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The Key Tool for Executing Continuous Improvement

12 Step Kaizen is a Better Defined CAP-Do


1. Identify where the losses are

2. Justify the subject selection by stratifying the data
3. Understand the process and equipment
4. Grasp the actual situation (Identify the Phenomenon)
5. Establish the objective
6. Establish a Work Plan


7. Determine Root Cause


8. Propose Countermeasures


9. Carry out countermeasures

10. Verify results
11. Standardize improvement
12. Make future plans
12-step Kaizen process

Step 1. Identify the losses

Selection & Justification of the subject

The reason why you chose the subject:

Analyze the loss and make clear why you chose this loss
Classify and quantify the loss
Make clear what exactly you want to do with that loss, i.e. Improve the packing process task
How exactly do you want to improve?

Reduce the number of tasks involved?

Improve productivity?

Revise and improve ergonomics?

Step 2. Justification of the subject

Step 3: Understand the Process & Equipment

Collect Data
Go to the “Gemba” (actual place)
Take Photographs / Videos
Understand the Ideal Situation
Collect the Available Data
Assemble all available related data from Loss Tree Analysis
Go to the “Gemba” (or “actual place”)

Take Photographs / Videos


Understand the Ideal Situation

Summary of the process in question

Overview of equipment in question
Structure and mechanism of essential points (Structure diagram, layout)

Understand the basic rules and principles

Confirm and review basic knowledge for cause analysis

Step 4: Grasp the Actual Situation

(1) Clearly define the control characteristics

For example, what is the defect?

How can you quantify it?
What time unit do you use to control this data? Monthly? Daily?

(2) Establish a Benchmark (initial reference point)

If you do not know the level where you originally were before

making the improvement, you will not be able to measure the improvement

after applying the countermeasures.

The benchmark should be the average of several months.

you are dealing with a breakdown, you need the data of at least three

months. If this breakdown does not happen often, you will need the data

of more than three months.

Turn the “problem” into a “Phenomenon.”

 Phenomenon Means:
Observing the facts with our own

eyes & all senses

The facts without presumption

5 Why 1 How (5W 1H) Define the problem, use loss data


What thing or product did you see the problem?


When did the problem occur?


1. Where did you see the problem? (Line/Machine/Location)

2. Where on the work or material did you see the problem?


Is the problem related to skill? (Skill dependent or independent)

Which trend (pattern) did you see the problem have?

Is the trend random, or is there a pattern?


How is the state different from a normal condition?

The cause is NOT assigned or implied in the Phenomenon statement.

CHECK: 5W1H Graphically
Step 5: Establish the Objective
What?: Control characteristics that were defined in Step 4?
For when?: Due date to solve the problem
What to do?: Numeric objective (Value)

Establish an ambitious but feasible target

Step 6: Make a Plan

Step 7: Perform Cause Analysis

Get to the root cause that makes the problem occur and have a clear picture of what is wrong.

1. 5 Why – Approach the 5 Why from the 4M standpoint.

2. Why-Why – Think of all thinkable causes based on the principles and basic rules.

The 5 Why
Root Cause Analysis – 5 Why
Causes to Consider

Equipment Branch
Improper Equipment Ordered
Poorly Designed Equipment
Inadequate Maintenance
Wear & Tear
Abuse or Misuse

Procedural Branch

Lack of Procedures
Inadequate Procedures
Misunderstood Procedures
Failure to Warn or Respond

Note: Large losses often occur because of failure to take timely action

Behavioural Branch

Lack of Knowledge
Lack of Skill
Physically Incapable
Lack of Motivation
Step 7: Perform Cause Analysis – Types of Losses

Sporadic vs Chronic Losses


The problem has not always been there

The relationship between cause & effect is clear

Causes are traced easily

Easy to establish remedial measures

Remedial measures are commonly known


The problem seems to have always been there

The problem returns even when countermeasures are in place

Causes cannot be clearly identified

The relationship between cause and effect is not clear

Remedial measures are inventive, not traditionally used

Step 8: Propose Countermeasures

Study and evaluate countermeasures that are permanent and don’t allow the recurrence.
Select the improvement measure considering the following points;

the cost,

the restricting conditions,

impact on other processes and problems

Review and Prioritize Possible Actions

Short and Long Term Actions
Assemble Required Materials
Schedule Work

Detailed Action Plans for Short Term, Intermediate, and Long Term:
Short Term Action – within one week

Intermediate Action – within one month

Long Term Action – greater than one month

Step 9: Carry Out Countermeasures

Even if the countermeasure is excellent, if the execution is   not correct, the problem will not be
You will need a mechanism to follow up on:

If actions are completed by the due date

Who is accountable if actions are not completed

You will need a mechanism to measure and report results:

What is reported, to whom, how often?

What is the period of sustainable results required to achieve verification (Step 10)?

Step 10: Verification of Results

Decision Point: Were Objectives Obtained?

Review data for the agreed period (typically 90 days)

Was the objective stated in Step 5 achieved?

If YES, progress to Step 11

If NO, return to Step 7 and re-Analyze

Step 11: Standardize

In order to prevent recurrences, clarify what items really have to do with the cause and need to
be maintained & controlled.
The results should be classified as follows so that you can

sustain and control them:

Equipment related

“Cleaning, inspection and lubrication standards”

“Annual Maintenance Program”


“QM Matrix” (Quality)


“Manual for procedures and labors”

Use the standards and verify that the results are being sustained.

Create OPLs

Develop / Revise Standards to Hold the Gains

Training Standards (i.e. One Point Lessons)

Cleaning, Inspection and Lubrication Standards *

Standard Operating Procedures *

Processing Standards *

Maintenance Standards *

Engineering Standards *

* Do not forget to revise all SOPs and Standards to include information from OPL’s
Step 12: Define Future Plan 

Ask yourself:

What can you do to obtain greater results?

What do you have to do to sustain and control the results?
What other related subjects are there?

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