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Nur : Hai Lili

Lei : Hai Nur

Nur : How are you Nur? Long time no see

Lei : I’m fine. How about you?

Nur : Much better

Lei : What do you mean? what has happened to you?

Nur : I just recovered from typhus

Lei : Oh my god, i’m sorry to hear that

Nur : No Problem, Li

Lei : By the way, where have you been?

Nur : Oh, i’ve been from the library

Lei : What are you doing there?

Nur : I want to return this

Lei : Oh, what book is that?

Nur : This is not a book, this is journal

Lei : What is the journal about?

Nur : This is a journal for additionour pre-test material next week

Lei : Oh which material?

Nur : Ultrasound

Lei : Oh, I’ve studied about that material too

Nur : Really? Lets talk about Ultrasound

Lei : Okay lets go!

Nur : What do you think about ultrasound

Lei : hmmm

Nur : C’mon Li, did you forget that easy?

Lei : Oh! Ultrasound is an imaging method that uses sound waves to produce images of structures
within your body

Nur : Do you know one of the advantages of ultrasound therapy?

Lei : Yes, of course

Nur : What is that?

Lei : Muscle injury treatment.

Nur : That is why ultrasound is often used in the treatment of musculoskeletal

Lei : And sports injuries. Do you know the frequency?

Nur : Yes, 800.000 Hz – 2.000.000 Hz

Lei : Did you know the first ultrasound cure was discovered

Nur : Yes, on 1940

Lei : What diseases are patients with ultrasound treated for?

Nur : Patients with plantar fasciitis. Do you know anything else?

Lei : Patients with bursitis and also wound tissue

Nur : Ultrasound therapy works in three ways

Lei : Yes. The first one is improve blood flow in the body

Nur : The second is to cure inflammation

Lei : So it can reduce pain.

Nur : Yes you’re right

Lei : the last one is softening the wound tissue

Nur : Ultrasound therapy has 3 main advantages

Lei : The first one is collagen production

Nur : The second is reduce pain

Lei : And the last one is the massage effect.

Nur : There are several risks in ultrasound therapy

Lei : One of them is a burn

Nur : And also bleeding

Lei : But ultrasound only uses sound waves as the main component in medicine

Nur : Yes that's why it doesn't have the risk of harm like radiation therapy

Lei : Wow, it turns out that we have a lot of material

Nur : Correctly. Is the material that comes out only Ultrasound?

Lei : Yuup

Nur : Wow I thought infrared rays too

Lei : No, the material is not included in the exam

Nur : Alright, then I'll go to the library first

Lei : Okay Nur. do you want me to accompany you?

Nur : It's okay lili, I can do it myself

Lei : Ok then i’ll go home first ok?

Nur : Ok lily. Thank you for sharing the material with me

Lei : You’re welcome Nur

Nur : If there is a chance we will discuss the material again!

Lei : Ok Nur. See you

Nur : See you

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