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A. Analyze and explain each item.

Give example to support your

Place your answer after each item. Refer to reference below.
1. Java Introduction

o 1.1 Java Hello World- It is used to introduce a new programming

language to a newbie. And in this program Hello world is the class
name which each class must be match in the filename of java
language for it to be able to work. To start a java compiler on
executing, all java program must contain a main method which is
the; public static void main(String[] args) { ... }. And lastly a
code to print a statement are; System.out.println("Hello, World!");
to print out the text HellO World.
o 1.2 Java JVM, JRE and JDK-
JVM- Java Virtual Machine is an abstract machine for the
computer to run a java program. With the help of JVM the java
compiler will compile first the java code into bytecode then JVM
will translate the bytecode into a machine code which a set of
instructions for a computer to executes it directly.
JRE- Java Runtime Environment is a software that provides class
libraries. It is required to run java applications such JVM and
other components.
JDK- Java Development Kit is always with JRE and both of it
contains compilers, JavaDoc, Java Debugger, and others. This
software is to develop an applications in java.
o 1.3 Java Variables and Literals
Java Variables is a location memory to hold a data. Each variable
must be unique because it is the identifier in a program. Any name
of a variable is possible; age, gender, speed limit, color and etc.
Java literals are data that is used in representing fixed values;
int =5; float = 3.4 char = ‘G’ ;
o 1.4 Java Data Types- Specifying the types of data in java is very
important because it will be stored inside variable in java. And we
need to keep in mind that this kind of programming language is a
statically typed language where all variables must be declared first
for us to be able to use it. For example; Age is a variable then this
kind of data must only contain int (Integers). There are 8 Primitive
data types; Boolean, byte, short, int, long double, float, and char.
o 1.5 Java Operators- contains symbols that perform operations on a
variable and values. Java operators are classified into 5 types;
Arithmetic ( +, -, *, /, %) , Assignment (=, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=),
Relational ( ==, !=, >, <, >=, <=), Logical ( &&, ||, !), Unary ( +, -,
++, --, !), and Bitwise ( ~, <<, >>, >>>, &, ^) .
o 1.6 Java Input and Output- The input in java is the data that we give or
we encode in the program while the output is what we receive from the
program. For example we encode the source code of hello world then the
output will be Hello, World!
o 1.7 Java Expressions & Blocks
Java Expressions- are consists of variables operators literals and
other methods. For example score = 21.
Java blocks- is a group of statements that is enclosed by curly
braces. Where A block begins with an opening brace ({) and ends
with a closing brace (}). For example: { int e = 100; j = 280; }
o 1.8 Java Comment- a portion of the program that is mainly used to
help programmers to understand the code. The java comment is
completely ignored by java compilers.

2. Java Flow Control

o 2.1 Java if...else- If statement is used to only execute code when a

condition is true while the else statement executes when the
condition in if statement is false. For example; int time= 20 ;
if ( time < 18 ) System.print.out.printIn(“Good day. ”) ; else
System.print.out.printIn(“Good Evening. ”) ;
o 2.2 Java switch Statement- allows us to execute a block of code
among many alternatives.
o 2.3 Java for Loop- is an entry-controlled loop that facilitates a user
to execute a block of a statements iteratively for a fixed number of
o 2.4 Java for-each Loop- a flow control that provides an alternative
approach to traverse the array or collection in Java.
o 2.5 Java while Loop- a control flow statement that allows code to be
executed repeatedly based on a given Boolean condition.
o 2.6 Java break Statement- breaks the current flow of the program
at specified condition.
o 2.7 Java continue Statement- stops one iteration in a loop and
continues to the next iteration


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