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In this section you are going to perform one task. The program speaks about the most
famous libraries in the world and its content. You will listen to the text twice. The task
has 12 true/false questions. You have to tick the correct variant.

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1. 2500 years ago the rulers of Alexandria decided to collect all the knowledge in the world under one
A True B False C We don`t know
2. Some of the Greek world1s greatest minds visited the library of Alexandria.
A True B False C We don`t know
3. Alexander the Great was the inspirator and organisator of the library of Alexandria.
A True B False C We don`t know
4. Ptolemy I filled the library with Byzantine and Egyptian scrolls and invited scholars to live and
study in Alexandria at their own expence.
A True B False C We don`t know
5. Architectural style of the library of Alexandria is surely to be a blend of Egyptian and Hellenistic
A True B False C We don`t know
6. The process of filling the library was based on printing the new papers in Alexandria.
A True B False C We don`t know
7. It was a scholar named Callimachus of Cyrene who invented the catalog of library`s contents.
A True B False C We don`t know
8. For about 300 years the library was at its blossom.
A True B False C We don`t know
9. The library of Alexandria was destroyed by the fire in 48 BC.
A True B False C We don`t know
10. Each new set of rulers viewed the library’s contents as a source of pride.
A True B False C We don`t know
11. A mathematician named Hypatia was murdered for studying the library’s ancient Greek texts.
A True B False C We don`t know
12. According to the text, we are still looking for the ways to collect and preserve our knowledge.
A True B False C We don`t know

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