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Spiritual Tablets 40 day meditation session affirmations

1. I love myself and I am perfectly healthy. Day 1 - 1

2. I think only positive thoughts and am always happy and joyous, no matter what the
external conditions are. Day 1 - 2

3. Every day is a new day full of hope, happiness and health. Day 1 - 3

4. I choose thoughts that create a healthy atmosphere within and around me. Day 2 - 1

5. I treat my body as a temple. It is holy, it is clean and it is full of goodness. Day 2 - 2

6. I always feel good. As a result, my body feels good and I radiate good feelings. Day 2 - 3

7. I love my body, I send love to each organ, bone, muscle, and every part of my body. Day

8. Healthy mind produces healthy body. Day 3 - 2

9. Every day in every way I am getting healthier and healthier and feeling better and better.
Day 3 - 3

10. I love and accept myself completely. I have complete belief in myself and my abilities. -
Day 4 - 1

11. My mind is filled with positive, nourishing thoughts that uplift me and raise my vibration.
Day 4 - 2

12. Everything is happening for my highest good. Day 4 - 3

13. I let go of all fear and doubt, and life becomes simple and easy for me. Day 5 -1

14. My immune system is healthy and strong. Day 5 - 2

15. Each day is a new opportunity. I choose to make this day a great one. Day 5 - 3

16. I now forgive and release everyone and everything that is no longer part of my divine
plan. Day 6-1

17. I radiate confidence, joy, and health. Day 6-2

18. I choose health and wellbeing because I’m worth it. Day 6-3
19. I am surrounded by healing energy. Day 7-1

20. Every passing day my body becomes more energetic and more Healthy. Day 7-2

21. I am happy whole and healthy. Day 7-3

22. I am blessed with infinite potential. Day 8-1

23. My positive thoughts and actions renew my mind and body. Day 8-2

24. I nourish my mind, body, and soul everyday. Day 8-3

25. Life is beautiful and amazing. Day 9-1

26. I’m going to live my life at my own pace. I don’t need to try to compete with anyone
else.Day 9-2

27. Every day is filled with joy and good health. Day 9-3

28. I am a friend to my body. I forgive my body and treat it with the same loving kindness I
would like to receive. Day 10-1

29. I choose good health for my entire life. Day 10-2

30. My body is fit and strong. Day 10-3

31. My body is beautiful just the way it is. Day -12-1

32. My health is getting better each day. Day -12-2

33. I am full of energy. Day -12-3

34. I have all the energy I need to accomplish my goals. Day 13 -1

35. I release all ill feelings in me about people, incidents and anything else. Day 13- 2

36. I am grateful for all that I have, all that I am and all that is. Day 13 - 3

37. My body is powerful and knows how to heal itself. Day 14- 1

38. My positive thoughts and actions renew my mind and body. Day 14- 2

39. I am relaxed, centered, and refreshed in my present state of mind. Day 14 - 3

40.Filling my mind with pleasant thoughts is the quickest road to health. Day 15-1

41)I go within and connect with that part of myself that knows how to heal. Day 15-2

42)I am ready to be healed. All is well. Day 15-3

43) I am here right now. All that exists is now. Day 16-1

44) My point of power is in the present moment. Day 16-2

45) The Universe speaks to me in the present moment. Day 16-3

46) I am learning to allow the present moment into my awareness.Day 17-1

47) I am extremely grateful for every moment in my life. Day 17-2

48) I appreciate the infinite beauty of each and every moment in life. Day 17-3

49)Being totally present in every moment opens my eyes to inspiring, new experiences.Day

50) Let's not let our past steal our present. Day 18-2

51) Let's not let our past steal our present. Day 18-3

52) Every moment in my life is a new beginning. Day 19-1

53) I give each moment of my life my fullest attention. Day 19-2

54) I know that happiness can only be found in the present moment. Day 19-3

55) Every moment in my life is precious, special and sacred. Day 20-1

56) I give each moment of my life my fullest attention. Day 20-2

57) I am extremely grateful for every moment in my life. Day 20-3

58) I effortlessly let go of thoughts that drain me and refocus my attention on thoughts that
empower me. Day - 21- 1

59) I choose to honor, love and respect myself. I have the power within to decide what I want,
and how I want to live. Day - 21- 2

60) I am grateful for my body’s power and strength. Day - 21- 3

61) I release emotions that are creating unhealthy habits. Day - 22- 1

62) My life is filled with good health and happiness. Day - 22- 2

63) I am grateful to be alive. Day - 22- 3

64)Healing happens! I get my mind out of the way and allow the intelligence of my body to do its
healing work naturally. Day-23-1

65) I radiate good health. Day- 23-2

66)I am constantly discovering new ways to improve my health. Day- 23- 3

67) The Universe helps me achieve beautiful levels of health and wellness. Day 24 -1

68)I welcome positive and healthy energy with open arms. Day 24 -2

69)I easily attract good and positive energy to my mind , body and soul. Day 24 -2

70)I am pain free and totally in sync with life. Day 25 -1

71)My body is always doing its best to create perfect health. Day 25 -2

72)My happy thoughts help create my healthy body. Day 25 -3

73)I am surrounded by love. Day 26-1

74)I am worthy of a healthy, loving relationship. Day 26-2

75)I deserve to be happy in my relationship. Day 26-3

76)I love myself. Day 27 - 1

77)Sharing love comes easily to me. Day 27 - 1

78)The more I love a person, the more they love me in return. Day 27 - 1

79) I am lovable. Day 28-1

80) I love myself. Day 28-2

81) I am in the healthiest relationship of my life! Day 28-3

82) I love myself and I allow myself to be fully loved. Day 29-1

83) I am grateful for the love that is around me. Day 29-2

84)I deserve abundant love. Day 29-3

85)I attract loving relationships into my life. Day 30 -1

86) I am always loved. Day 30 -2

87)My relationships are always fulfilling. Day 30 -3

88)I am loved more than I ever thought possible. Day 31- 1

89)The universe is bringing good relations to me. Day 31- 2

90)I am happy to give and receive love every day. Day 31- 3

91) My body is strong and healing. Day 37 -1

92) My immune system is healing my body. Day 37 -2

93) I am happy whole and healthy. Day 37 -3

94)I trust the Universe. It gives me exactly what I need at exactly the right time. Day 38 -1

95)Everything works out perfectly for me. I am creating my dream life. Day 38 -2

96)I’m worthy enough to follow my dreams and manifest my desires. Day 38 -3

Day 39

Manifestation with their own mind movie.

Day 40
Manifestation with their own mind movie.

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