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and Religion

Image Source: KTMD ENTERTAINMENT on Unsplash

“sets of beliefs, symbols, and practices about the
reality of superempirical orders that make claims to
organize and guide human life.” - Christian Smith
(Campbell, 2007)

“ordinarily unseen reality that tells us what truly is

and how we therefore ought to live” (Smith, 2003: 98
in Campbell, 2007, 286)

Personal identity - something that sense of

meaning and belongingness to a certain group
Image Source: Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash
Major Categories of Religion

Category Divinity Example

Atheism No deity/God/gods Atheists

Monotheism One God Judaism, Christianity, Islam

Polytheism Multiple gods Ancient Greeks and

Functions of Religion
According to Durkheim,

● Allows for social cohesion and aids in maintaining

social solidarity (shared rituals and beliefs)

● social control (enforcing religious-based morals, norms

for conformity and control in society)

● Provides personal meaning and purpose which

answers our existential questions

Image Source: Pixnio

Religion in the Modern times
● Print (books,magazines, etc)
● Traditional Broadcast Media (tv, radio, etc)
● Religious Schools
● movies
● Internet sites
● Social network
● Cellphone apps

Religion is a clear example of globalization using the different

media developed and made available by globalization.

Globalization made it easier for religious movements to

happen. Even small religious groups are able to spread to
other countries due to the accessibility and connectivity that is
provided by globalization

Image Source:

Model of 4 Distinct Glocalization (Victor Roudometof)
1. Vernacularization
i. blending of religious universalism with the local vernacular
2. Indigenization
i. blending of religious universalism with local local
ii. Adopting religious rituals to the particular ethnicity or locality
3. Nationalizaton
i. Nation is used as the religion’s legitimacy - nation building
4. Transnationalization
i. Example: Eastern Orthodox Church

Imge Source: Pxfuel

Effect of Globalization on Religion

1. Pluralism and

2. Conflict and peace

Religious Rebellion and Global War
4 Stages:

1. Uprisings
1. isolated outbursts beginning in the 1970s caused by perceived moral failures of
the secular state. Ex. Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, and Muslim
2. Internationalization
1. bringing of the conflict onto the international stage (1980s). Ex. Afghanistan
struggle against the Soviets in the 1980s
3. Anti-Americanism
1. political and economic domination of the United States and Europe were seen
as the causes of local and international problems.
4. Global War
1. 21st Century - secular and religious conflicts played on the global stage . Ex.
World Trade Center attacks
Beyer, P., & Beaman, L. (Eds.). (n.d.). Religion, Globalization, and Culture.
Herrington, L. M. (2013). Globalization and religion in historical perspective: A paradoxical relationship. Religions,
4(1), 145–165.
Juergensmeyer, M. (2008). Global rebellion: religious challenges to the secular state, from Christian militias to al
Qaeda. In University of California Press.
Khaled, M. (2007). Globalization and Religion. Conference on Globalization, Conflict & the Experience of Localities.
Roudometof, V. (2014). Forms of religious glocalization: Orthodox christianity in the Longue Durée. Religions, 5(4),
The Functionalist Perspective on Religion | Boundless Sociology. (n.d.). Retrieved October 6, 2021, from

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