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Quantitative Approaches for Estimating

Sample Size for Qualitative Research in COA

Development and Validation

Helen Doll, MSc DPhil

Strategic Lead, Quantitative Science

Quantitative Approaches to Sample Size

Selection for COA Development

 Calculating sample size for quantitative studies
 Sample size for qualitative studies
 Random sampling
 Determining concept saturation quantitatively
 Sample size for estimating meaningful change thresholds
(MCTs) for COAs using Exit Interviews
 Robustness and measurement saturation

Calculating Sample Size for Quantitative Studies

 Sample size is calculated using a power analysis.

 A power analysis calculates, for varying sample sizes, a probability
(power, β) of finding a statistically significant result (at chosen Type I
error, α) for a given population effect size (Cohen, 1988).

Power, β

Type I error, α

 Other factors are important: ethical concerns, practical matters such as

participant availability and other resources such as researcher time.
Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences (2nd ed.). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence
Earlbaum Associates.

Sample Size for Qualitative Studies

• Generally, the sample sizes used in qualitative research are not

justified (Marshall et al, 2013) even though researchers are
concerned about using the right sample size (Dworkin, 2012).
• Need to ensure there is enough, but not too much, data (>30 too
large; Boddy, 2016).
• One review identified that samples of 20 and 30 (and multiples
of 10) were most common (Mason, 2010), with 25-30 being a
typical recommendation (Dworkin, 2012).

Marshall, B., Cardon, P., Poddar, A. and Fontenot, R. (2013), “Does sample size matter in qualitative research?: a review of
qualitative interviews in IS research”, Journal of Computer Information Systems, Vol. 54 No. 1, pp. 11-22
Dworkin, S. L. (2012). Sample size policy for qualitative studies using in-depth interviews. Arch Sex Behav (2012) 41:1319–1320
Boddy CR. Sample size for qualitative research. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, Vol. 19 Issue: 4, pp.426-432
Mason, M. (2010, August). Sample size and saturation in PhD studies using qualitative interviews. In Forum qualitative
Sozialforschung/Forum: qualitative social research (Vol. 11, No. 3).

Calculating Sample Size for Qualitative Studies

 There are no well-established published guidelines to allow

formal estimation of sample size a priori for qualitative
 Qualitative studies generally do not aim to estimate
magnitudes and generalise to a larger population, rather to
evaluate patterns in a data set (how and why rather than
 Is it appropriate to use a quantitative model for a qualitative
 Can we apply the concept of random sampling to qualitative
 Can we estimate the number of interviews needed to achieve
concept saturation?

Random Sampling and Qualitative Research

 A random sample is used in quantitative studies when we want to

generalize the results to the wider population.
o Every person from the population has equal chance of being selected.
 Theoretical and practical reasons why random sampling is not
appropriate for qualitative studies:
o Qualitative samples tend to be small and sampling error would be large.
o The characteristics under study in the population are often not known.
o The research characteristics, values, beliefs and attitudes, are unlikely to
be normally distributed in the population.
o Some people may provide more information than others.

Marshall, MN 1996. Sampling for qualitative research. Family Practice 1996; 13(6):522-

Concept Saturation

 Concept Saturation is a critical concept in qualitative research.

o It is assessed based on the qualitative researcher’s interpretation, not
using any quantitative methodology and this cannot be used to
estimate sample sizes a priori (Guest et al, 2006).
o The sample size to achieve saturation depends on how many concepts
are present/to be identified, and on the heterogeneity of the
 Most qualitative researchers who aim for concept saturation do not
rely on random sampling
o Sampling may be purposive, aiming to select individuals whose
responses will provide particularly useful information
 “Often, researchers invoke the criterion of saturation to justify small
samples — very small samples with thin data”. (Charmaz, 2005)

Guest, G., Bunce, A. and Johnson, L. (2006), “How many interviews are enough? An experiment with data saturation and
variability” Field Methods, Vol. 18 No. 1, pp. 59-82.
Charmaz, K. “Grounded theory for the 21st century: Applications for advancing social justice studies,” In N.K. Denzin &
Y.S. Lincoln (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research 3rd edition, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA, 2005, 507-535.

Quantitative Determination of Saturation:

Example Approaches

Quantitative Determination of Saturation:
Fofana et al, 2013

 Fofana et al (2013) used set theory to determine whether it is likely

that, in a series of qualitative interviews, saturation had been
 Analyses based on 12 interviews aiming to investigate the impact
of Clostridium Difficile infection on nurses’ work in the hospital; 67
concepts were spontaneously elicited.
 Used Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression to assess how the
number of concepts elicited in the last set of 3 interviews (y
variable) compared to the number of concepts elicited during the
first set of 9 interviews (x variable).

Fofana F, Bonnaud-Antignac A, Guillemin I, Marrel A, Beriot-Mathiot A, Regnault A. A mixed method approach to

saturation: applying partial least square regression to qualitative data. ISOQOL 20th Annual Conference Miami,
Florida, USA, October 9-12, 2013

Quantitative Determination of Saturation:

Fofana et al, 2013

Using set theory, saturation is achieved when the number of concepts

elicited by patients during the interviews (Λ) is equal to the number
of concepts relevant to the research question (Π).
Fofana F, Bonnaud-Antignac A, Guillemin I, Marrel A, Beriot-Mathiot A, Regnault A. A mixed method approach to
saturation: applying partial least square regression to qualitative data. ISOQOL 20th Annual Conference Miami,
Florida, USA, October 9-12, 2013

Quantitative Determination of Saturation:
Fofana et al, 2013

PLS regression results showed that the

first 9 nurse interviews were able to
explain only 50.9% of the
variability of the last 3 nurse
interviews (i.e., 49.1% is not explained).
This questions the cut-off of
acceptability for saturation.
Further research is needed to gain a
better understanding of the
interpretation of PLS results with
regards to saturation.

Fofana F, Bonnaud-Antignac A, Guillemin I, Marrel A, Beriot-Mathiot A, Regnault A. A mixed method approach to

saturation: applying partial least square regression to qualitative data. ISOQOL 20th Annual Conference Miami,
Florida, USA, October 9-12, 2013

Quantitative Determination of Saturation:

Fugard and Potts, 2015

 Fugard and Potts (2015) quantified the process of saturation by

fitting a model (assuming random sampling) in terms of:
a) the expected population theme prevalence of the least
prevalent theme, derived either from prior knowledge or
based on the prevalence of the rarest themes considered
worth uncovering, e.g. 1 in 10, 1 in 100;
b) the number of desired instances of the theme (the
negative binomial probability distribution used to quantify
the probability of identification); and
c) the power of the study. An adequately powered study will
have a high likelihood of finding sufficient themes of the
desired prevalence. “This calculation can then be used
alongside other considerations”.

Fugard AJB and Potts HWW. Supporting thinking on sample sizes for thematic analyses: a quantitative tool. Int J
Soc Res Methodol 2015; 18(6):669-684.


Quantitative Determination of Saturation:
Fugard and Potts, 2015

Fugard AJB and Potts HWW. Supporting thinking on sample sizes for thematic analyses: a quantitative tool. Int J
Soc Res Methodol 2015; 18(6):669-684.

Quantitative Determination of Saturation:

Rijnsoever, 2017

 Explored the sample size in qualitative research required to reach

theoretical saturation (building on work by Tran et al, 2017)
 A population consists of sub-populations containing different types of
information sources holding a number of codes
 Theoretical saturation reached when all codes have been observed once
in the sample
 Three different scenarios: random sampling, minimal information (≥1
new code per sampling step), maximum information (largest number of
new codes per sampling step)
 Used simulations, systematically varying hypothetical populations, to
assess minimum sample size for each scenario
Tran V-T, Porcher R, Tran V-C, Ravaud P. Predicting data saturation in qualitative surveys with mathematical models from
ecological research. Journal of clinical epidemiology. Elsevier; 2017; 82: 71–78.

Quantitative Determination of Saturation:
Rijnsoever, 2017

Sample size, n, to achieve saturation (with 95% confidence) vs probability of observing codes
in the interviews, for differing number of codes in the population

random sampling
minimal information
maximal information

Finding: Theoretical saturation is more dependent on the mean probability of

observing codes in the interviews than on the number of codes in a population

Sample size for estimating meaningful change

thresholds (MCTs) for COAs using Exit Interviews

Exit Interviews: Estimating sample size

• Objective: To derive meaningful change thresholds (MCTs) in

clinical trial participants
• Exit interviews to be conducted in the study participants after
they have completed the study.
– Conduct interviews to explore participant perceptions on any
changes experienced during the study and whether or not any
changes are meaningful.
– Qualitative findings will be triangulated with data obtained from
other sources (e.g. quantitative data, clinical review and
– 300 estimated study participants. How many should participate
in the exit interviews?
• Conduct a power calculation to define the (minimum)
number of participants

Exit Interviews: 1) Difference in proportions

• Base the sample size calculation on a test of proportions.

– are the study arms equivalent in terms of the proportions
achieving meaningful change?
• For example, the equivalence of proportion means is tested
– 50%/55% of patients on treatment observing any level of
meaningful improvement (at least minimal or higher) compared
with 20%/25% of patients on placebo
– significance (alpha) set at e.g. 0.05 and power of e.g. 80%
– These calculations would lead to a sample size requirement of
approximately 80 treatment completers (40 in each study arm).

Exit Interviews: 2) Expected size of MCT

• Base the sample size calculation on the expected size of the

MCT from previous research, as well as distributional
parameters such as measure standard deviation (SD).
– COA measure scores for patients who experience improvement
(on a PGI, for example) evaluated using a paired sample t-test.
– The equivalence of paired means tested with significance
(alpha) set at 0.05, power 0.80, a specific correlation between
assessments (e.g. 0.40), specific population SD with 95% CIs,
and MCTs estimated from previous research.
– A minimum sample size of participants is estimated (e.g. N=60-
– MCT estimated using these participants.

Exit Interviews: 3) Robustness and

Measurement Saturation

• The robustness of this estimate is evaluated in terms of the sample

SD and stability of the MCT with increasing sample size.
– If the sample SD > population value then a further 5% of patients in
each treatment arm will be interviewed and the MCT recalculated.
– A robust estimate is defined as an MCT which does not change with 2
successive sample size increases with instead the 95% CI narrowing
(measurement saturation). A moderate effect size of 0.50 may also be
used as a criterion.
• To ensure the generalizability of exit interview results, participants
can be sampled based on a hierarchical cluster design. Included
patients sampled to be proportionate to the clinical trial sample
distribution with respect to demographic and clinical

Sample size estimation in qualitative research:

1) Specific approaches can be used to estimate sample size in

qualitative research, e.g. to assess concept saturation.
– These need to be considered alongside other issues, and may also only
be able to be applied once data have been collected.
2) Sample size calculation for small samples, e.g. for exit interviews, is
facilitated with the use of standard quantitative techniques, such
as having the power to identify a difference in the proportion of
subjects reaching the MCT between groups, or having the power
to identify a specific MCT value.
– The robustness of the estimate of MCT can be assessed through
measurement saturation, an extension of concept saturation.
– Generalizability issues can also be incorporated into sampling.
3) The Clinical Outcomes Solutions team, led by Stacie Hudgens, has
applied similar power calculations in other types of small sample

How many qualitative interviews is enough?

is enough?

“That is, of course, a perennial question if not a great one. The

answer, as with all things qualitative, is “it depends.” It depends on
your resources, how important the question is to the research, and
even to how many respondents are enough to satisfy committee
members for a dissertation. For many qualitative studies one
respondent is all you need – your person of interest. But in general
the old 4 rule seems to hold that you keep asking as long as you are
getting different answers, and that is a reminder that with our little
samples we can’t establish frequencies but we should be able to find
the RANGE of responses. Whatever the way the question is handled,
the best answer is to report fully how it was resolved.” Harry Wolcott

Baker, S. E., & Edwards, R. (2012). How many qualitative interviews is enough? Expert voices and early career reflections on
sampling and cases in qualitative research. Retrieved from


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