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Biochar Processing for Sustainable
Development in Current and Future
Bioenergy Research
Mark P. McHenry
School of Engineering and Information Technology, Murdoch University, Perth, Western Australia, Australia


Introduction 447 Can Biochars Increase Livestock Growth Rates,

or Provide a New Market for Semiarid Forestry? 453
Theoretical Income Streams 448
A Comparison of Biochar Carbon Value for Different
Renewable Energy and Fuel Generation 448
Potential Income Streams 454
Carbon Sequestration of Biochars and
Carbon Markets 449 Conclusion 454
Agricultural Benefits 450 Disclaimers 455
Economic Analysis 451 References 455
Can Biochar Be a Cost-effective Fertilizer Substitute? 451
Can Biochar Be a Cost-Effective Approach to
Increase Grain Crop Primary Productivity? 452

INTRODUCTION food and growing biomass for energy and carbon in

the same rural enterprise.
Rural biomass energy and carbon options seem to Modern concepts of biochar-agricultural systems and
offer increased financial resilience to agricultural enter- their respective projected financial viabilities have been
prises relative to fluctuating seasonal growing condi- outlined in the existing literature (Lehmann and Joseph,
tions and uncertain market prices of inputs, products, 2009). These systems commonly incorporate complex
and exchange rates. The projected increases in farming semi-industrial operations with rural and forestry
costs from any future inclusion of the agricultural sector biomass as well as small-scale low-technology concepts
from carbon pricing may be offset by additional net in- with farm waste and domestic heating. To narrow research
come from such rural biomass-based sequestration and specificity, this work focused on the West Midlands of the
renewable energy activities. Cellulose, hemicelluloses, Northern Agricultural Region of Western Australia (WA),
and lignin are the main components of wood and crop and uses Australian dollars. (At the time of writing the
residues of known potential for bioenergy and stable Australian and US currencies were roughly parity.) To
carbon forms, and the management of which requires date, this region is one of the few regions of Australia
detailed agronomic, technical, and market information. that has exhibited economically encouraging agricultural
Thus, there is a synergistic match between growing responses from biochar addition, and has an established

Bioenergy Research: Advances and Applications 447 Copyright Ó 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

practice of profitable grazing leguminous fodder shrubs, also the location-specific demand for biochar and
which is a potentially large and sustainable biomass energy. Similarly, agricultural effects of biochar addition
supply. will vary more with soil type, seasonal conditions, and
animal nutrition characteristics. In complex and uncer-
tain circumstances, predictive modeling can become
THEORETICAL INCOME STREAMS particularly challenging. However, the agricultural
effects (where they occur) will likely provide a more
The potential income streams in the West Midlands solid basis for emerging industry development than
from above ground rural biomass include renewable the highly sensitive and evolving carbon and electricity
energy and fuel generation, carbon sequestration of bio- markets. If agricultural benefits, initially at least, exhibit
chars, and agricultural benefits from the use of biochar less risky investments to individual farms than bio-
and ash from energy and fuel generation or charring energy cooperatives or carbon sequestration pooling
alone. It is likely that tradable sequestered carbon will activities, then agricultural benefits may be a more suit-
be reliant on the supplies from bioenergy generation able foundation for the establishment of biomass-based
plants that are able to comply with both emission and industrial developments than energy or carbon seques-
biochar quality standards. However, a price on carbon tration policies in the initial phases.
may help offset the additional costs of the coproduction
of electricity and biochar from biomass. (Table 26.1
outlines key benefits, costs and barriers to biochar Renewable Energy and Fuel Generation
compliance to carbon markets.) The Australian Farm In simple terms, wood-fired stoves, barbeques, or wa-
Institute (2011) estimates an income reduction of be- ter heaters are a biomass-based renewable energy system.
tween 1.4% and 1.6% from a carbon price based on elec- Yet, the growing range of new medium- to large-scale
tricity consumption for a WA mixed farming enterprise bioenergy technologies include gasifier and pyrolysis
of 4900 ha (2400 ha cropped and about 2000 head of live- power stations coproducing electricity, heat, and a range
stock, mainly sheep), assuming agriculture and trans- of biofuels. Nonetheless, all traditional and new technol-
port fuels are excluded from any carbon liability ogies convert the complex hydrocarbon molecules in
(Australian Farm Institute, 2011). In contrast to concerns biomass to hydrogen, methane, carbon monoxide, carbon
of a carbon price reducing agricultural profitability, this dioxide, and numerous other gasses, including polyaro-
work presents the case that integrating new sequestra- matic hydrocarbons and dioxins. Some technologies
tion options into conventional production systems also produce liquid and soil fuels (such as biochar)
from low-cost biochars produced from agricultural from the same biomass. In general, while small-scale
wastes (with sufficient operational safety consider- and simple technology designs have less control and
ations) may offset costs in the West Midlands. The prof- efficiency, they exhibit lower capital and operating costs,
itability of income streams (presented in Table 26.1) are although they are usually more labor intensive per unit
highly sensitive to (and often dependent upon) govern- production of output (McHenry, 2012b). At the regional
ment subsidies for renewable energy, a carbon price, and scale biomass power plant technology choices often

TABLE 26.1 Outline of Key Potential Income Streams from Rural Biomass in the West Midlands

Income stream Carbon Form Benefits Costs Barriers

Renewable Energy Crop residues, woody Electricity, fuel Capital and running Competition from other
from Biomass harvest/coppice, costs renewable energy
manures technologies
Carbon Markets Trees > 2 m, soil Carbon sequestration Establishment, practice Accreditation and
carbon, biochar change, manufacture/ acceptable
purchase and methodologies
application, monitoring
Agricultural Benefits Biochar from crop Increased grain yield at Manufacture/ High soil P levels, crop
waste or woody maintenance P, reduced purchase, application and pasture benefits
biomass or manures fertilizer requirement, restricted to sand and
detannification of gravelly soil types
livestock feed, (these are more
composting accelerant common in the West
Midlands than some
other regions)
TABLE 26.2 Performance of a Selected Range of Available Biomass Conversion Technologies that May be Suitable
to Some West Midland Applications

Technology Cost Electrical Output Application Challenges

Gasifier Power Station w$50 million w30 GWh/yr Regional landfill Biochar contamination,
(Waste to Energy) transport costs, gas cleaning
Rainbow Bee-Eater e w1 MWh/t Regional center New technology but clean gas
(Crucible Carbon Slow dry straw and near substation
Pyrolysis Design) 350 kg char

Slow Pyrolysis (BEST) w$15 million e Regional center near Gas cleaning
substation or customer

Updraft Gasifier (Big Char) w$0.25 million Nil Mobile plant for biomass Conversion rate and
conversion to biochar biochar quality?
(w25% efficiency)
Woodgas Genset w$25,000 20 kW On farm Current price of diesel,
(Powerpallet) biochar production rate,
Simple Drum Kilns Low Nil On farm Biochar production rate,
emissions, biochar quality

include gasifiers (which optimize gas production), and Carbon Sequestration of Biochars and
slow pyrolysers (which optimize biochar production). Carbon Markets
A general outline of the variations in biomass renewable
energy technologies are shown in Table 26.2. In terms Biochars contain very stable forms of carbon (fixed
of developing a regional energy/biochar industry, carbon) (Blackwell et al., 2010). The proportion of the
medium-sized biochar production units may address original biomass carbon as total solid carbon in biochar
concerns of soil nutrient loss from harvested biomass. ranges from around 5% from gasification technologies
Despite the generally high costs of transporting timber to about 35% in slow pyrolysis technologies. Well-
trees, transporting returned biochar is relatively efficient managed large-scale biomass power plants can produce
on a weight basis, as the biochar mass is 70e80% less than biochar of a consistent quality, whereas often small-
the original dry biomass (Lehmann, 2007). Nonetheless, scale “low-tech” technologies tend to produce very
industrial biochar production and use will require a variable quality biochars, and are highly dependent on
number of safeguards. Handling risks include flamma- the homogeneity of the heating regime and the duration
bility concerns, and the dusts can spontaneously combust of heating. (See Tables 26.3 and 26.4.) A low-cost high-
in enclosed spaces and is comparable to the risk of volume supply of sustainable biochar with a high
handling some metals, foods (flour, etc.), coal, plastics, carbon fraction will be needed to generate meaningful
and woods (Joseph, 2007). climate change mitigation benefits. However, currently

TABLE 26.3 Conversion Efficiencies and Outputs of a Range of Technologies Producing Biochars

Technology Power Output Biochar Yield Fixed C Limitations

Gasification Maximum w5% e Some waste contamination. Biochar

credit may be owned by the power
plant operators
Slow Pyrolysis Some w35% w65% Biochar credit may be owned
by the power plant operators
Crucible Carbon (Slow Pyrolysis) Some 35% 70% Project developing
Kiln Pyrolysers (Big Char) Nil 25% e
Simple Drum Kiln (Ogawa) Nil e Output rate
Drum Kiln (TLUD) Nil e Output rate

Pit Kiln Nil 12.5e30% (Brown, 2009) Output rate


TABLE 26.4 Carbon Analysis of Biochars Used in Research in the West Midlands

Biochar Source (Temp of Slow

Pyrolysis) Total Carbon, % Fixed Carbon, % K, % P, %

Wood Jarrah (600  C Simcoa)* 65 69 e e

Wood Jarrah (600 C Wundowie)* 45.7 76 e e
Wheat Chaff (550 C) 58.6 e 34 4
Chicken Manure (550 C) 40.1 e 14 12

* Blackwell et al., 2010.

Krull, personal communication, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (a national initiative for biochar research), and Grains Research and
Development Corporation (biochar for agricultural productivity), 2010.

low carbon prices will not provide sufficient commercial et al., 2006; Laird et al., 2008), particularly under Austra-
incentives to simply apply biochar in soils for mitigation lian conditions (McHenry, 2011). To date, the major
alone. The unacceptably high uncertainties of the direct claims have been related to biological immobilization
and indirect influences and residence times of biochars of inorganic N, adsorption of dissolved ammonium, ni-
and other organic carbon species in soils, their suitability trates, P, and hydrophobic organic pollutants (Beaton
for carbon markets (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate et al., 1960; Gustafsson et al., 1997; Accardi-Dey and
Change, 2000), and even the commercial incentives of Gschwend, 2002; Lehmann et al., 2003; Bridle, 2004;
high-volume production are fundamental barriers to Mizuta et al., 2004). However, the available research
widespread biochar use. Therefore, there is a growing scope does not include an assessment of whether this
need for researchers to quantify the net effect of specific adsorption could reduce some transport of agricultural
biochars and application methods within niche agroeco- fertilizers or other pollutants into ground and surface
logical systems (particularly grains and livestock) and to waters in agricultural catchments (Lehmann et al.,
verify any stable sequestration of carbon fractions 2006; Lehmann, 2007). Early work by Bridle (2004) sug-
(McHenry, 2011). Furthermore, in terms of farm applica- gested that biochar applications reduce nitrate leaching,
tion risks, some biochars can contain toxic materials that as his research found levels of nitrate and ammonium
are controlled by “permissible exposure limit” stan- did not change in soils for 56 days after application.
dards. The levels of these toxic materials in the biochar The soil incubation study further revealed that in
is dependent on both the biomass feedstock and the bio- contrast, soil bicarbonate availability and plant available
char manufacture process, thus no simple permissible P levels would increase slowly (Bridle, 2004). The labo-
exposure limit is available for biochar to date (Blackwell ratory results suggested that biochar would provide a
et al., 2009). Thus, the development of a secure and source of P for plant growth and could have applications
responsible biochar industry will require awareness of on soils as a slow release form of P, yet some research
safe methods of handling agricultural inputs and suggest a reduced uptake of N. This may be more useful
will need to be justified economically, and be in- in deep sandy soils where P leaches from the surface into
tegrated with existing agricultural production systems groundwater. Biochars are also hypothesized to slow the
(McHenry, 2011). N cycle by increasing the carbon to N soil ratio, possibly
due to increased soil aeration reducing anaerobic
conditions (Lehmann et al., 2006). Rondon et al. (2005)
AGRICULTURAL BENEFITS found a significant reduction of nitrous oxide emissions,
and a near-complete suppression of methane emissions
Available research to date has shown that biochar al- in glasshouse environments at biochar additions of
ters various soil properties in a number of ways. (See 30 g/kg of soil for some crops (Rondon et al., 2005;
Table 26.5.) In the context of the siliceous sandy soils Lehmann et al., 2006). However, in some circumstances
of the West Midlands, the most sought effects are a high carbon to N ratio and abiotic buffering of mineral
improved microbial habitats and improved nutrient N may lead to low N availability (Lehmann and
supplies from relatively low (w1 t/ha) rates of biochar Rondon, 2006). Therefore, medium-scale crop biochar
use. (See Table 26.6 for crop and pasture research trials are required with regionally common soil biota
responses in the West Midlands.) It is clear that more and mineralogy, and also crop, pasture, and animals
research is needed on how various biochars influence for greater understanding of commercial agricultural
the flows of nutrients through the soil profile (Lehmann applicability in a particular region.
TABLE 26.5 Positive and Negative Effects on Plant Growth of Biochar Additions to Soil

Effect (D) or (L) Process Rate of Application Appropriate Soils

Neutralization (þ) Most biochars are alkaline and Often 10þ t/ha mixed in topsoil. Has worked on Krasnozems.
can adsorb Al3þ ions Possibly very acid sands (Wodjils).
Increase Water Increased microporosity Effect proportional to rate and More for lower clay contents
Holding (þ) biochar character
Increase Nutrient Increased cation exchange capacity Effect proportional to rate and More for lower clay contents
Holding (þ) and anion exchange capacity? biochar character
Increased Nutrient Direct supply from biochar Effect proportional to rate and All soils
Supply (þ) inorganic fraction biochar character
Reduced Mechanical Lowers soil cohesion Higher rates Non sands
Strength (þ)
Reduced N2O Unclear Higher rates? 10 t/haþ? Especially poorly drained soils at
Emission (þ) risk of denitrification

Microbial Habitat Micropores in the biochar help w1 t/ha banded Mainly low available P soils
Improvement (þ) mycorrhizal fungi and bacteria (Colwell <20 ppm)
survival, which use symbiosis
to improve nutrient and water
supply to plants which host them
Phytotoxins () Carbon compounds such as phenols Quenching, soaking and resting in Depends on biomass and charring
are retained on low temperature the soil after incorporation may process
biochars and ones cooled with their lower the concentration of these
own emissions substances
Herbicide Adsorption Can increase application All rates All soils
(þ) and () requirement and/or reduce

TABLE 26.6 Summary of Benefits to Crop and Pasture Production from Applied Biochars
in the West Midlands (2007e2010)

Crop Trial (Place) Yield/DM Increase Increase, % Fertilizer Soil

Wheat (Mingenew) 0.23 t/ha 40 96 kg/ha super Colwell P 5 ppm

Wheat (Mingenew) 0.45 t/ha 25 25 kg/ha DAP Colwell P 5.5 ppm
Pasture (Irwin) 40 kg/ha DM 20 Nil Colwell P 10 ppm

Clover (Tubes) 0.15 kg/ha at the 75 Nil Colwell P 5.5 ppm

rate of flowering
Clover (Badgi) Very visible Leached biosolids Gravelly sand

DM, Dry matter.

DAP, Di-ammonium phosphate.

ECONOMIC ANALYSIS $50/ha; thus a production/purchase and transport cost

would need to be no higher than about $50e$100/t to
A recent analysis by Blackwell et al. (2010) on biochar enable some income from the biochar use, which
effects on profitability of dryland wheat production in encourages further work toward low-cost biochar pro-
WA provided a perspective of the breakeven investment duction technology development (Blackwell et al., 2010).
costs per hectare of different responses over the medium
term. Table 26.7 shows that for the West Midlands area
Can Biochar Be a Cost-effective Fertilizer
(high rainfall north) a 10% yield increase from 1 t/ha
application of banded biochar with a declining response
over 12 years would break even at $130/ha, based on the An analysis by McHenry (2012a,b) quantified the po-
previous 12-year data. This breakeven cost included tential of using biochar as a soil amendment to displace
estimated biochar application costs of between $20 and annual applications of single superphosphate (SSP)

TABLE 26.7 Breakeven Cost of Applied Biochar in Six Rainfall Regions in WA

Low Rainfall Low Rainfall Medium Rainfall High Rainfall Low Rainfall Medium Rainfall High Rainfall
Trial North (const.) North (decl.) North (decl.) North (decl.) South (decl.) South (decl.) South (decl.)

10% Yield Increase 170 100 140 130 100 120 140
50% P Fertilizer 70 40 50 50 40 40 40
10% Yield 240 140 190 190 150 160 180
Increase and 50%,
P Fertilizer

With and without initial yield increase and/or P fertilizer reduction responses, which decline linearly to nit after 12 years (decl.) or are constant for 12 years (const.).

(0% N, 8.8% P, 0% K, 11% S) in wheat cropping systems the biochar purchase price was practically zero. The
in WA. The analysis assumed two biochar applications net cost was also calculated assuming the carbon in
over a 15-year period, applied in year zero, and year the biochar was eligible in soil carbon markets, and
eight. The analysis ignored all production inputs and the various potential prices of carbon were subtracted
outputs, and only calculated the difference between us- from the gross biochar purchase price. While the intro-
ing an average “full rate” of SSP (90 kg/ha), and a “half duction of a carbon price would effectively subsidize
rate” of SSP with deep banded biochar equivalent biochar costs, very high carbon prices (>$100/t)
to 1 t/ha. The 45 kg/ha year half-rate SSP application were required for the sequestration value of biochar
is approximately equivalent to an annual application to simply equal the purchase price and cover costs of
of 4 kg of P/ha. The simplified analysis assumed that soil application (McHenry, 2012a). The low SSP price,
the use of either method would achieve an identical the high market prices for biochar, and the high bio-
wheat yield, negating the requirement to model wheat char soil application cost of deep banding relative to
prices. The application cost of deep banding the biochar conventional broadcasting, all resulted in the option
(tons per hectare per application) was assumed to be of halving SSP applications by using biochar an unat-
$110. The annual application costs of both the rates of tractive practice.
SSP were assumed to be $20/ha, goods and services
tax (GST)1 inclusive. A range of biochar prices (deliv-
ered to farm, per ton) was analyzed: $0, $50, $100,
Can Biochar Be a Cost-Effective Approach to
$150, $200, $250, $300, $350, $400, and $450/t. Similarly, Increase Grain Crop Primary Productivity?
a range of SSP costs (delivered to the farm, per ton) were For comparison, a further analysis by McHenry
calculated: $250, $300, $350, $1250. A carbon price was (2012a,b) was undertaken of the value of applying bio-
included in the analysis, and was analyzed at intervals char at 1 t/ha with the full rate of SSP as described
of $5 tCO2-e, between $0 and $100 tCO2-e. The analysis above. This analysis was undertaken to explore the rela-
assumed a 0.8 carbon fraction recalcitrance. A real dis- tive impact of using biochar to increase yield, as
count rate of 8% p.a. was used, and all capital and main- opposed to increasing fertilizer use efficiency. The anal-
tenance costs were based on average current prices and ysis assumed that using the full rate of SSP (90 kg/ha
were GST inclusive. In summary, the results showed that year) with a 1 t/ha year application of biochar increased
without a carbon value the “half rate” of SSP (45 kg/ wheat yields by 15% on average over the 15 years rela-
ha year) and biochar (1 t/ha application) were only tive to full SSP applications only, in the southwest of
cost competitive with the full rate of SSP (90 kg/ha year) WA2. The baseline yield used for the scenario was
when the biochar purchase price was unreasonably low 1.75 t/ha, an approximate average wheat yield for WA.
(<w$20). At 2012 prices of SSP (generally between $200 The assumptions of the model, including a total area
and $450/t), the choice of using half SSP application wheat return increase of $71.75/ha, were based on an
rates with biochar additions at the above application increased production of an additional 15% wheat yield
rate assumptions were not an attractive option unless from the 1.75 t/ha at a constant value of $350/t over

The Australian GST (goods and services tax) is a value-added tax of 10%, paid only by the final consumer of a good or service.
This assumption requires basic research to verify, although some agronomic studies indicate that this may be possible for certain crops
and soil types (Lehmann, J. and S. Joseph. 2008). Many individual studies are detailed in the book Biochar for Environmental Management:
Science and Technology (2008) published by Earthscan.
the 15 years using the 8% real discount rate. The scenario 2009). Acacia sp. fodder plantations require annual prun-
did not include additional harvesting or transport costs ing of the higher branches to provide fodder for grazing
for the additional wheat yield. The results indicated that animals. Animals eat the leaves from the branches on the
the required carbon prices to recoup biochar purchase ground, leaving the inedible woody waste components
price costs were lower when biochar is used to increase in the paddock to dry and be collected as a potential
yield, rather than reduce fertilizer use. When biochar source of biomass for biochar manufacture. The
purchase prices were below $250/t, the application of improved digestibility of some high-tannin fodder trees
biochar was attractive without any carbon price, with biochar feed additives may expand their utility
assuming the 15% yield is achieved (McHenry, 2012a). within agricultural production systems (McHenry,
Therefore, these relatively simple analyses suggest that 2010). In particular, if an Acacia sp. biochar feed additive
the most cost-effective on-farm use for biochar is to is effective in Australian semiarid production systems
simply increase the wheat yield. The results confirm pre- (such as the West Midlands), this might provide a
vious assertions that agricultural biomass production further incentive to revegetate semiarid sandy soils suit-
for the sole purpose of producing biochar for soil carbon able to many native Acacia sp. to attain a combination of
sequestration may not be economically feasible positive benefits (Graetz and Skjemstad, 2003; Antle
(Lehmann et al., 2006). et al., 2007). These options are currently based on a
12-week experiment by Van et al. (2006) comparing
Can Biochars Increase Livestock Growth Rates, goat growth rates fed on tannin-rich Acacia sp. fodder.
The goats were either fed biochar (produced from
or Provide a New Market for Semiarid Forestry?
bamboo) at a feed rate of <1 g per day per kilo of live
It is now clear that forestry carbon offsets are resilient weight, or no biochar for the control group. The experi-
features of Australian climate change policies. To partic- mental group exhibited notably higher growth rates
ipate in such markets, farmers must be able to (w20%) than the control goats that received no biochar
adequately measure, and verify the mitigation achieved feed additive on the same feed regime. Over the 12
(The CRC for Greenhouse Accounting & Tony Beck weeks the experimental goats fed biochar weighed
Consulting Services Pty Ltd, 2003). Forestry plantations 5.2% heavier than their controls (Van et al., 2006). This
that include some rotational harvesting for biochar or may be a sufficient commercial incentive to drive de-
bioenergy will require more sophisticated carbon mand and subsequent biomass conversion technology
accounting than a simple revegetation project (Indepen- investment without a carbon price (McHenry, 2010).
dent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal, 2008). The estab- The work by Van et al. (2006) also presents a mechanism
lishment of tree fodder plantations has long offered a (via animal excreta) that may be assessed for efficacy
significant productivity option for some farmers when avoiding relatively expensive biochar soil applica-
(Sanford et al., 2003). Deferring the early grazing of tion options such as deep banding, broadcasting,
annual pastures and reduce dry season hand-feeding seeding application, topdressing, aerial delivery, or pre-
has long generated interest (Patabendige et al., 1992; cision application to ailing plants (Blackwell et al., 2009).
Cleugh et al., 2002), and perennial fodder tree planta- In addition to researching the efficacy of small
tions offer another source to supplement stock feed in biochar additions to the diet of grazing animals, the
the summer/autumn period (Sanford et al., 2003). opportunity arises to simultaneously investigate the
Deep-rooted perennials are well known to use available reported capacity and magnitude of numerous other
water when annual pastures are dead, recover nutrients biochar benefits (McHenry, 2010), including the ecologi-
from deeper soils, reduce soil acidification, minimize cally delivered biochar to biosequester C; biologically
erosion, and some leguminous species also fix nitrogen immobilize inorganic N; retain soil N; increase soil pH;
(Patabendige et al., 1992; Cransberg and McFarlane, adsorb dissolved ammonium, nitrates, phosphate, as
1994; Hatton and Nulsen, 1999; Wise and Cacho, 1999; well as hydrophobic organic soil pollutants such as
Valzano et al., 2005). Adding value to these conventional polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (Beaton et al., 1960;
applications in such regions is the use of tree woody Gustafsson et al., 1997; Accardi-Dey and Gschwend,
wastes to produce biochar as a feed additive which 2002; Lehmann et al., 2003). The remaining levels of bio-
may improve ruminant growth when fed on the trees char in the animal excreta would also determine the car-
(which may be of lower grade and/or be a “high tannin” bon fractions that survive the digestive system to
content), and in the process sequester carbon in the soil determine the maximum available long-lived carbon
(McHenry, 2010). The mechanism for this improvement species fractions to be sequestered in soils via the ecolog-
is generally known as “detannification”, and may enable ical delivery method (McHenry, 2010). Long-term soil
the use of potentially large resources of high-tannin fod- testing may also be able to detect the stable fraction of
der species (such as Acacia sp.) by increasing the avail- the ecologically delivered biochar after being exposed
ability of leaf protein (Van et al., 2006; Blackwell et al., to the soil environment. However, there is clearly

much research required to verify a number of assertions and standards for biochars will be sought by users
and assumptions to provide a level of certainty accept- assessing cost-effective product suppliers. In any case,
able to farmers and investors who collectively command it seems reasonable that small-scale waste-to-energy
much of Australia’s productive capacity (Intergovern- suppliers will be established at some point near rural
mental Panel on Climate Change, 2000; Barker et al., settlements with the assistance of government subsidies
2007). in Australia. It also seems reasonable that various agri-
cultural wastes will be co-fired, as well as potential
adjustments installed to increase clean biochar produc-
A Comparison of Biochar Carbon Value for tion options. These projects can be a sound foundation
Different Potential Income Streams to understand biomass-to-biochar technology by
A simple analysis of potential value per unit of dry supplying sufficient volumes of relatively cheap and
biomass associated with various potential production consistent biochars suitable for numerous medium- to
systems may help identify suitable uses of agricultural large-scale research trials. It is further likely that
biomass (Table 26.8.) These theoretical comparative bioenergy and biochar cogeneration at a regional level
financial values are exclusive of costs, which are may be more cost-effective when agricultural wastes
extremely variable according to the application and are leveraged by municipal solid waste resources, if
scale of operation. These basic scenarios seem to indicate quality control of municipal wastes is maintained.
that the highest values of agricultural residues are ani- However, this will also require much evaluation and
mal husbandry or cropping applicationsdonly if the research for processing technology and downstream
biochar can increase conventional yields. This demon- application suitability.
strates that a key focus for the development of a sustain-
able biochar industry is the value of the product to an
industry, rather than the cost of production per se. CONCLUSION
This also illuminates the aspects of supplying biochar
with appropriate characteristics for the specific applica- Taken in isolation, the cost and benefits of using
tion, as it is likely that biochar applications will mature, biochar for only farm soil carbon sequestration may

TABLE 26.8 Comparative Values per Unit Wood Biomass for Different Mitigation and Sequestration Applications

Value per Ton

Income Biochar Effect Biochar Used Product Product Value Dry Biomass

Biomass Energy Mitigation $23 tCO2-e1 $32.20/t*

Carbon Credit Sequestration $23 tCO2-e1 $42.16/ty
(Uncut Forestry)
Grain Production 20% yield 0.3 t of biochar Wheat yield at the $300/t (wheat), $36 þ $17.71/tyy
increase used on 0.3 ha rate of 2 t/ha $23 tCO2-e1
at a rate of 1 t/ha
Detannification 20% increase in 0.75 g/kg Live goat growth $1000/t liveweight, $359 þ $17.71/tx
liveweight gain liveweight at the rate of or $1/kg), $23 tCO2-e1
over 12 weeks 10 kg/goat
relative to controls (liveweight)

* 1 ton of wood with a 0.5 carbon dry fraction and a dry energy content of 21 MJ/kg can generate 1.75 MWh with a 30% conversion technology. If this technology was able to directly
displace electricity from the South West Interconnected System, using the latest estimate for the scope 2 emission factor (0.80 kgCO2-e/kWh) this would mitigate up to 1.4 tCO2-e, or at
$23 tCO2-e1 a gross mitigation value of up to $32.20.
If this same ton of wood remained in the paddock unharvested and was part of a carbon sequestration plantation, the theoretical sequestration of the carbon fraction would be
1.833 tCO2-e (500 kg C  3.666 tCO2-e t/C). At a price of $23 tCO2-e1, the gross value of the wood is now $42.16, or 25% more than the bioenergy option.
In this scenario the ton of dry wood is assumed to be converted to biochar at an efficiency of 30%, with a stable carbon fraction of 0.7. Therefore, the 1 ton yields 300 kg of biochar
containing 210 kg C or 0.770 tCO2-e (210 kg C  3.666 tCO2-e t/C). If the paddock yield for the wheat crop increases 20% above the 2 t/ha, in the 0.3 ha the biochar from the 1 ton of
wood was applied to, the additional yield is 120 kg (2 t/ha  0.3 ha ¼ 0.600 t, 0.600 t  0.2 ¼ 0.120 t). Therefore, the additional 120 kg of wheat at $300/t is worth $36. The additional
stable fraction of 0.770 tCO2-e at a carbon price of $23 tCO2-e1 is also theoretically worth $17.71.
In this scenario the ton of dry wood is also converted to biochar at an identical efficiency (30%), with a stable carbon fraction of 0.7. The 300 kg of biochar is fed to 10 kg (liveweight)
goats as a detannification feed using the Van et al. (2006) methodology. The 300 kg would be sufficient for 40,000 daily doses for a goat weighing exactly 10 kg per head when given
0.75 g for each kg of liveweight each day. The 300 kg is the theoretical equivalent dose for 476 goats over the 12-week, or 84-day period (40,000/84). At a 20% growth increase relative to
controls on the same diet of high tannin fodder of an assumed 9 g per day, this is an additional liveweight of 0.756 kg per animal over the interval, or 359 kg for the total gain of the 476
goats. Therefore, the 1 ton of wood (or the 300 kg of char) has a value of $359 when the value of goats is assumed to be $1 per kg of liveweight. In terms of carbon sequestration, the
carbon fraction of 0.7 (assuming the digestion process does not influence the char), the additional $17.71.
not be a profitable activity. Yet, the net sum over the agri- • The sensitivity of biochar industry to policy change
cultural system in terms of biochars increasing and administrative changes;
conventional productivity may prove to be a more • Development of biochar research that aims to create
cost-effective option than existing operations in some major benefits to agricultural productivity.
areas (Antle et al., 2007). Notwithstanding economic 1. Proceed with caution
issues, the greater scientific challenge is determining 2. Understand carbon credit ownership in biomass
the efficacy of biochar carbon species in a range of provided to regional power stations
specific agricultural production systems over both the 3. Test cropping benefits with affordable biochar
long and the short term (McHenry, 2009, 2011). Inte- 4. Using appropriate safety precautions, experiment
grated agricultural production systems require suitably with on-farm production and application of biochar
high-resolution data to determine the agricultural sys- on a small scale
tems and regions that may be able to implement options 5. Encourage research into effects of biochar on crops,
cost-effectively and sustainably (McHenry, 2010). Thus, animal nutrition, and animal health
a coordinated and cross-disciplinary research approach 6. Monitor technical developments of small scale
will likely be the most effective means of utilizing exist- (2e20 MW) gasifier power units
ing biomass/bioenergy activities for new agricultural 7. Consider relationships with local waste-to-energy
applications (Nabuurs et al., 2007). Providing greater projects using landfill
scientific rigor and certainty to farmers, environmental-
ists, governments and the broader community require
undertaking biochar research alongside their impacts
on upstream and downstream activities (McHenry,
2011). Once this research becomes available, it may pro-
This material has been written for Western Australian
vide a form of indemnity to farmers before prematurely
conditions, and many conclusions do not imply suit-
applying new systems and technologies that may be
ability to other areas. The inclusion of biochar/bio-
only cost-effective in highly specific situations.
energy products or trade names do not imply
Conversely, if biochar feed additives prove effective,
recommendation, the comparisons are simply for a gen-
even in localized regions, a major source of biochar
eral audience, and are not sufficiently detailed for com-
will be required, and as Acacia sp. are native to Australia,
mercial comparisons or technical appropriateness for
and also most major continents, this may have extensive
any one or range of applications. The omission of any
global implications in arid, semiarid, and even some
locally available technology is unintentional.
temperate regions (McHenry, 2010). Nonetheless,
complex biological and agroecological production sys-
tems require high-resolution information to determine Acknowledgments
where the best opportunities are to integrate these new This chapter would not have been written without the considerable
diversification options into their existing production experience and expertise of Dr Paul Blackwell, Department of Agri-
systems. In conclusion, the author offers a selection culture and Food, Western Australia’s (DAFWA) Geraldton Regional
of key biochar-related knowledge deficiencies for Office. Dr Blackwell’s long-time contribution to this field of research in
Australian agriculture in bullet points,3 and also WA under particularly limiting funding and time allocations is an
example to those of us following in his notable footsteps.
numbered suggestions for groups in the West Midlands
of WA:
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conversion technologies on the characteristics of the final biochar product.

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