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British Journal of Anaesthesia, 118 (1): 44–57 (2017)

doi: 10.1093/bja/aew312
Review Article

Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic interactions

in anaesthesia. A review of current knowledge and
how it can be used to optimize anaesthetic drug
J. P. van den Berg*,1, H. E. M. Vereecke1,2, J. H. Proost1, D. J. Eleveld1,
J. K. G. Wietasch1, A. R. Absalom1 and M. M. R. F. Struys1,3
Department of Anesthesiology, University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen,
The Netherlands, 2Department of anaesthesia and reanimation, AZ Sint-Jan Brugge Oostende AV, Brugge,
Belgium and 3Department of Anaesthesia and Peri-operative medicine, Ghent University, Belgium

*Corresponding author. E-mail:

This review describes the basics of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic drug interactions and methodological points of
particular interest when designing drug interaction studies. It also provides an overview of the available literature concern-
ing interactions, with emphasis on graphic representation of interactions using isoboles and response surface models. It
gives examples on how to transform this knowledge into clinically and educationally applicable (bedside) tools.

Key words: anesthetics; drug interactions; pharmacology

Drug interactions can be described as the pharmacological often also focused on pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynam-
influence of one drug on another drug (Fig. 1), when adminis- ics. Pharmacodynamic drug interaction studies provide infor-
tered in combination.1,2 Anaesthetists routinely combine drugs mation about drug effect when two or more drugs are
such as opioids and hypnotics in clinical practice. However, dos- administered. This review provides an overview of the available
ing is often based on building experience throughout years of literature concerning interactions, with emphasis on graphic
training and local habits. It remains a challenge to teach representation of interactions using isoboles and response sur-
clinicians how to combine these drugs in order to reach and face models. It closes with an overview of newly developed
maintain optimal anaesthetic conditions while minimizing computer software to apply this knowledge in clinical practice.
side-effects such as haemodynamic alterations or prolonged re-
covery times. It has to be clear that not all drug combinations
lead to similar and adequate anaesthetic conditions. A good un- Pharmacokinetic drug interactions
derstanding and knowledge of drug interactions may improve Drug interactions can occur on a pharmacokinetic (PK) or a
the ability to titrate multiple drugs more effectively.3 pharmacodynamic (PD) level, or both. Pharmacokinetic drug in-
Although physicians are typically more interested in control- teractions will generally also result in an altered PD effect.
ling the time course of drug effect than in controlling plasma As most drug administration in the daily clinical practice of an-
concentrations, research on anaesthetic drug interactions is aesthesia is titrated toward a desired clinical effect, PK

C The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Journal of Anaesthesia. All rights reserved.
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Anaesthetic drug interaction technology | 45

has been found in the presence of esmolol, probably as a result

Key points of distribution alterations.12
• Safe and effective combinations of several agents are
needed to provide optimal anaesthesia.
• It is important for anaesthetists to have a good under- Elimination
standing of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic
Drugs can be eliminated by excretion (e.g. renal elimination of
sugammadex and renal and biliary excretion of rocuronium),13 14
• Isoboles and response surface models can be used to
biotransformation (e.g. hepatic metabolism of propofol),15 or
explore clinical effects of drug combinations. spontaneous degradation (e.g. Hofmann degradation of cis-
• Drug administration software is being developed for
atracurium).16 The elimination capacity of the body is quanti-
training, simulation, and clinical use. fied as clearance, which may be defined as the volume of
plasma that is cleared of the active drug per unit time or as the
rate of drug elimination divided by the plasma concentration.
Elimination of a drug is often influenced by the presence of
interactions are often not considered separately from PD inter- other drugs.17 Drugs that alter cardiac output also alter liver
actions for application. Nevertheless, clinicians should under- blood flow and may influence clearance as described in an ani-
stand the mechanisms of PK interactions to be able to mal model by Ludbrook and colleagues.18 Generally, in a sheep
appreciate fully the consequences of dosing schemes involving model, cardiac output is found to be inversely related to arterial
drug combinations. It becomes of importance when one drug and brain propofol concentrations.18 Lange and colleagues19
affects another drug, in means of quantity or time course of first described how propofol decreases liver perfusion and
absorption, the volume and rate of distribution, the elimination thereby decreases its own elimination. In a more recent study, it
of another drug, or any of these particular in combination. was shown that a decreased cardiac output, induced by a remi-
fentanil infusion, led to a higher propofol concentration as a re-
sult of decreased hepatic and renal blood flow.11 18 20–23
Hepatic clearance is a complex process, dependent on sev-
Absorption is the process by which drug molecules cross biolog- eral families of enzymes responsible for drug metabolism. The
ical membranes from the site of administration into the plasma. cytochrome P450 (CYP450) family is responsible for metaboliz-
When anaesthetic drugs are administered i.v., absorption prob- ing many anaesthetic drugs. Some drugs cause CYP450 enzyme
lems are largely bypassed. With the use of volatile anaesthetics, induction, resulting in an accelerated breakdown of drugs me-
the absorption might be influenced by ventilation–perfusion ra- tabolized by this enzyme. For example, activation of liver en-
tios or membrane pathology, but also by ventilator settings, as zymes by anti-epileptic drugs leads to decreased plasma
this is mainly dependent on gradients between alveoli and pul- concentrations of fentanyl, methadone, pethidine, paracetamol,
monary capillaries. and some non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents,
After anaesthesia with halothane and diazepam, peak such as pancuronium, rocuronium, and vecuronium.24 25
plasma paracetamol concentrations of paracetamol adminis- Conversely, CYP450 enzyme inhibition leads to reduced break-
tered 1 h after surgery were significantly delayed and decreased, down of some drugs. An example of this is decreased in vitro en-
compared with conditions without anaesthesia, as a result of zymatic degradation of alfentanil and sufentanil in hepatic
delay in gastric emptying and therefore slower absorption.4 microsomes because of the presence of propofol.26
Therefore, higher doses of orally administered drugs may be
considered before anaesthesia to guarantee equivalent plasma
The clinical applicability of pharmacokinetic
interaction studies
Distribution Research into PK interactions is relevant to promote safe prac-
The volume of distribution is the apparent volume in which an tice and to investigate toxicity and side-effects. Technical soft-
administered dose would need to be dissolved in order to yield ware is available to warn physicians and pharmacists of
some particular plasma concentration. When a drug has a potential unintended PK interactions,27 but this is not com-
higher affinity for tissues other than plasma, the volume of monly used in daily anaesthetic practice. Current attempts to
distribution may be large and can even be much larger than the measure individual plasma drug concentrations at the bedside
dimensions of the human body. This is the case for propofol, of the patient are promising but still have significant limita-
which is characterized by considerable redistribution to tions.28–34 In order to obtain an idea of the time course of the
adipose tissue, resulting in a large volume of distribution of plasma concentration, we are limited to pharmacokinetic pre-
300 litres.5 6 dictions based at best on intermittent blood sample analysis or
Simultaneously administered drugs can affect the volume of on estimations based on current knowledge of interactions. As a
distribution through several mechanisms. First, drugs may com- consequence, the effect of a drug on the plasma concentration
pete for binding sites on plasma proteins (e.g. on albumin and of another drug is currently not directly known or quantifiable
a1-acid glycoprotein), thereby potentially increasing the un- by the clinician. As anaesthetists are generally more focussed
bound fraction and resulting in a higher volume of distribution. on control of the time course of the desired drug effect, rather
The clinical relevance of this concept, however, appears to be than plasma concentrations, a mathematical description of the
overestimated in the current literature.7–10 Second, drugs that resultant combined effect of two drugs administered together
decrease cardiac output may decrease the perfusion of tissues may be of more clinical value than a detailed description of PK
involved in redistribution of other drugs, thereby altering their interactions in anaesthesia. Available tools and their develop-
volume of distribution.11 A decrease in propofol requirements ment are described in the last section of this article.
46 | van den Berg et al.

Hypnotics Analgesics

Dose Dose

Absorption Pk drug Absorption

Distribution interaction Distribution
Blood concentration Blood concentration
Elimination Elimination

Effect-site concentration Effect-site concentration

PD drug
Clinical effect measure Clinical effect measure

Fig 1 Schematic diagram of the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic interaction between hypnotics and analgesics. Note that this scenario is also valid for
any other combination of two drugs that interact. PD, pharmacodynamic; PK, pharmacokinetic. Modified (with permission) from Sahinovic and colleagues.1

Pharmacodynamic drug interactions types of figures: isoboles and response surface graphs (Fig. 4).39
Isoboles are two-dimensional graphs showing drug combina-
Pharmacodynamics describes the relationship between the
tions throughout a clinical range that evoke some predefined ef-
drug concentration at its site of action, typically a receptor, and
fect (e.g. the 50% probability of tolerance to surgical incision).
the corresponding effect of a drug. Administration of a combina-
Response surface models are more complex but more informa-
tion of drugs may result in an alteration of this dose–response
tive.40 They predict the probability of clinical effect of the full
relationship. A clinically relevant example of such an interac-
clinical range of combinations of two drugs. This is often illus-
tion is given in Fig. 2. The assumption in PD interaction studies
trated by a three-dimensional representation of the interaction
is that the underlying PK interaction inevitably leads to a subse-
throughout a spectrum of drug doses and drug effects. In this re-
quent alteration in clinical effect. By studying the clinical effect
spect, a response surface model represents an infinite number
directly, the underlying PK interaction is handled as one of the
of isoboles, representing numerous drug plasma concentration
covariates that cause variability in the model. Ideally, PK and PD
combinations.36 39
interactions should be studied simultaneously in a selected
A number of different response surface models have been
population to capture as much information as possible on the
developed in the literature to handle different types of drug in-
mechanisms underlying the observed effect. Many designs for
teraction mechanisms. This implies that it would be useful to
drug interaction studies have been developed in the past,
determine which theoretical type fits the new data set the best.
hereby taking into account that anaesthetists are not only inter-
Heyse and colleagues41 compared the ability of four different re-
ested in knowing 50% of a specific maximal drug effect, but
sponse surface models to fit a single sevoflurane–remifentanil
rather in the entire spectrum, and especially in the effect in
interaction data set and found that there was considerable dif-
the clinical range, usually occurring between 95 and 99% of the
ference between the response surface models in their ability to
maximal drug effect. The criss-cross design appears to be the
fit the observed data. For response surface models to be useful
most efficient and effective way to study interactions.33 With
in daily clinical practice, two methodological aspects for the
this approach, a randomly selected group of participants re-
study design are of great importance: reproducible drug titration
ceives a fixed concentration of Drug A and varying concentra-
and clinically relevant drug end points (i.e. ‘effect’).
tions of Drug B, whereas in a second subset of participants a
fixed target concentration of Drug B is applied while varying
concentrations of Drug A are administered.36 Reproducible drug titration
Interaction studies reveal the nature of the PD interaction The effects observed after administration of drugs can only be
between two or more drugs. In general, three different types of clinically relevant if the methodology of dosing can be repro-
interactions can occur:37 38 additivity, supra-additivity (i.e. syn- duced by others. For volatile agents this is not a major issue, be-
ergism), and infra-additivity (i.e. antagonism), as shown in cause the end-tidal alveolar concentration of the volatile agent
Fig. 3. Besides their direct clinical relevance, these models give is routinely monitored and is a reasonable surrogate representa-
an impression of the underlying PK pathways involved. Strict tion of the plasma concentration in the individual. Once the
additivity implies that two drugs have a common site of action, end-tidal concentration is maintained at a desired target for a
whereas deviation from additivity implies different sites of ac- sufficiently long time (so that steady-state conditions are
tion.2 The relationship between drug plasma (or target) concen- reached), one can assume that the plasma and effect-site
trations and the resulting effect can be described using two compartments are in equilibrium.42 43 Nevertheless, Frei and
Anaesthetic drug interaction technology | 47

A 10 CeREMI target set to 1.5ng ml–1

+ bolus propofol 1.5mg kg–1 100 2.0
B 10 CeREMI target set to 1.5ng ml–1
+ bolus propofol 2.5mg kg–1 100 2.0
C 10 CeREMI target set to 3ng ml–1
+ bolus propofol 1.5mg kg–1 100 2.0
CePROP (microg/ml) CeREMI (ng ml–1)

CePROP (microg/ml) CeREMI (ng ml–1)

CePROP (microg/ml) CeREMI (ng ml–1)

8 CeSEVO 80
8 80 8 80 1.5
1.5 1.5 CePROP

CeSEVO (vol%)

CeSEVO (vol%)

CeSEVO (vol%)

PTOL (%)
6 60

PTOL (%)

PTOL (%)
6 CePROP 60 6 CePROP 60 PTOL (%)
CeREMI 1.0 CeREMI 1.0 1.0
4 PTOL (%) 40 4 PTOL (%) 40 4 40

0.5 0.5 0.5

2 20 2 20 2 20

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

Time (s) Time (s) Time (s)

CeREMI target set to 3ng ml–1 –1

CeREMI target set to 5ng ml–1
D + bolus propofol 2.5mg kg–1 E CeREMI target set to 5ng ml
+ bolus propofol 1.5mg kg–1 F 10 + bolus propofol 2.5mg kg–1
100 2.0
10 100 2.0

CePROP (microg/ml) CeREMI (ng ml–1)

CePROP (microg/ml) CeREMI (ng ml–1)

10 100 2.0
CePROP (microg/ml) CeREMI (ng ml–1)

8 80 8 80
8 CeSEVO 80 CePROP 1.5
1.5 CePROP 1.5

CeSEVO (vol%)

CeSEVO (vol%)
CeSEVO (vol%)

PTOL (%)
CeREMI 6 60

PTOL (%)
6 60 PTOL (%)
PTOL (%)

6 60 PTOL (%)
PTOL (%) 1.0 1.0
4 40 4 40 4 40

0.5 0.5 0.5

2 20 2 20 2 20

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Time (s) Time (s)
Time (s)

Fig 2 Simulated induction of anaesthesia with a bolus of propofol and maintenance with sevoflurane combined with a remifentanil target-controlled infusion in
a 35-yr-old male subject (weight 70 kg, height 175 cm). Induction starts with a remifentanil infusion targeting effect-site concentrations of 1.5, 3, or 5 ng ml1, re-
spectively. A propofol bolus of 1.5 (A, C, and E) or 2.5 mg kg1 (B, D, and F) is given 2 min after the start of the remifentanil infusion. To maintain a probability of tol-
erance to laryngoscopy (PTOL) of 90% (pharmacodynamic end point), sevoflurane has to be started 1, 3, and 4 min after the smaller propofol bolus (A, C, and E,
respectively) or 3.3, 4.5, and 5.6 min after the larger propofol bolus (B, D, and F, respectively). Note the pharmacodynamic interaction as the PTOL is maintained in
steady-state remifentanil infusion during changing plasma concentrations of two different hypnotics (i.e. propofol and sevoflurane). Used with permission from
Hannivoort and colleagues, previously published as a web supplement.35

colleagues44 have put the accuracy of this surrogate into per-

spective by showing the existence of significant and persisting
: Additivity differences between end-tidal and measured arterial concentra-
a+b tions of isoflurane.
: Supra-additivity
For i.v. drug delivery, we lack this ability to continuously mea-
: Infra-additivity
sure or accurately predict the plasma concentrations in the
individual. In order to improve reproducible drug titration for
Drug A

i.v. drugs, a different approach of dosing guidelines was neces-

sary.45–47 A fixed-infusion regimen based on volumetric infusion
(in millilitres per hour or millilitres per kilogram per hour) may
lead to a large difference in plasma concentration between indi-
viduals because of the inevitable biological variability in pharma-
cokinetics within the population.1 48 49 When compared with the
fixed-infusion pumps, target-controlled infusion (TCI) pumps (i.e.
b a+b
with microprocessor-equipped syringe pumps driven by calcula-
Drug B tions obtained from PK models), are able to reach and maintain a
steady-state plasma concentration more accurately in clinical
Fig 3 Description of additivity, supra-additivity, and infra-additivity. practice and validation studies.48* 50–52 However, one of the inevi-
Each line represents an equipotent effect resulting from different drug table limitations of all population PK models is the residual pre-
combinations (aþb). In the event of additivity, the combined effect diction error, which is the discrepancy between the (population-
equals the expected effect by simple addition. This is usually the case derived) prediction and the individual plasma (or effect-site) con-
when two drugs, acting via the same physiological pathways, are com-
centration. Experts have recommend that in terms of the Varvel
bined together. For supra- and infra-additivity (usually drugs that work
via different pathways), the combined effect is greater or smaller than
criteria, median absolute prediction error (MDAPE) should not ex-
expected by simple addition (usually when two drugs compete with ceed more than 20% for plasma concentration estimations for a
each other on the same receptor), respectively. Supra- and infra-additiv- TCI system to be useful in clinical application.53 54 Strategies such
ity are also termed synergistic and antagonistic, respectively, in the as Bayesian optimization are and will be studied to reduce popu-
literature. lation-based errors.55–57 However, Coppens and colleagues51
showed that the strength of certain models does not lie in predict-
ing effects in the individual patient, but rather in the ability to
maintain this effect once it is reached.
48 | van den Berg et al.

of tolerance
BIS Tolerant Tolerant
100 Responsive 1 Responsive

80 0.8
60 0.6
40 0.4
20 0.2
0 12 0 12
0 10 4 10
1 8 3 8
6 6
2 4 2 4
Sevoflurane 3 Remifentanil Sevoflurane 1 2 Remifentanil
(vol%) 4 0 (ng ml–1) (vol%) 0 0 (ng ml–1)

Fig 4 Response surface model for probability of tolerance to laryngoscopy (right graph) and bispectral index (BIS; left graph) for sevoflurane and remifentanil.
This three-dimensional model describes the interaction effect of any drug combinations within the ranges. Please note that the sevoflurane concentration axis
shows ascending concentrations from 0 to 4 for the probability of tolerance to laryngoscopy and descending concentrations from 4 to 0 for the BIS. From the
source data, filled dots represent the patients tolerant to laryngoscopy, whereas open dots represent the responsive patients. The bold black line drawn through
the three-dimensional model represents the 90% isobole to illustrate that the model also represents an infinite amount of isoboles. For BIS, the dotted line repre-
sent all equipotent combinations to reach BIS¼40, whereas the continuous black line represents combinations to reach BIS¼60.

Commonly used PK models for anaesthesia drugs in clinical Monitors that measure the neurophysiological changes
practice are the Schnider and Marsh model for propofol,58 59 the evoked by anaesthetics have been proposed as a surrogate indica-
Minto model for remifentanil,60 and the Gepts model for sufen- tor of hypnotic drug effect. They provide continuous information
tanil.61 An example of the ongoing search for improvement of on the patient’s state, based on changes in cortical electrical ac-
PK models for individual drug titration is the work of Eleveld tivity. These measures allow quantification of a gradual change
and colleagues,62 who recently presented a generalized model in individual patients, even in the situation when clinically de-
for propofol, based on data from a large population with a wide tectable responses may have dissipated. Some of these indices
range of demopraphic characteristics. This model was validated are widely used in clinical practice, such as the BIS,68 69 spectral
in obese patients and appeared to perform well in this group.63 entropy,70 71 the index of consciousness,72 the patient state in-
Prediction errors are also likely to exist in interaction models. dex,73 and the auditory evoked potential index.74 75 However,
In a recent study, Short and colleagues64 prospectively validated these methods lack the ability to evaluate the balance between
the Bouillon interaction model for propofol and remifentanil on nociception and antinociception.76 For this purpose, some new
bispectral index (BIS) and showed an overall performance as de- variables have been developed. qNOX (Quantium Medical,
scribed by median prediction error (MDPE) of 8% (SD 24%) and Barcelona, Spain) has been shown to be able to predict this bal-
median absolute prediction error (MDAPE) of 25% (SD 13%). Certain ance in the presence of a noxious stimulus, but further research
model-based errors are most likely to be the result of population is required to confirm these findings.77 The composite variability
variability. Therefore, the exact drug dose combinations of inter- index (CVI), which is derived from bispectral index variability and
action models must be read with caution in the individual. As frontal EMG activity, appears to correlate with motor responses to
such, individual adjustments are likely to be necessary. More pro- shake and shout, according to a recent study by Sahinovic and
spective validation studies of interaction models are required for colleagues.78 However, this index has been shown to be more de-
these models, with emphasis on groups such as elderly, children, pendent on the hypnotic than the analgesic drug component.
and patients with specific illnesses. The study also shows that heart rate and mean arterial pressure
are poor predictors of movement on noxious stimulation. This
Clinically relevant end points stands in apparent contrast to the widespread routine clinical
monitoring of these signals for the purposes of drug titration to-
In theory, any drug effect can serve as an end point to explore wards previously mentioned balance.78 In a more recent study,
the nature of drug interaction. However, if it is the intention to the authors combined antinociception parameters (i.e. cortical in-
apply the findings in clinical practice then the chosen effect put and CVI) and hypnotic parameters (i.e. composite cortical
needs to be unambiguous and relevant for the clinical setting. state and BIS), showing a potency to predict responsiveness of pa-
Clinical end points of responsiveness to a stimulus are generally tients to tetanic stimuli more accurately.79 As such, the search for
used to observe whether the patient is sufficiently anaesthe- the ideal predictor of responsiveness to noxious stimuli remains
tized.2 65 A variety of verbal, tactile, or noxious stimuli have work in progress.
been proposed as precipitants of a subsequent motor, haemody-
namic, or EEG response. The first is more dichotomous (i.e. the
patient responds or does not), whereas the latter two are contin-
From minimal alveolar concentration to
uous and allow observation of a gradual change over time
within the individual patient. The (unwanted) side-effects of an-
isoboles to response surface models
aesthetic agents, such as respiratory depression, have also been The first PD interaction studies in anaesthesia (‘MAC reduction’
studied as end points.66 67 studies) were mainly focused on inhaled anaesthetics in
Anaesthetic drug interaction technology | 49

combination with opioids, as a result of the direct availability of points such as sedation and unresponsiveness [loss of con-
end-tidal concentration measurements which, at the steady sciousness (LOC)] than for anaesthetic end points (such as re-
state, are reasonably representative of plasma concentration. sponse to noxious stimuli). However, characterizing this
The MAC50 (or EC50) is defined as the minimal alveolar concen- interaction is different because the volatile anaesthetics possess
tration required to prevent 50% of subjects from moving in re- some analgesic effects (or at least attenuate movement re-
sponse to a noxious stimulus.80 Later, the ability to standardize sponses to noxious stimuli via peripheral/spinal effects),
and predict plasma concentration arose, and it became possible whereas this has not been shown for the i.v. anaesthetic agents.
to study interactions in patients receiving total i.v. anaesthesia The 50 and 95% probability of LOC isoboles for fentanyl and
(TIVA). As such, one may state that the isoboles as discussed propofol show a supra-additive interaction. However, the effect
earlier for TIVA are analogous to the family of MAC reduction of fentanyl is limited, because the maximal reduction of 50%
curves for inhalation anaesthesia. probability is reached at a fentanyl concentration of 3 ng ml1.95
The haemodynamic effects (heart rate and systolic blood pres-
sure) of propofol and fentanyl responses to skin incision and
Volatile anaesthetic–opioid interactions peritoneal wall retraction have also been studied.96
Volatile anaesthetics and opioids exhibit strong supra-additive The interaction between propofol and sufentanil has been
interactions. Even small doses of opioids reduce the MAC of vo- examined in a response surface model describing the probabil-
latile anaesthetics. ity of LOC, and shows a more additive interaction.97 The lesser
Synergy between volatile anaesthetics and opioids is found influence of sufentanil on LOC was confirmed by a later study
for skin incision, for verbal response at emergence, and for hae- with fixed sufentanil concentrations whilst changing propofol
modynamic response on skin incision. In the presence of fenta- to keep the BIS within a certain range.98 In contrast, sufentanil
nyl 0.5 ng ml1, the MAC50 of desflurane (for skin incision) is is able to suppress motor and haemodynamic responses to nox-
reduced by 50%.81 For isoflurane, an equivalent MAC reduction ious stimuli.98 Indeed, a combination of propofol 1.2 mg ml1
has been shown with fentanyl 1.67 ng ml1,82 alfentanil 28.8 ng and sufentanil 0.456 ng ml1 has been successfully used for con-
ml1,83 remifentanil 1.37 ng ml1,84 and sufentanil 0.15 ng scious sedation during (very painful) burn wound dressing
ml1.85 Likewise, the MAC of sevoflurane is reduced by 50% by a changes, without respiratory depression and with good doctor
plasma concentration of fentanyl 1.8 ng ml1 86 or remifentanil and patient satisfaction scores in 95% of patients.99
1.69 ng ml1 (with the latter reduction based on laryngoscopy as Studies of the interaction between propofol and alfentanil
stimulus).41 on loss of response to eye lash reflex, laryngoscopy, and various
Response surface models are rarely available in the literature surgical stimuli in patients undergoing elective surgery showed
concerning volatile anaesthetic–opioid drug interactions. In the supra-additive interactions.100 101 However, it has also been
interaction between sevoflurane and alfentanil, a model devel- shown that alfentanil amplifies the depressant effect of propo-
oped for more continuous end points showed supra-additivity fol on blood pressure and does therefore not contribute to hae-
for heart rate and respiratory control, but independence of the modynamic stability during induction.101 In an innovative
BIS with respect to alfentanil concentration.87 The effect on BIS study, Vuyk and colleagues102 used simulation of recovery times
(and state entropy and response entropy) was confirmed for for various opioids to an isobole of 50% probability for return of
sevoflurane–remifentanil anaesthesia.88 Manyam and consciousness. Midazolam and alfentanil tend to act supra-
colleagues89 developed a model showing supra-additivity in additively with regard to responses to verbal command.103
preventing movement to pain with sevoflurane and remifenta- The interaction between propofol and remifentanil has been
nil, which was later enhanced by using a physiological model studied extensively and is supra-additive for noxious stimuli
for sevoflurane pharmacokinetics instead of end-tidal concen- and hypnotic end points. Shake and shout,104–106 laryngos-
trations.90 Bi and colleagues91 presented a model of sevoflurane copy,104–107 intubation,107 intra-abdominal surgery,107 tibial
and remifentanil showing that the supra-additive effect on pre- pressure algometry,105 electrical tetany,105 recovery times,106
vention of haemodynamic responses to laryngoscopy is stron- and postoperative pain responses106 have all been shown
ger than for the occurrence of circulatory depression. Heyse and exhibit supra-additive interactions. For more continuous, EEG-
colleagues41 aimed to fit multiple interaction models to the data derived parameters, the results for remifentanil are contradic-
from a sevoflurane–remifentanil anaesthesia and multiple stim- tory, showing no synergism (with propofol) for BIS in one
uli (verbal, tactile, and painful). They found that the hierarchical study,108 additivity,104 109 and supra-additivity in other stud-
model of Bouillon and colleagues fit the data best.41 The addi- ies.23 110 111 For propofol and remifentanil, Nieuwenhuijs and
tion of nitrous oxide showed an additive interaction.92 Finally, colleagues108 described a supra-additive interaction on cardiore-
using MAC equipotency and opioid equivalencies, it has been spiratory control. More recently, a triple drug interaction (propo-
shown that previous findings can be extrapolated to other vola- fol, sevoflurane, and remifentanil) model was described by
tile anaesthetic–opioid combinations.42 This is supported by a Hannivoort and colleagues35 for tolerance of laryngoscopy and
study revealing that 50% of the subjects undergoing fentanyl– its derivate, the newly developed noxious stimulation response
isoflurane anaesthesia woke within 2 min of the time predicted index. In this triple drug interaction study, they described all
by extrapolation from a sevoflurane–remifentanil model-pre- drug combinations with regard to the probability of tolerance to
dicted wake-up time, on the basis of equivalence.93 More re- laryngoscopy (PTOL). They showed an additive interaction be-
cently, a study showed accurate predictions for wake-up time tween sevoflurane and propofol when titrated towards PTOL50
from a sevoflurane–remifentanil interaction model adapted to doses. A synergistic effect was found for remifentanil when
equipotent sufentanil–desflurane doses that were used.94 combined with propofol and sevoflurane.35
As a result of its ultra-short-acting pharmacokinetics and its
PD profile, remifentanil is suitable for use for sedation, and this
I.V. anaesthetic–opioid interactions indication is becoming more frequently the responsibility of
The interaction between opioids and the i.v. anaesthetic agents anaesthetists. Several studies have been performed to provide
is also supra-additive, although it is less strong for hypnotic end insight into the effects of propofol–remifentanil drug
50 | van den Berg et al.

combinations on end points relevant to sedation, such as pre- Simple additivity was found for the propofol–sevoflurane in-
vention of the gag reflex on oesophageal instrumentation.112 teraction to response on shake and shout, tetanic stimulus, la-
Higher propofol–lower remifentanil combinations have been ryngeal mask insertion, laryngoscopy,126 LOC, and movement in
found to obtund responses to oesophageal instrumentation response to skin incision.127 The interaction on BIS, state en-
while avoiding intolerable ventilatory depression.66 A simula- tropy, and response entropy was also additive.126 128 When look-
tion study of various commonly used propofol–remifentanil ing at the arousal response (i.e. the increase of BIS after a
combinations for upper gastrointestinal endoscopy revealed noxious stimulus), combining propofol with sevoflurane or des-
that this combination is associated not only with better condi- flurane does not seem to lead to a complete blunting of this re-
tions for oesophageal instrumentation, but also with rapid re- sponse. However, in contrast to sevoflurane, desflurane seems
turn of responsiveness, compared with propofol-only partly to blunt this response.129 The additivity was confirmed in
regimens.113 Other investigators have produced models for the an in vitro study for stimulation of c-aminobutyric acid recep-
effect of different propofol–remifentanil combinations on the tors, suggesting a single receptor interaction.130
BIS and index of consciousness (IOC) during endoscopic
Overall, after an era during which many studies modelled The clinical applicability of pharmacodynamic
the blunting of responses to noxious stimuli, the search for drug interaction models
strategies to optimize the balance between reaching the pre-
Despite the more clinically oriented and applicable end points,
ferred effect, while taking into account the unwanted (side-)ef-
PD studies still have one major clinical limitation, namely that
fects, continues. For this purpose, the ‘well-being’ model was
it is impossible for the clinician to learn all the possible drug
designed for propofol–remifentanil, which describes not only
combinations and their accompanying pharmacodynamic re-
the preferred effect, but also balances between negative and
sults by heart. Nevertheless, well-performed application of
positive effects of drug combinations.67
pharmacology may lead to better patient care, and it appears
also to be one of the most important parts.3 In order to serve as
a handle for teaching and training, many computer-based tools
Hypnotic–hypnotic interactions or simulation programs have been developed,131 of which some
will be discussed in the next section.3
In common daily practice, hypnotics are often combined, most
frequently in the contexts of benzodiazepine premedication,
drugs used for sedation, or the switch from bolus propofol ad-
Teaching drug interaction by applying
ministration for induction to volatile maintenance anaesthesia.
A few studies have addressed midazolam–propofol in-
simulated drug administration
teractions, and these have shown varying results of supra- Simulation of drug administration can help anaesthetists to im-
additivity115–117 or additivity.118 119 Remarkably, adding alfenta- prove the quality of anaesthetic care by assisting with selection
nil to these two sedatives led to a weaker synergistic interaction of appropriate and optimal drug doses and combinations.132
than expected when compared with dual combinations.118 120 The quality of simulations and didactic techniques has im-
Most data were collected in a non-steady state and without ac- proved during recent years. Simulators vary from basic Excel
curate PK models; therefore, a high variability of effect-site con- worksheets to advanced, realistic, attractive (virtual) reality
centration could have confounding effects. A standardized, simulators.3 A distinction can be made in tools helpful for ex-
well-performed interaction study at the steady state has not yet perimentation in a simulation setting, such as PKPD-Tools,
been performed. Although the nature of the interaction appears TIVA-trainer, Gasman, RUGLOOP II, and virtual anaesthesia ma-
to be clear, a full quantification has not yet been revealed. chine, with other types of (commercially available) tools that fo-
The combination of a2-agonists, such as clonidine and dex- cus more on providing real-time information, such as
SmartPilotV View and NavigatorTM Application Suite, at the bed-
medetomidine, with other anaesthetics has been less well de-
scribed. The addition of dexmedetomidine 0.66 ng ml1 using side. A brief overview of some available simulators and their op-
TCI reduces the EC50 for motor response to electrical stimulation tions of applicability is given in Table 1.
of propofol from 6.63 to 3.89 mg ml1. However, the type of inter- Drug advisory displays are currently being commercialized
action could not be identified clearly because of methodological as a new concept in anaesthetic drug administration and for fa-
reasons.121 Another study showed that a loading infusion of cilitated education in anaesthetic pharmacology.65 Through di-
dexmedetomidine 1 mg kg1 during 10 min, followed by a main- rect measurement (e.g. for the volatile agents) or prediction of
tenance infusion dose of 0.5 mg kg1 h1, did not reduce the EC50 effect-site concentration (e.g. for propofol and opioids), the de-
of propofol for responses to oesophagogastroduodenoscopy in vice tracks the anaesthetic drug doses that are administered to
children.122 As for propofol and midazolam, well-performed in- the patient throughout the procedure. The drug doses and pre-
teraction studies are still absent. Ideally, these studies should dicted concentrations are used as input for a response surface
apply response surface models and newly developed PK(PD) model to predict the combined anaesthetic effect.36 Figure 5
models, such as the three-compartmental dexmedetomidine shows two advisory screens that have been commercialized:
model produced by Hannivoort and colleagues.123 the NavigatorTM Application Suite (GE Healthcare, Helsinki,
For clonidine, a response surface model has been developed, Finland), which reflects the effects (i.e. tolerance of intubation
showing that clonidine 5.0 mg kg1 given orally 90 min before ar- and shake and shout) in a time-based plot, whereas the
rival at the operating room reduces the propofol EC50 for re- SmartPilotV View (Dra € ger Medical, Lübeck, Germany) adds a
sponse to verbal command 65% from 2.67 to 0.91 mg ml1 and two-dimensional graph with multiple isoboles and a measure of
that the interaction appears to be additive.124 For laryngeal general anaesthetic potency called the noxious stimulation re-
mask placement, oral clonidine premedication has been shown sponse index.133 The probabilities of tolerance of several stimuli
to reduce propofol requirements.125 Whether the nature of this
are shown on screen either through isoboles (SmartPilotV View)
interaction is comparable needs to be confirmed. in a two-dimensional graph or as an indicator of combined
Table 1 Brief overview of some available drug administration simulators. PD, pharmacodynamics; PK, pharmacokinetics; TCI, target-controlled infusion; TIVA, total i.v. anaesthesia

Simulator Developed by Access Application Applicability

PKPD tools Minto, Schnider Add-in for Microsoft Excel Simulation/education, recalculation,
ability to simulate TCI, data handling
in research
CCIP The Chinese University of Hong Kong, PC-based software Computer-controlled infusion pump
Prince of Wales Hospital, wares.htm (CCIP) software, which can control the
Department of Anaesthesia and amount of drug inside the plasma-site
Intensive Care, Hong Kong, China and effect-site compartments of the
patient, with respect to the interaction
of two different drugs (predicted com-
bined effect)
TIVA-trainer Engbers, Leiden University, The PC-based software Discovering interaction models, calcula-
Netherlands tion of plasma and effect-site concen-
tration of i.v. administered drugs
TIVAtrainer X Engbers, Leiden University, The Software for iPad or iPhone Educational program, developed to ex-
Netherlands (and GuttaBV ) plain PK principles and show the PK
properties of i.v. anaesthetics and
other drugs
AnesthAssist Palma Healthcare Systems LLC, Software for iPad, iPhone, and Educational tool used for understanding
Madison, WI, USA iPOD and seeing pharmacokinetics, phar-
macodynamics, and interactions of
commonly used anaesthetic drugs
Gasman Med Man SimulationsV PC-based software Educational simulation tool to teach
pharmacokinetics and economics
Virtual Anesthesia University of Florida, USA PC-based software Visual PK models, pill dosage/compli-
Monitor ance simulations, anaesthesia ma-
chine simulation with inhaled
anaesthetics, and more
RUGLOOP II Ghent University and Demed Medical, PC-based software Visualization of PK and PD models, on-
Ghent, Belgium line PK/PD monitoring, TCI, closed
NavigatorTM GE Healthcare, Helsinki, Finland Stand-alone device, coupled with Bedside-applicable tool intended to apply
Application Suite used syringe pumps (either TCI the available knowledge of PD drug in-
or volumetric) teraction into a clinical guidance tool
for drug delivery
SmartPilotV View Dra
€ ger Medical, Lübeck, Germany Stand-alone device, coupled with Bedside-applicable tool intended to apply
used syringe pumps (either TCI the available knowledge of PD drug in-
or volumetric) teraction into a clinical guidance tool
for drug delivery
Anaesthetic drug interaction technology
52 | van den Berg et al.

€ ger, Lubeck, Germany). This specific screenshot shows anaesthesia based on sevoflurane, propofol, remifentanil,
Fig 5 The top panel shows SmartPilot View (Dra
and pancuronium. The graph on the left provides retro- and prospective information about the drug interaction between hypnotic and analgesic drugs. It pro-
vides predictive information regarding the following minutes from ‘now’. This screen introduces the noxious stimulation response index (NSRI; right) as a new
parameter. It also provides past and predictive information of BIS over time. (Printed with permission, V € ger Medical GmbH, Lübeck, Germany). The bottom
C Dra

panel shows the NavigatorTM Application Suite (GE Healthcare, Helsinki, Finland). This display provides a diagram and modelling tool for common volatile and
i.v. anaesthetic drugs (in this example, propofol, sevoflurane, remifentanil, and rocuronium). It calculates effect-site concentrations and displays these in a time-
based graphical format. The total effect line (black line) shows the combined effect of the analgesic and sedative drugs. The display calculates the models for up
to 1 h into the future. (Printed with permission, V
C General Electric Company, Helsinki, Finland).
Anaesthetic drug interaction technology | 53

effect vs time (NavigatorTM Application Suite). Despite their the British Journal of Anaesthesia and a senior editor of Anesthesia
common objectives, the predictions of the devices are slightly & Analgesia.
different because of the use of different interaction models and
the fact that they are based on data from separate interaction
studies, i.e. the NavigatorTM Application Suite uses the Minto
model134 to predict propofol–opioid interaction and the Greco Funding
model135 for inhaled anaesthetic–opioid interaction, whereas
the SmartPilotV View uses the hierarchical model of Bouillon The department of Anesthesiology, University of Groningen,
and colleagues104 for both i.v. and inhaled anaesthesia adminis- University Medical Center Groningen, The Netherlands recieved
RV funding from Dra€ ger Medical (Lübeck, Germany) in the past for
tration. SmartPilot View also allows a continuous estimation of
effect during the transition from i.v. to inhaled anaesthetics and some of the research described in this review.
vice versa. Whether these drug displays are beneficial in daily
clinical practice and to what end points has not yet been re-
vealed. A recent small non-randomized controlled study by
Cirillo and colleagues136 showed that there might be benefits in 1. Sahinovic MM, Absalom AR, Struys MM. Administration
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Handling editor: Lesley Colvin

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