiе' t-l"'' i]есOте.
. г t....п. Lrs..i llle.o .оt L]sL]. )i

. с'rе!оLrrо'-ll..эпоПitl.еехrmге'irlGiоrtаnd.].',еr...r!oг;io]Lrsl]}уоLrr Гjrr!."пt пе!.; .еа5 o'oр:]]о.! \rri." rеnаt.

oр]п oп! Тhr|е 5гot!5]а !. rlqhtol1]\rrolq аnn,iеl TIе еrапi.lсr "-''эпts io Ihе m;]or рo.tlа rrа.r Г1lа.е

hеаrioLr 5ре.k Еiq] 5h

. Тiе;t!е п oрir]or е:;а),; 5ho| dbr
. Pсmfmb.]| |hаt t.rсl,..ll! .rO l qht.l iю1rq
. !рЁak o!l]!a l..еJr!,oLhаt thеlraГll'еI.аг hrа.tor ;iъ!\]e'j IE et;п] n.фlll/;]]ts to !ее | аt
.D ]'oLr.а] !/r tе аrd еiр'еi ro|15:..еr у
Ь!' o.5ti]ri 5.']t1]'1с ..].:п !!t L].П1noр.0пrр.|с l,
IO55 1hl.
. Еnr тr.lе O|rn;lc| on [ri |! о. l.п
.]!е L/l/.ii i)rm or i.r..с |Лirl lo !'rе lcLr t Гrе to ti:i[.f .'!hаt
!o! \,!аni to 5r!
еjlаjri' 5ее ра9е 56ot1lе\r'| lgваnk


n thъ 0'ре оt ir.t V]ty уoU rеad a tеxt, Or 5е!еrа]lhcl| teхts, i tr 5 tуре ofасt lity JroJ mrt.h i ifеr.Пt 5рс.]kcr5 rr lh th.

iпd аПnl/с|qU'45Ioninbot r l/thеп by.hоlr! nq ihЕ ntоrflа1lO]' idе,]5;rd'/OI rtt]tL]dе! ihаttl.еi/ еr-]rЁ55 lthеrе arе ti.t]o
rп!Wсr IJcm hr'эеоl ioLrrd]l1еrеnt opt]oп!' /oLr mLrn.hоo!е t.5k! п.hL 5Jп]еnс1lrц',l.rLr n;у hеаrtlе аij."\еrtclh.. 5есоп.
od.ioL" "o lr5k Ье:оrе tiе ;nnr/еl tо'h? ir5t orе'
llOtа..ord nq toyo!roviп oрir]oп or рriш kпo( сd!]. Ol Betore yоu Iisten:
. t1]nkаboutdlеtoрi. O1.]ihл1,ol.'" no nn.o istеrto |i]]lk0l
step ]: Пеаd thс |еп q!:сkуtO qеtа gепеrii l,.]ords dlаt соu ij aрреJr n thе !tеl пq t?rt'
LrпdEr9l.ind ni] . lе;rd thе сJе5t]оns аnd Incе, irе прotапt i.torг.а.oп h r
stеp 2: Пеаd а |hс.]nsn/егs сarеlL] l sоmРlmе5 th. саn h. р !.L] iO kгO.,t].,'']hаt thе реoр е mаr sа! аrd h? р5lcLr to
d ffеrеnс. cсt. сеn 1'^ro.рTоп5 5]t 5 cпе !!оrd сin.. 1|а1... пl0lI] [n е )rou 5тlп
stеp з: F пd thс5е.t.O. Oilhе 'ext)rhеrеIoLr th ikеа.h

.п!W.r.Om.!! J l. r.эаd l.rqа]n;.\r\/y' i m'rrе . rrmеmlrеrthа..hе 5Irеа{е15 ]a! 5a! the sаm.,th r!]5 а5 n ilе
l]еLa Ч! mаlnn. thе jапl!',lror.5 пth.i.xti]П. qLrеltоn;' bLrt Lr5 пq d ffеrеrlt lrotсj o|сxр|еs5.n5 RеnlеГnbеr
n onе ofthеоpt oп5 ЬLrtth rdofs rlOt m,]аn l5 ir5otга.оihеr 5реа !je Lhе i].tL]J !cr.]s tirаt .o .l е
dlесOrrесirпs.'!еr'ТhЕ.orrе.t0р1oll ur рrOlrаlrV П ihе q!еn.or5 L]Lrt:h']r! jcn Von...OIrе. аni\//еrTorэа.il

еrрr.55 th." ]ntOlm.rtiOn li thе.ехt r5irq d ifеrепt

!!orr]5 !Oпrеt пlе51hе qLrеn]ol 5 пot аbоlttасt5 . sоmе. г.е! loI tа'/е to idепt f! 1hЁ !Irс.[сl! аtl iLr.е П 1hi5.;sе
|r!t;]bO1rr oр]n]оnr' аtitidе! оr fее п]]5 5o bе rеаd!
!оLr пеPc to.lltе'рrеt lot o] ). !h.1 :hе.е15оn 5а! пq ЬLr. a 50
iO'|rаd |rеtf;ееп lhе пе1lТhе aП5}/еъ usuа y Wh!аid hO''V h../5hе ъ iа), пq t'
.oпlе п ordеr l*..l..rt . d.nt flOrry i loLr dor,i Lrпсеr5taП. c!..t't1 n!] 1hе i15t t 1lе
stеp4: f!оLr аrЕп't ]00 рe'..nL sJlе !./h.h аi5rrеr 5 rcsi' !о| stеn Uj|а !}OLr ]5tеnif,r.е -5е tllс stlоid nrnrqtO
1а Kе .r!iа! а пy а п 51'.rеr; W l .г )]O L] Kг0!'] ]] Tе t0l find L.. аns\,iе6 !OL d.nt hеаrthе ]irltt п'е аrd to сhr.( th.
аnslllEl yо.]; r.аd)/ hа''lе

steр 5i \цlhеn yоLr ]iпьr'.hесklha|!.L] h;']е аi аns!'еr

iorеасh qLrЕn Or' N.\rе| аn;\r./е15 b аrk n an
. сhе.k!hаtуоLr hl\rЕэп аlji-егfOr еасl сJеst]On. \е\rе' .!аl]э
аl!Wе5. аlk п Jп Ехагг,

П lh 5lypе of а.t]!ry уoLr h.r!etctа kаboL]tа tOр]с ..lrh .i .оLr d aрреаr n t1е |оIln c|а !Lrlst оП, lе гnрcr:атth lq
а t1l], а tеri.rа.hоto oftеn thе top.; а !]еnсrа Onе' l]ut ]n iогге ехагn5 lOu пееd t!1a kab.Lr| п а rе!еrr 5 t0 !]!e
. i!]аkr iotr5 thЕ ]пiolпlаt cn yOJ r./аni tс ! ]n,!cIr рrе5еntаt oп аn0 L5еt lеrn !\'|rеl y0! аrе
'lih 'е rе'] е,"1 ]-.rа]]d 'о п'ak..
!Yn!]it вL]Т1]on,lj!n rеаd ro!T no|сsn oud,
. LookdtyOLr|.];d еnс." 5ее i|thеу L]пcеl5t.п.] yoLr апc аre n|.r.nеd
. DOn'i 5реа k t... ia!t, fyoLr speJk tOO ql]].k! рсcp с V\r notЬеа.еiо|c.rrloLr
. rl|OjрРаkf.rеха.il'ti]еr]qht.тоLrпtоf:п'е'Тh.morеt'oLr.rа.tisе'thсеа5iеlitrr bе.oпlс.
. c|:еn !o!,,1, Ье а5kеd fLr thеrq!.si cn5 aft'.rlcur [.|еsentаtoп Тh]5 5 гOt.ес.u!. ih,.rс .rlJ5 a
рlоb еfi "./.h !oLrr р:е:епiаton, t s L]sL]i )i tc.rесkthаt!'cLr.ап 5.еаk !рolli.пеоLr5y.П |hс l.р.
Тh?nуэ гаrе'/е(
. L]5е гt!llat Olrl.r 5h./ith;1уoLr аrе пtеr?nеi апr]tо пlаtе.thс15 ntеrеn?l
. t]o .rr'оrrу ех.е!! \]Е y.:]b|)!t !c.JbJ:Jr.] l/'h."n !oLr d.nt.{по/rа "-rcrd' еtp n]n IoTL]sеa5mlеr
. DOi'i еt.n siikе! 5.oруoU from sр.irk nq .crl..t yoL] r c.,.1. пl5tаkе5 i|рo!5 Ь е'or liаrtthi
5.:]lеn.Е аqа ]' L]irt dоn t no' сon]. еtе l,
. |]|пlсn.b."rttа' i!o-
п! aЬo!1рсrsoira .хр.rсn.еs, thе ехаГn пеr
аrе tа k ! е55 пtеrеnе. iг rе
a.t]a ех.еrеn.estl.ап r thе \,!аyr.! !rрr!!5Io,.5Е I n Еn! 5h


Unit 4

П iir; ]r.]: ] .'..: j: ..] h;i,. rо tinr t.е Ьеn

р i]с. to pli
.i:tъ еп р.l.:],.]:].. .. 5:]nеn.е5j tа (сП iro n. trхt l 1е е аrP
п 1hi5 t\iре оtа(Vitу!cLr lra!.. i 5еrTеrссi]rd l'c| гnu5I
Lr:Lrа i ..... l ,:. . . : ir;|..,nр15 t|]ап 5р..е5
с0mI еtе а 5есоn( 5f'rtr.,г.е sо ririrTit гieaп!thе 5аn с.!
stеp,l: :э]., io oеt; !]rn.|J dеаоfthеo!!rа г.еаniг9 ilР Or liгi
5еltеr.. Jlu. у1orm11.'".",o..n.u...
step 2: в:rd 1. n]jj l! ]r.,]ql.rрhs аni dепtf)]thе trUr q'еn l1h 5.а5е,!о!.iltl.ot.lаГqеih'.:orгi oinrisi(Оlir.
п iiihai 5th.. !аlа.rrrрh.rl]oLrt? D. !L.t п Гnoiiеlar5, !c!.ап or у LrsE irеtwееn T'cnnd 5ir lotuj'
r!пlеibеrаП,. Ol.:Ir !irr;q iрh5.Onlс.lir. ! t'l5lO! с п. Lrc .q tllе'"!.rilq.Vеп F п. OLrt rrhеtrеri. )r.urсx.Гl
]r.Lr r!а.] trе Il!| |Or tFе ]irnt гi.? L|rсkr!а n;1 с0']tiас1оll5 5L]сl а5.Jlliоr do'lсOLrn: э1 о |'!оis Or oпP
.|r5.Jrt t.е tехi iг step]i
oi m()|е L]еtаi l]еаd t1е .r]g nа :епtепсе .;|с|! IТhПi(аloutt|е
stеpз| ook ior гt.еli|!tcг Jn5еlrtе'tе' flеаn n! O tllе;епiеп.Р thс 1yр'. o].nru.tLr|е(!)
'...ord!rnd рl]..]:.9

lnс рara!rарir .'!ir .h .Onnе.t /-'.itl. t е п|orГnаtioг tni]l '5е.'tht tlг5е(5] Lrsеd' еtс
step2: thеуqi!'"ro|r aWоrd,t| n(.bOLr. Бг1lеа. nl
stеp4: тry.L]r е..h рarаq|а!h n thС rnos. р,o|rаl] . 5!.aе аi U l
пk а iо аbоLrl t]е !rаmГ.аi сir iLrll.toп ofihе
сoпi п!е |е.d n!. 5 thе Г.еаn .!.r э!.a ? D. p|оl]OL]rБ шOl(]' Doеs tа flа!5 O| Lr5ra уqo lh.r]othеr.nlor.]
k! tlij or ilm.rс j.П5э, оr nlin-0 \.iordj i(е J]]d'.ul Or
,].lol-.t] O.k a d?rs.hаt Jrе rэреitеd l.m Or]е stеp з:]tеуO!r 5етеi.е LfO.lOt аdd orсhаnq.
,. ,",0 o
all)] oth""i

stеp 5: iti.еl. аr. !.aр5 \llh сh !o',..']поt сoпp еle' сO.tirJе 0 ttrе 5епtеп.е or!o!'nЛtЁ i.]O 1li]r]!'Ll'cr05
.,( tl сt.еr, еа' сr
!rр5 iir5t аn. 1.еn !о Ьа.k ;tеr lO t.]с steр4: \rtr.еr уcLr ]irl l'.hес( tl.аi,!O! ia],,е:
. n'i..aпgеd th." ГnРаi]1rq |roгn th'. or.]nа sent.п.е'
stеp 6: \'th.г )roL fiпь]' |еаd thе.Omр еtе. tеrt аqa п tэ.lесk . nct сhaп!е3 t.e iOrm c| Lhc wоrс !
: l.t t nakе5 5еn!." .h..k a so tnа. . 'ег'
7..Lr hа'е аг ап5.,.r'еr n0t 1]/l ttеп гnorе thаl lll. n^drimLrгr nLrmb0г of"-rord!
q \ ". ""

n t.ъ I]/рe of.с' }rot hаrrе to tа k аЬo!1d ||.r..nt tr..r! 5t.h а5

. п cr аrd а!а .n е5iaуi /oLr nLrn рrе!епi bolh
рh.i.l' сha.ts' 9:аti5tl.!' l.е;c rс: аnd qtotе5 Тhеsе th пq5 аrе; L]jUа y j.е5 oi аП а|qLrmеll.
.onnе.tеd tO Onе gепе|а tOр.. . п fоr аn. а!а ns: еs5а/5 )"оU 5loL] . rа\rе а
step ]i Lc.k atа thа 5t n]! эпd iе.d?!,;hatthе !егеlr lо..l nLrГ.b.I o].|. еl,,aгt рoiгT5 tc mаkе Тh пk аbO.1
steр 2: сh!сk thаtуoLr Lrndеrst.Jnd th?.orlеnl riеа.i d t€rеit n]mLr |rоi( lO оr!]aП zе t.еjе рOi^ts n а о! сr паJr А
steр з: !ъkе iotеs r:t. ]ioLrr.dеа5 [cokatihе;? rolеs aпс еIеrlo Inегl
ссГrпl.n п! t.5 5 10 h.iе .пе .nr n
.ri\]inq Oie !.]е o1 thе.'ilLrlrlспt.rd
',l'hеn !oLr ipеаk' but.]о гot rеаl tl]..т а cLrd tO !']hatthе
'rn()|tlеr рirа!rарr р|еsе-lt lq thе.1|е'5idе, п
.хaпr пеrа5k5 )rоU.
.h. сo:'. r эп !oL].аn 5Linг.аrzr bоth !.е5

. .''e агd q loLrrо,.'l Oр rl0п

)/oLrr o. п оn O| n]еrрrеtit on ciih! toр. аid :t гn!., lеrе ! пo1 . А

tур]с. Wа)' Of L].! пriq r fОгlnlln!a п5l
!5Lri lа:iс1t O|."!|OIq.r5Lrеr Т.е еtiг"'Jnts |O hеirlo] 5реаk
еs5аl j bytа li il.rb!Lr:Ihе.L]r'4nl ]:L]аt o:
Еп!] 5г'
aпd mепion l q 1l е ьLt thаt;еoр е.а\]e
. Don't dсjrr Ье е!rr! d еъ O|1h..i:]fo гn;l.n |]е.;dе \rih;t foi th ikаl. .]ifrr. ltoр гio:5.. lhс 1ср. ье.аLr е i1ь
thе mr.5t imр0r:.пt аid п.еr.5t nq fа.t! ..гlр сx or.!пirclеliа
. 1!oLrd.ПlUiil]rnаnd\,ihаTThесхnln пеl 5ау!'а5(h п.'lhеrii Еr.r 5lti . VоLr Г.' 5 t ; |r'r! 5 jr nii thr :r l! J rг'рп i
rереn o|ro tреаk lnсrЁ 5 o!.l J, t]5е.rрlе;5oп5
'\a \о||', сс' !оu \оу i||1i 'oL.r
69аrГ'?.:,| io|t| сai!c ioi1 :реоk |nо|. 5ic||iу.
. i'lе s0']с i ior апc аqа n5t anc o: п.п
. 5реаk оUd )'а|lc с!ir! 5o thаlth...хапl п."r.а,r l.".]r!оLr

. L]oп'i\{оr:y еr.е55./tyаьоLrt!..аb! ar/ Vl]1lеn )'or oo . вег1lеГ..'.r I hn th.rе а'Е llo I !'lt or f;rol]!]
'.lраг tоrl5е а 5rfiр сг l.''ord' l!ше15 Тhе еrJп'i.еr'.rаn'i" thаt !.Lr
DO n1 ]е1 п]ina kе5 ncр )roLr |l.lrl ]реа k;.g .Orreс. ).oI r .n/n пl. tа k!5 | .аn ,'1/rtе;.d еxр|е.r!)'O]15: .."аl./аni]]
р05l0 е, or:tarttnе !епlrn.. a!] п bLricOn'lnop.oпlp е1r )t еft..t:!е
|]'е L''L?ii Hпlr !r L€.,т..lrЛt L0 ! rrе y.L] t тl tO t:]nk.l!.r'hаtjrcu \'!;i]t . tor n..е irforГ.аi.n.llfi.ri п! i'аrd-а.r. ]n
.ssdуs,;ее l..o. ]58. th."i(tt nq Dа'][


Unit 5

n thi5 t!ре оi а.t litу !'ot dес dе 1 5tа еГ.еnt5 аlе ln с Ozе асI V]tir5 !oL] ha!! a tеrt |r' th qaр5,i]iihеп t.еrе arе по орi оп5
truе i.ьР оr ]fthе iiorгr.tоn 5notoi!."n..сcrdinq qi\lсn'\!. са ih'.m Oр|n с эzE aсt \r t е5 VoLr mrn fi ;i е..h qaр D!
tO thе ]nfOlГn.niOn ]n thеlехt tl nk n!] Oi J )rоrl fl l'th 5 qr] nm.t.a ), r.l)rrElt dгd 5 oqi.а
steр ]: Rеаd lhРtРrt q!.k !10 !еt a !еnеrа step ]: Rеаdthe.cпlре1еtехtorsЕlt..r].еj !rth.!tth lkirqа'оLrttlе
!ndrr5tаnlпq !ар5
stеp2: Lоok agа]n;tthе !]ар5аni]е5lе. а ytnе \riоl.]5 [hiсl].on]с
ir!е'.n se, оr fthс пiormat]oп !пoin.rtеd ]Lr5i bсforе аrd аftеrtl.е .rар Dctho5е nrес а 5.е. ir

stер]: d .р ." ''rlrrds

O " O р|ерc5lоП?'!.in iтt].iorаLr ..\'.]еriJ п]i55 пq?Т"г[а!оLrtthе
.]ееd 1ro!п' /еrtr'
t!ре ct !.lori] !o] рr|]пoLr l аrt..е, еt.]aпd thе
.e1a, пе'iет.Ьеrth.tthrnatепlс:t5!.',] !Еi.rd mеaп пE Thеiра...5 n с ozе аd]'t е51,1] .fеп bе fol
prеp.r5 t]oni' аri.lе5' рl.n.Lrn!, а|ri JЦr!еrb5, Гnadа \]е|b5аnс
рroЬаЬt пot Ье.]хр Е55еd l:hе 5апlе \,iаt
а5 l thеt.]rt DE. dе\l/hattrе kеy (,ord5 aге .оп]!пrtion5 (J.d' b!I' Jiiil.|/qi' :'с) А 5o lЕг.rnllrеr t.а:5.mе
.,!.|dl i!р с. lqо\,!tlоther!.lord:,\i/с.a th 5.о оt.tоl
nihеtеrt PLrtlloiqi'.rit),ot,.аnfiiс nо steр 3: .] п thе Lri! o]lh lhе 00ll th,ri )'OL] lh r: l: lrеsL е.d Jо.''r
]ntOrгnаtion ]n tirеiехl tO [rl.Vе or.]i5.rоVе rih уo'r| аn n,.hе !ар !о.nrt пlеj l.oL] nr' nсr. to n]a.
Inе 5iаlегnеnls a arсеr 5есi on ci Leхt 1O knс".l L..het r,'.rr]l mьs]n!].'I thе,e ]s
stер 4: i.]sh'.h.с[ thаtlO! h.'rе.]']
\,1i']сn !OLr Гnоrе1гen cne рo!9 b e аnsv-ler )iсLr on ! i... t. р.]lol]е'
аn5пе| t.r еi].h qL]е5t оn NеVе, ri]l'е stеp4: !thеi yi].' fiП 5l.'.hс.k1hlt !.oL] hаlе onе i]n5!е|icrе;сh
Jnsir'рr! 0 аПk 'n аn eхаn lLrеnioп Ne./еr е.\r'"аnswеr5. аnk п;n РrаГn

п ro!ер.!9' !0Lr.r. !iVсn.r s ILr']tOn and а t.]sk \'!h.l] takе yоub!i5 d.

trе саlsroom JПd iПiо.i p055 Ь,е rEa iicsссПаrio L]sra ytlеtа5k,'!] Fсп]eiпL]erih:rtvrhсn !O.] !tItс .i:с|s' n' Ia:on5
bе ccпе ]п рa Б' \l' ih .. thЕr a lotlеr nldеПt or а tеirсh.!r/еramiпеI r]е55аqеiа.]d п,Jiе5 1 5 с55сllIJ to 1е ll tl]c
.lnlfсL J|'. ]rl..h|n i]OL] Vlli1e1о а ',ri
ir...n. L].с
. веfОlеyoLr bеq n' nlаkе 5!]еуoLr Lridеr5tаnd thе 5]trrаi.П аni t.r!k .oп:rа.t]ors аid пiоrri еrр:е55 oп5 !'jhеп ],oLr
" o,r.оd " o . .o Ь.o /lrit."а..оrmэ оr !егг fomа еttеr п'tаtcп,
!эt] Ье.r]l, АЬо!.е J сhЕ.IthаtJ,o! [пcv,rihе rе аt cп5h]р bеt".lеrn гlе55а!е o'rotе'.]. пc. Lr;Е.o.t'l.t.п5 o| п..rn]а
thе реOpе i tl.е roер аl еg' рirrеnt .n]d'f'iеnd fr]еnd' L|о55 ;1gU.qе U5'. r',r'ori5 th.r1аrР1)4li.; Of; ]lоrе
еnrр o!ее' еlс Тh 5 в ]гJ рOll,r nI bеG;s." l V'/ hаVе soin| е.1ес|on |йпl. r|! 5i.L i|]''l]L]l еn.l 5 qr;mlrrt.. )/ r.r(с.t
Lhе еVe .rfiоrnlа tyofthе .rnqLrа.rеyoLr Lr5е bLrt nо llhе.оl|."d nV е !оLr .5е nrris
. ]\']аkе jLrr€,vol. nеп сar..fu ! tс ц, lаt уo!r раrtrе. or раrtпеr5 5i! n Тrапjа.iolа .l itnqtа5r5irrеolr5 rrhеlеih!
ап)'соn!еr!i]t:O.]t0sp.а[.цLrtWсаso st!п aпd'еас.iо\''ilаt01hЁ:s lstrr.tоп5 tе !'o] rrho !Oi] аrс !r'rt пg .o аrd !!hаt
5Jy,Io| .an i!|ее, ij 5a..l|ее nlаk. su!].lе51O|5 O|.]!k q]е5гOfi il]|orпrаt cП 1.r lll !dс, i'1/.jci. q!е5loП a!k5]ro. to
. ]\ilak. e)rе сOntaсt !"'' il thе рс|sоn you ar.5cса[ ng to a ]d sрс;k рLrt !р..L]]lс гforIdiorl ll!o-.t!хt'уo] o5е п'dr[5
:!irLr d. пrri п. Lr.]е ih.. nа: .п
. ]f,Vo!.an рrераre 1iе rO.р;y, п]i]kе nOt.s bLrt usс t]егг .n l fOr soпlеt пlе5trе пf.r'il.tin]\,.t]П.J..i] to i]. Lrr]! ь
rеtъrепсE' N.\,сг iсаd уcLrr noiеsil.rud, Пd саtеd l thеforп o.rotэs rЛ:iеп.п 1hе еttе.or
. lIlcu.lе!.r'ork n! liith Othеl nldеits, bе sсn9 i!с Do1ttаk|Ori.о .O'сiап
..nq.l']t]o.t q]! пg !оLrr раltnеrа.hаiсеioipеа nio|п]atOn. Pе, ilhеnоLе s,Saу',.lhсr 1оL
.ап сOJl:;l]O rot jLrjt s:! ..]n.omе n tl е jL]T nlеI]
.nr.Ё.a!!: ]]]Li! . . |]nL Ь.in. n r.. l- Ехр а l il lt]е r:hе n.etl1'On ! Oрt]O.
. ]hеre аrе пс r]qhtоr.,.J.t]пg аn5.l/е15 ]п 5nrаiOiа rо аr.5 Тhe tor n.O|с nlOlmаtiOг On \,!litпlq .тсгs;ld
Гnрcrlа'ltt ]nq 5tо ] k' nеn аnd lеrрoii Ir!rl!a.t orlr i.!с' 5rс р!r!. ]5-a oIt!ly/.t llq B.]llk


Unit 6

n с о7е асtiv i]е! уo! nа!е а tеxtr,lith gарs somet]m15 therе arе d]ffеrеntорtlОnsаnd you mLrst.hoosе thе bеn iоr еасil 5расe
Wе са thеte гпUlticе (.Oiсес oze асtVitiеs'

steр ]: Rеаd th€ trхt or sеntеnсе io !]еt a !еnеrа dеа o].1hе stepЗ: LоOkаtthеёlеrnаtivеs sonеоlt|]еmihе5аmРаlI|rе
оV€rаl|mеaп nq WO|d you thoLrght of ]п stср 2? Bе саrrlul ЬесaLr5e Oftеn
thе meаn пg ofthе d Ifе|еntoрt]оп!.aп |rеVеrу 5 m аrblrt
stеp 2| Rеаd mole .а rеiuLiу irпd Irуto рrеd]сt\'./h сh vlord
ihе d]f|еrеnсe mаy bе ihаt еа.h \aold gOе5 With а d ffеrеnt
сOпlе! in еасh gар' LOоk е5pес a уаtthe lvordsWh сh
рrерOsitiоn оltур са y gое5 W 1h аПоihеrWold (са]еd
сOmе]Lrn Ье|orе and аftеr thе qаp, DO thosе \,./old5
nееd. !ре.]аlрreрo5]t]on7 5 аn artiс|е orаLrli]]аryVeIb
г.issinq?Тh nk abolt thr tyрЕ оf \.]O|d yoL] iееd (nO!n' stеp4: f yoLr arent5Lrre\{hсh ann"rеr srght'th nkаЬоLrtv./hу

Vеrb' рroпо!п,аrt]се' еt.)aпd the qеnеrа Гnеan пg othеlans,,vеrrаrеdеiin iеy'!rOng аnd еl]Гn пntе thеm,

|tсan Lre а gOOd dеa for artr]сs |O hа!е.r t]tе

n thi! typе o].aсt \r]ty Jro! 5tеn tO а rе.ord n! aпd сO.nрlеtе !епtеnсеs Or !rаb5 thе rеadе|'5 ntеrеn

nOtе5!'rth1heсOrrесtiЛforгпа1on BесnrеtLr,beсаLrsе]nsoгnеса5еsliеrе nсlUde ехрIе55 olls and d]re.t q!е5i oпs !.rhiсh

s а Гnах]гnLrгn n!гnbеr оf Wоrd5 that уоLr саn !5Е' апd yO! mау hаVе tо L]5е !реakdirесtytothеrradеr n O|dеrtoenqаqеthегn
ехасt y thе 5аГnе /or.5 thа! yolr near. аnd ma n1аln tirе r пtегest
. А Wаy5 rеаd |he nсom р еtе п otеs bеfotе уou ьten,This hе р5you tO L]se а Wldе rаnqе оfVoсаbu]аrу i аrtсlе5 solhat

kпо1,!.,lhаtto 5iеn fоr, LOOk саIеftr yаtthe,,.rоrd5 thаt.ome ju51 trеforr !hе |еаdеr qet5 а с eаr sеnrе olWhat Wе аIе say nq
orаftеreасh !расе and think аlroLrt Whаt 1уре Of!!ord ь mьslng (пoLrn, to h п/hеtTh s mе.n5 qо пq bсyoid !;q!е or
vеrЬ' adjесt Vе' аdlerb' etс) вLrtЬесarefuL fyouknoWthаL!Ounееdа Ьа5i. VOсabulаrу (еE' Wгite pi.|0rejqLlс yi?L'1/5.аthеr

nLrгnbеr'forехаmр е' dO not 5jГnрlуWrte thе hrst пUmbеrt|rаtу0u |rеаt \ha| njсе viе'ls'.anрrchеn\iye fd.i/iiies rаlhеrthai
. i 5 лot !suа у nе.е55аry1с undеrsiапd е\,ery],!ord thаtуoLr hеаr Listrп Fd.l/iliЕJ' et.)' U'е 5уnоlуms tо avoid rереаt nq
WOrd! п thе аrtiс е
oLrtforthе5ес1cn5иrhiсh.оrrеspoпdiot]e nlоrmаt]oп nthеnotеs'
Тhеn рay5ре. а аttеntion tOthе5е sесtions вemеm Ьеl th at !oL] Гnау Mаkе slrе],ou nсudеа]tlе nfcrmat]Oп nуoirr

поi hеаrthеехaсt llords thаt aрреаr n thе ]nсогnре1е n0tе5 аrt]сеthatthе mаqаz]nеor nеWsра реr a5k5 tor
. tor ГnostspасesyOL.r neеd tо Wr(е oеtwееn опе an. Lnlее\'oП]5 тhе nye n аnirt.еshoud LrsLrа ybе
U5!а y]t sа gcod dеа tоWlitеthе WordsyoLr a(tLrа у hеаL Bе(arеTu сOnVеr5аtопа аnd mOTeоr е55 informa 5O thаt!'oJ
!.rith 5pе inq аnd mаkr surе thа t \(hаl yoLr !'/rtеfits ii grаmгnаt]са]y .аn с0nnесt vl t|lthе rеаoеL
,,!iththе Word1ihаL соmе Ьеlore and af1еrthе5ра.:е' Foi гnOrе iniоrгnatоп on !\'rt]ng аriс е5' see ра!е
. L]5!а ууо! sten t.,!iсе 1]5€the sссond ъtrniЛg to find thе аnsv/r{s ]60 оfthе \{ritinq Baпk,

loLr didЛ,t hearlhеfiIstt mе аnd tO сhе.kthеап1\,ie6 уo! аLrеаdу hаl,е'

Unit 7

n 5реаk пq еxаms'lh."rе arе soгnеI гnеs.о аЬоrаtvс tа5k5 Whеrеуоu mLrn vlоrk Rероrt1shcLr d hа!е а tittе,
Wth опе or molеоthеr5реаkr|s YоLr гnаy bе q Veп а sеrlе5 olрiсtL]rе5 or5tuаton5 sеpaгаtе rерorts ntosесtions;nо q Vе
Wh сh уou hаVеtotа]kаboLrtаnd сoггlраIe Yоu гnаy irаVе t0 TankthеГn аnс сh005е еасh Onе а 5Lritab.. hс.rd]ng
lhe bеsl/mon 5!itab е/monеnjоyabLе oрloп. t в а gоod dea too|t nе!,/hatthe
. N4аkеsLrrе yo! !nde|5iаnd Ihе1oрiс thatyoLr аreto d 9с!55, аnd thе сOnсrеiе lаskG], rероri 5 aЬoLrl n thе пtrodLrd]оn At

fyoL]аrеn't!Lrrе'аsklolсаlli.аtOnbeгorеyOLrbеgпYOLr|ГnаrkW bесасulаtеd thе еnd ofthе reрO|1уOLr 5hoLr d bе

ассOrd п!tоhоW5Lrссrsslu yyoLrсlrmpеieа] thеtа!G,orраr15ofthetаsk r.];dy tо Гnаkе rесomnrеndаIоn5 oI
. A4ake surе yоLr ьten саrеfLr ytoWhа1уOu|раrtnrrоrparlnеrssау nаdsсLssоn 5ugqеstoп5 ii rеq! rеd.
Wе 5pеаk b!1\'Vеа 5o istеn and lеасrroWhаt others sal YоLr сап аgreе,d sаgrее, Маkе !!reyou ]n. Lrdе а lthе|] ffеrсnl
rnаkе sL]ggе5t]оп! or а5k q!е5i оn5, pоn1sOf ntormаtonthаt\..,EIс.rs(еllOL
. IyoU arе Worklng W th othсr rtLrdепis' bе len5i1i!е. Don,t tа klor tOO loпq \,i tho|]t Тhesry]е ]п а rrpоrtshoLr'] U5Lrа у
g V]пq уO!r раrtnеrа сhanсеtc 5реаk befO|гnа 5]псеyou Lr5uа ! \r'r]tе а
. nlome sltuatопsуoU mL]stсOгnеtо ап аqreemеntOrdeсson, bLrt in othеls itъ rеporтfcrаn orgап zа1on O| реOр е
notnесessаIy' 4аkеsureyoukno.,\'bеtorеуOLrlregn'lуoudоiаvеioсOmetоаn thatycl] do Пot kпо\,', рersonа llf yо!
аgrееment Or dес]5 oп, dоn't do th 5 Lrnt уOu hаVed 5.U55еd mО5tоfthed ffelеnt аrс i r]tiПq fol a qrоuр of yOLrr рее15 ]t

optoпs IyOU.аnt.ometO аn аqrееmеnt, tr!tO еnd п po|ltе d sаqrеement. сan Ье е!s].оrгna butshorrdn bе
. пen]еmЬеrthаt theге аrе пot Lrsuаl]у аny r !hi or Wпrnll аn 5r,^rеБ, Тh е ]mрor1аnt
thngistоhаVeаnoрinion'tоеxрlаinitсеаrly,to]Lrstfyit(e!рес]аl|уt5omеbody For mole ntorГnаt]оп оп Wr]tlng reрoп!'
disаgreе!Wth IJandto'.I]Vеехamре5tо5Lrррoгt t. 5еe раgе ]6,l olthеWrt ng вank


Unit 8

n ih 50,pe OfасtVtyyou havе dlffеrеnt!sLrа n mU]] (photos, аdvеrts, рieсesof

аrt' еtс),,\'h]сh уOU mL]5l tа k аbоLrt YoLr mustthеп аnsvr'el a quеn On оr quеst]оns вemеmbеrthаt]п torапd а'а пn е55аy5
аtеd tO the thеmе ofthе
lcLr ГnUn рrеsеnt boih 5idе5оfthе
rе VlsL]а15t]rnL.r i

. Lьtеnvelусаreftl]!tothеехагnlnеr! пsrrl]сioпs,YоLrrmarksW dереnd аrljLrгnсntWnеrеа5 n op n on е55аy5 yоLr

oп.omр|еt ng thе\,!hO е tа5k' 5O ]fуolr on yсoпlр еteonе раrt' yо! W ]O5е сan j!n glvе уOLrr оWn sidе oTthе аrqLrmеnt,
mаrks lyou а|еn,t slrrеthаtyoLr hаVе Lrnderstood !'/h at thе ..хa mineг 5ау!' аsk nfo| irnd аqа]пnе55аy5 aп. oр]п oп
е55aу5, уоLr shoLr d hаVeа nunrbeгOf
. DO notdеs.r Ьrthе Vьuа niinu ifуol] arе nO!аskеdtO rеiеlant рOint5to Гnаkе Тh nkаЬoLrt ЬoWtо
. Тrу to dеd.аtе thе r ght amonnt Oftimе to еасh diffеrеnt tаsk'тhе moгe you orqаnizеihеsе рO nt5 nа Ogi.а n-rау
рIасtisе,ihr еаsеr tW beсome, Ihе5iуе n for.аnd.аqаinst аnd ор nion
. iithе ехаm ier аsG for it апd g !с rеаson' iо ]Lrst б,
G Vе уolrr own op п oп е55aу5 5hou d bе |Ormа
yourOрin]oп!,Тhеrе 5notLr5!a yаliqhtот,,!rongan'V'/еlТheехаminеr Rеmепrber lc j!n ry thе аr!!Гnеnts yOLr

u/апt5 to hеагyou sрeаk Еnq ъh, р|еsепi n both tyрe! ofе55аy'

. ТЦ, tо t]!е а \,i dе rаngе оfg|аmmаr аnd Vo.аЬUьrу to 5ho / the eхamlnеr tеmеГibеrthаt thеrе аrе пo r qhi оr Wrollq
аn5Wе15 ] hе ехаminеr,,!aпt1 io !ее that yoLr
. 5реаk]ot]d yаnd сеar]y 5Othаtthееrап]]пеrсаЛ hеаryоLr, саn }rr tе апd ..хрге55 уoLrБеifс еir y and
. Don1Lеtrn nakes noруOLr frоm sреаking сorrе.tyо!rolvЛ m nakеs if
Е-Or Гnolе пiоrГnаt]oп oп u/rt nq for.and.
ро5! Ьlе' or stаrt 1hе sеntеnсe аqа n' ЬLri don't ltop сoпlр еte у
. t]5е Ll/e//' н/im O| letme tлinltO qivе yoLr tiпlе tо th пk af,,!hat yoL] !vаnt to аqа nltе55aу5 aпd oр n on essays, sее раgе5
]56 and ]58 ofthе tlritng ваnk.

Unit 9

nth]stlpеоfасtV]t!уoU hаvеtо ап5,,\'еrсoгnрrehеnsоn quеnons' ЬUtthеге ь а iГn t ic t]e nL]гnbеrofWOrd5thatрLr.аn ',!r

. А Wаls rеаd thе que5t cn5 bеfolе уoLr ]ъtеп,Тheу саn q Vе уou с uе5 а]rоLrt Be сirе|Lr ,,!ith sре in!
\,ihаL ь gо ng to.oгnе and.ап hе pyoli to рrediсt рOss]l] е а n5wеr5' Doit you dont !ndеr5tаnd еVеryth]пg
v.'Orrу f
. Тhe\'!OrdsthаtyOLr r,']r tе W асtli yарpеаr in theteхt t i5 not nесеssary thеlisiiпlеуoLr ьten Usua yyou l'tent!'се
tосhaпge1hem at а|, U5еthеsе.oЛd nеп пq tO]ind 1hе аnsfrеrs
. iV]аke sL]rе thаt уOu do nоt Witе rnorе thаn thе п!mЬеr OIWO|ds lhеу tе
yo! didп,t hеаrlhеiirstt meаnd to.heсklhe
yOu in thе n5irLrсtоп5 oryo!.,.ril ose гnаrks апsviеr5yoir а lеаoy na!е

Unit '10

tyре oiа.tiv ty уoLr.oгпр elе a tаb е' 5UmгnаЦ/ оr 5еn.еn.€5 шith ]пtolmаt oп
]n th 5 согnoеt]t]On."nir]."i nееd to сrеatе
flOrn iехt Тhеrе is OItсn а m]t Irrthе nLrrnberot.,!lrrds thаtуoJ сап Lr9е n eасh sрaсе,
a а рo! t!е imрrelsоn Тrуtоthink
аnd 5ome1 Гnes lhе \^/ords hаVеto Ьеtаkеп nrаightfгoпl thе teхt' in thе 5аmе forгn оtorjq]па, пtеrеninq dеа!аn.
somеt mе5 уоLr hаVе a i5t oiп,ords \,ih сh ),оu mLrslсhооsс ftOпl 5LrpрO.t thегn r'! 1h сOn! nсiig
stеp ]: Reаd ihеtеrtqLr сk]ytоget a generа L]ndе|stаnd n! аrg!mеn15 ]n ordеrtO сOnV n.е thе
step 2: Rеаd ihetаlr е sLrmrnrry or sentenсes thаtyou пeеd toсOгnр еtе Bе аWаrеthat
тn Ьрln n р.i . р]iр: Ьрtlд
lhе 5L]пl mа rу or !еntеn.еs Wi I probаb у iO1Lrsе eхасt ! thе !.rrrrds а5 ]п
'агnе mрrе55оn' !5e a Wdе VаriеLу Ol
аd]с.tVе5 аnd а.Vеrbs аnd Lr!е
stеp3| Find thе раr15 Ollhе tехiWhеrе yoLr th пkthе ]пforгnаt oп сOmеs веаdthеГ.
сxр|e!! оns otoр]n оп
аgаln n гnorе dеtаi' RеmrГnЬеrthаtyoLr \,/ рroЬalry nесd tоflnd thе еха(
Тhе 5tIе ]п а сoпlpеttoп епiry
!./ords thаIсOгiр еtеthе gарt,\'Vhеn !o! hаVе a ьt of,,r'ords tO сhоо5еlrom,
.оLr i Ье folmа] оr ] lfo.пlа
lhе5е W]]рrobаb!not bеr]raсtlуthе 5аmе а5the\,\'оrd! Lrsеd n iirеtехt' '
dереn.]]ng оп Who thе ]Lrdqе5
stеp4| ]iуthеu/Ord5 in thе5расе апd 5ее lthеу makr 5епзеаnd lo оu/thе org nа аrе Rеаd ihе.oпlреtition
mеаnlng of thеtеrt ['1akе 5Lrrеthеy]it grаmmat]са y too,сhесkthаlyoLr аnno!псеmеntсаrеfLr y so thаt уoLr
havеn'i rеpеаtеd а !.rord thаt.omе5jrrn Ьеlorе orаftеrthс sрасе. Kn0WWпoyo| аrе Wr r пq to,
stеp 5: \'!hеn уoL ]iпьh'.heсkth]]t уoLr hale аn ans\'!eг fOI еaсh qLre!t]oп, сhr.:k thаt Forrn'rrе iпtolmаt oп oп !.,. t rrq
you hа!е пot \\lгitten tOO mаny WOIds' Or сhа nged thе iоrm of thе WOId l th 5 соmреt]t]On еntl]es' 5ее раgе ]60 oi
Wаs nс]udеd n 1hе nstruсtons, NеVеr еаVе аny ап5v'/еБ b ankin аn eхаm thе!!г]ting ваnk

I q,

. stories. пarratives, an

Еxamp|е question
YoL].а'',е.]:..]:] :]:ntеrа!hOtsto|)/.Omреiiоninап]ntеrпаt]onаmаqаlitrс'Тhе.onреtitcn|!е5n!thаiIh!.noЦr
m]n tJе.Ь.|.. а .rсk]r ?5.аре

t hа.] lrеen sпo'"l/ пq а !.rее{' !о oп sLrniа! !.е.dе.

tO diVс olt п.о bс.!ti.! 5рc. Iо !o lоr
thе.o| itrу to hп. а
Jjg ij l;
J' е:]r .t ri]]е.t l].s J !.r': k aпd rг]oilhе 5r]е.1асL] аrW]ntеr aп.5.а.: U5. |r;ff.l'р. aJ5..!1o
5рottеd e bеаLrti1Lr ;ftеam' !.;е!ot o|t.|thе саr aп. OLrton
.jLr| bа.kр.сks а:с р.rеd Lrр t"е \'\/. k пq рo е:lаt m!
laihеr |э[iреi nq а::|rе sа n. t rrс
hаd oirеn mе ;s ; pr0sctt !riеП fra5]!5.5е'/еn nе\rеrl..t or s4i!.n.е
\/,rа k пi] !lilhOLrt it

тhе ani]5.ар.l.ra9 brеаt"tak;rq thаL dаt !.r1l. рrtсhеj oi .e

J5е5riе5 iOа...rаmа o"o
.-]чjl i nrеаm, lvаs;mаzЁd to s.!е thаt it la5]:rozеп n oасеs сL]TOUs
Lr!еd.n! po е lО sее hc\r'rIh.kагd hа'd thЕ ]се\'/а5' вLrt']Lrn
)Jlr'i1tl or l or!еI
. o 9о " th _!!naDO.nPd'nа:
ri rh
fr'.tеr \'iепtс o5е|to.hе еcqе.iihе 5t|еаm.nd ЬеПt ovеr еrрс5. cis k.]lj.Jj,
to 5..е ]f сo!.] rеасh it A!qLri.lа5 а' s р!сd oп thе ]с! !rir..!rtr r.jr ift ii.i
ro.в' nrа.qirt nlо tirеlrее7 nс nrеinl jl'trlrц

!5е d rесi 5!е..r (tr а

сr5 ltеl.o! d do !аsреd аsthе со d rаtе| реllсtгatеd п'y
!u.n r j rrr'r, iitr сo.h..s \rio! d frеrz?todеаth f d dn'tgе:.L]l i:rn,\l.h thе
shосk' nаiаqеd .с р! п1y5е f!p olt cithе v\€iеl' аEа п:tthе

1nc5 naпd пq,5h lrеrirg п Г.! J]еtс Olhеs,l.\rhеп 5!ddеп l'l fе t

a 5irаn!е гl0\rеmenl]"n ieх: тo гnу neаrt
'Тhat51l 'm !Oinq tO hаle а hеа,tatD.k' qroагеd
вL]tthеn rеа i7еd thJl ln/а5']1п]!hеаr. tlra5туm.Ь е
рhOiе [F,сh \//а5 Viirrаt]n! ''', . !:fiеroеп]n!]5Oak гg !Еt
, .r'./o !.qе5.ареs ll|.lе.dt]']l!ht.а5Vlеа hеаdеd ba.k

Usеful grammаr: Nаllаtive tеn!е!

1 Pаsi 5 гnр e, /e !sе tto tеl thе г еVеnt9 аnd.]сlioпs iг thc 51ory,
2 Pаst.оnt nUcU5.!41e !sе i to dе!.| bе 5сеnе5' tо 5а! lrihаl ;сl]nit-v l!аs n proqlе55l4/hеn аnothеI

з Pаnреrtесt\tеLr5еtlorthеbа.kqrolrПdofthеnоry'totа|аboUtасtolsihаihарpе:еdЬеlorе
othеr..tions n thе ра5t
4 Pаst реrlесt .ontinLou5 l'VеUseitforthеЬ..kgroUпdolаnory,pа|tiсuаryи'hеnihеdLrrаtonofаn
асt Vty i5 гnрortаnt.
5 L5еdio' Wе L]5е it to tа]( аbоUI раst hаb t!,
6 nLn/nа|/n|qht/.ал,|hаL/. Wе u5е thсsс to mаkе sресU ation5 or dе.]!сi]ons аbou1l,!hat hарpеnе.]'
7 |||а5 qaing tq Wаs aair 9, |\ol]/d' y'е Lrsethеsеto |а kаboLrt |L]t!r. i].|litе5 n irе
8 PаrtсрeсаL]sеsThesedes.rЬеtVr'оасtonrhарреningatthе!аГnetmе'or n sеqL]еnсе
5uggested pаrаgrаph p|аn
t rst рac!rарh] Еipi n \,ihеrе аid.]ihеп thе stоry bе!an n1|OdUсеthe.hаiа.tеБ
]!idd е рагagrарh(5): Ехrrа пtlеггаiг еVеllt5 iгthе stor!' and th. bасk!rO!пdtotllе!ее!еnt5'
Fnа рarаlrарh: Ехр а]п hо!.(thе ltory еndеd and irhal thесOnsеquеn.еs1'!еrе,


't"" I pagеs26 27 t 2] аnd 104 1

ЕxаmpIe question

somерeоpeth.ikthаt5сhоо]rndLrпi\,eБ]t!5ho|dtеа.hthеknowеdgеand5k 5 nееdеd ]i thе lior d of\,iork, o.h..r5

that5.hOO 5 аnd L]n Vе6пiе5 shoL] d 1еасh kno\.',edge.or ts о!in 5аkе' иritho!t 1'!оrrуiгq аboLrtfLrt.rlе рlofеironа nееd5

!/y'hаt dc !'Ol th]nk 5hOLr с bе thе mа]n tL]П.t]On OfsсhOO 5 аnd Lrn !еr9 i еs?

.е 5t' е jforni Dо t]ot

п',! п'ird'thе Jпs'"lrеr s. е.l аГn.on'/ п.еd th;t |rе 5.оJ d l()|
Ь]п lg nLrdеnt5 ]n profе55]o]а 5k 5 Iiе 5hоLr i |]ё р|ераli.r!

F r5t i]гd iOlеГnO5t, n m! Oр]i]оn' thе qоа .|е оп 5ho| d

рrоb еm5 i'] а роs t !,J alll] сOIstr!сt !е !а)]

FLrrth е lmcrе' ]f nLrdеnt5 а rе trа]nеd iг рro.е55ion а 5r 5аiа

!еryуoLrng аqе, !lе аrе Г.]tino thе riLrtLrrЕ.аrееr рo55 []] t]еs'
G !P j].!:.Г.п on шtt :е ?!е t 5.rr mcrе \riotnftr.hiе tO g \r? nJdеit5 qеnе|; toc 5
ехlrэ5j. rj ]ke i!5...l! i. аn. tr;tе! е5 Jt 5.']OO .id Lrn !еJtуWh.h tl..!.aI dр.J lto
|r' fr i.n, ir.n!, oр riоn, 1s i.I
аn)"job nаniрап.!а|fеd'Aitе|а .оmраniеs саn n !rd's
.i_ iп r Delr.le '
trа п еГnр oJ,ее5 irltеl5сh.о cr L]n nе|5ij, ['];G с.rt бf, аn.
jоflе pеoр е.а]п thаt know еc.rеv,rh.r ! пot.]rе.t! rе e\rаit .JЦпt9rer!'|пti15 u j пq
*Г.Еg.iп.r..oр.5 e']idеn.. to s!р..]гtth 5! еl,"' Hoyi са'l wе (пc!,/еra.tу \/,rh сh
.P пюъ tj п! a!rб5ю.5 r\?r.Itr.reJJ r.strre, i brre
ре.е5 OI ni.lгnаtiOn aпl'раrt.Lr alnudеnt n, пееd п thе
Kе J.ll].J..,]..r.]ff7 ,п. iiз|е ]j i. .!]!,.i.e i.

|-t!rс? ]у q ! rrq а Ьroad еdU.аt oп Lrlji']q е епlепt! оtа
оё.o d6 о 6 l
.oпр еtе lLrnal Ье]ng \l'ho.ап q'аd!а ! nаr.5рес; z]n'q П

Ihе 5ub].сts thе! arе ron iпtеrеnеd l O| bеn аi

Ic vе з.оп. ц]or], |5е

Тo sLrm .!, r! fа аi аm..n.еlnеc, 5. loo 5 агd !n lrеl5iti.5
: 5] iр у'o.аt опа .o е.qе! р.оdLriiro f LrtL]rе'Lr.r 1е6,
L!rii r!, ri.r.tlrir.i /lii .. not
гnесhrп с5 o nL]r''"5.Тhе! аr.. р асеl .r'./hеrе Vоunn р."ор. 5noLr d
b"" lrа]nеd iг ]1е Onq ski s аnd nratq]'.5 lh;t he р lhе r to
d...rе cр аni l]lin-o sonеt'l п9 рOsiti\lеIо 50с е1у l qenеrа

suggested pаrаgrаph p|аn

Pа'э9rарh l] пtrоdLr.tion' inс !d n!]уO!rO! n оn
PаrаqЕрh 2: lllа n рo ntGl]n lLrррorto1yolrrOc n оn
do oо O
Pаrаgrарh,1: Pcп(5] n sLrррoriofа diifеrеnlcрiniO.] апd loLrl.0!n|еnr!]uгieпtG)
Pаrа!r.!h j: .on. L]s оп' rеnаti.g аnd рO5slb)/."храnd iq уо!r mа n рOint



Аn iгterП:t oга -;.::nэlаnt5r.a\rеl]!isO].|ссeпiЬoхоffi.е;гiа5hе5оrilор51,'\/litеarе\]еll/oiа5Lr.сеj!tL] crL]n5!ссеsn!
fi m !оLr ha!е 5ееr r!.еli]i

/rOi /rr'i', dгd i'.i4jii.

thе аtЕ5i i\'l]]n'е bor offirе s rаы
! ln.| сoпl гg 1\Jst'ir ап а..оr.hri
5tarri]l.rthЕ |р ;]d
Heпr5шoгtl itor.onllr]nеs NoБе mуLh. |,!у Jгd а /-|l.o е
lnnl. O|5рес a эffеds io сrеаiе a |эn m.' i9. m.]./h.r 5

А5 а'"!аjrl.J lh ]dарlаt cn5 OI. аss..oт.5, ih? i Гn l.i]5 tO

.ondеnsе!еа|sclsli]riе5 ntо]Lr5:i!.lo h.LrБ'Тh? р ot ъ 5 !1Ly

thеn !Oе5 bасk l t]m.10 sct hO'! аi. !.l.Jr hе аrr].rеd thе|е
Ех е. On еа|tn L\l i s |eth.. 0d n тhor rа5 tc еаrn 1o bе е'is
а|rooапl аnll ilnр! i\rе beforе [lе сап iеtLrr l аnd bе.Onе ( ng

" l r"о
]! Natа iе Portгlап]' hе еа|п5tо рLrt o1iе6 b.|c. llilll!.:
.еntri lO а:].5Lrре.hеrо fi m; э,е t.е а.ton i.еnеs.гd jр.L.
еifе.:j, -]c.h аrе ..rri.р пq ]l Iho| rh.thеr!о|rпdt.r tI]е 2D or
]] !lr5 oп' пl.п! те'lе!аrе lrrеathtаk ig' tha]k5 cаrti.Lr а.у
!]а[е!.| rе! е!l]!id tothеерi.i.Рге.уotthе гillthi.а сt!.OIAsEа j ilrlаtзmorе
thе.oп:rаn bеt /ееп оd А5qа d aпd mоdе|n dаi Nецl i!']еr.o
.аd; |о sijпrе !]h. hе.гt'".] m.f]!iit5 hе . !о !аr.'' tnс

Арiltfr.Г. thеас:,n 5.еnе'i' r miо. п эп.,'.Fаrг.а(е5tl.е

il пr l'"; rr]|k ! th. 'с аt]O']!h р b.|\{ееп H?г.5\rlO h аnd
lr.tпlаг' H!Пlj."\'o't 9 рortra!:r oI lorа5 hе.l.аn.е5 tlom i
b.а5h l.cL]l!] рr n.е .t. a i
Г.а1rrе'.h.!!lltfLr .h.|;с.е|
раrt.Lr аr! ].nрlсss!.
А ]п. 'ТhordoЕs
е!а.t r \'!hаt ]'oLr \,iо' d.хрссtioт a biq
L||rl]q.t suреrhеro nэ./iе f5 ех.t lg' Р.1е|tа n гo ..d е!еl
il.r d/trо! d1 te..Гnnen]
аl]. Г].'/ rq' naу ariау
!ееj l.hе.r т/lсidj thP l..k

adарiаt]on boхоfflсе .]сhё с li-hаnqer сrtс mаnеrр]есе рor:rаyа 5сrрi fq!е t'"ьt5 агd tLrli5 (cfа p Ot)

аmazпq аrгLrs пq арреа n! а.J/IL] br Jit .at.hу се'еr (|п)сoп!..iсn! с|edЬe dеаfЕi lq dеер d!аррOintnq di5]O пtеd
ер]. :аr fеt.rеd ъ5сnа1n! iаst mrr!.]пn ilаwеd 9rэр n!] h аr]oLrs inсrс. b е (Lrn)iп5. r]пq ]ntri.аiе ir1| !!i'rq iOht hеаItеd

у оLrd o\'! bLrdgеt гnеГnorаb e теsГnеri пq Г.iid Ь o!,r' пq mo.r n!] l|ynеrioLrs pеr.ерlVе r.Qа 5T. rе аli.9 r 5qLrё
roLr5iiq 5.аry srns]t]lrе 5OO1hin-0 sресtaс!.r;iLrnппq ltLrрiсi tеritrе thI inq thoLr!ht рrollrk]пq |раndсоmng l,]/c

0ther eхpressions
{thеfi m]bоmbеd (сrtс5ipаппеdlthеfim] (thе]i m)g|Ossed (5]l'!00] |thе no'V)Lrnfo d5 cе \,.е|аlrеаtр.r|OIгпаn.е
(thе fi лr)rс..i'/еd r;.rе rеV еI"'5 gеIr Ikеrr'аrm rесеptоn а Ooх.cf]iсе 5mа5/flор (lhеim)h:Ihеlrq5.|ссrl

suggested pam9tаph plan,oo J o . .Ьo
Pаlаgrарh i\'loredеta еd informаion
Pаrаgrаph ']
]: YOurOp n ci :rid r ! ni]iс.]tion i5] fo| it
Pаrаo'rрh4: YOur|есоmmсnоаLoll


sоmе pеоpе яythatсhiLdгen аrе Ьorn W]th а sрeсia taеnt,folm!sсOr5рoltforехаmpe'в!tothеIsargL]et|rаt,Wtn
tra n nq' аnyсhild сап еarn to bе a !Oоd mL]sсrаn or sрoltspеrson,
D sсu55 bоth !ewsапd lhеn q]Veyourown oрiп]On,
мodeltеxt т- 1. ..

Arе rn!5 L dп5 Or or.аn l

sрOгt5реOр е Ьоrn Wth 5реса аЬ 1е5, i
аnybodу earn thеm?Тhе inswеrto this qL]estloп 5irnрOrtаnt i
i s]nсе' lfапуbоdyсаn еаrпtheгn'thsсorrd nsр]reLrsаltotrу i
оLrrbеntо dеVе];; rhе еiJ Рnt oi lhе ojц!щ!!щт _-LП;"$*;;;;;;- ] i
!аlепt!аrе рurе, nаTLrlаl'r d Гnеап tn,1 1 рo nr "55 oLr .оntrасt]ons. i 5 u5е

' tоtrа n nаIс]5 nсе \(е сoL].]nеVеrасh еVe гnLr.l еVеn fWе --- |

0 а.t-еd io holrr5 аnd holrs, i

l trр,е*оrnе,рeоpе: Hi'"4anу ехреrts сlаim thа|сh drеn аrе lrorn ц,ith sре.]а арtjtldеs' i'
op оnsn n! еrр|е55 oш l]
Lrs lhьwolоехрan','lьysoгtlеуоUng.hi]drеnseеmtOindsoгnе i
d" Ooou o'ob"'' 0 o'r I ;
оt|е||'aidthot ' il thаtlhеyсirn dоih ngs W]th tw]thoutth nk ng оrtrу n!]'Тhi! l i
\aould 5;gqеnthal\'l,€ ha!е nаtlrra 5k s Lhatаrе раr1OfLrs'ihе i
.Еi- 5amе а5 orrl
рhуs.a fеаtLrгеs ''

t ;.""";;' *o .';; Hоwever' lwе !аve а gu]tar tO а ),оL]ng сhl d аnс] lave h]m ] i
.ounL",n,gu'"nвu'nq оr hеr е55on5 е!еrydау'Wоuld thа1сh d notleаInto bеа |
l ехр'e5loпs iе Ho,e!e| l qоOd !! tаl n? fulаnу реoр]e' е5pес a ytеа.heгs,Wouсаrqlr -' _ i
'oLj' о 9l! j - j ! gq -'-,'a

,оО "a"о1 , aa, -a-a llo|o,ё o'.bod 11 ,сL ." - J,о, " !
l,!ho nеVеr рrасtsеdWOLr dind itVеrуd lfrсLr ttoасh е./е а h]gh Illot,'r,tу , ь''rоtю |
-- ] еVеlofаb] tу ]n thаttask

н;;;;;'* ||в""onu y'lbe еVеthаtwесаnаLl еаrn to Ьеgооd аi i

еro.J''iоns l"."аш"-i;1 ] l sоmеth ng,l,',hethеr t s sрortor m!5., by]еаrпing
аbolt t L l
|оnvnina,ипlaр,nlo,l,ls]аndЬyprасtь]n!].l\еvеrthее55'1оbеtr!уgrеаtаtsomеthng-ll .а Ui.шoп Lrт
': iо|оs|псaлсе|о.|j ibе|ierc Ье ]еуe thаt \^/e nееd nаturаltа еnt or aрtitlrdr,dndWe hа!"Ato Tоqi l

' - munqо hаnd п hand' t '1, i

suggelted pаlаgrаph plаn


ъйqrарh l. stаtеthеtoр]сofthе.omрOsitоn usjnq genеrа :

рauq,a;h: ]\'1аkr polntlfor (Orala nn) i

Pаra.|арh ]: ]!1аkе ро пt5 agа]пn (orfor), i
Pаrаgrарh 4: сOnс Lrsoп re51аtе thе mos1imрortant рoint(s)аnd qlvеyoLrroр nloп- |,




1 58

EхаmpIe question
Reаd thь extrad flom а |oса| newspapel'
'Тhе tO.J'n сO]п. hэj.]е.dediосOsedо.nlпtlе c.а ibrаЦl n сl,:e| 5treеt'Тhеy!аyllаt not'оdy!5е5 tto Ьоlrovr book5 апymorе
pеlhар5 bе.a!]еэi:hе jilt?п.еO1thс itеrпеt,Тhеуа io5аyIhаtthс b'.rl! l.а5 sirnрЬr bссOп]e a mееt ng рh.е iOryо!пq р.Qop е
V\'irо.rеаt'э a o|ci пc 5е ап. d it!r!.nсс iher..
vоLrirеq!еnl!Lsеtlе c.а ibrаry\r'/|:са е|tеrofсогnра]rttоthе]Oса сolrп.i аЬoLrtthс.OsLrrеоfthе Ьrrryllnс!dеthelо
o\,'' пq

. NObоd! takEs o.]t bсol.i lrеса!5е the!,ге a o.]

. no| n5:а .oгnрLriеrs 5O thа1peор е.аг rеаd thinqs On |hе lt.|not?

. YоL]n! реоp е пlее..hеrе Ье.аL5е thеre's Поr'rlеrе е !е Iо mееt'

. /оLrпq реo. е OOг'iljьt!rЬ апroiеt1еrе tlrс!,rе bLrs! nLrdу пq,


] L]f !.trjr'ц.ljл 0lrег . гD.a|5 r/t.lаdапl

iц/h n 1ъ рroЬаlr !t|Lrеlhаt tеflеl рео.rе Ьoiro'-l bоOk i|Onl

:h.. ]brаry по.'('аdа,!5 bе ]е'/е t еr'. аrе iтрortаni rеа5.n5
еlplе55огs 1еn..r!.ir,i,'
!,/h.h ехр a п lr'h)l ;]бi )r' tjе bcck5.n thе Ь';r! а|е а O d
|. nу .. il, ||] ||1| a,ro Аs
п.е по пе\'! books hаlrе bееr eidеd ithе аn ]ilrе )rеа15

n|.' ir..r G|.еt, i i)?i]||:


5сс,Jп. ],,, tlе гtеrп?. hа' l]есOпе гncrе aпc iorе lrcpL] аr
i iri q -o
.lГ.яi.)|5 !d. а5l,i.] i
е..oLrrаgе rгоre рe.rр Еto !е brаr}1аnd 1c r.a. jr!'.ji ]nnеаdo L4,iL,

t ]а5 b."еn natсd |h.itoг...f tlЕrеd50п5for.Ol nqihе i.rаЦ,

yо|n!cеOрeТls 5trLrе п раrt, b|tthе'..sOп \rih!!o|пg

рrcр е nееt tilсrе 5 t:aiilеrе;rе пo а lеr1а1!r p aс..5 lr/ilеiе
thеу.аi'nееt f1h. bD|! 5lo!с.'),o.n!реo.еW harlе пс
а t.rпrti,е Ь|t to nаr. Г.ееt]n! in trе jLr.эi
'o o " o U:...ft Еnrеn|: r .] |t]еr
wi]БОi iin n.;nihа! !
L].l.r'..5t.{ oiiilit num.lollnLrdепi5ironг.!5.:looLr!еih.iэar],l а..ll
s:!.h a qr et: асе' апl rrе.а l..п.еntrJt,] lhеrе
[ ;''".."..;;;.. i-г- n.оП. J5iO.' 1].r|'aii]Гn]Z.5 ГnЕ i5 th.ith. i.].. .o!пri irе
пlеnt Гq ;iу еl.!5.5 t.с! Lirг to]u5t Ir. o5ng . l. braD' ТhБ
;:;.*"".,',.,'' ! 5.апcа cLr5 5ii.еihе inrlry'sс|!е' \.],,еr: l tа f;rс1cn5 i.
t|с oс.] сог.гiLrnilу T|е .оn5ес.,еnсс] |)i5l..ttп.g lllе i]'.]l''
i';;.;";,; Lor d hа1]е. h !hi!] nе!аt rеimрa.t Or] tlе п?i.jIljo!.rOOd.5
rап]eсitt9 ре";,.;",,,,;
5.n \!L] а \,!hо е L]r!е ),оL tO rе.oпsidеr!сLr р аr

suggеstеd pаlаgraph plаn

F;'n раrаqriрh Ехр a П !,r'h! ),.rLr аlе\,irt]ng
,]]iс]d е раrаqlаphG] Gi,/сdеta s Ofthе.опlр аint l\!hаt' v!hеrе Wh)',ц/heп
F nir рarаqIарh sL,mГnаr /е,!оL]г Oр п оn rпd а!( iоr а 5o]!t]on


YоUtееthеfo|oWпqаnпouпсеmеЛtforасoпlpеttoп n ап iпtеrnаtioпа mаgаZinе'
'Wе аrе рrераr ng а sрeс а|сoпtаinеr to lrе bLrr tlgqrn onе.D' onе DVD аnd оnе
еd aпd opеnеd iп ]00 yеа6,1ime, Wе Wапt rеаdеБ to
bOOkvihlсh reрrеsеnt feаnd сu|1!|etodаytO рL]t n5dс thet mе саpsl] е Ехр а n VlhyуOurсhO се5WoLr d bсo| n1сre5tLO рeOрe in thе

!!ritе yO1,lI сOrnреtitiOn еntry


1 91 2, 2o1 2' 21 12|тhе more thаt thin9s Chаnge,

Tlr пtotа 11е 10 qrэlr thе
the morr thry stаythe sаme
lеа0еr!апеnI.nol nаke
lr m/r€r.!r]o!5to rеаd thе
L,'j ъ."o1О" ". o Пr,o о "
аrti.lе/.оmреt t 0n еntrl гn!5. рeорLеWеrе 5tеiinqto]lvasitjаzzor.а55]са Гnu5iс?
D]d rесOrd5 еxi5t,Orj!n lhе rаd]o? Аnd Wа5 thе с nеmа а rеаdy
poрL] аrOrсO!|d реOр е cn ysее р]аy5? NoW гnаginе cреn nq а
tiпlе сар5! е irоm ]9] 2 аnd hour п rоLr d he р L.r5 tO get а с еare|
рlсt!rе Of lеthеn
ц/hrn 5oпlеoпе opеns mуt пlе сар5Lr е n 2]]]' \'^/o! d |]kе
thrm iofiid а LаdyGаgа.D ins]dе,Yes' аgrеe shе hаsntqot
the bеnyoiсe n thе.,'/оrd' and he|sOngs don'1reа ц, se..m tо
гпeаn mLr.h' at еаtt поttо n]e But the Гnl]siс sfL]n' саlсhyand
реrfесtiоrdапс п! апd folgеtt nq the WOr d forа 1'!h е And
;llесоmmеnlаdverbas ihаt'qUitеfIаЛky' 5аy5 а оtаЬout fе todаy
luсh аl qli.. Or .. b€
iv]еanwh е']f thеrезoпеth]rgthаtdrпnes todаy\5oсеty f5thе
honeJt1O 'lri(l,
mitе!о!I Olr r
nlerneiапd soс]a nеtwolk пg s1еs.lhаtlV\'hy WoL] d сhoose
to п. Lrdethefi m IhеJo.l,l]V€lи/ork Тhе mo']]еiе 5thеltorуоf
Fасеbookапd' in do n! 5o' tе !Lr5а oiаboLrth!mаn пtеraсtоп
аnd rе|а1on5hiр5 п thе 2]j'сеniLrrt
mi ]oп сoрiе5 Ofthе bOOk
As for Гny сho се Ol book, ovеr ]7
I,,','l'i. OVеllhе .nIOr d' алd thе!OL]ng aсtols
ha."'е bееn sо d
Who аррeаrin thеfi m аdарtаt oi5 аrе аdorеd by m] оn5ofьп5
,. . oJdd .
'q 1q"bo o dёр6
' bе ng mоdеIп, t 5 a aЬolt!аmр resаnd Were,,!o ve!' Гnyih сa
апd]!st !yoUl ро i1l lrl сrеatures thаt hаVеарреаred n O d fO kiа e5 forсeпtLrrеs,
!]v пqVа d aid.оnvn.]n!]
]\4!5iс' da|сe аnd сe ebrat ons,Тhс 5еа|сh iоr iliendshiр аЛd
.р" J o|" o, o d,рр" ъ.
" l. d d" "
O.q .'dr I - . o' Or""' 000' 00,".
ago' рersonа y Ье е1/е ouгt me.aрsu е W sho!/ fLrtLrrе
!]еneraton5:hаL'deеpdOWn' реор|e havеn't r.a y.hапged that

sUggested pаlаgrаph plаn

|-jr5i раrаqrарlr ntrOduсton stаtethethernе ofthe а rtiс e/сomреt t]о n еntry
N'lidd е рarаgIарh(5) HаVe One рarаgrарh forеасh mаjor рO ntyou rnakе' bасkеd uрWth агgLrmеitiаnd]Lrnfiсаtions'
Еina раrаqraрh: 5ummаrzе your ma n рOint(sJ'



Еxаmple question
Wr tе; r.,рOrt on jроrts edL]саtioi ]п yо!r.оLrПtry,YoLrr rерo|t5hОt]d look аl ihc lovliiq queno 15
. lYhаtаrеih. nrеngihs Jnd W.aknеs!е! 'o
tаlrght n 5сhooь пyOUr.oLritlу?
ofrhe.,.r']ry 5рolt]s
. lr\jhrtсh.rnq.s lI'оLr c yo! kе1o 5..е madе in thс Wаy5pоп i5tаLrght inyоLrr.оL]nlry inthе fLrtL]rе]


! !е l.L,l l.;рo' t4тoр.n

вeрort on thеteа(hing ofsport in sсhools in our
Introdu<tioп ;,;,"- *",",
lrlе р!rрosе Of th]l r.Qрolt ! ilr оLrt n.lhе pоs t li. an{]
niO 5е.t]on5 аnd 0 !е еа.r
t]Pроl: dri] рroрoi s аi.. ---.
l]с!а tivе rlpеФs o| Lhе \l/ау 5рolt !.!rrErttуtJilohl n !.Fooь
lhеlnIciаnor!]апziiiоn . oLrl.ountly Jn. tO mаkе rесоmmелdаt oпs fоtlutlrс
L-'l р'..р е I EI !o! n. nnt
strengths in the wаy sport is сurrеndytаught
Uje рЛl!eini 1!'т5ciа]
аr9tа!]e i iЁ!.dldе5 Oq.. !']rt!.hoo moj|5рortl5 tаuqht l Phy!сi Еd!.nt Oп nlL].turеjt.сin!e!i ntnе
еsson5 N]on 5ttdеnt5 h.rvс |hr.c ofPЕ. а W....k' апo
hоLr15 ..:.::1ч1].l.
5oГnе 5.hOO 5 lаvе аn аdd t oi. n.m nq oп tr]p of
hоLrr of !W
th 5' nlo5r sLhoo 5 o].еr ехt|а .UrrсLrlar!рort5 а.t]Vtе5' Wh].h
рhlа5е! |e /л m/./]i.iir' OttсП rl!o\,e.OГnреtn!,crа !сhoo tе;ll]' л rnr,ор п оn, thе
Р|:|\.|nlii| i ihr|k, А. fо| а\ |i| . L o ld dooo
аWdе\,аr.jiуоf dlfеrеnl5рO|t5аid |а5k5 \r'/h.h 5Va !еi
рosit'е]y lrv rnon nLdeпts fLr|tщlЦ!щ.щ!:11е!!!!:.
i]rtrJ!i.ox..]]еnс9, еt.'
prаd].аi,аn. thi5 hе р5 nLrdent5 to mа Пtаin а.'4rIа l dе!rее l0 nlu.tlr.loUl аr.l|rfl епtj

Possib|e w€аknesses
il |)е5р]tеthе fJс| t lJt рraсti.аi еr5оn5 arе poрLr Jr' \,сry ttiе
tloаiiап] !!t!lour
oрin orj !Ih рhjа!е5 k. це!щ.s!щц!!!ior п!tаnсе' 5t!dепt5 knoW!еly litt с аlroLrt
ill rl]jtir.е ii]J ]s b..'la' рl.Yеlt]lg оrove(oпlпq п]!r е5' or1hс Lrе5t Wау fu 5tаy ]П
5hар| Аrloihеrрrobепr j1l.tпе.гi)r; qlп]L.5аidа.lViti."!

пflLrеnсе Oп 5огnе !ttd'.nts' r. nio|с пq ihe idс.r thаt 5рOlt

i5 а иray9n q|е5tiOn OlWiJ]n Пq or o5ino, bLrtnot 5omеlh n!]

.!.rr:r (].пi t5cn Lie Re(ommeпdаtions for the futufe teасhin9 ofgport
tjrni rjr, lir,!,1r!rc,i i_ Ha.',]rq tаkrn еl,еrlthiпq ]пto соn!d.|.ltioп'
r.!!,ryrrrrrt i.r...ijift rdilrr
thatа]]!сhoo 5 аdd oсс.iопа е55oll! ]П 5рort5 thеO|! sothii Цt r rhrБе!,kеiijlon'il
5L!i..пt5 kпо\,/ mO|с аboLrttlе5сiеn.e0|fitnеsl Тh 5 rер W I...ll]iii.nnir'i
n or iа
!t!dеnt!iо kn.r!! lrrorе abo!1thеiIbОd еi' 5olnе1hir]Ч !,rt]i.h l!рO]]'.ILli1'.i]illl.r i
!.ri hерthРr!to radhеаthy Vе5 n tlеfLriLrrr d 50 sLrqgеn
!аry пq spоrls рI.сt.е 5o thа1not еVсrуа.tVitу 5 сOтlреtiti!.c
iе.. thаi ih 5 |ro! d еiсoLrrаqе еvеly 5t!dепt tо еnjoy dо пq
iрort, Пot]Lr5i1hе 5tLrd.nts \.rho аlеgcоd dI t,

suggеsted pайgгаph p|аn

Pёrаgraph ] пtrodLrсtOn stalеthе а m Ot thс rЕроrt/рroposа
Pа|а-or.rph 2]I\'1а п pо n(5)' eq,5irеnqth5' ad''aitаqе5'."t.
D'_.0' .v.
Pаrаgr.rрh ?]:.On. !5оn' Гnаkin!] а r...oпlmеrdа1iOп ]fr..qUirеd


Look at Ih 5job аd!еrt 5еmепt
ft aЬо аррlЦл|s shalid bе р|ерar|j ta a\'l\t сh€f\ |]ith tоad р|ера|atiол тhе ро51tiо|., hasan iпr'е|1iаtе \|а|t nnо ''|l|i n]|. tle.lrd.i
sерiеnbе|, Рlеаsе 5елd a (|/ а,.d сavеiлg iеtiе|, соnр]еLе'l|i|h |еiе|ее dеtаrЬ' tо РО E,1х з6E .'aЛc]/ 8e.'.h, s.OlhЛd'
YoLr аrе пtеrested nthеjOb'\ц/r]tеасoVеrjnq еttег]rlс Lrdir]q th 5 niоrmаtоn
. YOLr spеаk Епg sh аnd trеnсh
. YOLr .,irorkеd а5 a k]tсhеn аsq5tаnt ]n а bLrsy rеsiаJ.апt а5t5L]mmrL
. YOLr ovесook nq аnс]сOOk аt hогne
. You аrе iree tO start гnmеd]аtеy

U!е !e,| 5lli1l.,.л irlrе r 5 nlr'аiаГn'

-Dе,]| po 'o
n., I ll, I Olln"lrll rJr
аm 5еVепiееп yеa15 о. аnd hаVе]Lrn Ьеq!n mу5!п'.nеr
lо d.y5' Ior ]lсnlr|аtbг ot,,'lh..h am ntегd n! 10l'V.( d'"а !'
аm ook П!J iolа]Ob i шhi.l .ап pеllе.t m!:nq вh Тiъ
паkr]5tFе]oЬаt sеlmourса5T r раrtс! aIy attrn.t\'e |O m.
Ье]еVеthаi aп' !\'r ]Lr tсd lоrth5]оЬ 5 псе a5t5Lrmmеr had
ехреriеn.еof orkПq п t']с kI.hеl о1а L]Lr5y rе5iа!гaпt пп]!
hоmе to.,,jп 1rik]t ]'а iоViorti пlЕition]пg tlаt o!е сOOk n!]
;пd.ft'"n Фok dilhеs icr myfam )' Л homе Тhеrеiolе' /o| d
O"," oрp , oodo
dlаtthе! 5hoLr d пееl do]пg'
n t.lnlsofре|5оnа qLrа iе5' ЬE ]е!c ' аm hаг.] '"!ork n'lr,
!O.iаb е аnd !еrу inq to еаrп tсW 9(i ! саn а 5O 5рeаk
t|еn.h'Wh.t mэy bе аn аd\,апtd,.]е ]n;l пtеrrаion.] hciе
sLr.h а5 yоLrrs 5 п.е аm a |.a.уOn hо din .oLr d Ьеq]п /olk
.." .; ]

U!е п Otg |O]iа '"iрlе!!on.

thе сoПt.rLtd.|.]s oг mу rеfеrее' l!ь Gabr е a Ponгnаг
!/ho] !о.rd. пot 0ol. tт rе5tа.it.]пt W0rkei] ;st sL]mГnеr
nаmе oтIп. рсrjor] lo|]
а.!r I п! 1o'Ц9e
f.rti]illr]' otlr'. 0.e' !sе G|аhirmlr'/е5t

suggеsted pаrаgrаph р|аn

Раrаgrарh ] sаy .'(hatjob you аrе аpр y пg tol
раrаqrарh2 Gi\,сba5iс nformаtioп аЬottуo!15еiапd Wh}, loLr аrе арр yinqforthr]оЬ'
Prrа!]raрh З stаtеаnу rе еVапtеrреrienсe.
Pirra!rарh 4 G]Vе пflrrmaton аboLrtуcL]rсhаrа.tеrаnd anу oihеr rс с'/;Пlski s.
Pan!rарh 5 G]!е nforrnaton sothatthе.OГiраnусаn.ont пLrE fL]r|hеr.]i]th thеаррi.аlion


1 j.i.;.у;
.i."' , '..'i|

Unit 1. Rеading

|. \t :, |-eJ |, o||е tU ', |'' | |'" J| l J. m|'е )о |, lnо ., | .,'U

v'i '
l,end ob.,|:,i:'|,' .nU,,с|| \\ |,|c),,,|лJ\e,Uneге'-{J||}
\\'еаkllеssеs уоt .trс gспегx||у аЬle to со рсnsаtс Г{tr thеn]. )1)u hlYе
сoлsidеrab]е ulusеd сlpасiL.. thnt you hаvе nоL Lшncd t() !оuг ad\аfltаgе,
l)jsсL inеd arld sеll,сontl1)]lсd oп Ihе оutsidе' уоLt tlrnd Lo Ьс \уoпjsoпlе
aлd insесurе on Ihе n]sidс, At timеs уou 1rа\'с sсridls.{oubts аs tо
\Yhеthеr уоL| lr.tvс m.rdе tlre |ight dес]sbn or doпe thе гight ihjDg' Yori
prеtёI а сеrtltilr rmouпt ofсhangе аnd !агiс|} rnd bесоmе dislalistiеd
whеn hешnlеd h b} rс\Lгiсti(!rs and limitations,YoЦ riso Pгidс }oursеu
а! аn iпdеpеndеnl liLlkеr' аnсl dо поt xссеpt othеIs. stаtеnrсnls without
sаLi1Гасtогу Pгоol вLli уou ha!е lbund iL univisе to lrе too fiаlй ilr
rеvеn|jпg yоursе]fto оthеl's, A11]mс! ].oш аrе ехtrovеltеd' а1liblе. rпd
sосiаb]е. whilе а1оL|rсr lin]еs \'ou а|е iлtrоvеItеd. wrr}' and тсsсrvеd
soпlе ofуoxr аspirllions tсnd tо bе rathеr пnrсаlisLiс,

Unit 2. Deve|oping spеаking

f:.j.t6, ''


Unit 4, Dеve|oping speakin9

Number of аn imа | etрeriments Ьy 9oaIs Animа|sPeсies used in eхPёriments in

in the ЕU member state5 {2008) the Nether|аnds (]97a.2006)

п 40 Р
f '6

a 2A

l l0

П 0

Numbel of аn imа| еxpeliments in the ЕU

by sрeсies (2002 2008)
,9 50

Е з0


t^ +r.,
'": ", 'Ji,.

NumЬer ofаnimаleхperiments in the ЕU bУ membel stаte (1996 2008)

I !

o,lfl -t II l,Еl ,!I ш r- - -rl


Unit 7, DeveIoping 5peаking

Unit 8, Deve|oping speаkin9


Unit 9. Developing speaking

student в
YOLr а|е stLrdе lt А5 вr t sl lr еnd YO rrаnl lo \r'./Оrk а5 а Гnon tor аt а k d5 1!mrnе|.,rnrp П 1h. ho dцrs. \bL
;огпе аdV се аbOLrtthе ntеr']еvi D!сLr55the IO OW]г
. иlnat!0L] 5n0u n Wеаr
. hо.,yO! shoLr d cr..раrе forthе пtе,lieyl
.,,\'hat!O! 5hOUd5rуiо!е'yoLrгsеf

5oгnе moпlеnl. n thе сonvРrsаt]or уoLr гnrrn:

а5kstLrdeit А tO ехр а n in morе dЕ:а thе с оthе!!o! should WеаL
2 eхр a n thatyou hаvеп'i ЬrоLrqhtаn! |orГna . Othеs W]th yoL].

з еrр a l1hat!.Lr hа'/е а рroЬ еГn !оLrhalc nO eхреrеnсс Oi bеiiq оrцIorkirq

],!]tn сh d]еn

Unit 9, Deve|oping spеaking

Eхеrсisе за, Pа9е ]]7

stud€nt в
]OЬ' D 5.J55 thе].o o\'\l l]iJ.
. hoцl р.Oр е LrsLr.r yqoаЬоLrt]iпd]lqа]cb
. \4hаt sort of]оЬ5 аrе t!р]с; y a.r'а ab еtOJroLLng реoр е п thе lo dа)r!
. VihаtthеаdVапtаqes/disаdVintаqе5of thе.]iffеrrпijoЬ5аrе
. \r',ih.hjoЬ п irаIt]сLr аr hе/shс\^/OU d rе.огЛГnеn.

Аt 5oГnr] гnоmEnt n 0l..on'rеrsаtoп to! ГnLr5i]

,l а5k5tt]dеniАtо еrр аin опе o].thеjoЬ5 | п]0r.dеLаi
2 рo itеJrq геa5оПr' l! yоU ion't rеа ! kеthе].. hе/5hе rе.omnсidj аnd аik
torапoihrr'е5Lrqqe!t оn.


infiлitive Pаst 5imple Pаst pаrtiсipie Infinitive Past simр]e Pаst pаrtiсiple

b€ lrt еt

a) аtl

begln Dеgun

brlng b,oLrghL bfoLrqht

Ь!i bui pаy

bo,q rt
саtсh anLr!frr

rlng |. t



drаW send

drivе 5hinе


]с| tеt sing nnq 5rпq

ind sit
nу ПеW

forget o|gоitеn speаk

forgive iorqа!rе l.,rE !.cп

geт !Jоt qоl

giVе gа!Р q Vеn

gо qoiе
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сцa1i hddIt d i" Dog h |L- iцrl rл. Ьy Mтl Hrdаon' рр рцЬ mеd ф ]oффi

ennл i Аfo фi Е!dл AйФn|' c'еgo
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p75l сolt 9nssn' .Фь
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'E5 tt{mщ Фd/' ry. oPdъ р51 ] 6сty m4s/ uplUк) Ltd'PеЕБгGsr&oшoЕц/WыdФuk UniФd
'г.e&ft 'nцfr kArttrEп/food,!р9o1'),G.trr rigg^| аm
п reidj
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ь!еEф m4ФФa,c4ф m4gдщ!
I |m4s ф]icеty mа*'Dэ!iilelto'stфcpn(), Gliy migб/PagD&е.ry/Phdoфэйg!
.hor и]O cеt! m4e'03 ! vso]/P
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Get! m4Ф/Аigш foId RoetФi/. {
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рe нLфф/AФр6;]UпtвA], сЕty m4ё/MдGЕMOфсo !d фogln'
6efi y m441 migеsoцс рФ4фl' 3i G
ыфi mi*sррll],rcdt),Gеtr migе:/rб"{ъпф/nцe Фr1г],c{ц n4e/Ph рnre / бфйbFьзd€fr5l ФфrФtФъ4nр[Grcuр
Digt v5фр9'tr],ceq nаgenБoi/sGnе,31n Gеt! m4e'6eGa! g'Aп вз,Cсt' LmЕd2oo9 ffEtДь +a п n9.4lr ъ
migё/D пtФ (iiboцnEiceny m4Ф/i!ььtrйl/M G kmр ф]1.]' 6еtt Й44]Rcb0l
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4Ф/ro|i шй/sJm Dефц'вФа m4-4 в9' Gen!
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n4gфыr], сеty m4sлoryM{йiиlз m4gр0910, Gсtrlm4gдфEtrе мom{а/
фdoeэ'hgt.hote Fьtф ),Gеtl mi
fuьqтhе m4e ti Дo!lD] Gety m4ф/HФm пoььE/Pidи a Фnn 6dt! n4g/a! in
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lпsдhdoeфм/:.йrрф1в)'Gеflr па*'lff ttreФфл рj1ьl'ccnr m4Ф/
ъmф^ !{а|/Nзioru G!4aф !рФ1tr] ]6r1tD,cеfll п44/lа!jnюnл]rм iJтвJ*
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?D)'Gеt! m44/Doqа tъЕ6/Dlь vФnф71й),crtr п44/мnфэw4tmФit
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р6.ф),WQwhonаф4idpohc, tro/€iglйdfl,phр ф64,rm4*ьЕ/^пiiфа P.lшe Lыт'
,] Www,m kiф,oв р'ф), тhе Nа6oй дrch vщ/
w эm wэ ьc !ft Фndld рз,1t ]; Pэi M&ni з'a0йьry Ei й ion ,oo] р6, fuquin
вools Lt4N & Htrfir ,oor p]oo1Ь), PhФodьс рoo1йс qrcшф] Phddiьвry/r.зoar
,eф), п]oФ ыз yФm^atr.а]fi o/АFьb* Фond, tф eJt/LEfuoащioъФ31tl'
фdoьcry/tа!retr. мono'PDbirt фo:1t], фdo йiiYФп/Dл e thqеrei/ф4cыd{
фtФor{ь], фddфcry/sbdbфa0lэLi4Фэr41t}'Pьoto ыаryФm/sьreе rФ5Preg
A*oсъdonlm4s/6go eеog/APФ651uli3.), fu4l A$Ф r6oi mщsлhomФ гEt/oP^

Pflnted а.d Ьound nтhаi аnd

2a16 2a15 2a14 aa11 1a12


IsвN 97s.0.2з0.72з62.7


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