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Perception is the capability to apprehend ,process and understand a certain stimuli.

It is a cognitive
process that necessary for us to understand and interpret our surrounding. There are five types of
perception. The visual perception that deals with the ability to perceive and understand light
information through the visible spectrum that arrives to our eyes. Hearing or auditory perception is the
capability to accept and comprehend messages that arrives in our ears by audible frequency waves that
travels within the air or other medium. The ability to apprehend the message of pressure and vibration
delivered in the upper layers of the skin is the touch perception otherwise known as the somatosensory
or haptic perception. Smell or olfactory perception is the potentiality to understand the information of
the chemical substance mixed in the air. The last is the taste perception which is the capacity to
comprehend information from a chemical substance mixed in saliva.(

Perception is the handling of messages received by the senses. The Central nervous system works to
recognize, sort out and understand sensory information to interpret you surrounding. This process
happens outside of your consciousness and it is” individualized” which means that people who
encountered the same situation may perceive that situation in a complete different way.

There are two processes involve in perception the bottom-up and the top-down processing .The Bottom-
up processing is the building of information from the sensory input while how we understand those
sensations is guided by our stock knowledge, our awareness or observations and our ideas,this called
the top-down processing.(

The understanding of stimulus is known as perception. In perception there are two processes involve
these are sensation and interpretation. Stimuli are being received by our sensory organ and then covert
it into sensation, the sensation is sent into the specific parts of the brain and then the brains will
interpret it. But in order to understand a stimuli , past experience is needed. For example a child who
have not yet seen an elephant either in picture or real cannot identify the animal in their first encounter
while a child who have the animal earlier can identify it. So, perception can be also defined as“ a process
of interpretation of a present stimulus on the basis of past experience.” William James an American
psychologist said that if we interpret the world as what we see it will be a “big booming-buzzing
confusion.” For this reason , we perceive things not as what they appear but as what we want( Aman
Sharma n.d.)
Perception happens or occurs as a conscious experience. The Perceptual process happens through
experience and action subdivided into perception, recognition and action. There are also different ways
to study perception; One is called Psychological Approach which presents the stimulus and gt subjects
response of perception and he other one is called Physiological Approach tries to scan the brain through
technology and present which part is recessive or which one is most active. (Stemberg R. “Cognitive
Psychology. 6th Ed. Chap.3 2015)

Perception represent a unique source of how to experience something at all and it all starts with
cognition which is usually divided into externalism and internalism. The main approaches of getting
perception is Bottom-up and the Top-down approach. According to Gibson’s Theory of Direct
Perception, we had learned to extract or perceive in the necessity to survive, thus, perception may be
determined through optical flows, However,it has been debated by another similar but confusing theory
by Gregory which states that we are the one who’s been calling the importance of vagueness of sensory
data(Perception Theories, Demuth, 2015)

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